Author: Alison Price   –   Published: September 2024

Aspects of Declination

Declination Definition

Declination is the angular distance of a planet either north or south of the celestial equator.

It’s like latitude on Earth but projected onto the celestial sphere.

While the zodiac deals with east-west positions (longitude), declination measures north-south positions.

Parallel and Contraparallel

When we talk about aspects of declination there are two types.


Two planets at the same declination, both north or both south of the celestial equator.



Two planets at the same declination, but one north and one south of the celestial equator.

These aspects are considered similar in effect to conjunctions and oppositions respectively, but they operate on a different plane.

Planets that are parallel or contraparallel do not need to have an aspect of longitude such as a conjunction or trine to make the aspect.


Orbs for Aspects of Declination


The orbs for declination aspects are tighter than those for longitudinal aspects.

I suggest you use a 1° orb for aspects of declination.

Significance of Declination Aspects

Double Whammy

If two planets are conjoined and parallel it is what I call a double whammy.

This is a super conjunction and needs close attention.

If two planets are in opposition and contraparallel it is again what I call a double whammy.

This is a super opposition and needs close attention.


Aspects of declination add depth and intensity to planetary relationships with aspects the two aspects of conjunction and opposition.


  • They can reinforce existing zodiacal aspects (Double Whammy).
  • They can create connections between planets that aren’t aspecting by longitude.
  • They have a more subtle, but deeply felt influence.

Example of a Declination Aspect

Let’s say:

  • Mars at 15° Aries with a declination of 20°N
  • Venus at 28° Taurus with a declination of 20°N

While these planets aren’t in a major aspect by longitude, they form a parallel by declination, suggesting a strong, conjunction-like connection between Mars and Venus energies.

Example Chart: Justin Bieber

In Justin Bieber’s aspectarian you can see that Uranus and Neptune are conjoined and they are parallel.

This makes this particular conjunction a Double Whammy.

Whearas the conjunction between Mercury and Mars in not.

Neither is the parallel between Jupiter and Mars.


Out-of-Bounds Planets

Monster Declination

A related concept in declination is “out-of-bounds” planets.

These are planets that go beyond the maximum declination of the Sun (approximately 23.5° north or south).

Out-of-bounds planets express their energies in unusual or extreme ways.

Typically, the Moon and Mars are sometimes out of bounds more often that the other planets. 

Interpretating Aspects of Declination

When interpreting declination aspects:

  • Look for parallels and contraparallels between planets.
  • Pay special attention when they are double whammys.
  • Consider them as potentially revealing “hidden” connections in a chart.
  • Remember that their influence is often subtle but profound.

Declination in Predictive Astrology

In predictive work, declination aspects can be particularly revealing:

  • Transiting planets forming declination aspects to natal planets may trigger significant events or realizations
  • Progressed declination aspects can indicate important developmental phases

Aspects Articles

Here is a roundup of my aspect articles.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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