The Astrological Elements

The Astrological Elements

Astrological Elements


There are four elements or triplicities in astrology; fire, earth, air, and water.

Each sign is attributed to one element.

Every element has three signs.

The elements show how we experience and process the world around us.


The three Fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

The fire signs are masculine.


The three Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

All earth signs are feminine.


The three Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Every air sign is masculine.


The three Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Each water sign is feminine.

Which Planets to Count?

Only count the seven visible planets which are, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

Your total will add up to seven.

The reason for this limited count is that you want a quality count and not a quantity count.

The visible planets have been in human consciousness since man (and woman) evolved.

We are fully aware of them.

Whereas the other planets are relatively new.

Elemental Balance

The elements are considered to be in balance when the planets are equally spread amongst them.

For example, one planet in a fire sign, two in earth signs, two in air signs and two in water signs shows the elements are in balance.

Elemental Strength

An element with two planets more than the next best element is considered strong.

For example, four planets in fire signs and two in earth signs, zero in an air sign and one in a water sign will give a fire emphasis as there are two planets more in fire than in earth.

Elemental Weakness

An element without planets is considered weak.
For example, in a chart where there are no planets in fire, none in earth, four in air and three in water, fire and earth are both weak.

Fire Element Meaning

Strong Fire

Strong fire people will make things happen by creating a spark.

They use their intuition to make decisions.

Generally, fire people are optimistic, enthusiastic, inspirational, faithful, stimulating and positive.

Weak Fire

A lack of planets in fire indicates that inspiration and visualization may be in short supply.

Earth Element Meaning

Strong Earth

Strong earthy folk will bring things into reality and give them form.

They use sensations (touch, smell and taste) to make decisions. They are practical, realistic, useful, and can be slow moving.

Weak Earth

A shortage of planets in earth suggests the person is not well-grounded and may have an airy-fairy approach to life.

Air Element Meaning

Strong Air

Strong air individuals determine what things are, label them and then they inform others.

They use their thoughts and minds to process information, knowledge, ideas and concepts to make decisions.

They are often intellectual, good communicators, thoughtful, objective, positive, theoretical and they can deal in abstractions.

Weak Air

No planets in the element of air hints at an inability to think things through and to find a conclusion.

Water Element Meaning

Strong Water

Strong water souls experience feelings about things and they may give them care.

They use their feelings to accept or reject things depending on their likes and dislikes to make decisions.

Generally, they are sensitive, aware of atmospheres, introverted, impressionable and flexible.

Weak Water

When the water element is without planets, it implies an inability to understand emotions and what things and situations upset themselves and others.


Aspiring Astrologer Activity: Elements

In your astrology journal, and only counting the seven visible planets from the Sun to Saturn, do the following:

  • Note which planets are in the element of fire.
  • Note which planets are in the element of earth
  • Note which planets are in the element of air.
  • Note which planets are in the element of water.
  • Decide if there is an element emphasis or a lack.
  • Write a brief interpretation of your chart’s element strengths and weaknesses (50 words).

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Example Chart: Maxie

Example Chart: Maxie

Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: January 2025 Example Chart Reading I have so many requests from my readers for example chart readings and wanting more about how to get going with chart readings, where to start, what to look at first and what's important. There are...

Example Chart: Maxie

Example Chart: Maxie

Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: January 2025 Example Chart Reading I have so many requests from my readers for example chart readings and wanting more about how to get going with chart readings, where to start, what to look at first and what's important. There are...



Mars is the planet of energy, action, drive, effort, traction, friction and heat. It rules the chase, excitement and adrenalin rushes.

Jupiter in Pisces

Jupiter in Pisces

Jupiter in Pisces

Jupiter’s Astronomy

Jupiter entered the sign of Pisces on May 13th, 2021 for the first time in twelve years.


Jupiter as the Greater Benific

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and is traditionally known as “The Greater Benefic” which means it is a really good planet.

Jupiter takes twelve years to do a full orbit of the Sun and it spends about one year in each sign.

This loosely relates to the Chinese Astrology of twelve years of the Rat, Tiger and Monkey etc.

Jupiter will be in Pisces until 2022.



Jupiter’s Sign Rulership

Jupiter is the planetary ruler of Sagittarius and it is also the traditional ruler of Pisces before Neptune was discovered.

This means that in traditional and Hellenistic astrology Jupiter will be in rulership in Pisces.

During the year that Jupiter will be in Pisces, Saturn will still be in Aquarius.

This means that both of the large planets will be strong in their own signs.


Who This Will Affect

Over the next year, I anticipate that if you are an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) or a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces), Jupiter will be more prominent for you.

If you are a fire sign (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) or an Air sign (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) sign then Saturn will probably be more influential for you.

As Jupiter transits through Pisces, it will affect each ascendant sign differently.

Check out how Jupiter’s passage through the sign of the Fish is likely to influence you by your ascendant sign below.


Aries Ascendent


During the next year you can anticipate a deeper connection to spirituality in your life.

If you are open to personal evolution, use this time to explore mysticism and your connection to faith, religion and how you see God.

Embrace meditation, prayer or yoga as tools to guide you through this time frame.

Live Your Dreams

This is the perfect time for you to create a dream for your life.

The first thing to do is to start a dream journal.

Every morning as you awake, jot down the main details about your dreams.

Déjà vu, visions, insights or flashes of inspiration that you receive during the day need to be paid attention to this year.

You can tune in to your clairvoyant abilities and use them to your advantage now.


You probably will feel the urge to retreat from life a little more than usual now.

It is important that you have an adequate “me time” where you can spend an afternoon alone or maybe even a weekend to recharge your batteries.

Rest and recuperation are keywords for you this year.

Read more about Aries.

Taurus Ascendant


They say if you can count the number of friends you have on one hand you are doing well.

Not everyone has a large pal’s network, but Jupiter’s passage through Pisces offers you some ideal moments to broaden your connections with companions.

This will be an impeccable time for you to grow your network.

It could be that your entourage, or the people you know, gets bigger although you may not necessarily consider them BFFs.

Friends and associates that you meet now potentially will have a lasting impression upon you.

Learn Together

Try to reach out to other people and keep connections going.

Share what you know with others.

It can be very easy to forget about classmates and before you know it, months have gone by.

Every week reach out to someone just to say, “Hello.”

It is as important for you and it is for them.


Anticipate moving in different circles with evolved people who have thought-provoking conversations and whom you see almost as visionaries.

Be alert to any “a-ha” moments that can improve your life.

The ideal place for you to go would be to a book club where you can learn new things.

Read more about Taurus.

Gemini Ascendant


As the greater benefic planet, Jupiter, enters your career sector you are likely to reach great heights in your chosen profession.

If you work for a company, you can anticipate moving up in some way, or taking on broader responsibilities.


If you are considering opening your own company this will be an ideal time to spread the word, broadcast and expand it.

If you have never considered opening your own business, this will be a brilliant time for you to look into it and discover all the possibilities.

Public Reputation

Whichever way you choose to go, you will be lucky in all your endeavors in the public domain this year.

This is the time when strangers will get to know your name.

Spruce up your online presence and remove any embarrassing photos from the past.

Be authentic.

Your life will be improved by influential people who first know you by your reputation and the recommendations of others.

Read more about Gemini.

Cancer Ascendant


This is the perfect time for you to publish anything that you’ve been working on it could be a book or it could be a blog post, or it could just be your opinion about something.

The important thing is to share your ideas with the world.

Jupiter will support you in getting your word out to the masses.


This is an ideal time for you to sign up for some adult educational classes or go back to school to finish that degree.

Use this time to explore thought-provoking subjects that interest you.

Anticipate an abundance of learning this year.

You may be surprised at the journey you take as you improve yourself through knowledge.


Although many cities are still in lockdown, you are likely to receive great offers to visit other places.

Become an armchair traveler, by reading books about the places you will visit one day.

Focus in on the art, architecture and cultural practices of other countries.

Consider every opportunity carefully but try to do some travelling this year.

Read more about Cancer.

Leo Ascendant


This will be a time when other people will offer you things.

You are likely to receive many gifts but some of them will come with strings.

Be very aware of offers to up your credit limit is and, as tempting as it may be, think carefully before excepting every opportunity offered to you this year.


This is a period where your private life is likely to grow.

All intimate relationships have the potential to become more satisfying.

If you’re naturally retiring, you may find that you are now open able to open up to explorations in the bedroom.


Donations will be a feature of this period and they could go either way.

You may need to lean on the support and resources of other people which could be presented either in time or money, alternatively, you will be approached to donate to other people.

It could be as simple as spending a Saturday night looking after someone’s grandma or it could be a huge sacrifice that you are being asked to make if someone requests an organ donation from you.

Read more about Leo.

Virgo Ascendant


For all Virgos, your primary one to one relationships will be of paramount importance this year.

If you are single, you are likely to meet someone really special.

If you are already in a relationship, you will find newfound happiness with your significant other.

Make sure to spend enough time together so your relationship can grow and blossom.


This is the perfect time to collaborate with others.

Typically, it may come down to a business relationship where you decide to work together for a common cause, or you may establish an official partnership, so that you can both benefit from the synergy of working together.

Consider every opportunity and don’t dismiss any out of turn.

Take an optimistic attitude and you will benefit by working with other people this year.

Other People

This will be a time when you are extremely likely to meet more people.

Not everyone will become your best friend, but how do you treat people that you do meet in passing will be important now.

Make sure that your karmic message of care, respect and how you treat other people is impeccable, because your action now will come back to you later.

Read more about Virgo.

Libra Ascendant


If you are a Libra, this is the time to get your day-to-day life organized.

Create simple morning and evening rituals to help you withstand the ravages of the day.


Choose to focus on healthy eating that nourishes your body and wards off ill health.

If you need a medical check, get it done early and use that as the set point for all improvement.

Do not ignore any sniffles and act immediately for the slightest cut or graze.


Your job is a focus this period.

If you are unemployed. you are more likely to find work now than at any other time.

If you are a part-time employed and looking, opportunities will come your way.

If you have a job already and are quite happy, you may find that you receive job offers that you had not considered.

The important thing to bear in mind during this Jupiter transit, is that there may be other ways of working on a job that you had not considered before and which might be just what you need.

Read more about Libra.

Scorpio Ascendant


Your love life is a focus now.

You will be more attractive and alluring than you have been for a long time.

If you are unattached, you are likely to go on multiple dates this year with a variety of people just to test the waters.

You don’t have to make a decision right now.

If you are in a committed relationship, it will be a brilliant time to set a “date night” to reconnect with your partner in a loving way.

This really is the time to love the one you’re with.


Children and young people are likely to feature in your life now.

If you do not have any children, you will probably be associated with them in some way.

If you are a parent, you will find great happiness by spending time helping your children to develop.

Focus your energy on providing your kids a happy childhood.


This is a year where you are happy to take some risks.

It could be that you want to go skydiving or bungee jumping for your thrills.

But if that is not for you, you will find that investing in the stock exchange gives you enough excitement to keep you going.

The only issue here could be that you take too many risks and mortgage the farm without careful thought beforehand.

Set yourself a “mad money” cash budget before you enter a casino.

Read more about Scorpio.

Sagittarius Ascendent


This is a year where you are likely to move house and depending on who you are, you may relocate multiple times.

Jupiter brings the urge to expand, so it could be that you want to get an additional room added to your home or work on finishing the basement.

You will have multiple good ideas through which to express this planetary energy.

The trick will be to know when to stop and not to take on a project that is way beyond your capabilities.


In simple terms, your family is likely to expand this year which could happen in several ways.

A new child may be born, your daughter’s boyfriend could decide to move into your basement, or perhaps you take in your ageing parents to care for them.

Be prepared for people to be visiting and those who do will stay over a little longer than you had anticipated.

You are generous of spirit and this is the time to offer your home as shelter and succor to others.


The foundations of your life will improve.

These changes can be shown in several ways.

You may finally accept the past and the family that you were born into as being OK.

This is a period to tap into your heritage and use it to support you as you go about your life.

Make sure you understand the origins of your family and choose to embrace some of these ideals in your current life.

2021 can be an important year when you get to know who you are and where you came from.

Read more about Sagittarius.

Capricorn Ascendent


This year all Sea Goats will busy themselves within their neighborhood.

You can express this energy by taking an evening walk through the parks or streets around where you live.

It is important for you to make a connection with your community now.

Short Training Courses

A perfect way for you to use this current Jupiter energy is by taking several short training courses.

These days, they may all be on Zoom, but if you get the opportunity to do a weekend class on something that interest you, take it.

Seek out  information in small chunks, or try several teachers and styles of classes this year.

There is no need to make a long-term commitment, but it is important that you dip your toe into topics that interest you.

Weekends away

Ideally you will feel recharged if you take a couple of weekends away.

There is no need for a long-term vacation, of course we don’t seem to do that anymore.

A change of scenery perhaps by spending time with family or friends or perhaps spending two nights at a lodge nearby will be enough for you.

Try to fit in one or two trips to places you have never been and you may surprise yourself by how interesting things are.

If your life has become a little jaded, a change of scenery could be all you need.

Read more about Capricorn.

Aquarius Ascendent


Your finances will improve this year.

Jupiter, as the greater benefic, will bring income for you.

This could be in the way of pay, bonuses or tips for things that you have done.

Be aware that this largesse will not last forever.

Savvy Aquarians will bank as much as possible before the flow dries up.


This is a great time for you to work on your self-worth.

It is important to know your self-worth as it brings a confident air to your personality that other people find attractive.

Having positive self-worth is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

You feel good about yourself, therefore you exude confidence and ultimately other people feel confident in you and start to give you things.


Your personal values will be a focus at this time.

Things that you value above money, such as integrity, will become of paramount importance for you now.

Spend your time wisely and with people whom you find uplifting and supportive.

Read more about Aquarius.

Pisces Ascendent


This is the year to get your self-care routine in place.

You have to put yourself first and number one in your life.

If you do not look after yourself, you cannot look after anyone else either.

It’s like when you’re on an airplane and the oxygen mask drops down, you must put your mask on first before you can turn to aid others.


This really is your year as Jupiter passes through your sign it will bring abundance, opportunity and luck.

Choose to live life to your full potential.

Do not hesitate to step forward into things, situations and relationships that interest you.

You only have one life to live, and it is not a dress rehearsal.

For all Pisces people, this is your year, so embrace it.

You are at the threshold of living an authentic life that will bring satisfaction to you.

Listen to what other people are saying, but make your own decisions at all times.

Get outside, step into the sunshine and live your best life

The only downside is that excesses may swamp you later.


Self-image is huge for you now.

Get a haircut, book a makeover and step out into the world.

This is the year to chuck out all the ratty old clothes in your wardrobe.

Purge tired shoes and make sure that everything you wear truly reflects your inner self.

How you look sends a message to others.

You need to make sure that your outer world truly reflects your inner heart.

This is a time to be genuine, honest and wholehearted in everything you do.

An air of positivity is likely to surround you now.

Read more about Pisces.



Aspiring Astrologer Activity: Jupiter in Pisces

In your astrology journal, and referring to your natal chart, please do the following:

  • Decide on the condition of Jupiter in your natal chart.
  • Find the house that transiting Jupiter is in now.
  • Note which planets and points Jupiter will conjoin, oppose and square (use a one degree orb) as it passes through Pisces.
  • State the date that Jupiter will change houses for you as it transits in Pisces.

Extend Yourself

  • Write a short interpretation on Jupiter transiting Pisces and how it may potentialy unfold for you. Consider the houses, conjunctions and hard aspects (100 words).


Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Moon Phases

Moon Phases

Moon Phases

In astrology, Moon Phases are an advanced natal chart topic.

This post lists the eight lunar phases and provides some keywords for each phase.


Moon Phases Podcast Episode

You can listen to our Moon Phases podcast episode by clicking below.

Your Astrology Journal

I love making my astrology journal and creating interesting pages that are zodiac themed. At the moment I’m using a Leuchtturm1917 journal. I chose the one with a yellow cover as I like that.


Moon Phase Keywords Page

On this page, I’ve listed the eight Moon phases.

The lunar phases in order are:

  • New Moon
  • Crescent
  • First Quarter
  • Gibbous
  • Full Moon
  • Disseminating
  • Last Quarter
  • Balsamic

I’ve drawn how each phase appears like when you look up at the Moon. At the New Moon, the Moon is all dark and you cannot see the Moon. At the Full Moon the whole of the Moon is illuminated, and you can see it clearly in the night sky.


Moon Phase Keywords for each lunar phase. Moon Phase Keywords[/caption]


The Lunar Cycle

The Sun and Moon’s Synodic Cycle

The Moon takes one month to orbit the Earth.

The Moon phase cycle, known as the synodic cycle, starts at New Moon when the Sun and the Moon are conjunct.

This happens once every month.

At New Moon, we cannot see the Moon as it is close to the Sun

The Moon starts to grow in light every day in the waxing part of the cycle.

Around day fourteen it reaches the Full Moon when we can see the most light from the Moon.

It begins the waning part of the cycle reducing in light back to the New Moon.

The Light and Dark of the Moon

The Moon is mainly dark for half of the month and mainly light for half of the month.

The darker half is during the last quarter, balsamic, new moon and crescent phases.

The light half is the first quarter, gibbous, full moon and disseminating phases.

This light/dark difference is symbolic and has much to say about the meaning of the Moon and its phases.


Lunar phase aspects showing the light and dark sides of the Moon's cycle.

Lunar Phases in the Chart

The lunar phases are based on the angular relationship between the Sun and the Moon.

If the luminaries are in aspect to each other, the aspect between them must be considered highly in the chart interpretation.

Moon Timing

The synodic cycle is around twenty-nine and a half days.

The Moon is in each phase for around three and a half days.

The Moon is in each sign around two and a half days.

Planetary Phases

The planets also have phases shown by their relationship to the Sun and particularly the inferior planets Mercury and Venus.

Eight Lunar Phases

There are eight lunar phases, four in the waxing period and four in the waning period.

Even if the Moon is not in aspect to the Sun, it will be in the phase shown below.




Lunar Phase Table

There are no orbs with the lunar phase. Each phase begins at the exact aspect and runs through until the next aspect. Lunar phases are closely related to the aspects between the Moon and the Sun.



Moon Phases and the Growth Cycle

The cycle of the Moon can be symbolically correlated to a plant’s life-cycle.

It can also be related to the yearly solar cycle and the seasons.

This correlation shows the driving essence of each lunar phase which is expressed through individual charts.

New Moon Phase: Germination

The seed is in the dark, underground and germinates. It is a delicate time, and it can be touch and go if the seed and plant will survive. It is the beginning.

Winter Solstice – December 21st.

Crescent Phase: First Leaf

The fresh sprout breaks through the soil into the light and the first leaves form. During this time the little seedling grows and strengthens.

Imbolc – February 1st.

First Quarter Phase: Roots and Growth

Stronger roots appear to stabilize the plant. Fast growth happens as the plant strives to reach full potential. Bigger leaves form and branches thicken.

The Vernal Equinox around March 21st and the start of spring in the northern hemisphere.


Gibbous Phase: Buds and Blossom

The plant starts to bloom as buds and blossom form showing potential. The plant is now established, and you can see what it will become.

This time relates to Beltane around May 1st when the Sun is at 15 degrees Taurus.

Full Moon Phase: Flowers and Fruit

The flower becomes the fruit. The plant puts forth its full sweet bounty. The fruits of its efforts are available for all to see. The fruit ripens.

The summer solstice is around June 21st and signals the start of summer in the northern hemisphere.


Disseminating Phase: The Harvest

This is the harvest phase where fruits are harvested. It is the culmination of the plant as it gives up its bounty to others.

This relates to Lammas around August 1st and when the Sun is at 15 degrees Leo.


Third Quarter: Decomposition

Now the planet begins to decompose and withers. The leaves fall, and the remaining flowers make seed pods for next year. Seed pods explode as the plant casts forth its life potential for the next cycle.

This is known as the fall or autumn equinox around September 21st and signals the start of Autumn in the northern hemisphere.

Balsamic Phase: Rest and Lying Fallow

Seeds become buried in the dark and bulbs stay hidden underground. The plants rest. Nothing is happening as the ground lies fallow. The wait.

This relates to Halloween on October 31st and when the Sun is at fifteen degrees Scorpio.



Four Waxing Moon Phases

In the waxing half of the Moon’s cycle, the four phases are new moon, crescent, first quarter and gibbous. During the waxing half of the month, the light of the Moon is growing.


New Moon


You see life through your own eyes, and not the eyes of others.



You are subjective and struggle to see another person’s point of view.


Starts Projects

You enjoy beginning new projects. You are good at starting jobs but not so good at finishing them. You have lots of energy and are independent.



You have the potential to emerge and do good things. At this stage, we don’t know.



You are mainly concerned with your life and your issues.




You feel compelled to move forward in your life. You can do this when you have a strong foundation underneath from which to launch.



You have an opportunity to grow in your belief in yourself. As your life unfolds and expands, you will become more comfortable with the feelings you have about your future path.


Eager Confidence

You will probably face the future eagerly. In time you possibly will develop inner confidence.



First Quarter


You perhaps have the forcefulness of youth, and there will likely be much subjective activity throughout your life. You prefer to lay a good base for your future and will take action to make this so.


Growth and Building

You are likely to construct your own plans to suit yourself. Your life is expected to be filled with lots of personal growth and experiences with which you can build a firmer foundation for your personal future.



You are usually strong-willed, and some may even say ruthless.


Crisis in Action

You have controlled energy expenditure which comes in bursts, and much can be done.





You generally have a desire to contribute something of value to society. You probably understand broad concepts and may have an impulse to clarify and work towards your personal goals or for a cause.



You are an individual who can overcome obstacles. You have a youthful approach to life.



There is effort spent to get better at what you do.



Four Waning Moon Phases

The four phases in the waning half of the Moon’s cycle are full moon, disseminating, last quarter and balsamic. During the waning half of the lunar cycle, the light of the Moon is diminishing.

Full Moon Phase


You can see the other person’s point of view, and it is clear to you. You are very self-aware. You can discriminate between truth and lies.



You can see the big picture and use broad strokes. It is all quite clear to you now.



You are supremely confident and have a mature outlook on life. You are realistic and accept things as they are.



You can build fulfilling relationships confidently. You approach life through an adult’s eyes, and there are no illusions.


Disseminating Phase

Transmit information

You are likely to have the desire to transmit what you have learned through both study and your personal, worldly experiences. Probably you quickly disseminate ideas to pass on to others. It is as though you are on a crusade to share your learning.


Knowledge dispersal

Perhaps you wish to spread your wisdom and knowledge with other people as a disciple would. You can probably use demonstration as a tool to impart your grasp of situations.


Convey Awareness

It is vital for you to let others know what you know and share your beliefs with them. You wish to make contact.


Last Quarter Phase


This indicates that you are fundamentally objective and can pass on your experience and sow seed for the future.


Crisis in Consciousness

You may spend much time reorienting your outlook. You may have a crisis in consciousness and be able to change your beliefs into concrete thoughts. Old values become useless.



You perhaps can be a pioneer in your day, and, with time, posterity will appreciate you. You may be tiresome and stubborn.


Readjustment and Reorientation

You may feel it has all come to naught and that it was not worth the bother. A transformation emerges as you process life’s cycles.



Balsamic Phase


You can become released from issues. You are likely to be visionary and have a confident belief in the future.


Sacrifice and Surrender

You may be called upon to sacrifice something in your life as a martyr perhaps. You need to surrender to the karmic cycle of life.



You are good with the closure of both relationships and situations but will mourn for what has past.



Moon Podcast Episodes

Below are some of our popular Moon related podcast episodes.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Chart Division

Chart Division

Chart Division Overview

Horoscopes developed with the early Greeks and Babylonians. These early astrologers made a conformation that all charts are represented in a certain way.

It is as though you are standing facing south with the east to your left and the west to your right. At this point, the north is below your feet.

The compass points, when placed on a birth chart, fall in unexpected places. Note the east is on the left, the west in on the right, the north is at the bottom, and the south is at the top.

Is this news to you? Well, that is where the word NEWS comes from North, East, West, and South. However, on a birth chart, the compass points are in different places.

The Angles

The four angles are the ascendant (ASC), the descendant (DEC), the Midheaven or Medium Coeli (MC) and the Immum Coeli (IC). There are two main axes in a chart, the ASC/DEC

Ascendant / Descendant axis – (Self / Other)

Ascendant meaning:

The impression you make on others. How others see you. It shows the self and your personality. The façade or mask you wear. It indicates the vehicle you use to get through life. The ascendant fronts for you. Other initially see your ascendant before they get to know you and then they see your Sun.

Descendant meaning:

The descendant gives ideas on how you treat other people and strangers. It shows your relationship with the general public. This point also indicates who you are looking for in a partner. The descendant shows your spouse in sharp focus.

Medium Coeli (MC) / Immum Coeli (IC) – (Public / Private)

MC meaning

The Midheaven is at the top of the chart, and it indicates how the world sees you. The Midheaven suggests your highest achievements possible. Life outside the home and your public persona are shown here. The MC has a lot to say about your career and how you carve a life out for yourself. It is about all the things you do in the public domain. It shows your public face as opposed to your private face.

IC meaning

The IC shows the foundations of your life and from where you are coming. It is your private life. It suggests your family dynamics and the inside of your home. It can indicate the situation in your twilight years.

More About Chart Division



Triple Division – Houses








Quadrants Layout

There are four quadrants; the first, second, third, and fourth quadrants.

They are numbered starting from below the ascendant and in an anti-clockwise direction.

Quadrants are formed by the Ascendant/Descendant axis and the MC/IC axes which cut the chart into four.

The quadrants are not usually equal in length when measured in longitude.

However, the two quadrants which are opposite to each other are the same size, that is the first and third quadrants and the second and fourth quadrants.


Houses in Quadrants

The first quadrant has the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd houses which are found between the ascendant and the IC.

The second quadrant contains the 4th, 5th, and 6th houses which lie within the IC and the descendant.

The third quadrant is made up of the 7th, 8th, and 9th houses between the Descendant and the Midheaven.

The fourth quadrant covers the 10th, 11th, and 12th houses contained betwixt the Midheaven and the Ascendant.


Quadrant Emphasis

A quadrant is emphasized when it has two more planets than any other quadrant.

First Quadrant

Self-development (private – self) – Life

The first quadrant is known as the fire quadrant as Aries is on this cusp in the natural wheel.

When the first quadrant is emphasized you are an independent individual. There is a focus on yourself and your needs. You want to make an impression on the world.

Second Quadrant

Self-expression (private – other) – Endings

The water quadrant is the second quadrant because in the natural chart Cancer a water sign, is on the cusp.

When this quadrant is emphasized your identity is based on your family background. You are considered both skilled and capable. You may be sensitive in relationships.

Third Quadrant

Self-expansion (public – other) – Relationships

The air quadrant is the third quadrant because Libra and air sign is naturally in this position.

When the third quadrant is emphasized, you forsake your individuality to merge with a partner. Your philosophies expand through your experience of purposeful partnerships. You are quite happy to play your part in society.

Fourth Quadrant

Self-transcendence (public – self) – Substance

The earth quadrant is the fourth quadrant as Capricorn is on this cusp in the natural wheel.

When the fourth quadrant is emphasized through your personal efforts and friends, you may aid humanity.

You focus on your career for individual accolades. Having solitary meditation is crucial for your well-being.

The Quadrant Ruler

The quadrant ruler is the planet ruling the cusp of the angle.

If the quadrant ruler is in its own quadrant, it gains status.

The quadrant ruler needs to be noted if a quadrant is emphasized.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

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Example Chart: Maxie

Example Chart: Maxie

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In astrology Neptune is artisti, and it governs all art that you cannot touch like music, singing, mime, dance, theatre, and choreography.



By Alison Price


In an astrology chart there are four hemispheres: north, south, east and west.

Hemisphere Emphasis

Bearing in mind that you only count the seven visible planets, which are the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

A hemisphere is emphasized when it contains more than five planets.

The Hemisphere Ruler

The hemisphere ruler is the planet that rules the sign on the cusp of the angle of the hemisphere.

The northern hemisphere ruler is the planet that rules the sign on the ascendant.

The southern hemisphere ruler is the planet that rules the sign on the descendant.

The eastern hemisphere ruler is the planet that rules the sign on the MC.

The western hemisphere ruler is the planet that rules the sign on the IC.

If the hemisphere ruler is found in its own hemisphere that planet gains status.

Northern Hemisphere

Spans from the first house to the sixth house.

The northern hemisphere shows your personal matters it is the private hemisphere).

When the northern hemisphere is strong

If the northern hemisphere is emphasized, your identity and personal resources bring success. You are probably a private person and like to keep it that way. Your family is behind you in all you do. You may sometimes be distracted by worldly commitments or demands made on you by your career or society. Strong northern hemisphere people are often introverted.

Southern hemisphere

From the seventh house to the twelfth house

The southern hemisphere indicates your outside world it is your public hemisphere.

When the southern hemisphere is strong

You are an extrovert if the southern hemisphere is emphasized in your chart. Your outside life is the highlight of your life. It is likely that you relish public acclaim. You probably strive for career and status. You may be distracted and even annoyed by the demands of your family and their needs.

Eastern Hemisphere

The eastern hemisphere encompasses the six houses from the tenth house to the third house. The eastern hemisphere is known as your self-hemisphere.

When the eastern hemisphere is strong

You are subjective, and everything is really about you. You are a self-motivated and self- oriented and much can be achieved in life. You value independence and may forsake marriage. You enjoy your own company and have many personal projects on the go. You demand personal freedom to come and go at will which does not sit well with the demands of a marriage or partnership unless your partner is flexible as well.

Western Hemisphere

The western hemisphere includes all houses from the fourth to the ninth. Interaction with other people (the “other” hemisphere).

When the western hemisphere is strong

Your interaction with others is the main focus of your life. You value personal relationships and marriage. You prefer to negotiate with others to find a win-win situation where possible. You learn about yourself through your interactions. There is a danger that you can become buried in a dead-end relationship.


More on Chart Division

Axes in a chart


Triple Division
