Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024



A T-square is a major aspect pattern found in charts it is formed with three planets, two planets oppose each other and the third planet squares the other two. 

The pattern is in the shape of a “T” in a chart. Many natal charts have T-squares and I believe that between 60% to 80% of charts will have the pattern. Personally, I don’t have one in my chart. And you may find a chart that has one T-square. Additionally, you can find charts with multiple T-squares in them.


In general, when interpreting a T-square, the energy of the two planets in opposition tends to flow towards the focal planet, which is the planet that is getting the two squares from the other planets.

This is like a pointer in a chart, as many of the triangular major aspect patterns are.

Focal Planet

So the sign, and particularly the house, where the focal planet is in a T-square suggests where this energy of the whole T-square will be expressed through the person’s life.


Typically, T-squares are in one of the three modes, so you would either get a cardinal T-square, a mutable T-square, or a fixed T-square. If all the planets are in the same mode, this is definitely the case. However, if one of the planets is in a different mode and two or in another mode, that is then known as their disassociate T-square and it makes it slightly weaker.

In the example chart I have below for Elton John, this is a fixed T-square because Taurus, Leo and Scorpio are fixed signs.


Important Planets

A T-square will be particularly important if the following planets are included in it:

  • The chart ruler.
  • The Sun.
  • The Moon.

You have to fully analyze all the three planets in their signs and in their houses before you can draw it all together and combine it into the group of three planets which make the T-square. It is unadvisable just to go straight in and it look at a T-square. You do need to have a full understanding of the planet’s complex before this.


T-squares are often triggered through transits because there are three planets spread about the chart. Any of those planets could receive a transit from any of the planets at anytime.

For example, the Sun will pass around the chart and it will trigger each of the three planets in a T-square three months after each other as the Sun moves through the quarter of the chart, and not only that, where the Sun goes, Mercury and Venus follow closely behind.

So Mercury and Venus will also be aspecting the T-square and all it means three times a year.

Then you need to consider all of the other planets that may, or may not be, making aspects to the T-square.

T-square Themes

Any T-square, including its planets, their houses, their signs and the focal planet within the T-square will suggest a theme within the chart.

When you have aspects that are all hard, such as squares and oppositions, these are aspects that the person will have been grappling with from day one.


The orbs I use for a T-square are 8° for a square and 8° for an opposition.


The square is typically an aspect that shows internal dilemmas within the person, things that they are working with and trying to work through at all times.


An opposition aspect shows external dilemmas where the person is dealing with other people, other situations that are not from them. Here they may also bring in projection as well and blaming of the other and all the things that pertain to the opposition aspect. But they are external dilemmas.

The point is that the whole T-square is considered a dilemma for the person whose chart it’s in.


Another way of interpreting T-squares is to consider the sequence with which the T-square is triggered.

You do this by deciding which of the three planets is on the earliest degree.

In the example chart I show below for Elton John, there is a T-square between the Moon opposition Chiron, both squaring Pluto. Pluto is the focal planet.

The next step would be to look at the degrees that each of these planets is at. Chiron is at 7°, the Moon is at 10° and Pluto is at 11 degrees.

This tells us the sequence for Elton John’s T-square is Chiron-Moon-Pluto because as the transiting planet comes up towards the T-square, it will first aspect Chiron either by a conjunction, opposition or square.

Next it will then aspect the Moon either by a conjunction, opposition or square, and then it will finally aspect Pluto either by a conjunction, opposition, or square.

The important thing here is that the sequence of how the events unfold in his life will remain the same. This shows a pattern in the natal chart.

So initially you would have a Chiron situation unfolding, which then moves on to a lunar situation that unfolds and followed by the culmination of a Plutonic situation as the final situation.

Ideally if this is your client, you want to be able to try and weave a story relating to how these planets are likely to work because the pattern continues in throughout their life.


Mr. “X”

Above is the chart of a guy we’re calling Mr. “X” and he actually has two of this pattern in his chart, a Jupiter and a Mars T-square. We actually give a full interpretation of this on the podcast episode, so make sure to listen to that.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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