Getting Started in Astrology

Getting Started in Astrology

Getting Started in Learning Astrology

How It All Begins

In this post we’re going to give you some tips on how to get started in astrology.

This was a question from one of our super fans and I believe it will be of value to you as well.

Usually you read your Sun sign column.

Next you begin to dig a little deeper into chart readings.

Perhaps you have a friend who has had an astrology consultation and they say you should too.

The next step is usually to go and have a reading and suddenly you are hooked.

Astrology starts to creep into your mind at all times and you want to know more.

Let’s look at some steps you can take to learn astrology for yourself.


Podcast Episode

Listen to the full conversation at the Starzology Astrology Podcast around Getting Started in Astrology with Alison and Arwynne.


Listen now >>> Getting Started in Astrology


Get Your Chart

First of all you need a good copy of your birth chart.

This means that:

  • The house system should be Placidus.
  • The aspect orbs should be standard.
  • The planets should be the usual ones – Sun to Pluto.
  • The lunar nodes should be true.
  • The zodiac should be Tropical.

If you start with a different house system you can still read the chart.

Be aware of the actual house system for which the chart is set.


Next check the aspect orbs. 

Standard orbs are 8 for conjunctions, oppositions, trines and squares and 4 for sextiles.

Then 2 degrees for lesser used aspects of semi-square, sesquiquadrate, semi-sextile and quincunx.


You need the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. 

I also add Chiron and sometimes Eris but not the asteroids.

You can add more planets later. But we are just starting out.

You can cast a chart with online astrology sites but I don’t recommend them.


Pin this to read later.

Astrology Software

If you are serious about learning astrology you need some chart calculation software.

To my mind there are two options

Solar Fire for PC and Astro Gold for Apple.

Astro Gold

Astro Gold is an iOS app that works on iPhone and iPad and separately Mac computers.

Personally, I have the app and use it on my iPhone and iPad.

I’ve not got to the stage of having Astro Gold on my MacBook Pro. There doesn’t seem to be a good reason.

Solar Fire

Probably the most robust astrology program is Solar Fire for PC it has been around for about twenty years and does it all.

I use Solar Fire for Graphic Ephemeris calculations, harmonic charts and forecasting date generation.

It is excellent if a bit clunky. 

You do not need Solar Fire when you start out.

Astrology Books to Start

Here I’m going to recommend five astrology books to start your astrology bookshelf.

These books are solid and have reliable content.

You can get other books at a later stage and in fact you will probably continue to buy astrology books for the rest of your life like I do.


The first book I’m recommending is an Ephemeris.

Get The American Ephemeris at midnight by Neil Pottenger and Rique Pottenger. it’s the one with the purple cover.

You will use this book to track the transiting planets movements and get information on retrograde cycles, eclipses, ingresses. and much more.

I use my Ephemeris every day as a consulting astrologer.

The Contemporary Astrologer’s Handbook

The Contemporary Astrologer’s Handbook by Sue Tompkins is the best astrology book in my opinion to get you started.

It contains lots about each planet, sign, house and aspect.

Practical Astrology

Practical Astrology by Priscilla Costello is a slim volume but contains core information about signs, planets and house systems.

It is a cook book style astrology book.

Meaning it has Jupiter in the signs and Jupiter in the houses and for all planets.

Aspects in Astrology

Aspects in Astrology by Sue Tompkins.

This book is a window into where many of the modern astrological techniques come from.

6th Book: Tetrabiblos

Tetrabiblos by Claudius Ptolemy.

This book was written over two thousand years ago and shines a light onto the priciples that modern astrology is based.

Back then, before telescopes, they only knew of the seven visible planets.

7th Book: The Aspiring Astrologer

If you want to get a feel for the classes I teach then I recommend getting The Aspiring Astrologer: 52 Self-paced Astrology Classes

This book has all the class notes I give to my private one-on-one students. 

It does not go deep into signs, planets, houses or aspects, but rather covers what to do with the information in a chart.

I mention this book because it is at the core of my astrology business.

Classes, Conferences and Retreats

Local Astrology Groups

Join your local astrology group in your city.

If there is not one then start one.

Invite a couple of people around to your place for coffee and start an astrology group.

Astrology Retreats

An astrology retreat is a treat in itself.

There are several ones around which are regional.

I have heard great reviews from attendees of Stephen Forrest’s Astrology Retreat in Sedona Arizona, USA.

This is a week-long immersion event where you get to mix and mingle with people on their own astrological journey.

To help you decide if this is for you, I’ve put the link right here.

Please note, this retreat focusses on evolutionary astrology.

Astrology Conferences

The best conference to attend is the annual Summer School from the Faculty of Astrological Studies in Oxford, England.

Each year they offer a ten day long program at Summer School at Oxford University, England.

World Class Astrological Diploma

The Faculty of Astrological Studies Diploma.

The Faculty Diploma contains 9 Modules.

Each module can take up to six months to complete.


You complete Modules 1, 2 and 3 then take the Certificate exam.

Intermediate Diploma

Then you complete Modules 4, 5 and 6 and then take the Intermediate Diploma Exam.

Final Diploma

Then you take Modules 7, 8 and 9 and then take the Final Diploma exam.

This is rigorous astrological training but it is, I believe, the best in the world at the moment.

Who This Is For

This full diploma course is not for everyone.

However, if you are serious about astrology then do consider the amazing training you will get at the Faculty of Astrological Studies.

So this is my advice for anyone wanting to get started in astrology.

More on this topic

Read more >>> Your Astrology Business

Read more >>>  When to go Professional as an Astrologer

Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison specializes in guiding Aspiring Astrologers. Her aim is to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart, often sprinkled with a touch of humor.

To learn more about Alison’s journey, visit this page.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Toby Aldren: Astrologer and Musician

Meet Toby Aldren

Toby’s passion for astrology began in the 1990s.

In 2013, he was awarded the Diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies (London) and now works for them as a tutor and examiner.

He has spoken at astrology conferences in Canada, at the Astrological Association of Great Britain, and at the State of the Art Conference (Buffalo NY).

As well, he participates regularly in the Faculty’s Summer School in Oxford, UK.

Toby is a member of the Association of Professional Astrologers International.

Although he is a dedicated and experienced teacher, the heart of his practice is his consultation work.


How We Met

Way back in the day, when I first moved to Vancouver I contacted Toby, whom I’d never met, and invited him for coffee.

We struck up an enduring friendship from that day onwards.


Previous Astrology Collaborations

In recent years Toby and I have collaborated many times in Summer Workshops, readings and other astrology events in and around Vancouver.


Summer 2024

Head’s up, we are planning the Summer 2024 event and will have more details for you soon.


Toby Aldren playing at his 97 year old piano

Toby Aldren,  D.F.AstrolS.

Toby’s passion for astrology began in the 1990s. In 2013, he was awarded the Diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies (London) and now works for them as a tutor and examiner. He has spoken at astrology conferences in Canada, the USA and the UK. As well, he participates regularly in the Faculty’s Summer School in Oxford, UK. Although he is a dedicated and experienced teacher, the heart of his practice is his consultation work.

Contact Toby at Vancouver Astrology.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Mars in Virgo

Mars in Virgo

Mars in Virgo

In this post, we are continuing our transit series of planets moving through the signs. We are typically only going to focus on superior planet transits which are the planets from Mars outwards. Of course, there may be exceptions.

This time we are taking a closer looking at Mars in Virgo.

Transiting Mars Dates 2023

Mars takes two years to fully transit the whole zodiac. Mars will leave Leo and be in Virgo from July 10, 2023 to August 27, 2023 when it enters Libra. That’s seven weeks in the sign of the Virgo the Virgin.


Let’s take a quick look at Mars. Mars rules the signs of Aries and Scorpio. Mars is an action planet that uses heat and friction for energy release. Mars suggests some activities that get you off the couch. Energy management can be an indication of Mars.

Your competitive edge is suggested by Mars. Mars expresses your primate urges and the desire to copulate.


Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac and is ruled by Mercury. Virgo is earthy, practical and analytical. Virgo is detail oriented. Mars in Virgo is quite a relatively quiet and non confrontational Mars.


Mars in Virgo

Stimulates practical and methodical projects. Actively pursues projects. Many hot details. Mars does not often display outward expressions of aggression and anger when in Virgo. 

Here the competition is in the details. For instance, the nature of editing and fact checking is a good expression of Mars in Virgo. 


Explore more >>> The Planets

Explore more >>> The Zodiac Signs


Mars’ Transit of Virgo What to Expect

Virgo Sun

If you have the Sun in Virgo, you will experience a Mars conjoined Sun transit. This could be the impetus you need to get yourself moving. If you have other planets in Virgo they will get stimulated by Mars as it comes by.

Virgo Ascendant

If your ascendant is Virgo then Mars will leave your twelfth house and move into your first house. This is symbolically moving from the dark to the light. And from the unknown into the known. As Mars crosses your Ascendant there will be more activity in your life.

Virgo Midheaven

If you have a Virgo Midheaven Mara will activate your reputation during activity into your career. You may receive acknowledgements for your past actions. This will likely get the blood pumping around.

Mars Return

A Mars return is when Mars comes back to its natal position. This will happen for most people once in every two years. My Mars is at 13 Virgo and that means I had a Mars return on July 31, 2023. 

When Mars reaches its natal position, it triggers all your natalMars aspects and recalibrates any that have drifted off track. You can get more in tune with your Mars energy at a Mars return.

Explore more >>> Post Natal Returns of the Outer Planets

Explore more >>> Saturn Returns

Alison’s Mars Return Story

Way back in 2012 there was a Mars retrograde cycle in Virgo, that went over my Natal Mars. This created a three-hit transit to my natal Mars. It was at this time that I was spurred into action and I started the Starzology website and blog. I’d never done anything like it before, or since.

I was energized to get the blog populated. I wrote most of my blog posts, that are still live today, during the energy from that triple Mara return. 

I laid out my astrology courses and lessons one afternoon. I took my four kids to the library after school and the older kids needed some books and the young one likes the story hour the librarians put out in the afternoon. I sat against the wall facing forward with a pen and notebook and I laid out the blueprint of what was to become my astrology classes. 

I divided the classes into three levels namely beginner intermediate and advanced. I wrote the class titles for each series of learning in sixteen classes for each level. This was penned all in one go on one afternoon. Of course, I had to flesh the details out later, but the bones of my project were cemented that day.

The stimulation to action of teaching (3rd house Mars) was, and is, the foundation of my career for the next fifteen years. This culminates in the publishing of my book The Aspiring Astrologer – 52 Self-paced astrology classes. 

Usually, my Mars is quiet and non-confrontational. In Virgo Mars is pretty calm for the most part, but clearly every twenty-four years or so, you may experience a triple hit Mars return.

Mars Transiting Natal Houses

Either way, Mars will transit a house or two in your chart. This will heat up and energize that area of your life indicated by the House. You can anticipate some action, friction and heat in your life as Mars comes by.

People in the Houses

There could be some competition relating to the people in the houses and these are usually the odd house numbers.

For example, the first house is you, the third house your siblings, the fifth house your children, the seventh house your partner, the ninth house your college buddies and the eleventh house your friends and associates.

Other people can be in some of the even houses as well like your financial advisor in the second, your father in the fourth, your vet in your sixth, your surgeon in the eighth, your mother in the tenth and even your ghosts in the twelfth.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Election Astrology: Podcast Start Chart

Election Astrology: Podcast Start Chart

Electional Astrology

In this episode, we’re going to have a look at our Starzology Astrology Podcast start chart.

Every entity can have a birth chart and in this case it’s our podcast.

This is the birth chart for the business of the Starzology Astrology Podcast.

It is the chart we chose as the start time and date with which to launch this podcast.

I’m going to explain why we chose the chart that we did and the main features within in it which I believe will support a prosperous podcast business model.

Electional Astrology

To start with this is electional astrology.

It has nothing to do with politics, or who will be the next president or prime minister, but rather it is about electing to do something at some point in the future.

Electional astrology and election charts are often used for business launches and to pick wedding dates.

Electional Chart Principles

Principles of a good election chart are that you reinforce the house that pertains to the activity.

So for example, for a marriage chart it’s the seventh house and for a business chart it is the tenth house.

To reinforce a house you want up place as many positive planets in that house as possible.

As this is a business, we focus on the tenth house of businesses you start yourself.

You also want the Midheaven ruler to be a positive planet or the planet that rules the endeavor.

For instance, if you were opening a restaurant, you would want the Moon in the tenth house because the Moon rules restaurants, food and cooking and if you were opening a beauty salon you would want Venus in the tenth house as Venus rules cosmetics and beauty products.

As this is an astrology podcast business, I wanted Uranus, as the ruler of Astrology, strongly positioned in this chart.

I did this by moving the time to place Uranus in the tenth house.

I also wanted Mercury as the ruler of podcasts, podcasters and podcasting, to be in the tenth house as well.


Planets to Avoid

As a general rule, with Electional astrology you want to avoid the malefic or troublesome planets, so that is Mars, Saturn and Pluto in the tenth house if possible.


Retrograde Planets

You don’t want the planet that rules the subject, in this case Uranus for astrology and Mercury for podcasting, to be retrograde.

When a planet is retrograde it cannot express energy at its highest peak performance.

For any planet, the state of being retrograde brings in a hesitation to the venture and we don’t want that.


The Moon

It is nice to have the Moon growing in light, so waxing, and perhaps in a favourable aspect with the Sun and the ruler of the endeavor in this case Uranus.



The Ascendant and chart ruler could align with the business or even the person’s natal chart who is opening the business.



You usually get a window for an election.

Perhaps you need to open the business in April anytime or if it’s a wedding they usually want it on a Saturday.

So, there are usually some constraints to the time line.

In my case, I wanted to launch the podcast asap and if possible, in April 2023.

I had the first episode already recorded and ready to go, but I waited for a good time and date.

This was my elected time and date.


Launch Date

I launched the Starzology Astrology Podcast at 1:12pm on April 5th in Vancouver.

I give you this chart data so you can erect the chart yourself and follow along.

This elected time and date returned a reinforced tenth house with a Leo Ascendant and an Aries Midheaven.


Tenth House Planets

The planets I managed to squeeze into the tenth house are:

  • The Sun
  • Chiron
  • Mercury
  • Jupiter
  • Venus
  • Uranus


The Sun

The Sun is most the most elevated planet. It is in its exaltation in Aries and closely conjoined the Midheaven at 15° Aries.

This also places it in the Midheaven Gauquelin sector.

The Sun is at the heart of the business and yes, I want to bring my heart and optimism to this venture.

I don’t see it as a doom and gloom astrology podcast, but rather as an uplifting resource for everyone who finds it.

This will bring light, warmth and creativity to the podcast and maybe some fame in the public domain as well.



Chiron is not the easiest of planet to have in the tenth house, but I’m leaning towards the healing and teaching aspect of Chiron.

I hope to tap to this energy from Chiron.

I anticipate sharing astrologer’s journeys and speak to aspiring astrologers around the world to inspire them to live a satisfying life through the energy in their charts.

There may be some lessons to be learned here.

Probably this podcast will not appeal to everyone and that is ok.

I hope the people who do find us can appreciate my message.



The planet of broadcasting and growth, Jupiter, is in the tenth house. And conjoined the Midheaven in the Midheaven Gauquelin sector along with the Sun.

This indicates that the reach of the podcast will be far and wide.

We anticipate expansion and even some luck with this placement of the Greater Benefic in the company’s business house.



Mercury is the planet that rules communication, talking and podcasting.

Mercury is the focal planet of a mini grand trine between Mars, Saturn and Mercury.

This suggests that the slow burn energy from Saturn trine Mars, will be funnelled up to Mercury to get the word out.

Mercury represents the actual podcast and the message which we are trying to bring through this podcast.

How people will hear of our podcast is through word of mouth and people like you sharing your positive experiences when you download an episode and listen in.

I could anticipate the conversations started by the podcast to continue in your minds and lives as you fully digest what has been said.

I also see this podcast as a teaching point for some of you.

If I can get a few listeners like you, to think more about how astrology can benefit you, I will be happy.



The lesser benefic the planet of attraction and money planet, Venus, is also well placed high in the chart in the tenth house.

This augers well for attracting good things including money and attention to the business.

This suggests there will be a good impression of the podcast.

It also suggests that women may be the main audience.

Venus rules the eleventh house of business income which bodes well for a prosperous business income.



Uranus is the one planet that rules astrology.

It is high on the chart, again in tenth house.

This placement supports any business related to astrology.



The Ascendant is Leo the Lion.

This means the Sun is the start chart ruler again reinforcing the sunny and creative nature of this venture.

It is also to be noted that my Sun sign is Leo and this Ascendant correlates to my chart in many ways.


The Midheaven

The Midheaven is Aries ruled by Mars.

This indicates a start-up and an independent businesss venture.

This could suggest a good start but a certain flagging over time.

Time will tell. 


The Moon

The Gibbous Moon is opposite the Sun.

This may suggest some tension between the drive to be public and the need to keep it close to home.

In a way, the nature of podcasting is that an episode is recorded privately at home and then broadcast, publicly to get it out there and into your consciousness.

This is the one feature that I was not sure about.

The Sun opposite Moon aspect.

I felt the rest of the chart was positive for a business launch for an astrology podcast.



Getting Started as an Astrologer: A Series Introducing Arwynne O’Neill

Getting Started as an Astrologer: A Series Introducing Arwynne O’Neill

001: Getting Started as an Astrologer: A Series Introducing Arwynne O’Neill

If you have ever wondered how people got started in astrology this series is for you.

Fireside chats around how each astrologer began their journey into the fabulous world of astrology. In this episode I chat with Arwynne O’Neill who is a research astrologer in Vancouver.



First book Linda Goodman’s Love Signs

Arwynne’s artworks

Arwynne’s Instagram @mspinkdotcom

Saturn Opposition Neptune Heavy Water

Arwynne’s astrology Holy Trinity (SC-VI-VI) = (-3) = Icy 💙

Read more about the Astrological Holy Trinity.


 (SC-VI-VI) = (-3) = Icy 💙

Episode 001: Transcript

Alison Price: Hi Starz, you’re listening to the Starzology Astrology Podcast with your host, Alison Price. In this episode, we’re going to be chatting with another astrologer and finding out their story about how they got into astrology. 

Please welcome Arwynne who is a research astrologer here in Vancouver and we’ve been a, we’ve been friends for quite a while, and we are very happy to have you here today.

Arwynne O’Neill: Thank you. It’s good to be here. 

Alison: Ah, it’s great having you. Our audience is interested to know how you started out in astrology and what was the first spark of interest that you had. 

Arwynne: Sure. Well, I actually grew up in a family of sort of casual astrologers in a way. My grandmother and my mother were both very just into astrology in a casual way.

I think both of them at some point did charts for, for friends and, and maybe for a living here and there. It was just part of the conversation as I was growing up. It was always like, oh, I just met this person. They’re a Virgo with Leo Rising, blah, blah, blah. It was always just, before you’d even know what the person looked like, oh, this person was a Virgo.

It was the first thing that you’d find out about somebody. My mother, still to this day, when I tell her about a new friend or a, a new, co-worker, she’s, she’s like, what sign are they? ? And if I don’t know, well, oh, well, why haven’t you asked? So it’s just part of the conversation, and it always has been in, in my, in my childhood, in my life, the first spark of.

Sort of external to my family was Absolutely, and it, this is funny. This is a call back to your first episode where you talked about Suns by Linda Goodman. Yeah. I mean, we’re giving Linda Goodman a lot of, airtime here, but it was Love Signs. I have to admit, I still have it. It’s on the shelf.

It’s a big red book. Linda Goodman’s website. Linda. Good. You have a hardback copy then with the No, it’s a paper bag, but it’s a massive tone. It doesn’t need to be a hardback. Yes, it’s got the bright lurid red cover. Yeah. Linda Goodman’s love science, and I was 12. I was all of 12 years old, and so everything was about love.

Everything was about like the one true love. Just all of the romantic movies, all the romantic stories, the, the fact that there’s Peter Pan quotes at the beginning of every chapter. Yes. Which are just so poignant and true for every sign combination. And I did my sign and my boyfriend at the time, and my mother and her husband, and everyone and all the celebrities I could think of who were couples. I would read their, their little, chapter and, and found so much meaning in it. And that is definitely what sparked my, my interest in astrology was being a, a pubescent Linda Goodman fan girl. Wow. Yeah. That is amazing. 

Alison: So, what you’re saying really is that you learned about astrology almost at the kitchen table in your own home.

Arwynne: It was, oh, absolutely. Just a matter of course, that astrology was part of your, your life as a, as a young girl. Absolutely. 

Alison: And were they interested in other new age topics as well, or was it mainly astrology? 

Arwynne: some, yeah. I mean, we had Tarot cards. We had crystals. We had, crystal necklaces and jewelry and things like that.

I mean, it was. Late seventies, early eighties, when I grew up. So there was a lot of that kind of stuff around and, and we were also like very much into science fiction and fantasy, like shows and movies. One of the things I remember vividly sitting around watching, watching Star Trek, the Next Generation with my mother and my stepfather. And we would like, figure out what their sun, moon, and rising signs were of all the characters. Oh, stop Trek, right? Yes. It’s just, just figuring out these, these fictional characters, like what, what signs are do they embody? Like, and I was watching the, the Picard show recently and I texted my mother and said, Picard is totally a Taurus with, Sagittarius rising in Moon in Aquarius and she was like, lol. Totally. 

So we’ve done this all our lives. Yeah. Yeah 

Alison: And then, when you got a bit older, did you take any formal lessons or did you just continue, self-learning? 

Arwynne: It was really just self-learning. I mean, and actually I took about probably a 20 year break almost between, the Linda Goodman love signs and, and doing anything semi-professional or, even social with it.

It was all just, I collected the information for myself. I would obviously find out what sign my friends. Boyfriends or, coworkers were, and just for my own benefit, like, yeah, sometimes they would be like, why do you wanna know what time I was born? And I’m like, just for me, like, don’t worry.

I’m not gonna, do your chart or anything. You’re like, whatever. Okay. And most of them wouldn’t have wanted me to. No. So it was just, my own curiosity so I could use the information to get along with them better. And yeah, it helped me. And occasionally they would ask,

Alison: But what was the, what was the catalyst then, like the 20 years later that that brought you back? Was there something that cropped up? 

Arwynne: Absolutely. I, well, I, I started asking my grandmother for book recommendations, and it’s funny because this is mid-nineties we had just gotten a computer, which is sounds so ridiculous. Yes. We had just gonna go a home computer.

Alison: And the neighbors came to look, right?

Arwynne: Well, no, it was, it was the internet. I mean, literally, I had the internet at work throughout the nineties and the, I think it was like 98 or something when I first got the internet at home. Right. It sounds ridiculous to say like imagine not having the internet at home. Like what?  but yeah, literally it was, it was just looking at websites and finding a bunch of astrology sites.

I mean, a bunch back then there were like, a handful of good ones. Yeah. was and still is. Amazing. Planet Waves I found, and Planet Waves was amazing because it was also political. And I remember the first thing that got me into it was, was rants about George W. Bush and the administration and the war in Iraq.

And, now we’re getting into the early two thousands. And his, his essays were, it was, it hit all kinds of different interests of mine. There was the astrology, but there was also politics. There was also social consciousness. And I, remember this one article that he had written where he said, well, okay, so Taurus, or sorry, Mars is going to Taurus and it’s gonna be retrograde.

And I looked at my chart and sure enough, I’ve got Mars and Taurus. And so he said,  if anyone out there wants to do some research into the history of Mars and Taurus retrograde, send me some, send me some events that have happened, like major events in, in the past. And I thought, well, that’s right up my alley.

So I wrote like three pages of research, just un, un . Whatever, and, and sent it in. And,  that sparked his interest. And so who, who is he? Oh, I’m, I’m so sorry. Eric Francis,  of Planet Waves. Eric Francis of Planet Waves. Yeah. And, and he wrote back to me right away, which was, it was kind of like getting, a spotlight from a celebrity.

And, and I wrote back to him and, and we started a sort of a correspondence and I ended up working,  for Planet Waves for like,  Doing research, writing articles. I, I traveled to Toronto to present at a conference on my Saturn Neptune opposition, article, which became a, a presentation. It was sort, kind of almost the cornerstone of, of the conference.

I mean, not to brag or whatever, but I was actually a little shocked because it was, Quite a, a prestigious conference, in its way. It was, it was kind of a small independent conference. Yeah. Not like these big, as they put it, Davos-style astrology conferences. Yes. With all the celebrities, but it was, it was, kind of a little bit of a big deal.

And, mine was one of the only presentations that didn’t have,  a competing event at the same time. And I didn’t know that until the day. And I was like, wow, there’s a lot of people signed up for this one. And they’re like, There’s nothing else going on at this time.  so I was incredibly nervous, but I, I did okay.

I basically just read my article, but I had a big, PowerPoint thing with all the,  all the photos of all these crazy events, and I basically went through the, the history of Saturn opposite Neptune in, in all these, previous cycles and, so I had like the,   like 1918. Spanish flu and all these different sort of epic water disasters that had happened, the Exxon Valdez.

Okay. And, and, and the, the flood of New Orleans in, in 2005. These all kind of happened like right on the dot of, of Saturn, Neptune oppositions. And it was like, heavy water was the name of the presentation that I did. It was like, heavy water, Saturn, Saturn, Neptune, amazing. And,  yeah.

So I had, I had like this huge slideshow with all these amazing photos and  it was a lot of. So that was, that was definitely the first sort of professional astrology thing that I was involved in. And Well, that’s, that sounds like it was an absolute, a spectacular entryway for you to Yeah to get it on a gig like that.

Yeah. back then. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So that was 2006 and,  yeah, that was the, that was the first sort of re-entry into astrology, publicly doing astrology. Yeah. 

Alison: Interesting. Now, what could you tell us about, what do you really love about astrology? What is it that really attract. To the art of astrology?

Arwynne: Well, I mean, for me it really is. It’s an art and a science, which is something that I love about it. I’m,  I am an artist as well, but I’m sort of more of a, a crafty artist than like a, a creative artist. I’m not to say that I’m not creative, but,  I sew. Okay. And I, but I sew from patterns. I don’t, I don’t have these visions of a garment that I need to, somehow create, I, I can, I can craft something impeccably as a Virgo nice.

But, but with a pattern, and I can modify patterns to make something exactly as I want it. But I, I’m not the person who has these visions of something that doesn’t exist, that needs to be pulled into creation, like a, like a, a Pisces or something. 

Alison: And. So do you see astrology as well as a creative artwork?

Arwynne: Really? I mean, it’s a creative, like the storytelling is, is the creative part for me. Yes. And so it’s taking all these elements which exist. They, they are mathematical, which, and, and I’m not a math fan. Yes. But what I, what I do love about it is the precision that you can find these exact dates, these exact cycles.

You can predict them way in advance thousands of years, project them back thousands of years and find these cycles that. And then find these historical correlations, because thank God for the internet, we can find all these, all these events. It, it takes very little research to, to say, show me all of the times that Pluto has been in Aquarius and then all of the, the major events that happened in those periods, and then compare them and say, oh my God, there’s, there’s actually, something in common with these things.

And wow, what can we learn about that? What. Due to predict something into the future. Right. And that’s what I’ve always loved about it was the, the precision and the, the practicality of it. The applicability of it to our lives and, and to, broader social and political and historical trends. 

Alison: Wow. So you’re, you like the, almost, let me say the overarching cycles that are running behind in the background, not just, oh, it’s a new moon and blah blah.

Arwynne: Absolutely. Okay. In fact, I barely ever know where the. It surprises me every month when I see that it’s full. And my boyfriend always says, how can you not know you’re an astrologer? How can, how can you not know when the Moon’s full? And I’m like, yeah, it’s not my thing. It’s not your thing. So it’s super interesting that, yeah, the moon’s not my thing.

Alison: No, it’s not your thing. So, how would you say that you actually are using astrology, today in, in your practice? 

Arwynne: It’s always something that I am aware of like when I’m watching Picard and I’m thinking, oh wow, he’s such a Taurus with Sagittarius rising in mooned, Aquarius, or what have you and I’m, I’m really fascinated with the broader cycles or the, the outer planets, where Pluto is, going into Aquarius and all of a sudden we’ve got chat GPT Yes. And self-driving cars. Yes. And. It’s crazy to me like how right on the date sometimes these things are. When, Uranus moved into, I believe it was Aries, Aries back in 2011 on the day the tsunami hits in, in Japan.

Tragic. It’s horrible, incredible, tragedy. But it’s, it’s these crazy events that you can kind. See the day sometimes. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. The corresponds with a movement of the outer planets and  and that’s the stuff that fascinates me. The, the generational cycles, but also like these major events that, that seem to correspond sometimes.

Yeah. So precisely. I mean, cuz we’re talking that Pluto just recently went into, Aquarius, what, two weeks ago? From, from today. And honestly, I too have now got into chatGPT and I. Whoa. Right.  Revolut, it’s transformed to revolutionize the actual,  the internet and the way we use computers. Very interesting indeed.

And it’s gonna be in, in Aquarius for the next 40 years. And what is that, what are the next 40 years gonna hold as far as ai? I mean, just that alone is a fascinating thought experiment. That’s a, yeah, that is definitely a topic for another day. I for sure, definitely explore that as well. 

Alison: So now Arwyenne, could you tell us a little bit about your chart just for our listeners to, get a bit of an understanding of, of your chart standouts, or which, parts of your chart do you feel are more prominent and are drivers for you?

Arwynne: Sure. Well I am a Virgo. I’ve sort of triple Virgo. I’ve got the Sun, the Moon and Mercury, conjunct in Virgo in the 10th house.  so that’s definitely like my personality for sure. Core personality, like everything in its place. I’m a writer, blah, blah, blah. but I also have Scorpio rising and Wow, that is probably, the most noticeable thing about me first front and center.

I, even at the age of like, Say 12. I was, I, I went through a, not goth, but I mean, I was wearing lipstick and, my hair always was a different color and, okay. Okay. So you presented yourself. I I was always being mistaken for like 16 or 17 when I was like 12 or 13. And honestly it was the eighties.

It was a different time. Yes, yes, I understand. it’s,  there was no bad parenting involved. My mother was actually a little horrified by, the attention that I got. She’d seen my chart. She, she knew the deal. just obviously I just Scorpio rising responsibly is all I have to say about that.

Alison: And so with Scorpio is rising like that, would you say that Pluto is more dominant or Mars in your chart? 

Arwynne: Honestly, it’s both really. It’s interesting because Mars is right on my descendant Mars and Taurus is literally conjunct my descendant and my partner is a scorp. And hilariously, his Sun is conjunct my rising, like within minutes his, he’s got two degrees or two, yeah, two degrees and like 11 minutes.

And my rising is two degrees, six minutes. So we couldn’t be more conjoined. And when we met it was, I hesitate to say love at first sight. Crazy. And yeah, it, we’ve just been inseparable literally ever since then. Amazing. 

Alison: And what about the Pluto? 

Arwynne: The Pluto, the Pluto? yeah. Pluto is in my 11th house, conjunct Venus, and those are in Libra. Okay. Very feminine there as well. They Okay. Like conjunct in Libra and Yeah. my relationships have always been life or death to me. I don’t. Casual relationships. I don’t understand casual friendships. it’s all in the 11th house. I, I don’t understand the point of being in a relationship where you wouldn’t kill or die for your partner.

Alison: Wow. Kill or be killed. 

Arwynne: Yes. Yeah, exactly. And, and luckily I’ve,  had, incredibly good fortune or whatever you wanna say to, to have partners who feel the same way. Me. Super intense. Yes. Yeah and I’ve been with my, current partner for 25 years now. 

Alison: So you need a medal for that one. 

Arwynne: Yeah.

Alison: So would you, so you said, didn’t you just say that Pluto is conjoined Venus, and how do you think that may be expressed? 

Arwynne: I was obsessed with Barbie from a very young age. and that’s a Venus thing, although lots of girls were, I did go through as, as I said, dancing maybe tiny goth phase. Yes. I just recently picked up,  burlesque and I also was,  I drew burlesque dancers for about 10 years.

In, we, we had this thing called, Dr. Sketchy’s, which is an art class. Bars that,  that just shut down because of Covid. Sadly, this is where all my art came from, from the last 10 years, is drawing these beautiful burlesque dancers who would,  would pose for three hours in bars. And,  and I met a lot of these burlesque dancers, who now wow, I have actually shared the stage with over the last year since I started doing this.  so this is amazing. And we’ll put a link to, we’ll put a link to some of your art, in the show notes as well. Sure, yeah. Yeah. So it’s, it’s super interesting that you’ve taken up this, expression of that Venus Yeah. Can join the Pluto. I think it’s actually hilarious. Also my grandmother in 1950s was a burlesque dancer briefly in really Hawaii. So it’s, it’s actually kind of a family. Funnily enough, she was a Sagittarius, but whatever. It’s, yeah, but I definitely do see that, Venus conjunct Pluto there. It’s, and it’s also the kind of, the, the owning your sexuality or owning that whole thing, whatever the empowerment sort of thing of it.

It’s, when my grandmother was doing it in the fifties, it was definitely not really about empowerment. It was, it was a little bit less, of a, of a thing back then, but I mean, from the pictures you’d never guess. you would just think, wow, she’s owning it. That’s amazing. what an icon.

 and it was a little but also too grittier back then, but, but yeah, now it’s just all women. It’s all, . Well there’s also trans women. There’s also, wonderful. male to female, female to male. Like it’s all shapes and sizes and, and the dogs. It’s true. Everything. Yeah. Exactly. And it’s a really amazing community and it’s a lot of fun.

It’s really cool. It’s quite an expression. Yeah. Quite a, a visual expression of those two entities coming together in the chart. Yeah. Super interesting. Yeah. And also, as you say, it’s in the 11th house, so that is, as you say, it’s a, a troupe. Like, so there’s community. The 11th house is all about your, your friends and your community and sort of your, your social your squad.

Alison: Squad.

Arwynne: Yeah, exactly. Squad goals. Yeah. 

Alison: Great. Now the next thing I just wanna have a chat with you about is, Very often, when people have in interviews and conversations on podcasts, they do this lightning round tea, coffee, cat or dog. But because we are astrologers, what, what I’m gonna be doing is what we are calling the Holy Trinity, and that is your Ascendant, Sun Moon in that order and, we are just going to have a quick chat about that. Could you tell us your Ascendant, Sun and Moon? 

Arwynne: Scorpio is Scorpio Rising Scorpio, descendant of Virgo Sun and Virgo Moon. So we are saying, Scorpio. Virgo. Virgo. Yeah. Which is super interesting because, I, I’ve, I’ve been looking into this, pattern of the polarities of the active and passive.

Alison: Mm-hmm, and, the combinations, and I think there’s only 16 (actually 8) combinations are, will link to the website, post about this. 

So in your particular case, it would be passive, passive, passive, which is a combinnation which actually expresses who you are for sure. 

Arwynne: Oh, yeah. In a very deep way. 

Alison: So it’s super interesting and I believe that, going forward or in the future doesn’t want to say going forward in the future.

I’d be interested to just ask those things about people’s charts. Yeah. Because I don’t think that’s giving too much away and it’s a great way to, tap into the astrology rather than the cat dog thing. Yeah or coffee tea beause nobody cares. But we wanna know what’s your Ascendant, Sun and Moon is.

And of course if you go to an astrology conference and you have that little tag on your shirt, it. A sentence on Moon. 

Arwynne: I wish people had to wear those everywhere. 

Alison: Yeah, and then you, you go up to the people who think, yeah, no, I’m not gonna talk to that one. Let me talk to this one. Because you can see what their signs are.

So that’s a super interesting thing. Yep. Exactly. So, Arwynne, if our listeners would like to see some of your artworks, is it okay if we put a link in the show notes?

Arwynne: Absolutely.

Alison: Where they can see the type of work you’re doing? 

Arwynne: Absolutely. That would be great. 

Alison: Lovely. Well, thank you very much for being here with us today it’s been a pleasure as always. 

Arwynne: Thank you. It’s been wonderful to be here. Thank you.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Vocational Astrology

Vocational Astrology


While the terms “job,” “career” and “vocation” are often used interchangeably, they have slightly different meanings. In your birth chart the three are indicated by different components as well.

Finding your vocation is not a one-time event but a continuous process of self-discovery and growth. With patience, perseverance, and an open mind, you can discover a path that aligns with your values, interests, and skills, and find fulfillment and purpose in your work.


A job is typically a specific task or series of tasks that a person performs in exchange for compensation. It is often temporary or short-term and may not require a high level of skill or training.

For example, a part-time job at a retail store, a summer internship, or a freelance project can be considered a job. People may have multiple jobs throughout their lives and may not have a specific career path in mind.

In your birth chart your job is shown by your sixth house complex.


A career refers to a series of jobs or positions that an individual holds over the course of their working life. Careers are often associated with a specific profession or field and are generally viewed to achieve financial stability and success. While some people may feel a strong sense of vocation towards their chosen career, others may view it as simply a means to an end.

A career is a long-term profession chosen and developed over time. It requires a higher level of education, skill, and training and often involves a clear pathway for advancement and growth. Careers are typically more stable and provide a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

For example, becoming a doctor, lawyer, engineer, or teacher can be considered a career. People may have one or multiple careers throughout their lives and may work for different employers in the same field.

In your birth chart your career is shown by your Midheaven, tenth house complex and sometimes by Saturn.


A vocation is a calling or a sense of purpose that drives an individual towards a particular type of work. It’s often considered a deep-seated passion or a natural inclination towards a certain profession or field.

Vocations are typically associated with personal fulfillment and a sense of meaning and purpose in life. People with a strong vocational calling often feel a sense of satisfaction and joy from their work, even if it’s not financially rewarding.

In your birth chart your vocation is shown by your Oriental Planet complex.

Different but Similar

While a job, vocation and career are different concepts, they can overlap in certain situations.

For example, a person who feels a strong vocational calling towards teaching may choose to pursue a career as a teacher. In this case, their career and vocation align, allowing them to find both personal fulfillment and financial success in their work. This is shown by the complexities in your unique birth chart.


Ultimately, the difference between job, vocation and career lies in the motivation and purpose behind the work. While all can lead to professional success, a vocation is driven by a deeper sense of purpose and personal fulfillment, while a job or career is generally focused on financial stability and advancement within a particular field.

Vocational Astrology

Here are a few articles about finding work in general using astrology.

All these posts are a part of my 🩵 Vocational Astrology topics.

Vocational Podcast Episodes

Below are some of our most popular vocational astrology podcast episodes. Click to listen.

How to Find Your Vocation

Finding your vocation in life can be a challenging but rewarding journey. A vocation is a strong sense of calling or purpose in life, where your talents and interests align with a meaningful and fulfilling occupation.

Here are some steps you can take to find your vocation:


Start by asking yourself questions about your values, interests, and skills. Reflect on what you enjoy doing, what you are good at, and what you care about. Think about how you want to contribute to the world and what kind of impact you want to make.

Explore Different Options

Research and explore different career paths that align with your interests and skills. Consider talking to people who work in those fields to gain insight into what their day-to-day work entails. Attend career fairs, take courses, and volunteer to gain hands-on experience and exposure.


Take risks and try new things to discover your strengths and limitations. Take on new challenges and opportunities that can help you build your skills and confidence and to learn about your strengths and limitations. Consider internships, part-time jobs, or freelance work to gain experience and exposure.

Seek Guidance

Consider seeking guidance from your astrologer, mentor, career coach, or counselor. They can provide you with valuable advice, feedback, and support as you navigate your journey towards finding your vocation.

Stay Open and Flexible

Keep an open mind and stay flexible as you explore different paths. Be willing to pivot and adjust your goals as you gain new insights and experiences.

Identify Your Passions

Start by making a list of things that excite and inspire you. Consider your hobbies, interests, and any activities that you enjoy doing in your free time. Identifying your passions is a process of self-discovery and exploration.

Pay Attention to Your Emotions

Pay attention to the activities that make you feel happy, energized, and fulfilled. These can be good indicators of your passions.

Think Back to Your Childhood

Consider the activities that you enjoyed doing as a child. Did you have any hobbies or interests that you were particularly passionate about?

Consider Your Values

Think about what is important to you and what you believe in. What kind of causes or issues do you feel strongly about?

Try New Things

Be open to trying new things and stepping outside of your comfort zone. This can help you discover new passions and interests.

Take a Personality Test

Consider taking a personality test that can help you identify your strengths and interests. This can be a good starting point for discovering your passions.

Keep a Journal

Write down your thoughts and feelings about different activities that you try. This can help you identify which ones bring you the most joy and fulfillment.

Pay Attention to your Energy Levels

Notice which activities give you energy and which ones drain you. Activities that give you energy are more likely to be aligned with your passions.

Contemplate Your Talents

Think about the skills and talents that come naturally to you. What do you excel at? These can be good indicators of your passions.

Talk to People

Talk to friends, family, and colleagues about their interests. This can help you discover new ideas and perspectives.

Follow Your Curiosity

Be curious about the world around you and explore different topics. You never know where your passions may lie.

Consider Your Skills

Think about the skills you have developed throughout your life, both through formal education and work experience. Consider what comes naturally to you and what you excel at.

Explore Different Vocations

Research and learn about different careers that interest you. Read articles, attend career fairs, and talk to people who work in those fields.


Volunteer in areas that interest you to gain hands-on experience and exposure to different types of work.

Take Courses

Take courses in areas that interest you to gain knowledge and skills that can help you in your career.

Take a Vocational Class

If you are an Aspiring Astrologer you can sign up for a private vocational astrology class.

Next Steps

A Vocational Consultation

When you are ready to invest in yourself consider booking an astrological vocational consultation with me.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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