by Alison Price
This is a Guest Post from Arwynne O’Neill, research astrologer and co-host of the Starzology Astrology podcast.
Venus square Pluto
by Arwynne O’Neill
Today we’re talking about the Venus Pluto Square coming up on December 3, 2023.
Venus will be at 28° Libra and Pluto will be at 28° Capricorn.
This is one of the final aspects Pluto will be making while it’s in Capricorn before it enters Aquarius in January, where it will stay for the next 20 years.
This is the first time on the podcast that we’ve talked about specific Venus aspects.
Until now we’ve focused on some of the big Mars aspects and of course Venus has a very different character from Mars so let’s talk a bit about what Venus is.
Podcast Episode
Listen on the go to our special podcast episode Venus square Pluto.
In this episode, Arwynne and her guest Katia discuss what to anticipate as the aspect of Venus square Pluto forms. And as always they offer some celebrity examples.
Venus Transits
Just like you might expect, Venus is the planet that rules love, relationships, beauty, harmony, grace and of course is named after the Roman goddess, who was known as Aphrodite in the Greek pantheon.
In your personal chart Venus is about your attractiveness if you’re female, or about the type of women you’re attracted to.
Venus has a fairly interesting orbit due to retrograde periods, so it can stay in a sign for about 2 to 3 weeks or, in some cases, as long as 5 months.
It typically takes from 10 to 12 months to go through all 12 signs but it can be longer depending on the retrogrades.
Venus in Libra
Right now, Venus is in Libra which is a placement I have, which you can really see in my choice of makeup and fashion.
I’m a bit obsessive when it comes to never leaving the house without lipstick and fussing over my hair, etc.
Relationships are very important to me, both romantic and friendships, and Venus rules both Taurus and Libra so it is very comfortable in both of those two signs.
Since Venus moves so quickly it does make a lot of aspects while it moves through the zodiac, and not all of them will have earth-shattering effects, it will basically only be active for a day or so.
But when Venus contacts an outer planet like Uranus, Neptune or Pluto the effect is much stronger and certainly if either planet makes an exact connection to your personal chart.
As we’ve discussed in the past, squares are the most difficult and intense of the aspects, so when a planet like Pluto, which rules transformation and destruction, contacts Venus, we can expect sparks to fly.
This aspect rules power trips, sexual violence, obsession, extreme and life-transforming relationship encounters and events.
Things that happen under this aspect can feel karmic, like there’s a spiritual importance to them that we don’t normally feel unless of course we have this aspect in our natal chart.
In Your Chart
So let’s talk about what this aspect looks like in someone’s chart.
Very strong feelings and emotions, a need for a depth of involvement can be seen any time you have Venus in aspect to Pluto and the square is the strongest of those effects.
Pluto encourages us to delve deep into relationships. There’s an all or nothing, life or death feeling.
When these people make friends or fall in love, their emotions can be so extreme that they can attract or repel people with equal intensity.
Depending on the other person’s chart, some people love this kind of intensity and in fact they don’t feel like they’re in a relationship unless there’s a super-intense attraction or repulsion, but other people are absolutely not interested in that kind of intensity and find it scary.
So these people have a harder time with relationships, especially at a young age.
They will tend to attract other people who have intense Venus aspects in their chart.
We talked about people with Mars-Uranus aspects and how they tend to attract the opposite type, a more easy-going, accepting, peaceful, stable type.
But people with strong Venus-Pluto aspects will tend more to attract each other… or they will get into relationships with people who can’t handle their intensity with the result that both people can come away hurt and damaged.
Celebrity Examples
Some famous people with Venus Square Pluto include Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears, Hillary Clinton, Bruce Lee, Elizabeth Taylor, Jack Nicholson, Naomi Campbell Sean Connery, Warren Buffett — and this is an interesting one because Venus and Pluto are also known as the money planets so that’s an intense aspect in a different way for him.
We also have William Shakespeare, Woody Allen, Johnny Cash and Sinead O’Connor.
So a lot of intensity there for sure.

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Author Bio
Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer
Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.
Arwynne’s artworks
Arwynne’s Instagram @mspinkdotcom
by Alison Price
This is a Guest Post from Arwynne O’Neill, research astrologer and the co-host of the Starzology Astrology podcast.
Mars in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus
By Arwynne O’Neill
Last month we talked about the transit of Mars square Pluto which occured on October 8, 2023 and the potential for violence and destruction when the planets come into tense alignments.
Unfortunately, as so often happens in human history, that potential is often the easiest and most obvious interpretation, and this time was no exception.
Within less than 24 hours of the exact square, we heard reports of the Hamas attack that sparked the conflict in Israel and Gaza which continues to intensify, with mounting casualties every day.
Podcast Episode
For a deeper understanding of this aspect, you can listen to the full podcast episode of Mars opposition Uranus with Arwynne and Katia.
You can’t go too far wrong predicting that humans will act out aggressively and this is one of the most historically troubled regions in the world.
Decades of tension have erupted into horrific violence time and time again, followed by retaliation, escalation, and all the other countries ramping up financial support in the form of weapons and divisive rhetoric, which is what we’re seeing now.
Of course, on this podcast, we try to focus on the positive, so we mostly talked about the potential for transformation through action in our individual lives, which is another meaning of Mars and Pluto when they come together.
Read more >>> Mars
Read more >>> Pluto
If you are interested in the astrology of politics, a couple of great astrologers who are talking a lot about the current planetary conditions are Jessica Murray, based out of San Francisco, and Eric Francis based out of New York State.
They both focus a lot on transpersonal astrology, politics and historical Cycles which of course I find fascinating so if you want to go down that rabbit hole you can check out their blogs.
Rob Brezsney of Free Will Astrology has also posted some beautiful words of wisdom about healing historical wounds and how we can talk to each other about these types of events without falling into the traps of tribalism and extreme polarization… which has become increasingly difficult these days.
Mars and Uranus are another volatile planetary combination, with perhaps an even worse reputation for sudden events that mix the martial quality of Mars and the unexpected lightning strike quality of Uranus.
This month on November 11, Mars will oppose Uranus. Mars will be at 21° Scorpio and Uranus will be at 21° Taurus.
Since this aspect happens every two years it’s not uncommon but it is something to look out for and be aware of because of its potential for sparking conflict and breakthroughs, both positive and negative.
Mars opposite Uranus is an aspect that’s characterized by volatile excitement, tension and the urge for freedom as well as a feeling of enormous energy being focused through aggressive action.
With Mars in Scorpio this action can be extraordinarily vicious and calculating.
Mars rules both Aries and Scorpio and in Aries it tends to be characterized by the firefighter, the warrior, the boxer, etc.
In Scorpio it can take a much darker form.
Mars in Scorpio is the placement of the sniper, the super-spy and the secret agent, but also the detective, the private detective and the investigative journalist.
In a positive sense, Mars in Scorpio could be a great time to dig deeper, look beneath the surface (or the propaganda), find your own truth, expose lies and “fake news.”
Famous people with Mars in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus include music legend Frank Zappa, actor Jon Voight, and the Dutch Impressionist painter Rembrandt who was born in 1606.
Some people with the Mars opposite Uranus aspect but not in those signs include Seth MacFarlane, the creator of the Family Guy and The Orville, which is a show I quite enjoy, the actor Peter Falk, otherwise known as Colombo, Kanye West, Alec Baldwin, Roman Polanski and Roseanne Barr.
Clearly, this aspect is prominent in the charts of people who speak their minds and don’t give a damn who they offend, for better or worse.
You may know some people like this in your personal life and they can be challenging but they can also be incredibly brave when standing up for what they believe in or championing the rights of others.
It’s all about harnessing these volatile energies in a positive constructive way.

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