Your Most Elevated Planet

Your Most Elevated Planet

Most Elevated Planet

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2013 

Most Elevated Planet

Only one planet is the Most Elevated Planet. In your chart there will be one planet that is the most elevated planet.

This special planet is the one near the top of the chart. It is the planet that was highest in the sky at the time of your birth.

Not all most elevated planets are made equal and in some charts, they will be stronger than in others.

If you have a well placed most elevated planet you can use it towards supporting your career, reputation and public image.



How to Find Your Most Elevated Planet

The most elevated planet is the planet closest to the Midheaven (MC) in degrees of longitude on either side of the MC.

The MC is the intersection between the prime vertical and the plane of the ecliptic.

The most elevated planet is frequently in the ninth or tenth houses or close to the Midheaven, but can be in any house in the chart.


Singleton by Hemisphere 

If the most elevated planet is a singleton by hemisphere, in the south, it has extra strength. 

Disposes the Midheaven and is Most Elevated

If the Midheaven is in a sign which is disposed by the most elevated planet (by essential dignity) it gains weight.

Rulership and exaltation of your Midheaven add to the power of your most elevated planet.

Detriment and fall reduce the effect of your most elevated planet.


Examples If your Midheaven is in Libra…

  • And if the most elevated planet is Venus, it will add power to the most elevated planet because Venus rules Libra.
  • Additionally, if your most elevated planet is Saturn, it will add weight to the most elevated planet due to the fact that Saturn is exalted in Libra.
  • As well as if your most elevated planet is Mars, it will reduce the power of Mars as the most elevated planet as Mars is in detriment in Libra.
  • And if your most elevated planet is the Sun, it will reduce the potency of the most elevated planet because the Sun is in it’s fall in Libra.



The Nature of Your Most Elevated Planet

As the MC is the most elevated point in your chart any planet is measured for most elevation in relation to your MC.

Therefore any connection between the MC and the most elevated planet by aspect reinforces the potential of the most elevated planet in your chart.

The Midheaven shows for what the world knows you.

Any planet connected to the Midheaven (as in a conjunction, sextile or square) will influence this.

What this means is, if your most elevated planet has an aspect to the MC then it gains weight or power in your chart.


In Aspect to Your Midheaven

If your most elevated planet is in aspect to your Midheaven it supports the meaning of the planet.

If it is not in aspect to your Midheaven it has a neutral influence.


Conjunct your Midheaven

This is the power position for the most elevated planet as it could not be more elevated than the Midheaven.

Any planet conjoined your Midheaven will be a huge focus in your life.

Almost as if it is lighting the way for you like a torch. When the most elevated planet is conjoined the MC think star over stable in Bethlehem.


Sextile your Midheaven

A most elevated planet sextile the Midheaven will work together with the meaning of the Midheaven and support the nature of the Midheaven.

Planets is this position usually indicate latent talents which can be utilized by the Midheaven for your career and public image.


Square your Midheaven

When your most elevated planet is square your Midheaven it is in an aspect of tension.

However, this is an aspect where progress is strived for, in the nature of the most elevated planet.

This will not always be easy, in fact it can be difficult at times, but squares will always be on the front burner of your chart.

Example Chart: Tony Robbins

In this example chart for Tony Robbins Uranus is the most elevated planet.


Weaker Below the Horizon

Depending on the latitude of your birth place, sometimes the most elevated planet can actually fall below the horizon.

That is under the ascendant/descendant axis or in the northern hemisphere of the chart.

Although the planet will still be most elevated it loses much of its potency when it is below the horizon.

In this case it can be dismissed as a strong influence on the MC.

Generally a most elevated planet works well for you if it is high in the chart, aspects the MC and disposes the Midheaven by rulership.

Not all most elevated planets will benefit you.

If you do have a well placed most elevated planet it makes sense to work it to your advantage as best you can for career, reputation and public image.


Measure Your Most Elevated Planet

Use the quiz below to measure the strength, or not, of your most elevated planet.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Learning Without Tears – Book Review


Discover how the Mercury Model (TM) can: 

  • Identify a child’s unique learning style
  • Unlock a child’s true potential
  • Turn tension into talking

Buy this book on Amazon.


Of all the astrology books I have had the pleasure of reviewing over the years Learning Without Tears is in a class of its own. Connerr takes the Mercury archetype, well known by astrologers, to a new level.

The author does not complicate the information being presented with an excess of technical terms, words and astrologese. She specifically uses regular dialogue to get her message across to the layperson.

There is the option to skip the detailed astrological explanations, if you wish to clearly focus on the child’s learning style, and not where it originates. With this brilliant approach the author has subtlety woven birth chart features into mainstream education which is directly aimed at parents and teachers.

We often hear the lament that astrology is not taken seriously by science. It is portrayed as the poor relation to astronomy and psychology. This fact was brought home to us during the 2011 online heated discussions. Here lies the beauty of this original book from an astrologer’s point of view. The author has parlayed astrology, and its centuries old traditions, into mainstream educational thought even perhaps without its detractors noticing.


Three Parts

This book is divided into three parts.

Part I – Individual Learning Styles and How They Interact

In the first section she discusses each of the twelve possible learning styles and how they manifest in every child. Presented with colorful animal characters clearly identifying each role.

Areas of similarity and difference are brought out in a subset by the style groupings and divisions which are easily recognizable to the astrology student as polarity, quadruplicity and element.

Connerr presents some real life parent and child scenarios and the resolutions are provided using the Mercury model.

We are challenged to explore our own learning style as parents and to consider how we default to that particular method by personally giving it preference and value


Part II – Variations and Background

She discusses how features in the whole nativity can influence each personality and provide modifications. Then goes on to explain the extraction of the essence for each Mercury archetype during individual analysis.


Part III – Identify a Learning Style

The author provides yearly assessment tables (Mercury ephemeris) to discover each persons learning style.


The New Physics and Essential Mercury

Helyn Connerr MSc is well qualified to write this book. Her background is impressive and she has studied astrology for over thirty years. She brings a scientist’s mind to an astrology problem.

Believing you can observe the energy principle of Essential Mercury in action and watch its effects, she discusses how the principles outlined are shown by planet, element, music, animals, literature, esoterica and the physical body. That Mercury, as an information receptor, is inherent in how we live, breathe and perceive.


Final thoughts

Although this book is aimed at educators, parents and children, one wonders if astrology teachers, when using this method, will find their students benefit and grasp new information in a way each learner can assimilate.

It is quite apparent that we retain our learning style throughout life. If as grown-ups, we choose to embark on further study, we will benefit by aligning ourselves with our own Mercury model.

This simple practice would enhance the adult education process. Rather than thinking, “I’m too old to learn this” perhaps we need to open up our minds, because, obviously we can learn if we are presented and communicated information in a way we each can appreciate

Learning Without Tears comes highly recommended for students, parents and educators.


The Yod: Major Aspect Pattern

The Yod: Major Aspect Pattern

Some students may think it is odd

to work with the finger of God.   

One sextile and two

quincunxes to view

and now we all call it a yod.

The Yod Limerick

Most of you are probably wondering what the heck this limerick is all about.

Let me explain.

A Yod is an astrological major aspect pattern sometimes found in birth charts.

It comprises of one sextile aspect (blue line) and two quincunx aspects (green lines).


Yod Bearers

An aspect is an imaginary line drawn between two planets in a horoscope.

People who have a yod in their charts are known as Yod Bearers as it indicates there are burdens that need to be carried through life.

The image is that of an isosceles triangle where the short side is 60 degrees and the two equal longer sides are 150 degrees.

The shape is somewhat reminiscent of an arrow or finger pointing thus the nickname of The Finger Of God. It is also referred to as the Finger of Fate.

In chart interpretation the area of life that the yod is pointing at is highlighted and becomes an important focus for that person.


The Yod Major Aspect Pattern

A Yod is an astrological planetary configuration also know as a major aspect pattern which is formed when three planets line-up in a particular way.

A Yod is an aspect pattern composed of one sextile and two quincunxes. It looks like an isosceles triangle with one short side and two equal length longer sides.

A yod looks like a triangle. But it is different to a grand trine, T-square or a Thor’s Hammer because of the aspects it contains.

In the example chart of Margaret Atwood, she has a Neptune Yod with the Moon and Saturn as the base planets.

The Aspects in a Yod


A sextile is an aspect 60° wide or two signs. The orb for a sextile is 4° degrees.

It is an aspect of ease and it suggests your latent talents.


A quincunx is an aspect 150° wide or five signs.

The orb for a quincunx is 2°.

It is an aspect requiring constant adjustment and causes mild irritation.


How to Interpret a Yod

The broad stroke with interpreting yods is to look at the one planet being quincunxed (the green lines) by the other two.

This is known as the focal planet and is a sensitive spot in the zodiac which will be reflected in your chart by the house placement.

  • Pay special attention to the focal planet and interpret it thoroughly. Check the essential dignity of the planet and its condition.
  • Look at the house or the area of life that is bringing pointed to.
  • Look at the sign that the focal planet is in, this shows the type of energy that the focal planet can express.
  • The two planets in sextile are the support for the yod and offer up their energy and qualities to the focal planet.


Double Yod Key

If there are two yods lying side by side (so four planets and three quincunxes) then it is known as a “double yod key”.

This will reinforce the general meaning of the yod for the person.

What to Consider in a Yod

The focal planet at the end of the quincunxes, is the most sensitive planet as energies flow to it from the two other planets.

The two planets in sextile are known as the base of the yod and work together harmoniously.

The planetary ruler of the sign of the focal planet is important.

Interpretation of a Yod

Charts with yods suggest the person is independent and driven.

Due to the nature of the quincunxes they can be constant and unchanging but fraught with the constant adjustments demanded. T

his person may experience a crisis of energy and find they are constantly battling to stay on track.

There is a certain spiritual element to this pattern and these people can be lofty.

The meaning of the house and sign of the focal planet points (as the pointed in the shape) to the issues that need addressing in this person’s life.


Aspiring Astrologer Activity: Yod

In your astrology journal and referring to a chart with a yod major aspect pattern, please do the following:

  • Name the two aspects that form a yod, their angles and orbs.
  • Note the three planets involved.
  • Name the focal planet.
  • List all the individual aspects that make up this yod.

Extend Yourself

  • Write a brief interpretation for the sextile aspect and consider the two planets, houses, signs, and the aspect (100 words).

  • Write a brief interpretation for the first quincunx aspect and consider the two planets, houses, signs, and the aspect (100 words).

  • Write a brief interpretation for the second quincunx aspect and consider the two planets, houses, signs, and the aspect (100 words).

Extend Yourself Further

  • Write a detailed interpretation of the yod incorporating the meaning of the individual aspects and try to weave a comprehensive interpretation (250 words).

Sun Square Pluto

Sun Square Pluto

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Fibonacci Aspects

Fibonacci Aspects

Aspects of the Fibonacci Sequence

To remind you the Fibonacci sequence is a pattern in numbers where the previous two are added together to result in the next number in the sequence.

1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21…

One plus two equals three, two plus three equals five, three plus five equals eight and so on.

It can be drawn as a widening spiral. This shape is found in nature in plants and animals and can be clearly seen in the nautilus shell chambers and in the head of a sunflower.

The numbers build on the past sequence to create the future patterns.

It seems to me that this reflects a natal chart as it begins to progress and develop by building on what has gone before. The progressed chart unfolds over time from a base point in time i.e. the natal chart.

Situations that occur in life must have been in the natal promise to start with.


Read more >>> Aspect Basics


Fibonacci Aspects

The aspects in the Fibonacci sequence are:


  • Conjunction (1)
  • Opposition (2)
  • Trine (3)
  • Quintile (5)
  • Semi-square (8)
  • Baker’s dozen (13)

Missing Ptolemaic Aspects

In this sequence of numbers we see that the square (4) and the sextile (6) do not appear. Nor will the semi-sextile (12) aspect.

So what? Well, astrology is a system of patterns and symbols. We happily take chart divisions from one to twelve and for the simple reason that every number is represented.

We are also ok to extract the hard aspects in the eighth harmonic (1, 2, 4, 8) and call them manifesting aspects. Surely if the Fibonacci sequence occurs in nature and so is part of the Earth experience, should we not consider this group of aspects in a particular way?



Perhaps because the quintile aspect is found in the Fibonacci list that is our first clue. Quintiles are closely associated with your creativity and genius.


13th Harmonic a Baker’s Dozen

What about the thirteenth harmonic?

Keywords transformation and values. This is not an aspect that is widely used in general astrology but can it be somehow associated with the meanings of the others in our sequence, maybe following the quintile theme?

I’m not sure, but using the Fibonacci aspects in a particular way as a group is a theory that has been buzzing in my thoughts for a while now. I wanted to put these ideas out there for consideration.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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How to Interpret a Retrograde Sun

How to Interpret a Retrograde Sun

Retrograde Sun


Everything you wanted to know about a retrograde Sun, but were too afraid to ask

There really are only two responses to the title of this piece. Ok, maybe more than two, but the essence of each will be the same as they are just variations on a theme.

The first response is “I have to learn about this new feature in astrology” and the second reaction is “What’s she banging on about now?”


Part 1: If you don’t know about retrograde Suns

Read this part if you have a retrograde Sun in your chart, if it is in a member of your family’s nativity, if it has cropped up in a friend’s horoscope or if you wish to learn how to interpret one.


  • Decide if it is a daytime or nighttime birth
  • Check for converse progressions
  • Realize that astrology has many confusing details
  • Calculate the chart with Regiomontanus house cusps
  • Book in for the class “Astronomy for Astrologers”
  • Make sure to discuss this interesting phenomena at you next astrology meeting

Part 2: If you do know all about retrograde Suns

Read this part if you know about retrograde Suns or if you have come across them before. Here are some thoughts on how to proceed.

  • A little knowledge is a dangerous thing
  • Choose your mentors wisely
  • Always be on the lookout for a sense of humor
  • Know that not all those reading this have your powers
  • Get behind the “All practitioners must get certified” regime
  • Go outside, stand in the Sun and smile

Remember everyone sees the world through the lens of their own chart. What one person sees is often different to how you view things.

Who is correct?

Sometimes it is not easy to tell.

Let astrology inspire you.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Astrology Crossword Challenge

Astrology Crossword Challenge

Astrology Crossword Challenge

Here is a fun Astrology Crossword for those strong Mercury types.

What to do

Print this page, complete the crossword, scan to a file, attach to an email and send to to have your name posted here as one of the few to complete this crossword.


Our correct completed crossword congrats go to…

Julia Cann from Plymouth, England.

Arwynne O’Neill from Vancouver, Canada.

Maria Michaelidis from Skorpios, Greece.

Hennie Potgieter from Phalaborwa, South Africa.

Jan Weiss from Coventry, England.

Ali Khan from Toronto, Canada





Clues Across

1. A positive element (3).

2. His laws on planetary motion (6).

4. Part of the Great Year (3).

5.  Greenwich Mean Time abbr. (3).

10.  An astrologer’s reference book (5, 2, 6).

12.  Mars’ colour (3).

14. Exalted in Aries (3).

15.  Largest of the big four asteroids (5).

16.  Ptolemy’s famous work (11).

19.  The house of your children’s career (6).

21.  An asteroid award (4).

24.  Finger of God aspect pattern (3).

25.  Local Mean Time abbr. (3).

26.  Easy aspect (5).

28.  The metal of Mars (4).

29.  Sagittarius’ element (4).

30.  Right Ascension abbr. (2).

31.  Falls in Virgo (5).

34.  Junction of the plane of the ecliptic and a planet’s path (4).

35.  A chart used in synastry (9, 5).

36.  Aspect tolerances (4).

37.  The point of the celestial sphere directly above the observer (6).

38.  Castor and Pollux are the Gemini pair (5).


Clues Down

1.  Saturn is the traditional ruler (8).

3.  The sign of the monarchy (3).

6.  Quadruplicities (5).

7.  Age of Aries symbolic animal (3).

8.  Planet of reflection (4).

9.  Toronto’s vibrant astrology group (9, 7).

11.  A planetary condition (7).

13.  The planet that rules the Phoenix (5).

14.  The State Of The Art astrology conference (4).

15.  A planetary key (6).

17.  Hemisphere from 4th to 9th (7).

18.  Immum Coeli abbr. (2).

20.  Below the Asc/Dec axis (5).

22.  Planet of rebellion (6).

23.  The 29th degree (8).

27.  The rulers of the signs (7).

32.  These can be fixed (5).

33.  The 6th house pertains to animals smaller than this one (4).



Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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