Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024

Election Day Chart

Let the Astrology Speak

I don’t want to comment directly on the politics, or whom I believe is going to win this race or which party I support, or whether I’d take the red of the blue pill, because this is not the platform for that. I’m only going to concentrate on what the astrology is saying, what is being shown in the charts, and I’m going to leave the interpretations up to you. Arwynne and I have already noticed that this is quite a fraught topic, particularly for some of our YouTube videos surrounding Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, and I do not wish to add fuel to the fire.

The Chart

This year’s election in the USA will be on Tuesday, November the 5th, 2024. I’ve set the chart for Washington, DC as that is the capital, just to give us a feel for the planetary positions on the whole day. Although millions will go to the polls and vote on voting day, thousands of other Americans have already sent in their votes from overseas and by post.




The Republican contender is Donald Trump who’s chart we have looked at more thoroughly and you can read more on Trump’s birth chartBut this time we’re going to be looking at the bi-wheel. With the bi-wheels, you always put the natal chart on the inside and then the transit chart on the outside. So in this bi-wheel, we’ve got Trump’s natal chart on the inner wheel, and the outer wheel is the actual transits for the day of the election.

Midheaven in 10th house.

Really when you’re considering politics and voting someone into the highest office, whoever they are, you would look at their 10th house. So in Trump’s birth 10th house he has Taurus on the cusp 24°. He has quite a wide 10th house and Gemini is intercepted fully within it. The actual 10th house is 38° wide which is one of his widest houses as well as the opposite 4th house.

Uranus conjoin the Midheaven.

We can immediately see that Uranus is conjoined the Midheaven. Uranus is at 25°42′ Gemini which is only 24′ short of the exact conjunction aspect to the Midheaven. This is a very powerful position for Uranus and Uranian themes are typically unexpected, sudden and future looking.

Jupiter in the 10th House

The one other planet that is in his 10th house is Jupiter in Gemini. Now, Jupiter has been there for a while, but it certainly wasn’t placed there the last time he was voted into office and neither was the Uranus, for that matter. These two dynamic planets are likely to show us how Donald Trump’s fortunes will favor on the day of the election.



The Democratic contender is Kamala Harris and you can read an in depth look at her chart here. The bi-wheel for Kamala Harris has the Midheaven at 2° Pisces.

Saturn in 10th House

She has Saturn in the 10th house, which is in accidental dignity and Saturn is conjoined her Chiron in the 10th house. This may suggest that she may be asking herself the questions, as Michelle Obama did in the Powers dub. Do I have a seat at this table? But clearly she does.

Neptune in the 10th House

So for her, Neptune’s been in the 10th house for many, many years. This is nothing new, but it is the planet of the rules the Midheaven which does indicate that if she’s going to take us her place on the centre stage of the world this would be a good time to do so because Neptune rules are Midheaven. Which of course shows the highest honors you can gain in life. Whether or not this will just be as a contender for the presidency or the actual presidency itself remains to be seen.



As Pluto is at the very tail end of Capricorn on Election Day, it does suggest a Capricornian theme to the result. However, Pluto is moving into Aquarius on November the 19th, and it will remain in Aquarius all the way through until the inauguration in January. This particular planetary ingress, more than anything else, is likely to create profound intensity to what will eventually unfold in January.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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