Jupiter in Pisces

Jupiter in Pisces

Jupiter in Pisces

Jupiter’s Astronomy

Jupiter entered the sign of Pisces on May 13th, 2021 for the first time in twelve years.


Jupiter as the Greater Benific

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and is traditionally known as “The Greater Benefic” which means it is a really good planet.

Jupiter takes twelve years to do a full orbit of the Sun and it spends about one year in each sign.

This loosely relates to the Chinese Astrology of twelve years of the Rat, Tiger and Monkey etc.

Jupiter will be in Pisces until 2022.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1BnjLuiwi8[/embedyt]


Jupiter’s Sign Rulership

Jupiter is the planetary ruler of Sagittarius and it is also the traditional ruler of Pisces before Neptune was discovered.

This means that in traditional and Hellenistic astrology Jupiter will be in rulership in Pisces.

During the year that Jupiter will be in Pisces, Saturn will still be in Aquarius.

This means that both of the large planets will be strong in their own signs.


Who This Will Affect

Over the next year, I anticipate that if you are an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) or a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces), Jupiter will be more prominent for you.

If you are a fire sign (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) or an Air sign (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) sign then Saturn will probably be more influential for you.

As Jupiter transits through Pisces, it will affect each ascendant sign differently.

Check out how Jupiter’s passage through the sign of the Fish is likely to influence you by your ascendant sign below.


Aries Ascendent


During the next year you can anticipate a deeper connection to spirituality in your life.

If you are open to personal evolution, use this time to explore mysticism and your connection to faith, religion and how you see God.

Embrace meditation, prayer or yoga as tools to guide you through this time frame.

Live Your Dreams

This is the perfect time for you to create a dream for your life.

The first thing to do is to start a dream journal.

Every morning as you awake, jot down the main details about your dreams.

Déjà vu, visions, insights or flashes of inspiration that you receive during the day need to be paid attention to this year.

You can tune in to your clairvoyant abilities and use them to your advantage now.


You probably will feel the urge to retreat from life a little more than usual now.

It is important that you have an adequate “me time” where you can spend an afternoon alone or maybe even a weekend to recharge your batteries.

Rest and recuperation are keywords for you this year.

Read more about Aries.

Taurus Ascendant


They say if you can count the number of friends you have on one hand you are doing well.

Not everyone has a large pal’s network, but Jupiter’s passage through Pisces offers you some ideal moments to broaden your connections with companions.

This will be an impeccable time for you to grow your network.

It could be that your entourage, or the people you know, gets bigger although you may not necessarily consider them BFFs.

Friends and associates that you meet now potentially will have a lasting impression upon you.

Learn Together

Try to reach out to other people and keep connections going.

Share what you know with others.

It can be very easy to forget about classmates and before you know it, months have gone by.

Every week reach out to someone just to say, “Hello.”

It is as important for you and it is for them.


Anticipate moving in different circles with evolved people who have thought-provoking conversations and whom you see almost as visionaries.

Be alert to any “a-ha” moments that can improve your life.

The ideal place for you to go would be to a book club where you can learn new things.

Read more about Taurus.

Gemini Ascendant


As the greater benefic planet, Jupiter, enters your career sector you are likely to reach great heights in your chosen profession.

If you work for a company, you can anticipate moving up in some way, or taking on broader responsibilities.


If you are considering opening your own company this will be an ideal time to spread the word, broadcast and expand it.

If you have never considered opening your own business, this will be a brilliant time for you to look into it and discover all the possibilities.

Public Reputation

Whichever way you choose to go, you will be lucky in all your endeavors in the public domain this year.

This is the time when strangers will get to know your name.

Spruce up your online presence and remove any embarrassing photos from the past.

Be authentic.

Your life will be improved by influential people who first know you by your reputation and the recommendations of others.

Read more about Gemini.

Cancer Ascendant


This is the perfect time for you to publish anything that you’ve been working on it could be a book or it could be a blog post, or it could just be your opinion about something.

The important thing is to share your ideas with the world.

Jupiter will support you in getting your word out to the masses.


This is an ideal time for you to sign up for some adult educational classes or go back to school to finish that degree.

Use this time to explore thought-provoking subjects that interest you.

Anticipate an abundance of learning this year.

You may be surprised at the journey you take as you improve yourself through knowledge.


Although many cities are still in lockdown, you are likely to receive great offers to visit other places.

Become an armchair traveler, by reading books about the places you will visit one day.

Focus in on the art, architecture and cultural practices of other countries.

Consider every opportunity carefully but try to do some travelling this year.

Read more about Cancer.

Leo Ascendant


This will be a time when other people will offer you things.

You are likely to receive many gifts but some of them will come with strings.

Be very aware of offers to up your credit limit is and, as tempting as it may be, think carefully before excepting every opportunity offered to you this year.


This is a period where your private life is likely to grow.

All intimate relationships have the potential to become more satisfying.

If you’re naturally retiring, you may find that you are now open able to open up to explorations in the bedroom.


Donations will be a feature of this period and they could go either way.

You may need to lean on the support and resources of other people which could be presented either in time or money, alternatively, you will be approached to donate to other people.

It could be as simple as spending a Saturday night looking after someone’s grandma or it could be a huge sacrifice that you are being asked to make if someone requests an organ donation from you.

Read more about Leo.

Virgo Ascendant


For all Virgos, your primary one to one relationships will be of paramount importance this year.

If you are single, you are likely to meet someone really special.

If you are already in a relationship, you will find newfound happiness with your significant other.

Make sure to spend enough time together so your relationship can grow and blossom.


This is the perfect time to collaborate with others.

Typically, it may come down to a business relationship where you decide to work together for a common cause, or you may establish an official partnership, so that you can both benefit from the synergy of working together.

Consider every opportunity and don’t dismiss any out of turn.

Take an optimistic attitude and you will benefit by working with other people this year.

Other People

This will be a time when you are extremely likely to meet more people.

Not everyone will become your best friend, but how do you treat people that you do meet in passing will be important now.

Make sure that your karmic message of care, respect and how you treat other people is impeccable, because your action now will come back to you later.

Read more about Virgo.

Libra Ascendant


If you are a Libra, this is the time to get your day-to-day life organized.

Create simple morning and evening rituals to help you withstand the ravages of the day.


Choose to focus on healthy eating that nourishes your body and wards off ill health.

If you need a medical check, get it done early and use that as the set point for all improvement.

Do not ignore any sniffles and act immediately for the slightest cut or graze.


Your job is a focus this period.

If you are unemployed. you are more likely to find work now than at any other time.

If you are a part-time employed and looking, opportunities will come your way.

If you have a job already and are quite happy, you may find that you receive job offers that you had not considered.

The important thing to bear in mind during this Jupiter transit, is that there may be other ways of working on a job that you had not considered before and which might be just what you need.

Read more about Libra.

Scorpio Ascendant


Your love life is a focus now.

You will be more attractive and alluring than you have been for a long time.

If you are unattached, you are likely to go on multiple dates this year with a variety of people just to test the waters.

You don’t have to make a decision right now.

If you are in a committed relationship, it will be a brilliant time to set a “date night” to reconnect with your partner in a loving way.

This really is the time to love the one you’re with.


Children and young people are likely to feature in your life now.

If you do not have any children, you will probably be associated with them in some way.

If you are a parent, you will find great happiness by spending time helping your children to develop.

Focus your energy on providing your kids a happy childhood.


This is a year where you are happy to take some risks.

It could be that you want to go skydiving or bungee jumping for your thrills.

But if that is not for you, you will find that investing in the stock exchange gives you enough excitement to keep you going.

The only issue here could be that you take too many risks and mortgage the farm without careful thought beforehand.

Set yourself a “mad money” cash budget before you enter a casino.

Read more about Scorpio.

Sagittarius Ascendent


This is a year where you are likely to move house and depending on who you are, you may relocate multiple times.

Jupiter brings the urge to expand, so it could be that you want to get an additional room added to your home or work on finishing the basement.

You will have multiple good ideas through which to express this planetary energy.

The trick will be to know when to stop and not to take on a project that is way beyond your capabilities.


In simple terms, your family is likely to expand this year which could happen in several ways.

A new child may be born, your daughter’s boyfriend could decide to move into your basement, or perhaps you take in your ageing parents to care for them.

Be prepared for people to be visiting and those who do will stay over a little longer than you had anticipated.

You are generous of spirit and this is the time to offer your home as shelter and succor to others.


The foundations of your life will improve.

These changes can be shown in several ways.

You may finally accept the past and the family that you were born into as being OK.

This is a period to tap into your heritage and use it to support you as you go about your life.

Make sure you understand the origins of your family and choose to embrace some of these ideals in your current life.

2021 can be an important year when you get to know who you are and where you came from.

Read more about Sagittarius.

Capricorn Ascendent


This year all Sea Goats will busy themselves within their neighborhood.

You can express this energy by taking an evening walk through the parks or streets around where you live.

It is important for you to make a connection with your community now.

Short Training Courses

A perfect way for you to use this current Jupiter energy is by taking several short training courses.

These days, they may all be on Zoom, but if you get the opportunity to do a weekend class on something that interest you, take it.

Seek out  information in small chunks, or try several teachers and styles of classes this year.

There is no need to make a long-term commitment, but it is important that you dip your toe into topics that interest you.

Weekends away

Ideally you will feel recharged if you take a couple of weekends away.

There is no need for a long-term vacation, of course we don’t seem to do that anymore.

A change of scenery perhaps by spending time with family or friends or perhaps spending two nights at a lodge nearby will be enough for you.

Try to fit in one or two trips to places you have never been and you may surprise yourself by how interesting things are.

If your life has become a little jaded, a change of scenery could be all you need.

Read more about Capricorn.

Aquarius Ascendent


Your finances will improve this year.

Jupiter, as the greater benefic, will bring income for you.

This could be in the way of pay, bonuses or tips for things that you have done.

Be aware that this largesse will not last forever.

Savvy Aquarians will bank as much as possible before the flow dries up.


This is a great time for you to work on your self-worth.

It is important to know your self-worth as it brings a confident air to your personality that other people find attractive.

Having positive self-worth is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

You feel good about yourself, therefore you exude confidence and ultimately other people feel confident in you and start to give you things.


Your personal values will be a focus at this time.

Things that you value above money, such as integrity, will become of paramount importance for you now.

Spend your time wisely and with people whom you find uplifting and supportive.

Read more about Aquarius.

Pisces Ascendent


This is the year to get your self-care routine in place.

You have to put yourself first and number one in your life.

If you do not look after yourself, you cannot look after anyone else either.

It’s like when you’re on an airplane and the oxygen mask drops down, you must put your mask on first before you can turn to aid others.


This really is your year as Jupiter passes through your sign it will bring abundance, opportunity and luck.

Choose to live life to your full potential.

Do not hesitate to step forward into things, situations and relationships that interest you.

You only have one life to live, and it is not a dress rehearsal.

For all Pisces people, this is your year, so embrace it.

You are at the threshold of living an authentic life that will bring satisfaction to you.

Listen to what other people are saying, but make your own decisions at all times.

Get outside, step into the sunshine and live your best life

The only downside is that excesses may swamp you later.


Self-image is huge for you now.

Get a haircut, book a makeover and step out into the world.

This is the year to chuck out all the ratty old clothes in your wardrobe.

Purge tired shoes and make sure that everything you wear truly reflects your inner self.

How you look sends a message to others.

You need to make sure that your outer world truly reflects your inner heart.

This is a time to be genuine, honest and wholehearted in everything you do.

An air of positivity is likely to surround you now.

Read more about Pisces.



Aspiring Astrologer Activity: Jupiter in Pisces

In your astrology journal, and referring to your natal chart, please do the following:

  • Decide on the condition of Jupiter in your natal chart.
  • Find the house that transiting Jupiter is in now.
  • Note which planets and points Jupiter will conjoin, oppose and square (use a one degree orb) as it passes through Pisces.
  • State the date that Jupiter will change houses for you as it transits in Pisces.

Extend Yourself

  • Write a short interpretation on Jupiter transiting Pisces and how it may potentialy unfold for you. Consider the houses, conjunctions and hard aspects (100 words).


Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Chiron’s Meaning

Known as the “Wounded Healer” Chiron relates to any wounds which can be physical or emotional or spiritual healing like nursing, self-work and forgiveness. In the myth Chiron was a teacher and so it has correspondences with teachers, gurus, guides, clerics and mentors. Chiron shines the light on the path for you and others.

Chiron’s Sign Rulership

Chiron does not rule any sign.


Chiron’s Meaning

Where we have wounds (both physical and emotional) are shown by Chiron.

Chiron rules healing and the healing process. It is also about where things scab over but are then picked at again. Chiron governs all weeping wounds. It shows where you can heal others as well.

Chiron is the gift in your chart, but you have to be healed to see it.

Chiron is a teacher and where you can learn. It shows where a teacher will appear when you are ready. It is the symbol of a guru from whom you can learn. Chiron can be your muse.

Chiron shows any weakness, it is where we perceive our own weakness and shortcomings.

Chiron depicts your own Achilles’ Heel and where you are weak and can be brought down by your actions or the actions of others.


To get some context for the image below, please listen to the episode.

Listen to >>> Your Chiron Return with Alison and Arwynne


Chiron in the Signs

Chiron in Aries: You are defensive.

Chiron in Taurus: You can appreciate your inherent gift.

Chiron in Gemini: You benefit from therapy.

Chiron in Cancer: You can heal your relationship with your mother.

Chiron in Leo: You can help your children.

Chiron in Virgo: You can be nervous.

Chiron in Libra: You want to heal your partner.

Chiron in Scorpio: You have deep anxiety.

Chiron in Sagittarius: You will explore your weaknesses.

Chiron in Capricorn: You have a gift of discipline.

Chiron in Aquarius: You can help humanity.

Chiron in Pisces: You can help others.



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Chiron: Bridging Planet

Transiting Chiron

Chiron is considered the bridging planet because it bridges the gap between the visible and the invisible planets.

Chiron’s orbit lies between Saturn and Uranus.

Chiron’s elliptical path allows it to move near both Saturn’s orbit, and Uranus’ orbit thus affording it the feature of sometimes being an outer planet and sometimes not.

Chiron’s Speed

Due to Chiron’s elliptical orbit, Chiron travels faster when it is closer to the Sun in the sign of Libra and moves slower when it is farther from the Sun in the sign of Aries.

Chiron transits through Libra in under two years and transits through Aries in over eight years.

The sign in which Chiron is placed in the natal chart determines how long it will take to make the squares and oppositions to its natal position.

However, the Chiron return (when Chiron returns to the natal position) is always at age forty-nine to fifty-one.

Your Only Chiron Return

Chiron returns happen once at around age fifty.

You may experience and one or three hit Chiron return.

The Chiron return is about themes of healing, learning lessons, giving back and grandparental roles.

Transiting Chiron by House

Chiron will pass through all the houses in your chart in your lifetime as it takes around fifty years to orbit the Sun. The natal placement sets the tone for your experience of Chiron. It is important to understand Chiron’s message in your chart.

This planet does not have a sign to rule and so can easily be a background planet in your chart.

Chiron has a reputation as the wounded healer, and this can manifest easily. In a way there seems to be more on the downside for Chiron, but I urge you to look for the upside of a Chiron transit.

Chiron Negative Traits

The negative Chiron keywords of wound, pain, Achilles’ heel and sadness may dominate the understanding of Chiron. This is a predominant habit in the popular astrology.

Chiron: Positive Traits

By using the positive Chiron keywords of teacher, gift, key, healer and guru you may find better interpretations for this planet.

Transiting Chiron by House

Transiting Chiron in the First House

You become aware of your personal weaknesses when Chiron enters your first house. This can be a time for self-improvement on many levels. At this time, you are your own best teacher and you may discover what you really need in your life.

Transiting Chiron in the Second House

Transiting Chiron in the second house can suggest you have a gift for managing money. You may give more or you may be the recipient of support from others by them giving you a position to earn some money. This is a time for not really being paid what you are worth. It also indicates you somehow find healing in your self-esteem.

Transiting Chiron in the Third House

Transiting Chiron in the third house can suggest that you are happy to teach others in your neighborhood, this can be the local kids or the people in your immediate surroundings. You may find a thought leader now and enjoy their teachings.

Transiting Chiron in the Fourth House

Transiting Chiron in the fourth house suggests that you will discover weaknesses in your family and home. This could indicate that you can address any problems and become a person that your family can turn to in times of their need. You are seen as the family counsellor.

Transiting Chiron in the Fifth House

Transiting Chiron in the fifth house suggests that you may acknowledge your children’s imperfections for the first time. This also indicates that your children may take advantage of your weakness because you love them. You may overindulge your children now which may not be for their good.

Transiting Chiron in the Sixth House

This is the perfect time to take refresher courses in your industry and find a mentor at work. You are likely to find advisors in the job market now. These people may be recruiters or peers it depends. If you are over fifty you can become the mentor for a younger protegè.

Transiting Chiron in the Seventh House

When Chiron enters the seventh house your partner may need your help. It is a time to see the cracks in your relationships and try to patch them up. New relationships started at this time will be a learning process for you. You may meet a potential partner who becomes a burden to you.


Transiting Chiron in the Eighth House

As Chiron passes through your eighth house you may become aware of your own mortality and frailness. This is an excellent time to get therapy (or rehab) for yourself. It is a good time for psychoanalysis as you are eager to learn from a good teacher. During this period you could take too much (and take for granted) from your partner like money, food or emotional demands. Make sure to give support to any joint and shared resources.

Transiting Chiron in the Ninth House

This is the perfect time to start an adult education program or go back to college. You are open to knowledge and will find a great teacher now. Religion and philosophy may become one of your study areas. Travel to areas where you can help other people such as teaching, aid or educating people is good now.

Transiting Chiron in the Tenth House

Promotion that happens under a Chiron transit of the tenth house can be a two edged sword. You are glad of the opportunity but the reality of the extra responsibility. and what is required of you, may make you feel overwhelmed. You can suffer from “imposter syndrome” where you can’t believe that someone is paying you to do the job, because you like it so much, and can that be right? Or can it?

Transiting Chiron in the Eleventh House

Transiting Chiron in the eleventh house brings friends that need help. You may be asked to assist your friends and associates which you are happy to do and rightly so as this is the time for you to give this type of aid. Make sure you do not become their doormat as at this time you can do more for them than is actually helpful. Becoming your friend’s enabler will not help them in the long run.

Transiting Chiron in the Twelfth House

When Chiron enters your twelfth house it is a time for quiet contemplation. You may spend peaceful times and help your dark side whatever that is. If you have secret problems (like addictions) you can address them now. This is the time to heal your inner self which could be simply getting more sleep so you can face the day. Prayer and meditation will help calm you now.

Chiron’s Background and Supporting Role

Transiting Chiron is not usually at the forefront of any interpretation, but it can underscore or enhance particular messages that are shown through the other chart details in the forecast material. As a forecasting astrologer bear that in mind.

Transiting Chiron by Aspect

The aspects Chiron makes back to its natal position are most telling in forecast work and specifically, the square, opposition and conjunction.

Chiron Waxing Square

The transiting Chiron waxing square to natal Chiron occurs between age eight to twenty-two years.

Chiron Opposition

The transiting Chiron opposition to natal Chiron occurs between age twenty-two to forty-two years.

Chiron Waning Square

The transiting Chiron waning square to natal Chiron occurs between age twenty-seven to forty- five years.

Chiron Return

The transiting Chiron return to the natal Chiron position is between age forty-nine to fifty- one years.

Transiting Chiron Aspects

Transiting Chiron Conjunctions

When Chiron conjoins a natal planet, it brings a chance for you to fix things. You become aware of what needs doing and you may or may not actually do anything about them. You could simply discover that you need glasses or a hearing aid for example. You can help others now in the nature of the natal planet.

Transiting Chiron Sextiles

When Chiron sextiles a natal planet you discover your latent talents in the helping and healing fields in the nature of the natal planet. This can be a gentle transit where you may just think of doing something but not actually do anything. The road to hell is paved with good intentions which is the nature of this transit.

Transiting Chiron Squares

As Chiron squares a natal planet you can expect the difficult side of Chiron to come out in the nature of the natal planet. This could expose a weakness or a crack in whatever the natal planet rules and means in your chart. It can be a time to mend fences and shore up weaknesses you may have. This transit will not fix things but bring them to your attention as a learning process.

Transiting Chiron Trines

When Chiron trines a natal planet is brings a time for you to give back, support the weak and learn how to teach others in the nature of the natal planet. You will become good at helping others and this is good if you are naturally a counsellor or teacher. You have skills. life experience and knowledge to pass on to others now.

Transiting Chiron Oppositions

Transiting Chiron oppositions are a time when you are expected to help when you do not feel like it. You will have to draw on resources that you did not know you had to get through some challenging periods with other people and situations. This is not the time to be contrary although that just maybe how you feel. Preparation is key to managing this transit.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at starzology@gmail.com.

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Pluto rules Scorpio .

Pluto is the planet of regeneration, transformation, rejuvenation, and recycling.

Pluto rules power and influence you have over others. It also rules powerful feelings like resentment, revenge, and jealousy.

The states of birth, death, rebirth, re-incarnation and being born again are all governed by Pluto. All buried things, subterranean places, illicit events and hidden things that can be uncovered are under the influence of Pluto.

Scorpio’s ruler has much to say about sex, potency, your sexual practices and the inevitable of life.

Pluto rules taxes, tax returns, assessments, repayments, and audits. Pluto governs debt, karmic debt and anything owed to others.

Getting rid of things, purging, discarding, expelling the unwanted and drains come under Pluto’s sphere of influence.

Pluto in the Signs

Pluto in Aries: You have a powerful physique.

Pluto in Taurus: You can transform your finances.

Pluto in Gemini: You keep secrets.

Pluto in Cancer: You expose ancestral roots.

Pluto in Leo: You penetrate entertainment (reality TV).

Pluto in Virgo: You investigate the health services.

Pluto in Libra: You transform your spouse.

Pluto in Scorpio: You suppress personal debt (ruler).

Pluto in Sagittarius: You travel for sexual experiences.

Pluto in Capricorn: You may bury your ambitions.

Pluto in Aquarius: You bring pressure to human rights.

Pluto in Pisces: You have a powerful faith.

Pluto Extras

Pluto transits the houses.






Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius .

Saturn has much to say about discipline, control, self-control, suppression, limitation, boundaries, being held in and the building of walls.

On the upside, Saturn rules things you can master, your ambition, worldly achievement and your grasp in life.

Time, timekeeping, hourglasses, being on time, time and motion, watches, and clocks all are under Saturn’s influence.

Capricorn’s ruling planet also has an affinity with older men and your father.

Saturn symbolizes all authority figures, the police, your parents in general, anything respectable, taskmasters, headmasters, and your boss.

It has to do with all traditional things; the tried and tested, systems, methods and predictable things that are same old, same old.

Saturn is often a factor in depression a lack of faith and the feeling of being.


Saturn in the Signs

Saturn in Aries: You have limited energy.

Saturn in Taurus: You control your spending.

Saturn in Gemini: You achieve a variety of honors.

Saturn in Cancer: You are responsible for your family.

Saturn in Leo: You take fun seriously.

Saturn in Virgo: You work hard at your job.

Saturn in Libra: You marry later in life and typically after thirty.

Saturn in Scorpio: You suppress deep passions.

Saturn in Sagittarius: You limit your travels.

Saturn in Capricorn: You master traditions (ruler).

Saturn in Aquarius: You persevere with social reform (classic ruler).

Saturn in Pisces: You respect other’s beliefs.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at starzology@gmail.com.

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Jupiter’s Sign Rulership

Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces.


Jupiter Themes

Gotta love Jupiter.

It brings luck and opportunity.

It suggests where you have potential in your life.

It helps you broadcast and promote.

It opens you up to the great outdoors.

Now and then you may go overboard in some way, but Jupiter with buoy you up. We all do it.

Lean into your Jupiter placement to visualize a better future.

Jupiter Keywords

Growth, expansion, inflation and your reach are all governed by Jupiter.

Teaching and knowledge come under Jupiter’s influence.

Your horizons, your vision, and building bridges are Jupiter functions.

The most giant planet rules all long-distance travel which is traditionally further than you can ride on a horse in one day (50km) and travel overseas,

Different cultures, foreigners and anything international is ruled by Jupiter.

Jupiter rules the church, clerics, faith, religion, preaching and how you see God.

All opportunities, openings, benefits, wins, and luck comes under the auspices of Jupiter.

Jupiter rules your philosophies on life.


Explore more >>> The Planets


Jupiter in the Signs

Jupiter in Aries: You seek adventure.

Jupiter in Taurus: You are lucky with money.

Jupiter in Gemini: You make favorable connections.

Jupiter in Cancer: You have a big family.

Jupiter in Leo: You dramatize and exaggerate.

Jupiter in Virgo: You can grow healthy plants

Jupiter in Libra: You expect to find true love.

Jupiter in Scorpio: You gain via inheritance.

Jupiter in Sagittarius: You expand your horizons (ruler).

Jupiter in Capricorn: You explore your career options.

Jupiter in Aquarius: You have faith in the future.

Jupiter in Pisces: Your religion is a sanctuary (classic ruler).


More on Jupiter

Here is some more information on Jupiter in astrology.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

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Author: Alison Price   –   Originally published: April 2021   –   Revised: January 2024


Mars In Your Chart

Mars, in astrology, is a dynamic and fiery planet that holds a prominent place in the chart. Representing the god of war in Roman mythology, Mars is associated with energy, action, and assertiveness.

Mars is a key plant in any chart. It influences various aspects of your personality and shapes the way you approach life.


Mars’ Meaning

Mars is often described as the planet of action, and its position in your birth chart can offer valuable insights into your drive, ambition, and how you pursue their goals.

If Mars is strongly placed, it can signify a person who is proactive, assertive, and unafraid to take risks. On the flip side, challenging aspects to Mars (like squares and oppositions) may manifest as impatience, impulsiveness, or a tendency to become easily frustrated.


Mars and Desire

The red hue of Mars is not only symbolic of its association with war but also of its connection to passion and desire. In matters of love and relationships, Mars plays a significant role in expressing your romantic and sexual desires.

It can provide clues about your approach to intimacy and the kind of energy you bring into your partnerships with others.


Mars’ Rulership

Mars is the ruling planet of Aries and co-ruler of Scorpio. Its influence is palpable in these signs, imbuing them with a potent dose of vigor and determination.

Aries, driven by the impulsive and fearless nature of Mars, charges ahead with enthusiasm, embodying the pioneering spirit of this planet.

On the other hand, Scorpio, with Mars as its co-ruler, channels the energy in a more intense and strategic manner, diving into the depths of emotions and transformation.


Mars’ Key Themes


Mars is the planet of energy, action, drive, effort, traction, friction and heat.

The Chase

It rules the chase to find a mate, excitement and adrenalin rushes.


Strategy, courage, the pioneering spirit, to conquer and gladiators, in general, are all under the influence of Mars.


Implements, tools and sharp tools like knives, awls, scissors, scalpels, weapons, and bayonets come under Mars.

Mars’ rulership of sharp implements also includes sewing and knitting needles.


Mars symbolizes young men, brothers and Brothers in Arms.

Her Mars placement in her natal chart shows the type of man she is looking for.


Mars rules the urge to copulate, sex, libido, virility and testosterone.

Mars Shows Your Drive

In essence, Mars in astrology is a celestial force that propels you forward, urging you to pursue your passions, face challenges courageously, and embrace the vibrant and assertive aspects of your nature.

Understanding the role of Mars in your chart allows you to navigate your path with greater self-awareness and harness the dynamic energy of this red planet in a mindful and purposeful way.

Podcast Episode

Listen as Alison and Arwynne discuss Mars in the Signs.

Mars in the Signs

Mars in Aries: You initiate sex (sign ruler).

Mars in Taurus: You stand your ground.

Mars in Gemini: You compete in conversations.

Mars in Cancer: You do home improvements.

Mars in Leo: You make an effort to be generous.

Podcast Episode

Listen to Arwynne and Rodger >>> Mars in Leo

Mars in Gemini: 

Mars in Virgo: You combat germs.

Mars in Libra: You are an ardent lover.

Mars in Scorpio: You are robust (classical ruler in sign).

Mars in Sagittarius: You strive towards new horizons.

Mars in Capricorn: You have the endurance for the long haul.

Mars in Aquarius: You are aroused by inequality.

Mars in Pisces: You are a sensitive lover.

Mars in the Houses

The placement of Mars in specific houses of the natal chart also holds significance.

For instance, Mars in the first house may prodide you with a strong, assertive presence, while Mars in the seventh house can influence  partnerships, making them dynamic and potentially intense.


Listen to podcast episode >>> Mars in the Houses

Mars in the First House

Mars in the 1st: You want to be first.

Mars in the Second House

Mars in the 2nd: You spend as quickly as you earn.

Mars in the Third House

Mars in the 3rd: You use strong language.

Mars in the Fourth House

Mars in the 4th: You are patriotic and may join the army.

Mars in the Fifth House

Mars in the 5th: You are good at metal work.

Mars in the Sixth House

Mars in the 6th: You rush and compete at work.

Mars in the Seventh House

Mars in the 7th: You actively chase your partner.

Mars in the Eighth House

Mars in the 8th: You enjoy your intimate life.

Mars in the Ninth House

Mars in the 9th: You support the law.

Mars in the Tenth House

Mars in the 10th: You work hard at your career.

Mars in the Eleventh House

Mars in the 11th: You are a team player.

Mars in the Twelfth House

Mars in the 12th: You expend energy in prayer.

Mars Aspects



More on Mars:

Listen >>> Mars in the Signs

Listen >>> Mars in Leo


Mars Returns

The concept of “Mars Returns” is another fascinating aspect of Martian astrology. Similar to the well-known Saturn Return, Mars Return occurs approximately every two years, signifying a period when the energy, motivation, and assertiveness associated with Mars are heightened.

This can be a time of significant personal growth, as you may feel a surge of vitality and a renewed sense of purpose.


Mars in Forecasting

In predictive astrology, the transits and progressions involving Mars can serve as indicators of periods where you may feel compelled to take action, face challenges head-on, or experience increased vitality.

However, it’s crucial to approach these influences with mindfulness and awareness, as Mars’ energy can be intense and may require a balanced and conscious channeling.



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Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at starzology@gmail.com.

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