Basic Chart Interpretation – Step 3 – Margin Notes

Basic Chart Interpretation – Step 3 – Margin Notes

by Alison Price

This post is part of a series on basic chart interpretation and how to read a natal chart. The other steps are listed below and will be developed soon.

Step 1 – The birth chart data – time, date and place.

Step 2 – The physical chart – printing and highlighting main features.

Step 3 – Preparing for the interpretation – margin notes

Step 4 – Your interpretation – detailed notes

Preparing for the Interpretation – Margin Notes

Once you have the correct chart data, have cast the chart and printed it with the appropriate coloured highlights on the page the next step is the written notes you will make and first you will do the margin notes.

At this stage your are not using you astrology journal to take notes for a client that will be used to capture basic astrology interpretation meaning.

You will typically use loose paper with lines and, wait for it, a margin.


The margin is the column on the left side of a ruled page.

Margin notes are any notes you put in a margin. Simple.

Yes, but exactly what notes will you put in a margin when you do a chart interpretation?

Margin notes can be either handwritten astrology glyphs or astrology short form codes (used when typing or emailing).

Example Chart – Stephen King

Below is Stephen King’s chart.


Five Main Points for Chart Interpretation

The five important details for margin notes are:

  • The Balances
  • The Ascendant Complex
  • The Chart Ruler Complex
  • The Sun Complex
  • Major Aspect Patterns

Example Margin Notes for Stephen King

The Balances


Active = 4 and passive = 3.


NH = 6, SH – 1, EH = 4 and WH = 3.


Q1 = 3, Q2 = 3, Q3 = 0 and Q4 = 1.

The Ascendant Complex

ASC 29CA51.

Ascendant aspects

ASC-60-SU, ASC-60-VE, ASC-0-MA, ASC-120-JP, and ASC-120-NN.

First House Planets

PL and SA.

The Chart Ruler complex

MO SG 5th

Aspects of the chart ruler

MO-120-SA, MO-120-PL and MO-60-ME.

The Sun Complex

SU VI 3rd.

Sun aspects

SU-0-VE, SU-90-UR and SU-45-PL.

Major Aspect Patterns

Mini grand trine 1


ME focal planet 4th

Mini grand trine 2


ME focal planet 4th

Subsequent Margin Notes

After the five main points you will list in order:

  • The Moon complex (if not already done as the chart ruler)
  • The final dispositors complex (if not already done as the chart ruler)
  • The rest of the planets in order in the houses by angular, succedent and cadent

At the end, you will have everything listed in the chart. But the first five things will be the important issues and the ones that the client is dealing with already.


Interpreting a chart is easy when you break down the steps and do them in order of importance and order of relevance.

You do not need to be looking at a Chiron semi-sextile the North Node aspect as the first thing you consider.

Nor do you interpret from the planets in Aries first and then Taurus. Understand the weight of the planet and its prominence within a chart.

Get to love margin notes.



Basic Chart Interpretation: Step 2 – The Physical Chart

Basic Chart Interpretation: Step 2 – The Physical Chart

Basic Chart Interpretation

Step 2: The Physical Chart

This post is part of a series on basic chart interpretation and how to read a natal chart. The other steps are listed below and will be developed soon.

Step 1 – The birth chart data – time, date and place.

Step 2 – The physical chart – printing and highlighting main features.

Step 3 – Preparing for the interpretation – margin notes

Step 4 – Your interpretation – detailed notes

The Physical Chart – Printing and Highlighting Main Features

This time I going to share with you some of my process and the focus will be on the natal chart. I will answer the following questions that plague new astrologers.


Once you have the chart cast what do you look for? What is important? What is not worthy of consideration and where do you start?


The image below is of a chart for Rosie and she is one of my clients. I have not shown the chart details that is; the time, date and place as that is not important.

What we are going to be looking at is how to prepare a chart for reading after you have printed it out and before you start.

This is like step 2 of the natal chart reading process.


What to Print

In Solar Fire or your other astrology program print a chart with a half aspectarian in the corner as shown above. This is a standard chart so you should have no problem doing this.

House Rulers

Write the house rulers against every house cusp. Start at the ascendant and in this chart (above) I have written Jupiter/Neptune and drawn a bubble around them at the house cusp.

Quadrant and Hemispheres

Draw a circle in the top right of the page. Draw a cross in it with one horizontal line and one vertical line.

This shows the four quadrants (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th) and the four hemispheres (north, south, east and west).

Only counting the visible planets from the Sun to Saturn count how many planets are in each quadrant.

In this chart there is one planet in the first quadrant (Saturn), two planets in the second quadrant (Jupiter and Venus), three planets in the third quadrant (the Sun, Mars and Mercury) and one planet in the fourth quadrant (the Moon).

Elements and Modes Table

Draw a table of four columns and three rows.

On the top label the columns F (fire), E (earth), A (air) and W (water). On the side label the rows C (cardinal), F (fixed) and M (mutable).

Add the number of visible planets (the Sun to Saturn) and write the quantity in the appropriate cell in the table.

Add up each row and column. The total will always be seven.

Chart Ruler

Find the chart ruler which is the planet or planets that rules the ascendant sign. In this case, it is Pisces so the ruling planets are Jupiter and Neptune. Colour in each instance of the ruling planets in yellow.

Major Aspect Patterns

Find all the major aspect patterns.

In this chart there is a stellium of the Sun, Neptune and Mars and a Moon yod of Mars, Pluto and the Moon.

Bracket the stellium and highlight in red so you can see it easily.

Colour the yod in green to relate to the quincunx colour which is green.

The idea is to bring forth the main features of a chart through the use of colour so you can easily see the main points when you pick up this chart again next month.

If you are reading many charts a week you do not have time to reread each chart to discover the main threads. they should be highlighted the first time around.

Most Elevated

Note the most elevated planet in this case it is Mercury (although I originally noted Mars in the drawing and I can’t change the image.

Morning Planet

Note the oriental planet in this case it is Venus.

Lunar Phase

Note the lunar phase in this chart for Rosie it is a gibbous Moon phase.

Essential Dignity

Find the essential dignity of the planets and write the score on the left of the aspectarian. the aspectarian is the triangle-shaped grid at the bottom left of the chart.

In this chart we note that Mars gets a score of -5 for being in Libra and Venus of -4 for being in fall in Virgo.

Mutual Receptions

Note all mutual receptions in the chart. Interestingly enough in Rosie’s chart there are two mutual reception pairs, Mercury and Venus are the first pair and the Moon and Jupiter are the second.

On the back of the natal chart page you will also draw the dispositor tree using these handy mutual receptions as your start.


Watch the video about highlighting a birth chart as part of your chart preparation process.

Note that it refers to another birth chart but show sthe process that you will use for every chart you cast.



Basic Chart Interpretation – Step 1 – Birth Chart Data

Basic Chart Interpretation – Step 1 – Birth Chart Data

Basic Chart Interpretation

Step 1: The Birth Data

This post is part of a series on basic chart interpretation and how to read a natal chart. The other steps are listed below and will be developed soon.

Step 1 – The birth chart data – time, date and place.

Step 2 – The physical chart – printing and highlighting main features.

Step 3 – Preparing for the interpretation – margin notes

Step 4 – Your interpretation – detailed notes

The Birth Chart Data – Time, Date and Place

Every chart is cast for a certain time, date and place. What we mean by these terms is explained below.

Unless you were witness to the birth you never know for sure.

Birth Time

The time for the birth chart is the actual time of the birth.

You really need the time of the first inhalation of breath by the child.  It is at this time that the child takes in all the potentials of the universe at that exact moment.

A birth time of 5 pm or 6:30 am and close but not exact. As astrologers, we come across birth times like this every day and you will cast your chart to these times unless you have a better time.

The birth time is not:

  • The time the head crowned.
  • The time the umbilical cord was cut.
  • The time of the first slice for C-section or Cesarean births.

If there is no birth time

If there is no birth time ask questions to try to narrow it down. If their mother or aunt is alive you can ask them or anyone who may have been around at the birth.

For instance, you can ask, “Was it day or night? Was it before lunch or in the afternoon?

Birth Date

In all my years as an astrologer, I have only come across one person who did not know their birth date and they did not know the year.

As I recall she thought she was born on September 25th, 1967 or 1968. Wow, that was interesting. they had the time and the place but not the year.

Clearly, some people do not have a birth date and this really does pose a problem for astrologers as you cannot cast a birth chart with no birth date. In this case, it is better to ask a horary question and used the chart for those. It will not be a birth chart but it will be correct for the questions being asked.

Birth Place

The birthplace refers to the place they were born. We typically need the village, town or city and the county, state or province.

As an example, there are many places in the USA called Springfield and you need the state to know which one it was.

Some clients will tell you the actual hospital in the city they were born, which is interesting in itself, but if the birth time is not precise the exact hospital name will not help much either.


As an astrologer, you can only work with what they give you. If you have a good birth time, date and place then use it obviously you will do that.

Don’t worry about not being sure and not having exact with birth data as there is not much you can do.

The two options for getting a correct birth time from a near birth time are by:

  • Rectification or the birth chart. This is a special exercise that some astrologers do to good reviews.
  • Or checking the major transits to the ascendant and MC and this above all will be the best way to narrow down a wide birth time.

I personally do not practice rectification I prefer to use the transit and solar arc method for finding a correct birth time.

I mean you never really know do you?

My Kids

I have four children and with each birth my husband was there in the room with two watches on his arm to get the birth time. He was given strict instructions to get the exact inhalation of breath and because of this I have my four children’s  birth times not only to the minute but to the second. Their birth times are precise.

If you are pregnant or someone close to you is expecting then get them to capture the exact birth time.

Even if they do not agree with astrology their child may thank them later when they grow up to be an adult and they need a birth chart cast.

I feel that in this day and age every child born now should have the correct birth time recorded for them for later.

What to Pack for an Astrology Conference

What to Pack for an Astrology Conference

What to Pack for an Astrology Conference

Now and then you may manage to get to an Astrology Conference. What you pack and take with you can make or break your experience.

These events are typically three-day weekends but sometimes they have a day before (Thursday) and a day after (Monday) for special classes.

This weekend I’m off to Norwac the North West Astrology Conference in Seattle, WA, USA which has prompted this piece. I have attended this conference before and you can read about that trip here.

Short trips and weekends away are shown in your third house. Longer trips, overseas journeys, and extended stays from home of a week to ten days are shown in your ninth house.

So, is a weekend in another country (the USA) third or ninth? To my mind, the answer is ninth because it is further than a horse can travel in one day which they tell me is 50km and yes, I got that from the horse’s mouth. The trip to Seattle is 230km and that definitely falls into the ninth house.

Art of Packing

The time before last when I went to the Faculty of Astrological Studies Summer School in Oxford for a week I took a massive suitcase full to bursting.

I was overweight at Vancouver before I had even boarded the plane. Coming back I had to buy another suitcase in England for all the stuff (gifts, books and clothes) I had bought whilst I was there.

When the driver of the coach from London to Oxford tried to lift my 60lb suitcase into his hold under the coach he turned to me and asked, “Why is this so heavy? Have you got a body is here?”

Packing is an art. You need to learn how to pack and haul less stuff around.  I now use a small Rimowa cabin sized suitcase on wheels and if something cannot fit in that it doesn’t go. The cabin size means it can be stowed in the overhead cabin on an aeroplane because it is small enough. I never check luggage to the hold when flying anymore.

Don’t take too much stuff.

Three-Day Weekend

I am going to share my tips and tricks about packing stuff for a three-day weekend astrology conference. This assumes you go on Friday morning and leave on Sunday evening, and so spend two nights in the hotel.

The Plan

You will be wearing your Friday outfit as your leave home. There is a new top for the Friday evening dinner.

Saturday sees you in a simple ensemble for the day and a change into your evening top for the banquet.

On Sunday morning your will again wear casual clothes as you will be traveling home in them later that day.

Tech stuff

Tech stuff is essential and you need the cables as well. If you are going to Europe you will need an adaptor to connect your tech stuff to the electricity supply.

  • Smartphone – To take photos, chat with the family at home, post to social media (I currently like Instagram) and to keep up with friends at the hotel with texts if you plan to meet up for breakfast etc.
  • I take my MacBook Air which I’ve had it since 2009 and it’s still going strong. I use this in my hotel room to continue my work but I don’t take it into the lecture rooms. The conference organizers don’t like that.
  • iPad with Astro Gold for casting charts at the conference. I usually offer readings at a reduced rate and currently do this through the featured charts and my Jupiter patron program.
  • Chargers for all equipment.


These suggestions are for women. I expect men do something similar and may need a tie and jacket for the dinner and banquet.

  • Black pants.
  • Leggings.
  • Light tunic x 2.
  • Light knit top.
  • Light jacket.
  • Evening top, coloured – For the Friday night dinner.
  • Evening top, jazzy – This can have a little twinkle as it is for the banquet on Saturday night. This is where most of the photos are taken.
  • Running shoes.
  • Booties (ankle boots).
  • Socks – Always wear socks in a hotel and avoid walking barefoot on the carpet or in the bathroom and shower).
  • Camisoles or bras and panties (knickers) x 3 (the camis and panties double as pajamas).
  • Pashmina in a solid colour. I like rose pink or cream.
  • Scarf – Light cotton or silk in bright tones. Wrap twice around the neck with both ends hanging at the front.
  • Jewelry – regular daytime and statement jewelry for Saturday night.
  • Handbag/tote bag for the daily lectures, for notes, your journal and lecture handouts. Watch out that this particular bag is not massive or you will haul more stuff around all weekend.
  • Evening bag black, small – For your phone, credit cards, business cards, lipstick, cash and room key.

What to Wear When

Friday in the day – Leggings, tunic, light jacket, socks and booties.

You will be travelling and need stretch pants thus the leggings. The jacket could have pockets for your phone and cash. The tunic hangs lower at the back to cover your bottom and can be shorter in the front for ease when sitting in a car or on a plane for hours.

Friday evening – Replace the tunic for a nice coloured evening top and lose the jacket. Booties and socks. Evening bag. Photos may be taken.

Saturday in the day – Black pants, top (tunic or knit top) and scarf. Running shoes and socks.


Saturday evening – Black pants, jazzy evening top, pashmina, booties, socks, statement jewellery and evening bag.

Sunday in the day – Leggings, another coloured tunic, and the light jacket. Running shoes and socks.


With the leggings, you can wear them on Friday and Sunday. If you like you can wash them on Friday night so they will be dry and fresh for Sunday. It is up to you. If you do decide to do washing in your hotel room squirt some shampoo into the basin and wash your leggings a by hand. Hang them up in the shower to dry.

Makeup and Hair

  • Your usual makeup.
  • Earbuds.
  • Hairbrush.
  • Toothbrush and toiletries.
  • Medicines and Imodium. You never know.
  • Usual vitamins and supplements


  • Promotional material – For instance a workshop you are presenting soon or another event that is coming up.
  • Ephemeris – I always travel with my big paperback Ephemeris.
  • Astrology journal – This is your daily astrology journal and contains all the information you like on astrology.
  • Business cards – To give to those who want. Never push your business card. Have them with you or out in front of you at the lecture table and people who need one will take one.
  • Awareness cards – I’ve started using these special postcard sized “awareness cards” and will give them out if someone is interested.
  • Pencils – These are my promotional pencils with my website details printed on. You may have other freebies to give.
  • Coloured crayons – This is for the astrology journal. After I have attended a lecture I like to colour the pages perhaps immediately or later that night as I unwind in my room before bed.
  • Pens – Take about three in case you lose one and then you can share with others


  • Your passport and Nexus card.
  • A copy of the proof of your conference payment. I once arrived at an astrology conference in Toronto and they did not have a record of my having paid. Fortunately, I did have my credit card receipt in my bag so all was good. But these things do happen.
  • A copy of the hotel booking. This can be in your wallet app to the hotel’s chain app, for instance, the Hilton app is used for Norwac.
  • Small denomination cash. This is so you will be ready to give something to any charities the conference supports, raffles at the banquet, a Tarot card or palm reading, the cash bar for your wine and tips for the waiters and chambermaid.

Sometimes there is a “Free stuff” table in the conference gathering area. This is the place to put your business cards, awareness cards, promotional materials like in my case my pencils and the flyer for our summer workshop in Vancouver in July.

What Not to Take

There are some things that you will use at home but don’t need to carry on trips. After all, you are hauling the bag around. If you free up your life and lighten your travels you will enjoy them so much more.

  • Pyjamas.
  • Robe or gown.
  • Slippers.
  • Extra shoes.
  • Extra bags.
  • Too many clothes just in case…
  • Regular shampoo and conditioner bottles. Always decant into 100mm bottles, take travel sizes or use the hotel’s products.
  • Alarm clock – Use your phone.
  • Big coat unless you are going north of the 60th parallel.
  • Other junk.
  • Your dog.

Astrology conferences can be so much fun. If you plan your trip carefully and only take the minimum of stuff you will enjoy the event all the more.

I have more on how to have fun at an astrology conference if you need some ideas.


Featured Chart: Jack Conte – Inspired Creator

Featured Chart: Jack Conte – Inspired Creator

by Alison Price

Featured Chart

Now and then I like to cast the featured charts of people who are inspirations to us all. I look for those individuals who have made a difference in the lives of others by their ideas, creations and actions. This time I chose Jack Conte the inspiration and creative drive behind Patreon.

Chart Calculations

I have the birth details of July 13, 1984, San Francisco, California, USA. Because his birth time is unknown (to me) I’ve cast the midday chart.

The high noon time places the nativity halfway through the day and this means that no matter what his actual birth time was we are only a maximum of twelve hours out. Therefore most planets will be in the same positions in the signs.

The only question is the Moon’s sign. If he was born in the morning then the Moon was in Capricorn or if in the afternoon then the Moon was in Aquarius.

You have to ignore the ascendant and the house positions.

Brief Interpretation

If it is a Moon in Capricorn then he will be slightly reserved with his feelings and moods may linger longer than they need. This placement makes it hard to have felt loved in the early years. As an adult, he wants to provide a home environment where mutual respect is key.
With an Aquarius Moon, it brings a cool emotional attitude to life. He will be more inclined to text his feelings or recite poetry to his lady love. This placement suggests he likes many types of cuisine and will experiment in the kitchen and share his offerings with those close to him.
There are four planets in anaretic degrees. This means they are at 29 degrees of their signs. These are planets that are both subdued and yet paused awaiting their conscious revival by Jack himself. They are poised with their potential. As he grows older he can tap into these planets in a meaningful way.

The two artistic planets Venus and Neptune are both anaretic. They are in the quincunx aspect with each other and this suggests he continuously strives to discover the music he likes. It is as if he knows it’s inside himself but it takes time to tease it out and let it fully bloom. He will be constantly adjusting the type of beauty and atmosphere which his music evokes.

Inner Struggle

The Sun in Cancer shows he has vibrant emotional responses and this can create knee-jerk reactions to many events in his day. Time has to be taken to fully process the mood of the moment before his inspiration can shine.

The final dispositor of Jack’s chart is Mars in Scorpio and this provides him with controlled drive and the desire to challenge the status quo. He will likely compete with himself most of the time as things never seem to be exactly right. This suggests he redoes his efforts frequently until time itself pushes him to release the buried creative expression and give birth to his work.

He is a passionate warrior and will go into battle for things that touch his core. The biggest conflicts may be inside as he struggles to find his path and direction. This can be accomplished by constantly facing the issues close to his heart so he can help others in a meaningful way.

The conjunction of Mars with Saturn brings a steadfast discipline to finish the things he starts. The challenge here is that he may not like what it has become but he will continue to completion.

This man will get better as he gets older. The drive as a young man will slowly but steadily become reined into a special purpose as he grows older. In time he will move from being a generalist to become a specialist. This shift of focus will bring him more personal satisfaction than in the early years.

Art and Music

As the founder of Patreon for the patrons to the arts, the principle sits well with his Venus Neptune aspects and the signs in which both planets find themselves. To bring value to art will be a theme for Jack. At the same time he will continue to do his own musical work as he always considers himself an artist.

In days gone by he may have been a starving artist and the feeling of “want” will be the thing that propels him forward. This man will do more with a woman in his life than he can do alone. He is productive when his partner walks the path of life at his side, neither leading nor following, but as an equal.

His Venus in Cancer urges him to make music that soothes or makes the listener feel they belong in a world where many do not. Jack’s Neptune is stimulated to make the journey from amateur to professional musician. That he ever made any money from his songs is still unbelievable to him.

Energy Expression

Mars is trine the Sun and this give endless energy and a bright outlook to life. In his heart of hearts, he is up to the challenge. He will fight the good fight and be on the side of the angels.

Mars is square Mercury and this aspect shows the dichotomy between how he thinks and what he actually does. He can talk the talk and also walk the walk but the focus may be a troubling attribute. He will try hard to remain on track as the influences from other artists may be catalysts for a change of mind. Thoughts will benefit from being aired and groups like think-tanks will help him to get the energy for innovation out.

Mars and Saturn are the two bad boys of the zodiac and when they come together hard facts are faced and the result is a structure that sustains. Life will have its challenges for Jack and he may face many hurdles. Grit and determination to produce something of value will be the core drivers of his life.


There are several planetary configurations that will stimulate change for Jack in the next year or two.

In October the growth planet Jupiter will conjoin his natal Pluto and this will be reflected as an expansion at the core levels of his life. Opportunities to bring buried projects to conception will present themselves. Personal transformation will be the over-arching them towards the end of 2017.

The month of December promises to be full of activity and events and an opportunity to be published or launch an album will be an option. Jack will go into 2018 with more drive and confidence from his supporters than ever before.

The challenge will likely be in deciding what to do next as the chances for great things come to him. It will be decision time and plans made during the last month of the year will affect his future.

At the end of the year as Saturn meets his Neptune it triggers the quincunx to Venus and there could be a sadness as some parts of his life will be let go. He cannot do everything and it is best to focus on one or two projects whilst shelving others even though they may promise to be fun. He does not need to fear, as he can return to them later.

The early months of 2018 will be a period all about planning and establish solid foundations on which to stand as Jack builds his empire.




Note, if you happen to have the correct birth time please send me the info and I’ll cast the exact chart. 💛


Astrology Basics – Chart Points

Astrology Basics – Chart Points

Chart Points

Chart points are not planets or entities at all they are points in space and typically occur where two imaginary lines cross.


The Ascendant

The Ascendant is the face you show to people one-on-one. It is the mask or façade presented to strangers. It is the initial thing people see about you. It is the first impression you give to others.



The Midheaven

The Midheaven is the face you show the world. It is what the world knows you for. It represents your highest achievements in life and is your public status, reputation or notoriety.




The Immum Coeli


The Vertex

The Part of Fortune

The Part of Fortune shows where and how your personal fortune is likley to manifest in this lifetime.


The Lunar Nodes

The two lunar nodes, North and South, show your destiny, past and future.



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Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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