Your Morning Planet

Your Morning Planet

Your Morning Planet

Insights into Perception and Vocation

Note the morning planets was previously called the “oriental” planet, but this term is no longer appropriate, so from now on it will be referred to as the “morning” planet.



The Morning Planet

The morning planet is the one that rises ahead of the Sun.

Measuring the Strength of the Morning Planet

Aspects to the Sun

Lets look at the aspects from the Morning Planet. I only consider the Ptolemaic astects which are the conjunction, opposition, trine, square and sextile.



The Planets When Morning

Let’s have a look at each of the planets when morning.






I will add more here soon.


The Morning Planet in the Houses

Let’s look at the morning planet in each house.

First House

Second House

I will add more here soon.



Morning Planet Forecasting Techniques

Let’s look at how to use the morning planet in forecasting.


Secondary Progressions

Solar Returns

Solar Arc Directions

I will add more here soon.


Example Chart

Below is the natal chart for Whoopi Goldberg. We will look at her progressed morning planet and how it changes over time.

I will add more here soon.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Forecasting Techniques

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Mutual Reception

Mutual Reception

Mutual Reception

Two planets may be in mutual reception when each planet is in the other planet’s sign.


Example: The Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Leo are in mutual reception because the Sun rules the sign of Leo and the Moon rules the sign of Cancer.


Technically planets in mutual reception need a Ptolemaic aspect joining them to be considered in mutual reception, but this strict rule can we waived now and then I believe.

A planet in its own sign cannot be in mutual reception with another planet.

Mutual Reception by Sign

When mutual reception by sign occurs, and each planet is in the other planet’s sign, it’s like the two planets have entered the party but it is crowded.

Only at the “aspect” have they found each other in the melee.

Then when it’s a Ptolemaic aspect they fall in love in the Moonlight.



Relationships Bonds

When two planets are in mutual reception it creates a bond between them that cannot immediately be seen as with an aspect.

Mutual reception is like a back-channel of energy that flows but you can only see it when you take a closer look.

Like when someone is chatting behind your back to another person and they have an allegiance to them and you don’t realise they are related, like cousins, and that is the connection.


Mutual Reception Pairs


  • Sun in Aries and Mars in Leo
  • Moon in Aries and Mars in Cancer
  • Mercury in Aries and Mars in Gemini
  • Venus in Aries and Mars in Taurus
  • Jupiter in Aries and Mars in Sagittarius or Pisces
  • Saturn in Aries and Mars in Capricorn or Aquarius
  • Uranus in Aries and Mars in Aquarius
  • Neptune in Aries and Mars in Pisces
  • Pluto in Aries and Mars in Scorpio


  • Moon in Taurus and Venus in Cancer
  • Mercury in Taurus and Venus in Gemini
  • Mars in Taurus and Venus in Aries
  • Jupiter in Taurus and Venus in Sagittarius or Pisces
  • Saturn in Taurus and Venus in Capricorn or Aquarius
  • Uranus in Taurus and Venus in Aquarius
  • Neptune in Taurus and Venus in Pisces
  • Pluto in Taurus and Venus in Scorpio


  • Sun in Gemini and Mercury in Leo
  • Moon in Gemini and Mercury in Cancer
  • Venus in Gemini and Mercury in Taurus
  • Mars in Gemini and Mercury in Aries
  • Jupiter in Gemini and Mercury in Sagittarius or Pisces
  • Saturn in Gemini and Mercury in Capricorn or Aquarius
  • Uranus in Gemini and Mercury in Aquarius
  • Neptune in Gemini and Mercury in Pisces
  • Pluto in Gemini and Mercury in Scorpio


  • The Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Leo
  • Mercury in Cancer and the Moon in Gemini or Virgo
  • Venus in Cancer and the Moon in Taurus or Libra
  • Mars in Cancer and the Moon in Aries or Scorpio
  • Jupiter in Cancer and the Moon in Sagittarius or Pisces
  • Saturn in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn or Aquarius
  • Uranus in Cancer and the Moon in Aquarius
  • Neptune in Cancer and the Moon in Pisces


  • The Moon in Leo and the Sun in Cancer
  • Mercury in Leo and the Sun in Virgo
  • Venus in Leo and the Sun in Libra
  • Mars in Leo and the Sun in Aries or Scorpio
  • Jupiter in Leo and the Sun in Sagittarius
  • Saturn in Leo and the Sun in Capricorn or Aquarius
  • Uranus in Leo and the Sun in Aquarius
  • Neptune in Leo and the Sun in Pisces
  • Pluto in Leo and the Sun in Scorpio


  • The Sun in Virgo and Mercury in Leo
  • The Moon in Virgo and Mercury in Cancer
  • Venus in Virgo and Mercury in Libra
  • Mars in Virgo and Mercury in Scorpio
  • Jupiter in Virgo and Mercury in Sagittarius or Pisces
  • Saturn in Virgo and Mercury in Capricorn or Aquarius
  • Uranus in Virgo and mercury in Aquarius
  • Neptune in Virgo and Mercury in Pisces
  • Pluto in Virgo and Mercury in Scorpio





  • The Sun in Libra and Venus in Leo
  • The Moon in Libra and Venus in Cancer
  • Mercury in Libra and Venus in Virgo
  • Mars in Libra and Venus in Taurus or Scorpio
  • Jupiter in Libra and Venus in Sagittarius or Pisces
  • Saturn in Libra and Venus in Capricorn or Aquarius
  • Uranus in Libra and Venus in Aquarius
  • Neptune in Libra and Venus in Pisces
  • Pluto in Libra and Venus in Scorpio


  • The Sun in Scorpio and Mars or Pluto in Leo
  • The Moon in Scorpio and Mars or Pluto in Cancer
  • Mercury in Scorpio and Mars or Pluto in Gemini or Virgo
  • Venus in Scorpio and Mars or Pluto in Taurus or Libra
  • Jupiter in Scorpio and Mars or Pluto in Sagittarius and Pisces
  • Saturn in Scorpio and Mars or Pluto in Capricorn or Aquarius
  • Uranus in Scorpio and Mars or Pluto in Aquarius
  • Neptune in Scorpio and Mars or Pluto in Pisces


  • The Sun in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Leo
  • The Moon in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Cancer
  • Mercury in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Gemini or Virgo
  • Venus in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Taurus or Libra
  • Mars in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Aries or Scorpio
  • Saturn in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Capricorn or Aquarius
  • Uranus in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Aquarius
  • Neptune in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Pisces
  • Pluto in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Scorpio



    • The Sun in Capricorn and Saturn in Leo
    • The Moon in Capricorn and Saturn in Cancer
    • Mercury in Capricorn and Saturn in Gemini or Virgo
    • Venus in Capricorn and Saturn in Taurus or Libra
    • Mars in Capricorn and Saturn in Aries or Scorpio
    • Jupiter in Capricorn and Saturn in Sagittarius or Pisces
    • Uranus in Capricorn and Saturn in Aquarius
    • Neptune in Capricorn and Saturn in Pisces
    • Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Scorpio


    • The Sun in Aquarius and Saturn or Uranus in Leo
    • The Moon in Aquarius and Saturn or Uranus in Cancer
    • Mercury in Aquarius and Saturn or Uranus in Gemini or Virgo
    • Venus in Aquarius and Saturn or Uranus in Taurus or Libra
    • Mars in Aquarius and Saturn or Uranus in Aries or Scorpio
    • Jupiter in Aquarius and Saturn or Uranus in Sagittarius or Pisces
    • Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Capricorn
    • Neptune in Aquarius and Saturn or Uranus in Pisces
    • Pluto in Aquarius and Saturn or Uranus in Scorpio


    • The Sun in Pisces and Jupiter or Neptune in Leo
    • The Moon in Pisces and jupiter or Neptune in Cancer
    • Mercury in Pisces and Jupiter or Neptune in Gemini or Virgo
    • Venus in Pisces and Jupiter or Neptune in Gemini or Virgo
    • Mars in Pisces and Jupiter or Neptune in Aries or Scorpio
    • Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter or Neptune in Capricorn or Aquarius
    • Uranus in Pisces and Jupiter or Neptune in Aquarius
    • Pluto in Pisces and Jupiter or Neptune in Scorpio



    And that’s the lot. It is quite a comprehensive list and one chart may or may not have any mutual receptions.

    You may decide to only use the traditional planets from the Sun to Saturn and this would be the case for creating a dispositor tree.


    Aspiring Astrologer Activity: Mutual Reception

    In your astrology journal and using a chart with a mutual reception, please do the following:

    • State the two planets in each other’s sign.
    • Decide if there is a Ptolemaic aspect between them or not.

    Extend Yourself

    • Interpret the mutual reception pair by considering the planets, signs, houses, house rulers, aspect (or not) and possible energy that can be brought forwards as they are in cahoots with each other (100 words).

    Author Bio

    Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

    Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

    If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

    Thor’s Hammer: Major Aspect Pattern

    Thor’s Hammer: Major Aspect Pattern

    Thor’s Hammer

    Thor’s Hammer is a Major Aspect Pattern sometimes found in astrology charts. It is triangle shaped and if you have one you can see it immediately.

    If you don’t have one you will probably only learn about this pattern later in the first or second year of your astrology studies.

    Thor’s hammer and other major aspect patterns used to be part of the second year syllabus but have recently been brought forward to some first year classes.

    Thor: the Man

    Thor was a mythical guy who wielded a small hammer that was used for throwing. When hurled the hammer would spin and hit his opponent with quite some force. It was not a hammer for banging nails in or banging on about.

    The head of his hammer was shaped short and blunt as the major aspect pattern triangle is today thus the name Thor’s hammer.

    Thor’s hammer is formed by three planets, two planets in square with each other and both sesquiquadrate to a third planet.

    Features of a Thor’s Hammer

    There are several things that make a Thor’s hammer different to any other triangle shaped aspect pattern like a grand trine, T-square or yod.

    This pattern has only hard aspects

    The square (90°) always drawn in red ink, and the sesquiquadrate (135°) always drawn in orange ink, are both aspects from the eighth harmonic. This means they are derived by dividing the circle by 8 (360/8=45) and 4 (360/4=90). The sesquiquadrate is one quarter (90°) plus one eighth (45°) resulting in 135°.

    There are no soft aspects in this major aspect pattern such as a trine or sextile.

    In our example chart Terry Fox has Sun square Mars and both sesquiquadrate Saturn and this forms his Thor’s hammer.

    It is a manifesting aspect pattern

    A manifesting aspect is one from the eighth harmonic set of aspects. These are always challenging and will be the aspect that the person will be working with already. Manifesting aspects do not hide in the bushes they are to be grappled with from day one.

    Resistant to change

    Due to the tight squares and sesquiquadrates this aspect pattern is resistant to change and the planets in the aspect pattern will be locked together and work as a ‘team’ for the person whose chart it is. This can be for good or bad depending on the planets involved.

    In our example chart the three planets are the Sun, Mars and Saturn.

    Difficult to live with

    A Thor’s hammer is difficult to live with because it will keep on coming up as the squares and the sesquiquadrates demand their attention.

    The Sun square Mars is a very masculine aspect full of life and energy.

    The Sun sesquiquadrate Saturn suggests a struggle to achieve the life’s goals but shows perseverance.

    The Mars sesquiquadrate Saturn indicates the drive and the ambition are linked in a powerful way but that caution may be cast to the wind in the push for life.

    The focal planet is a sensitive point

    One square and two sesquiquadrates.

    One square and two sesquiquadrates.

    In every triangle shaped major aspect pattern there are three planets. Two will be in cahoots and the third will be a ‘focal’ planet.

    The focal planet in a Thor’s hammer is the one with the two sesquiquadrates connecting to it.

    This planet will express the energy of the two other planets in square through itself into the chart. This makes the focal planet very sensitive to the energy from transits and progressions and those from the other two planets as well.

    In our example chart for Terry Fox the focal planet is Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius in the fifth house of sport. This suggests the energy (Mars) and the identity (Sun) was been harnessed towards the goal (Saturn) even to the detriment of the life as this man pushed through adversity in sports.

    Note the dispositor of the focal planet

    The focal planet’s dispositor is the planet that rules the sign that the focal planet is in. So if the focal planet is Saturn in Sagittarius, Jupiter (as the ruler of Sagittarius) will be the dispositor of Saturn. or in other words, Jupiter will dispose Saturn in the chart.

    This suggests that caution will be cast to the wind and the underlying Saturn drives may be taken recklessly because of Jupiter’s influence on the staid focal planet Saturn.

    General interpretation

    Thor’s hammers need careful interpretation. You have to understand the meaning of the three planets (Sun, Mars and Saturn) and the meaning of each individual aspect (the square and the sesquiquadrates) and which planet is stronger in each aspect before you can understand the inner dynamics of a Thor’s hammer.

    Again in our example, in the Sun square Mars aspect, the Sun is powerful in Leo (score +5) and Mars is in detriment in Taurus (score -5) so the Sun dominates the square.

    In the Sun sesquiquadrate Saturn aspect, the Sun again dominates this aspect and bosses up the sesquiquadrate with Saturn.

    In the Mars sesquiquadrate Saturn aspect, Mars is in detriment in Taurus (score -5) and Saturn is peregrine in Sagittarius (score 0).

    Neither Mars nor Saturn has accidental dignity by house but Mars is most elevated and Saturn is retrograde so on average Mars will be stronger than Saturn in that particular sesquiquadrate. This again shows the weakness of his Saturn.

    Be on the lookout for a Thor’s hammer and see how it works in your charts.


    The Astrological Elements and Herbs

    The Astrological Elements and Herbs

    The Astrological Elements and Herbs

    We are all about astrology here on this site and, having said that, astrology does have a broader sense through which it can be appreciated.

    I realize that there is a thin connection from the plant world to astrology, but, I’m trying to express how astrology can be used in everyday life and not just as a horoscope column to be read on a Friday night to see how the weekend will go.

    Which is really an entry level use of the craft.

    Planets and Plants have Similar Origins

    Earlier I shared with you my interest in herb gardening in the posts astrology and herbs, gifts for astrologers and the sixth house and herb gardens and this hobby has been with me for many years.

    Some of you will appreciate that to accept astrological themes into your life can enhance your experience and understanding of the symbolic nature of the planets.

    Four Beds – for Four Elements

    Herbs are a diverse group of plants which have much to offer the windowsill grower or the real sized garden plants person.

    Gardeners who plant formal herbs gardens typically segregate them into sections in line with their strengths.

    Not all herbs are used for the same thing.

    There are basically four types of herb that you can grow in a herb garden and they usually grow in their own bed.


    • Medicinal – Fire signs
    • Culinary – Earth signs
    • Fragrant – Air signs
    • Indigenous – Water signs

    Medicinal Herbs

    The medicinal herbs are associated to the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

    Medicinal herbs are at the root of all medicines we know today.

    Examples of medicinal herbs are: Eyebright – for weepy eyes, mullein – used for bronchitis and the storax tree gum – used for coughs and cold remedies.

    Culinary Herbs

    The culinary herbs are related to the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

    Culinary means you can eat them so all the herbs that can be used in cooking and meal preparation are culinary herbs.

    Examples of culinary herbs are: Bay leaves in babotie, parsley typically as garnish, rosemary best with roast chicken and mint for mint sauce to accompany lamb.

    Fragrant Herbs

    Fragrant herbs are under the auspices of the air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

    Fragrant herbs are use for their smell and are often used in perfume, room cleansers and soaps.

    Examples of fragrant herbs are: Jasmine, honeysuckle, lavender and rose all of which are the basis for the perfume industry.


    Indigenous Herbs

    Indigenous herbs are related to the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

    Indigenous herbs are those that naturally grow in an area and they can be home grown and they are different for each region.

    Examples of indigenous herbs are: for instance, in South Africa the aloe Vera, in central and South America the cactus and in Canada the sugar maple.

    Author Bio

    Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

    Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

    If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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    Money Houses

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    Money Houses

    Money Houses

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    The Mercury Retrograde Cycle

    The Mercury Retrograde Cycle

    The Mercury Retrograde Cycle

    Mercury has more retrograde cycles than the other planets. Mercury goes retrograde three times each year. This occurs roughly at four month intervals and usually coincides with the same element for three consecutive retrograde periods.

    Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun. It moves the fastest of all the planets. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo.

    All the planets except the Sun and Moon have retrograde periods every year. The exception is Mars which turns retrograde every two years. you can see that it affects many planets and that there is almost always one planet retrograde at any given time.

    Mercury’s Upcoming Retrograde Periods


    During December 13th, 2023 to January 2nd, 2024 from 8° Capricorn to 22° Sagittarius.


    During April 1st to 25th from 27° Aries to 15° Aries.

    During August 5th to August 28th from 4° Virgo to 21° Leo.

    During November 26th to December 15th from 22° Sagittarius to 6° Sagittarius.

    Mercury Retrograde Element Focus

    Mercury’s current retrograde signs are mainly the Fire signs (Sagittarius, Aries and Leo) for 2024.


    The Mercury Retrograde War Cry!

    “Go back, go back, go back to the woods.

    You haven’t, you haven’t, you haven’t the goods. 

    You haven’t the spirit, you haven’t the jazz… 

    You haven’t the moves that Mercury has!”

    Pop Culture and Mercury Retrograde

    As the details of Mercury retrograde permeate through to the general public the words, “Mercury retrograde” become a catch phrase and is diluted down into basic, and often most inflammatory words. You will hear things like, “don’t buy computers, cars or phones when Mercury is retrograde.”

    Well yes, certainly those things can be said, but astrologers know there is a more subtle effect to the apparent reversal of direction for the innermost planet.

    Your Natal Mercury Condition

    As with all astrology good forecasting and interpretation for yourself hinges on your own chart. If you have a well-placed and robust Mercury you will withstand the influence of Mercury retrograde (or any retrograde depending on the planet) and still be standing as other folds under their weaker Mercury placements.

    A broad generality is like saying, “All cars reverse (or back-up) badly” when really it is more that, “some drivers can’t reverse very well.”

    You know yourself that you are better at some things than others and certainly you will do some things way better than anyone else. So saying we all suffer the same way when Mercury is retrograde is simplistic.

    If you have Mercury retrograde in your birth chart you will withstand the negative effects of any Mercury retrograde period now and in the future.

    How Retrogrades Affect Your Chart

    Whichever house in your natal chart this retrograde occurs will be the area of life that is affected.

    For example, if this Mercury retrograde period occurs in your fourth house then you will revisit family and home issues and you will need to go back and attend to them as drains, leaks and plumbing come to mind.

    If Mercury retrogrades in your seventh house, your marriage will need further discussions and conversations and yes it will be about dragging up past issues (like affairs) to be once aired again as these things just won’t stay buried.


    The Illusion of Aparrent Retrograde Motion

    Retrograde motion is the apparent backwards movement of a planet.

    The analogy I use when I’m teaching a class is that when you are on a train moving forwards then another train pulls alongside going at the same speed, if the second train slows down it appears to be going backwards, although it is still moving forwards albeit slower than your train.

    This is an optical illusion and clearly demonstrates planetary apparent retrograde motion.



    Read more >>>  Mercury retrograde and Job seeking.

    Author Bio

    Alison Price: Astrology Coach

    Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

    Learn more about Alison’s journey.

    If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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    Your Gauquelin Sectors

    Your Gauquelin Sectors

    Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2013   

    Your Gauquelin Sectors

    Advanced Chart Technique

    On your astrology journey there are many avenues of knowledge to wander down.

    Once you have the first twelve months of study under your belt, where it is all about the signs, houses, planets and aspects, continuing to study astrology opens up like a fan into a whole new world.

    I often relate learning astrology to the medical profession where, everyone is a doctor (who knows the basics and can save your life) but some of them continue into speciality fields such as dermatology, neurosurgery and anesthesiology.

    The analogy here is that all astrologers can interpret your chart (and most are very competent) but some continue to learn new techniques and gain more knowledge even if it is simple small pieces that can be used to tweak their readings and become more detailed in their interpretations.

    To my mind using the Gauquelin sectors fall into the “nice to have” skills of any astrologer.

    Two Main Gauquelin Sectors

    There are two Gauquelin sectors in every chart.

    They span a section of the zodiac which is different for every chart.

    There is your Ascendant Gauquelin sector and your Midheaven Gauquelin sector.

    Not every chart has planets in the Gauquelin Sectors, but if your chart does then those planets are important both in natal interpretation and forecasting work.


    Explore more >>> The Ascendant

    People in Astrology Michel Gauquelin (1928 – 1991)

    A French husband and wife team Michel and Francois Gauquelin originally set out to disprove astrology and ended up creating the most in-depth proof for astrology.

    Their most famous research is known as The Mars Effect.

    Briefly, they checked hundreds of charts to see if a particular planet was prominent, or on the ascendant or Midheaven, of people who had the same job.


    How to find your Gauquelin Sectors

    The Gauquelin sectors cover ten degrees of the zodiac on both sides of your ascendant and your Midheaven for a total of twenty degrees each and forty degrees in all.

    Both sectors together cover one ninth of the 360° wheel.


    Example 1: Say your Ascendant is at 15° Gemini then your ascendant Gauquelin sector spans from 5° to 25° Gemini.

    Example 2: Say your Midheaven is at 2° Aries then you Midheaven Gauquelin sector is between 22° Pisces and 12° Aries.


    Gauquelin Sector Planet Houses

    Planets in your Gauquelin sectors are usually in the first, twelfth, ninth and tenth houses.


    Explore more >>> The Houses


    Gauquelin Sector Planets Conjoined the Angles

    Planets in a conjunction aspect (orb 8°) to your Ascendant and Midheaven are automatically in your Gauquelin sectors.

    Example Chart – Justin Bieber

    Birth data 12:56am, March 1st, 1995, London, Ontario, Canada.


    Ascendant Gauquelin Sector

    Bieber Ascendant is at 29° 02′ Scorpio therefore his Ascendant Gauquelin Sector is from 19°02′ Scorpio to 9°02′ Sagittarius.



    Pluto is in his Ascendant Gaquelin Sector.

    Note that Pluto is also conjoined the Ascendant so it will automatically be in his Ascendant Gauquelin Sector.

    Midheaven Gauquelin Sector

    Bieber’s Midheaven is at 15°25′ Virgo so his Midheaven Gauquelin Sector is from 5°25′ Virgo to 25°25′ Virgo.



    Chiron is at 05°48′ Virgo so the Wounded Healer is in his Midheaven Gauquelin Sector.

    Also note that Chiron is NOT conjoined the Midheaven.

    Chiron is a true Gauquelin Sector planet and needs careful consideration when interpreting this chart.

    Ascendant Gauquelin Interpretation

    Planets in your Ascendant Gauqueline sector typically:


    • Show how others see you through the urges of the planet.
    • Can be a rising planet.
    • Are stronger when applying to a conjunction to the Ascendant.
    • Are weaker when separating from a conjunction to the Ascendant.
    • Are highly prominent planets.
    • Are high profile planets.
    • May easily be the strongest in the chart.
    • Will affect yoru appearance.

    Midheaven Gauquelin Sector Interpretation

    Planets in your Midheaven Gauquelin Sector typically:


    • Indicate how the world sees you through the urges of the planet.
    • This planet may be the most elevated planet.
    • May be conjunct the Midheaven.
    • Are strong when applying to the Midheaven.
    • Are weaker when separating from the Midheaven.
    • Suggest a career in line with the nature of the planet.


    If there is more than one planet in these sensitive areas of your chart they have to be interpreted in a blended way as they will all influence you from their position in the Gauquelin sectors of your chart.

    Advanced Topics

    Here are some more advanced natal topics which you may enjoy.


    Author Bio

    Alison Price: Astrology Coach

    Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

    Learn more about Alison’s journey.

    If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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