Getting Started in Learning Astrology
How It All Begins
In this post we’re going to give you some tips on how to get started in astrology.
This was a question from one of our super fans and I believe it will be of value to you as well.
Usually you read your Sun sign column.
Next you begin to dig a little deeper into chart readings.
Perhaps you have a friend who has had an astrology consultation and they say you should too.
The next step is usually to go and have a reading and suddenly you are hooked.
Astrology starts to creep into your mind at all times and you want to know more.
Let’s look at some steps you can take to learn astrology for yourself.
Podcast Episode
Listen to the full conversation at the Starzology Astrology Podcast around Getting Started in Astrology with Alison and Arwynne.
Listen now >>> Getting Started in Astrology
Get Your Chart
First of all you need a good copy of your birth chart.
This means that:
- The house system should be Placidus.
- The aspect orbs should be standard.
- The planets should be the usual ones – Sun to Pluto.
- The lunar nodes should be true.
- The zodiac should be Tropical.
If you start with a different house system you can still read the chart.
Be aware of the actual house system for which the chart is set.
Next check the aspect orbs.
Standard orbs are 8 for conjunctions, oppositions, trines and squares and 4 for sextiles.
Then 2 degrees for lesser used aspects of semi-square, sesquiquadrate, semi-sextile and quincunx.
You need the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
I also add Chiron and sometimes Eris but not the asteroids.
You can add more planets later. But we are just starting out.
You can cast a chart with online astrology sites but I don’t recommend them.

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Astrology Software
If you are serious about learning astrology you need some chart calculation software.
To my mind there are two options
Solar Fire for PC and Astro Gold for Apple.
Astro Gold
Astro Gold is an iOS app that works on iPhone and iPad and separately Mac computers.
Personally, I have the app and use it on my iPhone and iPad.
I’ve not got to the stage of having Astro Gold on my MacBook Pro. There doesn’t seem to be a good reason.
Solar Fire
Probably the most robust astrology program is Solar Fire for PC it has been around for about twenty years and does it all.
I use Solar Fire for Graphic Ephemeris calculations, harmonic charts and forecasting date generation.
It is excellent if a bit clunky.
You do not need Solar Fire when you start out.
Astrology Books to Start
Here I’m going to recommend five astrology books to start your astrology bookshelf.
These books are solid and have reliable content.
You can get other books at a later stage and in fact you will probably continue to buy astrology books for the rest of your life like I do.
The first book I’m recommending is an Ephemeris.
Get The American Ephemeris at midnight by Neil Pottenger and Rique Pottenger. it’s the one with the purple cover.
You will use this book to track the transiting planets movements and get information on retrograde cycles, eclipses, ingresses. and much more.
I use my Ephemeris every day as a consulting astrologer.
The Contemporary Astrologer’s Handbook
The Contemporary Astrologer’s Handbook by Sue Tompkins is the best astrology book in my opinion to get you started.
It contains lots about each planet, sign, house and aspect.
Practical Astrology
Practical Astrology by Priscilla Costello is a slim volume but contains core information about signs, planets and house systems.
It is a cook book style astrology book.
Meaning it has Jupiter in the signs and Jupiter in the houses and for all planets.
Aspects in Astrology
Aspects in Astrology by Sue Tompkins.
This book is a window into where many of the modern astrological techniques come from.
6th Book: Tetrabiblos
Tetrabiblos by Claudius Ptolemy.
This book was written over two thousand years ago and shines a light onto the priciples that modern astrology is based.
Back then, before telescopes, they only knew of the seven visible planets.
7th Book: The Aspiring Astrologer
If you want to get a feel for the classes I teach then I recommend getting The Aspiring Astrologer: 52 Self-paced Astrology Classes
This book has all the class notes I give to my private one-on-one students.
It does not go deep into signs, planets, houses or aspects, but rather covers what to do with the information in a chart.
I mention this book because it is at the core of my astrology business.
Classes, Conferences and Retreats
Local Astrology Groups
Join your local astrology group in your city.
If there is not one then start one.
Invite a couple of people around to your place for coffee and start an astrology group.
Astrology Retreats
An astrology retreat is a treat in itself.
There are several ones around which are regional.
I have heard great reviews from attendees of Stephen Forrest’s Astrology Retreat in Sedona Arizona, USA.
This is a week-long immersion event where you get to mix and mingle with people on their own astrological journey.
To help you decide if this is for you, I’ve put the link right here.
Please note, this retreat focusses on evolutionary astrology.
Astrology Conferences
The best conference to attend is the annual Summer School from the Faculty of Astrological Studies in Oxford, England.
Each year they offer a ten day long program at Summer School at Oxford University, England.
World Class Astrological Diploma
The Faculty of Astrological Studies Diploma.
The Faculty Diploma contains 9 Modules.
Each module can take up to six months to complete.
You complete Modules 1, 2 and 3 then take the Certificate exam.
Intermediate Diploma
Then you complete Modules 4, 5 and 6 and then take the Intermediate Diploma Exam.
Final Diploma
Then you take Modules 7, 8 and 9 and then take the Final Diploma exam.
This is rigorous astrological training but it is, I believe, the best in the world at the moment.
Who This Is For
This full diploma course is not for everyone.
However, if you are serious about astrology then do consider the amazing training you will get at the Faculty of Astrological Studies.
So this is my advice for anyone wanting to get started in astrology.
Read more >>> Your Astrology Business
Read more >>> When to go Professional as an Astrologer
Author Bio
Alison Price: Astrology Coach
Alison specializes in guiding Aspiring Astrologers. Her aim is to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart, often sprinkled with a touch of humor.
To learn more about Alison’s journey, visit this page.
If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at
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