Chart Interpretation Guide

Chart Interpretation Guide

Chart Interpretation Guide

As a private astrology teacher, I often receive inquiries about where to begin with chart interpretations and what holds more significance in a chart reading.

I am delighted to present my Chart Interpretation Guide, which aims to assist you in initiating and refining your consultations.

When it comes to chart interpretation styles, there is no universal approach that suits everyone.

I strongly encourage you to continue utilizing your own knowledge, insights, and intuition in your readings.

However, if you ever find yourself in need of some guidance, this guide is here for you.

New Chart Interpretation Guide

There are numerous approaches to conducting a chart reading, but the method I prefer involves initially extracting the crucial elements and saving the remaining details for later exploration.

To put it simply, it’s like sticking to the main roads and leaving the less prominent ones for another time.

Your clients are likely to be aware of prominent features in their charts, such as the chart ruler or challenging aspects to their Sun. It is sensible to address these obvious components first.

I’m not suggesting disregarding all the other features that appear in a chart, but rather prioritizing the information displayed in each chart.

This way, you can organize it into manageable portions and present it in a manner that your clients can easily comprehend.

Ideally, it would be best to schedule three to five sessions over a six-month period for each client.

This allows for a comprehensive interpretation of their natal chart potential in various areas, including general life, romance, career, and health.

Margin and Body

Section 1 of the Guide provides a comprehensive explanation of the Margin and Body method, which is an effective technique for extracting initial details from a chart.

To assist you in prioritizing information, the individual Parts 1 to 6 are listed in order of importance.

Feel free to write by hand and make use of the astrological glyphs as you delve into the chart interpretation process.

Report Headings Guide

Section 2 of the guide offers valuable starting points to help you piece together the various elements of a chart reading.

I have carefully organized the different features in a chart to facilitate your interpretation process.

It’s completely understandable if you’re not familiar with all the details mentioned in the guide.

Don’t worry! Utilize this resource to the best of your current abilities, and rest assured that as you continue your astrology journey, you will gradually uncover and comprehend the more advanced components.

Get Your Chart Interpretation Guide

I am delighted to offer you a complimentary copy of my latest Chart Interpretation Guide.

If you are already on my mailing list you will have received the complimentary guide.

You can access the PDF Guide by subscribing below after which shortly you will receive an email with the PDF included.

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Feedback on My Chart Interpretation Guide

“I just wanted to let you know how thoughtful it was for you to send the Chart Interpretation Guide. Thank you so much! Chart synthesis can be overwhelming and has caused me much anxiety in the past, truth be told. But now, with the help of this guide, I have a newly found confidence with it. I just inputted my own personal natal data into the guide to try it out, and I was extremely impressed with its thoroughness. This is such an awesome guide!  l can’t wait to utilize it more. Its going to make my efforts more streamlined and cohesive, which is a huge benefit. So thank you, I really  appreciate it. Thanks again,” Stacy

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Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Example Chart: Maxie

Example Chart: Maxie

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Jupiter in Taurus

Jupiter in Taurus

Jupiter in Taurus

As Jupiter moves through the fixed Earth sign of Taurus there will be several changes in the way that growth and opportunity is expressed.

Jupiter is the planet of great expectation, production and growth.

Jupiter in Taurus Dates

Jupiter will be in Taurus from May 18, 2023 to May 25, 2024.

As it enters Taurus we can anticipate:


Growth in Taurus things such as food production,


Some inflation in the economy and rises in international exchange rates.

Book Recommendation

Arwynne recommends Steven Arroyo’s fabulous book Exploring Jupiter.

Example Chart

Tony Robbins 8:10pm, February 29, 1960, Los Angeles, California, USA.

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Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Astrological Holy Trinity

Astrological Holy Trinity

Astrological Holy Trinity

Inspiring Others

I hope that the work I’m doing here will inspire other people to take what astrology they know and run with it. I believe that your mind can explore your current astrology skills and take you down some exciting roads. We don’t know where you will end up, but at least you will have taken the first step. Many people who learn astrology don’t turn into consulting astrologer, but they use the knowledge to enhance other parts of their lives or related businesses. People like coaches, artists, numerologists and healers from all walks of life can improve their insights with some understanding of astrology. I urge you to look at the craft from all sorts of different angles, and yes, I know there are angles in a birth chart, to find the treasures within the teachings of astrology which resonate with you and your chart and dig deep.

Exploring Astrology

I believe in exploring astrology by going down all the nooks and crannies and finding ways to present it differently. I did this in 2011 with my extensive research into the Oriental Planet. Where I dug deep into this topic for over two years. Again in 2015 I pushed forward with some original research into the Five Types of Dispositor Tree and the specific positions planets can hold within a Dispositor Tree.

Once again during 2018 with my tentative exploration of the Fibonacci Aspects. Which did not go very far, but still… And once more recently with what I’m calling the “Astrologer’s Holy Trinity” research that I’m doing now. Not all of this research has gone somewhere, but some of it has. You don’t know what will take off until you try. 

What do they say, “Sow your seeds in the morning, then keep busy all afternoon, because you never know what will grow.”

Discover Research

Whatever you think about most in astrology is likely to be a place where you can develop something of value in the future.

I believe that great things can be imagined and brought forward from all modern astrologers.

Just because astrology has been around for so long, thousands of years, does not mean there is nothing left to explore.

In this episode, I’m going to explain my current research into the Astrologer’s Holy Trinity and the highest-level temperature of the chart thus reducing it down to only four values.


We used to refer to the two polarities in different ways than we do today.

  • Black and White
  • Masculine and Feminine
  • Positive and Negative
  • Active and Passive

I’ll be using the terms active and passive signs.


The very nature of energy on Earth is in balance. In a way this can be seen by the magnetic North and the South Poles. As I understand it, one pole ejects positive ions and the other pole absorbs them. The poles swap back and forth over time and are somewhat aligned to the eleven-year sunspot cycle.


In a bar magnet the magnetic lines can be seen when you tap iron filings. They come out of one end and go back in the other.

The Sun

The Earth’s magnetic field has both a positive and a negative pole. This is similar to the Zodiac sign polarities.

Sign Polarity

Active Signs

The active signs are:

  • Aries
  • Gemini
  • Leo
  • Libra
  • Sagittarius
  • Aquarius

Passive Signs

The passive signs are:

  • Taurus
  • Cancer
  • Virgo
  • Scorpio
  • Capricorn
  • Pisces

Trinity Chart Components

There are three main components of a chart.

  • Ascendant
  • Sun
  • Moon

List your main component polarities in this order of importance. First the Ascendant, then the Sun and then the Moon.


In this example we have, a Virgo Ascendant, a Cancer Sun and an Aries Moon. This would be listed as (Virgo, Cancer, Aries) or (VI,CA,AR). Which converts to (-, -, +)

The other options are:

+ + +

–  + +

+  + –

+ – +

– + –

– – +

+ – –

– – –

So what? Well, it’s a high-level way to analyze the chart. Through a elevated approach of the core components with just Ascendant, Sun and Moon. And it’s probably the highest. Most will be either +2 and -1 or -2 and +1.

Let’s do the Maths

+2 -1 = +1

-2 +1 = -1

+3 = +3

-3 = -3


There are only 4 options for a score.

-3, -1, +1 and +3

Interpretations of Final Four

Let’s start with some obvious keywords.

Minus Three

Super passive – Cold – Icy 💙

Minus One

Moderately passive – Chilled – Cool 💚

Plus One

Moderately active – Warm – Toasty 💛

Plus Three

Super active – Hot – Sizzling ❤️

Ongoing Research

This is as far as I’ve got with the Holy Trinities and the extension of plus one, plus three, minus one and minus three research. Is this going somewhere? I don’t know. Is it useful for astrologers to know these hot numbers? Time will tell. Let me know what you think.

Holy Trinity Survey

To be a part of this research please complete our Holy Trinity Survey. We appreciate your support.


Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Pluto in Aquarius

Pluto in Aquarius

Author: Alison Price   –   Originally published: January 2023   –   Revised: January 2024

Pluto in Aquarius

Astrological News for 2024

The biggest Astrological update for the year 2023 is that the dwarf planet Pluto, ruler of Scorpio, will leave cardinal earth Capricorn and enter the new sign of fixed air sign Aquarius the Water Bearer.

This is huge and will affect everyone for many years to come.

When an outer planet (Uranus, Neptune of Pluto) shifts signs it changes the background energy for all charts and horoscope work.

Pluto’s Orbit

Pluto’s Time Scale

Pluto takes around 240 years to go around the Zodiac, so it was back in. 1798 when Pluto last left the sign of the Water Bearer.

Because Pluto takes so long to transit through each sign, we generally have twenty to thirty years of one Pluto influence by sign.

The Pluto in Capricorn influence is beginning to fade.

Listen to podcast >>> Pluto in Aquarius

Pluto in Aquarius Fireside Chat – Video

In this video, I chat with my good friend and research astrologer Arwynne O’Neill about the Pluto Aquarius ingress. You can see Arwynne’s mini bio and contact details at the end of this post.

Planets in Transit

The book which Arwynne references in the above video is Planets in Transit by Robert Hand. This is truly the forecasting astrologer’s bible. Highly recommended ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ And if you look closely at the banner at the top of this screen, Robert Hand has been a favorite author of mine and his books have been on my bookshelf for many years.

Pluto in Aquarius – Three Ingresses

First Ingress

For the first time in living memory, Pluto initially ingressed, or entered, Aquarius on March 23, 2023. Pluto then retrogrades back into Capricorn on June 12, 2023, where it remains for around six months.

Second Ingress

Next Pluto enters Aquarius for the second time on January 21st, 2024 to remain for four months. Then it again retrogrades back into Capricorn.

Third Ingress

Pluto finally moves into Aquarius on November 19th, 2024 to stay for a long time. From this point onwards Pluto will transit Aquarius for nineteen years until it leaves to enter Pisces on March 9, 2043. This means that Pluto will be in Aquarius for around twenty years give or take a whisker.

Explore more >>> The Leo Creator Economy in the Age of Aquarius

Explore more >>> Pluto

Pluto’s Symbolism


The concept of power, and personal power is a theme for Pluto. Where you have personal power, or you give it away is shown by the Pluto placement in your chart. As Pluto transits through Aquarius, it will trigger power issues, power plays and power imbalances, particularly between the sexes, in life.


The main symbolism I use for Pluto is when a boring, green, nondescript caterpillar stuck on one tree, turns into a fabulous, colorful and delicate butterfly, which can fly away and mate. Pluto is the transformational planet in astrology as it changes or metamorphoses everything it touches.


The cycle of birth, life and death is attributed to Pluto. We all are born, will live and eventually die and this ongoing life cycle is ruled by Pluto. This concept can also be applied to self-regeneration and making yourself over like you, but 2.0. Pluto’s ability to birth a vibrant phoenix from the ashes is a powerful image for this process. Every time you do a makeover, or change yourself inside or outside, consciously, it is under the influence of Pluto’s regenerative energy.

Aquarius’ Themes


Aquarius has an affinity with society and the faceless people in general. This means Aquarius pertains to the resources that should be for everyone like water, food and shelter. You can go one step further and say health care and prosperity options.

The Collective

It is concerned with the collective and humanity in general. This is not a sign worried with selfish egos.


Aquarius is the sign associated with stamping out discrimination in all forms. Human rights, women’s rights, children’s rights and all other “rights” are the remit of Aquarius. Freedom of speech as the core tenant of democracy is a feature of Aquarius.

Pluto in Aquarius Themes

As Pluto begins to transit through Aquarius, we can anticipate themes of transformation in several areas.

Social Reform

We can expect major and deeply effective social reforms for everyone. This may play out as protests and riots in the streets of first world countries to raise awareness of exactly what goes on in the rest of the world. The entitlement bubble that many people live in will be truly popped, and reality will come knocking at everyone’s door.

Gender Realignment

We can anticipate full gender realignment and acceptance throughout the world. This will not be without its challenges.

Burial Practices

There is likely to be a reform in burial practices and how we honor the dead. It is not easy to predict just how this area may change as I do not know that much about it in general. I would postulate that the huge cost for funerals and cremations will be addressed so everyone can have the send-off they desire.

Pluto in Aquarius for All Ascendants

Below is a list of how the Pluto in Aquarius Transit will probably affect each Ascendant sign. If you know your Ascendant sign, read that. If not, you can read the Sun sign and ask yourself when you are going to get to grips with astrology, get your chart cast and discover your Ascendant sign which is arguably the most sensitive point in your birth chart?

Explore more >>> Ascendants

Pluto in Aquarius for Aries Ascendants


You can anticipate finding deeper friendships and acquaintances who turn into life-long friends during this time.

Social Consciousness

There is the likelihood that you will develop a social conscious if you don’t really have one, or you extend your involvement in social issues which affect humanity.

Group Involvement

Anticipate more involvement in groups or causes close to your heart.

Pluto in Aquarius for Taurus Ascendants


This ingress will probably allow you to dig deeper into your career and what it is you truly should be doing with your life. If you are in politics, you can expect some support from the silent majority now.

Public Domain

Everything you do in the public domain will be scrutinized, so make sure your social profiles are squeaky clean or they may come to haunt you later.


Your reputation can be rejuvenated now. If you are in the need of a resurrection in some form this period will grant you the chance to show up as your authentic self.

Pluto in Aquarius for Gemini Ascendants


Now you can explore your visions and discover your inner strengths.


This is a great time to replan your life path and ensure you are living the life you want and aspire to and not one wanted for you by your parents, partner or other people.

Higher Education

If you are thinking about taking some higher education the loose fields of surgery, psychology or waste removal may appeal.

Pluto in Aquarius for Cancer Ascendants


This will be the period in your life when you can connect intimately with someone special.


Pluto will provide you the power to overcome any debt, like credit card debt which may be burying you already. If you get an offer for financial help now, take it.


Be scrupulous with your taxes as this is likely to be the time when you go under the microscope and get an audit.

Pluto in Aquarius for Leo Ascendants


Marriage and your main committed relationships will be of primary importance for you now. You are likely to connect with someone who will transform your life.

Business Collaborations

Choose wisely and do as much background checking as you can before taking on a business partner or getting into a financial relationship with someone else. It may be best to avoid all such arrangements unless you are totally convinced of their viability.

Other People

Your relationship with other people may take on a deeper note now. It could be that you emphasise with people in the street or become embroiled in their lives in some way. There is the feeling about the Good Samaritan about this placement.

Pluto in Aquarius for Virgo Ascendants

Day-to-Day Activities

This is the time to plunge into your daily activities and live life to the full.


Take good care of your health and don’t ignore any little niggles now. You may be called upon to donate or receive a donation from someone else.


The areas of life that will interest you now are all related to Pluto. Such as uncovering hidden facts or researching at an archaeological dig for example.

Pluto in Aquarius for Libra Ascendants

Risk Appetite

Now your appetite for risk could go either way. You may decide it’s all or nothing or abstain completely.


This is a time in your life when children will profoundly change you.

Projects You Birth

Now you can give birth to projects that truly mean something to you. As obscure as they may be, now is the moment to put your plans out there.

Pluto in Aquarius for Scorpio Ascendants

Life Foundations

Now is the time to rewrite your history or backstory if it is not doing you any favors. If your background is holding you back then refresh it like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

Family Dynamics

Anticipate people coming and going from your family. Your family will look very different at the end of this period to what it looks like now.

Home Life

Your home life will receive a transformation.

Pluto in Aquarius for Sagittarius Ascendants

Self-improvement Short Courses

Take the time to delve into many area that interest you. You will soak up information now. Research will appeal to you as well.

Siblings and Cousins

Connections with siblings and cousins many take a turn. You can bring your powerful energy to the situations to save a fraught relationship with these people.

Local Area

How you exist in your neighborhood and with local people like teachers, neighbors and local people will undergo a revolution now. Be wary of starting a neighborhood issue and remember that good fences make good neighbors. Avoid confrontation with locals at all costs.

Pluto in Aquarius for Capricorn Ascendants

Money Earned

For Capricorn Ascendants, Pluto enters your life area concerned with net worth. This covers money you earn and more importantly the money you keep. Expect to find new ways of earning and keeping your cash and also digging up buried income streams that you may have ignored in the past.


Your own impression of yourself through your self-worth will be transformed when Pluto energizes this sector of your chart. This indicates there will be a recalibration of how you see your value in life and the lives of others. You can anticipate a shift of perspective in this area now.


What, and whom, you value will be converted as Pluto moves through this area of life for you.

Pluto in Aquarius for Aquarius Ascendants


At some point in the next twenty years Pluto will directly conjoin you natal Sun. This will be the most dynamic, life-changing transit that you have ever experienced. For some people there will be multiple contacts from Pluto to their natal Sun.


How you see yourself will change. Deep down you know who you are and during this period the true you will stand up and be counted.

Physical Body

Anticipate being thoroughly altered both physically and visually now. This could be by losing weight, getting fit, having a style make-over or attaining a personal color analyst, so you can present yourself in a particular way, which is more in line with your authentic self.

Pluto in Aquarius for Pisces Ascendants

Private Place

For Pisces ascendants Pluto will transform your private life. This could present as more “me time” or down time to recharge your batteries. Having a retreat will be the best way for you to navigate this powerful cosmic energy. Plan at least one retreat or weekend away every year.

Psychological Burnout

Watch out for psychological burnout by giving too much of your life-force to others. Be mindful of sacrificing yourself at the altar of other people’s whims and needs. Know that you cannot save the world. Be aware of stepping into the role of savior or enabler for family and friends. Awareness of your default attitudes and responses, ingrained or buried over many years, will help you now.

Lifelong Health

Pay attention to every health issue that comes up. Do not hesitate to get a proper diagnosis as soon as possible. Pay attention to people around you who say they see changes in you which you have not yet noticed. Be aware and all will be well.

Final Thoughts

Multiple Manifestations

Over the next twenty years as Pluto will be in Aquarius, obviously many things will happen. There will be multiple manifestations of the Plutonic energy expressed in an Aquarian manner and through the lens of your own Ascendant and birth chart. 

I have provided some ideas here, usually three per Ascendant sign, to whet your appetite. As I share with you some bite-sized chunks of astrology my hope is that it will give you something to ponder and encourage you to explore this interesting topic further.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Arwynne’s artworks

Arwynne’s Instagram @mspinkdotcom


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Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini. Arwynne talks about what to expect from this transit, and what Mars in Gemini looks like in the birth chart.

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Aspect Orbs

Aspect Orbs

Aspect Orbs

In astrology, aspect orbs play a significant role in interpreting the relationships between celestial bodies in a birth chart. These orbs are essentially a range of degrees within which an aspect between two planets or points is considered to be effective. Understanding aspect orbs is crucial for a more nuanced interpretation of an individual’s astrological profile.

Each planetary aspect has its own specific orb range. The orbs influence how strong or weak the connection between two planets or points is.

The most common aspects include conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions. Let’s delve into each of these and explore the importance of aspect orbs.



Standard Aspect Orbs

To start with use these orbs. They are the standard aspect orbs I use..

Astrologers debate aspect orbs as a matter of course and it is one of the constant topics for discussion (along with houses systems) when astrologers get together.

Ultimately every astrologer finds the orbs that best resonate with their type of astrology, research or work.

But in the meantime…

Aspects of Longitude

  • Conjunction  0° – orb 8°
  • Square 90° – orb 8°
  • Trine 120° – orb 8°
  • Opposition 180° – orb 8°
  • Sextile  60° – orb 4°
  • Semi-sextile  30° – orb 2°; Quincunx  150° – orb 2°
  • Semi-square 45° – orb 2°; Sesquiquadrate 135° – orb 2°
  • Quintile 72° – orb 2°; Bi-quintile 144° – orb 2°


Explore more >>> Conjunction Aspect

Explore more >>> Opposition Aspect

Aspects of Declination

  • Parallel – orb 1°
  • Contraparallel – orb 1°



Forecasting Aspect Orbs

For transits and secondary progressions use an orb of 1° applying and separating.

As you become more experienced you can tighten this orb down to 30′ coming and going.


Explore more >>> Why Transits are Different for Everyone


Note for Solar Fire users

If you have Solar Fire you will need to set up these aspect details as an Aspect set and save the settings.



Read more >>> Aspects applying and separating

Read more >>> Fibonacci aspects

Read more >>> Aspects

Polish Your Readings

It’s important to note that while these orb ranges provide a general guideline, individual preferences among astrologers may vary. Some astrologers may use smaller orbs for a more precise analysis, while others may prefer larger orbs for a broader perspective.

As a professional astrologer, your creative and upbeat approach can bring a unique flavor to the interpretation of aspect orbs. Consider the orbs as the varying degrees of a musical scale, with each aspect creating a distinct chord in the symphony of an individual’s life.

Mindfulness in considering the orbs allows for a more compassionate and holistic understanding of the complexities within a birth chart.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini. Arwynne talks about what to expect from this transit, and what Mars in Gemini looks like in the birth chart.

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Saturn in Pisces: Limiting Beliefs

Saturn in Pisces: Limiting Beliefs

Saturn in Pisces

How Saturn’s Energy in Pisces will Manifest

The two-and-a-half-year transit of Saturn through Pisces from 2023 to 2025 will affect all Pisces folks as Saturn draws close and makes a conjunction to your natal Sun.

If will also affect anyone with other planets in Pisces or those people with a Pisces Ascendant or Pisces Midheaven.

To a lesser extent this dynamic energy shift will affect people with chart points, like the North or South Node, the Vertex or the Part of Fortune, in Pisces.

Saturn Transit Position

Only as Saturn moves to within 1°, both applying and separating to your Sun, planets or chart points in Pisces will there be a focus affect for you.

In general, it is not a two-and-a-half-year effect to your natal chart.

Transiting Saturn Conjoins North Node in Pisces

Listen to our podcast about transiting Saturn conjoining the North Node in Pisces in a guest chart.

Arwynne discusses the chart of her guest Sionnaine and how transiting Saturn stimulating her North Node in Pisces has unfolded in her life.

Saturn in Pisces: Video

Watch the video below where I chat with intergrative astrologer Christine Linwood about the transit of Saturn through Pisces.

Saturn in Pisces and Your Sun Sign

Saturn Aspects to Your Sun – Time Frame

While Saturn is in Pisces it will aspect every Sun sign and this will be different depending on the aspect being formed.

Some aspects are easy, some are challenging and some are neither.

Additionally, as Saturn moves quite slowly, its influence will only come into play when Saturn gets to be within one degree of the perfection of the aspect to your Sun.

Virgo Sun signs

Will receive an opposition from Saturn to your Sun which will probably present as authority figure like your parents, your boss or the government restricting your activities somehow.

Gemini and Sagittarius Sun Signs

Gemini and Sagittarians will receive squares to their natal Sun from Saturn. Squares usually show up as internal struggles with yourself. You may be stopped in your tracks as your make judgements about how you should move forward. Use this time to carefully consider and take your time. There is no rush where Saturn is concerned.

Cancer and Scorpio Sun Signs

The two water signs of Cancer and Scorpio will receive positive energy from Saturn as it make a trine to your Sun signs.

This is likely to present as mastering something in your life.

Aries and Aquarius Sun Signs

The two adjacent signs to Pisces, Aries and Aquarius, may not see much energy either up or down as Saturn moves through Pisces because Saturn will make a semi-sextile to your Sun position.

Leo and Libra Sun Signs

For Leo and Libra, this transit will probably manifest as many adjustments having to be made as Saturn make the irritating quincunx aspect to your Sun position.

Saturn in Pisces in 2023

During 2023 Saturn will only cover the first seven degrees of Pisces. This will specifically affect people born between the 19th and the 26th of February in any given year. These people will receive a triple conjunction from Saturn to their Sun in 2023.

As Saturn retrogrades in the early part of 2023 it brings a higher concentration of its energy to certain parts of the sign and particularly the first quarter or initial seven degrees of Pisces.

Saturn in Pisces What to Expect

Relaxing Laws into Guidelines

The very nature of Pisces is to water down and dilute things like stringent laws that have been in place for years.

Saturn is the planet that rules the government and the establishment so while it is in Pisces strictures will loosen.

Saturn in Pisces for All Signs

If you know your Ascendant sign then read that sign or if not, then read your Sun sign.

Saturn in Pisces for Aries

Saturn enters your private area suggesting you may be alone more. It will be easier to live in isolation and spend your time unaccompanied with your thoughts. You would do well to go on a retreat and spend some time secluded in some way. The lure of bright lights will fade a little for you during this period.

This is the time to look inwards and spend time on self-improvement.

Saturn in Pisces for Taurus

Saturn enters your friendship area suggesting you need to hang with others and find some groups with interests like yours.  It is always easier to meet people when you have a common hobby.

Perhaps activities like photography, hiking, cooking or gardening would appeal to you now. You will benefit from associations with individuals like yourself and those who challenge you in some way. You may decide to volunteer at a food bank or soup kitchen to help your fellow man or woman.

Saturn in Pisces for Gemini

This period will probably be a huge boost for your career as Saturn is the natural ruler of the Midheaven and so your tenth house of career and public life.

Your reputation will be cemented now and you may want to spruce things up a little and remove any juvenile photos, expressions or unsuitable comments that detract from the impression you are trying to project.

You will want to be taken seriously now and you may be attracted to politics, the government or other similar avenues.

Saturn in Pisces for Cancer

Saturn enters your vision area which suggests you are likely to cement your life path and where you are going.

Saturn brings form and structure to solidify what it touches, so in your life-goals and life-path zone you can anticipate some firm commitments with yourself and clarity on what you are doing with your life.

You can also expect to take a few courses or some further career training in preparation for the following years when Saturn stimulates your career sector.

Saturn in Pisces for Leo

Saturn enters your debt and taxes area suggesting as one this is the time to get organized with your taxes. If you owe anyone, it will be come due now. If your papers are in order, you will be dealt with fairly receiving neither more nor less that what you are due.

This is the best time of your life to crush any credit card debt or pay back what you owe to others.

It may be a frugal existence for a while, but at the end of the two and a half years you will have a far better understanding of how borrowing affects many areas of your life.

Saturn in Pisces for Virgo

Saturn enters your partnership zone. This may be when you decide to tie the knot as you strive for a relationship with someone who is stable and respectable now. You may marry an older person.

If you are single, there are likely to be offers to get together which at first may seem a little dull but secure. This will be something you have to consider now.

If you are already in a meaningful relationship, you could decide to call it a day as boredom pervades your marriage. Think long and hard before throwing in the towel.

Saturn in Pisces for Libra

Saturn enters your work sector to bring honors, recognition and promotions if you are worthy. This is the period when you can achieve good results in your profession. The efforts of past years will be recognized and conferred upon you now. If you still need time to build your career, these two and a half years as Saturn passes through Pisces, will lay the foundations for prosperity yet to come.

If you want to open your own business, the cosmos will support that for you now. Just make sure to build your company on sounds principles and good work ethics. This is not the time to cut corners where owning a business is concerned.

Saturn in Pisces for Scorpio

Serious Saturn enters your fun-loving zone which can be quite a contradiction at times. Now you want to play by the rules and stay in your lane. Pleasure will be all the sweeter if you have earned it. Work hard and play hard will be your motto now.

Games of strategy which utilize the long game will be of benefit for you now. The board game of Monopoly epitomizes this time of your life. Slow and steady wins the prize.

Saturn in Pisces for Sagittarius

Saturn enters your home and family sector. There may be issues with your parents or other older people on your family who lean on you now.

You will be turned to by your family to provide so make sure your own reserves are stocked up plenty. Anticipate requests for handouts by family now. They will look to you for practical solution to their own problems.

More than most now you must pace yourself or you may find your reserves depleted and still demands are being made on your purse.

Saturn in Pisces for Capricorn

Saturn is your sign ruler and where it exerts its energy will always be important for Sea Goats.

This will be a great period to learn something new. You may enjoy taking a short course or attend a few weekend conferences where you can master skills that interest you.

Saturn enters your neighborhood sector. This is a time when good fences make good neighbors. Avoid conflict with people in your street and always maintain some distance.

Additionally, your relationship with any cousins or siblings will probably take a serious tone now.

Saturn in Pisces for Aquarius

Saturn enters your money area and you can expect some restrictions on both earning and spending now.

If you have established savings and good money management plan all will be well. However, if you are living pay cheque to pay cheque that will be some hard lessons to be learned as the planet of discipline passes through your earning area.

Even if you want to contribute it is better to give one dollar than to ignore others. ‘

Your money must work hard for you now.

Saturn in Pisces for Pisces

This planetary shift of the ringed planet, Saturn, passing through your sign will benefit Pisces folk. Saturn enters your personal life and how you see yourself area to bring a grown up flavor to your life.

If you are young, you may mature over these two years. If you are over 30 you may find that responsibilities weigh heavily now.

Shift unwanted stuff and free yourself if commitments both financial and personal that no longer serve you.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

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