Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024

Business Branding


Branding has become quite a popular trend recently. Your astrology brand is who you are and what you do in the astrology world. It is not your other social media streams or “friends”, it is only your astrology business. When you set up an astrology business, there are a few steps that will help you get going sooner and they can be taken in sequence. Your business brand will generally be shown by the Midheaven and the 10th house complex in your commercial start chart.

Business Name

Choose a good business name that says “astrology” in the name because it helps search engines like the mighty Google find you. Pick a business name which is easy to spell and say over the phone. Good examples of names for your astrology business are Newtown Astrology, Astrology by the River, or We Love Astrology. Avoid business names like “PDQ Industries” and “Audrey and Leslie PLC” because you can’t tell what the business is about just by the name.

Business Colour Palette

You will need to have some colour in your branding. This will ultimately go on your website, logo, favicon, banner, business cards, t-shirts, candles, cards and everything else you do for your business. You can get away with one color, or choose two colors, but at the most you will need three colors.

  • A main colour like red, blue or magenta.
  • A complimentary support colour like teal, yellow or pink.
  • An accent color like black, grey or white.

Your Logo

A logo is a symbol or a little image. Logos are always square. Your logo can be an immediate indication of your business and will be with you a long time. Your logo should be simple and in your chosen colour palette. Logos are you typically used on your business card, on your website favicon, on all your social media streams like TikTok, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, X, or Pinterest, they all have a spot for your logo.


Website and Online Presence

Once you have a business name, you could go on to the next part of building your business with an online presence. Get a self-hosted website with a domain name

Social Media

You could also set up a Facebook business page under your new business name, which is separate from your personal Facebook page. Additionally, you can create a Pinterest business account in your new name, because astrology is a highly visual medium. I always recommend taking your business name to all the channels a securing the name. If you don’t use it today you may wish to later. If you are happy with other social channels, by all means use them. Just keep your business social media channels to business. Don’t post about what you did last night because that juicy information goes on your personal page only.

Business Cards

Print business cards to give to everyone you meet if they ask.

Business Elections


When you finally decide to set up your astrology business there will be a start chart. This will be the birth chart for your business. If you just decide at your kitchen table you’re going to be working on charts, that’s one thing, but as soon as you start charging money and go professional, you will have a start chart for your astrology business.

Future Business Chart

Maybe you are aware that opening an astrology business is something you’d like to do in the next 12 months. Then certainly you have plenty of time to pick and choose a great start chart for your business. This is known as electional astrology where you are electing to do something in the future such as starting a business.

Existing Business Charts

All listed companies will have a start chart because they have an incorporation date and that would be the date and time for their birth charts. But for solopreneur one-woman-show astrology businesses it’s goes one of two ways:

  • Past: You started in the past doing chart readings.
  • Future: You decide that you are going to finish your training and hang up your shingle and start your astrology business, then you get to choose.

Been Doing Astrology for While

Let’s just look at the first scenario. Say you have been doing astrology on and off for 10 years, and now recently you’ve started charging money for doing charts, but you haven’t yet formed a business. Now you need that start chart and there is two ways you can do this.

  • You can go back to that very first day when you took your first dollar towards astrology, which is the indication of a professional business, and cast that chart.
  • Or you could decide that you are still working towards it and decide to have a launch party day, as it were and make an election chart for the business.

This launch party will be in the future to signify the official public launch of your astrology business.

Future Astrology Business

Your second option is if you are perhaps still working towards learning more about astrology, and let’s face it, who isn’t? We’re all learning as we go forward, but you may decide that in the next year you want to start an astrology business. Now you can choose a start chart for yourself through electional astrology.

Relaunch and Existing Business

Your third option will be that if you registered your astrology business sometime in the past, that date will be the start chart for your astrology business. So here you’ve got two options really. And, I’m going on a side note now, but bear with me.

Future Choice

Electional astrology is often used for marriage charts. You decide you’re going to get married next spring, and you pick a good day because you want Venus well placed or whatever it is. You decide and you have a marriage chart, and you go forward with that chart. However, if you come to astrology later in life and you’ve already been married for 25 years you could go back to the date from 25 years ago to the time when you said, “I do” and cast that wedding chart and that will be technically the chart for your marriage.

Retaking Vows

Now there is, of course, this modern thing of retaking your vows. This usually happens when marriages have been going a long time or they’ve hit a rocky patch and they’re trying to get back on track. The couple want to remake their vows to each other and reinforce the strength of their love. And then again you can then have a restart chart for that, so you wouldn’t just pick any old day to retake your vows and have a party. Now you’re going to choose carefully and elect a great day for your re-vow party and that would be then the chart moving forward.

So that’s just an example with weddings, but technically you can do with businesses as well.

Business Charts Examples

Not that I’m going into great detail regarding business electional charts here, but I just want to bring forward a pair of high profile business launches and the impact that one planet had on how they fared.


Facebook went public with their initial public offering (IPO) at 11:30 AM on the 18th of May 2012 in New York. The launch chart has Venus retrograde. This is not a good position for money. I recall at the time that astrologers were saying that FB had not consulted and astrologer, otherwise they would never have launched on that particular day with Venus retrograde. But they did launch and of course Facebook is a massive company.

However. initial benefit from that launch was quoted as “a disappointment”. On the first day Facebook started at $34.41 and closed at $38.23. I have provided you with a link here to the Wikipedia article about it and how the financials didn’t rise to the expectation.


Twitter (X)

Twitter went public at 9:00 AM, November 7th, 2013, again on the New York Stock Exchange. Twitter’s start chart has Venus directTwitter exceeded expectations financially on the day of their launch. They opened at $26 and closed at $44.90. Even though at the time Twitter was a far smaller company than, Facebook was or is. The simple fact of having Venus direct made all the difference. I’ll also reference here the Wikipedia page discussing how their launch was. Exceeded expectations.



I’ve already mentioned. One planet. When referencing these two business charts on the habit gone into a deep dive, certainly, I’ll leave that to you. But the point is that when you are creating a business election, you do need to make sure not only that your 10th house is well supported with good planets. You also want to make sure that Venus is direct and not going to be going retrograde in the next 7 days.And additionally, you really want to make sure that the malefic switch are. Mars, Saturn and Pluto in general are not in prominent positions or on the 1st or in the 1st house. Of course, when you are doing elections, you can’t always have everything but. Venus is one of those planets that’s very important because it rules love and money. So it’s important for wedding elections and it’s important for business elections. Just something to keep in mind.

Decision Time

Option 1:

If you are happy with your existing company chart because your business was registered on a particular day in the past, go with that.

Option 2:

If you feel you want to do some rebranding or relaunch your business or go down a different route with what you’re doing, you could then have a restart chart.


My Starzology website was launched way back in 2003. When I launched my podcast, I had an election chart for that venture. And when I launched this Starzlife newsletter I had an election chart for this venture. It really, it is up to you.


In your business chart you will be looking to the Midheaven, and 10th house of the chart. Ideally you would choose your branding colours that reflect and support this business from:

  • The sign on the Midheaven.
  • Any 10th house planets.
  • Any planetary aspects to the Midheaven degree.

Sign Colors

Each of the zodiac signs pertains to certain colours and it all hangs off the colour wheel.

Primary Colours

In the colour spectrum, there are three primary colours, red, yellow and blue and astrologically these relate to the fire signs. Aries is red, Leo is yellow and Sagittarius is blue.

Secondary Colours

The three air signs, which are midway between each of the fire signs, are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. They take the secondary colours which are orange, green and violet.

Tertiary Colours

In between each active sign there is a passive sign, either earth or water. They will take the tertiary colours from the colour wheel. Taurus is tangerine, Cancer is apricot, Virgo is chartreuse, or lime green. Scorpio is turquoise, Capricorn is purple, and Pisces is fuchsia or shocking pink.


Planetary Colours

Planet Color

Another way to look at colour choices would be through planets which are prominent. Each planet has its own colour or collection of colours. Note: Here I’m just sharing my ideas with you, other astrologers could assign different colours to the planets. I’m not saying this is the final word on planetary colours it’s just the ones I use.

  • The Sun is yellow and gold.
  • The Moon is white and silver.
  • Mercury is green and paisley.
  • Venus is pink and lacey.
  • Mars is red.
  • Jupiter is royal blue.
  • Saturn is dark purple, grey or black and stripes.
  • Uranus is electric blue or turquoise and zig-zags.
  • Neptune is cyan or see green.
  • Pluto is maroon or dried blood red.
  • And once Chiron came along, I assigned it to taupe.

Planet Color Influence

When considering a business election chart, we’re looking at the Midheaven and the 10th house. After considering the sign on the Midheaven and its associated colours you can explore any planetary colours both as 10thhouse tenants and by Midheaven degree aspect.

Ask Yourself

  • Which planet is the Midheaven ruler and what is its colour?
  • Which planets tenant the 10th house and what are their colours? If the10th house is empty ignore this.
  • Which planets aspect the Midheaven (trines and sextiles are most helpful).

Computer Colours

And if you are getting very particular about your colour choices, do remember there are different ways of determining the names or numbers for different colours in use today.


On computer screens we use the RGB system which is red, green and blue combinations. The RGB triplets lets you know which combination of red, green and blue to use.


Hex colours are another way to specify computer colors. They follow a hex triplet notation following a # and have two numeric values each for red, green and blue. Example #970511.


Pantone colours are specific colours that can be called for by their name or by their code. These are used in the graphic design, printing and the paint industry. Each year Pantone announces the Color of the Year which is keenly followed by fashionistas and design people.


Here are some questions that you might like to ask yourself as you start to set up your brand-new astrology business.

  • What business name do you want?
  • Which colors do you want?
  • What type of astrology do you want to practice?
  • Who is your ideal customer?

Your Clients

Clients Starting Their Businesses

If you have clients who want to start or launch a business, and they come to you and say, “Hey, I want to open a widget business next June”. Once you’ve cast their election chart, you could then continue on to advise them on their colour choices for their business so that their selections are aligned astrologically to their business start chart. This extra step will add value to your business astrology consultations.


Premium Astrology Newsletter

This piece originally appeared in our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter. As with every issue, subscribers received a complimentary PDF download related to this topic.

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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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