Aspects: Partile

Aspects: Partile

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: September 2024

Partile Aspects

Using partile aspects is another way to fine tune your interpretations. Partile aspects are the ones you need to look at first as they have built in potential to be effective in the person’s life.

Partile Definition

Exact or within 1° of exact. The word “partile” comes from the Latin “partilis,” meaning “divisible.” In astrological terms, a partile aspect occurs when two planets are in the exact same degree of their respective signs.

The planets must be in the same degree although the minutes do not matter. Aspects may be in place but not partile.

Partile Examples

  • Venus at 27°01’ Taurus is partile square to the Moon at 27°59’ Leo.
  • But Venus at 26°59’ Taurus is NOT partile square to the Moon at 27°59’ Leo.

Example Chart: Jimi Hendrix

Looking at Jimi Hendrix’s chart, he has Mercury opposite Uranus.

Both Mercury and Uranus are at 2° of their respective signs.

Therefore they are in a partile opposition.

This make this particular opposition more meaningful than the Sun-Saturn opposition for instance.


Partile Significance


Partile aspects are considered to be at the peak of their influence.

They represent a precise alignment of planetary energies, often manifesting as clear and unmistakable influences in a person’s life or in current events.


Partile aspects have the strongest and most pure expression of the aspect’s energy.


Their effects are often felt more immediately and obviously than wider aspects.


The blending of the planets’ energies is clear and undiluted, making interpretation more straightforward.

Tightest Aspects

They are typically the tightest aspect in the chart.


Types of Partile Aspects

Any aspect can be partile. For example:

Partile Conjunction

Planets at the same degree in the same sign.

Partile Opposition

Planets at the same degree in opposite signs.

Partile Trine

Planets at the same degree in signs of the same element.

Partile Square

Planets at the same degree in signs of the same mode.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Aspects of Declination

Aspects of Declination

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: September 2024

Aspects of Declination

Declination Definition

Declination is the angular distance of a planet either north or south of the celestial equator.

It’s like latitude on Earth but projected onto the celestial sphere.

While the zodiac deals with east-west positions (longitude), declination measures north-south positions.

Parallel and Contraparallel

When we talk about aspects of declination there are two types.


Two planets at the same declination, both north or both south of the celestial equator.



Two planets at the same declination, but one north and one south of the celestial equator.

These aspects are considered similar in effect to conjunctions and oppositions respectively, but they operate on a different plane.

Planets that are parallel or contraparallel do not need to have an aspect of longitude such as a conjunction or trine to make the aspect.


Orbs for Aspects of Declination


The orbs for declination aspects are tighter than those for longitudinal aspects.

I suggest you use a 1° orb for aspects of declination.

Significance of Declination Aspects

Double Whammy

If two planets are conjoined and parallel it is what I call a double whammy.

This is a super conjunction and needs close attention.

If two planets are in opposition and contraparallel it is again what I call a double whammy.

This is a super opposition and needs close attention.


Aspects of declination add depth and intensity to planetary relationships with aspects the two aspects of conjunction and opposition.


  • They can reinforce existing zodiacal aspects (Double Whammy).
  • They can create connections between planets that aren’t aspecting by longitude.
  • They have a more subtle, but deeply felt influence.

Example of a Declination Aspect

Let’s say:

  • Mars at 15° Aries with a declination of 20°N
  • Venus at 28° Taurus with a declination of 20°N

While these planets aren’t in a major aspect by longitude, they form a parallel by declination, suggesting a strong, conjunction-like connection between Mars and Venus energies.

Example Chart: Justin Bieber

In Justin Bieber’s aspectarian you can see that Uranus and Neptune are conjoined and they are parallel.

This makes this particular conjunction a Double Whammy.

Whearas the conjunction between Mercury and Mars in not.

Neither is the parallel between Jupiter and Mars.


Out-of-Bounds Planets

Monster Declination

A related concept in declination is “out-of-bounds” planets.

These are planets that go beyond the maximum declination of the Sun (approximately 23.5° north or south).

Out-of-bounds planets express their energies in unusual or extreme ways.

Typically, the Moon and Mars are sometimes out of bounds more often that the other planets. 

Interpretating Aspects of Declination

When interpreting declination aspects:

  • Look for parallels and contraparallels between planets.
  • Pay special attention when they are double whammys.
  • Consider them as potentially revealing “hidden” connections in a chart.
  • Remember that their influence is often subtle but profound.

Declination in Predictive Astrology

In predictive work, declination aspects can be particularly revealing:

  • Transiting planets forming declination aspects to natal planets may trigger significant events or realizations
  • Progressed declination aspects can indicate important developmental phases

Aspects Articles

Here is a roundup of my aspect articles.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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USA Birth Charts

USA Birth Charts

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2024

USA Birth Chart and Election 2024


Podcast Episodes

Listen to our podcast episode below on the USA birth charts and the 2024 US elections candidates and some predictions.

This will be published in the months ahead towards the end of 2024.

Sibly Chart

Chart Details

Ebenezer Sibly cast a horoscope for 10:10pm London time which converts to 5:10pm Philadelphia time.

He appears to have made some errors in calculation and you can discover more about that by reading Nicholas Campion’s book The Book of World Horoscopes on page 362 where he outlines the situation.

Chart Diagram

The Sibly chart is represented here with the time of 5:10pm.

This returns an Ascendant of 12° 21′ Sagittarius.


Scorpio Rising Chart

Chart Details

The second chart we have a look at is one put forward by Michael O’Reilly in his book Political Astrology.

This returns a chart with an Ascendant of 8°35′ Scorpio.

Extend Yourself

This is an interesting topic and I encourage you to read more by starting with these three books.



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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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The Vertex

The Vertex

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: May 2024

Vertex: The Third Angle

There are several points that pop up in an astrology chart.

And really you can add as many or as few as you wish.

You may start by adding points to your advanced natal readings first with the lunar nodes and then maybe the Part of Fortune or the Vertex.

I’m a fan of all these chart points.

But today, I’m going to share a few of my thoughts on the Vertex.

Astronomy for Astrologers

The Vertex is a sensitive point in astrology.

The Vertex is found at the intersection of the ecliptic in the West and the prime vertical.

Also note that the anti-vertex, or contra-vertex, is directly opposite the Vertex

I have a super clear (I hope) diagram for the vertex below.


Vertex Position

The Vertex is always on the western side of the chart.

It usually is in one of the four houses close to the Descendant. 

Astute readers will notice that these four houses form the second triple division, the “We” division, as well.



Now and then it may not be in the four houses.

The exceptions are for people born in super high latitudes (greater than 60 degrees) from the equator.

In these high latitude birthplace charts, the Vertex can be in the 4th or 10th houses.

But in all my years as an astrologer, I’ve only ever come across these outlier placements twice.

So, it’s not common at all.

In general, the Vertex is placed either in the 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th house.

Vertex Symbolism

The Vertex position is a sensitive point in any chart.

It is like a revolving door where people can come into, and go out of, your life.

People from the past can pop in and out of your life when your Vertex is energized.

If you meet an old school friend whom you’ve not seen for twenty years, chances are that your Vertex is being stimulated by a transit or progression.

Third Angle

As the Vertex is often referred to as the Third angle after the Ascendant and the Midheaven its meaning can be simplified as follows:

  • Your Ascendant is what you are.
  • Your Midheaven is what you do.
  • Your Vertex is what is expected of you.

Vertex Keywords

A few vertex keywords are:

  • Turning point
  • Pivot
  • In
  • And
  • Fated quality.
  • Self-mirror
  • What must be brough forth in life.

People Themes

The Vertex often suggests repetitive relationships with a certain echo theme in the nature of your Vertex complex.

This shows up as, for example, when your sister’s next boyfriend seems to be just like the last one.

It can be easy not to learn the lessons of the Vertex.

Gaining People


Newborn babies whose births directly affect you (by being in your family or close circle) may occur at times when your Vertex is triggered.

New People

New and significant people can enter your life when your Vertex is contacted.

This usually happens by the planets in the new person’s own chart conjoining your Vertex.

The Vertex and Losing People

Moving Away

If close people move out of your life, by literally moving away, it often happens when your Vertex is involved.


Typically, upon divorce your Vertex is contacted as your spouse leaves.

But often they come back now and then.

Letting Go

The time when you finally let go of relationships can be as your Vertex is aspected for the last time by a transiting planet.


People may leave your life permanently, by dying, when your Vertex is stimulated.


Vertex House

5th House

When the Vertex is in the fifth house it suggests loved ones are important.

Fifth house people are your girlfriends, boyfriends, lovers, fiancées, midwives, childbirth support person, your own children and people you party with.

6th House

When the Vertex is in the 6th House it suggests colleagues are important.

Sixth house people are your workmates, your vet, employees, maids, nursemaids, cleaners, the pool guy, the lawn guy, gym buddies, health instructors and your dietician.

7th House

When the Vertex is in the 7th House is suggests your husband, wife or significant other is important.

7th house people are your husband or wife, your common law spouse, your significant other, your business partners, anyone who confronts you and those who challenge you in open court.

8th House

When the Vertex is in the 8th house it suggests intimate partners are important.

8th house people are your intimate partners, your secret lovers, your faceless blood, egg, sperm and tissue donors, your creditors, your credit loans guy, your angel investors, your secret supporters who vote for you and the grim reaper.


The Vertex is a nice-to-have point in a chart.

It’s not the first thing you interpret which is why it is part of advanced natal astrology.

There is no pressure to work with the Vertex subtle energy.

You can ignore it if you wish or begin to consider the Vertex in your readings.

Extend Yourself

In your astrology journal please do the following:


  • Write “Vertex” as the page header.
  • Draw the “Vx” glyph. You can get as fancy or arty as you like.
  • Note the sign, degree and minute position.
  • Add your Vertex sign ruler.
  • Write your Vertex house.
  • List five keywords for the Vertex. You can do more research here.
  • Find the date when the transiting Sun crosses your Vertex, be on the lookout for people with that birthday.

Extend Yourself Further

Vertex Aspects

Vertex aspects can be very revealing particularly around your close relationships and people.

List all natal Ptolemaic aspects to your Vertex.

Write one sentence interpreting each Vertex aspect. You can add more info here later.

Vertex House

The Vertex house shows which area of life, and those people associated there, are likely to be stimulated. In your astrology journal please do the following:

  • Draw a single column table with four rows, one for each house.
  • Write 8th, 7th, 6th and 5th in each row going down.
  • List two people specific people in your life who are represented in each of the four houses.
  • Do some research and write 5 key sentences for when the Vertex in each house.

Vertex Sign Ruler

If your Vertex sign ruler, that is the planet which rules the sign that the Vertex is in, actually aspects the Vertex, it signals a higher vibrational energy.

Pay close attention to any of these aspects.

If the Vertex’s planetary ruler has a good condition, it supports the Vertex in your chart.

If the Vertex’s planetary ruler has a difficult condition, it reduces the effect and influence of the Vertex.


  • More on Planetary Condition

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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Fixed Stars

Fixed Stars

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: May 2024

Fixed Stars

Michael Barwick

Last month I had a fabulous conversation with my longtime friend and astrologer Michael Barwick.

If you are looking for a different type of astrology reading than the norm, then consider investing in a Star Profile reading with Michael.

In his Toronto astrology practice, he specializes in providing Star Profile consultations which explore your chart through the lens of Fixed Stars.

I’m happy to share Michael’s intriguing insights into Fixed Stars in this podcast episode


More of Fixed Stars

Once you’ve listened to the podcast episode I thought I’d share some further work I’ve been doing on Fixed Stars in general and in my astrology journal.

Over time I’ll separate out each Fixed Star to its own post/page.

I’m getting deeper with one special fixed star which is in Taurus, Aldebaran.

I’ll give you some idea of the types of meaning this star may have if it is closely conjoins your angles or visible planets.

Fixed Stars Definition

In astrology, “Fixed Stars” are the stars that appear in the night sky. While they’re called “Fixed,” these stars are in motion, just like everything else in the universe.

However, their movement is so slow that they seem to stay in relatively the same position over long periods of time.

These stars have been observed and studied for centuries because of their dynamic influence in interpretations and predictions.

Even though Fixed Stars not truly “fixed”, their slow movement makes them a stable reference point in the night sky.

The 4 Seasons and Quadrants

The zodiac is split into four equal parts based on the positions of the equinoxes and solstices, which are key astronomical events.

Each of these four segments, or quadrants, is associated with a principal star.

These significant stars are collectively referred to as the Four Royal Stars of Persia.

They hold special importance because they mark the transition points between the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

The Four Royal Stars of Persia

Cardinal Points

Back in the day, the Four Royal Stars of Persia were positioned at the four cardinal points.  This was significant as they aligned the equinoxes and solstices.

Each of these stars held special importance and was revered for its unique qualities and symbolic meanings, but their positions have shifted over time.

This slow movement means that while the Four Royal Stars of Persia have moved from their original cardinal positions, their change in location is relatively minor.

Aldebaran (Alpha Taurus)

Associated with the Eye of the Bull, once aligned with zero degrees Gemini or Taurus.

Regulus (Alpha Leo)

Known as the Heart of the Lion.

Antares (Alpha Scorpio)

This star is the Heart of the Scorpion.

Fomalhaut (Alpha Pisces)

Placed at the Mouth of the Fish.

These important stars continue to hold significance as their influence extends beyond their original positions.


Fixed Star Aldebaran

Current Position

Aldebaran is in Taurus. It is the star in the Eye of the Bull.


The sign of Taurus is known for its steadfast nature, practicality and appreciation for the finer things in life.

Taurus embodies the qualities of practicality, determination and sensuality.

With Aldebaran in Taurus, there’s an added layer of grace to the Bull’s grounding energy role.

This placement encourages us to cultivate patience, appreciate life’s pleasures and remain steadfast in our pursuits.

In general, Aldebaran represents a beacon of light and wisdom.


Lying close to the ecliptic Aldebaran is visible from latitudes from 74° North to 74° South.


In mythology, Aldebaran is often referred to as the “Watcher of the East.”

It symbolizes vigilance, protection and guidance.

The Greatest Star

Aldebaran is considered one of the brightest and most magnificent stars in the night sky

It holds a revered status of great significance.

Aldebaran Themes

Challenge of Integrity and Test of Honor

Aldebaran presents challenges related to integrity and honor.

It urges you to uphold your principles and be honest and authentic.

Energy and Short-lived Honor

This royal star gives you with dynamic energy and the potential for short-lived honor or recognition.

It encourages proactive action to seize opportunities.

Lack of Stability

Aldebaran may indicate periods of instability or change that challeng you to adapt, persevere and find inner balance when under external pressure.

Spring Equinox

Aldebaran’s association with the northern spring equinox symbolizes new beginnings, growth and the emergence of life’s vitality and potential.

Moral Dilemmas and Temptation to Compromise

Aldebaran’s influence presents you with moral dilemmas and temptations.

There is pressure that tests your resolve and commitment to your ethics.

This star urges thoughtful decision-making and resistance to compromise.


Extend Yourself

Considering Fixed Stars

In your astrology journal let’s set up a few pages…

  • At the top of four separate pages, write a heading for each of the four Royal Stars of Persia.
  • Dig around the web or books you may have and write five keywords for each star and write them on the relevant page.
  • Search some more and draw the shape of each of the four constellations.

Invest in Yourself

Exploring Fixed Stars




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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Bundle Chart Shape

Bundle Chart Shape

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2013   –   Revised: January 2024

Bundle Chart Shape

Bundle Definition

The bundle chart shape is formed when all the planets are found within a trine (120°).

The leading, or cutting, planet and the trailing planet at the end, can be in a trine aspect (or less), and all the other planets fall within that trine.

This creates a “bundle” of energy, with most of the planets occupying a couple of signs or span just a few houses.



The chart shape diagram itself can be used as a mandala for chart meditation work as well.

The planet positions, without knowing the actual planet, can provide information for the astute astrologer.

This is an opportunity not to be missed.


Bundle Leading Planet

In a bundle chart, the leading planet (in red) plays a significant role.

The leading planet is the one that’s furthest ahead (clockwise) of the others as they move around the zodiac.

It acts as a focal point or guiding force for the energy of the entire bundle.

Here’s what the leading planet in a bundle chart signifies:

Dominant Energy

The leading planet sets the tone for the chart’s energy.

Its qualities and characteristics are emphasized and often color how the individual approaches life.

Focus of Attention

This planet often represents where the person directs their attention, efforts, and interests.

It can indicate the area of life that is most important or central to them.

Strengths and Talents

The leading planet can point to the person’s strengths, talents and natural abilities.

It shows where they excel and where they can make the most impact.


On the flip side, the leading planet can also highlight challenges or areas of growth for the individual.

It might point to lessons they need to learn or obstacles they need to overcome and push through.

Personal Mission

On a subtle level, the leading planet often represents the individual’s personal mission or purpose in life.

It can indicate what drives them and what they are passionate about achieving.

Influence on Other Planets

The energy of the leading planet can influence how the other planets in the bundle express themselves.

It is like the leader of the pack.

It can either harmonize with them or create tension, depending on its relationship with the other planets.


Bundle Trailing Planet

In a bundle astrology chart, where the leading planet sets the tone and directs the energy of the bundle, the trailing planet (in yellow) provides a counterbalance and adds depth to the chart’s dynamics.

Here’s what the trailing planet suggests in a bundle chart:

Supportive Energy

The trailing planet acts as a supportive force, complementing the leading planet’s energy.

It offers a different perspective or approach that can help balance out the chart’s intensity.

Hidden Strengths

This planet often points to hidden strengths or talents that may not be immediately obvious but are valuable assets.

It can indicate areas where the individual has untapped potential.

Inner World

The trailing planet can represent the person’s inner world, subconscious, or emotional landscape.

It shows how they process emotions, intuition, and inner experiences.


The trailing planet can also highlight areas of challenge or growth for the individual.

It might indicate lessons they need to learn or obstacles they need to overcome, often related to its sign, house placement, and aspects.


While the leading planet focuses on a specific area or goal, the trailing planet helps to bring balance by considering other facets of life.

It encourages a more holistic approach and can prevent the individual from becoming too one-sided or narrow-focused.

Influence on Leading Planet

Just as the leading planet influences the other planets in the bundle, the trailing planet can also have a moderating influence on the leading planet.

It can either harmonize with the leading planet or introduce challenges that encourage growth and development.

Understanding the trailing planet in a bundle chart involves looking at its sign, house placement, aspects with other planets, and its overall condition in the chart.

If the leading planet and the trailing plant are trine, it give support to the whole chart and the meanings of both planets (leading and trailing) will blend better to suggest positive energy will flow.


Bundle Chart Shape Meaning

Here’s what the bundle chart shape means:

Focused Energy

The bundle shape suggests a person with extreme focus at the expense of variety.

They are often highly specialized in what they do.

The cutting planet is important as it leads, or cuts, the chart.

The empty two-thirds of the chart, and their meaning, may pose a difficulty for the individual.

The chart may have few manifesting squares and no oppositions.

People with a bundle chart often have a concentrated focus in their lives.

They might have a strong sense of purpose or direction.


With so many planets grouped closely together, there can be a sense of intensity or passion in the areas of life represented by those planets.


The bundle often indicates specialization in a particular area or skill.

These individuals might excel in one specific field or interest.


On the flip side, having all the planets in a small portion of the chart can mean less balance.

Areas of life not represented by the bundle might be neglected or require more attention.


People with a bundle chart shape may be quite self-reliant, as they’ve learned to work with the energies they have, rather than seeking balance from external influences.

Understanding the bundle shape can offer insight into how a person approaches life, their strengths, challenges, and areas of focus.

It’s just one piece of the complex puzzle that is an astrology chart, but it can tell us a lot about someone’s energy and personality.

Example Bundle Chart

May 2024

This bundle chart has been in effect for a couple of weeks during April and May 2024.

I have chosen this particular chart as an example.

When the Moon moves out of the bundle it is no longer a bundle chart and may form a fan.

Whilst the planets are in this tight within-a-trine bundle configuration other chart shapes cannot be formed like grand crosses, mystic rectangles, T-squares or kites.


Leading Planet

The leading planet of the bundle is Pluto retrograde in Aquarius.


Trailing Planet

The trailing planet is Jupiter in Taurus.

Before Jupiter passed Uranus at their conjunction, the bundle was tighter and Uranus was the trailing planet.

Extend Yourself

If You Have a Bundle Chart

Thinking about the current bundle chart shape and your natal chart:


  • Do you (or do people you know) have a bundle chart shape?
  • If so, what is the leading planet? And what is the trailing planet?


Extend Yourself Further

If You Don’t Have a Bundle Chart

In your astrology journal consider the shape of your chart.


  • Over which of your houses, quadrants and hemispheres does the current transiting bundle chart lie?
  • What is your chart shape?
  • In your chart shape, are there focus planets like a leading, trailing or handle planets? Which planets are they?

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From My Readers…

You Did Extend Yourself

Here are a couple of responses from those of you who have extended yourselves.

Thank you so much!




Hi Alison!

Enjoyed your take on the Bundle chart pattern. My answers are:

I’m a Leo rising so the current bundle pattern affects my 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th houses. Natally, I have a Locomotive pattern with Uranus in Gemini in the 10th house leading the pack and Mercury in Capricorn in the 6th house trailing. Uranus is conjunct Mars by 1 degree. Uranus rules my 7th house and Mercury my 2nd and 11th.

Keep up the good work!
Sagittarily yours,

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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