Planetary Complexes

Planetary Complexes

Planetary Complexes

When you start learning how to read a chart, there are four main things that you have to consider. These are the ​cornerstones of chart reading​, which are signs, planets, houses and aspects and although you have to learn them to all to start with. Even if you’re an experienced astrologer, you will go back to the basics and continuously refer back to these four cornerstones. Over the years you will no doubt research, read and pay attention to the four cornerstone concepts. Every year that you practice astrology, you will know a little bit more about the signs, planets, houses and aspects and this knowledge adds to your skills as an astrologer.

Planetary Basics


Planets are considered one of the cornerstones of chart reading. Typically, there are 10 to 12 planets in each chart they are the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron. Additionally, some of you may add the dwarf planet Ceres into your planetary mix. The point is that every chart contains planets, but not all the planets will be as effective in one person’s chart as they are in another.

Planetary Weightings

Planet in Sign

Back in the day much consideration was given to planetary weightings which does key into planetary complexes, but the complexes go a few steps further. With planetary weightings, you consider the essential dignity of the planets and whether that planet can function well in that sign or not. For example, planets with essential dignity will get a score of:

  • Rulership +5
  • Exaltation +4
  • Fall -4
  • Detriment -5

Essential dignity is a simple way to look at planetary weightings.

Planetary Complexes


Planetary complexes, on the other hand, don’t just consider the sign the planet is in. When you look at planetary weightings, you will look at the:

  • Chart Ruler
  • Sign
  • House
  • Aspects
  • Position
  • Chart shape
  • Dispositor tree
  • Direction
  • Antiscia
  • And maybe more


When considering planetary complexes, sometimes it is obvious which planet is more important. In cases like this you don’t have to dig into the weeds with planetary complexes for every single chart you do. It may be quite apparent, as you work through the list, which planet is rising to the top and is the most influential planet for that person.

I’ve created this list of planetary complex considerations in order of importance, as I see them. As you work your way down the list, use your intuition and discretion to determine which planet is stepping forward. Let’s look at all these planetary complex considerations in greater detail, so you know what you’re looking for.

Chart Ruler

Rising Sign

Whichever planet rules the sign on the Ascendant is the chart rulerThe signs on the Ascendant with their associated chart rulers are as follows:

  • Aries: Mars
  • Taurus: Venus
  • Gemini: Mercury
  • Cancer: The Moon
  • Leo: The Sun
  • Virgo: Mercury
  • Libra: Venus
  • Scorpio: Mars and Pluto
  • Sagittarius: Jupiter
  • Capricorn: Saturn
  • Aquarius: Saturn and Uranus
  • Pisces: Jupiter and Neptune


Two Rulers

Some charts will have two chart rulers, such as those with Scorpio, Aquarius or Pisces rising. In charts with two rulers, always consider both planets as equally important at this point in your deliberations. The chart ruling planet gains supreme strength. Very often the chart ruler is the strongest planet in the chart and although other planets can usurp it, it doesn’t happen that often.


Essential Dignity

The first thing to do would be to consider the planet in its sign and whether or not it can be effective there. This is measured by essential dignity.


Planets in rulership are in their own sign. They are also said to be in dignity. In general, planets and rulership get a score of +5.


Planets in exaltation are in a sign where they are welcomed. In general, exalted planets get a score of +4.


Planets in fall are in a sign where they cannot effectively express their energies. Planets in fall generally get a score of -4.


Planets in detriment are in signs, where they cannot function well at all. Planets in detriment generally get a score of -5.


Planets and term are well placed and get a score of +3.


Planets with face are well positioned and get a score of +2.


Accidental Dignity

When looking at planetary complexes and the house, you would consider whether the planet has accidental dignity or not. A planet has accidental dignity when it is in the natural house of its sign of dignity. For example, the Sun in the 5th house is in accidental dignity because in the natural wheel Leo is in the 5th house position. I generally give accidental dignity planets a score of +1. Also note that planets could be an accidental exaltation, fall and detriment and that needs to be considered as well.

Type of House

A planet will be either in an angular, succedent or cadent house. You need to consider which type of house the planet is in as planets in each of these types of houses are able to express themselves in different ways. The scoring I give to planets in types of houses as follows:

  • Angular +1
  • Succeeded 0
  • Cadent -1

But to be quite clear. I only consider type-of-house scoring when I’m trying to break a deadlock.



In most charts, every planet has some aspects, but a few are more important than others. Aspects to consider highly are:

  • Conjunctions and parallels
  • Oppositions and contra-parallels
  • Squares
  • Aspects to the chart ruler, the Sun or the Moon.

Applying or Separating

All aspects which are applying are more important than aspects that are separating.

Opening or Closing

All aspects will be either opening or closing except the conjunction and the opposition. Aspects which are opening are more important than aspects which are closing.

Chart Position


The position a planet holds within a chart is important. It may not have any essential dignity to speak of, or be well aspected or in a good house, but if a planet has position, you need to pay attention.

Most Elevated

Only one planet will be the most elevated planetThe most elevated planet gains strength by its position in the chart.

Gauquelin Sector

There are two main Gauquelin sectors, the Ascendant and the Midheaven. Any planets in these sectors gain strength.


Planets will be cazimi if they are within 0°17’ of a conjunction to the Sun. The cazimi orb is often debated by astrologers, but moving on… Cazimi gives the planet supreme position in the heart of the Sun.

Influence in Chart Shape

Cutting Planet

Some chart shapes will have a cutting planet which leads the pack. Chart shapes which contain a cutting planet are:

  • Bowl
  • Bucket
  • Bundle
  • Fan
  • Locomotion

If a planet is the cutting planet within a chart shape, it gains strength.

Handle Planet

Some chart shapes contain a handle planet. The chart shapes with handle planets are:

  • Bucket
  • Fan

If a planet is a handle planet, it gains strength.


Dispositor Tree

Final Dispositor

If a chart has a final dispositor tree, and the planet in question is the final dispositor, it gains supreme strength.

Gateway Planet

In any type of dispositor to tree, if the planet in question is a gateway planet, it gains a modicum of strength.



In general, planets which are direct are stronger than planets which are retrograde.


Always check for stationary planets which are those planets within 0°10 of the exact turning point of the station. If a planet is stationary direct it is stronger than any planet which is stationary retrograde.


Antiscia and Contra-antiscia

If a planet is antiscia to another planet within the chart, it gains a modicum of strength. Planets in contra-antiscia are moot.


Why Bother

Determining planetary complexities is a is an interesting thing about charts. I work through each chart and analyze the planets within it by their complexes. I generally find that one planet has a far greater complex than the others and these planets are important to the person. And not only that, if you are then considering specifics within a birth chart, such as, financial or love life questions where you need to consider the Venus complex, if you have already extrapolated the full complex out before you get to do the interpretation, you’re on a better footing with your analysis for that person. In general, most charts have one and sometimes two planets which are strong. The strong planet is the one that you can lean into as an astrologer, because the person who’s chart it is will know about this planet’s energy already as they will be working with it on a daily basis.


Every time I cast a chart for a client, I calculate all the planetary complexes, so I can fully understand what’s going on in a chart.


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This piece originally appeared in our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter. As with every issue, subscribers received a complimentary PDF download related to this topic.

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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Nodes Enter Pisces / Virgo

Nodes Enter Pisces / Virgo

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: December 2024

The Nodes


Lunar nodes are not physical objects, but mathematical points created by the intersection of two orbital planes. Specifically, they represent the points where the Moon’s orbit crosses the ecliptic (the apparent path of the Sun around the Earth).

Planetary Nodes

All planets have nodes.

Celestial Mechanics

  • The Moon orbits the Earth at a slight angle (about 5.145°) to the Plane of the Ecliptic
  • As the Moon travels around the Earth, its orbital path intersects the ecliptic at two points
  • These intersection points are called the North Node (where the Moon crosses from south to north) and the South Node (where it crosses from north to south)


So just to be clear, the nodes are not planets, they’re actually just points. When I started out with astrology, I was never really into the lunar nodes. I tend to lean towards solar astrology more, but as the years have gone up, I have gained an appreciation for these subtle changes whcih occur from the node placements and certainly in my client’s charts.


The Wobble (Nodal Precession)

The lunar nodes don’t remain stationary but undergo a fascinating wobbling motion called nodal precession. This occurs because:

  • The Earth is not a perfect sphere
  • Gravitational pulls from the Sun and other planets create a gravitational torque
  • This causes the Moon’s orbital plane to slowly rotate
  • A complete cycle of this precession takes approximately 18.6 years
  • The true nodes can be retrograde, direct or stationary


Key Characteristics of Nodal Precession:

  • The nodes move backwards through the zodiac (retrograde motion)
  • They complete a full cycle every 18.6 years
  • This creates a slowly shifting point of intersection between the Moon’s orbit and the ecliptic

In astronomical terms, this wobble is called the “precession of the lunar nodes” and is an important calculation in celestial mechanics and orbital dynamics.

Lunar Node Meaning

In astrology, the lunar nodes are points of significant karmic and spiritual development. When the North Node moves into Pisces and the South Node into Virgo, it marks an important evolutionary shift in collective and individual consciousness.

Sign Changes

The lunar nodes typically change zodiac signs approximately every 18.5 months. Based on current astrological calculations, the North Node is set to move from Aries into Pisces and the South Node from Libra into Virgo on January 11, 2025.

18.5 Months

This ingress is significant because it marks a new 18.5-month cycle of karmic and spiritual development. During this period, the collective energy will shift from the Aries-Libra axis to the Pisces-Virgo axis, bringing with it new themes of spiritual growth, service, intuition, and personal transformation.

Key Dates

Key dates to remember:

  • January 11, 2025: Nodes enter Pisces (North Node) and Virgo (South Node)
  • The next nodal shift will occur around mid-2026

This change of signs represents an important energetic transition, inviting individuals and collective consciousness to explore new spiritual and practical dimensions of personal growth and understanding.

The North Node in Pisces

The North Node in Pisces represents a collective journey towards spiritual growth, compassion and intuitive understanding.

This transit invites people to:


  • Let go of rigid analytical thinking (Virgo South Node) and embrace more fluid, empathetic ways of perceiving the world
  • Develop greater emotional intelligence and spiritual sensitivity
  • Learn to trust intuition over pure logic
  • Practice unconditional love and compassion
  • Dissolve unnecessary boundaries and connect more deeply with universal experiences

South Node in Virgo

South Node in Virgo suggests a release from overly critical, perfectionistic tendencies. This placement encourages:


  1. Moving away from excessive detail-orientation and micromanagement
  2. Letting go of harsh self-criticism and judgmental attitudes
  3. Shifting from being overly concerned with practical details to understanding broader, more holistic perspectives
  4. Healing through surrender rather than constant improvement
  5. Recognizing that not everything can be controlled or fixed through pure effort

Nodal Axis

The Pisces-Virgo nodal axis emphasizes the balance between spiritual surrender and practical service. It’s about learning to flow with life’s mysteries while maintaining a grounded, helpful approach to personal and collective challenges.


This nodal shift typically occurs approximately every 18.5 years, which represents a significant period of potential spiritual and personal transformation for people and communities.

grow-your-astrology books

Book Recommendations

Here are some node books which may interest you.

The Astrologer’s Node Book by Donna Van Toen

Lunar Nodes: Discover your soul’s karmic mission by Celeste Teal

The Lunar Nodes: Your key to excellent chart interpretation by Judith A. Hill

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Octile Aspects

Octile Aspects

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024

Halloween and Octile Aspects

I’d like to give some thought to where these octile festivals and celebrations come from. And particularly how the position of the Sun in the Zodiac marks the timing of these pagan events. In the Wheel of the Year, the pagan festivals are not just randomly picked from the calendar, rather they are determined by the position which the Sun reaches in the zodiac every year. These days mark the passing of time. We can divide the year into the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. We can further divide each season in half through the cross-quarter days and this is what I’d like to share a little bit more about with you now.


8th Harmonic (Octiles)

In astrology, the 8th harmonic is created by dividing the 360° zodiac circle into eight equal parts. This results in aspects that reflect the energetic dynamics of this division. The key aspects associated with the 8th harmonic are the semi-square (45°) and sesquiquadrate (135°). These are considered minor aspects, yet they carry a potent, tension-driven energy. They often indicate underlying friction that pushes for action, growth and resolution, making them catalysts for change and transformation in a subtle but persistent way.

Tension and Friction

Semi-squares and sesquiquadrates create a subtler yet untiring pressure, unlike the more intense energy of squares or oppositions. This friction motivates you to take action, encouraging you to address imbalances or areas in your life that need improvement.

Subconscious Challenges

The challenges brought by 8th harmonic aspects often stem from within, highlighting inner psychological conflicts or unresolved emotions. These aspects push for personal transformation, making them powerful forces for long-term growth.

Catalyst for Change

These aspects act as subtle triggers that can shift your perspective, behavior or attitude. Though they may create discomfort, this tension is necessary to stimulate movement and progress in stagnant areas of life.


Octile Aspects

Semi-squares (45°)

In astrology, the semi-square aspect occurs when two planets or points in a chart are separated by an angle of 45°. Although considered a minor aspect, the semi-square carries significant energetic tension and friction, though it is less intense than the square (90°). Often associated with the color orange in astrological charts, this aspect represents subtle challenges that, while not immediately obvious, push us toward necessary growth and change. 

The semi-square signals areas where we may feel stuck or uncomfortable. Unlike the more pressing energy of a square, the semi-square’s tension feels like something bubbling just below the surface, urging us to take action, but not in an overwhelmingly urgent way. It often points to lingering frustrations or unresolved issues that need attention in order to make progress, but we may need to dig deeper to recognize them.



The sesquiquadrate is an aspect formed by a 135° angle between two planets, representing a more pronounced internal conflict than the semi-square, though still a minor aspect. This aspect often highlights areas where we experience frustration or tension due to misalignment or imbalance in our approach to certain life situations. Unlike the semi-square, the sesquiquadrate can feel more complex, as it involves energies that don’t flow smoothly together, requiring more effort to resolve. 

While semi-squares and sesquiquadrates may seem less influential than the major aspects, they often act as subtle forces persistently driving personal development. They challenge us to work through discomfort and friction, encouraging growth in ways that may not be immediately obvious but are essential for long-term progress. These aspects push for internal transformation that can lead to breakthroughs when approached with awareness and a willingness to confront hidden issues.


Cross Quarter Days

Sun’s Position

The cross-quarter days are significant because they correspond to the Sun reaching 15° of the four fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. These days represent a midpoint between the equinoxes and solstices, marking important seasonal centers. Each cross-quarter day reflects a moment of energetic balance and shift, offering a time for reflection, celebration and intention-setting.

15° Taurus: Beltane (May 1)

Taurus, an Earth sign, represents stability, fertility and growth. When the Sun reaches 15° of Taurus, it marks Beltane, the height of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. This is a time of blossoming, fertility and abundance. In many ancient cultures, Beltane isa celebration of life, growth and the turning of the season toward summer. Energetically, it’s a time to celebrate physical vitality and the fertility of the earth and soul.

15° Leo: Lughnasadh – Lammas (August 1)

Leo, a Fire sign, is associated with creativity, self-expression and vitality. When the Sun is at 15° Leo, it corresponds to Lughnasadh, the first harvest festival. This is a time for giving thanks for the abundance of the earth, acknowledging the fruits of labor and preparing for the coming autumn. Energetically, this cross-quarter day is about honoring personal achievements and creativity while recognizing the need for balance as the summer begins to wane.

15° Scorpio: Samhain (November 1)

Scorpio, a Water sign, governs transformation, death and rebirth. When the Sun reaches 15° Scorpio, it aligns with Samhain, a powerful time marking the end of the harvest and the beginning of winter. Samhain is also seen as a moment when the veil between worlds is thin, making it a time to honor ancestors and reflect on the cycles of life and death. Energetically, this cross-quarter day invites deep introspection, letting go of what no longer serves and embracing transformation.

15° Aquarius: Imbolc (February 1)

Aquarius, an Air sign, symbolizes innovation, vision and new beginnings. When the Sun is at 15° Aquarius, it corresponds to Imbolc, the first stirrings of spring. This is a time of renewal, purification and the return of light after the dark winter. Energetically, Imbolc represents the planting of new seeds, both literally and metaphorically, as we prepare for the growth of spring. It is a time to set intentions for the year ahead.


15° of Fixed Signs


Fixed signs embody stability, endurance and determination. When the Sun reaches 15° of these signs, it is at a key point in the season, where the energy is concentrated and ripe for harnessing. The cross-quarter days offer a moment of heightened awareness and connection to the natural cycles of the earth. These days represent a balance between the dynamic forces of the changing seasons and the steady, grounding energy of the fixed signs. Cross quarter days are at the heart of each of the four seasons. By aligning with the cross-quarter days, we can tune into these potent energetic shifts, using them as guideposts for personal growth, reflection and transformation throughout the year.

Sacred Geometry

In numerology and sacred geometry, dividing by 8 relates to the octagon shape and symbolizes balance, transition and structure. Eight-fold divisions in astrology create a cyclical pattern that allows for a deeper understanding of the energy dynamics within a chart. When planets are connected by these aspects, they often signal the need to break through internal barriers or patterns to create a shift in awareness or behavior. The energy of these aspects is often felt as a growing restlessness or discomfort, nudging us toward resolution, personal evolution, or adjustment. Working with semi-square energy requires patience and persistence, as the changes it brings are usually not immediate but unfold over time.


I personally don’t have any semi-squares or sesquiquadrates in my birth chart. However, when the transiting Sun reaches 15° of the fixed signs, it makes several strong hard connections to my natal chart. This means that every cross-quarter day, which is four times every year, I get a meaningful transit from the Sun. And let’s face it, normally you wouldn’t really pay much attention to the transiting Sun, but because it triggers my chart on some days, I find it fascinating. I suspect this is why I have a distinct interest in the solar cycle and the Sun’s movement throughout the year.

Extend Yourself 

Your Natal chart

Let’s explore your natal chart a little bit more regarding any octile aspects.

  • List any semi-squares in your chart.
  • List any sesquiquadrates in your chart.
  • Note the two planets in each aspect.
  • Decide if it is an applying or a separating aspect.
  • Find the exact orbs for each aspect.
  • Sort the aspects in a list from tightest orb to widest orb.

Extend Yourself Further


Now let’s go a little deeper with the interpretation of some of your octile aspects. With your list of octile aspects in hand, please do the following:

  • Choose the tightest octile aspect and interpret it. Pay attention to both planets involved. Note if they are retrograde or direct. Note if the aspect is applying or separating. Note if the aspect is in the same polarity. Write a full interpretation for your tightest octile aspect (500 words).
  • Continue on working your way through your list and interpret every aspect in your natal chart.



Premium Astrology Newsletter

This piece originally appeared in our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter. As with every issue, subscribers received a complimentary PDF download related to this topic.

For those interested in receiving such in-depth articles directly upon release, we encourage you to join our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter.

Your subscription to Starzlife not only grants you access to exclusive content but also helps sustain our creative endeavors and operational costs.

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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Medical Astrology

Medical Astrology

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024

Medical Astrology

This time I’m chatting about medical astrology which is a branch of astrology that I personally do not practice, but many of you do. The reason I don’t offer health readings is because I just don’t know that much about the inner workings of the human body. If you are a nurse, doctor, therapist or practitioner in the healthcare world, then knowing some medical astrology will add interest to your daily work. So, I’m just going to go over the basics of health astrology for those who are attracted to this topic and I know many of you are by the number of requests I’ve had about this branch of astrology. I received a particularly long email from Sarah, thank you, which spurred me on to layout the basics about medical astrology, so you can go deeper for yourself.


I am not a health care expert and any health concerns you have should always be addressed with your qualified healthcare professional.



Each zodiac sign is traditionally associated with specific parts of the body.


The planets, by their rulership of the signs, affect various bodily systems and health conditions.


Your natal chart can help to identify potential health strengths and vulnerabilities based on the planetary placements and aspects.


You can use transits and progressions to anticipate periods when you might be more susceptible to certain health issues.


Health astrology often emphasizes the interconnectedness of mind, body and spirit in overall wellness.


The Decumbiture Chart

Decumbiture is a specialized branch of medical astrology that focuses on the moment a person falls ill or takes to their bed due to illness. The term comes from the Latin word “decumbere,” which means “to lie down.”


A decumbiture chart is cast for the exact moment when a person first feels unwell enough to lie down or seek medical attention. This is considered a significant astrological event.

Chart Interpretation

The decumbiture chart is analyzed similarly to a birth chart, but with a specific focus on health matters. You would examine the planetary positions, aspects and house placements to gain insights into the nature and potential course of the illness.

Diagnostic Tool

Practitioners use decumbiture charts to diagnose the type of illness, its severity, and the affected body parts or systems.


The chart is also used to predict the likely duration of the illness and its potential outcome.

Treatment Timing

You can use decumbiture charts to suggest the best time to begin treatment or administer medications.

Historical Significance

Decumbiture was widely practiced in medieval and Renaissance medicine, with many renowned physicians of the time incorporating it into their practice.

Modern Applications

Some astrologers still use decumbiture as part of their health astrology practice.

Health Houses


In astrology, there are three main houses related to health they are the 6th house, the 12th house and the 1st house and on occasion, the 8th house. Pay attention to the sign on the cusp of the health houses their rulers and condition. Any planet in a health house will directly indicate the issues that may arise health wise.

6th House

Recoverable Health

The 6th house is your main health house and it suggests the recoverable ailments, illnesses or diseases which you experience. Illnesses of the 6th house are things such as a broken ankle that will heal, or when you catch the flu, and you will recover from that. All illnesses and diseases in the 6th house you will recover from.

12th House

Critical Health

The 12th House represents critical illnesses that you may get in your life. These are any diseases that will be fatal or will be terminal if not treated. If you must take medication for the rest of your life for some disease or illness that you have, that then is a 12th house illness. Examples of 12th house illnesses are leprosy, diabetes, cancer, malaria, Ebola and rabies -and of course, there may be more.

1st House


The first house relates to your core vitality. This house suggests how well people can bounce back from health issues and get back to normal. It gives information about your physical body.

Elective Surgery

Note the 1st house also suggests non-life-threatening elective surgeries such as Botox, nose-jobs, hair implants, liposuction and facelifts which people may choose to do to improve their appearance.

8th House


All surgery, where there is any slicing and dicing, is found in the 8th house. Injections and infusions with needles which penetrate the skin and enter the body, are 8th house related.


Organ transplants are represented by the 8th house, as this is the house of the resources of others. Tissue donations, and being an organ donor, like blood, kidney, liver donations, egg and sperm donations are also 8th house in nature. Donating you body to science is an 8th house activity.


The 8th house is the house of death. It may indicate the nature of your death shown by the house ruler and tenants, but also through transits and progressions.


Body Parts

Each of the signs is related to one or two body parts and broadly, the signs start at the head with the first sign of Aries and end at the feet with the last sign, Pisces.



Aries rules the head, brain, face, eyes and ears.



Taurus rules the neck.


Taurus also rules the throat.

Vocal Cords

Taurus rules the vocal cords as many of the best singers are Taureans.



Gemini rules the hands, which are used for gesticulating when talking and for sign language. Braille is read through the fingertips.


Gemini also rules the arms from the shoulder down to the elbows, the wrists and fingers.


Gemini loves to rule pairs of things. It rules the pair of lungs which are also related to Gemini as an air sign. Breathing and aspiration – the drawing of breath is ruled by Gemini.


Breasts and Chest

Cancer rules the breasts and breast milk and the chest area.


Cancer also rules the stomach as the container of food.



Leo rules the heart and the cardiovascular system. It is the first sign of life from a fetus shown on an ultrasound scan at around eight weeks.


Leo rules the back, the spine and the strength.


Digestive System

Virgo rules the digestive system which includes the intestines. Indigestion is a theme for Virgo. Virgo rules the abdomen area in general.



Libra rules the kidneys and the renal system.

Inner Ear

Libra rules the semicircular canals and otoliths of the inner ear organs used for balance.


Reproductive System

In women, Scorpio rules the vagina, ovaries, eggs, cervix, womb and pregnancy. In men, Scorpio rules the penis, testicles, sperm production and the prostate.

Eliminatory System

Scorpio rules the bladder, bowel, anus, sweat glands and the vomit reflex all of which eliminate toxins and waste products from the body.



Sagittarius rules the hips.


Sagittarius rules the largest single bone in the body, the femur, in the thigh of the upper leg.


The Archer rules the largest organ (after the skin) which is the liver.



Capricorn rules the knees and joints.


Capricorn rules the skeletal bones in general.



Aquarius rules the ankles. Aquarius rules the circulatory system.



Pisces rules the feet. Pisces rules the lymphatic system.



The planets themselves are related to some areas of the body similar to the signs they rule, and certain diseases.



The Sun is always the beating heart and shows the heart of the matter.


The Sun rules the back, backaches and back pain.


Solar diseases are weak hearts, heart attacks, heart transplants, fibrillation, slipped disks and spinal surgery.


Bodily Fluids

The Moon rules body fluids like the tears, the lymph and the female monthly cycle blood loss.


The Moon rules the breasts, breast milk and nurturing breast feeding.


Moon diseases are things like swellings, stomach ache, breast reduction and augmentation surgeries, breast cancer, the lactation let-down reflex, fluid retention and pigeon chests.



Mercury co-rules the two hemispheres of the brain where thing takes place.


The Messenger of the Gods rules the hands, hand signals, handiwork and handicrafts.


It also rules the arms, shoulders and elbows.


It rules the lungs and breathing.


Mercury related disease are things like Alzheimer’s, dementia and tremors or arthritis in the hands. Mercury also rules lung disease like bronchitis, tuberculosis, emphysema and collapsed lungs.


Vocal cords

Venus rules the vocal cords.


Venus rules all sweet sugary things including glucose.


Venus diseases are typically stiff necks, throat infections, loss of voice, kidney failure, dialysis and diabetes.



Mars rules the blood, blood pressure and all blood related diseases.


Mars rules fevers and sweating.


Martian diseases are blood and fever related like scarlet fever and hypertension. Infections from tattoos are Mars related.



Jupiter rules the liver the life-giving organ.

Thigh Femur

Jupiter rules the upper leg, walking and ambulation.


Jupiter related diseases are things like liver failure, hip replacements and all growths in the body.



Saturn rules the knees.


Saturn rules the bones and the skeleton.


Saturn rules the teeth, dentures, orthodontics and fillings.


Saturn rules kidney stones and gall stones.


Saturn rules the skin which is the limit of the body.


Saturnian diseases are skin related like pale skin, or acne. Saturn rules knee pain and knee replacements.



Uranus rules the ankles including sprained or twisted ankles.


As the ruler of electricity, Uranus rules the micro electrical synapses in the brain.


Uranian diseases are typically modern, like Covid-19, and unusual conditions. When you are hooked up to a life support machine or baby’s incubator, which is plugged into the electricity, it is a Uranian event.



Neptune rules the feet, toes and arches.


Neptune has much to say about tinctures, drugs and the actual medications you may take.


Neptunian diseases relate to gasses in the body, halucinations and ingrown toenails.


Reproduction System

Pluto rules reproduction, sex and birth.

Elimination System

Pluto rules the eliminatory system that purges unwanted products from the body.


Plutonic diseases are sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis and others. Pluto also rules any post operative infections. 


Visible Weaknesses

Chiron rules any visible weaknesses which can be seen. These are such as when you are on crutches, in a wheelchair, have a colostomy bag, wear spectacles or a visible hearing aid.


Chironic diseases cover all open wounds, stitches, weeping wounds, scar tissue and any issues which weaken your constitution in general.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024



A T-square is a major aspect pattern found in charts it is formed with three planets, two planets oppose each other and the third planet squares the other two. 

The pattern is in the shape of a “T” in a chart. Many natal charts have T-squares and I believe that between 60% to 80% of charts will have the pattern. Personally, I don’t have one in my chart. And you may find a chart that has one T-square. Additionally, you can find charts with multiple T-squares in them.


In general, when interpreting a T-square, the energy of the two planets in opposition tends to flow towards the focal planet, which is the planet that is getting the two squares from the other planets.

This is like a pointer in a chart, as many of the triangular major aspect patterns are.

Focal Planet

So the sign, and particularly the house, where the focal planet is in a T-square suggests where this energy of the whole T-square will be expressed through the person’s life.


Typically, T-squares are in one of the three modes, so you would either get a cardinal T-square, a mutable T-square, or a fixed T-square. If all the planets are in the same mode, this is definitely the case. However, if one of the planets is in a different mode and two or in another mode, that is then known as their disassociate T-square and it makes it slightly weaker.

In the example chart I have below for Elton John, this is a fixed T-square because Taurus, Leo and Scorpio are fixed signs.


Important Planets

A T-square will be particularly important if the following planets are included in it:

  • The chart ruler.
  • The Sun.
  • The Moon.

You have to fully analyze all the three planets in their signs and in their houses before you can draw it all together and combine it into the group of three planets which make the T-square. It is unadvisable just to go straight in and it look at a T-square. You do need to have a full understanding of the planet’s complex before this.


T-squares are often triggered through transits because there are three planets spread about the chart. Any of those planets could receive a transit from any of the planets at anytime.

For example, the Sun will pass around the chart and it will trigger each of the three planets in a T-square three months after each other as the Sun moves through the quarter of the chart, and not only that, where the Sun goes, Mercury and Venus follow closely behind.

So Mercury and Venus will also be aspecting the T-square and all it means three times a year.

Then you need to consider all of the other planets that may, or may not be, making aspects to the T-square.

T-square Themes

Any T-square, including its planets, their houses, their signs and the focal planet within the T-square will suggest a theme within the chart.

When you have aspects that are all hard, such as squares and oppositions, these are aspects that the person will have been grappling with from day one.


The orbs I use for a T-square are 8° for a square and 8° for an opposition.


The square is typically an aspect that shows internal dilemmas within the person, things that they are working with and trying to work through at all times.


An opposition aspect shows external dilemmas where the person is dealing with other people, other situations that are not from them. Here they may also bring in projection as well and blaming of the other and all the things that pertain to the opposition aspect. But they are external dilemmas.

The point is that the whole T-square is considered a dilemma for the person whose chart it’s in.


Another way of interpreting T-squares is to consider the sequence with which the T-square is triggered.

You do this by deciding which of the three planets is on the earliest degree.

In the example chart I show below for Elton John, there is a T-square between the Moon opposition Chiron, both squaring Pluto. Pluto is the focal planet.

The next step would be to look at the degrees that each of these planets is at. Chiron is at 7°, the Moon is at 10° and Pluto is at 11 degrees.

This tells us the sequence for Elton John’s T-square is Chiron-Moon-Pluto because as the transiting planet comes up towards the T-square, it will first aspect Chiron either by a conjunction, opposition or square.

Next it will then aspect the Moon either by a conjunction, opposition or square, and then it will finally aspect Pluto either by a conjunction, opposition, or square.

The important thing here is that the sequence of how the events unfold in his life will remain the same. This shows a pattern in the natal chart.

So initially you would have a Chiron situation unfolding, which then moves on to a lunar situation that unfolds and followed by the culmination of a Plutonic situation as the final situation.

Ideally if this is your client, you want to be able to try and weave a story relating to how these planets are likely to work because the pattern continues in throughout their life.


Mr. “X”

Above is the chart of a guy we’re calling Mr. “X” and he actually has two of this pattern in his chart, a Jupiter and a Mars T-square. We actually give a full interpretation of this on the podcast episode, so make sure to listen to that.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Born on a Cusp

Born on a Cusp

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024

Note: Signs are 30 degrees wide

Born on a Cusp

In this article I want to talk about people who were born on the cusp. A sign cusp refers to the transition point between two zodiac signs. It is the boundary where one zodiac sign ends and the next begins.

Cusp Debate

There’s some disagreement among astrologers about the exact width of the cusp and its influence. This cusp debate has to do with the width of the Sun’s influence by its actual disk which is about 0°29′.

Some astrologers believe cusp-born individuals have a unique blend of characteristics from both signs, while others strictly adhere to the sign the Sun was in at the time of birth. I am firmly of the latter persuasion. I believe that if a planet is at 29°59’ of a sign, it is in that sign. I believe that if the Sun is in 0°00’ of a sign, it is in that sign and it has taken residence.

My main reason for this is because a planet at a cusp is like a person standing in a doorway threshold from one room to the next. They are exiting the room they are leaving, but all their focus and energy is on the new room they are entering which is the new sign. I’m pretty firm on these things, but you can choose to see it differently if you wish.

Sun Sign Ingress

This all comes back down to your Sun sign. Your Sun sign is decided by the Zodiac sign that the Sun was in at the moment of your birth. Inconveniently, the Sun does not change signs at midnight.

The Sun will change signs at any time during the day. So, people who were perhaps born in the morning may have a Taurus Sun, and others born in the afternoon could easily have a Gemini Sun. This works for all the sign cusps.

Poem: Between Two Worlds

By Claude


Straddling realms of fire and earth,

A soul emerges at day’s birth.

Not quite Aries, not full Taurus,

A blend of gentle and uproarious.


One foot in passion, one in grace,

Two natures etched upon one face.

Bulls and rams clash in the stars,

As cusped child breaks through cosmic bars.


Stubborn drive meets flighty spark,

Dawn’s light pierces through the dark.

Neither here nor fully there,

A bridge between, so strange and rare.


Cusped soul, you dance on edges fine,

Two signs entwined like grasping vine.

Your path unique, a dual-starred way,

Where yesterday meets coming day.


In you, the zodiac finds its seam,

Where endings flow to new beginnings’ stream.

Embrace your gift of double sight,

Born of twilight, child of light.

Horoscope Columns

The Sun changes zodiac signs approximately every thirty days, though the exact date can vary slightly from year to year. When you read a horoscope column either online or in a magazine, the astrologer generally uses the dates listed below for when the Sun enters each zodiac sign:


  • Aries: Around March 21
  • Taurus: Around April 20
  • Gemini: Around May 21
  • Cancer: Around June 21
  • Leo: Around July 23
  • Virgo: Around August 23
  • Libra: Around September 23
  • Scorpio: Around October 23
  • Sagittarius: Around November 22
  • Capricorn: Around December 21
  • Aquarius: Around January 20
  • Pisces: Around February 19


These dates are approximate and can shift by a day or two depending on the year. The exact time of the Sun’s ingress into a new sign can also vary this is discovered when you cast the chart. So this is the simplistic way of categorizing each person by the actual date they were born. And for the general public this is normally good enough.

However, for astrologers it is not. Your clients may come to you and say, “I’m a Virgo” and when you cast the chart, you discover the’re actually a Libran.

Cusp Days

A cusp day is a day when the Sun changes zodiac signs. So typically, this is around the 20th to 22nd of each of the months. But there are two special things that you need to pay attention to with cusp days. There are two ways that need to be looked at to find the difference on cusp date.

Each Year

Each year, the actual cusp day may move from the 21st to the 22nd or even to the 20th. Every year is different. What was the cusp day this year may not be a cusp day next year.

Leap Year Reset

Because the Earth takes 365 and a quarter, plus some minutes, to go around the Sun each year. After every four years we add an additional day to the year, February the 29th, which is of course the leap year. This is the first step that realigns the Sun to the earlier cusp time.


Capricorn Ingress


From this table you can see that when the cycle starts, at the leap year, the Sun, in subsequent years, makes the ingress into Capricorn later and later on the day on the 21st. And finally, the Sun moves its ingress onto the 22nd of December.

Leap Year for Capricorn

Then at the leap year reset, the Sun once more goes back to the earlier time on the 21st of December and it slowly creeps forward each year from there. Here I’m just giving the example of the Capricorn ingress, but it’s the same for all the signs. The Sun starts off early and then each successive year is later and later in that day, or the next, until we get to the next leap year when it resets to the earlier time.


From this we can see that the Sun will enter Capricorn either on the 21st or the 22nd, bearing in mind that is GMT, and it does depend on where you live in the world. If you’re very East of Greenwich, it can also be on the 19th and if you are very West of Greenwich, it can on occasion, be on the 23rd.

Leap Century Reset


Leap years have 366 days instead of 365, with an extra day in February. The old Julian calendar made every 4th year a leap year, but this method adds too many leap days – about 3 extra days every 400 years. Which results in us having too many leap days over time, causing the calendar to drift away from the actual seasons.

To fix this, the Gregorian calendar, created in 1582, only makes century years (like 1700, 1800, etc.) leap years if they’re divisible by 400. So, 2000 was a leap year, but 1900 (a common year) wasn’t. This helps keep the calendar more strictly matched to the actual length of the solar year and the seasons.

This change shifts the calendar year to match the Earth’s orbit around the Sun far closer, keeping the seasons better aligned with the calendar.

The Year 2400

This won’t bother us astrologers, but it shows how the Sun’s path drifts slightly all the time. The year 2400 will be the next century year that’s also a leap year.

In century leap years:

  • January 1st is always on a Saturday
  • December 31st is always on a Sunday
  • February 29th is always on a Tuesday


Anaretic Degrees

Anaretic degrees refer to the final degree of any zodiac sign, specifically the 29th degree (as each sign has 30 degrees). This concept is significant in interpretation.

Anaretic Definition

The anaretic degree is 29°00′ to 29°59′ of any zodiac sign.

Anaretic Significance

These degrees are considered critical or sensitive points in a natal chart or transit.

Anaretic Interpretation

Planets or points at anaretic degrees are often seen as:

  • Unstable or in crisis.
  • At a turning point or transition.
  • Carrying extra weight or importance.
  • Representing completion or culmination of the sign’s energy.


The anaretic degree is thought to embody the most intense expression of that sign’s qualities, as if the energy is at its peak before transitioning to the next sign.

Karmic implications

Some astrologers view anaretic placements as indicating unfinished business from past lives or lessons that need urgent attention.


When planets transit anaretic degrees, it indicates a time of important decisions or changes related to that planet’s themes.


Natal planets at anaretic degrees suggest areas of life where the person feels pressure or experiences significant developments.


I think that while I always note planets at an anaretic degrees, they should be considered within the context of the entire chart.

Solar Returns


This continuous movement of the Sun as ingresses the signs is why your solar return is frequently not on your birthday even if you stay at your birthplace.


Of course, your solar return will not be on your birthday if you move very east or west of your birthplace either. I always have my solar return the day before my birthday because I’m in Vancouver and was born in England which is a move of around eight time zones west.



Extend Yourself

Transiting Sun Ingress

See for yourself how the Sun changes times and dates for each of its ingresses into your Sun sign. I’ve done Capricorn (see table above), now you can do this experiment for your Sun sign. So, if you are a Sun Libra, do the Libra ingress.

In your astrology journal, please do the following:


  • Draw a table like the one I have above.
  • Find the precise date and time that the Sun entered your birth Sun sign this year.
  • Continue checking the exact dates and times that the Sun will ingress your own Sun sign every year until 2032, which is a leap year.
  • See if you find the realignment at each leap year to an earlier date and time.

Extend Yourself Further

Your Born-on-a-Cusp Client

Most people do not understand why if they were born on December 21st, and they’ve always thought they were a Capricorn, that their natal chart returns them to be a Sagittarius. Unfortunately, the born-on-a-cusp issue adds confusion that surrounds the astrological techniques and the astrological community, so we need to develop some clarity here.

In your astrology journal, please do the following.


  • Write a few of paragraphs and simply explain how two people who were born in different years, but on December the 21st, so they have the same birthday, why one person has a chart which returns a Sagittarius Sun, and the second person has a chart that returns a Capricorn Sun.
  • Use simple language and consider what you would say to describe this phenomenon to your client (500 words).


Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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