Your Astrology Holy Trinity and Polarity

Your Astrology Holy Trinity and Polarity

Your Astrological Holy Trinity and Polarity

This article will show you what next two steps to take after you know what is your Sun sign. A way to learn astrology.

If you believe your Sun sign is not enough then this is for you.

Sun Sign

Perhaps you already know your Sun sign. It could be Aries, Cancer or Virgo etc. Your Sun sign depends on the date of your birthday. It is the zodiac sign which the Sun was in at the time and day you were born.

Everyone’s Sun sign is the easiest thing to know in astrology.

You will know your own, and your family’s birthdates, and probably your close friend’s birthdays as well. It is a simple step to ascertain everybody’s Sun sign.

The Sun sign is the first nugget of information that all people know about astrology but, after that, what should you learn next?


Ascendant Sign

The second thing you need to learn is your Ascendant sign. This is likely to be different to your Sun sign although it could be the identical.

You will only know your Ascendant sign if you cast your chart.


Moon Sign

The third fact you need to discover is your Moon sign. Again, you will have to cast your chart to find this out.

Your Moon sign is likely to be in a different sign both to your Sun sign and even to your Ascendant sign, but it could be the same.


Where to Get Your Birth Chart

If you do not yet have a copy of your birth chart, there are three pieces of information that you will need.

  • Your birth time
  • Your birth date
  • Your birth place (the city and country)

For quick information go here to calculate your chart.


The Holy Trinity

These three pieces of astrological information, your Ascendant sign, your Sun sign, and your Moon sign, are known as the holy trinity, the triad or the triumvirate of your chart.

They are always listed in this order of importance; Ascendant, Sun, Moon (and yes, your ascendant is more important than your Sun).

If you are an aspiring astrologer, and if you attend an astrology conference, you will be given a badge with your name. There will be a space for you to write the three main parts of your chart listed on it, your Ascendant, your Sun, and your Moon.

For example, my top three or Holy Trinity would be listed as; Leo, Leo, Scorpio. This is because my Ascendant is in Leo, my Sun is in Leo, and my Moon is in Scorpio.

Your Ascendant, Sun, and Moon can each be in any one of the twelve zodiac signs.



Let us have a quick look at the numbers.

The Ascendant has the possibility of being in any one of the twelve signs, the Sun has the possibility of being in any one of the twelve signs, and the Moon has the possibility of being in any one of the twelve signs.

Therefore, 12 × 12 × 12 = 1728 possible combinations of Ascendant, Sun, and Moon.

This detail is huge and speaks to the complexities that can be found within an astrology chart, but there is a simpler way.


In astrology there are two polarities active and passive. They can also be referred to as masculine or feminine, or positive (+) or negative (-).

The twelve zodiac signs are either in one polarity or the other.

The active signs are; Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. The passive signs are; Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.

Let’s look at some examples of polarity.

If you have your Ascendant in Aries, your Sun in Virgo and your Moon in Pisces your polarity converts to: active, passive, passive or (+, -, -).

If you have an Aquarius ascendant (+), your Sun is in Gemini (+), and your Moon is in Libra (+), you are active (+, +, +).

8 Combinations

In the scenario of active and passive signs, as regards to your chart’s holy trinity, there are only eight possible combinations.

The three are always listed in the sequence; Ascendant, Sun, Moon.

The ratio is always active:passive (+ : – ).

 + + +             3:0       100% active

 + + –              2:1       More active than passive.

 + – +             2:1       More active than passive.

 – + +              2:1       More active than passive.

 – – +                1:2       More passive than active.

 – + –                1:2       More passive than active.

 + – –                1:2       More passive than active.

  – – –                0:3       100% passive.


Some More Examples

Ascendant       Sun                  Moon

Libra               Gemini            Pisces               + + –

Aquarius         Sagittarius       Virgo               + + –

Leo                  Aries                Taurus            + + –


They are 216 possible combinations that are active, active, passive (+, +, -), but only eight possible combinations.

The use of polarity in the holy trinity of your chart is way to simplify what is a complex subject, astrology.

Spend some time analyzing your family’s and friends charts to see polarity at work.

Of course, there are many more interesting things about astrology charts that you could learn.


Aspiring Astrologer Activity

I love providing you with aspiring astrologer activities.

This initiative is similar to “next steps” and the activities give you some ideas on what to do with the information you have just gathered.


Step one:         Your Sun sign.

Step two:         Your Ascendant sign.

Step three:       Your Moon sign.

Step four:        Write your polarity combination (Ascendant, Sun, Moon).

Step five:        Holy trinity polarity (only eight possible combinations), (?, ?, ?).

Share and Learn Astrology

Share your polarity combination with us in this quick anonymous survey.

I will revisit this post every six months at the equinoxes.

The equinoxes occur twice a year the first equinox is around March 21st and the second equinox is around September 21st.

Have a prosperous day,

Alison ⭐️

More Articles

If you enjoyed this post on polarity you may like to explore some more of our astrology content to help you understand how to read a birth chart.

An Introduction to Interpreting the Four Humours

An Introduction to Interpreting the Four Humours

This Guest Post is by UK astrologer James Hirlehey.

An Introduction to Interpreting the Four Humours

The four humours are the cornerstone of reading a chart for the health and well-being of the native, as well as determining their character and temperament from a more traditional perspective. This article will introduce the four humours and will give you some suggestions for your own study and research.

What are the four humours?

Most people have heard of the four humours in the context of Ancient Greek philosophy. They are generally taught as being related to bodily fluids in the following way:

  • Sanguine – blood
  • Choleric – yellow bile
  • Melancholic – black bile
  • Phlegmatic – phlegm

Later, an astrological student might learn that sanguine relates to the element air, choleric relates to fire, melancholic relates to earth, and phlegmatic relates to water. Then, if you study further, you might learn about temperament in the context of general personality traits of each of these humours.

Temperament and humours are far more intricate than this, however, and they form the foundation for Western Astrology.

The two polarities

The four humours are based on two polarities, hot/cold and wet/dry. The hot/cold polarity is rather straightforward. It relates to literal heat and coolness, but it also relates to activity level. Hot is active and busy, and cold is passive and calm. The wet/dry polarity is a little more complicated. It has to do with unity and separation. Wet connects and brings things together, and dry separates them and creates distinctions.

The correspondence between the humours, elements, and polarities is as follows:

  • Sanguine – Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) – hot and wet
  • Choleric – Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) – hot and dry
  • Melancholic – Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) – cold and dry
  • Phlegmatic – Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) – cold and wet

 How the four humours were used historically

Before the 17th Century, the humours provided the structure by which astrology and medicine were practiced. When interpreting a Natal Chart, the astrologer would determine the temperament of the native, or that person’s natural balance between the polarities. Any medical or dietary advice would take into account the individual’s natural temperament as well as the apparent imbalance that could be determined by symptoms and by the chart that was cast to diagnose the patient. 

The animals and plants that are used as food or medicine also have temperament. The way foods or plants are prepared can alter their temperament. For example, cooking heats food, baking dries it, and boiling moistens it. Different activities also alter temperament as well. For example, most exercise is heating, and rest is cooling. 

Other applications of temperament

The principle of temperament also has application to the seasons, planets, and phases of the Moon. The temperament of the seasons is:

  • Spring (Aries, Taurus, Gemini) – hot and wet
  • Summer (Cancer, Leo, Virgo) – hot and dry
  • Autumn (Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius) – cold and dry
  • Winter (Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces) – cold and wet

The sign correspondences with the seasons are based on the Northern Hemisphere. It could be that these sign correspondences are reversed in the Southern Hemisphere. This is a topic that is wide open for astrological research.

The planetary temperament correspondences are not uniform in traditional sources. In William Lilly’s Christian Astrology, they are listed as follows:

  • Saturn – melancholic, cold and dry
  • Jupiter – sanguine, hot and wet
  • Mars – choleric, hot and dry
  • The Sun – hot and dry
  • Venus – phlegm with blood, temperately cold and wet
  • Mercury – variable according to the other planets nearby, but alone, melancholic, cold and dry
  • The Moon – phlegmatic, cold and wet

The temperament of the phases of the Moon are as follows:

  • New Moon to 1st Quarter Moon – hot and wet
  • 1st Quarter Moon to Full Moon – hot and dry
  • Full Moon to 3rd Quarter Moon – cold and dry
  • 3rd Quarter Moon to New Moon – cold and wet

Incorporating the Four Humours in Chart Interpretation

The easiest way to begin incorporating the four humours is to use the two polarities to take the temperature of the chart, as it were. There are various methods for calculating temperament, but a very simple approach is to just count the planets by element. 

We can try this with the chart of the famous celebrity and talk show host, Oprah Winfrey:


Every astrologer needs to decide for themselves what planets and chart points to use, but for this example, let’s use the Traditional Planets, the Ascendant and the Midheaven.

  • Sun – Aquarius (Air), hot and wet
  • Moon – Sagittarius (Fire), hot and dry
  • Mercury – Aquarius (Air), hot and wet
  • Venus – Aquarius (Air), hot and wet
  • Mars – Scorpio (Water), cold and wet
  • Jupiter – Gemini (Air), hot and wet
  • Saturn – Scorpio (Water), cold and wet
  • Ascendant – Virgo (Earth), cold and dry
  • Midheaven – Gemini (Air), hot and wet

By a simple count, we have 6 hot/3 cold, 7 wet/2 dry. By this count, Oprah Winfrey is hot, meaning she likes to be busy and active. Hot people also tend to be more extroverted than cold people. She is also very wet. This means that she tends to see how things and people are alike, and that she likes to bring people together. 

As you are experimenting with temperament, you can try adding other things into the mix and see what happens. For example, you may want to add in the season of the Sun, the phase or the Moon, and the Part of Fortune. If you do that, you get:

  • Season – Winter, cold and wet
  • Phase of Moon – 3rd Quarter, cold and wet
  • Part of Fortune – Scorpio, water, cold and wet

Adding these three into the mix would make her even in the hot/cold polarity 6/6 and even more wet with a score of 11/2.

If you want to study and experiment further, there are many other formulas that have been used for calculating temperament in the astrological tradition. As an aspiring astrologer, it is good practice to play with different planets and chart points, and perhaps try different formulas to see what seems to yield the most accurate results for you.

When experimenting with new techniques, the best practice is to start with your own chart, as you know the most about yourself. Then branch out to look at the charts of people you know well, like your friends and family. This way you can see for yourself if the four humours are useful to you in interpreting a chart, 


In this article, we have looked at the four humours and the principles behind them. We have also looked at how they were used historically and have given suggestions for how to begin to incorporate them into your own chart analyses. Hopefully, this will give you the tools you need to start experimenting with the four humours on your own.


James Hirlehey is a part-time astrologer at and spiritual guide from the UK. He has been fascinated with astrology and divination from a young age, and his love for all things spiritual has only increased over time.

The Part of Fortune in the Houses

The Part of Fortune in the Houses

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: September 2018

The Part of Fortune in the Houses

Let’s look at the different meanings of the house placement for the Part of Fortune in your chart.

There are other videos in this series, or playlist, on the Part of Fortune, and you can find the first one already, and the others will magically appear when they are ready.



The Part of Fortune in Your First House

This placement suggests that your fortune comes through your own personal charisma, and in the strength of your personality.

Your face is your fortune.

It is important for you to look your best at all times.


The Part of Fortune in Your Second House

The part of fortune in the second house indicates that finances and acquisitions will be fortunate for you.

Things like your art collections and anything that you treasure and collect. They say if you have three or more of one item you have a collection.

Money in general will flow your way.


The Part of Fortune in Your Third House

The part of fortune in your third house shows that your fortune will come through your siblings or brothers and sisters and anyone in your family of the same generation as you like cousins.

Also, through school, teachers, learning and books either reading or writing.

Your fortune will come to you by means of your community, neighbors and any local environment activities that you do.


The Part of Fortune in Your Fourth House

The part of fortune in the fourth house shows that you may have come from a fortunate family and one which may be wealthy.

Your good childhood, and the conditions of your early environment will likely set you up for life.


The Part of Fortune in Your Fifth House

The part of fortune in the fifth house suggests that your fortune will come to you through speculation, perhaps as trading on the stock exchange

It can also be through casino wins or through lottery wins. This is one sign of a lottery winner, although there are many more.

You will be fortunate through your children, and by them doing well in life.

Your fortune can come to your through all your creative endeavors and through thisg you give birth to like projects, crafts, music or art.


The Part of Fortune in Your Sixth House

The part of fortune in the sixth house indicates that your fortune will come through daily activities and your work.

This placement suggests that your job can be very lucrative even if it is in a services industry.

You can be fortunate through your pets, perhaps as a breeder or a vet.


The Part of Fortune in Your Seventh House

The part of fortune in the seventh house indicates your fortune will come through partnerships and this usually means marriage and common law partnerships.

Your husband or wife is likely to be better off than you are.

Business partnerships will be of great benefit to you and you need to consider them often.


The Part of Fortune in Your Eighth House

The part of fortune in the eighth house indicates that your fortune will come through inheritances, insurances and annuities.

You will also gain through tax avoidance, or perhaps tax loopholes, and being scrupulous with your tax affairs. You are likely to receive tax rebates.

You can gain much through your partner’s investments as well.


The Part of Fortune in Your Ninth House

The part of fortune in the ninth house suggests your fortune lies in another land and that you have to travel to gain your fortune.

However, this can be shown closer to home in being involved with international things and people.

You can be fortunate in publishing books.

You can be fortunate through the church and religion will favor you.

You may be fortunate because of your philosophies in some way.

You might be fortunate to have a good education in the first place.


The Part of Fortune in Your Tenth House

The part of fortune in your tenth house indicates you will be fortunate in the public eye, either through your chosen career or perhaps in politics in some form.

Your reputation will be good and will benefit you even through challenging times.

You may be fortunate to be well-known, famous and have massive public status.


The Part of Fortune in Your Eleventh House

The part of fortune in the eleventh house indicates that you will be fortunate through your associations with others, either in causes or groups.

You may have friends that provide support financially and are generous on your behalf.

You can benefit through the people you know.


The Part of Fortune in Your Twelfth House

The part of fortune in the twelfth house indicates that you can benefit through institutions like; hospitals, libraries, museums, galleries, prisons, or zoos, and in any areas where things are collected, curated and kept.

You can be fortunate in your private life.

When your fortune does arrive, you are likely to keep quiet about it and tell no one.

You may consider yourself fortunate if you give it all away as an act of sacrifice, or if you surrender the money to others in charitable ways.

You may also squander any fortune that comes your way.


The Part of Fortune

The Part of Fortune

There is a tide in the affairs of men,

which taken at the flood,

leads on to fortune.

~ Shakespeare

The Part Of Fortune

The Part of Fortune is a point in a birth chart.

There are may components in a birth chart like planets, aspects, houses, signs and points.

A chart point is a place in space and there is not an entity there like a planet.

Chart points usually displayed are the Lunar Nodes, the Vertex and the Part of Fortune.

This Post covers the basics of the Part of Fortune in your chart.



The Part of Fortune is known as one of the Arabic parts in astrology. There are many other Arabic parts like the Part of Marriage and the Part of Divorce for example.

The Arabic Parts are also known as Greek Lots.


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The Part of Fortune Meaning

In a chart the poistion of the Part of Fortune represents the following:


  • Indicates good luck, grace and favor.
  • Suggests ease of wealth.
  • The house and sign indicate the quality of the fortune.
  • Consider the planetary ruler (of the sign) and its condition.

Calculating the Part of Fortune

There are two methods of calculating the position of the Part of Fortune whcih depends on your chart.

If you were born when the Sun is above the horizon it is a Daytime chart, if you were born when the Sun is below the horizon it is a nighttime chart.


Day and Night Charts

Daytime chart

A daytime chart is one where the Sun is placed above the horizon (in the south).

In a daytime chart the Part of Fortune is found where the Moon would be if the Sun were on the ascendant.

Nighttime chart

A night-time chart is one where the Sun is placed below the horizon (in the north).

In a nighttime chart the Part of Fortune is found where the Sun would be if the Moon were on the ascendant.


There are two ways to calculate the Part of Fortune using the longitude degrees of the Sun, Moon and Ascendant


In a daytime chart


ASC – Sun + Moon = Part of Fortune


In a nighttime chart


ASC + Sun – Moon = Part of Fortune

Calculation Examples

Example: Ascendant at 10° Gemini, Moon at 20° Virgo, and Sun at 15° Aquarius.


Ascendant’s position         10° + 60° = 70°

Moon’s position              20° + 150° = 170°

Sun’s position                 15° + 300° = 315°  

Daytime Chart Calculation

 If: ASC + Moon – Sun = Part of Fortune

Then:   70° + 170°  – 315° = POF

                                           -75° = POF

                                  -75° + 360° = POF

                                           285°  = POF

     (Capricorn 270°) so 285° – 270° = POF

Capricorn 15° = Part of Fortune


Nighttime Chart Calculation

If: ASC – Moon + Sun = Part of Fortune

Then: 70° – 170° + 315° = POF

                                             215° = POF

         (Scorpio 210°) so 215° – 210° = POF  

                                     Scorpio 05° = POF

The PoF and Money

The Part of Fortune has much to say about financial issues because in our society money is fortune.

That is not to say that your fortune cannot come in other guises like fortunate spouses, children or friends.

That fortune is often better when it is not financially related is quite clear to many New Age travelers.

We will consider the Part of Fortune as a financial indicator in your chart.


The Condition of the Part of Fortune

The Part of Fortune is well placed for finances when it is:

  • In a money house – 2nd, 5th, 8th or 11th.
  • In Taurus or Libra – Venus’ signs.
  • Conjoined the Sun.
  • Conjoined Venus or Jupiter.
  • Trine Venus or Jupiter.
  • Sextile Venus of Jupiter.
  • In an angular house 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th.
  • Trine the ruler of the second house or the other money houses.

The Part of Fortune is poorly placed when it is:

  • In a cadent house – 3rd, 6th, 9th or 12th.
  • Square or opposite the traditional malefic planets (Mars or Saturn).
  • Has a retrograde sign ruler.


The sign that the part of fortune is in shows the nature of the fortune in line with the meaning of the sign.


Sign Ruler

The planet that rules the sign – the dispositor of the part of fortune may help or hinder the fortune.


Aspects to the Part of Fortune

The Part of Fortune is an interesting point of the astrological puzzle.

A thorough understanding of the main parts of a chart are needed to understand the Part of Fortune.

The Part of Fortune is one of those things that, if it is not well-placed, it does nothing and if it is well-placed will do much for the person whose chart it is.


Any planet conjoined the part of fortune will influence the nature of the fortune.

This is the powerful influence for the person’s fortune.

A conjunction to the part of fortune can sometimes overshadow the sign and the sign ruler because the planet is well-placed.


Oppositions the Squares 

Either an opposition or a square from any planet to the part of fortune will modify the nature of the fortune.

This shows challenges along the way towards your fortune.

Squares and opposition from Mars or Saturn will be detrimental to easy money flow.

You will have to overcome monetary hurdles in life and income will probably improve with age.


Trines and Sextiles 

Either a trine or a sextile from any planet to the part of fortune will modify the nature of the fortune to your benefit.

Venus trine the part of fortune indicates wealth in general.

This person is fortunate indeed.

Pluto trine the part of fortune may bring wealth from others.

This placement will alleviate most debt raised.


Closest (tightest) Ptolemaic Aspect to the Part of Fortune

The closest Ptolemaic aspect to the Part of Fortune, the meaning of the aspect and the planet making the aspect, is of vital important and indicates the nature of the fortune.

Extend Yourself

In your astrology journal and refering to your chart, please do the following:

  • Decide if you have a daytime or a night-time chart.
  • Calculate your Part of Fortune position.
  • List your Part of Fortune complex.
  • Find the tightest Ptolemaic aspect to the Part of Fortune.

Extend Yourself Furthur

  • Interpret your Part of Fortune considering the sign, house, dispositor, and aspects (100 words).


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Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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New Moon Wishing

New Moon Wishing

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2018   –   Revised: March 2024

New Moon Wishing

Every Month

New Moon Wishing is a ritual you can practice every month that brings the meaning of each New Moon alive for you and relates it to your life.

The next New Moon will be at a particular degree in a sign and will be in one of the twelve houses of your chart.

By making wishes at the New Moon that correlate closely to your chart you can tap into the energy of the cosmos in a specific way.


The Cycle of New Moons

There is a New Moon about every twenty-nine days and that typically makes one New Moon each Month.


Two New Moons in a Month

But, each year there may be a month with two New Moons.

For example, back in August 2019 there were two New Moons. The first New Moon is on the first of August and the second New Moon is on the thirtieth of August.


Two New Moons in a Sign

Now and then there may be a zodiac sign with two New Moons.

Aries 2023

For example, in 2023 there were two new Moons in one sign that of Aries the Ram.

Check and see where the next New Moon will be in the zodiac. Then find the natal house in your chart where the position of the next New Moon will occur.

Each month the New Moon will likely move to the next house of your chart but it does depend on your chart’s houses.

If you have an intercepted sign it could skip one house altogether. If you have wide houses there could be two New Moon in the same house for two months in a row.

Solar Eclipses

New Moons that are also solar eclipses can be more energizing for that month’s wishing.

Your Natal Houses

Find the house in which the next New Moon will occur.

Make three to five wishes in line with the meaning of you New Moon house.

Write them on a nice piece of paper and have these wishes ready and prepared before the New Moon.

Suggested New Moon Wishes

Here are some suggested wishes for a New Moon in your natal chart houses. You can add more wishes and modify the ones you like.

Let your inspiration guide you.

New Moon in your first house

  • I wish I was…
  • I wish my self-confidence was…
  • I wish I was more authentic in…

New Moon in your second house

  • I wish my income was…
  • I wish the value I place on people and things was…
  • I wish my self-esteem was…

New Moon in your third house

  • I wish to take a short course in…
  • I wish that I will spend more time in my local area so I can…
  • I wish that my commute was…

New Moon in your fourth house

  • I wish that my family was happy, healthy and…
  • I wish for a nice home that is…
  • I wish to thank my ancestors and parents for…

New Moon in your fifth house

  • I wish for children who are happy, healthy and…
  • I wish I took my creativity more seriously so I can…
  • I wish I could enjoy my leisure time and spend it doing…

New Moon in your sixth house

  • I wish to have simple daily rituals that…
  • I wish for robust health, a strong physique and the strength to…
  • I wish I had a job that…

New Moon in your seventh house

  • I wish to have a life-partner who will…
  • I wish for a business partner who has the skills of…
  • I wish that I treated other people…

New Moon in your eighth house

  • I wish to have financial support available for…
  • I wish that people will take my side regarding…
  • I wish that my intimate life was…

New Moon in your ninth house

  • I wish to read and know more about…
  • I wish I could go on a journey so I can…
  • I wish that I could advertise and promote my…

New Moon in your tenth house

  • I wish my career would…
  • I wish that what I am known for in the public domain is…
  • I wish I was accomplished and recognized for…

New Moon in your eleventh house

  • I wish my friends were…
  • I wish I could support the group of…
  • I wish my social circle was…

New Moon in your twelfth house

  • I wish to withdraw from life for a while and…
  • I wish I could look after and curate…
  • I wish to confine myself for a time so I can…

At The New Moon

At the moment of the New Moon place a candle in your window and say your wishes out loud. Then place the paper with your wishes on it on the windowsill underneath or next to the candle. If possible let the candle burn a while or even overnight.


Your Astrology Journal

In your astrology journal note the date and the degree of the New Moon and make any notes later in that cycle if there was anything to mention.

Say how and when your wishes came true.

New Moon Annual Forecasting

New Moon Wishing and the positions of each New Moon can (and should) be a part of your annual astrology predictions and year-end astrology review.

You can get all the forecast information together for yourself towards the end of each year in November or December so you are all ready for the New Year.

Next Year

When you get a next year’s calendar, diary or journal that is the time to add the astrological information which really interests you.

Professional astrologers typically have whole years of forecasting material ahead so they are fully prepared.

I usually have all major transits and therefore New Moons listed for up to five years ahead.

This practice is more about that I write horoscopes so far in advance for publications who need to be months and even years ahead.

You can do one month at a time to start with and perhaps one day you too will look further ahead.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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  • Some planets may not receive any aspects.
  • Often charts will have a preponderance of the one particular aspect.

Aspects and aspect patterns show the main storylines within a chart. The dialogue between the planets and chart points is found by the planetary connections expressed through the aspects.

Aspects are like a conduit passing information between two planets. Two planets in aspect will communicate with each other for better or for worse depending on the actual planets and the aspect in question.

Where do aspects come from?

Aspects angles are created by dividing the 360° chart wheel by different numbers.

Major and minor aspects

We will focus on the major and minor aspects. The major aspects are the ones used by the Greeks and are today known as “Ptolemaic aspects” after Claudius Ptolemy. The minor aspects are those found to have value in chart interpretation.

Aspects can be groups like the Fibonacci aspects.

Defining and Unaspected Planet

An unaspected planet has no Ptolemaic aspects (conjunction, sextile, square, trine or opposition) nor minor aspects (semi-sextile, quincunx, semi square or sesquiquadrate) to another planet (not a point) in a chart.

Interpreting Unaspected Planets

Unaspected planets can go one of two ways.


They can be the rogue planet in a chart if prominent and unfettered.


Or they can rise to be the purest expression of themselves because they are not “tarnished” or influenced by an aspect from another planet.

Example chart Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie the prolific crime writer has an unaspected Mercury and she used it at its highest vibration and wrote good books.