Summertime and the Living is Easy – Sun in Leo

Summertime and the Living is Easy – Sun in Leo

Life Comes in Cycles 

One of the more obvious cycles is the seasonal changes you experience as the Sun moves through the zodiac when it enters a cardinal sign every three months.

This is the start of the four seasons.

The Zodiac Year

The year begins as the Sun enters the first sign of Aries and spring officially begins. Summer starts as the Sun enters Cancer around July 21st. Autumn is ushered in late September and winter draws in from December 21st at the Sun’s ingress to Capricorn.

Midsummer Sun in Leo: What to expect

Here we are in the early degrees of Leo. It is just about mid-summer. But what can we expect?

That depends on whether you have a strong Leo presence in your chart from planets or your Ascendant or your Midheaven is placed in the sign.

Or, if you have a chart where there is no Leo influence at all and you have zero planets or angles in the sign of the Lion. 

If you do have a natal Leo influence

As the Sun moves through its own sign it will connect with any planets or chart points in Leo.

This will stimulate that planet or point and you will become aware of creative potentials as suggested by the strength of the contact,

Having Leo planets already in your natal chart will be reinforced as the Sun comes through. Things can become over-the-top but to express your individuality is key this month.

If you do not have a natal Leo influence

When the Sun transits Leo, and if you have no Leo signature in your chart, it becomes an opportunity for you to experience your inner child and express yourself in ways in which you would not normally.

Yes, at times it can get dramatic and loud but it can also be a lot of fun.

Summer is always good to kick back, relax and when you can be the star in your own life production.

It is a great time for a vacation or at least relaxing at home lying barefoot in a hammock. 


Enjoy the simple pleasures of sunbathing, sun-downers (drinks at sunset) and sunbeams playing in your windows. Be kind to yourself. Soak it up and make the most of the Sun in Leo.

You can’t keep up a punishing work pace all year. Even the tireless practitioners amongst you need a break from your grueling schedule of clients, preparations, and research.

Don’t be too hard on yourself.

You can’t be going at full tilt all year.

Going forward into Virgo

Face September with renewed enthusiasm and bring your relaxed and refreshed self to your business and clients.


(Note, All these comments are for the northern hemisphere. For southern hemisphere reverse the seasons, but maintain the dates).


The Elements in the Garden: An Astrology Tale

The Astrological Elements in the Garden

This is the shortest story about how the four elements of fire, earth, air and water express themselves through astrology.

Element Count

The four elements are Fire, Earth, Air and Water.

Each chart will have a predominant element which is the element containing the most planets.

Count how many planets you have in each element.

If you have a tie then count in the Ascendant and Midheaven.


Elements Story

The four elements fo Fire, Earth, Air and Water were friends.


Fire Element

It all began when Fire was out and about in the garden and, standing in a sunny spot, had an inspiration.

“Let’s create a fabulous place and encourage all these birds which visit our garden to rest here,” said Fire.


Earth Element

“I will design and make a shelter for the birds,” said Earth.

He went off to purchase building materials at the hardware store.

Next he made a sturdy home for their winged friends.


Air Element

“We will call it Chateau Cardinal!” decreed Air.

“I will inform everyone that I have named it so,” she said.

Air dashed off to spread the word.


Water Element

Water arrived carrying a bag of birdseed and a water dish.

“I will care for these birds. I will provide food, clean water and nurture them,” said Water carefully eyeing-up next-door’s cat.



And so it was, that each element brought their own strengths to the same issue to encourage the birds to live in their garden.

10th House

10th House

In astrology, the TENTH HOUSE including the Midheaven indicate your career and public life. Planets here modify this area of your life.

10th House

10th House

In astrology, the TENTH HOUSE including the Midheaven indicate your career and public life. Planets here modify this area of your life.

2025 Astrology Events

2025 Astrology Events

In the astrology of 2025 there are several planetary events that are more important than others. Here is a list of transits for the year.

Mars in Aries: Fireworks!

Mars in Aries: Fireworks

When Mars enters Aries it is at the beginning of the zodiac


Where does the zodiac begin?

The zodiac starts at zero degrees Aries. Because the Sun on its path, the plane of the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator at zero declination on its path towards the northern hemisphere.

The Sun crosses the celestial equator twice a year at the equinoxes. Once going north March 20/21st (the Aries ingress) and once going south on September 22/23rd (the Libra ingress).

Planetary Ingress

An ingress is when a planet enters a sign or house either moving direct or retrograde.

As Mars enters Aries it is going home to the sign it rules.

The Aries Point

The Aries Point is zero degrees Aries in any chart. Some astrologers take any cardinal sign’s zero degrees as an Aries point. The cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

What to expect when Mars is in Aries

  • Action
  • Energy
  • Heat
  • Competition
  • Masculinity
  • Activity
  • War
  • Conflict
  • Confrontations
  • Excitement
  • Sexual awareness
  • Fires
  • Push, push, push

All of these things are ruled by Mars. When Mars is in its own sign it can operate cleanly and clearly at its true meaning.

Whilst Mars was recently in Pisces it was not a good place for Mars’ energy to be expressed.

Precession of the Equinoxes

This is the phenomena that the point of the vernal equinox (when the Sun enters Aries going north) is moving backwards through the constellation signs at the slow rate of one sign over a two thousand (ish) year period.


The Great Years

In astrology a great year is almost 26000 years and each Great Year is divided into twelve Great Months or Ages of around a two thousand year (give or take) period. You have heard of these Ages as for example the Age of Aquarius.

Therefore the Age of Aries came before the Age of Pisces. Before the Age of Aries was the Age of Taurus.

In Ages each sign is before the present one going backwards through the signs. The “Ages” are reversed because of the precession of the equinoxes.

Great Years show large sweeps of history and are background noise for each time period.

The Age of Aquarius

We are now living in the Age of Aquarius (which began around the year 2000AD) and will last for just over two thousand years until about 4000AD. The symbol for Aquarius is two wavy lines like radio waves or microwaves and all technology waves and wireless devices and gadgets.

The Age of Pisces

Looking back, the Age of Pisces occurred from about year 1AD (at Christ’s birth) until 2000AD. The symbol prevalent at this time was the fish and this can still be seen on bumper stickers to indicate a Christian.

The Age of Aries

The Age of Aries was from +/- 2000BC to 1AD which is again a two thousand year period or “Age”. The symbols used in this age were the ram which is a male sheep. In Egypt Rameses I, II and III were cracking the whip. And the Romans developed metal armour and weapons to wear in battles and wars.

When considering this information you can see that the Mars ingress into Aries is highly important.

Mars enters Aries and starts the whole cycle again every two years. This is the time it takes Mars to make one orbit of the Sun and is the length or a Martian year. Obviously we are not experiencing Mars entering Aries for the first time it has happened. Mars get around.

We experience a Martian ingress into Aries every two years.

Mars disposes planets in Aries

As Mars moves through Aries it disposes planets in that sign. When Mars is in Aries it is a prime position to be final dispositor. Always give a quick scan to see if this is the case.


The Victoria Landscape Zodiac on Vancouver Island

The Victoria Landscape Zodiac on Vancouver Island

The Victoria Landscape Zodiac

Victoria is the capital of the province of British Columbia in Canada. The city is situated on Vancouver Island on the west coast and is named after Queen Victoria.

I have a particular interest in the Victoria Landscape Zodiac as it is very close to my home. This is an example of local astrology at it’s best.


Landscape Zodiac

Low Res VLZ map for Alison Blog

A landscape zodiac is found when you lay the planisphere (a star map of the northern skies) over a street map of a place (in this case the city of Victoria on Vancouver Island in Canada) or other land area and find correlations between the astrology sign meanings and the topographical geography of the earth.

These correlations can be in the forms of street names, parks, buildings, cemeteries, hills, streams, marshes or ponds.

Polaris Star as the Center Point

In the Victoria Landscape Zodiac, the north pole star Polaris is centered on the city at the aptly named Pointer Place.

The wheel is then adjusted until some form of connections is determined. Once the rotation angle has been decided the zodiac is set to that degree on the city map. In this way, the city of Victoria is segmented into the twelve signs.

Once the rotation angle has been decided the zodiac is set to that degree on the city map. In this way, the city of Victoria is segmented into the twelve signs.

Sidereal Zodiac

The constellation shapes created by the stars do not line up with the tropical zodiac because of the precession of the equinoxes. This is well known phenomena of which astrologers are aware.


The shapes of the sign symbols, when laid on a map, are known as effigies. These sign animal shapes (except Libra which is the scales) are then drawn onto the city map. See image. 

Tropical Zodiac

The astrological tropical zodiac is placed on the outside which is similar to a natal chart.

At this point, your natal chart can be overlaid on the city map and your personal natal planets will be in the same position of longitude and in a particular position in Victoria.


People in the history of the discovery of Landscape Zodiacs are Katharine Emma Maltwood, Mary Dowds and most recently Donald Allen who is the latest dynamic researcher working on the Victoria Landscape Zodiac.

Donald Allen has explicit permission to use the information and maps drawn by Mary Dowds to continue his exploration of the Victoria Landscape Zodiac.

He has successfully discovered the Victoria Cancer and Pisces effigy on the map which adds to his knowledge base.

Southern Hemisphere Landscape Zodiacs

Research into landscape zodiacs in the Southern Hemisphere using the southern skies planisphere and the southern cross will have to be pursued. Come on South Africa!

Your Chart Overlay

If you would like to see your natal chart overlaid on the Victoria Landscape Zodiac please contact Donald Allen with your details and for a modest research donation ($19.99 by PayPal) he will provide you with a full-color image of your chart married to the beautiful city of Victoria. He looks forward to hearing from you.

About Donald Allen’s ongoing research

Donald is actively researching the Victoria Landscape Zodiac and he would love to hear from you.

You are invited to contact Donald Allen by email at and you can visit his Victoria Landscape Zodiac Facebook page.

All images in this post (c) 2013 Donald Allen

The VLZ project is a work in progress I hope to keep you up-to-date with developments.



Mars in Pisces

Mars in Pisces

Mars in Pisces 

Mars as the ruler of Aries and Scorpio is not particularity at home in Pisces.

Mars in Pisces will slow the pace for a few weeks.

You will have some breathing space, but if taken to extremes, the days can drift by with you lolling about in your pj’s watching old movies.

So what to do now?

This placement inclines towards creative expression like a step session, Zumba or Dance, Dance Revolution.

Go with the flow of the music or shuffle round the house in your slippers but let it drive itself.

Energy needs an outlet and the Mars powerhouse within us all has to come out somehow even when Mars in the soft sign ruled by Neptune.


Submarine Volcanoes

Another analogy of Mars in Pisces are the undersea volcanoes.

These mainly lie between the tectonic plates, for example in the atlantic ocean, where the Earth’s crust is opening up as the continents of America and Africa drift apart.

The gap allows magma to ooze or gush (depending on the place) and the red hot volcanic flow (Mars) is immediately cooled and hardened by the cold sea (Pisces).

This product can sometimes be referred to as volcanic glass and Neptune rules mirrors and glass.

Heat is released and warms the deep ocean creating a haven for obscure fish and marine creatures to live.

These animals do not exist anywhere else on Earth.


Flash Mobs

It seems the flash mob phenomena was born during a Mars transit of Pisces.

This is where a large group of people get together and dance in synch to blaring music.

These events appear spontaneous (but clearly are well rehearsed behind the scenes) and are usually held in a public place.

If you’ve ever seen this dance in action it gives the impression of a shoal of fish swimming through the ocean, changing direction sharply and in unison trying to evade predators.


Mars goes Back to Square One

When Mars enters its own sign of Aries at the start of the zodiac it will be back to full steam ahead.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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How to Cast a Chart without a Birth Time

How to Cast a Chart without a Birth Time

How to Cast a Chart with No Birth time

If your client does not know their birth time (and they are not interested in rectification) how do you cast their chart and find some information that you can use?

This frequently comes up in chart readings. You need to help your client and there are acouple of ways of tweaking the chart.

Here are some simple steps to overcome the issue.


The Noon Chart

It is best to erect your client’s chart for noon on their birthday. Then you can only be twelve hours out.

Clearly this is not an ideal situation but better than twenty-four hours off the birth placements.

Experience will tell you that many people’s birth information is suspect at the best of times. You have to constantly be on the lookout for incorrect data and the chart results when face-to-face with your client.


The Moon in a Noon Chart

The Moon travels about twelve to fifteen degrees each day. With this movement halfway through the day (at noon) it will be six to seven and a half degrees out either way and may or may not be of use. However you could ascertain the lunar sign because if the Moon is between seven and a half degrees and twenty-two and a half degrees of a sign at noon, then you know for sure it is in that sign in the birth chart. Because the Moon would still be in the sign for a birth first thing in the morning and last thing at night.


Natal Noon Chart

With a “noon chart” the planets in the signs and planetary aspects are correct (except the Moon) but there are no angles or houses.

This means of the possible 100% information shown in a normal chart you only have 60%. The point is that the 60% you do have is still 100% correct.

There is less quantity of information available, but it is still quality information when you interpret a “noon chart”.

Planets on Sign Cusps

You do need to watch out for other planets near the cusps of signs and weigh the possibilities of them being in the next sign or the previous sign for retrogrades.


Planetary Stations

If a planet is stationary on the birthday you can bet it is in that position dead-on in the natal chart.

Forecasting with a Noon Chart

Forecasting with transits and solar returns (by planetary sign position not houses) can be used as well as secondary progressions and solar arc directions the latter two with care.

There are many ways to rectify a birth chart but that is a discussion for another day.