Astrology Basics: The Aspects

Astrology Basics: The Aspects


A Cornerstone of Chart Reading

This is part of the Starzology Astrology Basics series of posts on the four cornerstones for reading a chart. This is what you need to know to read a chart. The other cornerstones are signs, planets, houses and a fifth cornerstone (?) is  chart points.


Podcast Episode: Aspects Introduction

In this podcast episode, Alison and Arwynne provide valuable insights into the aspects of your birth chart.

They delve into the specific angles of major, minor and lesser used aspects, discuss the orbs that influence them, and offer real-life examples of how these aspects manifest in actual charts.

Additionally, they offer guidance on where to begin and how to determine which aspects hold significance in your natal chart.

Introduction to Aspects

Aspects are the angular correspondences formed between planets, angles and other points in a chart.

They are measured in degrees and minutes of longitude in the signs.

Aspects are a function of simple geometry.

  • Every planet will usually have some aspects.
  • Not all charts will contain all the different aspects.
  • It is unlikely that all planets will have every aspect.
  • Not all planets will aspect each other.
  • Some planets may not receive any aspects from other planets (an unaspected planet).
  • Often charts will have a preponderance of one particular aspect such as trines or squares.

Aspects in General

Aspects and aspect patterns show the main story lines within a chart.

The dialogue between the planets and chart points is found by the planetary connections expressed through the aspects.

Aspects are like a conduit passing information between two planets.

Two planets in aspect will communicate with each other for better or for worse depending on the actual planets and the aspect in question.


Applying and Separating Aspects

An aspect is determined to be either applying or separating.

This state depends on the speed of the two planets and their position in regard to each other.

The planets are listed here by speed, from the fastest moving planet to slowest moving planet; the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.


Note: Sometimes Mercury and Venus can be slower than the Sun it depends on their position at the time.


Applying Aspects

Aspects that are applying are stronger than those separating.

The applying faster planet is moving towards the exact (or partile) aspect with the slower moving planet.

During an applying aspect the pressure is still building, and the effect is of potential still to come.

Aspects are applying when the faster moving planet has yet to catch up to the slower moving planet’s degree position.


The Moon at 10° Virgo is applying a conjunction to the Sun at 15° Virgo.


Separating Aspects

Aspects are separating when the faster moving planet has passed the degree position of the slower moving planet.

After the aspect has been exact the aspect is separating and the effect is more of release or acceptance.


The Moon at 15° Gemini is separating from an opposition to the Sun at 10° Sagittarius.


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Major Aspects

We will focus on the major and minor aspects.

The major aspects are the ones used by the Greeks and are today known as “Ptolemaic aspects” after Claudius Ptolemy.

The five major aspects are the conjunction, opposition, trine, square and sextile.

Understanding Aspect Orbs

Orb Definition

An orb is the number of degrees by which an aspect can deviate from being exact while still being considered in effect.

Think of it as a margin of error or a zone of influence around the exact aspect angle.

The Importance of Orbs

Orbs are essential because planetary aspects are rarely exact to the degree.

By using orbs, you can determine:

  • Whether an aspect is in effect.
  • How strong the aspect’s influence is (tightness of orb).
  • Whether an aspect is applying (becoming more exact) or separating (becoming less exact).


Choosing Orbs


Aspect orbs are debated long and hard by astrologers who get together for an evening social. The debate goes on.

I suggest that if you are starting to learn astrology keep to my standard orbs, and as you become more experienced you can adjust the orbs to wider or tighter as you wish.

It is up to you.

Standard Orbs

These are the standard orbs I use.

  • Conjunction, opposition, trine and square: orb 8°.
  • Sextile: orb 4°.
  • Minor aspects: orb 2°.
  • Lesser used aspects: orb 1°.

Aspects of Longitude

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Aspects of longitude are the angular relationships between planets in a birth chart.

Think of them as cosmic conversations or dialogues where some planets are in harmony, others in tension and some are indifferent to each other.

These relationships influence how the energies of different planets interact and manifest in our lives.

The Five Major (Ptolemaic) Aspects

Where to Start

These aspects should be interpreted first in this order; conjunctions (neutral), oppositions and squares (hard) then trines and sextiles (soft).

So any conjunctions come first.

Only if you have time go onto the minor aspects.

The Conjunction

First Harmonic

The circle divided by one. 360°/1 = 360°. 

Usually planets in conjunction will be in the same sign or house. 

When a conjunction occurs over a sign boundary, they are said to be in a disassociate conjunction

For instance, if the Sun is at 29° Virgo and the Moon is at 4° Libra, they are still conjunct but in a disassociate conjunction.

Conjunction (0°)

When two planets are very close together, their energies blend and intensify.

This can be harmonious or challenging, depending on the planets involved.

Conjunction Aspect Meaning

The conjunction is the most powerful aspect. It inclines the two planets towards togetherness and blends their energies. The planets virtually move as one and they have synergy

Synergy means one plus one equals three. Each planet is indistinguishable from the other. 

They show the same face to the world. Because of their close proximity it is hard for the first planet in the conjunction to clearly see the second planet and vice versa.

The Sextile

Sextile (60°)

Sextiles offer opportunities for growth and learning.

They require some effort to activate but bring positive outcomes.

Planets in sextile work well together and support each other. 

They suggest that you have latent talents in the nature of the planets involved and this can be brought forward for the creativity and vision in your life. The sextile is a soft aspect.


The Trine

Trine (120°)

Trines represent harmony and ease and are usually in the same element.

Planets in trine support each other, offering natural talents and opportunities.

Planets in trine to each other are easy going and let the other planet be themselves. This is the best aspect of support and being positive. The trine is an easy or soft aspect.


The Square

Square (90°)

The challenging square creates internal tension and dilemmas.

While difficult, squares drive us to take action, get of the couch and grow.

Planets that are square to each other have some tension between them. Their energies compete for dominance and challenge each other. Planets in square create internal dilemmas for you. The square is a hard or difficult aspect.


The Opposition

Opposition (180°)

Planets facing each other across the chart create a tug-of-war energy where projection is a theme.

Oppositions bring awareness through relationships and balance.

Planets that oppose are in tension with each other and will struggle to work together. 

These planets create external dilemmas for you and can indicate where you project the issues to the other.

 The opposition is a hard or difficult aspect.



Minor Aspects

The minor aspects are those found to have value in chart interpretation. The four minor aspects are the semi-square, sesquiquadrate, semi-sextile and quincunx. 

Minor Aspect Orbs

The orb for minor aspects is 2° both applying and separating.

Minor Aspects – Twelfth Harmonic

The twelfth harmonic aspects suggest potential frustrations where constant adjustments are required to maintain equilibrium in whatever is brought up by the planetary energies involved in the aspect.

Semi-sextile Aspect


The circle divided by twelve. 360°/12 = 30°. The semi-sextile is half a sextile and one twelfth of a circle.

Semi-sextile Aspect Meaning

The semi-sextile suggests subtle niggling tensions.

It creates a slight unease that can motivate learning and adaptation

The semi-sextile is an aspect that can be unsettling and disruptive. There can be annoyances and tensionsIt is a difficult aspect but in a quiet way. Both planets behave as if the other did not exist and try to ignore each other. The semi-sextile shows where you will push something off to another and try to redirect.

Quincunx Aspect

The circle is divided by twelve and then timesed by five. (360°/12) = 30° x 5 = 150° (i.e. 5/12). 

A quincunx was a Roman coin. 

The origin of the word is from the Latin “quince” meaning five and “uncla” meaning one-twelfth. 

The quincunx is sometimes referred to as the inconjunct.

Quincunx Aspect Meaning

The quincunx is the aspect of adjustment, paradox, and the need for compromise.

Also known as the inconjunct, the quincunx creates a sense of niggling unease that requires constant fine-tuning

It is an aspect of awkwardness and unease. 

The quincunx shows where adjustments are needed. 

These two planets will grind along, but are never happy together. 

They can be un-supportive of each other and make for disharmony in a niggling way.

Minor Aspects – Eighth Harmonic

These aspects fall into the eighth harmonic which indicates they are manifesting aspects and will generally exacerbate change through tension upon us.


The circle divided by eight. 360°/8 = 45°. The semi-square is also known as the octileOrb for a semi-square is 2°.

Semi-square Aspect Meaning

The semi-square is an aspect of internal tension.

It can create low-level stress that pushes for personal development

The semi-square is half of a square and it can be difficult to work the two planets energies smoothly. 

They can be unstable and require a change of approach each time. 

This aspect inclines the individual to persisting and to keep working at making it better and finding a solution.

Sesquiquadrate Aspect

The circle divided by eight and then multiplied by three. (360°/8) = 45°x 3 = 135°. The orb for a sesquiquadrate is 2°. The sesquiquadrate combines one square and one semi-square. The sesquiquadrate is also known as the tri-octile.

Sesquiquadrate Aspect Meaning

Sesquiquadrates indicate external challenges that require creative solutions.

This aspect often manifests as recurring issues that demand innovative approaches

It is an aspect of tension and difficulty. 

The planets challenge each other, and this person has to redo decisions. 

This aspect spurs the person to find peace.

Lesser Used Aspects


Although not one of the big five aspects I use the quintile aspect as well as it is the aspect of creativity. Planets in quintile to each other show your creative expression in line with the meaning of the two planets. The quintile should always be considered when analyzing creative expression and outlets in your life. I also consider the lesser-used aspects in the fifth harmonic like quintiles and bi-quintiles. In fact, I like quintiles a lot for insights into creativity and inspiration. Quintiles are 72° and bi-quintiles are 144° with an orb of 1°However, I personally avoid the septiles, noviles and deciles. I’ll explain.



When you divide the chart of 360° by seven, you don’t get a whole number as the result is 51.428°The Bi-septile and tri septile also have non-whole numbers or fractions.


The Novile is an aspect at 40° with an orb or 1°.

This is very close to the semi-square at 45° (orb 2°) and it seems not worth the bother.


The decile aspect is 36° with an orb of 1°.

This is very close to the semi-sextile at 30° with an orb of 2°.

This aspect again seems like too much bother.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison specializes in guiding Aspiring Astrologers. Her aim is to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart, often sprinkled with a touch of humor.

To learn more about Alison’s journey, visit this page.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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The 12 Houses

The 12 Houses

The chart basics are four basic building blocks of knowledge. as a student of astrology you need to get a grip on some basic principles and this post is about the houses. The other building blocks  are:

The Meaning of the Houses

An astrological chart is divided into twelve sections, or houses, and each house is a different size.

The chart looks like a pizza where each house is a segment.

Each house represents a separate area of life and planets in houses suggest that a particular area of life, like family or work, is important to you.

The houses are like a slice of life.


First house

The first house shows you, your body, what you look like, your complexion, fashion style, gait, haircut and first impression.

Second house

The second house is all about money, credit and acquisitions. It shows your values and what you value more than money. It suggests your self-worth and self-esteem.

Third house

The third house shows your brothers and sisters, school, neighbors, local area, short journeys and community involvement.

Fourth house

Your home, hearth and family life is shown by the fourth house in your chart.

Your dominant parent (who is the one was there on a daily basis providing care and nurtured you) is shown by the fourth house.

Fifth house

The fifth is the fun house.

It shows your children, your leisure activities, your romantic dates, play dates, sport, concerts and your creative expression.

It suggests where you find entertainment and this includes risk activities like riding on a roller coaster, playing the stock market and gambling.

Sixth house

The sixth house is the house of your day-to-day work, pets, small plants, health and service to others.

It shows your diet and exercise appetite.

The sixth house in your chart shows your daily rituals, meditation and other habitual practices.

More on the sixth house.

Seventh house

The seventh house indicates your marriage, your partner/spouse, business partners and your relationship with other people.

It shows the general public, your relationship with others and open enemies.

Eighth house

The eighth house suggests your secrets, sex life, money from others, donations from others, support from others, inheritance, insurance, debt, death and taxes.

It shows the inevitable things of life.

Ninth house

The ninth house suggests your vision, life-path, travel, long journeys, higher education, foreign cultures, publications and religion.

Tenth house

The tenth house is all about your career, public standing, reputation and what the world knows you for.

It is where you are in the public eye.

It indicates your passive parent

Eleventh house

The eleventh house shows your choice of friends, groups and causes.

It is where you are a team player.

It shows your social conscious.

Twelfth house

The twelfth house is the house of your imagination, self-undoing, chronic health issues, institutions, dreams, sleep and your subconscious.

It shows your secret enemies.



Aspiring Astrologer Activity: 12 Houses

In your astrology journal, and referring to your natal chart, please do the following:

  • Write a short interpretation on each house. Mention the sign on the cusp, the house ruler, if there is an intercepted sign in the house and any planet in the house (100 words for each house).


Share on social with hashtag #starzclass.

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Astrology Basics: The Signs

Astrology Basics: The Signs

The 12 Signs of the Zodiac

Signs can be categorized by their components of polarity (masculine or feminine), element (fire, earth, air or water) and mode (cardinal, fixed or mutable).

Signs can be interpreted by these three distinct components in a broad way.

This time we will take a look at the meaning of each sign in more detail and discover some of the personality traits, body parts, careers, and correlations associated with each sign.

This is not to say that someone with the Sun in a particular sign will have that specific career, but it shows the inclinations for someone with a strong sign energy, through multiple planets, or if the Midheaven in that sign, to be attracted to the type of a careers and activities associated with the sign.

The Meaning of the Signs

Each sign has a different meaning and when a planet is in one sign it will behave differently to when in another sign.

In your chart the planets will be in a variety of signs.

The Sun passes through all the tropical signs.

There are twelve signs of the tropical zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

The signs start at Aries the first sign and end at Pisces the twelfth sign.


The Sun is in Aries from March 21 to April 20.


April 20 – May 21


The Sun is in Gemini from May 21 to June 21.


The Sun is in the sign of Cancer from June 21st to July 23rd.


The symbol for Leo is the lion. The Sun is in Leo from July 24th to August 22nd.


The symbol for Virgo is the Virgin and the Sun is in Virgo from August 23rd to September 23rd.



The symbol for Scorpio is the Scorpion and the Sun will be in Scorpio from October 23rd to November 22nd.


The symbol for Sagittarius is the Archer and the Sun is in Sagittarius from November 22nd to December 22nd.


The Sun is in the sign of Capricorn the Sea Goat from January 1st to January 21st and from December 22nd to December 31st.


The Water Bearer is the symbol for Aquarius and the Sun is in your sign from January 21st to February 21st.


Pisces is the sign of the Fish. Its symbol is two fish tethered together but swimming in the opposite direction. The Sun is in Pisces from February 21st to March 21st.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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If you enjoyed this post, you may like some more astrology related articles from our blog.


Start Here

Start Here

Astrology Basics

Here are the basics of astrology and what you need to know to read a horoscope or birth chart.

There are four building blocks to chart reading:


And on top of that you need to know about chart division and chart points.


Master the Basics

If you are learning astrology you will do yourself a favour if you can grasp these basics. Then when you do read more intermediate or advanced astrology it will make more sense.

As a kid when you learned how to read it was one step at a time. First the alphabet J-a-c-k, then words Jack, and then sentences “See Jack.”

Astrology interpretation is much like learning to read.


This series of posts will give you all the basic keywords and facts you need to understand the nature of astrology.

Yes, of course there is more but these are the “See Jack, see Jack run” basic components so you can begin.

More to follow.


Basic Chart Interpretations

This series looks at what to do to get a chart that you can work with in the first place.

Step 1 – Printing the chart

Step 2 – Highlighting the physical chart

Step 3 – Margin notes

Step 4 – the Interpretation notes



Astrology Basics: The Planets

Astrology Basics: The Planets


There are many planets used in astrology. Each astrologer may choose to use all or only some of the planets in their work.


The Seven Visible Planets

The seven visible planets are those that can be seen with a naked eye. They are the Sun, The Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. They are known as the traditional or Hellenistic planets.


The Outer Planets

The three outer planets are Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. They are the modern planets.


Read more >>> Astrology ABCs


The Meaning of the Planets

The Sun

The Sun is your identity, your heart and your character. It shows where you are honest and true to yourself. It is where you can shine in life. It represents your father.

Read more >>> the Sun


The Moon

The Moon shows your feelings, reactions, gut instincts and your behavior. It rules food, how you care and who you nurture. It represents your mother, mother figures and caregivers.

Read more >>> the Moon.



Mercury shows your thinking, talking and communication style. It has to do with all buying and selling. It represents your schoolteacher and neighborhood people.

Read more >>> Mercury.



Venus shows beauty, art, style, love and money. It has to do with your values and what you invest in both things like jewelry and people. It represents young women and sisters.

Read more >>> Venus.



Mars is about sex, energy, drive, challenges and where you compete in life. It shows when you will get off the couch and do something. It represents young men and brothers.

Read more >>> Mars.



Jupiter is about growth, expansion, reaching and even overdoing things. It shows your vision and potential. It represents uncles, teachers and preachers.

Read more >>> Jupiter.



Saturn is the planet of achievement, honors, control, limitations and fears. It represents your father, older men and authority figures.

Read more >>> Saturn.



Uranus is the planet for the future it rules trends, technology, computers and the space age. It represents adolescents, immigrants, those on the fringes of society and rebels.

Read more >>> Uranus.



Neptune is the planet of illusion, intuition, mysticism, art, magic and the unknown. It represents the psychic, the invisible, the underdog and the homeless.

Read more >>> Neptune.



Pluto is the planet of power, influence and sex. It represents people who have power over you through your use of their resources or those whom you have the drop on. It represents the loan shark, surgeon, psychiatrist, undertaker, criminal and therapist.

Read more >>> Pluto.



Chiron is the planet of wounds and healing. It suggests where you are weak and wanting. It represents people who help you like nurses, teachers, gurus and charity workers.

Read more >>> Chiron.



Eris is the planet of the female warrior. It represents the fight instinct in women. It suggests those who will fight for you simply because they are on your team, group or crew. It represents sisters-in-arms.

Read more >>> Eris.


Astrology Basics for Beginner’s

This is part of the special Starzology Astrology Basics series for you all. Many of you ask where to start and here are the planet’s meanings.

You can check out the rest of the series:


Beginner’s Astrology Classes

Beginner’s Astrology Classes

Beginner’s Astrology Classes

Who These Classes are for

These are a face-to-face or Zoom beginner’s classes, no prior astrological knowledge is required.

This sixteen-week beginner’s course covers all the basic information you will need to read a birth chart.


What You Will Learn

Students will learn about the components that make up the natal chart. This vibrant course introduces the student to the following: glyphs, quadrants, elements, polarities, modes, planets, signs, houses, angles, aspects and much more.

You will learn how to read a chart from a beginner’s point of view. This will get you on the road to becoming an effective and competent astrologer. 

Book Your Class

You may click through to the booking page to book your spot for your next beginner’s class.

Semester 1

101: Polarities, Elements and Modes

This first class takes you through the basic structure of a chart.

We discover the broad background energy of a chart as shown by the main sign components.

You will learn about the two polarities of active and passive, the four elements of fire, earth, air and water and the three modes of cardinal, fixed and mutable.


102: The Twelve Zodiac Signs

This class is about the twelve signs of the Zodiac. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

You will learn the sign meanings and their importance in a chart.


103: The Visible Planets

This class is about the seven planets you can see in the sky the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

You wil learn the planet’s attributes like the keywords, meanings, correlations to the everyday and their archytypes.


104: The Outer Planets, Asteroids and TNO’s

This class is about the planets which you cannot see. The outer planets of Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. we also look at Chiron.

We take a look at the asteroid belt and explore the Asteroids and the feminine. You will learn about Ceres, Juno, Pallas Athene and Vesta.

You will get an awareness of some Trans Neptunian Objects (TNO’s) like Eris and Sedna etc.


105: Chart Division: Ascendant and Midheaven Axes

This class is about how we divide the chart up with the two main axes.

You will learn about the angles, Ascendant, Midheaven, hemispheres, quadrants and triple house division.


106: Houses 1: First to Sixth Houses

This class is about the personal houses of the northern hemisphere. We cover house rulers and their importance.

You will discover more on angular, succeedent and cadent houses.

You will learn about the first to sixth houses and their meanings.


107: Houses 2: Seventh to Twelfth Houses

This class is about the public houses of the southern hemisphere.

You will learn about the seventh to twelvth houses and their meanings.

You will learn about intercepted signs.


108: Natal Interpretations 1

This is a class to bring all your current astrology knowledge to bear to read a birth chart.

You will practice finding the important messages in each chart and start to assess the potential within a chart.

Semester 2

109: Aspects 1: Major Aspects

Major, minor and lesser used aspects.


110: Aspects 2: Major Aspect Patterns

Major aspect patterns.


111: Essential Dignities

Measuring a planet’s influence in a chart.


112: Moon Phases

A deeper understanding of the Moon’s phases through the waxing and waning’s effect.


113: Retrograde Planets

Two steps forward and one step back.


114: Ascendant Overlays and Chart Rulers

Chart Ascendant sign rulers and Ascendant house overlays.


115: Lunar Nodes

The overall past and future tone of a chart.


116: Interpretation 2: Gathering Threads

Full interpretations and gathering related threads.

About the Classes


  • 2 hours per lesson.
  • 8 lessons in each semester.
  • Classes are delivered by Zoom.
  • Flexible class times and dates.


  • Personalized One-on One astrology training with Alison.
  • Individual attention.
  • Lessons can be taken one at a time.


What You Get

Each student will receive a PDF copy of their birth chart, PDF lesson notes at each session and some homework. 

This course is suitable for beginners and anyone with an interest in astrology. You do not need any astrological knowledge to attend. All are welcome.

This course is available via Zoom.

For more information please contact me.


These classes can be purchased by semester. So that would typically be first semester one then semester two.

Or you can do individual classes and pick and choose what you want to learn.

Check my current prices.

Testimonials On my Teaching and Courses:

“I scoured the internet to find the right teacher and in working with Alison I did. I looked forward to my weekly classes and felt that I definitely learned a lot. I liked that there were assignments and felt that they helped me learn more. As a teacher, she is kind, warm, funny and incredibly professional. For me, I couldn’t think of a better way to start than having a one on one tutor. I would absolutely recommend Starzology” – K. P. Toronto

“I have taken previous courses on astrology but these were of the internet webinar type where you could see and hear the presenter but the chance to interact with them was very limited. So I was delighted to find and then take Alison Price’s Introduction to Astrology course. The personal two-hour lessons gave me every opportunity to get my questions answered and make sure that I really understood the material. The chance to have such one-to-one sessions with a very knowledgeable astrologer meant that I could make very good progress and cleared up a lot of the problems and queries I had.” – Andrew K, – London, UK 

“Alison is a passionate and devoted teacher. She never hesitates to pass down her experience and knowledge to her students. Also, she encourages her students to think about controversial astrological topics and develop their own style as an astrologer. I enjoy being her student and hopefully I can study under her again.”  ~ W.Y.W. , Hong Kong

“I came to Alison as a novice astrology student with little to no expectations as to where a class with a professional astrologer would take me. Not only did I complete her introductory course and learn concepts not yet explored through self-teaching, but her encouragement and enthusiasm led me to enrol in natal interpretation, synastry and forecasting classes with her as well. She went above and beyond in her lessons and ensured I received the best education possible, even offering private lessons when the classroom didn’t meet my individual needs. Her lessons were clear and insightful, as were her analyses of my own natal chart and current transits. I highly recommend both her teaching and consultation services.” ~ Stephanie. Z.  Oakville

“I studied with Alison in Oakville taking 3 of the courses she offers her students – Natal Analysis, Intro to Forecasting & Synastry. She is an excellent teacher – well prepared with excellent study notes, and a wonderful sense of humor. I also use her Second Opinion services on a mentoring basis to confirm and expand my own astrological forays on client charts. Overall a beautiful woman, wish I lived closer to continue to experience her energies through her work with the Fraser Valley Astrological Guild.” ~ Shirley. W. March 2012 – Southern Ontario

“The material presented was well organized, understandable, knowledgeable and detailed. In particular I was most appreciative of the handouts… what an incredible reference guide.” ~ P. C. Etobiko

“Alison, you are a gifted teacher, who is very organized and have a great environment to be in. Thank you.” ~ M. M. – Burlington, ON

“Thank you.  I feel more grounded [since taking the course] and felt you were extremely professional yet very warm and giving.” ~ M. M.

Alison is a very informative and patient instructor. She understands the needs of her students.” ~ D. S. – Hamilton, ON

“I really enjoy your lessons, you provide a wealth of information.” ~ M. W. – Milton, ON

Astrology Classes

Below are the options I have for astrology lessons from beginner to advanced chart readings and more.

Click the images on the left for more details.


Beginner’s Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)

Semester One: Basic Natal Charts

Signs, planets, points, and houses.

Semester Two: Advanced Natal Charts

Aspects, patterns, essential dignity, lunar phases, retrograde, nodes and chart shape etc.

Intermediate Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)

Semester One:

Dignities, phases, retrograde, most elevated, derivative and oriental.

Semester Two:

Proximity, Anticia, synodic cycles, moiety and dexter.

Advanced Astrology: Forecasting (16 Classes)

Semester One: Direct Astrological Forecasting

Transits, solar returns and eclipses.

Semester Two: Indirect Astrological Forecasting

Secondary progressions, solar arc directions and mundane.

Vocational Astrology: Money and Career (4 Classes)

Your passion, earning and soft skills.

Chart challenges and job seeking tips.

Relationship Astrology (4 Classes)

Love and Romance Questions

Synastry and chart comparison, composite midpoints, Davison charts, Wedding Elections.

Your Astrology Business Setup (2 Classes)

Basic Business Setup

Start charts, website, products and services.

Privacy and mission statements.

Astrology Mentorship (by the hour)

Individual sessions to focus on your knowledge gaps.

Client work advice.

Practise readings so you can get better.

More Articles

Here are some more articles from our website.

Gifts for Each Sign

Gifts for Each Sign

In astrology, each sign appreciates a different gift. Align your seasonal GIFT GIVING to the themes of each Zodiac sign.

10th House

10th House

In astrology, the TENTH HOUSE including the Midheaven indicate your career and public life. Planets here modify this area of your life.