Advanced Astrology Classes: Forecasting

Advanced Astrology Classes: Forecasting

Forecasting Classes

You can learn how to do astrological forecasting in a few easy lessons.


In Demand Classes

Between you and me, of all the classes I teach, the forecasting lessons (yes, that’s these ones) are the most in-demand.

So, no more rigid time and dates for you!


Value classes

These forecasting classes contain the valuable basics you need to know about forecasting and predicting in astrology.

The lessons are listed in the order of importance for forecasting astrologers.

You can start at the beginning or pick and choose each clas as you wish.

About the Classes

  • These classes feature 2 hours per lesson for a total of 32 classroom hours and 32 self-study hours as homework and other research.
  • Classes are held by Zoom at selected times.
  • Class times and dates may vary each week.
  • To take these classes you must be able to read a natal chart.

What you Get

Each student will receive a copy of their birth chart, emailed PDF lesson notes for each session and some homework.

Book Your Class

To book your next Advanced forecasting class and to see the available times and dates, please click the button below.

Semester One – Direct Forecasting Techniques

301: Transits 1 – The Outer Planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto)

302: Transits 2 – The Middle Planets (Jupiter, Saturn and Chiron)

303: Transits 3 – The Graphic Ephemeris

304: Transits 4 – Lifetime Age Transits

305: Solar Returns 1

306: Solar Returns 2

307: Lunation and Eclipse theory – Discussion

308: Forecasting Synthesis 1

Semester Two – Symbolic Forecasting Techniques

309: Secondary Progressions 1 – Luminaries (Sun and Moon)

310: Secondary Progressions 2 – Inferior planets (Mercury and Venus) and Mars

311: Midpoint theory – Discussion

312: Relocation theory – Discussion

313: Solar arc directions 1 – Angles

314: Solar arc directions 2 – Planets

315: Forecasting Synthesis 2

316: Mundane theory – Discussion

Astrology Classes

Below are the options I have for astrology lessons from beginner to advanced chart readings and more.

Click the images on the left for more details.


Beginner’s Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)

Semester One: Basic Natal Charts

Signs, planets, points, houses and aspects.

Semester Two: Advanced Natal Charts

Essential dignity, Lunar phases, retrograde, Nodes, chart shape etc.

Intermediate Astrology: Natal (16 Classes)

Semester One:

Dignities, phases, retrograde, most elevated, derivative and oriental.

Semester Two:

Proximity, Anticia, synodic cycles, moiety and dexter.

Advanced Astrology: Forecasting (16 Classes)

Semester One: Direct Astrological Forecasting

Transits, solar returns and eclipses.

Semester Two: Indirect Astrological Forecasting

Secondary progressions, solar arc directions and mundane.

Vocational Astrology: Money and Career (4 Classes)

Your passion, earning and soft skills.

Chart challenges and job seeking tips.

Relationship Astrology (4 Classes)

Love and Romance Questions

Synastry and chart comparison, composite midpoints, Davison charts, Wedding Elections.

Your Astrology Business Setup (2 Classes)

Basic Business Setup

Start charts, website, products and services.

Privacy and mission statements.

Astrology Mentorship (by the hour)

Individual sessions to focus on your knowledge gaps.

Client work advice.

Practise readings so you can get better.

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How Saturn Transits can Improve Your Life

How Saturn Transits can Improve Your Life

by Alison Price

I recently received this question about Saturn from a reader:

“I always watch where Saturn is transiting for me and I’m beginning to think that Saturn is not as bad as we understand. I have had some of the best things happen for me when Saturn is in a certain house.

Like when it was in my first house I stopped drinking, smoking and lost weight. Now it’s in the second house and I have never earned so much money in my life. I have a lot to pay but the earning is something else!

I think if we are aware we can make it [Saturn by house] work for us. Buckle down to the discipline and so on. We live in terror of Saturn and yet find incredible blessing in its transits.

What do you think Alison?”

Here’s what I think

How exciting that a relative novice at astrology has such insights. That by having even a smattering of information (Saturn in her houses) allows her to understand the complexities of the planetary astrology and how it actually works in her chart.

For a bit of background information, this woman is forty-something and lives a regular life in the suburbs. She and her husband enjoy a fulfilling life where they try to make ends meet at the same time educating their kids and enjoying their family with many dogs.

In fact they are a couple probably just like you or me.

The first house

The first house is about your physical appearance, vitality and how you look. It is the facade you present to others.

Any planet passing through (or transiting) your first house will change you in the nature of the transiting planet.


Saturn is traditionally known as “The Greater Malefic” this means it is the biggest bad boy of the planets.

In case you are wondering Mars has the dubious reputation as “The Lesser Malefic” and on a side note Venus is the “The Lesser Benefic” and Jupiter is “The Greater Benefic” and we’ve got to love the old labels.

Saturn is the planet of control and discipline. It can be cold and hard but it does have its up side. When saturn bestows its gifts they are sometimes difficult to see.

Saturn brings things like:

  • Being able to master something
  • Finding staying power for the long haul
  • Building on a strong foundation

These are old fashioned virtues and don’t fit with the modern world of quick fixes, sound bytes and 7 day miracle diets etc.

Time is of the essence

Saturn takes time but if you do put the time in you will reap benefits from Saturn’s graces.Cousin Violet

I often relate how Saturn works in your life, to the beloved character of Cousin Violet in Downton Abbey.

Here is a woman who is old and crusty, loves traditions but has staying power for the long haul.

The Dowager will prevail.

Reader insights and being self-aware

That our reader has noticed when Saturn recently went through her first house changing her physical appearance by her improved self care of cutting out drinking and smoking and losing some weight is excellent.

Yes, Saturn can change your life and yes, for the better.

Although you may not notice it at the time, you will be able to look back and see the improvements that have been made in your life.

Your vitality is as good as your first house.

Living every day with destructive habits can be stopped, or at least curtailed, and limited when Saturn passes through your first house. This is a perfect example of Saturnian energy.

Putting your back into your toil can benefit you through more work coming your way or an increase in your hourly rate. This usually means more pay.

You have to work hard but the cash is worth it and so are you.

I have often said that “good income equates to good self-esteem” and this is very much so when Saturn passes through your second house.

Forecast for Saturn in the third house

We can guess what will happen when Saturn enters her third house.

Perhaps she will find the time for her brother and sister, or she could easily take a stand on what is going on in her neighbourhood and perhasp build a fence to keep the dogs in or the passers-by out.

Our reader may decide to build on the successes she achieved when Saturn went through her second house of good work and income, and sign up for some more courses.

Maybe she will attend classes for something new that interests her or she could go back over classes she took in the past when Saturn first went through her third house, which would have been about thirty years ago when she was at school.

Perhaps she will make up a personal reading list and decide to get through one book a week for the year and a half that Saturn is in her third house. She could add some beloved classics to the list or try a modern author. Heck, she may even start her own journal, scribe poetry or teach others.

The possibilities are endless.

That we have given some ideas here will set our reader thinking on how best to use the planetary energies as they slowly transform her and she evolves in line with the potentials of her chart.

In reality an astrologer would look deeper into her chart and note the sign on the cusp of each house that Saturn is transiting and also how her natal Saturn is placed and how it contacts the rest of her chart through the dynamic aspects.

Of course there are many parts to a chart reading, and we have only looked at a small section today.

Further thoughts

Do you know which house Saturn is stimulating and transiting in your birth chart today?

Can you find the blessing when it passes by?

If you want to know more about astrology or your chart please contact me.

Postnatal Returns of the Outer Planets

Post Natal Returns

Transits begin to form or fade immediately in the days and weeks after birth. During this delicate time critical contacts from the outer planets can occur. This article looks at the transits of the three outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto and the conjunctions to their natal positions in the first two years.

Transits are a popular technique and most astrologers are aware of the current planetary placements. When you know a planet’s position you can apply this knowledge to every chart for which you forecast in the next weeks. This information is transferrable which makes transits the most widely used predictive method by astrologers. Transits are powerful enough that many astrologers use only transits for predictive work and no other methods.

The planets are always moving but a birth chart captures a moment in time. Once a chart is cast, transits from the Moon and the faster moving planets will start to form aspects first. Then the chart will receive transits from the slower moving Mars, Jupiter and Saturn and finally the three outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. It is only as the planets move from their radix position that they start to impact the birth chart and the child’s life.

At first glance it seems there is nothing to consider from the outer planets in the first year of life because they take so long to move through the zodiac. Outer planet movement can be like watching a sapling grow, you know the young tree is alive but the progress is so slow you can’t see it happening. It is easy to dismiss transits from the outers in the first year of life, but let’s take a closer look.

Adult and child charts

When you read charts for the majority of adult clients you address the usual issues of romance, work, health and family matters or other areas that have already developed during their life. They may have a job, be married or separated, have kids, be happy or not, and their life is on a well-established track. An adult knows some dreams will not be fulfilled and they accept they will never be a ballerina or an astronaut. When you read a chart for a newborn baby all possibilities are open. In an infant’s chart, no limitations are placed on their life from decisions taken in their past as they have not made any and no previous choices have been made which affect their future.

Many astrologers feel that there is no point to cast charts for babies and young children as their life holds so much promise and potential that it is difficult to read the chart of one so young. This attitude occurs because of the vast array of life options that the chart can offer, and there is the idea that an astrologer may somehow influence the future of the child by proclaiming a self-fulfilling prophecy. These may be valid arguments.

Planetary Returns

We refer to the time when a planet passes over its natal position as a return. This occurs when a planet goes back to its birth place in the zodiac measured in degrees and minutes. The planet has made a complete pass through 360° and once more assumes its position at birth. This takes place at different times for each planet due to their various orbital periods. The more well-known returns are the solar return, when the Sun reaches its natal position experienced every year near your birthday, and the Saturn return that happens around age twenty-nine as Saturn passes over its natal position in your chart. Pluto and Neptune will not return by orbit because they take more than a lifetime to transit through the whole zodiac. Pluto takes 248 years and Neptune takes 164 years to orbit the Sun. Uranus will make a return for everyone after eighty-four years.

Postnatal planet returns

In the early weeks and months of life the outer planets can go back to their natal position. This may happens in two instances; when an outer planet is retrograde at birth it will at some point station direct and again pass over the natal degree, and when an outer planet is direct and stations retrograde soon after birth thus going back over the birth position when it will station, move direct, and pass once more over the birth degree, in this case the planet makes two contacts to the natal placement.

Although these early outer planets are transiting their natal position, I hesitate to call them a return in the strict sense of the word (as they have not completed a full orbit of the Sun) nevertheless they have gone back to their birth position and for the purposes of this article we will refer to them as returns. Only some people will receive a postnatal outer planetary return. It depends where the planets were in their direct/retrograde cycle when you were born.

This year Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus are passing through the zodiac signs of Capricorn, Pisces, and Aries respectively. The three transpersonal planets will be either moving direct or retrograde. Their retrograde station happens once each year around the time when the angle with the Sun develops towards the waxing trine. If your birthday (in any year) was immediately after a direct station of Pluto, or Pluto is within one degree after the station point in your birth chart, you will not receive any returns from Pluto immediately after birth. For example, anyone born between the date when Pluto station direct September 15, 2015 at 12° 55’ Capricorn and November 9, 2015 will not get a return from Pluto.

If you were born at the Neptune direct station or within two degrees of the station you will not experience a Neptune postnatal return. If your birthday was at a Uranus direct station or within four degrees of the station you will not experience a Uranus postnatal return. It is only during the first two years of life that you may experience a Pluto, Neptune or Uranus return.

What to Look for in Outer Planet Returns

If a planet is retrograde at birth it will station direct and cross back over the natal degree sometime in the first year. However, if the planet is direct at birth you have to crack open the ephemeris or consult a graphic ephemeris to check if it will station retrograde soon after birth and whether it will it move as far back in the sign as the natal placement. If so, you know it will transit back over its birth position at least twice, once retrograde and once direct. Use an orb of 30’ for transits both applying and separating.

Stationary at Birth

If you were born at, or in 30’ orb of, a station of an outer planet then the meaning of that planet will be experienced longer, initially by its position in the birth chart, and by transit as it hovers in orb of the birth position near the station. This is a special case as the transit may not reapply to the birth position it just takes longer to separate from the birth conjunction. Outer planets can linger in orb for various times after birth, Pluto for up to forty-eight days, Neptune for as long as forty-four days and Uranus for a maximum of thirty-one days.

When Forecasting With Transits

Before any forecasting techniques are employed the birth chart needs to be fully understood. It has to be interpreted for both potential and natal promise. If an outer planet does not return soon after birth it is not part of the transit sequence and can be dismissed. There is a cycle to a multi pass transit and in a three or five exact contact transit sequence the influence of the transit typically develops as follows:

First direct pass – Present

As the transiting planet moves towards the exact aspect the situation unfolds in line with the potentials. This is shown by the transiting planet, the natal planet or point being aspected, the area of life suggested by the house and any other aspects to the planet within the chart.

Second retrograde pass – Review

When the transiting planet moves back over the natal degree, the situation or issue that was aired at the first pass is reviewed as new information comes to light. It is during this time that changes and adjustments can still be made. In the retrograde pass the transit suggests that the situation is still being developed and is in flux.

Third and Final Direct Pass – Resolution

During the final direct pass the transit potential has culminated and the issue will fade away as the planet moves out of orb, although changes or shifts in consciousness that occurred during the transit will persist.

Five Pass Transits

Occasionally Pluto and Neptune will make a five-pass transit to a degree in the zodiac. For a five-pass transit the reprocessing of review (first retrograde pass) and resolution (second direct pass) are repeated as passes four (second retrograde pass) and five (third direct pass).

Every chart is different and some planets will have more influence on you than another. If you have Pisces rising then Neptune will be an important planet. Transits from Neptune will have a greater affect than they would have on someone without Pisces prominent in their chart. Not all transit potentials will come into tangible fruition every time a contact occurs. Often they are experienced as a subtle shift in perception.

Below is a selection of possible outcomes, with particular reference to the newborn baby, during the early years of life. Some items or situations on the list below may seem highly unlikely, but in the interest of good astrology, it is best to bear in mind all the planetary meanings so to present a well-rounded forecast. It is best to constantly expand the possible scenarios in forecasting work.

Transiting Pluto Conjunct Natal Pluto

Pluto may cross a zodiac degree up to five times. For example, on March 2, 2015 Pluto will be at 15° Capricorn moving direct. It will station retrograde and cross back over this degree for the second time on June 2, 2015. Pluto again moves forward to transit 15° Capricorn on December 31, 2015 for the third time. It makes its fourth pass on September 8, 2016 and the fifth and final contact to 15° Capricorn will be on October 14, 2016. These are the dates for the exact hits and in reality there will be a period around these dates when Pluto is in orb of the exact conjunction that you will note. This five pass transit pattern provides the potential for a postnatal return from Pluto to occur up to nineteen months after birth for someone born at the first contact to 15° Capricorn on March 2, 2015. Bear in mind that this extended Pluto transit potential will not happen for everyone as it all depends on which day you were born and Pluto’s position in relationship to the Sun in your chart which determines where Pluto is in its direct or retrograde cycle.

When Pluto revisits its birth degree it may be a critical time in the life of a newborn. Pluto transits will be modified depending on its placement in the birth chart. For an example with reference to planetary dignities, Pluto in the natal eighth house is in accidental dignity (its natural house of rulership), and therefore is well-placed by house. This position suggests at the exact conjunction that any recovery or transformation will be great like the phoenix rising from the ashes. A natal Pluto in the second house (its natural house of detriment) may indicate that if something unforeseen does indeed occur at the transit that financial strain may surround the situation. Not all Pluto transits are bad news and there can be an upside through the transformative urges of Pluto, but in the delicate early weeks of life to pay attention to physical shifts in the new baby is key.

Pluto rules the reproductive and eliminatory systems in the body. It also has affinities with toxins and the decomposing function, in other words, the purging reflex of the body when something is not right and food going bad. During a postnatal transiting Pluto conjoining natal Pluto be aware of:

  • The mother’s medications becoming toxic to the child through the breast milk
  • Diarrhea and vomiting (purging)
  • Baby food and milk formula past their sell-by date
  • Using un-boiled or borehole water (found on farms) to make up bottles
  • Sexually transmitted diseases from the mother affecting the new born
  • Colic (the bowels cramping) abating
  • A transformation in the child indicating renewal of health

Transiting Neptune Conjunct Natal Neptune 

Neptune may cross a zodiac degree five times. The time from a first contact (as in the birth chart) to the final conjunction can be several months. On May 9, 2015 Neptune is at 09°30’ Pisces moving direct. Neptune will station retrograde and pass 09°30’ for the second time on July 16, 2015 and then station retrograde and retrace its steps returning to the same zodiacal position of 09°30’ Pisces for the third time on February 29, 2016. Once more stationing retrograde and passing back over 09°30’ on October 19, 2016 to make its final forward pass of 09°30’ on December 20, 2016.

This suggests that a child born during May 2015 can be revisited by transiting Neptune with a conjunction as a postnatal Neptune return when the child is up to nineteen months old.

Any natal conjunction to Neptune will modify the effect of a Neptune transit directly after birth. For an example using aspects, natal Neptune conjunct the Moon may indicate the child’s fluid intake needs monitoring during a transiting Neptune conjunction as the Moon rules bodily fluids. Natal Neptune conjoined with Mars (heat and fever) suggests hot atmospheres, in other words, the child’s room may be too warm and stuffy for comfort at the postnatal Neptune conjunction. Neptune rules all medicines, drugs and anesthesia. In the body it correlates with the feet. It has affinities with being unconscious, sleep, dreams and nightmares. Neptune may make five or three passes, it depends on the birth date. During a postnatal transiting Neptune conjunct natal Neptune be alert to:

  • Administering the correct doses of any medication, be scrupulous with measurement
  • Incubator oxygen levels to high or too low, however unless you are the nurse there is not much you can actually do although you can be present
  • The baby being wrapped up or swaddled too tight or their all-in-one outfit is too small and hampering easy blood flow especially to the feet
  • Sleep apnea
  • A maternal drug habit may can cause withdrawal symptoms in the child
  • The infant finally sleeping through the night

Transiting Uranus Conjunct Natal Uranus

Uranus may make one or three passes through a sign degree in a chart. On very rare occasions it can make five exact contact but is often in orb of the perfection. It again depends on the birth date. On May 24, 2015 Uranus will be at 19° Aries moving direct. It will station retrograde and Uranus will again arrive at 19° Aries on September 29, 2015 to make the final pass to 19° Aries on March 14, 2016. This means that Uranus can potentially take up to ten months after birth to conjoin a specific degree in a natal chart affecting the child with a Uranus conjunct Uranus aspect.

When interpreting a Uranus postnatal return the house in the birth chart will give clues to the area that needs attention. For an example considering house meaning, if the ruler of Aquarius is in the third house (which relates to short journeys) check the car seatbelts holding the baby chair in the vehicle. With Uranus in the fifth house which has an affinity with play carefully look for cracks in plastic play items or torn soft toys. Uranus rules technology, gadgets and widgets. It also has an affinity with the unexpected. In the body Uranus relates to the circulation, synapses (electrical sparks in the brain) and the ankles. At a transit of Uranus to its natal position at the Uranus return pay attention to:

  • Sudden changes in the child’s behavior
  • Clothes too tight cutting off circulation – especially socks
  • Flat batteries in the baby monitor
  • Loose and broken baby car seats
  • Buggies and strollers with no brakes
  • Damaged baby equipment and gadgets
  • Unexpected recovery from any ailments
  • A thriving child

These are just some of the possible scenarios and certainly each chart and every child is different.

The Transiting Conjunction

A conjunction is usually viewed as a positive aspect. It makes a strong statement in any transit chart as the energies of the transiting planet are brought to the natal chart. Post-natal outer transits can contain special potential because they are effectively returns or in other words they reinforce the message the outer planet already has in the natal chart. As the conjunction becomes exact it stimulates all the natal aspects from that planet that are in the natal chart. It is like a recalibrating of the planet’s message for the individual.

Children’s Charts in General

If you regularly work with babies’ and children’s charts then if you like you can apply these ideas. If there is a transit it can be used for both improvement or tension and clearly these interpretations can be applied to both good and difficult situations.

Personal Research on Your Own Chart

Go back to your own chart. if possible ask your mother if you were ill after birth or needed oxygen etc. Check in the ephemeris for your early outer transits and see what your transpersonal planetary returns happened. If you have children or grandchildren check their charts for any post-natal outer transits. This is great research because you will have specific, on-the-spot knowledge as you bore witness to situations that may have arisen in their early weeks and months.

The Visible Planets

You can take this technique a step further and consider the other planets as they will no doubt make their returns in the early days and months of the infant’s life. For Neptune and Pluto the first two years are the only time in life that you may experience an exact conjunction from the two outer planets and there has to be a way to make the most of them.

If you are reading this article then it is too late for you to use this particular narrow focus prediction method on your own chart. You have to look to the soon-to-be-born and those very young children to discover the true potential of these powerful aspects and the changes they may bring to a infants’ chart.

Other Forecasting Techniques

If there are planetary transit returns in the first weeks, it will guide you to look for the same contact from the secondary progressions as the postnatal transit conjunction will make a progressed conjunction to their natal positions later in the child’s early years. A progressed outer planet conjunction to its own place will occur if there was a postnatal transit to its own place. Trends, such as those that developed at the very early postnatal transit, will again be brought forward at the secondary progressed conjunction. When you bring the two dynamic forecast techniques of transits and secondary progressions together you can develop a well-rounded prediction story. Much of that which is discussed here needs to woven into a fuller forecast picture. It is not advisable to focus in on one specific transit to announce a fact. Use all the techniques available when you make your predictions. Take your time and develop a rich forecast story for those critical early years. Most of all keep an open mind.


Why Transits are Different for Everyone

Why Transits are Different for Everyone

Transits Are Different for Everyone

Forecasting with Transits

Forecasting interpretations can get complex. Reading transits can quickly become confusing and it may seem like they’re out of focus.

You may start following Jupiter as it transits through your chart and Jupiter will offer growth opportunities as it passes by.

But what happens when it makes an aspect with another planet?

If Jupiter is square Saturn does it play out the same way for us all?

We all have our own charts and this is what makes the difference.


Example Transit

Take Jupiter square Saturn. These two planets bring the concepts of expansion and contraction together.

Whether you will experience expansion or contraction in your life depends on your chart. It matters whether Jupiter or Saturn is stronger in you natal chart.

Is either of them your chart ruler or do you have Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces as your rising sign?

If one planet in a aspect rules your chart their trantits be stronger for you in general and will express themselves in your life in a clear way.

Cycles appear at all times. When you are on an up swing with one planet you may be on a down cycle with another.

The ability to see the difference between a transit from one planet which may or may not be overshadowed by another is the skill of reading transits.

Jupiter square Saturn is different for everyone. Don’t make the mistake of thinking one size fits all but understand what each planet’s energies are about.

Read each transit by itself and follow along with the cycle so you will have a better understanding of how to forecast.


Measuring Planetary Strength

Apart from the actual aspect involved to understand the strength of the two planets in a combination is the first step.

As the slower moving planets form and release aspects with each other it is good to know which one of the pair is a more important planet for you.


Pluto is important for you if:

  • You have Scorpio rising
  • The Sun is in Scorpio
  • More than three planets are in Scorpio
  • Pluto in the first or eighth house
  • Pluto is your final dispositor

Neptune is important for you if:

  • You have Pisces rising,
  • Neptune in the first or twelfth house
  • The Sun is in Pisces
  • More than three planets are in Pisces
  • Neptune is your final dispositor

Uranus is important for you if:

  • You have Aquarius rising
  • Uranus in the first or eleventh house
  • The Sun is in Aquarius
  • You have more than three planets in Aquarius
  • Uranus is your final dispositor

Saturn is an important planet for you if.

  • You have a Capricorn or Aquarius ascendant
  • The Sun is in Capricorn or Aquarius
  • You have three or more planets in Capricorn or Aquarius
  • Saturn is your final dispositor
  • Saturn is in your first, tenth or eleventh house.

Jupiter is an important planet for you if:

  • You have Sagittarius or Pisces rising
  • Your Sun is in Sagittarius or Pisces
  • You have three or more planets in Sagittarius or Pisces
  • Jupiter is your final dispositor
  • Jupiter is in the first, ninth or twelfth house

Explore more >>> Fibonacci aspects

Explore more >>> Aspects applying and separating


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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It is a mining town and copper is the reason the settlement is there at all.

In Phalaborwa, any tree is a good tree because it is a shade tree.

In the three years we lived there is rained three times for ten minutes each time.

Dry, dry, dry.

The Eclipse Starts

It was about 2pm and a hot afternoon.

I was ready for the solar eclipse and had the special eclipse glasses for all the kids as we sat in the garden sipping lemonade.

Looking up into the clear blue sky we watched the Moon slowly creep over the face of the Sun.

But, that’s when I noticed the drop in temperature and the chill of the eclipse.

Bearing in mind that temperatures were normally 40C at midday, suddenly it became cool and dark.

Not fully night as it was a partial solar eclipse, but still enough to reduce the light to dusky levels.

Cold and gloomy the kids ran inside and were excited and anxious at the same time.

Within five minutes, the Moon had moved over the disk of the Sun and again the bright light and heat came flooding back to the afternoon.

Almost as suddenly it felt as it had never happened.

Such is the nature of a Solar eclipse.

If you get a chance to experience a solar eclipse, pay attention to all your senses and not just sight and you will have a richer eclipse experience that will stay with you for the rest of your life.

New Moon

Every month there is a New Moon which occurs in the same sign as the Sun. Each New Moon is usually in the following sign from the last one. When the Sun is in Libra we have the Libra New Moon. When the Sun is in Scorpio it will be the Scorpio New Moon.

A New Moon is a time to sow seeds, begin things and start a new course of action. A New Moon will affect all the things shown by the area of life (house) in which it occurs in your natal chart.

If you know where this is going to happen you can plan ahead.

Types of Eclipses

There are two types of eclipse, a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse.

Either type of eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth line up exactly in the sky.

For a solar eclipse the sequence is: SunMoonEarth. 

For a lunar eclipse the sequence is: SunEarthMoon


Solar Eclipse

A solar eclipse happens when the Moon moves in front of the Sun and blocks out the light.

If the Moon is close enough to the Earth that its umbra (main) shadow can reach Earth it will cast a shadow across the face of the Earth, this is known as the eclipse path.

The eclipse path is usually quite thin and can be up to 170km wide crossing the face of the Earth.

This width varies with each individual eclipse.

Only places on Earth on the eclipse path and in the full shadow of the Moon will experience totality.



Solar eclipse October 22, 2014

Annular Solar Eclipse

It depends on how close the Sun is to the node whether it is a partial, total, total annular or hybrid (a bit of both) eclipse.

When the orb between the Sun and the node is less than 9 degrees it is an annular eclipse.

If the Earth is also at perihelion the Moon can fully cover the Sun’s disk and it is a total solar eclipse.

If the Moon does not fully cover the Sun’s face then it is a partial eclipse.

The Eclipse Path

Solar eclipses can only be seen during the day when the Sun is above the horizon.

An eclipse is visible from all places where the Moon’s shadow crosses the face of the Earth.

It you are on the eclipse path you will see the eclipse.


An eclipse will occur at different times depending where on Earth you are and you can catch a glimpse of one if you are near the eclipse path.

The Astrology of Eclipses

All eclipses are not created equal. Some are simply more dynamic and have a greater potential within themselves than others.

Each one has to be judged on its own merits.

Astrologically eclipses are both general and personal.

It depends on the eclipse chart (see above) and your own birth chart and if and how they connect.

Therefore some eclipses have a deeper and more profound effect than others.

General Effects of an Eclipse

  • This eclipse will be in a sign and the ruler(s) of the sign will have influence over the eclipse.
  • If it is an eclipse at the Moon’s north node it indicates that we are focussing on future things and drawing in people, goods and experiences to ourselves.
  • If it is at the Moon south node it suggests that we are letting go of people, stuff and emotional baggage.
  • The Sun and Moon may be conjoined a planet which inclines towards discussing the issues brought about at the eclipse and the meaning of the planet.

Personal Effects of an Eclipse

  • Whichever house the eclipse occurs in your natal chart will be the area of life that will be affected. For example in your first house your looks, seventh house your romance, partner, relationship or in your tenth house your career and goal setting.
  • If it is your birthday on the eclipse day you will feel the most effect from the eclipse.
  • If your Ascendant is on the eclipse degree the effects of this eclipse will be impressive and there may be a huge change for your life, your personality and how other see you.
  • If you have any planets in your natal chart at the eclipse degree they will be stimulated by the eclipse.


Read more >>> Upcoming Eclipses

How Long an Eclipse Lasts

The actual eclipse lasts about one hour but the effects of the eclipse are usually for around six months.

If a particular eclipse connects with your chart by any of the ways mentioned above it will have an effect on you for about six months.

This depends on how close the eclipse falls to your chart planets and points (Ascendant, MC, nodes, Vertex or Part of Fortune).

There are specific timing strategies that astrologers use which can change this six-month pattern.

You would have to consult with myself or your astrologer to fully determine how each eclipse in the next year or so will affect you directly.

Eclipse Seasons

Every six months the Sun draws near one of the lunar nodes and we have eclipses.

Sometimes only two and on occasion three.

It depends on how close the Sun is to the nodes in degrees.

The closer the orb the more likely eclipse.

Solar Eclipse

Eclipses at the New Moon are always solar.

Solar eclipses impart a masculine or yang feel.

This means it is an active eclipse where you can get started on your intentions right away.

North Node Eclipse

Eclipses is at the north node suggest the future is improtant.

Your future can be supported based on intentions begun now.

South Node Eclipse

Eclipses at the south node suggest the past is important.

Your past may be influencing your present situation through memories, people or events.

Happy Birthday

If your birthday is on a solar eclipse day, you will feel that particular eclipse intensely because it forms part of your Solar Return chart whose celestial energies are in place for you for the next twelve months.

Eclipse conjunct a natal planet

Now and then an eclipse will be right on the degree of a natal planet, ascendant or MC in your chart.

Obviously, this doesn’t happen often but when it does you need to pay attention.

An astrologer can quickly tell when this will happen for you.


Aspiring Astrologer Activity: Solar Eclipses

In your astrology journal, and referring to the next solar eclipse, please do the following:

  • Find the exact position of the solar eclipse in degrees and minutes.
  • Note which house in your chart the solar eclipse will fall.
  • See if the solar eclipse will conjoin any of your natal planets or points.

Extend Yourself

  • Write a general interpretation for the eclipse hat can be used by everyone or in your horoscope writing. Include the sign, the node and any planetary conjunctions to the eclipse (use a 1 degree orb) (100 words).
  • Write a personal interpretation for the eclipse including the house and any conjunctions the eclipse will make to your chart (100 words).

Extend Yourself Further

  • Cast the charts for every solar eclispe that will occur this year and next year. Use the Zero Aries house stystem.
  • Write general interpretations for each upcoming eclipse. This will be useful for you as an aspiring astrologer for your forecast work (100 words per eclipse).
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Scorpio Horoscopes

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