by Alison Price
Astrology Study Group
Humans are group oriented individuals. It is natural for us to congregate together even if it means simply sitting in a coffee shop or alone at a busy bar. The nature of people is to flock together. Did I hear “baaaa!”
Like minded people often gather to discuss their favored subject, support each other, bounce ideas off each other and explore theories amongst themselves.
A study group is created when several people join forces to work, read or study something of mutual interest. As I have said many times before, astrology can be an isolating interest.
It makes sense to go where you are understood and (dare I say it) everyone knows your name. Perhaps you have been thinking of getting some people together to mull over charts if so here are some ideas to help you formulate that plan.
When to Start a Study Group
Consult your chart to find the best time to begin building your astro group. Or any group for that matter. Bear in mind the planet that signifies the subject of the groups should be prominent. In our case Uranus rules astrology and astrologers.
Here are some times to look out for when creating a group:
- Transits to your eleventh house. (For example, Mars is good to get things going.)
- When the ruler of your eleventh house is aspected.
- During transits to your North node. In astrology the North node suggests future people who may come into your life and the nodes are hubs and indicate get-togethers.
- Conjunctions to your Vertex show new people entering your life.
Who to Invite
It is my belief that the people who will benefit from your group will make themselves known to you. It is natural for strong fire and air types to get together and the same for earth and water signs.
If you give it some thought, you will probably be able to come up with one or two people who live nearby and maybe interested.
Perhaps you have a busier astrologer in your area. Send them an invite. All astrologers have the same problem as in not having many others to talk to about the ins and outs of charts. This suggests why astrology conferences, retreats and seminars are so prolific and most astrology organizations are going from strength to strength.
When to Host
You may meet once a month, perhaps every third Wednesday, from 10:00am to noon or 7:00pm to 9:00pm. If you establish a firm day and time it makes it easier for attendees to juggle their schedule and make more appearances during the year.
What to Do
- Astrology book clubs are often the first step. One new book is chosen each month and the attendees read it beforehand to arrive prepared and ready to discuss it at the meeting. You can explore the philosophies of the author compare your views on the techniques presented or even compare the “professional” book reviews found in the trade magazines.
- Astrology transit groups usually discuss the current Moon placements and any major transits or planets changing signs happening during the month. This is a good method to support general first level forecasting techniques.
- Astrology interpretation groups will often discuss each others charts comparing Jupiter placements or work through one planet each meeting going over, for instance, Jupiter in all the houses and learning by hearing how other members of the groups experience their Jupiter placement. this type of get together supports natal chart analysis and better interpretation skills.
These are just some ideas for bringing your astrology cronies together in meaningful discussion.
If you feel like hosting a group similar to one of these in your home you can benefit by offering to do all the three type of meeting suggested above.
by Alison Price
Create the Life You Want With The Art of Astrology
Your Creativity
I believe that all women are creative. Each and every one of us has something to offer and it can be big or small.
I find that if you bring your talents forward and make time for interesting things it establishes a balance in your life between what has to be done and what you like doing. It is the action of creating that makes the process satisfying.
We all have responsibilities such as having to work for someone else, commuting, launching our kids into the world and maintaining a social life and meaningful personal relationship.
Daily you may face a to-do list and if you don’t do them who will? If you tap into your creativity it can mitigate many of the mundane details of life.
As Women Evolve
Many of the women I see in my astrology practice are in the forty- or fifty-something age group.
They have already brought up their children and made a home for their family. At this point in their lives they want something more. They ask me, “Is this all there is?” or words in the same vein.
After the efforts they have put out for years that are now not needed, they have a good look at their life. The kids have gone their partner now may, or may not, measure up and an uneasy feeling of dissatisfaction has crept in.
Other women relish their newfound freedom and seek ways to make the most of the next phase of life. Either way women want a new direction, purpose and meaning for their life.
Enter Astrology
This is where an astrology consultation can help. Astrology is the study of the influence that the stars and planets have on life on Earth. Thousands of years of analysis have shown that particular traits are inherent in each zodiac sign.
A professional astrologer can cast your unique birth chart and provide you with a life map for your journey.
Your natal chart is original and contains many combinations of planetary energies all flowing at the same time in different directions. It is the skill of the astrologer to sort through the themes shown in your chart and present a clear picture for you.
I look at all the planets including your Sun and Moon signs and find the message in your chart. It is different for each one of you. Some will call it your soul purpose, others your life path.
Whichever words you choose to use your birth chart shows all the potentials, urges and opportunities that you have and that need to be satisfied in this lifetime.
We cannot all be rocket scientists, and indeed it would be a very different world if we were, but every woman owes it to herself to be what they truly want and not have to bow to what society, or your mother-in-law, or anyone else, thinks you should be.
Reading for Mari
I had a client recently a woman we will call Mari. She came to me in mid-life for a reading. I think initially she was simply curious as she had never consulted an astrologer before. We exchanged pleasantries. I offered her tea and we settled down in a comfortable environment for her reading.
She started off by saying, “What can you see?” and I began discussing her chart and spoke of how I interpreted her chart and who I saw her as through reading her chart and the eyes of astrology.
I had never met her before and soon I was chatting about her motivations and how her nativity was suggesting a certain path. She stopped me then, and said, “I wanted to do that when I was a girl, but I had forgotten about it until you mentioned it.”
I asked her, “Do you still want to do it?”
She thought for a moment and said, “Well I did once but that was a long time ago, I’m a different person now, I have responsibilities.”
I shall break from the story here and tell you that this response is common. That what we wanted to do as children or young people has been shelved in favour of a life that is an existence but pays the rent.
Yes, I know providing a roof is important but to my mind having your dream come alive again is a most desirable state of affairs.
Astrology can help you focus on what is truly important in your life and, to be honest, it could simply be continuing down your present path. But for many women it is a way to re-ignite ideas or passions that have been left to wither on the vine.
Let Your Ideas Breathe
Going back to Mari’s situation. I urged her to consider changing what she was doing, not all at once as transformation can be daunting, but that she let the thoughts of following her long lost passion mull in her head for a while and give her ideas space to breathe.
Two months later I met with Mari again and we discussed how things were going for her. She told me she had signed up for a class to refresh her desired activity and would be starting in the New Year.
She also informed me that she has changed her attitude towards herself and her view of what she wanted her life to be.
Although this was still a work in progress the small changes she had made had improved her overall perspective and brightened her outlook.
Consider getting your chart featured. What are you waiting for?

by Alison Price
If you are an aspiring astrologer or even a full-blown astrologer for that matter, these five items you need to have in order to read charts effectively.
You may be attracted to a different branch of astrology than the next astrologer, but the basics to need are the same.
I am going to share with you the five essential things every aspiring astrologer requires to read a chart.
These items are distilled from many years of experience in my practice where I have cast and read charts for people.
Although you can have tons more books and goodies that can help with the process, I have trimmed the list down to the five basic necessities that you require to read a chart.
1) An Ephemeris
This is the best book you can have on your desk. An ephemeris contains the planet’s positions, retrogrades, eclipses, lunations and many other interesting facts about what the solar system is actually doing.
Back in the day (before we all had a computer to cast charts) you would need your ephemeris to calculate the chart in the first place.
Now you will reach for your ephemeris to quickly find when Pluto will enter your client’s eighth house for the second time, retrograde in a five-hit transit or to discover if it is going to be an appulse or total eclipse next autumn as you write you horoscopes for the following year.
If you never refer to your ephemeris for charts and forecasting it makes a great spot for your cat to sleep.
2) A Computer with Solar Fire
Where would we be without a professional astrology software program?
Still casting charts by hand I suppose. You do need some way to draw charts quickly and correctly if you read charts for a living.
I use Solar Fire and it is really powerful software and to be honest I don’t use all the features all the time, or even many of the features most of the time, but
I do use the powerful chart processing ability and its calculations for secondary progressions, solar arcs, solar returns, and transits. These are for client work and the chart for right-here right-now to plan my day.
You can get chart calculation apps for your iPhone like Astro Gold and this is wonderful for casting charts on-the-go. I use Astro Gold for pondering the charts of my clients as I always load their birth data into my phone, as well as Solar Fire, before the consultation so I can consider all the ideas I may have about their chart wherever I am in my day.
I can do this because I book clients usually one week ahead because I like to cast their chart and then mull over it for a few days so it can “speak” to me.
If you work differently (and you should follow your path) or work ahead of time as I do then, either way, you need powerful astrology software.
3) The Chart
You need the chart to do the interpretation. Usually, you will print the chart from your computer or draw it by hand.
But just having a plain chart is no good and you have to make notes on it, highlight special planets, draw attention to grand trines or yods and the like. This extra jotting on the chart is best done in color.
Emphasize the ruling planet in yellow wherever it appears on the page even in the aspectarian.
Color the grand trines and mini-grand trines in blue along with the normal blue trines for ease the T-squares in red (red is for squares in general), Thor’s hammers in tangerine (sesquiquadrates are always orange), emerald for yods (quincunxes are green).
You do this in color because after a time when you have looked at hundreds of charts they can easily blend into one in your mind. If you have each chart highlighted in color and the main features, planets, houses and major aspect patterns enhanced it is quicker to scan and immediately get up to speed on that particular chart.
It is a way to streamline your readings and stop you ploughing through all the myriad of details that each chart contains. By adding primary and secondary shades, as a component to clarity, you become more effective and just glancing at the wheel hues can become almost as a mandala when you contemplate many charts.
4) Your Astrology Journal
An astrology journal is every aspiring astrologer’s friend. You will always be learning new interpretations for charts. When you read astrology articles online, blogs or pieces in trade publications there is always something to learn.
It could be a technique or another way to remember planetary placement meanings, if you write them down you don’t have to remember everything.
You may not ever use these tidbits of information but then again you might. Points you find that may not make much sense today may be just what you are looking for in the next chart you read or maybe next year when you tackle another method that is new to you.
Astrologers are always learning and this is what the journal is for.
I use mine when I planning my horoscopes for next year or other writing projects that I may be developing.
5) Herb Tea
As you sit at your desk for a few hours each day working on charts and chatting to people it is nice to have a soothing cup of herb tea at your elbow.
Personally, I enjoy green tea, jasmine tea and now and then a refreshing Earl Grey. If you are not a tea drinker it doesn’t matter but you do need your favorite drink to hand.
Taking a beverage break lets you sit back, ease your shoulders that have become tense leaning in, drawing notes on your charts and making case notes for your charts.
Pausing for a drink gives you a time to breathe and make a moment of stillness in your day.
These are the five basics that should be on your desk. There is room for many more reference books (oh the books), but to cast a chart and read it you only need five things.
Start with these items on your desk and develop your aspiring astrology chart reading skills as you immerse yourself in the magical world of astrology.
by Alison Price
Astrology Business Kick Start Master Class
If you are an aspiring astrologer and want to set-up your astrology business then this is the master class for you.
In this master class, we address the challenges experienced in the first year of your practice.
Who This Master Class is For
If you are an engaged astrology student, keen and attentive or you are thinking of starting to charge for your readings this master class is for you.
Masterclass Features
Your booking package
When you book a spot you will receive a booking package the week before the event which includes:
- A copy of your birth chart.
- A 12-month graphic ephemeris.
- A questionnaire designed to bring focus to your business journey, which you will complete beforehand and bring to the masterclass.
- The Zoom link of the event.
- Worksheets for in-class exercises so you can follow along every step of the way and map out your astrology business.
Summer 2023
Zoom webinar
Presented by Professional Astrologer Alison Price
Master Class Outline
9:45 am – 10:00 am – Zoom waiting room open
Welcome and hellos.
10:00 am – 11:15 am – First Session
What type of astrologer you are and what type of astrologer should you be.
How to set up and manage your astrology business.
The importance of your online presence.
11:15 am – 11:30 am – Coffee break
11:30 am – 12:45 pm – Second Session
How to attract clients.
Advertising, marketing and promotion of your astrology business.
How to correctly take a client booking.
12:45 pm – 2:00 pm – Lunch break
2:00 pm – 3:15 pm – Third Session
The wealth potential in your chart.
Whether you took a vow of poverty.
How to manage your first paid consultation.
3:15 pm – 3:30 pm – Coffee Break
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm – Fourth Session
How to set fees for your products and services.
What your money says about your values.
How your chart shows the path for your astrology business.
4:30 pm – 5:00 pm – Closing Summary
Final thoughts and next steps.
Masterclass Details: What You Need to Know
Only a few attendee spots available
To maintain an intimate experience and ensure personal attention the space is limited to only a few spots.
Pricing and Payments
Via Zoom webinar.
All booking cancellations requiring a refund will attract a $30 administration fee.
No refunds after two weeks prior to the start.
If for some reason you cannot make it, you may transfer or donate your spot to someone else at no extra charge.
Astrology Classes
Below are the options I have for astrology lessons from beginner to advanced chart readings and more.
Click the images on the left for more details.
Beginner’s Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)
Semester One: Basic Natal Charts
Signs, planets, points, houses and aspects.
Semester Two: Advanced Natal Charts
Essential dignity, Lunar phases, retrograde, Nodes, chart shape etc.
Intermediate Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)
Semester One:
Dignities, phases, retrograde, most elevated, derivative and oriental.
Semester Two:
Proximity, Anticia, synodic cycles, moiety and dexter.
Advanced Astrology: Forecasting (16 Classes)
Semester One: Direct Astrological Forecasting
Transits, solar returns and eclipses.
Semester Two: Indirect Astrological Forecasting
Secondary progressions, solar arc directions and mundane.
Vocational Astrology: Money and Career (4 Classes)
Your passion, earning and soft skills.
Chart challenges and job seeking tips.
Relationship Astrology (4 Classes)
Love and Romance Questions
Synastry and chart comparison, composite midpoints, Davison charts, Wedding Elections.
Your Astrology Business Setup (2 Classes)
Basic Business Setup
Start charts, website, products and services.
Privacy and mission statements.
Astrology Mentorship (by the hour)
Individual sessions to focus on your knowledge gaps.
Client work advice.
Practise readings so you can get better.
More Articles
Here are some more articles from our website.
by Alison Price
12 Benefits of an Astrology Reading
When you have an astrology session/reading/consultation, call it what you will, all you see is the finished product.
That is your astrologer discussing your chart and maybe some specific issues you have previously highlighted for attention.
This is usually a one hour meeting and then it is finished.
When you meet your astrologer you don’t see what went on behind the scenes and the time and effort which went into the polished reading you are experiencing.
I want to share with you what goes into make up a client reading.
If you are my client, you may book your hour consultation with me, or sign up for a class or some mentoring and you will see me in action discussing your chart and referring to your charts, diagrams and colored notes.
I thought I’d discuss with you twelve important benefits that go on out of sight to make your personal reading the best you can get. I always think it is convenient that astrology has twelve signs as they can be used to underline different things, just like those here.
More >>> Book your personal astrology reading now
Aries: My personal efforts for you
When you experience a reading with me you are not just getting my attention for one hour, you are benefitting from my years of dedication and passion for astrology.
I strive to present the very best information I can for you and to offer it in a way that you can understand. I am constantly on the look out for, and creating, new initiatives to appreciate astrology and all of these projects that I have up my sleeve will benefit you.
Taurus: A love of astrology
I love astrology, its value as a tool for self-understanding and how at times it unfolds in the most unlikely way.
I believe in getting to grips with the basics of chart interpretation and this comes from the long slog of learning all the building blocks of astrology which are the signs, planets, houses and aspects.
This is foundational information but you need to know it all before you can start a full interpretation for anyone’s chart. To be a good astrologer you have to pay your dues.
Gemini: Years of classroom learning and reading
I have spent many hours in assorted astrology classrooms. In my initial diploma course way back in the 1980’s for over three years and since then at various in between classes and during the past eight years through further study at the Faculty.
To my mind learning is an ongoing process as new things come up all the time and it is important that I, as your astrologer, keep up to date and hone my information to remain relevant.
Read more >>> One Hour Consultation with Alison
Read more >>> What Happens at an Astrology Reading
Cancer: Know where you come from
Part of being an astrologer is knowing what you can and can’t do. You need to know where you are coming from and where you can confidently go with your clients.
This is what I do for you.
I know I only do western astrology, I typically have engaged and creative people in my practice and I prefer to inspire my clients to live their life through their charts.
At the same time I also know what I don’t do such as rectification or mundane work.
Leo: My creative expression of your chart
Much of my work these days focuses on finding the creativity and genius in your chart. Many of my clients want to know what they can expect and how they can work towards finding satisfaction in their lives.
I honestly believe that this shows in your natal chart and I endeavour to tease out all the creative possibilities I see for you so you can give birth to them.
Virgo: Attention to detail
The research work that goes into exploring your natal chart is detail oriented. There is lots of maths, fine tuning with small degrees and minutes that can make a huge difference in the timing of events in your future.
Checking your chart data and facts is essential for a thorough interpretation and this does take time.
The devil is in the details.
Libra: You and me
All consultations involve two people. You and me. We come together to explore your chart and find a balance, or a middle ground, between what you need to know and what you want to know.
Because we don’t have all day to spend looking into every nook and cranny it is important that I think about our personal one-to-one relationship and concerns and that I harmonise the session to suit you.
Scorpio: Your privacy
This means that I am mindful of anything that you wish to keep quiet about and I respect your wishes by being aware that what I may think is not such a big deal but you may be in angst about.
If you so desire I will help you tune in to your deeper issues but I will not force you to face things for which you are not ready.
A reading is not about doing the dirty laundry it is about being where you are at this time in your life and as your astrologer I will acknowledge that.
Sagittarius: Your vision for your future
My philosophy about your reading is much like, “What has gone is gone. it’s all about what you will do from this day onward.” This means that how you move forward in your life is more important than what has passed.
We all have issues or baggage and the day does arrive when it is time to branch out and strike a new path for yourself.
This forward drive will always be the focus of any reading I do for you as I show you the possibilities.
Capricorn: Respect for you
I am not here to tell you what to do or to urge you to live your life as how I see fit. That is not my role. I respect your chart, its message and the planetary combinations that make up the individual you.
You are your chart and I acknowledge this.
I will not try to change you or to dismiss any fears you may have. I will accept you just as you are.
I want you to achieve your full potential as shown by your chart and this is what I will hold up to you. You are in the driver’s seat and decisions you make are your choice.
Aquarius: Becoming friends
I would like to think that with all (or most) of my students and clients we have a rapport at the end. That when the period for us to come together such as after a class has finished or a reading is done that we can be friends and that we are at ease with each other in a social setting.
Now this does not happen every time but I’ve got to tell you, it happens most of the time.
It is as though my chart attracts those that I can help through my own planetary placing and that connection sustains us through into a future friendship as well.
Pisces: Offering you a place for reflection
As your personal astrology session draws to a close it is important for you to have time for reflection on what has been said in the reading.
I always let you know that you can email me if something comes up in the following few days or if you need time to compose a question upon which some light needs to be shone.
I leave you with time to pause and reflect on your consultation with me which is a very important part of the process and rounds it all off well.
These are some of the ways that I prepare for your personal astrology session.
Clearly it is not just sixty minutes out of my life, although it may be one hour out of yours. The background preparation for me is both intense and reflective.
The experience and skill of your astrologer will show through in the reading they can provide and the lasting value that is perceived by the most important part of this process, you.
by Alison Price
International Astrology Day
Every year on or around March 21 the Sun enters Aries and we celebrate International Astrology Day. This day is chosen for its special status because it is the time when the Sun commences the annual astrological cycle on its journey through the zodiac
International Astrology Day : 2024 Chart
Below is the chart for International Astrology Day in 2024. It is set on the Zero Aries house system and can be used all over the world. You can cast one specifically for your location if you wish.
Ingress Chart
This is an ingress chart for the exact moment that the Sun enters Aries.
Equinox means equal night and therefore equal day. The day and night are twelve hours long which when added together makes up the usual twenty-four hour day.
The equinoxes occur on the day when the Sun is directly overhead at the equator, or in other words, at zero degrees of celestial latitude. To be specific there is a time in the day that this happens it does not occur at midnight. Each year is different.
There are two equinoxes each year and they are six months apart. The first near March 21st and the second on or around September 21st. The date slowly shifts back and forth over the years as we adjust the calendar for leap year.
The spring or vernal equinox is in March and the autumnal equinox is in September. This naming of the equinoxes is northern hemisphere related and my friends in South Africa, Oz and Middle Earth will experience the opposite seasons.
It is at the vernal equinox when the Sun enters the first sign of the zodiac Aries. The twelve zodiac signs are in sequence as follows: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
Cardinal Ingresses
The four cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
An ingress is the term used to define when a planet, or the Sun or Moon, leave one sign and enter the adjacent sign. So you can refer to this event as the Sun’s Aries ingress or simply as the Aries Ingress.
We can cast an ingress chart for the exact time, to the minute and second, of the Sun’s entrance into Aries and this chart and it’s meaning will be in effect for three months until the Cancer ingress or one year until the following Aries ingress.
Yearly Cycles
All cycles have a beginning and an end. In this case the new beginning suggests hope and eagerness to start things afresh. The sign of Aries is one for initiating things, starting a venture or turning over a new leaf.
If you have a project that you want to start and get going quickly then do so after International Astrology Day and try not to start before that date. You can certainly plan and work over the strategy required for your actions but wait for the Sun to shine from Aries and use this strong energy.
How to Celebrate International Astrology Day
Typically you can celebrate in several ways:
- An astrology group meeting.
- Lunch or dinner.
- Bake a cake.
- Share and discuss the ingress chart.
- Other types of get together.
- Perhaps you can make some personal affirmations for changes you would like to see flourish in your life.
It is not necessary for everyone to acknowledge this day.
Author Bio
Alison Price: Professional Astrologer
Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.
If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at
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