Your Progressed Moon and Transiting Saturn – Special Forecast

Your Progressed Moon and Transiting Saturn – Special Forecast

Forecasting in astrology can be a simple Sun sign interpretations that any astrologer can do, or the more detailed and complex forecasting techniques which a professional experienced astrologer will provide. It depends on the level of understanding you wish to extract from your birth chart which route you will choose.

In astrological forecasting there are many things to consider for each chart that you look at. One of the interesting nuggets in forecasting is the relationship between your progressed Moon and transiting Saturn.

This connection deserves a second look but only in some charts. It is not always present and therefore can be dismissed as not worth bothering about. But in the few charts that this does occur, you need to fully appreciate exactly what is going on and how this dynamic situation will affect you and for how long.

If you do have this complex attribute in your chart the energy from the contact will be in play for ten to twenty years. This can overshadow other things being brought forward in the forecast data. Pee Moon and Tee Saturn can be the full story for many people and for years of their lives.

Your Secondary Progressed Moon (P-Moon)

The progressed Moon can travel up to just over three times around your chart in your lifetime. In doing so it makes all the possible aspects to all the planets and points in your chart. This speed and constant aspect contacts creates an endless variety for consideration for an astrologer.

As the progressed Moon takes +/- twenty-nine years to make one round of the chart it will therefore progress through each sign in about two years and five months (29 / 12 = 2.42y).

All things being equal and depending on the house system, the progressed Moon will spend a similar amount of time in each house .

Progressed Moon changing sign:

  • You instinctively relates to sign attributes
  • Your moods reflect the sign element changes
  • You take comfort in the new signs meanings

Progressed Moon changing house:

  • You become emotional towards the affairs of the house
  • You feel at home in the new house
  • Your habits move towards alignment with the new house

Transiting Saturn (T-Saturn)

Saturn keywords: Detract, static, pull, contract, steadfast, curtail, held-in and achieve.

Saturn Returns

Saturn moves about eleven degrees each year or, to put it another way, spends around two and a half years in each sign. Saturn takes about twenty-nine years to pass through the zodiac. You can experience up to three Saturn returns in your life.

Your Saturn returns are at approximately ages twenty-nine, fifty-eight and eighty-seven.

A Saturn return can be a one or three pass transit. The three pass transit is very important and should be accorded the correct amount of attention.

Saturn and Jupiter are very often the opposite side of a situation and, when they both bring in influence to bear, both can be negated.

Transiting Saturn by house

Saturn through the houses shows where you exert control, can achieve things and will succeed in the long run. Saturn can bring structure to chaos and create formal organization in which to work.

During a Saturn transit you will “draw the line” and maintain boundaries for yourselves. When you have a Saturn transit you may have to learn the hard way about the issues of the house.

It can be challenging when Saturn passes through some houses and you may have to tighten your belt and keep going.

Transiting Saturn by aspect

The four major transits from Saturn are those to it’s natal position. Saturn transits can bring maturity, the ability to take responsibility and a certain acceptance of what the world has to offer. It can also be where we exist under some limitations or imposed boundaries.

Saturn is an indicator of your father, father figures or older men in authority in your life and they may become a feature under a Saturn transit.

Transiting Saturn waxing square natal Saturn

Transiting Saturn square natal Saturn at about age seven most children are in big school and in the system and have to abide by timetables and rules.

Transiting Saturn opposition natal Saturn

Saturn opposition natal Saturn at somewhere in year fourteen is an indicator for puberty and physical maturity. Some adolescents can begin a casual job in the food industry for example, and start to earn a living in the big world.

Transiting Saturn waning square natal Saturn

Transiting Saturn square natal Saturn at the closing square happens around age 21 and is the threshold for adulthood.

Saturn return

First return at 28/30 the age of maturity where you stop blaming yoru parents for your woes and take ownership for your life.

Natal aspects between the Moon and Saturn

Moon conjunct Saturn

The issues of parents Mother (Moon) and father (Saturn) are closely linked. This person goes through life with their parents showing a united front to them regardless of what is really happening.

Moon square Saturn

This person has a life where their parents may disagree on how to bring the. Hold up. There may even be a question on the paternity or the child. This person has tension about their parents that they take forward into their own lives where they become the authority and the pattern continues.

Moon opposite Saturn

This person experiences diverse views from each parent or opposite view which may develop into outright conflict between their parents. The parents will play them off against each other. This placement frequently brings confrontation and flip flopping in discipline for this child.


Of all the planetary progressions the Moon needs close attention as the whole mood of the life shifts during the time it takes to pass through the natal chart and ingress the signs and houses. These subtle changes which happen over a two to three year period are often easier to appreciate in retrospect. As an astrologer you need to be on the lookout for this phenomenon in your chart.


The Moon (mother) and Saturn (father) can be at the root of many issues faced by people. So much so that this phenomenon (the Moon aspect Saturn lockstep) may easily dominate the whole life. Resolution is to be found in the natal placement of the Moon and Saturn and the energies need to be accepted into the life of the individual. This is likely to be challenging.

Pee Moon Tee Saturn Forecast Lockstep

Transiting Saturn takes twenty-nine years to transit the zodiac and the progressed Moon takes twenty-nine years to transits the zodiac. If there is a natal aspect between the Moon and Saturn it will be held in place by the movement of these two planets with one transiting and one progressed.

Difficult aspects (hard) are exacerbated. Although transiting Saturn will retrograde for periods and perhaps break the aspect it will reform when Saturn goes direct, is fast and reapplies the aspect.

Natal Moon aspect natal Saturn – orb

Depending on the tightness of the orb of the natal aspect between the Moon and Saturn this aspect may be in orb, by progression, for the lifetime of the individual.

Over time it will ease away but this could take many years. It depends if the aspect is applying or separating. For example if the Moon is applying an opposition to Saturn it may hold the opposition for longer than if it is already separating in the natal chart.

In the natal chart if the Moon and Saturn are in a fourth harmonic aspect that is either a conjunction, square or opposition. This needs a further look.

If the Moon and Saturn are sextile or trine it just makes it an easier relationship throughout. Only bother about the fourth harmonic aspects.

How long will it be?

Each chart is different but many people will have an aspect between the Moon and Saturn. The first thing to look at is whether there is an aspect between these two bodies.

Second is the natal aspect applying or separating? This will show how long the aspect will be in orb.  If the aspect is applying from 8 degrees then it could be applying for years and then become exact and finally separating for ten years.

This time of”being in orb” varies in each case but will still be long time.

So what?

Well for someone with the Pee Moon Tee Saturn in aspect, the energies of the two planets are connected for much if not most of their life.

It is well known that the Moon and Saturn can be many things both separately and together but when there is a link between the Moon and Saturn by aspect in the chart, it is always the parents that come together.  

Moon as mother

In your chart your Moon shows how you see your mother and your experience of her.

If there are two sisters with different Moon sign this indicates their different experience of their mother even though she was the same woman they experienced her differently. This can be seen with eldest child, middle child and youngest child situations where each one has a different Moon sign.

It suggests how she nurtured you and tells how she mothered you. Was she super cuddly or a bit cold or somewhere in between? Did you get beautiful clothes to wear or your brother’s hand-me-downs? What about her cooking?

As an adult you will remember your mother’s treatment of you forever. It is where you learnt how to care and how to provide nurture for yourself and others.

Saturn as your father

Saturn in your chart shows your father and older men like uncles and grandfathers. It shows how you experienced him and his fathering.

It shows father figures and men in authority over you. These people were (and are) teachers, headmasters, the police and judges.

It shows whether you dad was there for you, or a bit distant or an absentee father.

Well placed Saturn shows how you respect authority the law and if you respect your elders or not. Do you give your seat to a senior when on the bus? Do you call old men “Sir” or does it choke in your throat. All of these things are shown by your natal Saturn.

Your transiting Saturn and progressed Moon return

Much has been written about a Saturn return. Even people outside the astrological community know of the Saturn return. But what of the progressed Moon return?

It happens around age 29/30 and can be a time for change and of going back to basics as promised in the natal chart.

Any return brings the energies of the planet back to its true meaning for you, as the planet in question returns to its natal position in your chart. At this point it remakes all the natal aspects it has that are part of your natal chart interpretation. So aspects other than to the Moon or Saturn from either will be realigned.

Once you realize that your Saturn return is around the same time as you progressed Moon return you can see how they can be different for each person.

  • There is only  one progressed Moon return in each cycle.
  • There can be one or three Saturn returns in each cycle.

Return sequences possible

  • Saturn returns before the progressed Moon return
  • Progressed Moon returns before the transiting Saturn return.
  • Saturn return one hit
  • Saturn return three hit
  • Saturn return before and after progressed Moon return.

When you realise the potential implications of a simple Moon Saturn aspect in a natal chart it opens the door for further investigation of the long term effects of this phenomena. Parental issues may not be the only thing to think about but they may be laid as a full background stage for the life of the person.

As always care should be taken when interpreting charts and all situations will ideally be related back to the whole chart for a full rounded forecast.

How to Create an Electional Chart in Astrology

How to Create an Electional Chart in Astrology

Electional Charts

Of all the things you can do with astrology I believe that electional astrology is the best.

When used correctly an electional chart can make your life easier.

Everything has a time and place and this is where electional astrology excels.

It makes sense to go with the flow of the energy in the universe and not against it. This is exactly what electional astrology is all about.

Doing the right thing at the right time makes so much sense.

Why wouldn’t you use it?


Electional Astrology

Electional astrology is a technique used by astrologers to cast a chart to do something in the future.

An election chart it is set for a time and date in which you have selected, or elected, to do something later on.

It could be cast for next week, next month or for several months time.


What Electional Astrology is Not

Electional Astrology has nothing to do with political elections or voting for your candidate.


Election Chart Uses

Election charts (or elections for short) can be cast for just about anything you plan to do in the future.

The two most popular election charts arwe for wedding and business start-ups.


Wedding Election Charts

Election charts are excellent charts to use to select a date for marriages and wedding ceremonies because you can choose a time when the union is likely to grow and sustain the test of time.


Business Startup Election Charts

Elections are strong when used to find a time to open a business or register a domain name which you want to flourish. Every new business deserves the chance to last and prevail.

In fact if you can use an election for just about anything in life.


How to Cast an Election Chart

Election Chart House Reinforcement

You have to reinforce the house in which the election is found.

Astrologically all of the houses cover everything in life.

When you choose to do something it will be in one of the houses.

You have to make the planet that rules the activity robust and have it prominent and in good condition.

Electional Chart Houses

  • 1st house – Cosmetic surgery, makeovers and haircuts
  • 2nd house – Buying jewelry, art or financial instruments
  • 3rd house – Short travel and weekends away
  • 4th house – Buying or selling a house
  • 5th house – Parties and conceptions
  • 6th house – Job interviews and getting a new pet
  • 7th house – Marriages and contracts
  • 8th house – Signing your will and doing things you want kept secret
  • 9th house – International travel, starting college and launching an advertising campaign
  • 10th house – Business startups and IPO’s
  • 11th house – Starting a group and mingling at social occasions
  • 12th house – Going off the grid and being incognito 

Election Chart Planets

Each of the planets has particular meaning very similar to natal astrology about it’s urges.

Remember, the planets are where the energy is in a chart and you want to energize an election chart with the correct planet being prominent. 

Planets in Electional Charts

  • The Sun – Things for your personal benefit.
  • The Moon – Family and home related events.
  • Mercury – Interviews, exams, and brokering any deals.
  • Venus – Marriage, investing or decorating.
  • Mars – Surgery, sports events and running a marathon.
  • Jupiter – International vacations, starting college and publishing your book.
  • Saturn – Any business registration, company start or IPO and watches.
  • Uranus – Computers, software, apps and technology.
  • Neptune – Rehab, hypnosis and anaesthesia.
  • Pluto – Rejuvenation and spa treatments, surgery and donating blood.


The list does go on and you can find the correct house and planet for everything in life.


Tech Business Start Up Election Example

This chart is an example of a good chart for a tech startup business.

The main features are as follows:


10th House – Business House

10th Cusp

10th house cusp is Aries therefore Mars rules 10th to bring energy and action.

This suggests a startup as well.

Looking at the 10th hous eplanets in order that the meet the MC.



Mercury in the 10th house indicates good communication in the business.

The owners will be able to get the word out.

Advertising will be easy.



Venus in 10th is beneficial for the style of the business and perhaps the branding will be tasteful as well.

Venus is super well placed in rulership in Taurus.

The business finances will be strong and steady.


The Sun

The Sun in the 10th House.

The Sun is the chart ruler and represents the heart of the enterprize.



Uranus in the 10th house and conjoined Sun. Uranus rules technology and computers and so this planet in the house of the business is perfect.



Jupiter in the 10th house brings high profile fortune and luck to the venture.



Moon in the 10th house suggests there will be a family style about the business.

It is a New Moon phase chart which supports new beginnings.

Moon in Taurus is in exaltationa dn is super well placed.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Jupiter Trine Uranus – Get Fired Up!

Jupiter Trine Uranus – Get Fired Up!

by Alison Price

We have experienced several challenging planetary placements in recent years. I am of course referring to the Uranus Pluto square which has had astrologers and laymen alike buzzing with excitement.

Enter the Jupiter Uranus fire trine.

Whilst it is typical that we have both easy and challenging aspects within the zodiac at any one time, it is the individual and combined mixture of flow and resistance between the planets making the aspects that shape our lives.

That Uranus appears in both aspects (square Pluto and trine Jupiter) is telling. He seems to want to fit in and stick out at the same time.

We can live with this.


One way to interpret an astrology chart is by a technique called aspects

Astrological aspects are the angular distances between the planets.

Every planet has a measurement in degrees with the other planets but only certain angles are noted in astrology charts.

By dividing the circle of 360 degrees by any whole numbers we get the aspect angles.

The Trine Aspect

If you divide 360 by 3 the result is 120 degrees (360/3=120) and this is the size of the trine aspect.

Two planets that are 120 degrees apart in the zodiac will be in trine to each other.

The aspect degree does not have to be exact but can be within 8 degrees (the orb) either side of 120.

So when the two planets become between 112 to 128 degrees apart they are considered to be trine to each other.

Transiting Jupiter Trine Uranus


When the slower planets like Jupiter and Uranus trine each other it is to be noted.

It is a phenomenon that only happens around every six years then there is a gap of seven years before the next trine.

The elemental sequence is fire, earth, air then water. With two trines in each element, one waxing and one waning trine. Then it slowly shifts into the following element.

The Jupiter Uranus Synodic Cycle

Jupiter and Uranus have a fourteen year synodic cycle.

This means they are together and Jupiter (which is quicker off the mark) races off around the zodiac as Uranus moves forward slowly. Jupiter will catch up with Uranus around fourteen years later.

In 2010 Jupiter was conjunct Uranus at zero Aries. They will next be conjunct in 2024 at twenty-one Taurus.

Looking further forward in 2037 22 Cancer direct and in 2038 at 20 Cancer retrograde.

This shows the conjunction moves around either 30 degrees when at the retrograde three pass conjunction, or around fifty-one to fifty-four degrees and fourteen years during a one pass direct conjunction.

Because there is a trine in place for such a long period, when planets pass through the other fire sign of Sagittarius, they will create a fire grand trine when they trine both Jupiter and Uranus.

The most frequent planet to do this is the Moon.

It will provide huge opportunities and original approaches to how you can use that planet in Sagittarius.

The trine from Jupiter offers good things in line with your natal planet being aspected and the trine from Uranus offers unique and up-to-date solutions which allow things to move forward with ease and flow.

Get fired up!

Fire is all about inspiration. It gets the juices flowing and everyone hot under the collar. It gets people raving about things and issues. It creates fireworks and burning issues. We can get incandescent and want to burst. We are filled with bright ideas and get excited about anything with fire in it like dragon’s breath, candlelight, torches, barbecues and camp fires.

Make the most of this special fire trine.


Jupiter in Leo

Jupiter in Leo

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2014

Jupiter in Leo

As the planets wander through the sky they change positions against the backdrop of the zodiac.

This movement can be like a dance as everyone (the planets) take their place and enter the stage.

At anytime one or two of the planets will take center stage as the others fade into the background for a while.

Planets in prominent positions may have a story to tell, and we listen.

This time it is Jupiter as he enters the fifth sign of Leo. A fire planet (Jupiter) in a fire sign (Leo).

Up there right now the biggest planet in the solar system and the ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter, is entering the zodiac sign of the Lion.



Jupiter in Leo Imagery

I often use the imagery of a hot air balloon to explain the astrological meaning for Jupiter.

Balloons are big, brightly coloured and when they drift by you simply can’t miss them. Much like Jupiter.

The collective noun for balloons is a festival of balloons which brings a fun and exciting element to ballooning. Much like Jupiter.

They travel on their journey, but to who knows where? Much like Jupiter.

They are filled with hot air or gas, and balloons will explode if over-filled. Much like Jupiter.

They often broadcast a message from their sponsors or promote special events (such as at sports events) written in huge letters on the sides of the balloon. Much like Jupiter

And I would imagine that the people who do take a ride in a hot air balloon say a prayer before launch. Much like Jupiter.

I have always fancied trusting the woven basket and journeying on a balloon flight and perhaps one day I shall. Much like Jupiter.

Benefits of Jupiter in Leo

Jupiter in Leo is especially good news for the fire signs and that means those with strong fire signs present in their birth charts.

I will tell you I am strongly Leo myself and I have been waiting for a while now for this shift in energy as Jupiter changes sign.

If you have an Aries, Leo or Sagittarian Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Jupiter or other cluster of planets in these three signs you will benefit during the upcoming year as Jupiter goes through Leo.

If your business chart has the fire signs emphasized as well your business can experience huge growth now.

If you are strongly Gemini or Libra you will see some support and some good things. You need to grasp any opportunities fleeting as they may be.

If you are strongly Taurus, Scorpio or Aquarius could face the difficult side and this may suggest the over excessive situations as mentioned later.

Those of you with strong Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces may not see much change although you will try to make adjustments this year.


How can you make the most Jupiter in Leo

Jupiter in Leo is upbeat, positive and outgoing. It encourages taking chances and aiming higher in life.

Leo is the sign of the theatre and when planets enter the “stage” they will play their roles to perfection.

Using the theater analogy, Jupiter in Leo can either be the highly colorful swashbuckling much loved hero or he can be an overly costumed blow-hard in a pantomime.

The down side of Jupiter in Leo can be over-extension, over-doings things and excessive behavior. Or just too much of a good thing.

Pace yourself and all will be fine.

Jupiter in Leo, what’s in it for you?

Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion.

It has to do with reaching for things just out of your grasp but it is the reaching that is important.

We like to s-t-r-e-t-c-h ourselves when Jupiter is active.

You can lift your eyes to gaze at your horizons.

Now is the time to aspire towards previously laughable dreams. Dust off your visions and start to believe.

When Jupiter is prominent by transit, and if it contacts your chart, you can raise your profile and aim for more in life.

Jupiter will support activities in broadcasting, promotion (self and business), publishing, gaining knowledge (as opposed to information), adult education, religious temperance, international travel and cosmopolitan situations.

Jupiter in Leo reinforces the theatre and daily dramas. See them for what they are.

More on this topic

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Astrology and Herbs

Astrology and Herbs

Astrology and Herbs

imgresIn astrology the planets rule many things in daily life of which some examples are the days of the week, our body parts, colours, birthstones and plants. Most plants fall under the auspices of one of the planets. Therefore each planet has many plants to which it is related.

Some planet/plant affinities are clear to see such as that the sunflower comes under the Sun, and the Moonflower under the Moon but others are not obvious connections at all.

These planet to plant connotations and affinities have come to us through the ages over time. For those early correlations we have to go back to the older herbalists who were often astrologers as well.

See Gardening with Astrology for more on general gardening.

Nicholas Culpeper

The most famous herbalist is probably Nicholas Culpeper (28 October 1616, 12:12pm). Born in Oakley, England he was, amongst other things, a herbalist and an astrologer.

I refer you to Culpepper’s Complete Herbal for many of the planetary correlations I refer to here.

I am also a huge fan of Margaret Roberts from Johannesburg, South Africa who is a charismatic herb grower and author of many wonderful books on herbs and herb growing.

Herb gardens

I used Margaret Roberts schematic for the laying out and planting for both of my herb gardens that we built in Cape Town and Phalaborwa.

The first one in was in a new house in Table View, and yes that means with a view of Table Mountain, this first garden was laid out behind the house in a thin strip of land but a spot onto which the dining room faced.

Here I was able to position the birdbath (which is the focal point in any herb garden) in the centre of the window scape as you looked out at dinner. Those were the days when we as a family ate at a table each night.

The second herb garden my husband built with his own fair hands at a time when I was recovering from a most difficult surgery and could not rise from my sickbed for about a month. He wanted to create something for me to get out of bed for and hopefully to aid my long and painful recovery.

I must say I was intrigued from the enthusiastic stories from the kids about what Dad was doing as I flopped about unable to stand unaided. It worked, and indeed one day I managed the long walk to freedom down the passage and outside the house into the back garden.

What a beautiful sight to behold the red paving bricks were in a ten metre circle and all the little paths where they should be. He had been listening all those days in the past when I was chattering on about the importance of the circle and the measurements of the whole thing. I was very impressed and immediately set about making a list of the plants I now needed to fill the beds.

But when it came to it I did not need that many plants as my “sickroom” visitors came with not just gifts of biscuits and cake but of little herbs plants, packets of seeds and cuttings from their garden. The word had spread to the small community in which we were living and everyone who heard about my herb garden wanted to be part of it. Even the teachers from our kids little school donated something living like a plant or seeds with the potential for life.

For this generosity I am grateful.

But sadly we moved away and now new people have the benefit of a well stocked herb garden. In fact I believe the herb garden was a selling feature for the house when we moved. It was the only formal herb garden in the town when we built it and it maybe so today.


Herbs are a group of aromatic, culinary and medicinal plants typically grown in the subtropical regions from the 23rd to the 35th parallel on the Earth in both the northern and southern hemispheres.

Herbs are usually small leafed and grow under one meter in height.

Examples of herbs are parsley, sage and thyme.

Spices are usually grown in the tropical regions on the Earth between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn from the equator to the 23rd parallel and therefore are usually naturally found closer to the hotter areas than herbs. Spices are often harvested for their roots, seeds and leaves which pack a powerful heat and taste.

Examples of spices are turmeric, ginger, and peppers.

Therefore herbs have a wider growing area parallel to the Earth’s equator and so are cultivated in many countries.

Some tree bark, leaves and fruit are also loosely considered “herbs” and in modern culture we accept cinnamon, the bay leaf and elderberry etc.

Herb growers

In my experience people who grow herbs are the nicest and most generous spirited folk as they readily share their bounty of seeds, cuttings, and flowers and homemade produce of soaps, jams and preserves.

Herb growers typically spend many hours a week in their herb garden or tending their pots of little plants on their windowsills.

Herb benefits

We have known of the benefits of herbs for centuries. Many have connotations with the planets and astrology and it is interesting to see which plants related to each planet and sign.

In future posts I plan to discuss the astrology of herbs and those that I like and find the most useful.

Your Natal Promise and Your Potential Energy Planet

Your Natal Promise and Your Potential Energy Planet

Natal Promise

One of the techniques in astrology when assessing chart potential is to consider natal promise.

This is what is in the chart at birth and all the planets placements, condition and angle positions show what is possible for you in this lifetime.

It is what your chart promises and if something is promised like Sun conjunct Midheaven being well known and well respected and well thought of it may come to pass.

If it is not promised (weak MC) therefore it may pass you by.

Just because something is promised does not mean it will happen, but if something is promised you can focus your energy on bringing it to fruition.

I’ve often heard the adage, “The harder you work the luckier you get,” and this may indeed be the case. By focussing on your strengths you actually can diminish your weaknesses.

Criteria for Natal Promise

For example, you won’t win the lottery if you don’t have a strong fifth house.

Winning things like lotteries and sweepstakes are areas of life associated with the fifth house of risk and gambling.

For this type of natal promise to manifest you will need:


  • The 5th house ruler to be well placed and not afflicted.
  • The benefics (Venus and Jupiter) well placed and not afflicted.

Your Potential Energy Planet

Expend your efforts on the good things in your chart like:


  • Planets free from affliction – No squares, oppositions, semi-squares or sesquiquadrates and throw in the semi-sextile and quincunx as tough aspects too
  • Houses with many planets – One of your houses will have more planets that the others
  • Signs with many planets – One sign will have more planets that the other signs and it may be different than your Sun sign
  • Easy aspects joining two planets by trines or sextiles

Find Your Natal Promise through your Potential Energy Planet

Highest Essential Dignity Score

In your chart find the strongest planet by essential dignity, position and condition.

The planet with the hoghest essential dignity score may also be your potential energy planet.

Moving on…


Free from Affliction

Now find any planet which is free from affliction which means it has no challenging aspects like squares or oppositions from the other planets.

I refer to this planet as your potential energy planet it is the one most likely to work well for you.

Follow that planet’s message.

This is where your potential lies.

One Potential Energy Planet

In every chart, one planet will be less detracted from or diminished than the others and have more potential.

Find that planet.

Understand its message.

Work it daily.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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