Mars Conjoined Neptune

Mars Conjoined Neptune

This is a Guest Post from Arwynne O’Neill, research astrologer and the co-host of the Starzology Astrology podcast.

Mars conjunct Neptune in Transit

When Mars transits your natal Neptune, which happens once every two years approximately, the effect is about being motivated to either impact the world through your creativity or through your empathy.

It can blur the boundaries of your ambition, infusing your motivation with empathy and vulnerability and blurring the boundaries between yourself and others, or in can infuse your Mars energy with a diffuse glow of glamour, imagination, vulnerability and a quality of unreality.

Not a great time to try to accomplish fixed goals where you know the end in sight. Instead, it’s a good time to forge ahead and go where the wind takes you. The effect will last for a couple of week or so on either side of the exact conjunction.

Robert Hand says when transiting Neptune conjuncts your Mars, you could be subject to discouragement and malaise. Your energy level is low and it’s hard to accomplish anything in your own interest. You may be more vulnerable to infections, so be careful taking any foreign substances, even prescriptions because the effects can be unpredictable.

You can also be dishonest or devious without meaning to, thus damaging your reputation and the trust you may have built up with others, which can do lasting damage.


Mars conjunct Neptune in the Natal Chart

People with Neptune conjunct Mars in their charts tend to be idealistic, principled, penetrating and passionate. You’re inclined to overstep other people’s boundaries in pursuit of your own goals or your own desire to merge or connect. Neptune can either elevate Mars and be used as the impetus to make the world better through ideals put into action or it can dissipate Mars’ ambition into sentimentality and overcompensation or over-emotionality, in relationships and otherwise.

A difficulty in knowing where your boundaries end and others’ begin is common with this aspect. You can either be a torch of inspiration for others or you can overpower them with your zealotry. People with this aspect can be amazing symbols for a cause or goal, blazing a trail where others fear to tread, but it can be dangerous as well because these energies mix like fire and water… or oil and some explosive compound. Your success will largely depend on how strong Mars is in your chart and what other aspects it makes.

People with this aspect need to know their “why,” to have a realm where they can be evangelists or spiritual warriors. Being able to follow your ideals as a champion is important. But it’s also important to have a strong moral compass or you can get caught up in the wrong kinds of causes, devolve into illusion, paranoia or mania and use the sheer force of your charisma and the power of your belief to bring others down the road to ruin with you.

If you’re interested in Neptune or if you have Neptune aspects in your chart, an excellent book is Liz Greene’s The Astrological Neptune and the Quest for Redemption. She’s a brilliant psychological astrologer from the middle of the 20th century who was very popular in the ’80s and ’90s when I was learning astrology, and it’s well worth a read if you’re interested in advanced mythological studies of astrology. In it, she says “Mars-Neptune aspects, like Dionysus, can be a seducer but sometimes as a collective we need to be seduced. This longing lies at the core of religious worship, as well as the catharsis of a musical or theatrical performance.”

She goes on to say, “The dilemma lies in the integrity of the goal and how it is pursued. Mars’ innately self-centered desires, when diluted with Neptunian waters, must include others if the individual’s needs are to be fulfilled. [Otherwise,] aggression may be masked by apparent docility and the rage which lurks beneath the surface may become the chief factor behind drug and alcohol addictions, which reflect anger and vengeance against life as much as the desire to escape.

When a well-lit channel cannot be found for Mars-Neptune’s romantic heroism–political, military, scientific, artistic–may be sought in darker waters. Mars-Neptune may also elect, like Charles Manson, who had the exact conjunction, to play the anti-hero who destroys himself and others rather than endure the dreariness of a decent but unglamorous life.”


Mars Conjunct Neptune: Celebrity Examples

Lady Gaga (in Capricorn)
Jennifer Lopez (in Scorpio/Sagittarius)
John Lennon (in Virgo/Libra)
Yoki Ono (in Virgo)
Ryan Gosling (in Sagittarius)
Napoleon (in Virgo)
Charles Manson  (in Virgo)
Bill Clinton (in Libra)
Richard Branson (in Libra)


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Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotcom


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Jupiter Conjoined Uranus

Jupiter Conjoined Uranus

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: April 2024

Jupiter Conjoins Uranus

Conjunction of the Month

On April 21st, 2024 Jupiter finally gets to the exact conjunction with Uranus.

This is a one hit transit as Jupiter is moving direct and close to the Sun.

Neither of the superior planets are past the trine to the Sun and therefore there cannot be a three-hit transit in April with Jupiter and Uranus.

Triple hits transits frequently happen, but not this time.

It’s like Jupiter is gaily trotting through Taurus and connects to Uranus, BAM, then makes a clean getaway.

Uranus has been in Taurus since 2018 and Jupiter only entered Taurus in May last year.

The exact conjunction is at 21° Taurus which makes this degree the moment for the start chart for the Jupiter Uranus synodic cycle.

In Orb

Jupiter applies to Uranus (use a 1° orb) on April 15th. This conjunction shall remain within orb until Jupiter breaks the connection when is separates on April 26th.

This blended planetary energy begins, peaks and fades in a mere eleven days, or just over a week and a half.

Synodic Cycle Start Chart

I’ve cast the synodic cycle start chart for the Jupiter Uranus conjunction.

The influence of this cycle will last for thirteen years until the next conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in 2037.


​2037 Conjunctions

During the 2037 conjunction there will be three exact hits. One direct, the next retrograde and the third direct.

This all goes down over a period of two months during March and April 2037. It all happens in Cancer.

Interestingly, this means that the sign of The Twins is bypassed altogether for a Jupiter Uranus conjunction.

Who this Conjunction Affects

Your Birthday

If you were born between the 15th to 26th of April, this conjunction will be hard baked into your solar return chart. The significance for you will last for a full 12 months until your next birthday.

Planets at 21° Taurus

If you have planets at 21° Taurus (with a one-degree orb coming and going), this powerful conjunction will impact you in the nature if the natal planet, including its complex, being conjoined.

​Your Natal Houses

Find out which of your natal houses the Jupiter Uranus conjunction will be in as that is the area of life which is likely to be stimulated.


The Jupiter Uranus conjunctions may bring themes of:

  • Expanding internet widgets.
  • Growth through technology.
  • Fashionable excesses.
  • Potential knowledge.
  • Broader social impacts.
  • Luck and genius.
  • Lateral thinking that provides.
  • A breadth of brilliance.
  • Optimistic outlook for the future.
  • Overbeaing radicalism.

Natal Houses of Aspiring Astrologers

As Uranus is the planet which rules astrology let’s explore some more personal astrologer-centric interpretation options:

  • Grow your astrological knowledge.
  • Expand your astrology skills.
  • Tap into your unique astrology understanding.
  • Broadcast what you know in astrology.
  • Become a guru in your astrology group.
  • Take the road less travelled with astrology.
  • Use lots of tech and Astro apps for your chart calculations.
  • Profess to know a breadth of new techniques.
  • Expect astrology insights to come more naturally.

In Astrologer’s Natal Houses

First House

You identify yourself as an astrologer as your knowledge grows.

Second House

You start to gain income through your astrology insights as your astrology improves.

Third House

You sign up for more short courses around your astrology focus to enrich your knowledge.

Fourth House

You practice astrology at the kitchen table in your home and your practice grows.

Fifth House

You offer party astrology which increases your influence and astrology becomes fun.

Sixth House

You consider working as an astrologer and start to sort out your home office practical arrangements so you can grow.

Seventh House

You find a benefactor, partner or silent partner for your astrology business.

Eighth House

You help others with their dark and difficult charts whilst bringing hope into their lives.

Ninth House

Now you take your astrology education seriously and enroll for some advanced topic courses.

Tenth House

You go public with your astrology and build a huge reputation as a brilliant astrologer.

Eleventh House

You find your audience, your tribe and the people you can help with your particular style of astrological insights.

Twelfth House

You choose to be reflective and explore astrology in private to make sure you know everything you need before you can assist others.

Core Takeaway

These are just some of my ideas about how you, as an aspiring astrologer, can work with this dynamic conjunction which we are blessed to live with this month.

As with all transits, you can just sit back and let the energy flow over you, or you can bring your genius to bear, focus and grow something great in the field of astrology.

Extend Yourself

In your astrology journal, answer the following questions to get a better idea of how this conjunction may express itself in your chart.

  • In which natal house does this conjunction occur for you?
  • Does this conjunction contact any planet or point in your chart?
  • What do you plan to do with this transient burst of energy in your astrological life?

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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Sun Square Pluto

Sun Square Pluto

Author: Arwynne O’Neill   –   Published: March 2024

Sun Square Pluto in Transit

Today we’re going to be talking about a transit that happens twice a year, which is the Sun square Pluto. The Sun will be at 2° Taurus and Pluto is at 2° Aquarius and the aspect will be exact on April 21, 2024.


The key word for this transit is intensity. You might have ego conflicts with people, you might feel like you’re out of control, you might feel threatened by other people’s aggression or have power struggles with people in authority. You will have to put forth more effort than usual to avoid conflicts with other people because there transit brings an urge to dominate, control or abuse your power.


On the positive side you could try use it to assert your authority if you have not been in control of a certain situation and this may be a time where whether you want to or not you could assert yourself with success or not success depending on the situation this is a very intense emotional aspect that could trigger feelings of persecution, fear of death or losing control, feeling of being manipulated or spied on or dominated by other people fear of persecution, jealousy, addiction and abuse by other people. It’s a potentially very stressful aspect in this sense.


Because we’re dealing with the square and not the conjunction or even the opposition, the likelihood is that it would not go well if you try to assert your authority at this time. It is more likely that it would backfire so flying under the radar might be the best approach but you could definitely feel an intense need for control or the feeling of being out of control or overpowered at this time.

Sun in Taurus

Some keywords for Sun and Taurus in the natal chart include sensuality, stubbornness, earthiness, determination, appreciation of comfort and the good things in life, food, luxuries, leisure, financial security.
Many of our titans of Industry historically have had the sun in Taurus. It also has a correlation with the throat and a lot of people who have the sun in Taurus are well known for their beautiful, rich, soulful voices, including Orson Welles, Cher, Adele, Barbara Streisand, Al Pacino, Janet Jackson and George Clooney, etc.

Pluto in Aquarius

We’ve talked at length about Pluto in Aquarius already, you can find links to those episodes in the show notes. Briefly, it has to do with the transformative power of technology and innovation, AI, the use of technology in revolutionizing our daily lives, humanitarian uses of technology and the ability to use our ingenuity for the good of humanity, but also the control of people by technology.
Pluto often brings about a crisis in areas symbolized by the sign it’s in, like how the Pluto in Capricorn transit of 2008-2024 was marked by the financial crisis caused by the real estate bubble, the crumbling of institutions, suspicion of governments, high profile whistleblowers against powerful governments and corrupt businesses, etc.

Sun Square Pluto in the Natal Chart

When this aspect occurs in someone’s chart, power dynamics could be a big part of their personal narrative, beginning in childhood. These people are often drawn to the darker side of life, fascinated with issues of control, power dynamics, life and death, taboos, addiction and the occult.


They may have a desperate need to feel in control or a fear of being manipulated, intense emotions like paranoia, jealousy and compulsive competitiveness may lead them to destructive outbursts and intense conflicts with others.


One of the things about looking at celebrities as examples is that we’re usually going to see people who have used these energies for good and turned the negative potential around and use them in a positive way.


Since this aspect happens twice a year, it’s not uncommon, so we’ll also see examples of people who have absolutely not used it for good, including Joseph Mengele, and on the other end of the spectrum, JonBenet Ramsey.



Celebrities with the Sun Square Pluto

Leonardo da Vinci, Jared Leto, Marlon Brando, Barbra Streisand, Jamie Lee Curtis, Tiger Woods, Justin Trudeau, Julianne Moore, Jamie Foxx, John D. Rockefeller and Ice Cube

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Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotcom


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Double and Triple Sign Glyphs

Double and Triple Sign Glyphs

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: April 2024

Ascendant and Sun

I’ve been thinking quite a lot lately about glyphs and people who are double signs. And by double signs I mean someone who has their Sun in a sign and their Ascendant in the same sign. glyphs

I myself am a double Leo. I have the Sun in Leo and my Ascendant is Leo.


Triple Signs

We can take it one step further. In my family, my brother is actually a triple Virgo.

He’s got his Ascendant in Virgo, his Sun in Virgo and his Moon in Virgo and yes, he works in micro-precision engineering.


Ascendant and Moon?

Now typically, you would refer to someone as double sign if they had the Sun and the Ascendant the same sign.

I think you can also stretch this to say that if you have the Ascendant and the Moon in the same sign then it’s a double sign.

Where you could then say they were a double Libra or a double Scorpio or whatever.

I’m not quite sure if this is the case (that the Ascendant and the Moon are referred to as a double sign), but it would pass muster.


New Glyphs

And then having given some consideration to double signs or triple signs, how would their glyphs look?

This week I’ve spent a bit of time tinkering with some new glyphs and I’m just going to show you a couple now.


A double Aries glyph would look like this (dark blue on the left) and clearly triple Aries like that (mid blue on the right).



How about this one for double Taurus?

I couldn’t resist adding the eyes. And the triple Taurus with the horns joined.



The symbol I have for double Gemini is shown below.

It’s really is quite an easy glyph to beef up because the single Gemini has two vertical lines, but the double Gemini will have three vertical lines.

What about the triple Gemini? They would have four vertical lines.

So fun.



I see a double and triple Cancer looking like this. I’ve overlayed the circles of the commas to blend the glyph.

I’ve got the Cancer one at an angle in this example, but you could probably draw it straight as well.



A double Leo seems to have a continuous swoop with the circles on the lower level and the tail curving up and round.

After I’d done this one I thought it really looks like a double North Node and it does, but it would pass for Leo too I think…

It’s got flow when you write it so that works.



The Virgo glyph is quite interesting because it’s not symmetrical.

I suggest the double and triple Virgos would look like these.



Let’s have a look at Libra.

Here’s my suggestion for a double Libra and triple Libra.

It could be done with the one bulge repeated above as well so that’s an idea.



Scorpio is another tricky one because the main glyph is not symmetrical.

You could do it by creating 3 arches or perhaps put a double tail as I’ve shown here.

The triple one looks very busy and somehow it doesn’t seem quite right.

I’ll keep working on this design.



Sagittarius is pretty straightforward with a double or triple arrow.

Or even crossed arrows? Nah, that’s not the nature of Archers.

I plumped on these designs for Sagittarius.



Again, Capricorn falls into a pesky group because the original glyph is not symmetrical.

This one looks better if they are below and slightly to the right because if you keep the pen on the page the line just continues.

It has flow.

Here’s my examples for double Capricorn and triple Capricorn.



A single Aquarius has two wavy lines, one on top of each other.

So clearly a double Aquarius would have three wavy lines on top of each other and of course, then a triple Aquarius would have four wavy lines on top of each other. Maybe?

I tried that and was not keen on the look. I decided to go for the double and triple pyramids instead.

These are pretty simple new glyphs I think.



Pisces, although symmetrical, has its challenges.

I rather like the first ones with the straight lines in the middle for the double Pisces.

And perhaps triple Pisces would look something like below.


There are a couple of options for Pisces, but isn’t that just the nature of the Fish sign?

The example glyphs below do bring in the extra fish, so four fish for the double Pisces and six fish for the triple Pisces.

I do feel the triple glyph is just too busy even though it’s almost got a shoal, or is that a school, of fish in it which, let’s face it, could be an indication of the triple Pisces person anyway.


Extend Yourself


In your astrology journal jot down the answers to the following:

  • Do you consider someone with their Ascendant and Moon in the same sign as a double sign?
  • How about someone with the Sun and Moon in the same sign, but not the Ascendant. Is that a double sign person?
  • Or do both components have to be the Ascendant and the Sun to qualify for “double” status?



  • If you are artistic, how do you see these sign symbols when they are double or triple signs?

I’d love to see your new double and triple glyph designs.

You can send your new glyph images to with the subject line as “New Glyphs” and I’ll post some of them below here so we can all see.


What You Think

Here are a couple of notes that my readers, just like you, have sent in.

Responding to both questions, which of the big three (Ascendant, Sun and Moon) to use when considering “Double Sign” status and about my new designed double and triple glyphs.

I truly appreciate you all.

Thanks for sharing,

Alison 😊

Hi Alison,

I do consider Sun and Moon or Sun and Ascendent or Moon and Ascendent in same sign as double sign.  I think double status must include either Sun or Ascendent.  

Your article is very thought provoking, I prefer your second glyphs for double and triple Pisces, better than the first one.



Hi Alison,

Just wanted to let you know, I like the format of the newsletter. It’s easy to read, and I like the idea of the new glyphs for the double and triple signs.
Hope you’re doing well,

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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Mars Conjunct Saturn

Mars Conjunct Saturn

Author: Arwynne O’Neill  –   Published: March 2024

Mars conjunct Saturn in Transit

Today we’re talking about the upcoming transit of Mars conjunct Saturn, which is exact on April 10, 2024. This transit happens once every two years and this time it occurs in Pisces.

You may go into this transit feeling like you’ve been held back and you’re just waiting to unleash the full force of your powers of creativity. This transit could feel very frustrating, like your engine is revving but you’re being held down and unable to complete tasks you want to accomplish.

Obstacles in your way might require more patience, perseverance, hard work and planning but you should be able to persevere and achieve more than you would otherwise. This is a great time to overcome limitations or fears, to step up and harness all your faculties in spite of the difficult circumstances you’re facing.

This transit can give you the stamina and patience and initiative to work harder than ever, but it could also result in negative outbursts, passive aggression, nastiness and petty vindictiveness. It definitely needs to be dealt with constructively or else it could be a very destructive transit. You certainly don’t want to antagonize people needlessly at this time because there is a sense that this explosive energy is just barely being held in check.

Mars conjunct Saturn in the Natal Chart

With every aspect there are positive and negative expressions possible, but this is one of the more difficult conjunctions because the energies of Mars and Saturn are so opposite to each other. People with this aspect really needs to make a concerted effort to use it constructively or it can easily become a destructive, bitter and abusive influence. It’s like the stereotypical father who tells his kids they don’t have a right to expect an easy life because his life has been so hard. It’s a bitterness that becomes a cycle of violence if you’re not careful or aware of it.

People with this aspect tend to have great powers of endurance and mental fortitude. It’s the combination of two very opposite energies, Mars being the fiery motivating aggressive, martial force and Saturn being the planet of restriction and discipline, a much more conservative archetype. This aspect tends to create a personality that oscillates between action and control.

They can have an amazing amount of perseverance, discipline, patience and authority if they are able to make the most of this conjunction. This is the kind of person who will likely say that nothing has ever come easy to them. They will feel like everything they’ve accomplished in life has come through hard work and struggle and discipline and the harnessing of all their faculties to attain their goals.

This aspect in a sign like Aries or Sagittarius would have a very different expression than it does in Pisces, which we’re getting a lot of right now with major planetary placements in this watery sign.

Mars in Pisces Keywords

Passive, charming, creative, go with the flow, calculating, fluctuating energy levels, moody, compassionate, changeable and indirect.

Saturn in Pisces Keywords

Inhibited emotions, fear of vulnerability, lack of faith in your own intuition, feeling restricted by, or an inability to express, true feelings, resentment of other people’s neediness or vulnerability, a desire to express one’s creativity but an inability to do so for internal reasons for due to external factors.

Celebrities with Mars conjunct Saturn

Dolly Parton, Pablo Escobar, Eddie Izzard, Henry Winkler, Rihanna, Venus Williams, Al Gore, Pierre Trudeau, David Lynch, Howard Hughes



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Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotcom


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Author: Alison Price   –   Published: April 2024


Sign Polarity

There are two polarities in astrology.

The polarities are masculine or feminine and can be referred to as active or passive and positive and negative.

Each polarity has six signs associated with it and the two polarities alternate from one sign to the next sign.

Polarity shows a balance in nature much like a magnet with a positive charge at one end and a negative charge at the other.

The energy is ejected from the positive side and absorbed by the negative side.




This process cannot function without both polarities being present in equal measure.

We are often attracted to those who balance our polarity. In a chart one is said to be a positive person or a negative person.

The positive and negative charges are in balance on Earth. You may be more positive than negative or more negative than positive, but it means you will be attracted to other people who fill your polarity void.



For instance, if you have more planets in signs of the active polarity you will be attracted to people who are mainly passive. If you have more planets in signs of the passive polarity you are attracted to those who are active.

This is especially so in relationships between male and female.

It is the natural flow of energy and we are constantly drawn towards other people, almost magnetically, who can complement the energy in our charts.


Counting Planets

Only count the seven visible planets which are, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Your total will add up to seven.

The visible planets can be seen with the naked eye.


Quality vs Quantity Counting

The reason for this limited count is that you want a quality count and not a quantity count.

The visible planets have been in human consciousness since man (and woman) evolved and we are fully aware of them.

Whereas the other planets are relatively new.

Example: Diana Ross

Let’s look at polarity in the birth chart for Diana Ross.


Birth Data

11:46pm, March 26, 1944, Detroit, MI, USA.


Active Polarity

Her five planets in the active polarity are:

  • Sun in Aries
  • Mercury in Aries
  • Mars in Gemini
  • Jupiter in Leo
  • Saturn in Gemini

Passive Polarity

Her two planets in the passive polarity are:


  • The Moon in Taurus
  • Venus in Pisces

Result: Active

With five planets in active signs and two planets in passive signs this shows at strong active emphasis.


Polarity Strength

For a polarity to be strong it must have two more planets that the other polarity.

Examples of strong polarity balances are:


Active 7 – Passive 0

Active 6 – Passive 1

Active 5 – Passive 2

Active 2 – Passive 5

Active 6 – Passive 1

Active 0 – Passive 7

Balanced Polarity

The polarities are considered in balance whne the distribution is as follows:


Active 3 – Passive 4

Active 4 – Passive 3

In this case, consider the polarities to be in balance.

Don’t spend more time interpreting the polarity balance.

Move on to the other features in the chart.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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