5 Planetary Complex Tips Chart Reading

5 Planetary Complex Tips Chart Reading

Chart Complexes

There are many techniques which you can use to read a birth chart and one highly popular method is with chart complexes.

A complex contains everything to do with a particular feature in a chart

You can have house complexes, point (Ascendant, Lunar node, Part of Fortune etc.) complexes and planetary complexes.

In this post we’re going to look at planetary complexes.

A Planetary Complex

Each planet in your chart will have its own complex.

There will be the Sun complex, the Moon complex, Jupiter’s complex and even Eris’ complex.

Planetary Complex Components

The five components that go to make a planetary complex are the planet’s:

  • Meaning
  • Sign
  • Aspects
  • Position
  • Influence

Let’s have a look at each planetary complex component in detail.

1 Planet’s Meaning

The planet in question always retains its core meaning.

For example, Mercury will always have the urge to communicate, and Mars will always have the urge to initiate actions.

Pay attention to a planet’s keywords.

2 Planet’s Sign

When considering a planet in a sign you always want to find if there is any essential dignity.

This feature itself is probably the most prominent influence when considering a planets complex.


A planet in rulership is resilient.

Planets in rulership can work at their full potential 100% of the time.

Any planet in its own sign has the urge to dominate and express itself in the person’s life.

This is likely to be one of the top planets in the chart.


A planet in exaltation, is robust and walks towards the light.

If there is an exalted planet and there are no planets in rulership, the exalted planet will push itself forward into the person’s life.


A planet in fall, will benefit from support from other planets to achieve its potential.

Planets in fall can easily be dragged down by challenges from the malefic planets.


A planet in detriment will struggle to express itself in this person’s life.

This planet will need a lot of work to see its positive energy.

A debilitated planet is likely to effortlessly turn towards the dark side.


A planet with face, steps forward and wants to help the person.


A planet with term, is usually a nice-to-have and will support any planet struggling to move forward.

3 Planetary Aspects

Challenges or support from other planets are shown by the aspects.

Most planets have aspects to the other planets.

Consider the nature of the aspects themselves and the planet making the aspect.

Hard Aspects

The hard aspects are the opposition, the contra-parallel, the square, the semi-square and the sesquiquadrate.

Hard aspects bring challenges and energy is required to overcome the friction or obstacles expressed by the aspect.

Soft Aspects

The soft aspects are the trine and the sextile.

Soft aspects bring ease and support and boost the planet in the nature of the other planet making the aspect.

Neutral Aspects

The neutral aspects are the conjunction and the parallel.

Impartial aspects may be supportive or non-energetic.

These unbiased aspects add robustness to the planet in question.

Unaspected Planets

A planet is unaspected if it does not receive a Ptolemaic aspect from another planet.

Do not consider aspects from the points when determining unaspectedness.

4 Planetary Position

There are some positions that planet may have in a chart which are more important than other placements.

It’s like being in the right place at the right time.

High in the Chart

When a planet is high and near the top, at the most elevated position or in the Midheaven Gauquelin sector in a chart, it becomes more significant.

A planet in this position supports what you do in the outside world and in the public domain.

East in the Chart

When a planet is placed in the east, at the Ascendant position, either rising or in the Ascendant Gauquelin sector or bothit attains more significance.

A planet in this position supports your personal brand, message and the impression you make on others.

Proximity to the Sun

When a planet has solar proximity by being either cazimi, combust or under-the-beams it may add to, or detract from, the planet’s ability to express itself.

A planet in this position needs further consideration.

5 Planetary Influence

Through the principle of chart division, we can slice the chart up in several ways.

A planet may have influence over several sectors of the chart although some planets have no sway through chart division.

Hemisphere Ruler

There are four hemispheres in each chart, the Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern hemispheres.

When a planet is a hemisphere ruler by being on the cusp of the hemisphere, it brings a broad influence over half of the chart.

Either the self (Eastern hemisphere), others (Western hemisphere), the public life (Southern hemisphere) or the private life (Northern hemisphere).

If it is a tenant in the hemisphere that it rules, it increases its authority.

Quadrant Ruler

There are four quadrants in each chart the first, second, third and fourth quadrants.

When a planet is a quadrant ruler by being on the cusp of the quadrant, it has influence over one quarter of the chart.

If the planet is a tenant in the quadrant which it rules, it gains dynamic power.

House Ruler

There are twelve houses in each chart.

When a planet is a house ruler by being on the cusp of the house, it impacts the area of life shown by the house.

If the planet is a tenant in a house which it rules, is intensifies its dominance.

Triple Division Ruler

There are three triple divisions in a chart, the first, second and third triple division.

When a planet is a triple division ruler by being on the cusp of the division, it impacts the Me (first triple division), We (second triple division), or You (third triple division), message shown by the division.

If the planet is a tenant in a triple division which it rules, is intensifies the main keyword of the division (Me, We or You).

Influence Assessment

When analyzing a birth chart, go through and work out every planet complex and determine which are the dominant planets within a chart.

Having attained a full picture of each planet’s complex you can decide just how influential each planet is in the chart.

This may bring up some surprising results.

It is often at this time that you realize that perhaps the Sun and the Moon are not as influential as you thought and maybe Uranus is a dominant planet within a chart.

Birth Chart Steve Wozniak

Example Chart Steve Wozniak

Sun Planetary Complex

Meaning: Identity, ego and self-awareness.

Sign: Leo dignity sign ruler

Aspects Soft: Trine Chiron and sextile Neptune.

Aspects Neutral: Conjoined Pluto.

Position: 11th House. Dispositor tree top line.

Influence: Rules and is in the 11th House.

Moon Planetary Complex

Meaning: Feelings, reactions and needs.

Sign: Cancer in dignity sign ruler.

Aspects Hard: Square Mars.

Aspects Soft: Trine North Node

Aspects Neutral: Conjoined Venus.

Position: 10th House. Dispositor tree top line.

Influence: Cancer is intercepted so the Moon has no place to rule.

Mercury Planetary Complex

Meaning: Languages, ideas, thinking and trade.

Sign: Virgo dignity well placed.

Aspects hard: Semi-square Mars and square Chiron.

Aspects neutral: Conjunct and parallel Saturn so a double whammy.

Position: 12th house. Dispositor tree top line.

Influence: Rules Chart, rules and is in the Eastern hemisphere, rules and is in the Northern hemisphere, rules 1st quadrant, rules 4th quadrant, rules 1st house, 10th house and 12th house.

Jupiter Planetary Complex

Meaning: Growth, vision and luck.

Sign: Pisces retrograde, in dignity, has face essential dignity and is traditional sign ruler.

Aspects soft: Water Grand Trine with Mars and Uranus. Note these are the only Jupiter Aspects.

Position: In 6th house. Dispositor tree top line.

Influence: Rules and is in the Western hemisphere, rules and is in the 2nd quadrant and rules and is in the 6th House

Uranus Planetary Complex

Meaning: Computers and the internet, lateral thinking and breaks.

Sign: Cancer, no essential dignity.

Aspects soft: Water Grand Trine with Mars and Jupiter.

Aspects hard: Square Neptune.

Aspects neutral: Parallel Pluto.

Position: Most Elevated, Midheaven Gaquelin Sector and 10th house.

Influence: Rules 5th house.

Transiting and Progressed Planets

The planetary complexes indicate how that planet will fare and express itself for this person when it influences the chart by transit or progression.

Any planet which is weaker in the natal chart, when transiting or progressing the chart by aspect is likely to be weaker as well.

To know a planet’s natal strength can help determine whether as a forecast indicator it will be influential or not for this individual.

This shows up in instances where perhaps in a chart with a weak Saturn complex, and therefore their Saturn Return is not as challenging for that person as it is for the person whose Saturn is the most dominant planet in the chart by complex.




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Aspiring Astrologer Activity

In your astrology journal and referencing your birth chart and a current ephemeris, please do the following:

working on charts


  • List the five key features of Planetary Complexes.
  • Choose every planet from the Sun to Pluto and list their Planetary Complexes.
  • Select the planet with most substantial and important Planetary Complex and fully analyze and get to know this planet.


  • See which house your most important planet (by planetary complex) is transiting today.
  • List the aspects it will make to your natal chart in the next twelve months and enter them in your calendar.
  • On a monthly basis, monitor these transits and ponder how they are unlolding in your life.

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The Dispositor Tree

The Dispositor Tree

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2013   –   Revised: January 2024

Dispositor Trees

Your Chart’s Backstory

There are many techniques that you can use to read a chart and one method that I particularily enjoy is the dispositor tree. Your dispositor tree shows the back story and how the energy is flowing behind the scenes of your chart. 

When you draw a dispositor tree, you lift the veil and can see dynamic links joining planets that are not seen on the main chart. This can provide you, as an aspiring astrologer, insights to the person and how they really operate.

A Dispositor Tree

A dispositor tree is a diagram that shows the connections between the planets in a chart. This is done by their essential dignity position and specifically their dignity or rulership of signs. 

A planet that rules a sign is the dispositor to any planet in that sign.

Typically, we only use the visible planets for dispositor tree creation as dispositors, although we do add the outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto into the tree.

Planetary Rulerships

The seven visible planets are; the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

  • The Sun rules Leo.
  • The Moon rules Cancer.
  • Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo.
  • Venus rules Taurus and Libra.
  • Mars rules Aries and Scorpio.
  • Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces.
  • Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius.

Dispositor trees have a top tier, middle tiers and bottom tiers. The stronger placed planets are at the top of the tree. A dispositor tree can have a little as one planet or as many as ten planets in it.


Trees: 5 Types

There are only five types of dispositor trees and they are:


  • Final dispositor trees.
  • Mutual reception dispositor trees.
  • Single planet in rulership dispositor trees.
  • Planet in rulership dispositor trees.
  • Committee dispositor trees.

Tiers: Multiple Layers

Within all the five types of trees there are multiple tiers, or layers, which the planets may be on.

The tiers represent some of the planetary hierarchy.

Your tree could have two layers or nine it depends.


How to Draw a Dispositor Tree

Planetary Dispositor

A planet will dispose any planet in its own sign. Planets in the sign of their dignity cannot have a dispositor. Planets that dispose others are drawn vertically. The disposing planet is placed on a level above the planet being disposed.



Venus disposes Uranus in Libra and Venus is Uranus’ dispositor as Venus rules Libra.

Mutual Reception

Two planets are in mutual reception when they are in the signs of each other’s dignity. Mutual reception relates two planets even if they are not in aspect. Mutual reception joins the pair in a supportive relationship and allows their energies to work together.

Planets in mutual reception are drawn on the same level horizontally. They have equal strength to each other. A double ended arrow joins them.



The Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Leo are in mutual reception.

Circular Dispositorship

Circular dispositor chains can be found in a chart. Three or more planets can be in a circular dispositorship chain.  You still draw them on the same level as they have equal weight in the dispositor tree.



Mars in Leo, Jupiter in Scorpio, and the Sun in Sagittarius form a circular dispositorship.

Positions: 3 Locations

Each planet may be in one of three positions.

I like to color these locationsl like a traffic light.

The dispositor tree positions are:

  • Top (red).
  • Middle (amber).
  • Bottom (green).

Final Dispositor

A disposed planet will also dispose any planets in its sign. This can form a chain of dispositorships.

In some charts there is a final dispositor. This is the planet which is in its own sign and the dispositor chain falls below.

The final dispositor is a powerful placement for any planet and it should be noted in the chart analysis.



The Sun disposes Jupiter in Leo, Jupiter disposes Saturn in Sagittarius etc.

Top Dispositor Tree Planet


This planet is only found on the top line of the dispositor tree.


Location Definition

A top planet may link to other planets through links below only. Possible planets in this location are the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter or Saturn. In other words, the visible planets only. The top planet may only be the final dispositor, a planet in rulership, or a top line mutual reception planet, or a top line committee tree planet.



Top planet location keywords; leads, takes, drives, extroverted, masculine and positive. 

Additionally, all top planets have affinities with; the cardinal mode, the angular houses, the Midheaven and the fire element. 

The top planet energy is expressed through; taking action, beginnings, the future and being available.

Middle Dispositor Tree Planet


A middle dispositor tree planet is only in the middle of the dispositor tree.


Location Definition

A middle planet must link to other planets through links both above and below. Possible planets in this location are the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter or Saturn.

In other words, the visible planets only. A middle planet may not be in dignity, but may be in exaltation, detriment, fall, or peregrine.

Planets found in the middle section may also be a “Gateway” planet, which is one with three or more planets below it, so it acts as a gateway for their energies.



The location of a middle planet suggests keywords; does work, gives and takes, a conduit, links, connects. joins and neutral.

Some affinity for a middle planet is indicated with the astrological meanings of; fixed mode, succedent, the air element, nodes, and 1st/7th axis.

The planetary energies of a middle planet are expressed through: Being acted through, within and the present.

Bottom Dispositor Tree Planet


This planet is only in the bottom of the dispositor tree. Location definition; a bottom planet must link to other planets through links above only. 

The possible planets in this location may be all the visible planets and outer planets Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, including Chiron, the Asteroids, TNO’s and Eris etc. 

A bottom planet may not be in dignity, but may be in exaltation, in detriment, in fall, or peregrine.



Some bottom planet location suggested keywords are; supports, serves, gives, introvert, accepts, feminine and the negative polarity. 

Some affinity for a bottom planet is indicated with the astrological meanings of the mutable mode, cadent houses, the IC, the water element, and the northern hemisphere. 

The planetary energies of a bottom planet are expressed through being acted upon, endings, the past, and waiting to be asked.

Links: 3 Types

Finally, the links themselves between the planets which form the tree may, or may not, also be aspects.

If a link is also an aspect in the regular sense, (longitudinal or by declination), it adds weight to that connection in the tree and aids the energy flow.


Final Dispositor Tree


Number of planets in a Final Dispositor Tree = ten.

Fnal dispositor trees relate directly to the natal chart’s planetary energies, cohesive energies and works as one unit.

Some suggested keywords for a Final Dispositor Tree structure are; A focused individual, pulls towards the common good, the whole chart is connected, subjective, and works as one “team.”

Internal decisions are made by; dictatorship, president and hierarchical.

Single Planet in Rulership Tree

Only one planet in the single planet in rulership tree.

Single Planet in Rulership Trees relationship to natal chart’s planetary energies.

This is an important planet. It is not integrated and you must carefully consider any aspects to it.

Single Planet in Rulership Tree structures suggested keywords are, the purest form of energy, a wild card, uninhibited, highly specific house meaning and similar to an unaspected planet.

Internal decisions are made by; a wild card and can be the joker?

Planet in Rulership Tree

Number of planets in the tree is less than ten. 

The planet in rulership’s dispositor tree’s relationship to the natal chart’s planetary energies; this is a strong placement, always check the link aspects to confirm any connection. 

Some keywrords for the planet in rulership dispositor tree’s satructure are; independent and solitary. 

Internal decisions are made by the vice president and the second in command.

Gateway Planets

Some planets in a tree will be in the special position of being a gateway planet.

A gateway planet is in a chain and has one planet above and three or more planets below it.

This special planet may (or may not) create a bottleneck for the energy of the planets below and could throttle these celestial urges of the lower planets by restricting the flow to the planet above.


Mutual Reception Tree

In this tree there will be from two to ten planets. 

The mutual reception dispositor tree’s relationship to natal chart’s planetary energies suggest there are two teams with related alliances.

This person may be conflicted by the two sides of the mutual reception as the planets below will be on their team. 

Mutual Reception Tree structure suggested keywords; objective, dual “sides”, two distinct wings of the personality, and one side may dominate over the other usually the side with more planets and thus weight. 

Internal decisions are made by; debate and mutual respect.

Committee Dispositor Tree

The number of planets in the tree will be from three to ten.



Committee dispositor tree’s relationship to the natal chart’s planetary energies; confusion, lack of focus, and always look to any exalted planet for guidance. 

Tree structure suggested keywords; multi-dimensional, varied interests, motivations are flexible, and they cannot see the wood for the trees. 

Internal decisions are made by democracy and a committee.

Extend Yourself

I believe my role in astrology is to inspire you to stretch yourself. This is why I provide some ideas on how to extend yourself astrologically.

For some first steps with dispositor trees you need a sense of where the planets are by sign and essential dignities.

Watch and Listen

Just to get you in the mood and to get some geneal ideas on dispositor trees please do the following:




Turn your attention to essential dignity now. In your astrology journal please do the following:


  • List the seven visible planets and which signs they rule. You will have seven planets and twelve signs.
  • Note any planets in your chart in their own sign. Example: Mercury in Virgo.
  • Look for mutual reception pairs. Mutual reception happens when planet A is in planets B’s sign and planet B is in planet A’s sign. Example: Jupiter in Capricorn and Saturn in Pisces.
  • If nothing comes up in the previous two bullet points, begin with the Sun and follow the rulership chain back from the Sun’s sign ruler. This is how you will find the committee.

Extend Yourself Further

To really get to grips with dispositor trees you need to draw, analyze and yes, love them.

Start with your own tree, your close families’ trees, friend’s trees and then move onto your client’s trees.

In your astrology journal please do the following:


  • Draw your dispositor tree. You can start or some scrap paper to see the final layout then redraw it perfectly in your journal.


  • Note how many trees you have. Perhaps you have multiple small independent trees which make up a mini forest.


  • Decide which of the five types of dispositor tree you have. Perhaps you have a combination. If you have a final dispositor tree then name the final dispositor. If you have mutual receptions then name the pairs.


  • Find any gateway planets and note them.


  • Decide how many levels deep (2-9) your tree or trees go.


  • Search for any links which are also aspects. Write the aspect glyph next to the link. Here you can include the Ptolemaic aspects and aspects of declination (the parallels and contra-parallels).


  • Highlight the chart rulers in yellow. This makes them easier to see.


  • Spend some time studying the tree, its hierarchy and general shape. In time this step can become as a meditation as well.


  • Interpret your tree by discussing each point from above. Write at least 100 words for each point (total 700 words).


  • Reflect on your dispositor tree. Was it easy to draw? How does if feel? What is the general shape? Which planets stand out? Are there any planets that have come forward which are a little surprizing for you? Do you need to go back a learn the rulerships again? Does your tree align with what you already know about the basic interpretation of your chart? If not, how can you bring focus to the dominant planets and themes brough up in your dispositor tree in the future? Which planet complex will you research further in your chart?

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Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at starzology@gmail.com.

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The Asteroids

The Asteroids

Author: Alison Price   –   Last updated: January 2025

The Asteroids

The asteroids orbit the Sun and they are solar system bodies. They are smaller than the planets and their paths lie mainly between Mars and Jupiter. They are found in what is called “The Asteroid belt” which is a space between the personal planets (Sun to Mars) and the social planets (Jupiter and Saturn). Bode’s Law states that there will be a planet found in the space between Mars and Jupiter. The earlier astronomers looked for it, and that is how Ceres the biggest and was the first asteroid to be discovered.


Podcast Episode

Listen to our Asteroids podcast episode on the link below.

The Big Four Asteroids

The four largest asteroids are Ceres, Juno, Vesta and Pallas Athene. The big four asteroids were discovered first because they are so large, and they could be seen with the early telescopes. These are the main asteroids and they are the ones you will learn about here. In 2006 Ceres, was reclassified as a dwarf planet (just like Pluto) due to its mass. This special status conferred onto Ceres has brought Ceres into many astrologer’s main practices and you will often see it in printed charts.


The Asteroid Belt

The main asteroid belt lies between Mars and Jupiter and contains millions of varying sized objects some as large as the planet Pluto and some the size of a potato. There are three areas where asteroids are found. The main belt is where most of the astrology asteroids lie, and the Greeks and the Trojans which are groups that lie equally before and after on Jupiter’s orbit path at a sextile.


The Asteroids

The asteroids orbit the Sun and they are solar system bodies. They are smaller than the planets and their paths lie mainly between Mars and Jupiter. They are found in what is called “The Asteroid Belt” which is a space between the personal planets (Sun to Mars) and the social planets (Jupiter and Saturn). Bode’s Law states that there will be a planet found in the space between Mars and Jupiter. The earlier astronomers looked for it, and that is how Ceres the biggest and was the first asteroid to be discovered.

Introduction to Asteroids in Astrology

Asteroids have emerged as powerful tools in astrology, offering nuanced insights that complement the traditional planets. These celestial bodies were largely overlooked in astrology until their discovery in the 19th and 20th centuries. With advancements in astronomy and an expanded awareness of their symbolic potential, asteroids have become an integral part of modern astrological interpretation. The most well-known asteroids used in astrology are Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta. These are often referred to as the “Big Four Asteroid Goddesses” and represent archetypal feminine energies. However, there are thousands of named asteroids, each offering unique insights based on its mythology or namesake.

Asteroids Size

Asteroids are typically smaller than planets, with most ranging from a few meters to hundreds of kilometers in diameter. The largest asteroid, Ceres, is about 940 kilometers across and is also classified as a dwarf planet.

Asteroids Composition

Asteroids are primarily composed of rock, metal, and minerals. They are remnants of the early Solar System, leftover building blocks from planet formation.

Asteroids Astrology

In astrology, asteroids like Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta represent specific archetypal energies. They are often related to personal growth, relationships and nurturing themes. Smaller asteroids are sometimes used to add layers of detail to a natal chart.



Centaurs are a class of small celestial bodies that exist in a transition zone between the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) and the inner Solar System. They typically orbit between Jupiter and Neptune in a region that overlaps the orbits of asteroids and the outer Solar System. Centaurs have unstable orbits that are highly eccentric and often cross the orbits of both the outer planets and the asteroid belt. Their paths can sometimes be affected by the gravitational influence of Jupiter and Saturn, making their orbits more erratic than the relatively stable orbits of asteroids.

Centaurs Size

Centaurs tend to be larger than most asteroids, with diameters ranging from 50 to 200 kilometers. Their size is typically large enough to be classified as small Solar System bodies.

Centaurs Composition

Centaurs are considered icy-rocky bodies, with a mixture of ices (such as water ice, methane, ammonia) and rock. This composition reflects their position in the Solar System, beyond the asteroid belt but not quite in the Kuiper Belt, where the icy bodies are more common.

Centaurs Astrological Meaning

Centaurs, with their mixed qualities of planet and comet, are associated with healing, transformation, and spiritual growth. For example, Chiron, the most famous centaur, represents the Wounded Healer and is often used to explore themes of healing and deep emotional wounds in an individual’s chart.

Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs)


TNOs are objects that lie beyond Neptune, mainly in the Kuiper Belt and scattered disk. Some TNOs are further out in the Oort Cloud. These objects orbit at much greater distances from the Sun, past the orbit of Neptune.


TNOs vary greatly in size, from relatively small objects to much larger ones. Many TNOs are dwarf planets, with some, like Pluto, Haumea, and Makemake, reaching diameters of over 1,000 kilometers.


TNOs are primarily composed of ice, rock, and dust, as they are located in colder regions of the Solar System. They are remnants of the early Solar System, much like asteroids, but contain a larger proportion of volatile materials (like water ice).


In astrology, TNOs are seen as symbols of deep, long-term, and transformative energies. They often represent deeper, more collective themes, such as identity, spiritual growth, and transformation over extended periods of time. Pluto, though now classified as a dwarf planet, is one of the most influential bodies in astrology, along with Eris and Haumea.


Asteroids and the Feminine

The Feminine Aspect in Astrology

Asteroids in astrology carry a uniquely feminine energy, as they are predominantly named after goddesses. These celestial bodies provide an essential counterbalance to the male-dominated energy of the traditional planets, such as the Sun, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron. By incorporating asteroid influences into a chart, we gain a richer, more nuanced understanding of the feminine archetypes and their roles.

The Female Family in Mythology

The four primary asteroids in astrology are deeply connected to the feminine roles within a mythological family. Each asteroid is named after a significant female figure in the myth of Jupiter (or Zeus in Greek mythology):


  • Ceres represents Jupiter’s mother and sister(?), embodying themes of nurturing, caregiving and the cycles of life.
  • Vesta, Jupiter’s sister, symbolizes focus, devotion and sacred dedication.
  • Juno, Jupiter’s wife, highlights partnerships, loyalty and the dynamics of committed relationships.
  • Pallas Athene, Jupiter’s daughter, is associated with wisdom, strategy and creative intelligence.


These asteroids offer a lens through which we can explore the complexities of feminine energy and its interplay with the broader chart dynamics. They enrich our understanding of the roles women play, both mythologically and astrologically, within the fabric of life.



Ceres was the first asteroid to be discovered by Giuseppe Piazzi on January 1, 1801 in Palermo, Sicily. Associated with nurturing, motherhood, and abundance, Ceres reflects how we give and receive care.

Ceres Keywords:

  • Mother and Earth mother.
  • Physical nurturing, food, cooking, nutrition and eating disorders.
  • The parent/child relationship, parental kidnapping and custody battles.
  • Food production in general.
  • The nurturing principle and where and how you feel nurtured.
  • Love and comfort. 
  • Infertility and barrenness. 
  • Fear of abundance.
  • Cereals and the harvest.

Body Parts  

Uterus and upper intestine.

Pallas Athene

Discovered in 1802. Linked to wisdom, strategy, and creative intelligence, Pallas represents the balance of logic and intuition.

Pallas Athene Keywords:

  • The father/daughter relationship and your relationship with your father.
  • Mental nurturing. 
  • Your ability to weave, see patterns and link ideas.
  • Your survival instinct. 
  • The arts.
  • Creative intelligence. 
  • Intelligence, cerebral. 
  • Creative intuition and defense.

Body Parts  

The kidneys and the immune system.


Juno is the third asteroid and was discovered in 1804. The asteroid of marriage and commitment, Juno symbolizes partnership dynamics and fidelity.

Juno Keywords:

  • Wife, marriage, commitment and your soul mate.
  • Beauty, fashion and flowers.
  • Relationship renewal and committed partnerships.
  • Betrayal, denial, and inequality.
  • Wife issues and powerlessness.

Body Parts

Female genitals.




Vesta was the fourth asteroid to be discovered in 1807. Vesta is the second largest asteroid after Ceres. Representing devotion and sacred work, Vesta connects us to our inner flame and sense of purpose.

Vesta Keywords:

  • Sister, virgin, goddess, chastity, pure, and perfect. 
  • Keeper of the hearth. Sorority.
  • Locks and keys.
  • Investments and insurance.
  • Self-renewal.
  • Dedication, devotion, and self-sacrifice.
  • Promiscuity, segregation, apartheid, and denial.
  • Fear of intimacy.

Body Parts  

The hymen.

Asteroid Names

There are hundreds of asteroids and many of them have names which can be used in chart interpretation. You may discover that there is an asteroid with your name and if so, it may have a special meaning for you in your chart. 

Below I explain you how I explored named asteroids for the natal charst for myself and Arwynne.


Asteroid Alice

Name Origin

The name Alison has roots in several linguistic and cultural traditions. Here’s a breakdown of its origins and root meaning:

Germanic Origins

  • Alison is derived from the Old French name Aalis, which itself is a diminutive form of Alice.
  • Alice originates from the Germanic name Adalheidis, which combines the elements:
  • adalmeaning “noble.”
  • heidmeaning “kind,” “type,” or “sort.”
  • Together, the root meaning of Alison is often interpreted as “noble one” or “of noble kind.”

Medieval Popularity

Alison gained popularity in medieval France and later in England, where it became a common name for girls. It was sometimes used as a nickname for “Alice” but eventually evolved into a distinct name.

Modern Interpretations

In modern usage, Alison is associated with qualities of grace, dignity, and nobility, reflecting its historical roots. The name has a timeless elegance and continues to be a popular choice worldwide.

Asteroid Alice

Example: Asteroid Alice 291 is the root of my name Alison. Asteroid Alice is placed at 19°38′ Virgo in my birth chart.

Asteroid Arwynne

Name Origin

The name Arwynne is a variation of the name Arwyn or Arwen, and its roots can be traced to Welsh origins.

  • “Ar” means “noble” or “fair.”
  • “Wyn” or “Wynn” means “white,” “blessed,” or “fair” in Welsh.
  • Combined, the name Arwynne can be interpreted to mean “noble friend”, “blessed fair one”, or “noble and pure.”

Feminine and Masculine Usage

In Welsh tradition, names ending in wyn are typically masculine, while wen endings are feminine. The variation Arwynne may have been adapted to have a more distinctly feminine feel.

Tolkien Influence

The name Arwen from J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings shares similar roots. Tolkien constructed Arwen to mean noble maiden in his Sindarin (Elvish) language, which aligns with its Welsh linguistic heritage.


The root meaning of Arwynne is rooted in nobility, fairness, and purity, reflecting qualities of grace and elegance. Its association with Tolkien’s Elvish naming conventions adds a layer of fantasy and literary charm. Arwen Undómiel is a prominent character in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth legendarium. She is an Elven princess, the daughter of Elrond, and known for her exceptional beauty and wisdom. Arwen is also the love interest of Aragorn and chooses to forsake her immortality to be with him. The name “Arwen” comes from Sindarin (a language created by Tolkien), meaning “noble maiden.”

Asteroid Tolkien

Because there is not an asteroid specifically named Arwynne, I’ve chosen the origin which is Tolkien. Example: Asteroid “Tolkien” is at 11°33′ Aquarius in Arwynne’s birth chart.

grow-your-astrology books

Book Recommendation

Here are some asteroid books to get you going.


Aspiring Astrologer Activity: Asteroids

In your astrology journal do the following:

  • On your birth chart, note the sign and house positions of the big four asteroids Ceres, Juno, Vesta and Pallas Athene.
  • List any asteroid conjunctions to other planets.
  • Find out if there is an asteroid named after you, and if so, get the position and draw this special asteroid in your chart.

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Millennial or Gen-Z? – Astrology has the Answer

Millennial or Gen-Z? – Astrology has the Answer

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: April 2021   –   Revised: January 2024

Millennial or a Gen “Z”


The other day I was having a patio lunch with my daughter. She spoke about how sometimes she feels she relates better with Gen “Z” than the Millennials. She was born around the division between the two generations and the Millennials is where she felt she was. This got me thinking, and I have some answers for those born on the cusp of the Millennial / Gen “Z” generations with the help of astrology, of course.



Categorizing people into generations is a way to analyze trends in society. One generation group will do things this way and the next cohort will do things another.

The specific dates when one generation ends, and another begins are blurred. Astrology has a way to categorize each generation by the outer planets. Heck, the outer planets are even called the “Generational Planets.”


Visible Planets

The seven visible planets are the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. They are called the visible planets because you can go outside and look (GOAL) up at the night sky and see all of the seven planets.


Generational Planets

The three generational planets are Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The generational planets are outside the usual visible planets realm from the Sun to Saturn.



Uranus is the modern ruler of the sign of Aquarius the Water Bearer. The traditional ruler for Aquarius is Saturn. Uranus takes seven years to pass through one sign.



Neptune is the modern ruler of the sign of Pisces the Fish. The traditional planetary ruler for Neptune is Jupiter. Neptune takes around fourteen years to transit a sign.



Pluto is the modern ruler of the sign of the scorpion, Scorpio. The traditional ruler of Scorpio is Mars. Pluto takes, on average, 25 years to transit each sign, but this can be wildly different for Pluto as its orbit is more elliptical than the other planets. It is much faster through Scorpio (20 years)  than Taurus (35 years).


Named Generations List

The named generations list, as referenced in Wikipedia, shows the current thinking for each generation’s years.

  • Lost Generation: 1883 – 1900
  • Greatest Generation: 1901 – 1927
  • Silent Generation: 1928 – 1945
  • Baby Boomers: 1946 – 1964
  • Generation “X” (Gen “X”): 1965 – 1980
  • Millennials (Gen “Y”): 1981 – 1996
  • Generation “Z” (Gen “Z”, Zoomers): 1997 – 2011
  • Generation Alpha (Gen “A”): 2012 – 2025
  • Generation Beta (Gen “B”): 2025 –

Millennials and Gen “Z”

Millennials are those who achieved adulthood around the year 2000. They are widely accepted as having been born loosely between 1981 and 1996.


Generation “Z” are those born after the Millennials. They are widely accepted as having been born loosely between 1997 to 2011.



Outer Planets  and Generations

Astrology has a way to differentiate between the generations. We are specifically looking at the border between the Millennials and Generation Z people. This time frame could also be called a cusp between the generations. 

Let’s take a closer look at where the outer planets were between these two generations. The years we are zooming in on are 1995 and 1996. We are going to look at where the outer planets were and which zodiac signs they were in at this cusp moment.



Note: If your birthday is on any date in the table above, you will have to cast your birth chart to find out exactly which signs your outer planets were in when you were born.

You are a Millennial if…

You are a definitely Millennial if:

  • you have Uranus in Sagittarius, or Capricorn and you have Pluto in Scorpio.
  • Millennials may have Pluto in either Libra or Scorpio.
  • Millennials may have Neptune in either Sagittarius or Capricorn.
  • Millennials may have Uranus in either Sagittarius or Capricorn.


You are a Gen “Z” if…

You are definitely Gen “Z” if:

  • You have Uranus in Aquarius or Pisces, and you have Pluto in Sagittarius
  • Gen “Z” may have Pluto in either Sagittarius or Capricorn.
  • Gen “Z” may have Neptune in either Capricorn or Aquarius.
  • Gen “Z” may have Uranus in either Aquarius or Pisces.



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Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at starzology@gmail.com.

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In astrology, a T-square is a major aspect pattern in many charts. It consists of three planets, two opposing and a third square both.

Eris: The Female Warrior

Eris: The Female Warrior


The female warrior.

The meaning of Eris as a planet in astrology is covered lightly here for information only.


Eris’ Discovery

The discovery of the dwarf planet Eris marked a significant milestone in the exploration of our solar system.

Eris was first observed on January 5, 2005, by a team of astronomers led by Dr. Mike Brown at the California Institute of Technology.

The discovery not only expanded our understanding of the outer solar system but also played a role in the redefinition of what constitutes a planet.

Eris’ Rulership

Eris does not rule any zodiac sign.


Podcast Episode

Listen to our recent discussion about Eris on the Starzology Astrology podcast.


Eris Meaning

Eris embodies several key principles that resonate deeply within her character and significance:


Xena the Female Warrior

Firstly, she epitomizes the spirit of Xena the female warrior.

In her essence, Eris channels the strength, courage, and prowess associated with the legendary female warrior, Xena.

This facet of her persona underscores the empowerment and resilience she brings to any narrative or situation.


Sister of Mars

Secondly, Eris was the sister of Mars, signifying her familial connection to Mars, the god of war in Roman mythology.

This familial tie intertwines her destiny with the realm of conflict, underscoring her association with the martial aspects of existence.

This bond with Mars amplifies the intensity and strategic depth that Eris brings to the forefront.


Worthy Competition

Furthermore, Eris operates under the principle that she will compete only if the endeavor is deemed worthy of her effort.

This discerning approach reflects her commitment to meaningful engagements and the pursuit of excellence.

Eris does not engage in frivolous or inconsequential competitions; instead, she reserves her energy for endeavors that hold genuine value and significance.


Collective Good

Lastly, Eris serves as a beacon, illuminating the specific areas where one must pull together for the collective good—the team.

Her presence is a guiding force, revealing the interconnectedness and collaborative efforts required to achieve common goals.

Eris, in this aspect, stands as a symbol of unity, emphasizing the importance of synergy in the pursuit of shared objectives.


Eris’ Essence

In summary, Eris encapsulates the principles of Xena the female warrior, highlighting her embodiment of strength and courage.

As the sister of Mars, she is inherently tied to the domain of warfare, adding depth to her character.

Her selective approach to competition underscores a commitment to endeavors of substance, while her role as a guiding force emphasizes the necessity of collaboration for collective success.

Together, these principles define Eris’s character and illuminate the values she imparts to those who encounter her mythical presence.


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Eris in the Houses

In astrology, Eris is a relatively recent addition to the celestial lineup, discovered in 2005. A

s a dwarf planet, Eris has found its place in astrological interpretations, and its placement in the astrological houses can provide insights into specific life areas where its influence may be felt.

Let’s delve into how Eris might manifest in each of the astrological houses:


First House (House of Self)

Eris in the first house can amplify one’s self-expression and individuality.

There may be a strong desire to assert oneself and stand out in a unique way.

This placement can infuse a pioneering spirit, encouraging the individual to boldly navigate their own path.


Second House (House of Finances and Values)

Eris in the second house may bring disruptions or innovations in matters related to finances and values.

Individuals with this placement might challenge traditional financial norms or find unconventional ways to generate income.

There could be a strong focus on redefining personal values.


Third House (House of Communication)

In the third house, Eris may influence communication styles.

Individuals might have a propensity for assertive and direct communication.

They could be catalysts for change within their immediate environment, sparking important conversations and challenging established thought patterns.


Fourth House (House of Home and Family)

Eris in the fourth house could introduce disruptions or transformative energies within the home and family dynamics.

Individuals may challenge traditional family structures or feel a strong need to redefine what home means to them.

There could be a focus on creating a unique and authentic domestic environment.


Fifth House (House of Creativity and Romance)

This placement might infuse a rebellious or unconventional flair into matters of creativity and romance.

Individuals may be drawn to avant-garde forms of artistic expression, and their approach to love and relationships could be characterized by a desire for independence and uniqueness.


Sixth House (House of Health and Service)

Eris in the sixth house may influence one’s approach to health and service.

There could be a tendency to challenge conventional health practices or engage in activism related to healthcare.

In the realm of service, individuals might be drawn to causes that disrupt established norms for the better.


Seventh House (House of Partnerships)

Partnerships and relationships may experience an infusion of Eris’s energy in the seventh house.

There might be a propensity for attracting dynamic and assertive partners.

The individual may seek relationships that foster personal growth and challenge existing norms in the realm of partnerships.


Eighth House (House of Transformation)

Eris in the eighth house can intensify the transformative energies associated with this house.

Individuals may confront deep-seated issues, challenge taboos, and engage in activities that promote personal rebirth.

This placement may also influence shared resources, encouraging innovative approaches to financial matters.


Ninth House (House of Philosophy and Higher Learning)

In the ninth house, Eris may inspire a rebellious and adventurous spirit in matters of philosophy and higher education.

Individuals might be drawn to unconventional belief systems or pursue education in non-traditional fields.

There could be a strong desire to challenge established ideologies.


Tenth House (House of Career and Public Life)

Eris in the tenth house may impact one’s career path and public image.

The individual may be inclined to challenge established norms within their chosen profession, seeking to make a unique and lasting impact.

Public recognition may come through unconventional means.


Eleventh House (House of Hopes and Wishes)

This placement may influence the individual’s approach to social causes and group dynamics.

There could be a strong inclination to challenge societal norms and work towards progressive and transformative goals.

Friendships may be characterized by a shared desire to disrupt the status quo.


Twelfth House (House of Subconscious)

Eris in the twelfth house could bring subconscious disruptions or a desire for spiritual transformation.

Individuals may grapple with hidden or repressed aspects of the self, seeking to bring them to light.

There could be a strong interest in unconventional spiritual practices or a desire to challenge established norms in the realm of the subconscious.



It’s important to note that the interpretation of Eris in the astrological houses is a nuanced and evolving field, and individual experiences may vary.

Astrology provides a framework for understanding potential influences, but personal growth and self-awareness play crucial roles in how these energies manifest in one’s life.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison specializes in guiding Aspiring Astrologers. Her aim is to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart, often sprinkled with a touch of humor.

To learn more about Alison’s journey, visit this page.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at starzology@gmail.com.

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Venus Square Chiron

Venus Square Chiron

When VENUS squares CHIRON it can create a lot of inner tension that can be really painful for people – Starzology Astrology Podcast.



In astrology, a T-square is a major aspect pattern in many charts. It consists of three planets, two opposing and a third square both.

The Great Year

The Great Year

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: September 2019   –   Revised: March 2024

The Great Year

The great year refers to the orbit of the Sun and the planets in the solar system around the center of the galaxy. A great year is around 26000/24000 years. It is measured by the precession of the equinoxes. A great month is around 2160 years. We use 2000 as an average.

The Milky Way

The Milky Way is our home galaxy. It is between 150000 to 200000 light years across. The Milky Way is a barred spiral shape and we are on the Orion arm which is one of the “spokes” of the spiral.

The Galactic Center

The centre of the Milky Way galaxy is currently at 27° 07′ Sagittarius. The galactic centre wobbles slightly at around one degree in a century. It is thought there is a black hole in the area of the radio wave emission from “Sagittarius A.”

The Last Glacial Period (Ice Age)

We are going back in time to consider the astrological ages and starting just after the last Ice Age which occurred around +/- 11700 BCE.


Precession of the Equinoxes

The vernal equinox begins as the Sun, on its path known as the plane of the ecliptic, crosses the celestial equator moving north. When astrology evolved the constellations lined up with the zodiac signs.


The Astrological Ages (Great Months)

The Age of Leo: The Lion

+/-10000 – 8000 BCE

Humanity knows how to harness and control fire.


The Age of Cancer: The Crab

+/- 8000 – 6000 BCE

The focus shifts to home and family. Prayer to the mother goddess. Early settlements were created. Home was established. Ovens were used to fire pottery began and durable bowls and containers came about. Food and protection became available. Invention of the wheel.

The Age of Gemini: The Twins

+/- 6000 – 4000 BCE

Writing evolved. Communication between people, tribes developed and messages began. The wheel and wheelbarrow created the ability to barter and trade. People prayed to multiple gods. Cave art developed. Cuneiform writing began.

The Age of Taurus: The Bull

+/- 4000 – 2000 BCE

Holy cow. Pyramids built. Thin tunnels inside the pyramids line up towards the pole star. When the three big pyramids at Giza were built the were lined up on the pole star.

People began to understand how plant seeds worked and so seeds were harvested and planted. Agriculture became more available for everyone. Copper jewelry was made.

The concept of money and coins developed. The ankh is the symbol for life in early Egypt and symbol of Venus and the ruler of Taurus. This word (ankh) and symbol (Venus) are built into many names of the day like Tutankhamen and Akhenaten.


The Age of Aries: The Ram

+/- 2000 BCE – 0 AD

Egypt and Rameses, I, II, and III the Sun God. Sacrificial lambs and goats. The Roman Empire and the evolution of body armour. Iron, weapons, war and gladiators become dominant. Rome ruled the known world.

People prayed to multiple Gods. Discovery of concrete used to build bridges, viaducts, cities and to fortify city walls.

The vernal equinox precesses and crosses the beginning of the zodiac. This is a sensitive point and suggest the biggest shift in attitudes. The calendar we use is restarted at year 1AD.

The Age of Pisces: The Fish

+/- 0 AD – 2000 AD

A major epoch in world history. Christianity and the sign of the Fish was used to indicate a Christian within the community. The concepts of forgiveness, sacrifice and turning the other cheek and being a good Samaritan and not passing by on the other side, came in.

Baptism with water was practiced. Organized religion, and after the invention of the printing press, the Bible, the Torah and the Quran became readily available. Generally, people prayed to one God. Astrologically, the dawning of the age of Aquarius began in the 1960s with the Moon landing and the Uranus/Pluto conjunction in Virgo which challenged and opposed the sign of Pisces.

The Age of Aquarius: The Water Bearer

+/- 2000 – 4000 AD

Uranus rules Aquarius. The harnessing and understanding electricity heralded the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. Huge leaps in science and astronomy came in. The space program was another indication of the incoming age. Electric light, heat and quality of life improved for most people. The technology age, computers and the internet are symbols of the Age of Aquarius.

The Age of Capricorn: The Sea Goat

+/- 4000 – 6000 AD

Human reproduction restrictions and or global government?


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at starzology@gmail.com.

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In astrology, a T-square is a major aspect pattern in many charts. It consists of three planets, two opposing and a third square both.

Astrology Coaching

Astrology Coaching

Coaching with Alison can help you avoid common pitfalls and mistakes that beginners often make, saving you time and frustration.