Mars Retrograde

Mars Retrograde

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: November 2024

Mars Retrograde

During late 2024 and early 2025 the red planet, Mars, is having its retrograde cycle. Mars only retrogrades every second year or around every twenty-six months. This time, Mars will be retrograding across the sign cusp between Cancer and Leo. It will spend 23 weeks in Cancer, and it will spend 16 weeks in Leo in total. These two periods in the signs are broken into two parts. Bearing in mind that typically, Mars will spend six and a half weeks in each sign, but this is when it is moving fast and direct. What this all means is that for most of the time Mars dashes through a sign in around six to seven weeks, but during its retrograde phase, it spends almost four times as much time in one sign or another.

Superior Planet Retrogrades

Sun Aspects

All superior planets start their retrograde periods from around their trine aspect to the Sun. As the Sun moves through the zodiac, about one third of the year later, the retrograde period ends at around the second trine of the planet to the Sun. It is not just the two trines, but also the opposition to the Sun that happens during the retrograde period. All planets past the Earth are retrograde when in opposition to the Sun.


Mars Retrograde Cycles


Each Mars retrograde period typically lasts about 60-80 days (roughly 2 to 2.5 months). The time between the start of one Mars retrograde and the next is, on average, 780 days or about 2 years and 50 days. The exact timing can vary slightly due to the elliptical nature of Mars’ orbit. Because of the regularity of planetary orbits, we can predict Mars retrograde periods far into the future and of course you can see this in your ephemeris. Mars takes about 15-17 years to make a complete retrograde cycle through all the signs.

Comparison Cycles

  • Mercury – every 4 months.
  • Venus – every 18 months.
  • Mars – every 26 months.
  • Outer planets – annually.

This relatively infrequent occurrence of Mars retrograde makes each instance super interesting for astrologers.

Mars Retrograde Visibility


Mars will be particularly bright during this period, as it retrogrades when it is closest to the Earth in its orbit. Mars will be prominently visible in the night sky in this position and you can see Mars, as it will be at its brightest and largest now. This means that now you can see Mars at night after the Sun has set and it is showing its face to us as a full-on disk which is great for photography.


Mars Retrograde Themes

Reassessing Actions

This period encourages you to prompt introspection about your choices and behaviors. It’s viewed as a time to step back and evaluate whether current actions align with long-term goals and values.

Rerouting Drives

Mars is often associated with ambition and motivation. During retrograde, there may be a shift in what drives you, potentially leading to new directions in public or personal pursuits.

Reenergizing Projects

Stalled initiatives might gain new life during this time. It is an period to approach ongoing projects with fresh perspectives and renewed enthusiasm.

Recommitting to Actions

This theme suggests a stage of reaffirming commitments. After reassessment, you might find yourself more deeply invested in chosen paths or causes.

Reviewing Competitions

Mars is linked to competitiveness. The retrograde period might prompt a reevaluation of rivalries, competitive strategies, or your approach to challenges.

Releasing Anger

Mars is also associated with aggression and conflict. This time is often seen as a moment to address and let go of pent-up frustrations or resentments.

Replenishing Physical Energy

Given Mars’ association with vitality and physical energy, its retrograde period is sometimes viewed as a time to focus on rest, recovery and rebuilding strength.

Rewarding Winners

This could be interpreted as a time of recognition, where past efforts and achievements are acknowledged and celebrated.

Revising Strategies

It is a good time to reconsider your approach to problem-solving and any long-term planning.

Rekindling Passion

Mars is associated with passion and desire, so this can be seen as a time to reignite enthusiasm in various aspects of life.

Resolving Conflicts

This period is often be viewed as conducive to addressing long-standing disputes or misunderstandings.

Redefining Courage

It could be seen as a time to reassess what bravery means to you on a personal level and how you can embody it.

Revisiting Past Decisions

The retrograde period of Mars might prompt you to review significant choices you have made in areas associated with Mars, such as in your sex life or other relationship decisions.


Retrograde Cycle Unfolding


Each retrograde cycle has the same parts but the planet and the signs the planet transits make all the difference. Let’s have a closer look at this years’ Mars retrograde period.

Mars Enters Pre-shadow

October 7th, 2024

Mars is in Cancer and entered the pre-shadow on October the 7th 2024. You also want to note that Mars is in fall in the sign of cancer. Which is not a very good sign for Mars to be effective in.


As Mars enters the pre shadow, it sets the stage at the first pass of any planet or point from now on. As Mercury makes contact by aspect with planets in your chart, situations will unfold that will then be further explored on the other two passes during the retrograde cycle. Make sure you know exactly which planets Mars is going to contact in your chart and pay close attention to what unfolds on those days.

Mars enters Leo 1st time

November 5th, 2024

Mars will leave Cancer and enter Leo on November the 5th, 2024. The sign of The Lion fits better with Mars than Cancer did not only because it was in fall in Cancer, but because Leo is a fire sign and Mars rules the fire sign of Aries.


As Mars enters the sign Leo, things start to heat up. In general, you can anticipate higher levels of drama and sometimes loud and pushy behavior for most people. If you are a creative person, you are likely to make some wonderful work at this time.

Mars Stations Retrograde

December 6th, 2024

Mars’ retrograde period begins on December 6th as it stations retrograde at six degrees Leo. This is the main part of the retrograde period.


During December, Mars slows down as it reaches the station retrograde. This is the main turning point and indicates the start of the retrograde part of the cycle. Now Mars is going to retrace its steps which started back in October. This is the time when situations that did unfold when Mars was in the shadow return. More information is coming forward and you may have to make adjustments or reassess situations. You are likely to discover new things about situations that you were trying to get into motion. Mars will linger in orb of the station for about 12 days, so from December 1st to December 12th it is in orb of the station.

Station Orbs

Note: For all planets to be in orb of a station, either retrograde or direct, the planet must be within 0°10′ to the exact turning point. This means that the further out the planet is in the solar system, the longer the lingering, and what I like to call the, “loitering with intent” on one particular degree is. This is another reason why transiting outer planets have more oomph than personal planet transits.

Mars Enters Cancer Retrograde

January 6th, 2025

During January, Mars still retrograde, will pass from Leo into Cancer thus once more into the sign of its fall, The Crab.


Part of the way through Mars’ retrograde path it reverts back into Cancer. Here there is a shift of energy from boisterous and outgoing Leo back to a more receptive Cancer and the Martian activities are likely to be either withdrawn or held back in some way.

Mars Stations Direct

February 24th, 2025

During February, Mars will make its station direct at 17° Cancer. This means that it has transited back in Cancer from 29° all the way back to 17° before it stops, stations and reverses its movement. From this point on, Mars is moving direct, and the retrograde part of the cycle has actually finished. Again, Mars will linger in orb of the station for about 12 days so from between February 18th to March 1st it is in orb of the station.


Towards the end of February, Mars once more starts to slow down as it comes towards the station direct. Now Mars will start to move forward again as it makes the third pass to any of the aspects that it made earlier in the first direct and the second retrograde pass. Now as Mars comes through, the final outcomes of activities or events that were started during this retrograde period are likely to be finalized. As Mars makes its final and 3rd aspect, the activities and actions which were brought to life will be cemented and firmed up now. If you were wondering about taking a particular course of action, this will be the moment, when the final decision will be made.

Mars Enters Leo Direct 2nd time

April 18th, 2025

When we get to April, Mars will enter Leo for the second time as it continues to move direct.


Mars again enters Leo during mid-April and shakes off any passive feelings to create something colourful, exciting and new in Leo. Projects that you have given birth to will flourish now.

Mars Leaves the After Shadow

May 3rd, 2025

Finally, on May 3rd, 2025, Mars will leave the after-shadow of this retrograde periodand it’s all over bar the shouting.


Who This Will Affect


This Mars retrograde period will affect anyone whose birthday is from July 10th to July 30th.


This particular Mars retrograde period will affect anybody, by conjunction, who has planets or points between 17° Cancer and 6° Leo. With the conjunction, transiting Mars will energize the planet or point and galvanize it into action.


It will give a triple hit opposition to any person with planets or points between 17° Capricorn and 6° Aquarius. With the opposition, transiting Mars will generate outward challenges and competition with the planet or point.


It will give a triple hit square aspect to anyone with planets or points from 17° Aries to 6° Taurus or between 17° Libra and 6° Scorpio. With the square, transiting Mars will create inner tension or frustration with the planet or point.

My Chart

For myself, this Mars retrograde will crossover my Ascendant at 4° Leo for a 3-hit conjunction. I’m kind of looking forward to it as I’m hoping that transiting Mars is going to spur me into more activity in my exercise regime plan to tone, strengthen and energize my body.




Premium Astrology Newsletter

This piece originally appeared in our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter. As with every issue, subscribers received a complimentary PDF download related to this topic.

For those interested in receiving such in-depth articles directly upon release, we encourage you to join our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter.

Your subscription to Starzlife not only grants you access to exclusive content but also helps sustain our creative endeavors and operational costs.

Find out more about Starzlife here.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Mode Compatibility

Mode Compatibility

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: November 2024

Mode Compatability

Today we’re going to get into the nitty gritty of mode compatibility. I’m of the belief that when dealing with clients, they really are only two questions in astrology. “Where is the love? And “Where is the money?” Interesting these are both Venus related questions, but as a practicing astrologer and someone who’s trying to understand and read charts, you do need to know about love relationships, personal relationships and how people get on with each other. Or in other words, how people’s charts mesh. This usually unfolds by someone saying, “I’m a Virgo, she’s an Aquarius, how do we get on?” And yes, certainly there is a place for that type of astrology, but here I’m digging deeper into the background themes in a chart.

Background Noise

The broadest possible interpretation of a chart comes through in the polarity (a topic for another day) but check out this post on Ascendant, Sun and Moon polarity). The second broadest interpretation comes through in the three modes. So today we’re going to take a closer look at mode compatibility as a background theme for relationships between two people. This is part of the love and relationships category that I like to chat about a lot.

All Relationships

Of course, chart comparison can be used for every relationship you have with everyone you meet. You will have a relationship with your clients, your parents, your kids, your friends and your life-partner. You don’t always have to dig super deep into a chart to get some insights, here of course you can and many do, but if you are looking for some broad strokes, then mode is one way of doing it.


Mode Signs

There are three modes in astrology, the Cardinal mode, the Fixed mode and the Mutable mode. Each of the 12 Zodiac signs belongs to one mode. Each mode has four signs in it. The modes can also be referred to as qualities or modalities.

The Cardinal Signs

The cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Any planets in these signs will be counted as cardinal. The cardinal signs are ruled by Mars (Aries), the Moon (Cancer), Venus (Libra) and Saturn (Capricorn).

The Fixed Signs

The fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Any planets in these signs will be counted in the fixed mode count. The fixed signs are ruled by Venus (Taurus), the Sun (Leo), Mars and Pluto (Scorpio) and Saturn and Uranus (Aquarius).

The Mutable Signs

The mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Any planets and these signs will be counted as mutable. The mutable signs are ruled by Mercury (Gemini and Virgo), Jupiter (Sagittarius and Pisces) and Neptune (Pisces).

Which Planets to Count

Back in the Day

When I first started to learn astrology, we would count every planet from the Sun to Pluto, we weren’t using Chiron back then. Additionally, we would give two points to the Ascendant and the Midheaven sign. In this way you ended up with a count of fourteen. And while this method may work for some people, over the years I found that it was just too diluted to give a firm count.

Visible Planets

Years ago, I came across a system of only using the visible planets because you then have a seven count. For the seven visible planets, which are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, and from that point on I only do a count for seven because you are focusing in on the main planets in a chart straight away. Of course, you could do the full count to fourteen and even add in the nodes and whatnot if you want to, but I don’t. By only counting the seven visible planets in a chart you end up with a quality count as opposed to a quantity count.

Determining Mode Emphasis

Two More

In general. For a mode be emphasized, and only using the seven visible planets, the mode must contain two more planets than the next best mode. If you were writing in astrology exam, this would definitely be the case. However, this is the real world, and if you have a mode count that is perhaps four, three and zero, you could say that the mode with four planets is emphasized as well even though it was only one more than the three-planet mode. Additionally, you could have a count where there was two, three and two, and then technically the mode with three planets would then be the emphasized mode.

Past Seven

If you choose to ignore the visible planets only rule and you decide to count all the planets and some of the points as well, you will get different results for your mode emphasis count. At this point, we’re trying to find the emphasized mode for somebody’s chart, so that we can use it in our relationship analysis between two people. The choice is up to you.

Example Chart: Whoopi Goldberg

Birth Data

Whoopi Goldberg’s birth details are: 12:48 PM, November 13th, 1955, New York City, USA. In this chart below I’ve only displayed the seven visible planets to keep things simple.


Mode Count: 7 Planets

In the Cardinal sign of Libra, she has one planet, Mars. In the Fixed sign of Scorpio, she has four planets, and in the fixed sign of Leo, she has one planet, Jupiter. Then her one and only mutable planet is Venus in Sagittarius.

Cardinal = 1, Fixed = 5 and Mutable = 1.

She is strongly in the Fixed mode. If you recall, to have an emphasis in a mode you need to have two more planets than the next best mode which is certainly the case with Fixed at five which is four more than the next best mode, either Cardinal or Mutable at one planet each.



Mode Count: 12 Planets plus 4 Points

When you add in 12 planets plus 4 points (Ascendant, Midheaven, Nodes) the mode count is slightly different. She has Cardinal = 3, Fixed = 9, and Mutable = 4. In her case Fixed remains her strongest mode, but it wouldn’t always be the case.


Representing Modes


Mode counts are always represented in their order from Aries (the first sign) as in Cardinal, then Fixed, then Mutable or as C-F-M.

My Chart

My personal mode count is shown as 1-4-3 (7 count) or 5-7-3 (16 count). This shows that Fixed is my strongest mode either way. You can check your own chart.

Same Mode Dynamic

Same Modes in a Pair

If both partners have strong modes which are the same, Cardinal-Cardinal, Fixed-Fixed and Mutable-Mutable, it creates tension in the relationship.

Cardinal and Cardinal: The Present


Two Cardinal signs coming together creates a relationship charged with dynamism and drive. This pairing often results in a competitive atmosphere in which both partners have strong leadership instincts, which can lead to power struggles. This couple has an action-oriented dynamic where the relationship is rarely stagnant, with both people constantly pushing for progress. They have shared ambitions and their goals often align, creating a unified direction in life. Mutual admiration, although not always a plus, is expressed as each partner respects the other’s independent spirit and determination. With Cardinal-Cardinal couples, the potential for conflict is always there. Both people want to “be the boss,” which can create tension. This pair will rapidly make decisions that make other people’s head spin. They are quick to act on ideas and plans. Cardinal duos are the zodiac’s initiators of change. Together, they’re likely to spark new projects or life directions.


Cardinal-Cardinal pairings can face challenges where power struggles arise frequently. Compromise can be difficult as both people are used to taking charge. The relationship may lack a certain stability due to constant change and action.


To thrive, Cardinal-Cardinal couples need to learn to take turns in the driving seat. They will benefit from showing appreciation for each other’s strengths. This pair can channel their energy into shared goals rather than in competition with each other. By practicing patience and develop listening skills they will prevail and thrive as a couple.

Fixed and Fixed: The Future


When two Fixed signs form a relationship, it creates a union characterized by stability, determination and resilience. This pairing tends to build a solid foundation through their shared desire for security which makes them excellent at establishing a stable, long-lasting partnership. This couple can resist change because both partners prefer consistency and they may be slow to embrace new ideas or situations.

Fixed-Fixed will demonstrate unwavering commitment to each other and once committed, they’re likely to persevere through challenges, viewing the relationship as a long-term investment. They easily create a predictable environment where routines and traditions often play a significant role in their lives together.

This pair often exhibits loyalty, trust and faithfulness which are typically cornerstones of their bond. When both parties are strongly Fixed, it shows determination as a couple this is more so when they set shared goals and they work tirelessly to achieve them.

Key Points

Key characteristics of this pairing include strong values and principles that guide their relationship. There is a tendency to stick to established patterns and habits. They enjoy deep emotional connections which strengthen over time.


However, potential challenges may arise through stubbornness which can lead to standoffs when opinions differ. This couple’s resistance to change might result in a stagnant relationship. Inflexibility could make adapting to life’s inevitable changes difficult.


To thrive, Fixed-Fixed couples should practice compromise and open-mindedness. They would do well to actively seek new experiences together to avoid monotony. This pair can appreciate each other’s steadfastness while gently encouraging flexibility. They can communicate openly about needs for both stability and growth.

Mutable and Mutable: The Past


When two Mutable signs come together, they form a relationship that is flexible, dynamic and ever evolving. This pairing is characterized by adaptability as both partners excel at adjusting to new situations that make their relationship highly versatile.

Intellectual stimulation is a theme for Mutable-Mutable couples and the constant exchange of ideas and perspectives keeps their connection vibrant. Being spontaneous, the couple embraces change, leading to an eclectic and sometimes unpredictable lifestyle.

Mutable-Mutable couples’ relationships are communication-rich where the chatting and dialogue flows freely, with both partners eager to share thoughts and feelings. They have openness to new experiences and they will explore various interests and lifestyles together.

Key Points

Key aspects of this relationship include a tendency to approach life with curiosity and openness, the ability to navigate challenges by adapting rather than confronting and a shared appreciation for variety and new experiences.


Lack of direction is a challenge because by going through life without a firm goal, the Mutable-Mutable relationship may feel aimless at times. This pair may suffer from analysis paralysis where excessive talking and planning might hinder concrete action. A little less conversation a little more action. Constant change can sometimes lead to a sense of chaos or insecurity and instability can be a theme. Both may bring ingrained ideas from past experiences, affecting current dynamics.


To thrive, Mutable-Mutable couples should set some long-term goals to provide structure and direction. They could balance their flexibility with some routine for stability. They would do well to practice following through on plans and ideas and not just talking about them. This pair could cultivate mindfulness to stay grounded in the present and take the time to recognize and challenge preconceived notions that may limit their growth as a couple.

Mixed Modes in a Pair


When partners possess contrasting dominant modes, it often leads to a more balanced and effective collaboration. This is particularly evident in the pairing of Cardinal and Fixed modes.

Cardinal and Fixed Dynamic

A Force to be Reconned With

When Cardinal and Fixed get together, it’s like an irresistible force encountering an immovable object. Despite their differences, they often synergize for mutual advantage. In this combination, the Cardinal partner drives progress and initiates change and the Fixed partner provides stability and maintains course. This blending of modes allows for both forward momentum and necessary grounding, creating a potentially powerful and complementary partnership.

Cardinal and Mutable Dynamic


This partnership combines initiative with adaptability, creating a flexible and dynamic relationship. This pair is highly adaptable in navigating life’s various directions. Here the Cardinal partner typically takes the lead and the Mutable partner readily follows and supports. Mutable often inspires and persuades Cardinal into action.

The Cardinal’s drive to initiate blends well with the Mutable’s ability to adjust and flow with changes. This combination can result in a partnership that is both proactive and versatile, capable of handling various life situations with ease.

Fixed and Mutable Dynamic


This partnership brings together stability and flexibility, often resulting in a relationship of contrasts. The Mutable partner seeks variety and change and the Fixed partner prefers consistency and routine. This leads to the potential for misunderstanding due to differing approaches. Fixed may view Mutable as overly talkative or scattered and Mutable might perceive Fixed as too rigid or unexciting. While their differences can create friction, this pairing also offers the potential for balance. The Mutable partner can help the Fixed partner adapt to necessary changes, while the Fixed person can provide the stability and focus the Mutable person may lack.


With astrology, awareness is key and as an aspiring astrologer, if you have an awareness about what your mode count is and how you’re going to interact with other people, it gives you a broader insight immediately about how you’re going to connect with somebody including your clients. Certainly, you can go into the finer details of her Venus is on his Mars or situations like that, but always bear in mind that in your astrological toolbox you need to understand the general themes within a chart before you go into the nitty-gritty. Additionally, if you start paying attention to the background noise of a chart, that comes through the polarity, mode and element count, it gives you another feature to lean on when you are in consultation with your clients and you are drawing a blank.



Premium Astrology Newsletter

This piece originally appeared in our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter. As with every issue, subscribers received a complimentary PDF download related to this topic.

For those interested in receiving such in-depth articles directly upon release, we encourage you to join our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter.

Your subscription to Starzlife not only grants you access to exclusive content but also helps sustain our creative endeavors and operational costs.

Find out more about Starzlife here.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at


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Gifts for Each Sign

Gifts for Each Sign

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: December 2024

Gifts for Each Sign  

The December and end-of-year holiday season is the perfect time to show the special people in your life how much you care. And as the good astrologer that you are, when it comes to finding the perfect gift, if you consider the recipient’s zodiac sign it is a thoughtful way to make your special present extra meaningful.



In recent years, I’ve tried to move my gift giving away from just general stuff onto experiences. Experiences can be tickets to concerts, vouchers for art galleries, the gift of a painting, pottery or photography class or some other activity which is creative. The idea with experiences is that the memory lasts forever whereas with stuff, its forgotten.



I question, “Do we need more stuff?” I didn’t always think this way, but I certainly do these days. I went from the point of typically giving a toaster to somebody, to giving a store gift card, so they could buy what they wanted. Now I prefer to give an experience which will create a memory that they can enjoy, probably well in the New Year. It then becomes the gift that keeps on giving

For example, instead of more stuff, this year my daughter and I will enjoy the experience of riding the Holiday Train together in Stanley Park here in Vancouver.



Conspicuous Consumption

There have been times in the past where I have probably bought too many gifts for people who possibly didn’t even want them, and likely regifted them onto someone else at the first opportunity! Maybe you can relate? But it was habit (Moon) and somewhat of a tradition (Saturn). Shifting gears on habits and traditions is not easy. But since the covid years, and my heightened awareness of, not really minimalism, but rather, essentialism, I’m taking a second look at my gift giving approach.


Essentialism is about having the essentials you need for life without amassing excess. It’s about having what you need and using what you have. For example, you might only ever need three coffee cups in your cupboard, but somehow you end up with two dozen.



This year, 2024, I am quite rigorous about not allowing plastic into my home. With plastic, I mean, plastic garbage bags, plastic Tupperware like containers, plastic bags in general, plastic take out containers, plastic pen containers for on my desk and things like that. This year I have tried to move over to paper, bamboo, glass, wood and more natural materials for day-to-day objects. To be honest, plastic still does creep in, but when I get the choice of say buying an umbrella with a plastic handle or a brolly with a wooden handle, now I’ll choose the one with the wooden handle.

Gift Wrapping Waste

In the Western world, gift giving is huge, but it’s all the paraphernalia that goes with gift giving that also adds to the burden.

You’ve got:

  • Wrapping paper sold in multi rolls packs.
  • Tissue paper usually colored and printed.
  • Gift tags with fancy strings and glitter.
  • Ribbons and rosettes on top of these gifts which are frequently made of plastic.
  • A huge gift bag to put the lot in.


All of these gift-wrapping trappings end up just being waste products. I’ve spent a lot of time this season considering how to recycle gift wrapping itself to relieve the surplus. Having said all that, there are still people you’re going to be buying gifts for and probably I will too, but my gift list of stuff, junk and trimmings is nothing like what it was ten years ago.

Seasonal Cards

I use my very own original art designs for my seasonal cards which are printed on recycled paper and come in a reprocessed envelope. To avoid adding to the constant production, import and carbon footprint impact which is required for many of these things is a personal goal. I know I don’t have all the answers to this problem, but I’m just giving you some of my thoughts on how to lessen the waste and the conspicuous consumption of the modern world and yet still celebrate and give appreciation at the end of the year.


Act Local

There was a great slogan back in the day that said, “Think global, act local” which I think applies here. Hopefully I won’t create too much waste over this December period which I generate myself by thoughtless gift giving. And with that, let’s get onto some sign appropriate gift ideas.

Sign Appropriate Gifts

Being an astrologer, at this time of the year when you say, “Gosh, I don’t know what to get Alex” if you know Alex’s Ascendant sign or Sun sign, it helps you to tune into what I’m calling sign appropriate gifting. If you know the person’s Ascendant sign, go with that, but if not, then use their Sun sign. Below I have some fun gift ideas for to each astrological sign. I have some thoughts on experiences, practical things for daily living and some mod cons in this digital world.

Gifts for Aries

  • A sleek, high-tech fitness tracker to fuel their competitive nature.
  • Tickets to a thrilling experience like a race car driving course or skydiving.
  • Artisanal knives or cooking tools to fuel their fiery passion for the kitchen.

Gifts for Taurus

  • Sumptuous bedding or luxury bath products for ultimate relaxation.
  • An indoor herb garden or stylish planter to nurture their green fingers.
  • Gourmet food gifts like fine cheeses, charcuterie or decadent chocolate.

Gifts for Gemini

  • Wireless earbuds or a premium streaming subscription for their media habit.
  • Puzzles, brain teasers or tabletop games to stimulate their curious mind.
  • A premium fountain pen and fine stationery set for their love of the written word.

Gifts for Cancer

  • Cozy throw blankets, plush robes or scented candles for a peaceful home.
  • Sentimental photo albums or framed family portraits.
  • Gift cards for pampering experiences like a massage, mani/pedi or spa day.

Gifts for Leo

  • Stylish designer sunglasses or a luxurious leather (lasts forever) tote bag.
  • Tickets to see their favorite performer or musical act live.
  • An elegant decanter set or high-end barware for hosting.

Gifts for Virgo

  • Thoughtfully curated office supplies or a specialized organization tool.
  • A personalized recipe book or titanium cookware.
  • Donations to a charitable cause they’re passionate about.

Gifts for Libra

  • Fashionable jewelry or a statement accessory.
  • Tickets to the opera, ballet or an art exhibit.
  • A beautifully bound journal or quality stationery set.

Gifts for Scorpio

  • Intriguing books on esoteric or psychological topics.
  • Luxurious body care products or fine fragrance.
  • A premium camera or photography equipment.

Gifts for Sagittarius

  • Outdoor gear for adventure like a rugged backpack or camping equipment.
  • Plane tickets or gift cards for a bucket list travel experience.
  • Educational courses or language-learning software.

Gifts for Capricorn

  • Professional business accessories like a sleek portfolio or luxury pen.
  • Membership to a prestigious club or fine dining establishment.
  • A financial planning session or investment-themed gift.

Gifts for Aquarius

  • Cutting-edge tech gadgets or smart home devices.
  • Quirky, one-of-a-kind art pieces or home décor.
  • Gift cards for charitable donations or humanitarian causes.

Gifts for Pisces

  • Mindfulness tools like a meditation cushion or crystal collection.
  • Tickets to a spiritual retreat or holistic wellness experience.
  • Cozy, ethereal bedding or relaxing ambient lighting.

No matter which zodiac sign you’re shopping for, to focus on their unique personality traits and interests is the key to finding a truly thoughtful and meaningful seasonal gift. With a little astrological insight, you can discover the perfect present to delight the special people in your life.


Gifts for Your Astrologer

Giving Back

The end-of-year season is a time for giving. If you’re fortunate enough to have your very own personal astrologer, you may be wondering what kind of gifts would be most appreciated by him or her. As an astrology enthusiast myself, I’ve put together a list of thoughtful gift ideas that I myself, or any astrologer, is sure to love. Check out my Gift Ideas for Your Astrologer for some inspiration.



Extend Yourself

Thinking about gift giving and in your astrology journal please do the following:


Make a list of any hand-crafted gifts can you create this year such as:


  • Baked cookies.
  • Knitted pullovers.
  • Crafted wooden bird houses.
  • Handmade soaps.



Make a list of any personal services which you can offer this year for example:


  • Provide a maths class to your neighbor’s kid.
  • Gift a free astrology reading.
  • Babysit your brother’s newborn baby so they can get a night out.
  • Help the teen next door to drive with a few driving lessons in your car.
  • Offer to sing some seasonal carols at your local seniors home.
  • Donate an evening to serve in a soup kitchen nearby.
  • Collect money for the charity of your choice and get it to them by December 31st.
  • Host a free art and craft evening in your home for interested people.
  • On a snowy day, offer to walk an elderly person’s sprightly dog.
  • Listen, truly listen, when a friend calls.
  • Present a free astrology class.


Extend Yourself Further

Looking forward to your potential gift giving birthdays and whatnot in 2025, decide how will you adjust your gift giving to more closely align it to your personal beliefs, habits and traditions. Here you could lean into your Moon, Saturn and 2nd house complex for more ideas. (300 words).

A Pretty Good Year

We can look back and say, “Well, we had a pretty good year” and to be clear, if you’re reading this, on your smart phone or computer, with a roof over your head, with the heating on, having eaten a hot meal yesterday, you did have a pretty good year.

Charity Donations

Where you give your money and support is your business. I’ve just got some ideas for charitable contributions which speak to me.

Here are my five suggestions for charitable causes which I believe in, and am donating cash to this year. 

Save the Children: Worldwide

United Nations Crisis Relief: Gaza

Greenpeace International

Indspire: First Nations, Inuit and Métis upliftment

St Paul’s Hospital Foundation: Vancouver


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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10th House

10th House

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: December 2024

10th House Main Themes

How the World Knows You

The 10th house is one of the most significant houses in astrology, associated with career, public reputation, social status and life’s calling. It shows how the world knows you as opposed to the Ascendant which shows how you are known by people whom you meet face-to-face. After the 1st house, I consider the 10th house as next most influential house in someone’s birth chart.

Career and Professional Life

This house reveals your career path, professional ambitions and your relationship with authority figures. It indicates your approach to achieving professional goals.

Note on the 6th house: Back in the day, professionals (doctors, lawyers and civil engineers), were paid a salary monthly as opposed to artisanal workers (butchers, bakers and candlestick makers) who were paid a wage weekly which is a main differentiator between the 6th and the 10th house when it comes to making a living.

Your Public Image

The 10th house shows how others perceive you in the public domain, particularly in your professional life. This includes your reputation, fame, notoriety and your public persona and business brand.

Authority and Leadership

It suggests your relationship with authority figures and how you wield influence yourself. Things like your management style and your natural ability to take charge are indicated here.

Achievement and Recognition

The rewards and acknowledgment you receive for your efforts and contributions to the world, including honors, awards and social status are shown by your tenth house. This is where you accept the Nobel Peace prize.

Life’s Purpose

In some houses systems, like Placidus which I use, the Midheaven is the cusp of the 10th house. This sensitive point represents your lofty aspirations and your legacy which you wish to leave behind.

Astrological Influences

Sign, Ruler, Tenants and Saturn

The sign on the cusp of your 10th house influences how you approach your career and public life. The 10th house ruler, and its condition, suggest your approach to 10th house natters. Planets tenanting the 10th house can strongly impact your professional path and public standing. Saturn as the ruler of the natural 10th house has an affinity here, as it rules structure, responsibility and authority


The 10th house is one of the four angular housesThis makes it a particularly powerful and influential house in a birth chart. Its position at the very top of the chart (the highest point) symbolizes its connection to visible achievements and public recognition.


Always look for aspects to the Midheaven, or the 10th house cusp degree, as they will influence the 10th house as a whole.


Planets in the 10th House

Dynamic Impact

The impact of any planet in the 10th house is particularly strong because:

  • The 10th house is an angular house, making planetary energies more prominent
  • Planets here are at the highest point in the chart, making their influence more visible and may be the most elevated planet.
  • Planet here can be in the Midheaven Gauquelin sector.
  • Career and public life become important channels for expressing the planet’s energy

Let’s take a look at how each planet expresses itself when placed in the 10th house of career, public image and achievement.

Sun in 10th House

The Sun here creates a natural leader who often achieves significant public recognition and fame. You are drawn to positions of authority and tend to shine brightest in your career. You may strongly identify with your professional role and often have leadership positions thrust upon you. There’s a strong drive for you to make your mark on the world and be recognized for your unique contributions.

Moon in 10th House

This placement often indicates a career which involves caring for or nurturing others. Your public image may wax and wane with moods and emotional sensitivity playing a significant role in your professional life. With the Moon in the 10th house you might work in fields related to food, family, women’s issues or emotional support. Your reputation often centers around your emotional intelligence and ability to express understanding.

Mercury in 10th House

Communication becomes central to career success if you have this placement. You excel in professions requiring writing, speaking, teaching or analytical thinking. You perhaps will become known for your intellectual abilities or communication skills. Careers in journalism, education or technology appeal to you when Mercury is placed here. It is likely that your public image will center around your intelligence and ability to convey information.

Venus in 10th House

This placement suggests you may flourish in a career involving beauty, art, harmony or relationships. You will probably excel in creative fields, diplomacy or positions that require charm and social grace. With Venus in the 10th house your public image tends to be pleasant and attractive. You may become known for your taste, style or ability to create beautiful things. Success for you often comes by maintaining good relationships.

Mars in 10th House

Mars here creates ambitious people who pursue their goals with tremendous energy and drive. You are a natural entrepreneur and leader who isn’t afraid to take the initiative in your career. This placement may indicate success in competitive fields, sports, or positions which require courage and decisive action. Your public image often centers around your boldness and ability to get things done.

Jupiter in 10th House

This is considered a fortunate placement for career and social status. You often experience significant professional expansion and opportunities for growth. You may work in fields related to education, law, religion or international affairs. Your public image tends to be positive and expansive. With Jupiter in the 10th house, you often achieve recognition in your chosen field.

Saturn in 10th House

Saturn here indicates a serious approach to your career and reputation. Success comes through hard work, patience and by building solid foundations over time. You often face early career challenges but can achieve lasting recognition with persistence. You are likely to become an authority figure in your field and you are usually highly responsible and reliable in your professional role.

Uranus in 10th House

This placement suggests you have an unconventional career path or an innovative approach to your professional life. You often break with tradition and may change careers suddenly or work in cutting-edge industries. Your public image might be seen as eccentric or revolutionary and you often bring new ideas or methods to your profession when Uranus is here.

Neptune in 10th House

Neptune here can indicate a career involving creativity, spirituality, healing or the arts. There might be some confusion or uncertainty about your career direction, but also the potential for inspiration and intuitive understanding in professional matters. Your public image might be somewhat elusive or idealized. You often work in areas that require imagination or compassion.

Pluto in 10th House

This placement suggests you will experience profound transformations through career and public life. You often have significant power or influence in your profession and may work in fields involving research, psychology or transformation. When Pluto is in the 10th house your public image can be intense or mysterious. You frequently experience major changes in your professional life that lead to personal evolution.

Chiron in 10th House

Chiron’s placement here often indicates restoration through your career and professional life. You might work in a healing profession or help others overcome professional wounds such as being laid off. Your own business challenges often become sources of wisdom which you can share with others.

Eris in 10th House

Eris in the 10th house suggests a professional path marked by disruption and one which challenges the status quo. You find yourself drawn to careers where you can expose injustice or inequality. There may be a tendency to create discord in your professional setting, but this usually stems from a deep-seated drive to reveal uncomfortable truths. Your public reputation might be controversial, as you are not afraid to stand up against established power structures. Success comes through embracing your role as a professional provocateur or whistleblower.

Vacant 10th House

An empty 10th house in a birth chart doesn’t mean your career and public life are insignificant or non-existent, but rather that this area of life may be less complex or dramatic. The sign on the 10th house cusp (and its ruling planet) become especially important in interpreting your career matters. 

An unoccupied 10th house suggests that you are more flexible in your professional path being unburdened by any planetary urges in this area of life. You may naturally integrate various life experiences into your career journey without feeling overly defined by your profession. Consider at the Midheaven’s ruling planet’s house (the planet that rules the sign on the Midheaven) and aspects for additional insights into how career themes will manifest in charts with a vacant 10th house.

grow-your-astrology books

Book Recommendations

Here are some books on houses which may interest you.

The Twelve Houses by Howard Sasportas

Planets in Houses by Robert Pelletier

The Houses: Temples of the Sky by Deborah Houlding

The Book of Houses by Robert Cole and Paul Williams

Extend Yourself


To start to get to grips with the 10th house, open your astrology journal to new a double page spread and on the right-hand page please do the following:

  • Write “10th House” at the top.
  • List as many keywords as you can which are related to the 10th house.

Extend Yourself Further

10th House Complex

On the left-hand page begin to interpret your 10th house in your own birth chart by considering:

  • The sign on the cusp.
  • Any aspects to the cusp degree.
  • Any tenants.
  • Any points.
  • Any planets in the Midheaven Gauquelin sector.
  • Any 10th house most elevated planet
  • Write an interpretation of your personal 10th house complex (500 words).

Final Thoughts

As an astrologer, it is always useful to have a feeling about the energy being expressed through the 10th house in any chart. People are concerned about career and what they do in life, and this is a great place to start.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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2025 Astrology Events

2025 Astrology Events

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: December 2024

2025 Astrology Events

Annual Lookahead

Can you believe that we are nearing the end of the year already? Each December, or earlier in the year, I like to prepare my annual look-ahead, or horoscope if you wish, for the upcoming year. I imagine most astrologers do this. If you don’t make your own, then I urge you to consider creating a brief listing for all the astrology events that we will be talking about in 2025. You will use it for all the charts you cast in 2025 anyway. When I write horoscopes, I zoom in on three astrological indicators and they are, ingresses, stations and eclipses. And on a side note, in my own mind, I call this look ahead my ISE list or “ice” for short. It’s nice to say ice.


Sign Changes

When a planet changes from one sign to another it is called a sign ingress. Ingresses signify a shift in the planetary energy being expressed. I like to list all the ingresses for each year. However, all the superior planet’s ingresses are more momentous.


Four heavy hitting planets will ingress this year and they are Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and JupiterThis year Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter will enter cardinal signs (Aries and Cancer) and Uranus is entering the air sign GeminiThese ingresses bring the mode of cardinality to the fore.


This also means that there will be square aspects from Aries and Cancer which unfold over time. When the Sun, Mercury and Venus pass through any cardinal sign all three will form T-squares and sometimes grand crosses because the outer planets are in position. Additionally, Thor’s Hammer’s with their squares and sesquiquadrates will feature frequently too when the other planets, and the Sun’s entourage of the inferior planets, trot through Scorpio later in October.



I list the stations and retrograde periods, although not all of them are important. In 2025 every planet, including Venus (not like last year), but excluding the Sun and the Moon, will be retrograde at some point.


Stations are the days when a planet changes direction. Planets move direct then slow down and stop, the station, then move retrograde and vice versa. There are two stations, either station retrograde (SRx) or station direct (SD). Stations herald high focus days and bring a concentrated energy to particular degrees of the zodiac. If you have planets or points on a station degree, you will experience that specific station far more intensely than if you don’t have a planet or point on the station degree.


Eclipses are super important days in any year, and I pay special attention to the eclipses. I’m certainly going to mention each of the eclipses that are coming along. We will consider solar eclipses and lunar eclipses for 2025.


In 2025, they will be four eclipses, so it’s just a normal year for eclipses. For each Solar Eclipse which occurs, there is a Lunar Eclipse a fortnight beforehand.

Eclipse Seasons

This year has two eclipse seasons, the first eclipse season is in March and the second eclipse season is in September. In 2025, all four eclipses are passive either in Virgo or Pisces.

Solar Eclipses

There are two Solar Eclipses in 2025.

Lunar Eclipses

There are two Lunar Eclipses in 2025.

New Moons

In general, New Moons suggest beginnings.

Full Moons

In general, Full Moons indicate fruition.

2025 Graphic Ephemeris

January Events

January 3rd: Venus enters Pisces

This is a wonderful time to find meaningful romance. Even longstanding couples can renew their spark acquisitions on purchases may have more meaning than you originally thought. Be generous this week and it will pay off later. Finances might be a mystery during this transit, so take care to check all your payments due so as not to miss anything.

January 6th: Mars retrogrades back into Cancer from Leo

Your emotional vulnerability will once more becomes a source of strength. Mars encourages you to actively reconnect during family activities.

January 8th: Mercury enters Capricorn

Now the focus shifts to communications of a serious nature. Choose to say what must be said but be kind. There is no point in upsetting people who are not yet ready for the real truth.

January 11th: North Node enters Pisces

As the North Node enters Pisces, there will be a profound spiritual and or karmic shift of energy. This ingress may incline you tap into the compassion, intuition and emotional healing side of life. For the next 18 months, you may be called to dissolve any rigid boundaries and embrace empathy to connect with a deeper universal energy. You may find yourself more sensitive to the collective suffering of mankind. You could be drawn towards spiritual practices and feel your destiny is to rise above any ego-driven outlooks that you harbor.  The Pisces North Node suggest you can now surrender control, practice forgiveness and open yourself up to more mystical experiences.

January 19th: The Sun enters Aquarius

The life-giving Sun enters its opposite sign of Aquarius. This is not a favorable placement for the Sun. Expect issues of thwarted independence and the urge to breakout from the herd. Individuals will require support to go it alone now. The truth will be more readily seen and appreciated.

January 28th: Mercury enters Aquarius

Now good news will arrive quickly through social channels. Conversations will be heightened as information flows. In fact, here could be so much data coming at you that you miss the vital ingredients in amongst the inundation of facts. Some people may try to slip an untruth or something shady past you now.

January 30th: Uranus stations direct at 23° Taurus

Uranus has been in Taurus for a few years now and will remain so until later in the year. This brings some relief to social issues and abstract problems. This placement has a lot to say about the highly volatile global crypto market.

February Events

February 4th: Venus enters Aries

Love and money affairs become somewhat subdued, although a little rash. This is the time to hold onto your investing and wait for next month when economic activities will improve in general. Romantically, you could be attracted to more dangerous types as the temptation for hot and lusty fling is genuine.

February 4th: Jupiter stations direct at 11° Gemini

The Greater Benefic will once again move off forwards to dispense optimism and opportunity again.

February 14th: Mercury enters Pisces

Messages can be confusing so be as clear as possible. Misunderstanding may plague your days. Avoid making pronunciations that are wide reaching. You do not have all the facts clear yet. Deals that seem certain may drift apart or collapse. A picture is worth a thousand words now.

February 18th: The Sun enters Pisces

As the solar light begins to illuminate Pisces, there is an urge towards sacrifice and doing things to help others. Most Fish will be happy and contented for the next four weeks. Everyone will warm towards art and music as entertainment. Practice meditation and inner work.

February 24th: Mars stations direct in Cancer at 17° Cancer

The Red Planet now gears up for the charge forwards and the retrograde period ends. Get ready to get things done.

March Events

March 2nd: Venus stations retrograde at 10° Aries

Venus pauses and begins to go backwards in Aries where she is now doubly suppressed, once in detriment in Aries and second because she is retrograde. Love and money may become elusive now.

March 3rd: Mercury enters Aries

As Mercury enters Aries it ignites an urge for direct and often impulsive communication. Your thoughts may become rapid-fire with much verbal gushing. This transit will energize your intellectual pursuits to spark bold ideas and hot debates.  You may experience increased mental agility, quick decision-making and have a tendency to speak without carefully measuring your words.

March 14th: Lunar Eclipse 23° Virgo at the South Node

Take a pause in your headlong rush of life. The lunar eclipse in Virgo urges you to see the culmination of the details of your life.

March 15th: Mercury Stations Retrograde at 9° Aries

Avoid rash decisions now. You are likely to revisit conversations that you thought were over and done with. Anything that comes up from the last few weeks needs careful consideration.

March 20th: The Sun enters Aries

This day is the beginning of the astrological year. It heralds the start of Spring in the northern hemisphere and the start of Autumn in the southern hemisphere. Potential is high and your life-force is robust now. Initiate independent activity to best serve yourself. Choose to get out and about in the sunshine daily.

March 27th: Venus Retrogrades back into Pisces from Aries

Now there is some relief from the harsh reality of your love life.

March 29th: Solar eclipse at 9° Aries at the North Node

The solar Eclipse is at 9° Aries and will affect people birthdays this week as it will form a part of their Solar Return chart for the next year. For the rest of us, the energy of the eclipse will last for around three months. Pay close attention to anything that unfolds on eclipse day as it is likely to be a personal theme for you.

March 30th: Mercury retrogrades back into Pisces from Aries

Now your thoughts will calm down and you have the chance to apologise left, right and center.

March 30th: Neptune enters Aries

Neptune entering Aries heralds a transformative period of spiritual awakening and radical imagination. This powerful transit dissolves traditional boundaries, infusing collective consciousness with visionary energy and revolutionary potential. Idealism becomes a catalyst for profound social change, inspiring you to challenge existing systems and dream boldly. Spiritual pursuits merge with activist impulses, creating unprecedented opportunities for transformative action. Mystical insights blend with courageous innovation, encouraging humanity to reimagine reality through a lens of compassionate, transformative vision.

April Events

April 7th: Mercury stations direct at 26° Pisces

Mercury again moves forward.

April 13th: Venus stations direct at 24° Pisces

Venus again moves forward.

April 16th: Mercury enters Aries

Good ideas will probably pop into your head as Mercury enters Aries. The knack will be to assess and filter the good concepts from the not so good. Give yourself time to pause before taking. Action. Anticipate that the urge to make snap decisions may get you in hot water. If in doubt, sleep on it. This is the time to talk things through ahead of time.

April 18th: Mars enters Leo

Mars enters Leo for the second time and now lots of energy will be put toeards creating practices.

April 19th: The Sun enters Taurus

As the Sun enters the sign of the Bull, situations and relationships begin to stabilize. The excessive energy of previous weeks now gives way to a steadier and sustainable pace. Make sure your heart is in everything you do. If you need more time, slow things down and do not allow yourself to be rushed as sure and steady wins the race.

April 30th: Venus enters Aries

Love and money affairs become somewhat subdued, although a little rash. This is the time to hold onto your investing and wait for next month when economic activities will improve in general. Romantically, you could be attracted to more dangerous types as the temptation for hot and lusty fling is genuine.



May 4th: Pluto stations retrograde at 3° Aquarius

This station will affect anyone with a birthday between 21st to 25th of January as Pluto will be conjunct your Sun. This will tap into your Solar Return forecast and will probably be the biggest transit for the year for you as it overshadows everything else. Powerful transformative energy is available now.

May 10th: Mercury enters Taurus

Start the conversation around you are paying hourly rates now cut back on your overheads and find a place where you can. To live with a lower financial footprint. Broker deals for high ticket possessions that you want. Be ready to pay what things are worth. Avoid bargaining the life out of every purchase. Tip others and those who serve you well.

May 20th: The Sun enters Gemini

The solar light beams from the sign of the Twins for four weeks to illuminate all duality in life. The concept of good and evil and night and day will be in people’s hearts. We cannot be one thing without containing seeds of the opposite. Acknowledge that there are multiple features to situations and various faces to people.

May 25th: Saturn enters Aries

Saturn entering Aries marks a profound restructuring of your personal boundaries, ambition, and self-determination. This transit challenges people to build disciplined foundations for long-term goals, demanding strategic planning and mature self-leadership. Structured transformation becomes important as it pushes you to confront your limitations, develop resilience and create some sustainability. Now collective structures, like governments, will be tested and compel us to restructure any long-term institutional frameworks which have been in place for ages.

May 26th: Mercury enters Gemini

Now conversations really heat up. Discuss everything. Explore your ideas and opinions with others. This is the time to gather information, make sales and purchase important goods and services. You can do the numbers to confidently sign on the dotted line. Share your views.


June 6th: Venus enters Taurus

Loving Venus goes home to Taurus this month. Now is the moment to establish your financial future. Budgets and spending plans will be of benefit now. This is a suitable time to evaluate your life and the people with whom you invest your time and energy. Enjoying meaningful moments with special loved ones in this period.

June 8th Mercury enters Cancer

There will be much a conversation surrounding important things that really. Matter. Big decisions about your residents can be aired now. This is the moment for clear discussions. You will do well to listen closely to everyone who lives in your home, fears and concerns. Avoid assuming you know how they feel.

June 9th: Jupiter enters Cancer

Jupiter entering Cancer on June 9, 2025, signals a profound emotional renaissance. This transit amplifies nurturing energies, expanding familial connections and emotional intelligence. Collective consciousness shifts toward compassionate understanding, healing intergenerational wounds, and creating deeper emotional safety. Your intuitive wisdom will flourish, transforming both your personal and collective approaches to vulnerability, your home and intimate relationships. Emotional abundance becomes a powerful catalyst for personal and spiritual growth.

June 17th: Mars enters Virgo

When Mars enters Virgo on June 17th it ignites a precision-driven surge of productive energy. This ingress will channel martial force into methodical action, to emphasize your detailed problem-solving, practical improvements and systematic approach to your personal and professional goals. Analytical capabilities are likely to sharpen and transforming any raw ambition into strategic, carefully executed plans. Efficiency becomes paramount, with people driven to refine skills, optimize processes and pursue perfectionist ideals with clinical determination.

June 21st: Sun enters Cancer

The summer solstice in the northern hemisphere and the winter solstice in the southern is a turning point in the year. Themes of circling the wagons and preservation of family will be strong. Focus on your foundations and thank those who really support you. There is an air of quiet confidence now.

June 26th: Mercury enters Leo

Open your mind for some fun conversation as you meet interesting people. You do not have to be bosom buddies with everyone. Now you will be discerning about with whom you choose to associate. Try to be one of the team as there is a mutually creative theme to group dynamics.



July 4th: Venus enters Gemini

Now you can see two sides to your loved ones, and you may not enjoy both. People are likely to show another face of their personality, especially to loving partners. Double check all financial accounting as you might suppose your credit limit unknowingly.

July 4th: Neptune stations retrograde at 2 Aries

This is a time for a pause. You may do well to rest and reflect but don’t spend too much time swinging in a hammock sipping a pina colada without getting anything done. Your muse may arrive at any time and the best ideas need to be captured either as sketches or words in your dream book.

July 7th: Uranus enters Gemini

As Uranus enters Gemini it unleashes a revolutionary communication revolution. This transit disrupts traditional information networks, sparking radical technological innovations, unconventional learning paradigms and transformative intellectual exchanges. Mental boundaries dissolve as collective consciousness embraces unprecedented connectivity, algorithmic breakthroughs and dynamic communication systems. Intellectual rebellion flourishes, challenging established knowledge structures and catalyzing explosive creative thinking across global platforms.

July 13th: Saturn stations retrograde at 1° Aries

This indicates there is a new way of looking at what you are trying to achieve in life. Take time to pause and think about your next strategic move. The plan you had before may need tweaking as you move forwards. Use this moment to seriously review things which you are trying to realize.

July 18th: Mercury stations retrograde at 15° Leo

Avoid dramatic decisions now. You are likely to revisit conversations that you thought were over and done with. Anything that comes up from the last few weeks needs careful consideration.

July 22nd: The Sun enters Leo

Get ready for some creative fun and play. Take time for leisure activities and focus on what makes you happy. Use this dynamic celestial energy of the Sun in Leo to do something that warms your heart and the souls of others. Be generous of spirit and you will experience contentment. Now you can easily find joy in ordinary tasks.

July 31st: Venus enters Cancer

As Venus enters the sign of the Crab many people’s financial situations can be helped by a more frugal approach. Romance will be closer to home now. Look to people you live with and those who visit your place for amorous encounters.

August Events

August 8th: Mars enters Libra

Mars is in detriment in Libra which this slows the energy drive of the Red Plane down. Anticipate a lack of vigor in the relationship department and some lack lustre action in general.

August 11th: Mercury stations direct at 4° Leo.

You can anticipate clearer thinking and solutions to creative problems will come easier than before. Decisions can be made now if you are honest about your motives. In general, this is a positive time.

August 22nd: The Sun enters Virgo

This is a time when the little things in life can become big deals. Pay attention to all details and this month will be smooth for you. If you choose to be kind and considerate the world will serve you well. Modesty is everything now.

August 25th: Venus enters Leo

Now there is a shift of energy as you look for creative solutions around your love affairs. If you are single, you will be more open to a romantic encounter. It may not get heavy immediately as this is the time to play it cool. If you are in a meaningful relationship, this. Will bring more heart to the affair. You can now engage yourself wholeheartedly with your fun-loving partner.

September Events

September 2nd Mercury enters Virgo

Now you can focus on the nitty gritty of life. All the little things will have great emphasis. Now your mind will burst with innumerable ideas. You may wish to start a journal to capture every brilliant thought.

September 6th Uranus stations retrograde at 1° Gemini.

This annual station of Uranus indicates a time to pause for a moment with innovation and originality. If you are launching something new or fashionable than take the time for consideration before pushing forward with your plans or chucking in the towel before you have fully explored all your options.

September 7th Lunar Eclipse at 15° Pisces at the North Node

The mid-month Lunar Eclipse occurs at the North Node indicating there are things being brought in towards us. This signals a time when you can see the fruits of your labours either good or bad it depends on what you have been working towards earlier in the year. Intuition is at an all-time high so tune in to what is going on and don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

September 18th Mercury enters Libra

You will hear some positive news this period. All collaborative partnerships are favored for the next few weeks. The act of affiliating with others in different ways will be the best use of this planetary energy. Pay attention to all messages from your life partner and make sure you give them enough time to say what has to be said.

September 19th: Venus enters Virgo

This is not the best placement for Venus, the last planet, as there can be a tendency to pick on your love interest. Although you can clearly see their imperfections, you must ask yourself if nitpicking and complaining is worth straining your relationship for.

September 21st: Solar Eclipse 29° Virgo at the South Node

This is a time for initiating work of all kinds. There is a window of around three months where this eclipse has influence. Pay close attention to what unfolds on the day of the eclipse as this will set the tone for the next quarter. If your birthday is within the week of this eclipse this influence will stay with you longer than for other people.

September 22nd Mars enters Scorpio

Mars entering Scorpio unleashes intense, transformative energy. This ingress awakens primal passion, diving deep into emotional landscapes with surgical precision. Your psychological barriers crumble as your raw desire meets strategic power. People will experience heightened intuition, profound emotional intelligence and the capacity to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics with extraordinary depth. Sexual and creative energies are likely to merge and reveal hidden motivations to push for personal alteration.

September 22nd: The Sun enters Libra

At the equinox equilibrium returns if only for a short while. There is an urge to find win-win situations and most people will be happy with some negotiations up to a degree. Avoid trying to please everyone as you never can. Focus on appeasing those folks who are near and dear to you.


October 6th Mercury enters Scorpio

Expect to be discussing private matters. Others are likely to tell you excruciatingly intimate information that you wish you had never heard. Watch out about giving your powers away through providing too much information to all and sundry.

October 13th Venus enters Libra

Love is in the air. If you are single, there is a good chance you will meet a potential partner now. If you are already in a committed relationship, you can expect meaningful connections with your partner. Offer stylish and elegant gifts to your loved ones as they will appreciate the gesture.

October 14th Pluto stations direct. At 1° Aquarius

Pluto moves off the station in a forward motion again. This will bring some relief for Scorpio Ascendant people as their chart ruler is moving in a positive way again. Not much will occur now as the big shift of energy will be next month. Look to put old issues and situations to rest.

October 23rd the Sun and to Scorpio

This is the time of the year for intense connections. You want to reach people on a deeper level. This can expose some old bones which can either be raked over once more or reburied to chew over on another day. The choice is yours. Pick you battles carefully as there is limited emotional energy around now.

October 29th Mercury enters Sagittarius

Keep up-to-date with emails and make sure everyone knows what is going on. You could meet potentially a life-changing person who perhaps will be as a guru, coach or guide for you. Always maintain an open mind as you navigate multiple conversations which spark your curiosity.


November 4th: Mars enters Sagittarius

The month starts with a bang as Mars enters Sagittarius. This ingress electrifies action with expansive adventure. It may unleashe bold, philosophical energy, propelling people toward grand explorations, intellectual conquests and transformative experiences. Restless enthusiasm drives dynamic risk-taking, to challenge your personal limitations and expand your horizons. Philosophical passion is likely to merge with any courageous impetus to inspire a thoughtful journey and the possibility of your further spiritual discovery.

November 6th Venus enters Scorpio

Get ready for some deep and even dangerous romantic liaisons. Temptation will be around every corner and your faithfulness can be challenged now. New romances will begin deep and daring. Avoid adding more unwanted debt to your credit cards. Pay back financial commitments now.

November 9th. Mercury stations retrograde at 5° Sagittarius

Mercury is strong now and will create the urge to revisit, return and replace people, situations and stuff.

November 11th Jupiter stations retrograde at 25° Cancer

This suggests a time for scaling back on your most outrageous plans and getting realistic about what you can and cannot achieve. If you have over committed yourself in the past now you may have to rescind offers to do things or help others. This time can be a reality check.

November 19th: Mercury retrogrades back into Scorpio from Sagittarius

Again, expect to be discussing private matters. Others are likely to tell you excruciatingly intimate information that you wish you had never heard. Watch out about giving your powers away by providing too much personal information to all and sundry.

November 22nd: the Sun enters Sagittarius

The urge to be free and explore the world is strong now. All travel is favored. Educate yourself about something interesting, so you will in turn, be more fascinating this month.

November 28th: Saturn stations direct at 25° Pisces

Now you are more likely to hatch a plot. However, you need to be a little constrained in your vision to find something that is both achievable and practical. Have a dream by all means, but add a dash of reality to all projects which you launch now.

November 29th Mercury stations direct at 20° Scorpio

Ideas released and can develop to their full potential. They may not be acted upon just yet, but the concepts can be thrashed out and firmed up. Discuss opinions and listen more than you speak

November 30th Venus enters Sagittarius

You could find yourself blowing through your budget in a simply spectacular way. Impulse purchases will be tempting. In the last two weeks of October expect some larger expenses to pop up, which you can probably cope with if you curbed any unnecessary splurging earlier in the month.


December the 10th Neptune stations direct at 29 Pisces

Neptune is flowing in the right direction. Anticipate a clearer impression of life and some transparency and insights about things left unsaid. Atmospheres will be easier to interpret now.

December 11th Mercury enters Sagittarius

Keep up-to-date with emails and make sure everyone knows what is going on. You could meet potentially a life-changing person who perhaps will be as a guru, coach or guide for you. Always maintain an open mind as you navigate multiple conversations which spark your curiosity.

December 15th Mars enters Capricorn

The Red Planet’s energies mesh well in the sign of the Sea-goat as the principles of drive (Mars) and ambition (Capricorn) combine in a supportive manner. We also note that Mars is exalted here. If you have a Capricorn Sun or Ascendant, you will get a burst of energy as Mars rolls through.

December 21st Sun enters Capricorn

As the Sun enters Capricorn it is the solstice. This day is called Saturnalia after Saturn the ruler of Capricorn. You need to get all outside festivities over with so you can concentrate on those special people who are your closest allies. Assess this year’s achievements and plot your strategy for 2026.

December 24th Venus enters Capricorn

Expressions of love will be in shorter supply now. The urge o splurge has well and truly gone. Conserve your money at all costs.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Pluto Transits Change Lives

Pluto Transits Change Lives

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: November 2024

Pluto Transits Change Lives

Often astrology jogs along with not much happening. Moons come and go, the Sun trots thorough the signs in a predictable manner and Mercury and Venus follow suit. But now and then big things happen. This week we will witness the most important shift of planetary energy for a while. The biggest ingress this year is the final move of Pluto into Aquarius on November 19, 2024. Pluto has recently dallied in and out of the sign of the Water Bearer for many months. Pluto will be in Aquarius until 2043. It leaves Capricorn for Aquarius not to return to this sign for about 240 years. Let’s just get a refresh about the themes that Pluto brings to our charts.

How Pluto Transits Change Lives

Transformation and Rebirth

In astrology, Pluto is associated with several significant themes many of which are life changing and deeply personal. Pluto is linked to profound, sometimes difficult life transitions that lead to personal growth or renewal for us mere mortals. I like to use the analogy of the caterpillar to a butterfly to express Pluto’s effect on people’s lives.

Sequence of Transformation


Here are some of my ideas on the sequence of events which unfolds as transiting Pluto makes an aspect to a natal planet. The conjunction is the strongest, but oppositions and squares (especially to the natal Sun or the chart ruler) can wreak havoc for some people as their whole life faces upheaval.


Step 1: Initiation

Enters Pre-shadow: First contact (direct)

The caterpillar, content in its current form, represents our initial state. Plutonian energy comes into play. This is the first indication of the transit of Pluto. Things that begin to unfold now are indicators of what will be transformed by the full transit of Pluto.

Step 2: Dissolution

Station Retrograde

The caterpillar enters the chrysalis and begins to break down. This mirrors Pluto’s association with endings and letting go of old forms. It can be uncomfortable or even feel like a “death” of sorts. This is a turning point and things begin to decay.

Step 3: Unseen Transformation

Retrograde Period: Second Exact Contact (Rx)

Inside the chrysalis, the caterpillar undergoes a profound change. This hidden process reflects Pluto’s connection to the unconscious and unseen forces at work beneath the surface. This reversed energy suggests the time needed to break down old patterns, relationships and attitudes before something new can spark.

Step 4: The Struggle

Station Direct

The butterfly must struggle to emerge from the chrysalis, building strength for its new life. This point, the station, parallels the challenges often associated with Plutonian transformations. Now is the first peek of the potential outcome of the transit, but things can still change.

Step 5: Emergence

Third Contact (Direct)

Finally, the butterfly emerges as a completely new form with new capabilities. This represents the rebirth and renewal aspect of Pluto. The final direct pass is the time when what has changed over the period gone before, can be seen. There is likely to be a new order. Transformations that occurred recently are likely to be completed now.

Step 6: New Perspective

Clears the After-shadow

The butterfly can now fly, to see the world from a whole new vantage point. This symbolizes the profound shift in perspective that often accompanies Plutonian experiences. Just as the caterpillar could never imagine its future as a butterfly, Plutonian transformations are often seen as taking us beyond what we thought possible, through a process that may be challenging, but it ultimately leads to growth and a new way of being.

I use this caterpillar/butterfly analogy to help illustrate why Pluto, despite its association with difficult experiences, is not seen as wholly negative, but rather it can be a catalyst for necessary and beneficial change.

5-Hit Transits

Note that Pluto will make a 3-hit transit direct-retrograde-direct. However, it frequently makes a 5-hit transit to any point in the natal chart, direct-retrograde-direct-retrograde-direct. If this is the case, the transformation takes longer. The highs and lows can be expected at the third and fourth exact contacts. If this is your client’s chart, you need to carefully speak about the roller-coaster ride that they are on if Pluto is closely transiting their chart.


Pluto Keywords


This planet is associated with issues of power dynamics, manipulation and the struggle for control both internal and external.


Pluto represents hidden aspects of your psyche, repressed memories and deep-seated psychological patterns.

Intensity and Depth

Pluto’s energy is intense, passionate and focused on getting to the core of matters.

Death and Regeneration

Symbolically, Pluto represents the cycle of ending and new beginnings, both literally and metaphorically.

Sexuality and Intimacy

Pluto is linked to the more primal aspects of sexuality and deep emotional connections.

Healing and Catharsis

The process of confronting and overcoming deep-seated issues is often attributed to Plutonian influence.

Obsession and Compulsion

Pluto is sometimes associated with obsessive behaviors and the drive to pursue something at all costs.

Collective Movements

On a larger time scale, Pluto is often interpreted as influencing generational shifts and societal transformations.

In natal charts, Pluto’s position by house indicates areas of life where you might experience intense focus, transformative experiences, or power struggles.


Dwarf Planet

Pluto was discovered in 1930 and was considered the ninth planet until 2006 when Pluto was demoted from being a main solar system planet to being reclassified as a dwarf planet. At the same time Ceres, an asteroid, was upgraded to dwarf planet status alongside Pluto. This was a time when many conventional astrologers started to work with Ceres into their charts. The unusual orbit was one factor that led to its reclassification as a dwarf planet. This reclassification sparked debates about the definition of a planet that continue to this day.



Pluto’s average distance from the Sun is about 3.7 billion miles (5.9 billion km), though this varies significantly due to its elliptical orbit.

Orbital Period

Pluto takes approximately 248 years to complete one orbit around the Sun.

Elliptical Shape

Pluto’s orbit is highly elliptical compared to the planets. At its closest approach (perihelion), back in the 1980s it was actually nearer to the Sun than Neptune.


The orbit is tilted about 17° relative to the plane of the ecliptic.

Pluto’s Moons


Pluto’s largest moon is called Charon and was discovered in 1978. Named after the mythological ferryman who carried souls across the river Styx to the underworld. Pluto has four other minor moons Nix, Hydra, Kerberos and Styx, which are all much smaller than Charon.


Orbital resonance is a gravitational phenomenon where two orbiting bodies exert periodic gravitational influence on each other. In the case of Pluto and Neptune, their 2:3 resonance is a fascinating example of celestial mechanics at work.

Resonance Ratio

The 2:3 ratio means that for every two orbits Pluto completes around the Sun, Neptune completes three orbits. This creates a repeating pattern of gravitational interactions and we astrologers love a pattern.

Orbital periods

Neptune’s orbital period is approximately 164.8 Earth years. Pluto’s orbital period is approximately 248.1 Earth years. The ratio of these periods is very close to 2:3 (248.1 / 164.8 ≈ 1.5).


This resonance helps stabilize Pluto’s orbit over long periods. Despite crossing Neptune’s orbit, the resonance ensures they’re never in the same place at the same time, preventing potential collisions.


Pluto’s orbit “librates” or oscillates around a mean position relative to Neptune. This means the exact point where Pluto crosses Neptune’s orbit shifts over time, but in a predictable pattern.

Historical Significance

The discovery of this resonance in 1964 by Cohen and Hubbard helped explain why Pluto, despite its irregular orbit, hadn’t been gravitationally disrupted by Neptune over billions of years.



The myth of Pluto primarily refers to the ancient Roman god of the underworld, who was known as Hades in Greek mythology.


Pluto was one of the children of Saturn (Cronus in Greek mythology) and Ops (Rhea). He was brother to Jupiter (Zeus) and Neptune (Poseidon).


After the defeat of the Titans, the world was divided among the three brothers Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto. Pluto received dominion over the underworld, the realm of the dead.


He is often depicted as a strict, bearded man holding a scepter or cornucopia. Pluto is associated with wealth, as precious metals like gold and platinum come from beneath the earth. This figure is usually portrayed as cold and stern, but not inherently evil.

The Abduction of Persephone

Pluto’s most famous myth involves his abduction of Persephone, daughter of Ceres (Demeter), to be his wife. This led to the creation of the seasons in mythology.

Orpheus and Eurydice

In this tale, the musician Orpheus descends to the underworld to retrieve his wife. Pluto is moved by Orpheus’s music and allows Eurydice to return under certain conditions.


Your Clients

As an astrologer in 2024, you need to understand what Pluto represents and where is will be over the next few years as it creeps forward through Aquarius. Anyone with planets or points in the first five degrees of Aquarius will get a conjunction from Pluto. Anyone with planets or points in the first five degrees of Leo will get an opposition from Pluto. Anyone with planets in the early degrees of Taurus and Scorpio will get a square from Pluto.

My Chart

For me, Pluto will oppose my Ascendant shortly. I can’t say I’m looking forward to this aspect. But what I can do is prepare myself for the inevitable transformations that will no doubt occur in my appearance and personal presentation.


Premium Astrology Newsletter

This piece originally appeared in our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter. As with every issue, subscribers received a complimentary PDF download related to this topic.

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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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This page covers all the upcoming presentations and events with Alison Price, professional astrology coach and podcaster..


Planetary Complexes

Insights Into Important Planets

with Alison Price

Friday, June 6th, 2025 – 7pm to 8pm

Predinner: 5:30pm, White Spot Restaurant, SW Marine Drive, Vancouver

Venue: The Astrologer’s Den, 1100-1200 West 73rd Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V6P 6G5

Planetary Complexes Overview

Every chart contains planets, but not all the planets will be as effective in one person’s chart as they are in another. Working with planetary complexes is an effective way to determine which planets step forward and have a lot to say in a chart, and which planets do not. Analyzing planetary complexes is a method of interpreting a chart that every aspiring astrologer needs to know.

Intermediate astrology.

Bring your chart.

Summer Astrology Workshop

Under the auspices of the Sunshine Coast Astrology Group

July 26th, 2025 – 10:30am to noon

Venue: Rockwell Lodge, Seshelt, BC, Canada

Topic TBA

with Toby Aldren

Topic TBA

with Alison Price

Beginner astrology.

Bring your chart.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

Managing Client Expectations

Managing Client Expectations

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: November 2024

Client Expectations

When starting or running your astrology business, one of the most crucial skills you can develop is managing your client expectations. Clients often come to us seeking definitive answers about their future or quick fixes to life’s problems. As astrologers, we walk a delicate line between illuminating potential paths and avoiding overpromising. In this week’s newsletter I want to share my thoughts on the challenge of client expectation management and offer you some practical tips that have worked for me in the past.

Jupiter vs Saturn

Great expectations are shown by Jupiter in your chart and what you actually get is shown by Saturn. We all know that these two planets play a role and have their place, but in the realm of client expectations your customer wants Jupiter and you have to tell them they’re getting Saturn.

Expectation 1

People want fame, fortune, clever kids, beauty, hope, longevity and the perfect mate – Jupiter. The astrologer sees stress, oppositions, constraints and a natal promise that suggests otherwise – Saturn.

Expectation 2

People want a five-hour reading covering everything in their life and constant phone follow up calls for months – Jupiter. The astrologer provides a one-hour session within certain parameters with a focused topic approach and limited follow up – Saturn.

Expectation 3

People want good news – Jupiter. The astrologer carefully explains about the transiting Pluto square their natal Sun which they have in orb for the next 12 months – Saturn.


I’m not saying give bad news, what I am saying is you need to control your client’s expectations before the session so they are ready for what you have to say. Tell them you possibly can’t see pots of money, a vigorous lover, a new job, or (God help us) their death. Rather tell them that you can see potential energy, opportunities, trends, support and openings which suggest certain situations, people, emotions and attitudes that are indicated to unfold for them. Always avoid specifics.



What You Offer

Not every astrologer will offer the same services and by services, I mean types of consultations. The options for astrological services are varied here are some examples:

  • Natal chart reading
  • Printed written natal report
  • Transit reading
  • Relocation reading
  • Trauma reading
  • Solar return reading
  • Love reading for two people
  • Children’s reading
  • Parent child reading
  • Rectification service
  • Career counselling
  • Party style group readings
  • Mid-life crisis reading
  • 20-minute on-the-spot reading
  • Health and wellbeing reading

The list goes on. What you can offer will depend on what you know most about and feel comfortable doing. In my time as an astrologer over the years, I’ve offered all the above at different times, but that’s changed now. I’ll explain in a moment.

Multiple Choice

The problem with offering too many things is that it becomes confusing for your potential clients to choose. Studies have shown that we struggle to decide when offered too many choices through overchoice.


Astrologese refers to the specialized language and terminology that we use in astrology. It’s the inside words we use like transit, antiscia, solar return and retrograde. It’s the jargon of our craft. While you can happily talk astrology at your local astrology group or an online astrology forum, the general public can quickly be turned off or confused with too much astrologese especially at the beginning. Many astrological concepts sound complex or mystical to those people (your potential clients) who are unfamiliar with then.

Keep it Simple

Say you offer forecasting and have two different services one called “Transit Reading” and other “Solar Return Reading.” Mrs. Average does not know the difference between transits and solar returns and so she can’t choose. But that’s not the worst part, she doesn’t know that it means forecasting or predicting the future in the first place. The worst part is, she passes on you and moves to the next astrology website that is simpler and speaks to her.


Option 1: General

Only offer three choices. For example, if you do general astrology:

  • Birth Chart Reading
  • 12-month Forecast Reading
  • Love Life for Couples Reading


This list is quite clear and everyone can understand what they are signing up for.

Option 2: Specialized

Your specialized area if you have one. For example, if you do health care related astrology:

  • General Health and Vitality Reading for Peak Wellbeing.
  • Mental Health and Dependency Recovery Strategy Reading.
  • Optimal Exercise and Diet Reading for Your Health.


Here you are reinforcing your hard-won advanced astrology skills in a certain area – health. You are setting yourself apart from the generalist astrologers out there in the wild.

Option 3: Time

Here you offer options for a quick in-and-out reading. Your potential customer can choose a short to the point reading. For example, if you only do natal chart work.

  • Mini Reading for everyone (15 minutes).
  • Midi Reading for everyone (30-minutes).
  • Maxi reading for everyone (60-minutes).


This is a brilliant way to get them into your ecosystem before they have to invest more time and money than they feel comfortable doing.

Ask Questions

Why Ask Questions?

You wouldn’t go to a doctor with a headache and say, “Give me a general examination and see if you can find the problem.” Your doc wouldn’t have a chance and you’d think she was no good and worst, you’d tell everyone you met about how Dr. Doolittle was useless. It’s the same for astrologers and their clients. You need to ask questions of your client before you cast the chart.


If my potential client says, “Tell me about my chart!” I tend to refuse to do the reading and suggest they ask a Facebook group. Ny them answering your questions it makes them think about what they really want to know. You can be on thin ice if you cover everything that the chart shows you, all in the space of one hour.


If you don’t know what they expect, you can’t deliver a worthwhile reading for them. The goal is to have happy customers who sing your praises afterwards. You don’t want clients who say you were not much good because they were worried about their dying mother or their floundering marriage and you didn’t speak about it to them.

What to Ask

What is your full name?

What is your birth time?

What is your birth date?

What is your birthplace?

Where did you get this birth time?

Where do you live now?

What is the focus of your consultation?

How do you think I can help you?

What are you looking for in this reading?

Have you been to an astrologer before?

Did someone refer you to me?

How to Ask Questions

I think there are three ways to ask question of your clients.


Verbally ask them if you see them face-to-face when they book a session with you. This is dangerous because they can change their mind and forget what they said. This also is a problem with getting the birth data because they can easily say April and you write down August. Or they say 6/7/1975 which can be seen as 6th of July 1975 or 7th of June 1975 depending on where they live. In the USA the month comes before the day and in the UK the day comes before the month. Tricky, tricky. It happens.


You can email them a page with all your questions on it that they have to fill in before the session. The issue here is that they never actually complete the form and the booked consultation date looms large and you still don’t have a focus for the session.


Ask the question at the time of booking. I use the Calendly booking system where I can pre ask the questions I want to before they can make the booking. They can’t book a session unless they’ve answered the questions. You can see my bookings page hereThere are other online booking programs and I urge you to check them out.


Friends and Family

You need to be quite clear on your privacy and by privacy, I mean that you’re going to keep their chart confidential, and your mouth shut. This often comes up if you do charts for clients and then they refer their sister in for reading. They’re worried that you’re going to tell their sister what went on in their own session with you.

Astrological Community

Many of your clients will actually come from the astrological community. They are often hobbyists or junior astrologers and may find you at the local astrology group. And they need to know that when you are doing their chart, you’re not going to start discussing it at the dinner table afterwards. You have to be incredibly clear in your privacy policy that you do not discuss their chart with anybody. Not with their husband or wife. Not with their mother. Not with your friends. Not with your mutual friends. Not with anybody.

Privacy Statement.

You need to have a privacy statement already written out on your website that you can link to if anybody wants to know. I never discuss charts I have worked on with anybody. None of their family, none of my friends, no one in the astrological community, I don’t even discuss it with people in my house. It is absolutely confidential what is spoken about in my astrological consultation room. Don’t do it. Don’t discuss other people’s charts with other people. It’s a total no no.



Early in my astrological career, I was doing consultations and I casually said to my clients, well if you got any questions, you can give me a ring. This worked fine for quite a long time because nobody really gave me a ring. But then one day I had a client who did call me. She called me on the telephone at home early on a Sunday morning and woke up my whole family. In the following week, she called me three times in the evenings just as we were sitting down to dinner. I took the call. What could I do?

The final straw was when she knocked at my front door one Saturday morning, just as my husband and four young kids and I we’re going to go out on a picnic. It was at this point that I told her I could no longer support her in this manner. I suggested she make another appointment for a consultation so we can discuss all her fears. Now this is a particularly extreme example, but it does happen.


The way to handle too much after contact is to be quite clear about how your clients can contact you after a consultation or even if they can at all. You need to tell them which methods you are happy to accept.

For example, I’m happy to respond to emails from clients that I’ve had within thirty days after the reading. I give this period because people need time to think about what was said and mull it over as maybe there were bits that weren’t quite clear. After the thirty days have passed, I really can’t remember the birth chart. So, I have to go back to my records, dig the chart out, look it up, read my notes and get back into the feel of what the chart was all about and this all then becomes work for me. 

I only return emails during business days. So, if I get an e-mail from you on a Friday evening (within the 30-day period), I’m not going to get to it till Monday morning. But this is quite clear, I’ve spelt it out ahead of time and in this way, I have managed my client expectations.

What I Offer


In the past I have offered a myriad of astrological services. You name it and I’ve offered it. But what I’ve found is that people really only want two things from me, to get their chart read and to learn more astrology. I also taught formal classes for beginner, intermediate and advanced students for years and years. So last year I trimmed down my offerings to only two. Yes, I know I said 3 offerings earlier on for you, but I’ve tightened it up for my clients.


For Everyone

I offer a one-hour comprehensive consultation which covers natal and forecast. This is for anyone in the general public and people who are new to astrology. In the consultation I don’t use astrologese. They get to choose the main focus of the reading and we go from there.

I prepare all the charts I’ll use like the natal chart, solar return chart, secondary progressed chart, solar arc directed chart, bi-wheels, eclipses and graphic ephemeris. I immerse myself in their chart beforehand and make sure I’m ready. I give my attention on their chosen focus and double check everything, birth time, birth date, transit times and stations. No waffle.

Check out my consultations.


For Astrologers

I also offer one-hour astrological coaching sessions for aspiring astrologers. People who use this service are individuals just like you reading this email. They are astrology students and professionals who want some help tweaking their own readings, filling in knowledge gaps, focusing in on specific parts of interpretation like the dispositor tree or antiscia or how to read a graphic ephemeris, or managing their astrology business. My coaching service has superseded the formal classes I used to teach. I changed this because people just don’t have the time to sit through months of classes as they want to get going.

Additionally, people were coming to me and saying I just want the transit class and not the solar arc directions class, or I just want the lunar nodes class and not the Mayan long count calendar class. These classes being referred to were built into my main courses of 16 classes purchased in a bundle. It just made sense to offer spot learning for my clients which is now available in the coaching I offer where they can get to pick and choose what they want to focus on. Now it may be different for you.

Peer Review

Most people who come to me for coaching can already read a chart and they are frequently starting to read charts for others. These good folks want me to go over their interpretations and analysis and offer some advice on what they missed or what is important. To get peer review, they send me the already calculated charts, natal and forecast notes and we go from there. It’s like having someone looking over your shoulder to help you along. I give my ideas and insights on what to focus on and answer their specific questions regarding their client’s charts to help them provide the best astrology consultation they can.

Check out my coaching



Managing your client expectations can help your astrology business thrive as you provide a better service and your clients think you are great. We like to complain, it’s a human condition (thank you Mercury). Studies have shown that a happy customer will promote you and your services to five people, but a dissatisfied customer will bad mouth you nine people. We all make mistakes, I certainly have in the past, but with some forethought you can minimize unfavorable client reviews and impressions. These are just a few ideas I have about managing client expectations which I believe you will find helpful.


Premium Astrology Newsletter

This piece originally appeared in our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter. As with every issue, subscribers received a complimentary PDF download related to this topic.

For those interested in receiving such in-depth articles directly upon release, we encourage you to join our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter.

Your subscription to Starzlife not only grants you access to exclusive content but also helps sustain our creative endeavors and operational costs.

Find out more about Starzlife here.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year

As a Western astrologer, it’s valuable to have a basic understanding of other zodiac systems, such as the Chinese Lunar New Year and its animal symbolism.

Seasonal Sessions

Seasonal Sessions

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: November 2024

Seasonal Sessions

For Starzlife Premium Subscribers

As a benefit of being a Starzlife premium subscriber you are welcome to attend my online Seasonal Sessions. The Seasonal Sessions are an online Zoom presentation on some aspect (pardon the pun) of astrology. This is free to premium subscribers of my Starzlife newsletter.


There will be one session four times a year or every season. That means there will be one event in Winter, Spring, Summer and the Autumn of each year. My plan is for this occasion to occur on the first Tuesday of each season’s middle month, so that will be in the months of February, May, August and November. This aligns loosely with the four Cross Quarter Days when the Sun is around 15° of the Fixed signs. I plan to present all the sessions from 6pm to 7pm on Pacific time zone.

Topic Requests

I want to provide you with what you are looking for and so I’m inviting you to help request the topics for the sessions. If you are a Starzlife premium subscriber you get to choose which astrology topics you’d like to see at the Starzlife Seasonal Sessions starting later this year.

Spring Seasonal Session

I have the first Spring Seasonal Session is planned for the 6th of May, 2025. More info to follow.

These events will depend on reader response. If not enough people are interested I won’t present the session.

Please let me know if you are a paid subscriber to Starzlife and if you are interested in attended Seasonal Sessions.


I will prepare a Keynote (like a PowerPoint) presentation about a particular topic in astrology. I hope there will be time for Question-and-Answer segment at the end. I think each session may be limited to 10 participants, but we’ll see what the response is.

No Recording

I want to make these events a safe place for people. Therefore, I will not record these sessions for personal privacy reasons. However, I may make the presentation itself available on YouTube later excluding the Zoom input.


For those who are interested, a Zoom link will be emailed to you a few days beforehand. 

Past Sessions

As this initiative grows, the links will be put to the past sessions below here. So that’s something to look forward to.


As this is the first time we’re doing this, things may change, so please bear with me. I’m not sure how things will go as you know this newsletter is a relatively new initiative which I started back in September 2024.

I have dreams and aspirations for these Seasonal Sessions, but we will see how it goes. Let me know if you have any questions.



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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Uranus in the Signs

Uranus in the Signs

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: December 2024

Uranus in the Signs

This week I’m once more turning my attention to a planet that I really like and that is Uranus and specifically Uranus in the signs. Uranus rules astrology and as such is always a pleasure. Huh? Well maybe not a pleasure but certainly a planet of interest to astrologers. Let’s take a look.


When prominent in a birth chart by position or conjunction to the Sun, Moon or chart ruler, Uranus can indicate someone who is unconventional, eccentric and eager to challenge the status quo. Uranian energy is inventive, progressive and always looking new ways of doing things. However, the energy can also manifest as seemingly erratic, impulsive and be resistant to tradition.

I say seemingly as its clear to the person doing the thing, but not to the onlookers. Uranus is the planet of innovation, disruption and sudden change. It represents, among other things, the drive for individuality, freedom and progress. Uranus embodies the drive for freedom, progress and radical transformation on both the personal and the collective level. Its energies can bring excitement, but also disruption and unpredictability into your life.


Uranus has a long 84-year orbit which means it spends about seven to eight years in each sign. This timeframe strongly shapes the collective consciousness during that time. When Uranus changes signs, it can bring sweeping societal changes, technological advancements and a general spirit of revolution and reform for all and sundry.


In your natal chart, your Uranus complex shows where you crave independence, novelty and a departure from the ordinary. People with a strong Uranian influence often have an innovative mindset and a futuristic perspective that sets them apart.


Uranus is strong when it is:

Uranus in Aries

In the sign of the pioneer, Uranus sparks revolutionary leadership and bold innovation. These individuals are natural initiators of change and fearless rebels. They express their uniqueness through direct action and independent ventures.

Common traits include:


  • Sudden bursts of inspiration and courage
  • Revolutionary leadership style
  • Strong drive for personal freedom
  • Innovative approaches to self-expression
  • May act impulsively for the sake of change

Uranus in Taurus

Uranus in the fixed earth sign brings revolution to material matters and values. These individuals revolutionize traditional approaches to resources, money, and security.

Key characteristics include:

  • Innovative financial methods
  • Revolutionary approaches to sustainability
  • Sudden changes in values and resources
  • New ways of relating to the physical world
  • Progressive ideas about ownership and wealth

Uranus in Gemini

In the sign of communication, Uranus generates breakthrough ideas and revolutionary ways of sharing information. These individuals often pioneer new forms of communication and learning.

Notable traits include:

  • Revolutionary communication methods
  • Brilliant and unusual thought patterns
  • Innovative teaching and learning styles
  • Quick, intuitive understanding of complex concepts
  • Interest in cutting-edge technology and ideas

Uranus in Cancer

Uranus in the sign of home and family creates innovative approaches to emotional security and nurturing. These individuals often revolutionize traditional family structures and emotional expression.

Key features include:

  • Unconventional family arrangements
  • Innovative approaches to emotional healing
  • Revolutionary ideas about nurturing and care
  • Sudden emotional insights
  • New ways of creating security and belonging


Uranus in Leo

In the creative fire sign, Uranus brings dramatic innovation to self-expression and leadership. These individuals often pioneer new forms of entertainment and artistic expression.

Characteristics include:

  • Revolutionary creative expression
  • Unusual leadership style
  • Innovative approaches to romance and pleasure
  • Sudden artistic breakthroughs
  • Original ways of working with children

Uranus in Virgo

Uranus in the sign of service and health brings revolution to daily routines and wellness practices. These individuals often pioneer new methods of organization and healing.

Notable traits include:

  • Innovative health practices
  • Revolutionary work methods
  • Unique approaches to service and helping others
  • Sudden insights into efficiency and organization
  • Progressive ideas about diet and lifestyle

Uranus in Libra

In the sign of relationships and harmony, Uranus revolutionizes partnerships and social justice. These individuals often pioneer new forms of relating and cooperation.

Key features include:

  • Revolutionary approaches to relationships
  • Innovative ideas about justice and equality
  • Sudden changes in partnerships
  • Progressive social movements
  • New forms of artistic collaboration

Uranus in Scorpio

Uranus in the sign of transformation brings revolutionary insights to psychology and shared resources. These individuals often pioneer new understanding of power and regeneration.

Characteristics include:

  • Revolutionary psychological insights
  • Innovative approaches to transformation
  • Sudden spiritual breakthroughs
  • New understanding of sexuality and intimacy
  • Progressive ideas about shared resources


Uranus in Sagittarius

In the sign of expansion and philosophy, Uranus brings revolutionary ideas to belief systems and higher education. These individuals often pioneer new philosophical perspectives.

Notable traits include:

  • Revolutionary philosophical ideas
  • Innovative approaches to education
  • Sudden spiritual insights
  • Progressive cultural exchange
  • New forms of long-distance communication

Uranus in Capricorn

Uranus in the sign of structure and authority brings revolution to traditional institutions and business. These individuals often pioneer new forms of organization and achievement.

Key features include:

  • Revolutionary business methods
  • Innovative approaches to authority
  • Sudden changes in social structure
  • Progressive ideas about responsibility
  • New forms of government and institution

Uranus in Aquarius

In its home sign, Uranus expresses its revolutionary nature most purely, bringing innovation to group consciousness and humanitarian causes. These individuals often pioneer new social movements.

Characteristics include:

  • Revolutionary social ideas
  • Innovative humanitarian approaches
  • Sudden collective breakthroughs
  • Progressive group dynamics
  • New forms of community organization

Uranus in Pisces

Uranus in the sign of universal consciousness brings revolution to spirituality and collective imagination. These individuals often pioneer new forms of artistic and spiritual expression.

Notable traits include:

  • Revolutionary spiritual insights
  • Innovative artistic expression
  • Sudden mystical experiences
  • Progressive approaches to compassion
  • New forms of collective healing

Extend Yourself

Natal: Right-hand Page

In your astrology journal on a new double page spread please do the following:


  • On the right-hand side write “Uranus in the Signs” as a header on the page.
  • Note your Uranus sign.
  • Create a table two columns wide by six rows.
  • Draw the sign glyphs in each table cell.
  • Write three keyword sentences about Uranus in each sign. The keyword sentences cannot be general to the sign, but specific to Uranus in the sign.


Extend Yourself Further

Interpretation: Left-hand Page

Let’s dig a little deeper into your natal Uranus-by-sign position. Do some more research on Uranus in the sign it is in your birth chart. Read books and check out online for more information.


  • In your own words, and referencing other authors but not quoting them directly, write on the left-hand side of the page, about the meaning of Uranus by its sign in your birth chart (500 words).

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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year

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Astrology: Art, Craft, or Science?

Astrology: Art, Craft, or Science?

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: November 2024

Art, Science or Craft?

Today, I’m diving into a question that has intrigued both skeptics and believers alike: Is astrology an art, a craft, or a science? Grab your favorite celestial beverage and let’s explore the cosmic conundrum together!

The Great Debate: Defining Astrology

Astrology, with its rich history spanning thousands of years, has worn many hats throughout human civilization. From ancient Babylonian sky-watchers to modern-day horoscope enthusiasts, people have long looked to the stars for guidance and insight. But what exactly is astrology? Let’s break it down and see how it fits (or doesn’t) into the categories of art, craft and science.


Astrology as an Art: Painting with Starlight

Imagine an artist standing before a blank canvas, brush in hand, ready to create a masterpiece. Now, picture an astrologer gazing at a birth chart, preparing to weave a tapestry of cosmic insight. In many ways, these two scenarios aren’t so different.

The Brushstrokes of Interpretation

Just as no two artists will paint the same scene identically, no two astrologers will interpret a chart in exactly the same way. This subjective interpretation is at the heart of astrology’s artistic nature. An astrologer uses their intuition, experience and personal insights to bring the symbols on the chart to life. “Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you.” – Dane Rudhyar

A Palette of Symbols and Archetypes

Astrology’s toolkit is filled with rich symbolism and archetypes. The 12 zodiac signs, the planets, the houses and the aspects form a complex language that we astrologers use to describe human nature and life experiences. Like an artist choosing colors and shapes to convey emotion, an astrologer selects and combines these cosmic symbols to paint a picture of an individual’s life and potential.

Emotional Resonance and Intuition

Great art touches our emotions and speaks to our soul. Similarly, astrology often aims to provide emotional insight and spiritual connection. A skilled astrologer taps into their intuition to offer guidance that resonates on a deep, personal level with their client.

Finding Your Cosmic Voice

As artists develop their unique style over time, so do astrologers. Whether it’s through the language they use, their approach to chart reading, or their philosophical perspective, each astrologer brings their personal flair to the practice. This individual expression is a hallmark of artistic endeavor. Your interpretations are different to mind even though the theme will be the same.

Astrology as a Craft: The Celestial Toolbox

Now, let’s shift our perspective and consider astrology as a craft. Imagine a master carpenter, surrounded by tools, working with precision to create a beautiful piece of furniture. In many ways, an astrologer’s work is similar, requiring specific skills, techniques and a deep understanding of their craft. This is very much a 6th house activity.

The Tools of the Trade

Just as a carpenter needs to know how to use a saw, chisel and lathe, an astrologer must master the tools of their craft. This includes:

  • Calculating planetary positions
  • Creating and reading natal charts
  • Understanding planetary aspects and transits
  • Interpreting house systems

These technical skills form the foundation of astrological practice and require dedicated study and practice to master.

A Time-Honored System

Astrology follows a structured system with established rules and methods (Saturn). The relationships between planets, signs and houses form a complex framework that guides interpretation. Like a master craftsperson following time-tested techniques, an astrologer applies these principles to create accurate and meaningful readings.

Precision and Attention to Detail

Craftsmanship is often associated with precision and astrology is no exception. Accurate birth times and locations are crucial for creating a precise natal chart. Even a few minutes’ difference can change the position of fast-moving points like the Ascendant or Midheaven, potentially altering the entire interpretation.

Learning from Tradition

Many crafts are passed down through generations, with knowledge and techniques refined over time. Astrology, too, has a rich tradition dating back millennia. Modern astrologers like you and me build on this foundation, and learn from ancient texts and experienced practitioners while also innovating and adapting to contemporary needs.

Astrology and Science: A Complex Relationship

Now, we come to the most contentious part of our exploration: astrology’s relationship with science. It’s important to note that while astrology uses some scientific concepts and methods, it is not considered a science by the modern scientific community. Let’s explore why.

Observation and Pattern Recognition

Like early scientists, ancient astrologers were keen observers of the night sky. They meticulously tracked celestial movements and patterns, laying the groundwork for both astronomy and astrology. This systematic observation is a cornerstone of scientific inquiry.

Mathematical Precision

Casting an astrological chart by hand involves complex calculations and a solid understanding of celestial mechanics. Before the age of computers, we had to be skilled mathematicians to accurately determine planetary positions. This mathematical foundation gives astrology a scientific feel.

A Systematic Approach

Astrology operates within a clear and structured system, much like scientific disciplines. The signs, planets, houses and aspects form an intricate network with specific meanings and rules. This systematic approach to interpretation parallels the methodical nature of scientific inquiry.

The Hypothesis of Cosmic Connection

At its core, astrology proposes that celestial movements correlate with events and personalities on Earth. This idea functions as a kind of hypothesis, similar to those found in theoretical sciences. However, this is where astrology and modern science begin to differ.

The Scientific Method and Testability

Modern science relies heavily on the scientific method, which involves forming hypotheses, conducting controlled experiments and peer review. Astrological claims, however, are often not testable in this traditional scientific sense. The subjective nature of many astrological interpretations makes it difficult to design experiments that can conclusively prove or disprove its efficacy.

Empirical Evidence and Anecdotal Experience

Many astrologers point to their experiences with clients and personal observations as evidence of astrology’s validity. While these experiences can be powerful and meaningful, they don’t meet the rigorous standards of scientific evidence, which requires reproducible results under controlled conditions.

Bringing It All Together: The Unique Nature of Astrology

So, where does this leave us? Is astrology an art, a craft, or a science? The answer, like astrology itself, is complex and multifaceted. I believe that astrology is best understood as a unique blend of art and craft:

  • It’s a craft in its technical foundation, the skills and knowledge required to cast and read charts accurately.
  • It’s an art in its interpretative aspect, the intuitive and creative process of bringing meaning to the symbols and patterns.

While it borrows some concepts and methods from science, astrology operates in a different realm – one of symbolism, archetypes and personal meaning-making. It’s a language for exploring human experience and potential, rather than a tool for predicting measurable outcomes.

Embracing the Mystery

Perhaps the enduring appeal of astrology lies in its ability to bridge the rational and the intuitive, the measurable and the mysterious. In a world increasingly dominated by data and algorithms, astrology offers a way to explore the rich tapestry of human experience through a cosmic lens. Whether you’re a devoted astrology enthusiast (and I bet you are of you are reading this) or a curious skeptic, there’s no denying the profound impact this ancient practice has had on human culture. As we continue to gaze at the stars and ponder our place in the universe, astrology remains a fascinating tool for self-reflection and exploration.


Premium Astrology Newsletter

This piece originally appeared in our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter. As with every issue, subscribers received a complimentary PDF download related to this topic.

For those interested in receiving such in-depth articles directly upon release, we encourage you to join our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter.

Your subscription to Starzlife not only grants you access to exclusive content but also helps sustain our creative endeavors and operational costs.

Find out more about Starzlife here.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

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Podcasting and Joe Rogan’s Birth Chart

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Uranus in the Houses

Uranus in the Houses

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: December 2024

Uranus in the Houses

I’d like to share with you some of my thoughts on Uranus in the houses and additionally as it relates to astrologers and astrology.

Astrologer’s Charts

Uranus is the modern ruler of astrology and just to be clear Mercury is the traditional ruler of astrology. In its role of presiding over astrology, Uranus can be significant in astrologer’s charts. If you are a hobbyist, amateur, student, professional or master astrologer already, the placement of Uranus in your chart can show the type of astrology you are likely to be. These greater details are likely to come through your full Uranus complex, which considers the sign, house, aspects, position and direction. So assessing Uranus for its themes around astrologers and astrology, it makes more sense to look at the planet in this way in your chart, as an astrology enthusiast reading this, rather than looking in your client’s birth charts unless they too are astrologers.

Basic Natal Astrology

This time I just like to share some of my thoughts with you about Uranus through the houses. The twelve houses are part of basic natal astrology and are considered first year astrology learning along with signs, planets and aspects. Let’s have a closer look at Uranus in each of the twelve astrological houses.

    Uranus in the 1st House


    The planet of rebellion in the house of self creates people who embody originality and independence. They often have an unusual appearance or style and they may change their look frequently. They’re natural innovators who challenge social norms and can come across as eccentric or unpredictable. Quick to embrace new ideas and ways of being Uranus 1st house folk may experience sudden changes in their identity and self-expression throughout life.


    In an astrologer’s chart, Uranus in the 1st house indicates someone who projects astrology through their self-experiences. This person is likely to set up an independent astrology practice maybe even before they are quite ready. They will do astrology that resonates to them.

    Uranus in the 2nd House


    When Uranus occupies the house of resources and values, it creates an unconventional approach to money and possessions. These individuals may experience sudden financial ups and downs or make their living through unique, technological, or unconventional means. They value freedom over security and might resist traditional ideas about material wealth. Their income sources tend to be unusual or innovative.


    In an astrologer’s chart, Uranus in the 2nd house indicates someone who can earn money through their astrology practice. They are likely to make astrological assets either digital or physical. This is a great placement for income through astrology efforts.

    Uranus in the 3rd House


    The revolutionary planet in the house of communication and learning creates brilliant, inventive thinkers. These people often have unique ways of expressing themselves and may be drawn to studying advanced technology, metaphysics, or revolutionary ideas. Their minds work quickly and intuitively, often making unexpected connections. They might experience sudden insights or change their opinions rapidly.


    In an astrologer’s chart, Uranus in the 3rd house suggests someone who spends a lot of time learning astrology, but who then will be able to teach others astrology. This astrologer benefits from continuing to take short astrology classes throughout their life. They probably have many books on the subject.

    Uranus in the 4th House


    Uranus in the house of home and family often indicates an unconventional home life or unusual living arrangements. These individuals might move frequently, work from home using technology, or create innovative living spaces. Their relationship with family may be unstable or unconventional, and they often break from family traditions to forge their own path.


    In an astrologer’s chart, Uranus the 4th house indicates someone who will practice astrology in their own home. This person may begin their practice right at the kitchen table. These astrologers are likely to work with family related issues.

    Uranus in the 5th House


    The planet of revolution in the house of creativity and pleasure brings originality to artistic expression and romance. These people often have unusual hobbies or creative pursuits and may be drawn to experimental art forms or digital creation. Their love life might be unconventional, and they value freedom in romantic relationships. They’re often excellent at working with children, bringing fresh approaches to education and play.


    In an astrologer’s chart, Uranus in the 5th house inclines them towards the creative use of astrology. This person will likely make astro art and visual expressions of the craft. They will perhaps read charts in a party setting where they can make it a fun experience and include everyone. This astrologer is optimistic and mostly a warm-hearted astrologer.

    Uranus in the 6th House


    When Uranus occupies the house of daily work and health, it creates innovative approaches to routines and wellness. These individuals might work in technology, alternative medicine, or revolutionary fields. They need variety in their daily work and may change jobs suddenly. Their approach to health might involve alternative or cutting-edge treatments.


    In an astrologer’s chart, Uranus in the 6th house suggests someone who may tirelessly work at their astrology. They do astrology on a daily basis and hone their craft through consistent efforts. This person is likely to write practical horoscopes and the backbone of astrological writing.



    Uranus in the 7th House


    Uranus in the house of partnerships and relationships brings unconventional approaches to marriage and close relationships. These individuals often attract unusual partners or have non-traditional relationships. They need freedom within partnerships and may experience sudden beginnings or endings in relationships. They might partner with people involved in technology or progressive movements.


    In an astrologer’s chart, Uranus in the 7th house is likely to be someone who works with couples’ astrology to help two people navigate their personal relationships. They will mast composite midpoint and Davison charts. This astrologer will probably work in business relationships as well.

    Uranus in the 8th House


    The revolutionary planet in the house of transformation and shared resources can bring sudden changes in investments or inherited resources. These individuals often have unique insights into psychology and the occult. They might experience sudden transformative experiences or be drawn to investigating life’s mysteries through scientific or technological means.


    In an astrologer’s chart, Uranus in the 8th house house suggests someone who does astrology that is both deep and meaningful. These people are drawn to be the crisis astrologers of the world dealing with difficult topics in life such as sex, infidelity and abuse.  Bereavement astrology also come under this placement. Other astrologers. including myself, will refer their own clients experienceing deep trauma, to the 8th house Uranus astrologers of the world.

    Uranus in the 9th House


    Uranus in the house of higher learning and philosophy creates original thinkers who challenge established belief systems. These people often have unconventional spiritual beliefs or educational paths. They might travel suddenly or live abroad unexpectedly. They’re natural teachers who bring fresh perspectives to traditional knowledge.


    In an astrologer’s chart, Uranus in the 9th house implies an astrologer with many interests. They are likely to be a high-level astrology teacher. The Uranus 9th house practitioner will explore all the realms of astrology throughout their life such as Vedic, Uranian and Evolutionary. Astrologers with this placement will probably publish their findings through a blog. podcast or by writing a book. This type of astrologer will doubtless have other New Age related topics like numerology or palmistry skills which they can lean into in their astrology practice.


    Uranus in the 10th House


    When Uranus occupies the house of career and public image, it creates individuals who take unconventional career paths. They might work in technology, science, or progressive fields. Their reputation might be that of a rebel or innovator, and they often experience sudden changes in their career direction or social status.


    In an astrologer’s chart, Uranus in the 10th house is a clear indication of someone who can make a career as an astrologer. They are happy practicing their astrology in the public domain. It may even be this person’s karmic responsibility to put astrology forward into the world for everyone to appreciate. These astrologers are likely to be the astrologer with names that you already know.

    Uranus in the 11th House


    Uranus in its natural house brings unique approaches to friendship and group activities. These individuals often belong to unconventional groups or social movements. They might have an unusual friend circle or be involved in humanitarian causes. They’re natural networkers who bring people together in innovative ways.


    In an astrologer’s chart, Uranus in the 11th house indicates an astrologer who does well in groups. For example, this person could either be interested to be an astrology book club member or someone who is steers their astrology group forward into the future. Leaders and moderators of Facebook astrology groups are indicated here. Astrologers with this placement are inclined to create their own astrological space within the larger astrological community.

    Uranus in the 12th House


    The planet of rebellion in the house of the unconscious creates individuals with unique spiritual insights and sudden intuitive breakthroughs. They might work behind the scenes in progressive movements or experience unexpected revelations about their inner life. Their dreams and unconscious processes might be unusual or technologically themed.


    In an astrologer’s chart, Uranus in the 12th house indicate someone in astrology who prefers to work behind the scenes. This person is more comfortable being a part of another entity, establishment or school which fronts for them. This type of astrologer enjoys one-on-one private astrological consultations. Uranus the 12th house is a placement that indicates someone with a low-key approach to astrology. This astrologer will benefit from astrology retreats that provides time for contemplation.

    grow-your-astrology books

    Uranus Book Recommendations

    Here are some Uranus books which may interest you.

    The Gods of Change by Howard Sasportas

    Uranus: Freedom from the Known by Jeffery Wolf Green

    Healing the Soul: Pluto, Uranus and the Lunar Nodes by Mark Jones

    The Art of Stealing Fire: Uranus in the Horoscope by Liz Greene

    Extend Yourself


    Let’s explore your natal Uranus house placement a little further. In your astrology journal or please do the following:

    • On the new page, write “Uranus in the Houses” is at the top.
    • Create A table of two columns with six rows.
    • Number them from 1 to 12.
    • Write 3 keywords which are specific to Uranus in each house.
    • Note your own Uranus house placement.


    Extend Yourself Further

    Your Uranus House

    Do a little more research in the books you own and other places online. This extension should take you about a week, as you mull everything over and find more inspiration. It is not a quick exercise. Then, regarding your natal Uranus in its house, and giving some consideration to the placement as it relates to your astrological practice, write a paragraph that includes the following:


    Start Specializing

    • Begin to bring focus to this Uranus house placement through contemplation.
    • Get awakened to what your birth chart indicates.
    • Mention five specifics around how your Uranus by house can support your astrological practice.
    • List a few new ways to lean into your Uranus placement that will help build your astrology business in the future.


    Stop Generalizing

    • List a couple of things that you will stop doing in your astrology business because they do not align with your birth chart Uranus house placement.
    • These are activities that you are simply doing because that’s what you believe other astrologers do.
    • Be your unique self.
    • Live in your truth.

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    Author Bio

    Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

    Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

    If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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    Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

    Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

    Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

    Lunar New Year

    Lunar New Year

    As a Western astrologer, it’s valuable to have a basic understanding of other zodiac systems, such as the Chinese Lunar New Year and its animal symbolism.

    Astrology and Chess

    Astrology and Chess

    Author: Alison Price   –   Published: December 2024

    Astrology and Chess


    When you learn astrology, it is often interesting to see which signs or planets are represented in other creative works such as books, movies or TV shows. Already I’m thinking Game of Thrones, Good Omens and Star Trek, but I do think there are other areas that can be considered as well. If you look around, you may see that the energies of the planets are represented by particular people, animals or objects which are not related to astrology at all.


    Perhaps this is just me and my wandering mind trying to join the dots and bring everything back to astrology. This week I’m going to float some of my theories about how chess pieces are related to the energy of the planets.


    Playing to Win


    Chess is a board game of strategy. It makes you think. There are two opposing teams usually colored black and white or red and white. We’ve all heard of the Red Queen and the Black Knight which are chess references.

    There are six different types of individual chess piece and each one has its own moves – like Jagger. The chessboard is typically a black and white 8×8 grid containing sixty-four squares. As you settle down to start the game you face your opponent with the white corner square at your right hand.

    The King

    Capturing the king is the aim of the whole game, but the king is somewhat limited and can only move one square at a time. The king represents the crown which the other side is attempting to seize. The sovereign is the only piece which must be in play at all times. It is his standard, emblem and colors which, carried ahead by the foot soldiers, announce his army and presence on the battlefield. The planet that suggests the king is the Sun as the beating heart of the whole game.

    The Queen

    The queen is the most dominant piece in chess and perhaps you could even say she is the power behind the throne. She can cover three times as much ground as a bishop, knight or rook being here, there and everywhere. As the top female piece on the board, the matriarch if you will, the planet indicated by the queen has to be the Moon. They say the female of the species is more dangerous than the male and, when cornered, any mother will go into battle for her family. Contestants who only have their queen piece left on the board can still win the game against an adversary with a selection of other pieces, such is her clout.

    The Two Bishops

    The two bishops (one on black and one on white) move diagonally across the board. This oblique movement allows other pieces to breach their line if they are on the other color. Bishops stand closest to the king and queen on the board and so suggest the inferior planets Mercury and Venus. The Messenger of the Gods is the closest planet to the Sun. Feminine Venus, like a lady in waiting, flanks the Moon.

    The Two Knights

    Knights ride chargers and this chess piece is in the shape of a horse’s head so we immediately think of The Archer, Sagittarius, and therefore Jupiter. With an elegant “L” shaped move, the horsemen can leap over other pieces on the board. Knights typically travel and explore far and wide on crusades and quests similar to Jupiter.

    The Two Rooks

    The rooks are the backbone defense pieces. Also called castles, they move both horizontally and vertically without others crossing through their line. The rooks suggest Mars for warriors and battlements and Saturn for boundaries such as castle walls. Rooks, coupled with the king, have a classy strategic move called castleing where, if there are no pieces between the king and the rook and neither piece has been played yet, both can be moved two spaces sideways and cross over each other. Cool.

    The Eight Pawns

    The eight pawns are the rank and file of the chess army. Pawns can only move forward one space at a time unless it is their very first move when a two square move frontward is allowed. If a pawn manages to break through the oppositions defenses to reach the other side of the board, the competitor may choose to have one of their captured pieces replaced by that pawn as a reward for making it across the whole battleground.

    Generally, the pawns run interference to the central action and are background noise to the main story. Here I have them symbolized through the outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto and also perhaps any other planet which is not well placed in the chart.


    Chess Clubs

    A million years ago when I was younger, I was a member of the Kelvin Power Station Chess Club in Johannesburg. I was a participant in this chess club for around three years. We would meet fortnightly to socialize and play chess. The guy who was running the show was very generous with his game tips and tricks and he helped everybody improve their technique.

    Off With Her Head

    One of the most challenging things he made us do was to start the game and play without the queen on the board. This made us work with the troops and thus develop the other pieces and their strategy more. We all became better chess players because of this queen-less strategy. By the same token, you can interpret a chart without the Sun displayed and become a better astrologer because of it.

    This tactic will make you pay attention to the other planets and hone your skills at interpretation too. So instead of saying, “Oh, she’s a Leo and we all know what that means (wink, wink) and it’s…” you have to dig deeper and think, “Oh, I see, she’s got Mars in Pisces and Jupiter in Virgo so this suggests…”


    Planets as Pieces

    I’m not saying that my ideas on the planets as chess pieces will be the same as your opinions. Certainly, you will have your own view as well about which piece is represented by which planet and I’d love to hear your thoughts.

    What I’m trying to express with this week’s newsletter is that when you start to learn astrology and you understand the archetypes of the planets, you can see them being expressed in other areas of life as well. If you start to look at the planets in this way, they can leap off the page and be part of life in general.

    Food for thought.


    Extend Yourself

    Planets as Characters

    Stretch yourself and your imagination.

    • Think back to one of your favorite books, movies or TV shows, see if you can relate all the planets to the characters within the show.

    Extend Yourself Further


    Stretch your astrology muscles with the Sun-less technique:

    • Cast the next birth chart you work on without displaying the Sun in the wheel.
    • Interpret the chart.
    • Reflect.

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    Author Bio

    Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

    Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

    If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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    Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

    Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

    Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

    Lunar New Year

    Lunar New Year

    As a Western astrologer, it’s valuable to have a basic understanding of other zodiac systems, such as the Chinese Lunar New Year and its animal symbolism.

    Octile Aspects

    Octile Aspects

    Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024

    Halloween and Octile Aspects

    I’d like to give some thought to where these octile festivals and celebrations come from. And particularly how the position of the Sun in the Zodiac marks the timing of these pagan events. In the Wheel of the Year, the pagan festivals are not just randomly picked from the calendar, rather they are determined by the position which the Sun reaches in the zodiac every year. These days mark the passing of time. We can divide the year into the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. We can further divide each season in half through the cross-quarter days and this is what I’d like to share a little bit more about with you now.


    8th Harmonic (Octiles)

    In astrology, the 8th harmonic is created by dividing the 360° zodiac circle into eight equal parts. This results in aspects that reflect the energetic dynamics of this division. The key aspects associated with the 8th harmonic are the semi-square (45°) and sesquiquadrate (135°). These are considered minor aspects, yet they carry a potent, tension-driven energy. They often indicate underlying friction that pushes for action, growth and resolution, making them catalysts for change and transformation in a subtle but persistent way.

    Tension and Friction

    Semi-squares and sesquiquadrates create a subtler yet untiring pressure, unlike the more intense energy of squares or oppositions. This friction motivates you to take action, encouraging you to address imbalances or areas in your life that need improvement.

    Subconscious Challenges

    The challenges brought by 8th harmonic aspects often stem from within, highlighting inner psychological conflicts or unresolved emotions. These aspects push for personal transformation, making them powerful forces for long-term growth.

    Catalyst for Change

    These aspects act as subtle triggers that can shift your perspective, behavior or attitude. Though they may create discomfort, this tension is necessary to stimulate movement and progress in stagnant areas of life.


    Octile Aspects

    Semi-squares (45°)

    In astrology, the semi-square aspect occurs when two planets or points in a chart are separated by an angle of 45°. Although considered a minor aspect, the semi-square carries significant energetic tension and friction, though it is less intense than the square (90°). Often associated with the color orange in astrological charts, this aspect represents subtle challenges that, while not immediately obvious, push us toward necessary growth and change. 

    The semi-square signals areas where we may feel stuck or uncomfortable. Unlike the more pressing energy of a square, the semi-square’s tension feels like something bubbling just below the surface, urging us to take action, but not in an overwhelmingly urgent way. It often points to lingering frustrations or unresolved issues that need attention in order to make progress, but we may need to dig deeper to recognize them.



    The sesquiquadrate is an aspect formed by a 135° angle between two planets, representing a more pronounced internal conflict than the semi-square, though still a minor aspect. This aspect often highlights areas where we experience frustration or tension due to misalignment or imbalance in our approach to certain life situations. Unlike the semi-square, the sesquiquadrate can feel more complex, as it involves energies that don’t flow smoothly together, requiring more effort to resolve. 

    While semi-squares and sesquiquadrates may seem less influential than the major aspects, they often act as subtle forces persistently driving personal development. They challenge us to work through discomfort and friction, encouraging growth in ways that may not be immediately obvious but are essential for long-term progress. These aspects push for internal transformation that can lead to breakthroughs when approached with awareness and a willingness to confront hidden issues.


    Cross Quarter Days

    Sun’s Position

    The cross-quarter days are significant because they correspond to the Sun reaching 15° of the four fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. These days represent a midpoint between the equinoxes and solstices, marking important seasonal centers. Each cross-quarter day reflects a moment of energetic balance and shift, offering a time for reflection, celebration and intention-setting.

    15° Taurus: Beltane (May 1)

    Taurus, an Earth sign, represents stability, fertility and growth. When the Sun reaches 15° of Taurus, it marks Beltane, the height of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. This is a time of blossoming, fertility and abundance. In many ancient cultures, Beltane isa celebration of life, growth and the turning of the season toward summer. Energetically, it’s a time to celebrate physical vitality and the fertility of the earth and soul.

    15° Leo: Lughnasadh – Lammas (August 1)

    Leo, a Fire sign, is associated with creativity, self-expression and vitality. When the Sun is at 15° Leo, it corresponds to Lughnasadh, the first harvest festival. This is a time for giving thanks for the abundance of the earth, acknowledging the fruits of labor and preparing for the coming autumn. Energetically, this cross-quarter day is about honoring personal achievements and creativity while recognizing the need for balance as the summer begins to wane.

    15° Scorpio: Samhain (November 1)

    Scorpio, a Water sign, governs transformation, death and rebirth. When the Sun reaches 15° Scorpio, it aligns with Samhain, a powerful time marking the end of the harvest and the beginning of winter. Samhain is also seen as a moment when the veil between worlds is thin, making it a time to honor ancestors and reflect on the cycles of life and death. Energetically, this cross-quarter day invites deep introspection, letting go of what no longer serves and embracing transformation.

    15° Aquarius: Imbolc (February 1)

    Aquarius, an Air sign, symbolizes innovation, vision and new beginnings. When the Sun is at 15° Aquarius, it corresponds to Imbolc, the first stirrings of spring. This is a time of renewal, purification and the return of light after the dark winter. Energetically, Imbolc represents the planting of new seeds, both literally and metaphorically, as we prepare for the growth of spring. It is a time to set intentions for the year ahead.


    15° of Fixed Signs


    Fixed signs embody stability, endurance and determination. When the Sun reaches 15° of these signs, it is at a key point in the season, where the energy is concentrated and ripe for harnessing. The cross-quarter days offer a moment of heightened awareness and connection to the natural cycles of the earth. These days represent a balance between the dynamic forces of the changing seasons and the steady, grounding energy of the fixed signs. Cross quarter days are at the heart of each of the four seasons. By aligning with the cross-quarter days, we can tune into these potent energetic shifts, using them as guideposts for personal growth, reflection and transformation throughout the year.

    Sacred Geometry

    In numerology and sacred geometry, dividing by 8 relates to the octagon shape and symbolizes balance, transition and structure. Eight-fold divisions in astrology create a cyclical pattern that allows for a deeper understanding of the energy dynamics within a chart. When planets are connected by these aspects, they often signal the need to break through internal barriers or patterns to create a shift in awareness or behavior. The energy of these aspects is often felt as a growing restlessness or discomfort, nudging us toward resolution, personal evolution, or adjustment. Working with semi-square energy requires patience and persistence, as the changes it brings are usually not immediate but unfold over time.


    I personally don’t have any semi-squares or sesquiquadrates in my birth chart. However, when the transiting Sun reaches 15° of the fixed signs, it makes several strong hard connections to my natal chart. This means that every cross-quarter day, which is four times every year, I get a meaningful transit from the Sun. And let’s face it, normally you wouldn’t really pay much attention to the transiting Sun, but because it triggers my chart on some days, I find it fascinating. I suspect this is why I have a distinct interest in the solar cycle and the Sun’s movement throughout the year.

    Extend Yourself 

    Your Natal chart

    Let’s explore your natal chart a little bit more regarding any octile aspects.

    • List any semi-squares in your chart.
    • List any sesquiquadrates in your chart.
    • Note the two planets in each aspect.
    • Decide if it is an applying or a separating aspect.
    • Find the exact orbs for each aspect.
    • Sort the aspects in a list from tightest orb to widest orb.

    Extend Yourself Further


    Now let’s go a little deeper with the interpretation of some of your octile aspects. With your list of octile aspects in hand, please do the following:

    • Choose the tightest octile aspect and interpret it. Pay attention to both planets involved. Note if they are retrograde or direct. Note if the aspect is applying or separating. Note if the aspect is in the same polarity. Write a full interpretation for your tightest octile aspect (500 words).
    • Continue on working your way through your list and interpret every aspect in your natal chart.



    Premium Astrology Newsletter

    This piece originally appeared in our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter. As with every issue, subscribers received a complimentary PDF download related to this topic.

    For those interested in receiving such in-depth articles directly upon release, we encourage you to join our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter.

    Your subscription to Starzlife not only grants you access to exclusive content but also helps sustain our creative endeavors and operational costs.

    Find out more about Starzlife here.

    Author Bio

    Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

    Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

    If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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    Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

    Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

    Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

    Lunar New Year

    Lunar New Year

    As a Western astrologer, it’s valuable to have a basic understanding of other zodiac systems, such as the Chinese Lunar New Year and its animal symbolism.

    Newsletter Renaming

    Newsletter Renaming

    Author: Alison Price   –   Published: November 2024

    Newsletter Renaming


    For years I’ve had people on my Starzology e-mail list whom I emailed now and again. It was only back in April this year that I committed to writing an email once a week on Sundays. I decided to do this because further back in January I had finally changed my newsletter service provider from MailChimp to ConvertKit (now itself rebranded as Kit). Kit just makes things easier.

    Since April I have published my newsletter, The Starzologer, every Sunday for over six months. As time went on, the astrologers reading it started reaching out to me asking for more. It occurred to me to provide a premium newsletter with more focused content for those who are really interested and who wanted to support my work. This gave birth to the Starzlife newsletter which launched back in the Summer.

    So now, in Autumn, I find myself having two newsletters with two different names and different signup areas to manage. This has become almost double the work for me and confusion for you, my dear reader, because. it’s not clear what the difference is between the free The Starzologer and the paid Starzlife newsletter.

    See the differences below.

    Free Sunday Newsletter

    Your gateway to astrological insights, delivered every Sunday.

    • Weekly astrological guidance and insights
    • “Extend Yourself” practice exercises
    • Access to Starzology Podcast episodes
    • Special offers and promotions
    • Curated content from trusted partners


    Premium Thursday Newsletter

    Includes everything in the free Sunday edition, plus exclusive benefits:

    Weekly Premium Content

    Additional Thursday newsletter featuring:

    • Practical chart-reading techniques
    • In-depth astrological analysis
    • Real-world application strategies
    • Professional development tips

    Premium Resources

    Downloadable tools and materials:

    • Practice worksheets
    • Reference checklists
    • Custom templates
    • Printable guides

    Exclusive Benefits

    • Full access to Starzlife article archive
    • Invitation to seasonal online events
    • Preferred pricing on:
      • Personal astrology coaching
      • Private consultations

    By becoming a premium member, you’re investing in your astrological education while supporting the creation of quality content.

    Original Setup

    I thought that both of these newsletters were running independently of each other because in my mind they were two separate entities. But what I have realized is that I still have one monster e-mail list with you good people on it. Additionally, there is there is a subsection within that group who are part of the premium newsletter.


    This week my e-mail service provider Kit has clarified to me that these are not two separate lists, rather they are one giant list with a smaller subsection of paid subscribers within it. So that all being said, it now is clear that I need to combine the two in my mind and your mind because that’s how they actual exist. The public face of this newsletter will be one large reader base with a smaller paid subset of readers within it

    It’s like moving into a house and you don’t realize that there’s an attic where other folks are living, but the people are all living in the same house even though you thought they were living next door. Yeah.

    Rename: Starzlife

    Now this is going to cause a slight re branding (more of a renaming) because I have to pick one name for both of the newsletters, and I’ve decided to go with Starzlife over The Starzologer it’s just an easier word. Starzlife is one word and two syllables whereas The Starzologer is two words with five syllables. Starzlife is just simpler and so that is the name change that is going to be happening shortly.

    For those of you who’ve been here from the beginning, I know I was calling it, The Starzologer, from April to November, but we are now shifting gears. My newsletter, my one and only newsletter, will from now on be called StarzlifeIt will still come out every Sunday and it is still free for everyone who signs up.


    Then for those of you who wish to receive the premium content, which comes out on Thursdays, you can subscribe to the paid segment within my main Starzlife list.


    During November, and yes, I know Mercury will be retrograde, I’m going to go back and revisit writing (Mercury) that I have produced and rejigger the whole thing. So, from now onwards, my one and only newsletter will be published as Starzlife as we sunset the name The Starzologer and move forward with one newsletter from me called Starzlife.


    I’ve just written the whole saga down here for those of you who are trying to understand what’s going on because it is complicated. When it dawned on me that I wasn’t doing it right, it still took me five days to think it through because it is knotty. Although I’m trying to make it simple as I explain it to you, but technically, behind the scenes it is an intricate maneuver for me to sort these two entities out and get the whole process streamlined.

    I also plan to go back into the library and rename the previous editions to reflect the new branding. This is what I want to do. I don’t need extra things on my to-do list each week as already the administration of this whole business, website, podcast and newsletters is a constant wrangle. Any of you who run your own astro businesses will know what I’m talking about. I don’t want confusion in your mind either.

    There may be some teething problems as we go through November (thank you Mercury retrograde) as I sort this out, but I am confident that by the time we get to the New Year, the whole glorious thing will be in place. People who join my list from 2025 onwards will not even know about the previous name of this newsletter, it was just a blip for 2024, let’s put it that way.

    If you’ve got any questions about this jiggery-pokery, please do e-mail me at and I’ll be happy to explain anything further.



    Author Bio

    Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

    Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

    If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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    Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

    Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

    Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

    Lunar New Year

    Lunar New Year

    As a Western astrologer, it’s valuable to have a basic understanding of other zodiac systems, such as the Chinese Lunar New Year and its animal symbolism.

    Saturn in the Houses

    Saturn in the Houses

    Author: Alison Price   –   Published: November 2024


    Saturn, the ringed planet of structure, responsibility, and life lessons, plays a crucial role in astrological interpretations. Its position in your natal chart, particularly the house it occupies, offers profound insights into the areas of life where you may face challenges, experience growth, and ultimately find your greatest strengths.

    In this blog post, we’ll explore how Saturn’s energy manifests differently as it moves through each of the twelve astrological houses. Understanding Saturn’s influence can provide valuable perspective on your life’s journey.

    Saturn’s Influence in the 12 Natal Houses

    Remember, Saturn’s influence is complex and multifaceted. While it often presents challenges, it also offers the opportunity for growth, maturity, and lasting achievement in the areas of life represented by the house it occupies.

    Saturn in the 1st House

    When Saturn resides in the 1st house of self and identity, it brings a serious, reserved demeanor. These individuals often appear older than their years and may struggle with self-confidence early in life. However, this placement also bestows a strong sense of responsibility and the potential for great personal achievement through discipline and hard work.

    Saturn in the 2nd House

    In the 2nd house of possessions and values, Saturn can create financial challenges or a fear of lack. These individuals tend to be cautious with money and may need to work hard for financial stability. The silver lining is the potential to develop excellent resource management skills and a deep appreciation for what truly matters in life.

    Saturn in the 3rd House

    Saturn in the house of communication and learning might lead to early difficulties with speech, writing, or education. However, it also grants the ability to think deeply and communicate with authority. These individuals often excel in fields requiring concentrated mental effort and may become respected teachers or writers later in life.

    Saturn in the 4th House

    In the house of home and family, Saturn can indicate a challenging childhood or a sense of emotional restriction. These individuals might struggle to feel truly at home or to express their emotions freely. Yet, this placement can also lead to building a solid, stable home life and becoming a pillar of strength for their family.

    Saturn in the 5th House

    The 5th house governs creativity, pleasure, and children. Saturn here might dampen spontaneity and create barriers to self-expression. However, it can also lead to disciplined creativity, responsible parenting, and the ability to find deep satisfaction in one’s passions.

    Saturn in the 6th House

    In the house of work and health, Saturn brings a strong work ethic and attention to detail. These individuals may be prone to worry about their health or feel burdened by daily responsibilities. However, they often excel in careers requiring precision and can develop a holistic approach to wellbeing.

    Saturn in the 7th House

    Saturn in the house of partnerships and relationships can lead to delays or challenges in finding a life partner. These individuals may approach relationships with caution and seriousness. However, when they do commit, their relationships tend to be stable and long-lasting.

    Saturn in the 8th House

    The 8th house deals with shared resources, transformation, and the deeper mysteries of life. Saturn here can create fears around intimacy or financial entanglements. However, it also provides the potential for profound personal transformation and the ability to handle crises with composure.

    Saturn in the 9th House

    In the house of higher learning, philosophy, and travel, Saturn may create obstacles to expanding one’s horizons. These individuals might be skeptical of new ideas or hesitant to venture far from home. Yet, this placement can lead to a deeply considered personal philosophy and the ability to teach or guide others.

    Saturn in the 10th House

    Saturn is often considered strong in the 10th house of career and public image. While it may delay professional success, it usually indicates eventual achievement of significant status or authority. These individuals are often driven to succeed and can become respected leaders in their fields.

    Saturn in the 11th House

    In the house of friendships and group associations, Saturn can create difficulties in social situations or feelings of isolation. However, it also bestows the ability to form deep, lasting friendships and to contribute meaningfully to collective efforts.

    Saturn in the 12th House

    Saturn in the house of the unconscious and spiritual realms can create hidden fears or a sense of isolation. These individuals may struggle with self-doubt or feel burdened by unresolved past issues. However, this placement also offers the potential for profound spiritual growth and the ability to find strength in solitude.


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    Author Bio

    Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

    Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

    If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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    Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

    Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

    Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

    Lunar New Year

    Lunar New Year

    As a Western astrologer, it’s valuable to have a basic understanding of other zodiac systems, such as the Chinese Lunar New Year and its animal symbolism.

    Sun in the Houses

    Sun in the Houses

    Author: Alison Price   –   Published: November 2024

    Sun in the 1st House

    The Sun in the 1st house is a powerful placement in your chart. This position generally indicates someone who is comfortable in the spotlight and has a natural ability to lead and inspire others through their strong sense of self.

    Key Themes

    Individuals with this placement tend to have a strong, vibrant personality. They often exude confidence and charisma, naturally drawing attention to themselves.

    The sense of self is usually well-developed and clearly defined. There’s typically a strong drive to express one’s authentic self without inhibition.

    Often associated with a commanding physical presence or distinctive appearance. May be more conscious of their body and personal style.

    Natural leadership qualities are common with this placement. They often take initiative and prefer to be in charge of their own path.

    Usually blessed with high energy levels and a robust constitution. Health and physical vitality are often important focus areas.

    Strong desire for autonomy and self-reliance. May struggle with considering others’ needs or perspectives at times.

    Tend to make strong first impressions on others. Often seen as warm, engaging, and direct in their approach.

    Highly self-aware, sometimes to the point of self-consciousness. Personal growth and self-improvement are usually important.

    Can sometimes come across as egocentric or overly self-focused. May need to learn to balance self-expression with consideration for others.


    Sun in 2nd House

    The Sun in the 2nd house presents a unique blend of energies focused on material security, personal values, and self-worth. This placement suggests an individual who finds their core identity and purpose through building material security, developing personal resources, and establishing a strong sense of self-worth.

    Key Themes

    Strong emphasis on financial security and material possessions. Often driven to accumulate wealth or valuable assets.

    Sense of self is closely tied to personal resources and earnings. May measure self-worth through tangible accomplishments or acquisitions.

    Develops a clear set of personal values and principles. Identity is shaped by what they consider important in life.

    Natural ability to recognize and develop personal talents. Often skilled at turning abilities into financial gain.

    Seeks stability and security in life, particularly in financial matters. May be more resistant to change, especially if it threatens their sense of security.

    Appreciates physical comforts and luxuries. Often has a strong connection to the physical sense

    Usually adept at managing resources, both material and personal. May have a talent for business or financial matters.

    Can be possessive of belongings and relationships. May struggle with letting go of things, even when necessary.

    Often develops a strong work ethic. Finds fulfillment in productive, tangible results.

    May become overly focused on material gain at the expense of other life areas. Could struggle with equating self-worth solely with financial status.

    Ability to build lasting financial security. Talent for recognizing and developing value in various forms.

    Sun in 3rd House

    The Sun in the 3rd house is an intellectually stimulating placement that emphasizes communication, learning, and mental agility. This placement suggests an individual who finds their sense of self and purpose through communication, learning, and intellectual pursuits. They often shine brightest when sharing knowledge, engaging in stimulating conversations, or exploring new ideas.

    Key Themes

    Strong focus on self-expression through speech and writing. Often gifted communicators with a knack for conveying ideas clearly.

    Insatiable appetite for knowledge and information. Enjoy learning about a wide variety of subjects.

    Quick-thinking and adaptable mindset. Able to grasp new concepts rapidly and make connections easily.

    Thrive on social interactions and exchanging ideas. Often enjoy debating and engaging in intellectual discussions.

    Significant focus on relationships with siblings or close relatives. May take on a leadership role among siblings or peers.

    Often actively involved in local community affairs. May become a well-known figure in their immediate environment.

    Enjoy short journeys and exploring their immediate surroundings. Traveling can be a source of learning and self-discovery.

    May have talents in writing, teaching, or public speaking. Often drawn to careers involving communication or education.

    Strong analytical abilities and logical thinking. Enjoy solving puzzles and tackling complex problems.

    Can be mentally restless, always seeking new information or experiences. May struggle with boredom if not intellectually stimulated.

    Tendency to overthink or become scattered due to numerous interests. May sometimes prioritize intellect over emotion.

    Core identity is often tied to their ideas and how they express them. Feel most alive when engaged in intellectual pursuits or discussions.

    Sun in 4th House

    The Sun in the 4th house is a deeply personal and emotionally-rooted placement in astrology. This position emphasizes home, family, roots, and inner emotional life. This placement suggests an individual who finds their core sense of self and purpose through creating a nurturing home environment, connecting with family, and exploring their emotional depths. They often shine brightest when cultivating a sense of belonging and emotional security for themselves and others.

    Key Themes

    Strong emphasis on home and living environment. Often feel most authentic and alive in their personal space.

    Deep connection to family, both of origin and chosen. May play a central or leadership role within the family unit.

    Core identity is closely tied to emotional experiences and inner life. Personal growth often involves understanding and processing emotions.

    Often possess a nurturing, caring personality. May derive satisfaction from caring for others or creating a welcoming environment.

    Tend to be private individuals, needing time alone to recharge. May prefer intimate gatherings to large social events.

    Strong interest in family history, cultural heritage, or ancestry. May feel a deep connection to their place of origin or cultural background.

    Often talented in areas related to home and domesticity. May enjoy cooking, decorating, or other home-centered activities.

    High need for emotional and physical security. May prioritize creating a stable home environment.

    Childhood experiences often play a significant role in shaping identity. May need to work through early life issues for personal growth.

    Rich inner life and imagination. May be introspective and reflective.

    Can be overly sensitive or moody. Might struggle with balancing public and private life.

    Often find increased satisfaction and self-expression in later years. May become more interested in home and family as they age.

    Sun in 5th House

    The Sun in the 5th house is a vibrant and creative placement in astrology. This position emphasizes self-expression, creativity, romance, and joy. This placement suggests an individual who finds their core sense of self and purpose through creative expression, romantic pursuits, and bringing joy to others. They often shine brightest when they’re able to showcase their talents, engage in playful activities, or inspire others through their enthusiasm and zest for life.

    Key Themes

    Strong urge to express oneself creatively. Often talented in arts, performance, or other creative pursuits.

    Youthful, fun-loving nature. Enjoy games, sports, and recreational activities.

    Passionate approach to romance and dating. Often charismatic and attractive to others.

    Natural leadership abilities, especially in creative or recreational settings. May excel at directing or organizing entertainment or creative projects.

    Strong focus on children, either one’s own or working with young people. Often skilled at relating to and inspiring youth.

    Comfortable in the spotlight. May be drawn to performance arts or public speaking.

    Willing to take calculated risks, especially in creative or romantic pursuits. Enjoy the thrill of chance and adventure.

    Usually exude self-confidence and optimism. Identity is closely tied to their ability to shine and stand out.

    Passionate about personal hobbies and interests. Often have multiple creative outlets or recreational pursuits.

    Tend to be generous, especially with their time and talents. Enjoy making others happy and entertained.

    May struggle with ego issues or need for constant attention. Could be prone to gambling or taking unnecessary risks.

    Seek out and create joy in their lives and for others. Often have a talent for finding pleasure in various aspects of life.

    Sun in 6th House

    The Sun in the 6th house is a placement that emphasizes work, service, health, and daily routines. This position brings the core essence of one’s identity into the realm of practical matters and self-improvement. This placement suggests an individual who finds their core sense of self and purpose through practical work, being of service, and continual self-improvement. They often shine brightest when they’re able to apply their skills effectively, solve problems, or contribute to the well-being of others through their work or daily efforts.

    Key Themes

    Strong focus on work and productivity. Often derive a sense of self-worth from their job or daily tasks.

    Natural inclination to be of service to others. May find fulfillment in helping professions or volunteer work.

    Heightened awareness of health and wellness. Often interested in nutrition, exercise, or holistic health practices.

    Sharp analytical abilities, especially when applied to practical problems. Enjoy organizing, categorizing, and creating efficient systems.

    Tendency towards perfectionism in their work and personal habits. High standards for themselves and others.

    Find security and self-expression through daily routines and habits. May be skilled at time management and scheduling.

    Constant drive to improve skills and become more efficient. Lifelong learners, often pursuing courses or training to enhance abilities.

    Keen eye for detail and precision. Excel in tasks requiring thoroughness and accuracy.

    Often good at handling emergencies or solving urgent problems. May be drawn to crisis-oriented work.

    Generally modest about their abilities. Find satisfaction in doing a job well, even if it’s behind the scenes.

    May be prone to workaholic tendencies or neglecting personal life. Could struggle with anxiety or health worries if not balanced.

    Pragmatic approach to life and problem-solving. Value usefulness and functionality.

    Sun in 7th House

    The Sun in the 7th house is a placement that emphasizes partnerships, relationships, and cooperation. This position brings one’s core identity and sense of self into the realm of interpersonal connections. This placement suggests an individual who finds their core sense of self and purpose through partnerships and cooperative endeavors. They often shine brightest when engaged in meaningful relationships, whether personal or professional, and when using their interpersonal skills to create harmony and mutual understanding.

    Key Themes

    Strong focus on one-to-one relationships, both personal and professional. Often find their sense of self through interactions with others.

    Natural inclination towards teamwork and collaboration. May excel in roles that require diplomacy and negotiation.

    Seek balance and harmony in their lives and relationships. Often skilled at mediating conflicts and finding compromise.

    Gain deeper understanding of themselves through relationships. May see themselves reflected in their partners or close associates.

    Partnerships play a central role in their life path. May feel incomplete without a significant other or close collaborator.

    Often skilled in public relations or customer-facing roles. Natural ability to relate to and understand others’ perspectives.

    Strong sense of fairness and justice in dealings with others. May be drawn to legal or counseling professions.

    Adaptable in social situations and relationships. Able to adjust their behavior to suit different interpersonal dynamics.

    Often charismatic and diplomatically skilled. May have a talent for smoothing over difficult situations.

    Might struggle with codependency or losing their individual identity in relationships. Could face difficulties in asserting personal needs or making independent decisions.

    Often involved in or interested in contractual agreements. May have a knack for negotiating deals or partnerships.

    Find creative expression through collaborative efforts. Often at their best when working closely with others.

    Sun in 8th House

    The Sun in the 8th house is a potent and transformative placement in astrology. This position brings one’s core identity and life force into the realm of depth, intensity, and regeneration. This placement suggests an individual who finds their core sense of self and purpose through deep, transformative experiences and exploring life’s mysteries. They often shine brightest when delving into complex issues, facilitating personal or societal transformation, or working with resources in a way that empowers others.

    Key Themes

    Strong desire to explore life’s mysteries and taboos. Tendency towards intense experiences and relationships.

    Natural ability to transform themselves and situations. Often go through multiple significant life changes or reinventions.

    Keen interest in psychology and the hidden aspects of human nature. Often possess deep insight into others’ motivations.

    Focus on shared finances, investments, or resources of others. May have talent for financial management or working with others’ money.

    Heightened awareness of power structures in relationships and society. May be drawn to exploring or challenging existing power dynamics.

    Often have a deep connection to their sexuality. May view sex as a transformative or spiritual experience.

    Fascination with the occult, metaphysical, or hidden aspects of life. May have psychic or intuitive abilities.

    Ability to bounce back from crises and emerge stronger. Often go through cycles of symbolic death and rebirth in their lives.

    Experience emotions deeply and intensely. May need to learn healthy ways to process strong feelings.

    Natural investigative abilities. Often excel in fields requiring deep research or analysis.

    Could struggle with issues of control or manipulation. Might face difficulties in letting go or dealing with loss.

    Often skilled at handling crises or emergency situations. May be drawn to professions dealing with life-and-death matters.

    Sun in 9th House

    Broader and Wider

    The Sun in the 9th house is an expansive and enlightening placement in astrology. This position brings one’s core identity and sense of purpose into the realms of higher learning, philosophy, travel and broader perspectives.

    This placement suggests an individual who finds their core sense of self and purpose through expanding their understanding of the world, exploring new ideas and places, and sharing their wisdom with others. They often shine brightest when engaging with big ideas, experiencing different cultures, or inspiring others with their broad perspective and enthusiasm for learning.

    Key Themes

    There is a strong drive for learning and understanding. They often pursue higher education or lifelong learning.

    These people are naturally drawn to exploring life’s big questions. They tend to develop a personal philosophy or worldview.

    There is a desire to explore different cultures and distant places and they often find self-discovery through travel experiences.

    With this placement, there is an interest in spirituality, religion, or metaphysical concepts. They may seek to understand the deeper meaning of life

    A natural ability to teach or inspire others is found with folks with the Sun in the 9th house. They often enjoy sharing knowledge and insights.

    They generally have an optimistic outlook on life couples with the ability to see the bigger picture and long-term possibilities.

    Sun ninth people appreciate diverse cultures and ways of thinking and they may be drawn to international affairs or cross-cultural communication.

    There is a strong sense of ideals and principles where 9th house Sun people may be passionate about causes that align with their beliefs.

    The potential talent for writing, publishing or broadcasting cannot be underestimated with ninth house Suns. These individuals may be drawn to careers that involve spreading ideas out there.

    You can expect a fascination with law, ethics, and justice and they might pursue legal studies or advocacy roles.

    On the downside, they could sometimes be overly idealistic or preachy and might struggle with practical application of abstract ideas.

    There is a constant desire to expand horizons and grow. Here their identity is often tied to their breadth of experiences and knowledge.

    Sun in 10th House

    When the Sun, the symbol of your core identity and will, is positioned in the 10th house of your birth chart, it suggests that your sense of self and purpose is strongly tied to your career, public image and reputation.

    Positively expressed, the Sun in the 10th house can indicate someone who is confident, successful, and respected in their field. However, it’s important to ensure that your identity and self-worth aren’t overly dependent on external validation from your career or status.

    Key Themes

    Tenth house Sun people have a strong drive to achieve success, recognition, and status in their professional life.

    There is a desire to be seen as a leader, authority figure or public persona.

    They attain ambition, determination and a willingness to work hard to reach their goals.

    Their sense of identity and self-worth is heavily influenced by their career and social standing.

    They may have a strong need for approval, validation and respect from others.

    There can be a tendency towards ego, pride or arrogance if the Sun is not well-integrated.

    Challenges with finding the right work-life balance and separating their public and private life can pose a problem.

    Sun in 11th House


    When the Sun, the symbol of your core identity and will, is positioned in the 11th house of your birth chart, it suggests that your sense of self and purpose is strongly connected to your social circles, group affiliations, and humanitarian/community-oriented goals.

    When the Sun is positively expressed in the 11th house, it can indicate someone who is a charismatic, influential leader within their social circles, with a strong humanitarian drive and a desire to enact positive change.

    However, it’s important to ensure that their identity and self-worth don’t become overly dependent on external validation from their peers or social status.

    Key Themes

    There is a strong drive to make a positive impact on the world through their involvement in groups, organizations or social movements

    A desire to be recognized and respected within their social networks and community is evident with Sun 11th people.

    There is an inclination towards leadership roles within their friend groups, clubs, or professional associations.

    A tendency to find fulfillment and a sense of purpose through collaborative efforts and collective endeavors surrounds Sun in the 11th people.

    The potential to be a visionary, innovative thinker who comes up with unique solutions to societal problems is a positive driver for these people.

    There is a need for validation and a sense of belonging from their peers and the larger community.

    Challenges with maintaining a healthy work-life balance and setting appropriate boundaries within their social life may arise.

    Sun in 12th House

    Unseen Selfless Acts

    When the Sun, the symbol of your core identity and will, is positioned in the 12th house of your birth chart, it suggests that your sense of self is deeply connected to the unseen, spiritual, and subconscious realms of your experience.

    When the Sun is positively expressed in the 12th house, it can indicate someone who is highly intuitive, compassionate, and dedicated to serving others through selfless acts.

    However, it’s important to find a balance between your inner life and your external responsibilities and relationships.

    Key Themes

    They have a strong inner life and intuitive, spiritual inclinations.

    12th House Sun people have a tendency towards introspection, solitude and retreating from the external world.

    There may be a desire to serve, sacrifice, or work behind the scenes for the greater good.

    Karmic or past life themes that influence their sense of purpose and identity are important.

    Sensitivity to the energies and suffering of others, which can lead to empathy or burnout may plague 12th house Sun people.

    Anticipate challenges with boundaries, self-discipline, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

    These folk need regular periods of rest, reflection and spiritual renewal.

    The potential for artistic, imaginative, or mystical talents is huge.

    Author Bio

    Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

    Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

    If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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    Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

    Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

    Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

    Lunar New Year

    Lunar New Year

    As a Western astrologer, it’s valuable to have a basic understanding of other zodiac systems, such as the Chinese Lunar New Year and its animal symbolism.

    Astrological Symbology

    Astrological Symbology

    Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024


    In this post I want to chat with you guys a little bit about symbology. Specifically, symbolically in the New Age space and symbology in astrology. Basic shapes are symbolic in themselves. Even the simple shapes like the circles and the lines have meaning. It’s only as we start to explore New Age topics such as astrology that you come across the symbology within shapes. When you take it one step further and look closely at the planetary glyphs, you can see this symbology in action.

    Even though these days there are very stylized drawings for the planet symbols, if you break them down to their simplistic parts you can see hidden meaning within each of the planets. Personally, I think this is a very interesting topic and it gives you something to think about as you’re learning to even practice drawing the planetary glyphs. 

    Once you get the idea that shapes are symbolic and have meaning, you can see them in everyday life as well through some business logos and what you see as you go about your day. I’m just giving you an introduction to the meanings of the basic shapes and how they are expressed through the planetary glyphs.


    The circle represents the spirit and the cosmos. Furthermore, the circle itself is constructed from something. The unbroken line on nothing. The space inside and outside the line. The circle unifies spirit and matter. This structure itself has great strength. 

    Circles of Feminine

    The perfect circle has no beginning and no end. It is unassailable. The magic circle creates a fortress of psychic protection. A physical and spiritual safe haven where unwanted or uninvited entities cannot enter. 

    Hermes Trismegistus said of the circle, “God is a circle whose centre is everywhere and circumference is nowhere.

    Arcs and Crescents

    Arcs or crescents are parts of a circle. One clear example is a rainbow. As part of a circle, the arc symbolizes the spirit as well.The position of the arc is important as well. 

    Upright Arcs

    If an arc upright or shaped like a cup or chalice, it implies the feminine principle of containment within the womb.It contains the spirit.

    Inverted Arcs

    If the arc is inverted like an umbrella, then the opposition is true.Now it becomes a triumphal, victorious masculine symbol thrusting upwards. The inverted arc is often on church doors and is representative of the vault of heaven. The arc shape often appears in planetary symbols.



    Vertical Lines

    The vertical line represents the physical symbol of the number one and man striving towards spirit. The simple line is the basic shape of the World Tree, or the axis Mundi that connects the heavens, the earth and the lower regions. It is not only a basic phallic symbol, but also signifies the soul that strives for union with the divine.

    Horizontal Lines

    The horizontal line is opposite of the vertical line. It represents matter and the forward and backward movement of time. This line also signifies the skyline or horizon and man’s place on the earth.


    In across, the vertical and horizontal come together to form a cross. The cross symbolizes the union of the material and the spiritual. And in some instances, the cross is said to give birth to the square. Because of its four cardinal points, the cross represents the elements and the directions of north, south, east and west.


    The square represents the Earth and the four elements. 

    Plato described the square, “Like the circle, as being absolutely beautiful in itself.”


    Astrology Planetary Glyphs

    Spirit, Soul and Matter

    The planetary glyphs used in astrology hold deep symbolic meanings, connecting to the concepts of spirit, soul, and matter. These three components represent the layers of existence and experience, providing a framework to understand the planets’ roles in shaping life and consciousness. Here’s a breakdown of how spirit, soul and matter are symbolically embedded in planetary glyphs.

    Spirit (Circle)

    In many planetary glyphs, the circle represents spirit. It signifies the eternal, the divine and the source of life. The circle has no beginning or end, symbolizing unity, wholeness and the infinite potential of consciousness. Spirit is the purest form of being, often viewed as the connection to the higher self or the divine essence that animates all life.

    Soul (Crescent)

    The crescent shape, found in several planetary glyphs, symbolizes the soul, the vessel of experience and emotion. The soul is the part of us that navigates through life, gathering experiences, feelings, and impressions. It is the receptive aspect of consciousness, like a cup that collects the light and wisdom from spirit.

    Matter (Cross)

    The cross is the symbol of matter, representing the physical world, form, and structure. It often grounds the planetary glyphs, showing how spiritual energy and the soul’s experience are manifest in the material plane. The cross symbolizes the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water) and the physical reality in which spirit and soul are embodied.


    Spirit, Soul and Matter

    I want to share some of my ideas on the shapes that make up the planet’s glyphs. The combination between these three symbols (circle, crescent, and cross) in each planetary glyph shows how each planet expresses different aspects of spirit, soul and matter. 

    Maps of Existence

    Planetary glyphs serve as symbolic maps of existence. The circle represents the infinite and eternal spirit, the crescent symbolizes the receptive and emotional soul and the cross embodies the physical and structured world of matter. Together, these symbols illustrate how the planets influence our experience, guiding the interplay between spirit, soul, and the material realm. The symbolism of the planets can be understood by exploring how they represent the dynamics between spirit, soul and matter. These planets govern the more personal aspects of life and consciousness, shaping our individual experiences and growth.

    The Sun ()


    The Sun’s glyph is a circle with a dot in the center, representing pure spirit and the divine essence. The Sun symbolizes the source of life, vitality, and individuality. The circle is the unbroken, eternal symbol of wholeness, and the dot within it signifies the core self, the conscious ego, and the spark of spirit within each of us.


    Though the Sun primarily represents spirit, it also illuminates the soul’s purpose. The Sun symbolizes our higher calling, the essence of who we are meant to become. It guides the soul toward self-realization and the expression of one’s true nature.


    While the Sun itself doesn’t directly embody matter, it animates life in the material world. It brings warmth, growth, and vitality to the physical body and reality. Through the Sun, spirit manifests in the material plane, expressing individuality and creativity.


    The Sun represents the manifestation of spirit in the world. It brings light and awareness to the soul’s journey and fuels the material world with life force and vitality, driving self-expression.


    The Moon ()


    The Moon, as a symbol of the subconscious and emotional world, doesn’t directly represent spirit but acts as a reflective vessel for the light of spirit. It mediates between the inner soul and outer experiences, reflecting the spirit’s energy through intuition, emotions, and the inner self.


    The Moon’s crescent shape directly symbolizes the soul. It is receptive and reflects how the soul absorbs, reflects, and processes the experiences of life. The Moon governs emotions, instincts, memory, and the unconscious mind, where the soul navigates through feelings, nurturing, and intuition.


    The Moon influences the physical body through rhythms and cycles, such as the tides and biological cycles. It connects the soul to the material realm by influencing our instinctual responses and emotional attachments to physical surroundings, home and family.


    The Moon is the emotional and intuitive vessel of the soul, reflecting spirit and influencing the material world through cyclical patterns and nurturing connections.


    Mercury ()

    Spirit (Circle)

    In Mercury’s glyph, the circle represents spirit and connects to Mercury’s role as a bridge between the higher mind and earthly existence. Mercury governs the transmission of ideas and communication, facilitating the movement of spirit into thought and intellect.

    Soul (Crescent)

    The crescent of soul sits atop the circle of spirit in Mercury’s glyph, symbolizing how Mercury helps the soul receive and express information. It mediates between spirit and matter, helping the soul communicate its needs, learn, and adapt to different experiences.

    Matter (Cross)

    The cross of matter at the bottom of Mercury’s glyph anchors its energy, showing how thoughts, communication and intellect are grounded in the physical world. Mercury governs logic, analytical thinking, and the practical application of ideas in everyday life.


    Mercury is the mediator between spirit, soul, and matter, facilitating the flow of communication and thought. It helps translate spirit into conscious awareness and practical understanding, guiding the soul through learning and expression.


    Venus ()

    Spirit (Circle)

    The circle in Venus’ glyph represents spirit, showing that the higher ideals of love, beauty and harmony have their origin in the divine essence. Venus connects spirit to the experience of unity, pleasure, and connection in the material world.


    Venus guides the soul in its desire for connection and harmony with others. It rules relationships, affection and the soul’s longing for balance, beauty, and love. The soul, under Venus’ influence, seeks to merge with others in a harmonious and peaceful way, fostering cooperation and emotional fulfillment.

    Matter (Cross)

    The cross of matter beneath the circle shows how Venus expresses spiritual ideals in the physical world, particularly through relationships and beauty. It governs sensual pleasures, art, and the appreciation of material beauty, showing how the soul’s desires are manifested in the material realm.


    Venus represents the union of spirit and matter through the soul’s longing for connection and beauty. It brings spiritual ideals into physical form, guiding relationships and the pursuit of harmony and pleasure.


    Mars ()

    Spirit (Circle)

    Mars’ glyph contains the circle of spirit, but it is directed outward by the arrow. Mars symbolizes spirit in action, representing the drive to assert oneself, act, and initiate. It channels spirit into dynamic, purposeful activity, expressing willpower and desire.


    The soul under Mars seeks action and experience. Mars governs desire, passion, and the urge to assert oneself in the world. It represents the soul’s courage to face challenges and express its willpower, driving personal development and growth through conflict and assertiveness.

    Matter (Arrow)

    The arrow of Mars represents matter and the physical world in motion. Mars is associated with the body, action, and the material consequences of one’s will and desires. It governs physical energy, vitality, and the power to change or shape the material world through force and action.


    I believe that Mars symbolizes the dynamic expression of spirit and soul through matter. It channels willpower and desire into action, driving the soul to assert itself in the physical world and make tangible changes.


    Jupiter ()

    Spirit (Circle)

    Jupiter’s glyph contains the crescent of soul rising above the cross of matter, with the circle of spirit subtly implied. Jupiter represents the expansion of spirit through growth, abundanc, and wisdom. It embodies the search for meaning, higher knowledge and the spirit’s journey toward enlightenment and understanding.

    Soul (Crescent)

    The crescent in Jupiter’s glyph shows the soul’s desire for growth, adventure, and exploration. Jupiter governs optimism, faith, and the soul’s drive to expand its horizons, seek truth, and gain wisdom. It represents the soul’s journey toward greater awareness and fulfillment.

    Matter (Cross)

    The cross of matter grounds Jupiter’s expansive energy, showing how spiritual and soulful growth are often pursued through experiences in the material world. Jupiter naturally governs abundance, prosperity and the ability to manifest wealth and opportunity in the physical realm.


    Jupiter symbolizes the soul’s journey to expand its understanding of spirit through experiences in matter. It represents the search for meaning, knowledge and wisdom, guiding the soul toward greater spiritual and material fulfillment.


    Saturn ()

    Matter (Cross) 

    Saturn’s glyph shows a cross above a crescent, with the cross symbolizing the dominance of material reality, structure, and limitation. Saturn is often associated with boundaries, discipline, time, and karma, all elements rooted in the material plane. It reminds us that physical form and the laws of nature govern life.

    Soul (Crescent)

    The crescent beneath the cross represents the soul’s role within these limitations. Saturn brings lessons of responsibility, maturity and endurance. The soul, under Saturn’s influence, learns through hardship, restriction and perseverance, shaping character through trials in the material world.

    Spirit (Circle)

    Saturn’s spirit is not as prominent in the glyph itself, but it shows up in the planet’s function. Saturn’s lessons are ultimately spiritual, forcing us to confront and overcome our fears, limitations and ego-bound structures. By embracing Saturn’s discipline, spirit is refined and given form.


    Saturn is the planet of form and structure, showing how spirit (our higher purpose) is grounded and expressed through matter (physical boundaries). And how the soul (through experience) navigates these limitations to achieve growth.


    Uranus ()

    Matter (Cross)

    Uranus’ glyph shows the circle of spirit flanked by two crescents of the soul, with a cross at the bottom. The cross is the grounding point, but Uranus’ energy disrupts the material order, challenging fixed structures and traditions. This planet represents rebellion, innovation, and sudden change, often breaking apart established forms in the material world.

    Soul (Crescents)

    The two crescents of soul on either side of the circle show Uranus’ ability to push the soul beyond its comfort zone, awakening it to new possibilities. Uranus stimulates sudden shifts in awareness, often leading to radical transformation and the breaking of old emotional or psychic patterns.

    Spirit (Circle)

    The circle of spirit in the middle represents divine inspiration and universal consciousness. Uranus connects to the higher mind, flashes of insight, and the awakening of spirit that transcends the limitations of the material world. It embodies the spirit of freedom, liberation, and the urge for individuality.


    Uranus symbolizes the awakening of spirit through the breaking down of matter and structure. It brings sudden and unpredictable change that shakes the soul out of complacency, pushing humanity toward greater consciousness and evolution.


    Neptune ()

    Matter (Cross)

    Neptune’s glyph contains a crescent of soul above a cross of matter. The cross is faint in Neptune’s symbolism, representing the dissolving of material boundaries. Neptune’s energy is ethereal, elusive, and transcendent, often blurring the lines between physical reality and the spiritual or imaginative realms.

    Soul (Crescent)

    The crescent at the top of Neptune’s glyph emphasizes the soul’s receptivity and sensitivity. Neptune governs intuition, dreams, and the unconscious. It dissolves the boundaries of the ego and the material world, encouraging the soul to merge with the collective, the spiritual, and the unseen.

    Spirit (Implied Circle)

    Neptune is the planet of spiritual longing, compassion, and the search for the divine. Though the glyph does not contain a visible circle of spirit, Neptune’s influence is deeply connected to the spiritual realm, often manifesting through mystical experiences, visions and a desire to return to source.


    Neptune represents the dissolution of matter and the elevation of the soul toward spiritual unity. It dissolves the hard edges of reality, leading to spiritual awakening, creativity and the exploration of the unseen dimensions of life.



    Matter (Cross)

    Pluto’s glyph contains the circle of spirit above a crescent of soul, with a cross at the base. The cross of matter is the foundation, representing Pluto’s transformative power in the material world. Pluto governs death, rebirth, and regeneration, and its energy often works through deep, intense processes that fundamentally alter physical structures and forms.

    Soul (Crescent)

    The crescent of soul beneath the circle of spirit indicates the soul’s journey through profound transformation. Pluto governs the shadow, the unconscious, and the soul’s hidden depths. The soul under Pluto’s influence confronts the darker aspects of existence—power, fear, destruction and rebirth—transforming through these experiences.

    Spirit (Circle)

    The circle of spirit at the top of Pluto’s glyph suggests that Pluto’s ultimate purpose is spiritual transformation. Though it works through matter and the soul’s depths, Pluto’s influence is about the evolution of consciousness, forcing a release of the old so that something new and more aligned with spirit can emerge.


    Pluto symbolizes the transformation of matter and the soul through the power of spirit. It destroys to create a new, guiding both personal and collective evolution through death, regeneration, and deep spiritual awakening.


    Summary of the Planets

    The Sun’s spirit is expressed as the core self, guiding the soul toward individuality and vitality in the material world.

    The Moon echoes the emotional and intuitive soul, reflecting spirit and influencing the material world through instinct and nurturing.

    Mercury sends messages between spirit, soul, and matter, facilitating communication and the practical application of ideas.

    Venus unites spirit and matter through the soul’s longing for love, harmony, and beauty in relationships and the physical world.

    Mars activates the spirit, driving the soul’s desires and willpower to shape and change the material world.

    Jupiter expand the spirit through the soul’s pursuit of wisdom, growth, and abundance in the material world.

    Saturn grounds spirit in matter, teaching the soul through the limitations and laws of the physical world.

    Uranus liberates spirit, breaking the chains of matter and tradition, awakening the soul to new dimensions of freedom and individuality.

    Neptune dissolves the boundaries between matter and spirit, guiding the soul toward unity with the divine and the transcendence of physical reality.

    Pluto transforms and regenerates both matter and soul, facilitating profound spiritual evolution through destruction and rebirth.

    Sign Sigils

    Let’s just have a quick look at the basic symbolic meanings ascribed to the signs of the Zodiac.

    • Aries symbolically means impulsion, the urge to act and will.
    • Taurus symbolically means perseverance and consolidation.
    • Gemini symbolically means polarity and adaptability.
    • Cancer symbolically means passivity and attachment.
    • Leo symbolically means creation and life.
    • Virgo symbolically means differentiation and diligence.
    • Libra symbolically means balance and harmony.
    • Scorpio symbolically means passion and endurance.
    • Sagittarius symbolically means cultivation of spiritual side and expansion.
    • Capricorn symbolically means elevation and conservation.
    • Aquarius symbolically means transition to higher states and adaptability.
    • Pisces symbolically means intuition and self-sacrifice.


    Premium Astrology Newsletter

    This piece originally appeared in our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter. As with every issue, subscribers received a complimentary PDF download related to this topic.

    For those interested in receiving such in-depth articles directly upon release, we encourage you to join our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter.

    Your subscription to Starzlife not only grants you access to exclusive content but also helps sustain our creative endeavors and operational costs.

    Find out more about Starzlife here.

    Author Bio

    Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

    Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

    If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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    Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

    Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

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    Forecasting Tips

    Forecasting Tips

    Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024

    Information Overwhelm

    Of all the questions I get from aspiring astrologers, forecasting is one of the more common ones. People want to know where to start, what to do first, what’s more important in a chart than other things and so on. And I agree, It’s overwhelming.

    With forecasting there is no end to the amount of information that you can generate with your software and apps. The trick, really, is to sift through and decide what’s important, where to start and also what to not look at and what to dismiss that you can leave for another day. So, if you’re suffering farm forecasting info overwhelm, I’ve got some ideas on how to focus onto what you’re supposed to be looking at first. I just like to share some of my ideas about getting started in forecasting.

    Get Started

    I’m just going to cover the main forecasting techniques which are the ones that I use and the ones I recommend you start with. Please be aware that there are other forecasting techniques and you are certainly encouraged of explore them as soon as you like.

    If you are just getting started with astrological forecasting, then focus on transits first. Every astrologer needs to know how to work with transit and they are the backbone of your forecasting data. Even if you never learn the other forecasting techniques, always focus on transits first.

    How to Spend Your Forecasting Time

    Each Hour

    Let’s just have a quick look at how much time you should spend on each forecasting technique. We’re going to suppose here that you’ve already worked on the natal chart and probably spent an hour or two interpreting that. Now you’re turning your attention to the forecasting. Perhaps you’re going to put an hour into your forecasting. The diagram below shows that if you have 60 minutes available for forecasting, you want to spend half your time or 30 minutes on transits, 15 minutes on secondary progressions, 10 minutes on solar returns and 5 minutes on solar arc directions. Clearly the emphasis that you ought to put in your energy expenditure on each of the forecasting techniques. It is evident that transits are far ahead, by a long chalk, the most important technique you can do.



    It doesn’t really matter if you spend one hour, one day or one week on your forecasting. And in the beginning certainly you will put in more than one hour and I certainly did when I was starting out. The important thing is to pay attention to the percentage of time you spend on each of the forecasting techniques. This diagram clearly shows that solar arc directions are not as important as transits. And you should carefully expend your precious forecasting energy on the right things to start with.

    Direct Forecasting

    Direct forecasting refers to what is happening up there right now. There are several ways that you can work with direct forecasting techniques, but here I’m going to talk about a couple which I use and they are transits and solar returns. Let’s take a closer look at them.


    Planets to Consider

    When working with transits, always start from the outer planets and work in. So first look at Pluto, Neptune and Uranus and then move on to Saturn and Jupiter.


    Transit Orbs

    For all transit work, use a 1° orb applying and separating.


    Transits What to Look For

    With transits, need to know which natal house the transiting planet is in. Next you are going to look for any aspects that the planet is making to planets in the natal chart. Always look at the aspects in this order:

    • Neutral aspects: conjunctions.
    • Hard aspects: oppositions and squares.
    • Soft aspects: the trines and sextiles.

    I like to call this aspect set, my “Fab Five” aspects.


    Planets Changing Signs

    For personal natal chart readings, there is not much value in discussing when a transiting planets changes signs, it will change signs for everybody. Unless the transiting planet makes a direct contact to their natal chart, either via an aspect or by a house cusp change, I would tend to ignore this in personal forecast readings


    Planets Changing House

    When a transiting planet changes house, it is hugely important for the person. The energy that was expressed by the planet in the old house will shift onto the new area of life which the new house represents.



    Transiting planets will retrograde back and forth over the chart. Each contact is important to show a main theme.

    Solar Returns

    The technique of solar returns is the second indirect forecasting technique which I use.

    How to Cast a Solar Return Chart

    For each solar return chart that you calculate, your software will work out the exact moment (time) for the chart. So, solar returns come into effect for each person around one month before their birthday and definitely by the time the transiting Sun has entered the birth Sun’s sign. What you need to do is put in the current place. The solar return place depends whereabouts you are in the world at the moment of the return. So, if you were born in New York and now you are living in Hong Kong, you will cast the solar return chart for Hong Kong.

    Travelling on Your Birthday

    If you happen to be away from home for your birthday, as I was one year when I went down to Mexico, use that place. I celebrated my birthday in Cancun, Mexico and so Cancun was my solar return chart place for that year.

    What to Look for in Solar Return Charts

    Sun’s House

    The first thing I look for is the Sun’s house, because that will show the trend for the whole year. Each year the solar return Sun will be in a different house. It cycles through the chart in a specific pattern. The solar return Sun’s house is an indication of the types of things that there will be a focus on for the individual that year.


    Sun’s Aspects

    The second step is to consider all of the solar returns Sun’s aspects. You need to explore each solar aspect as it will have something to say about the solar return chart. On a side note, I never look at the other planets positions or aspects within the solar return chart, although you can if you have time.


    Solar Return Ascendant.

    The solar return Ascendant is always an interesting position in the solar return chart. I would always put the solar return Ascendant position degree into the natal chart to see which house it is highlighting Additionally, if you have time, you can do this the other way around as well.


    Indirect Forecasting

    Indirect forecasting covers all techniques where the chart is extrapolated through a time-based count forward. Secondary progressions are equal to one day per year. There are many ways of calculating indirect forecasted charts, but we’re just going to concentrate on two here today. They will be the secondary progressed chart and the solar arc directed chart.

    Secondary Progressions

    How to Cast a Secondary Progressed Chart

    Your computer software will calculate your secondary progressed chart for you. You do not have to enter the time, but make sure the chart is set for the natal place of birth. For all progressed chart interpretations please use a 1° orb.


    And for more certainty, this means use 1° of for all the aspects, whereas in a natal chart you would use an 8° orb for a conjunction, when working with forecasting, you’re going to be using a 1° orb both applying and separating.

    Progressed Chart What to Look For

    There are three main things to look at in the secondary progressed chart, and they are:

    • House ingresses
    • Sign ingresses
    • Aspects

    Progressed Planets to Consider

    Typically, with progressed charts, you start with the inner planets at the Sun and work your way out through the five personal planets. So that would be the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars in order. Now you can if you wish, work on the outer planets too, but you would have covered those energies already in the transits section.

    Progressed Planets Changing House

    Look for progressed planets changing houses. When they are within 1° orb of the actual house cusp. In general and loosely, the personal planets will be moving at about 1° year, so one if you use an orb of 1° it will give you a run up to the actual house change as well. These are important as some planets are better placed in some houses than others.

    Progressed Planets Changing Signs.

    With a bi-wheel, look for any progressed planet changing sign in the natal chart. And again using 1° or applying and separating.

    Progressed Planet Aspects

    With progressed planets play attention to the aspect starting in sequence with the conjunction, opposition, square, trine and sextile. If you have time, you can work on to the lesser used aspects as well, but I never do.

    Progressions Overview

    Usually there is not much information that comes through in a progressed chart. You may have 3 or 4 planets changing sign or house and you will definitely consider those.

    Solar Arc Directions

    How to cast a Solar Arc Directed Chart

    Your computer system will cast the solar arc directed chart for you. Make sure the place is set for the natal birthplace.


    Directed Charts What to Look For

    The directed Sun’s position will be the exact same position as the as the progressed Sun’s position. Directed planets only move forward, there is no retrogradation in a directed chart. With the directed chart, you are again looking for the three main things:

    • Directed planets changing signs
    • Directed planet changing houses
    • Directed planet aspects to natal planets.


    Directed Planets Changing Signs

    Look for any directed planets changing signs. Use a 1° orb.


    Directed Planets Changing Houses.

    Look for any directed planets changing house and again use a 1° orb to the house cusp.


    Directed Planet Aspects

    Look for any directed planets making aspects to the natal chart. You will use it 1° orb for this. Look at the aspects in sequence of conjunctions, oppositions, squares, trines and sextiles. Again, you could look at the lesser used aspects if you wish and if you have time, but I never do. Typically, there is not much information that pops up in a solar arc directed chart, but what does come forward is gold.


    Transits First

    Forecasting is a vast subject and there’s always something new to learn, but if you’re just getting started, then begin with transits and fully understand them because this knowledge will benefit you even if you’re doing horoscope work in general as well. For every client’s chart which you ever look at, you will always consider their transits. Getting to know where each of the planets currently are placed is always a great thing for an astrologer.


    Premium Astrology Newsletter

    This piece originally appeared in our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter. As with every issue, subscribers received a complimentary PDF download related to this topic.

    For those interested in receiving such in-depth articles directly upon release, we encourage you to join our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter.

    Your subscription to Starzlife not only grants you access to exclusive content but also helps sustain our creative endeavors and operational costs.

    Find out more about Starzlife here.

    Author Bio

    Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

    Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

    If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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    Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

    Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

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    USA Election Day 2024

    USA Election Day 2024

    Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024

    Election Day Chart

    Let the Astrology Speak

    I don’t want to comment directly on the politics, or whom I believe is going to win this race or which party I support, or whether I’d take the red of the blue pill, because this is not the platform for that. I’m only going to concentrate on what the astrology is saying, what is being shown in the charts, and I’m going to leave the interpretations up to you. Arwynne and I have already noticed that this is quite a fraught topic, particularly for some of our YouTube videos surrounding Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, and I do not wish to add fuel to the fire.

    The Chart

    This year’s election in the USA will be on Tuesday, November the 5th, 2024. I’ve set the chart for Washington, DC as that is the capital, just to give us a feel for the planetary positions on the whole day. Although millions will go to the polls and vote on voting day, thousands of other Americans have already sent in their votes from overseas and by post.




    The Republican contender is Donald Trump who’s chart we have looked at more thoroughly and you can read more on Trump’s birth chartBut this time we’re going to be looking at the bi-wheel. With the bi-wheels, you always put the natal chart on the inside and then the transit chart on the outside. So in this bi-wheel, we’ve got Trump’s natal chart on the inner wheel, and the outer wheel is the actual transits for the day of the election.

    Midheaven in 10th house.

    Really when you’re considering politics and voting someone into the highest office, whoever they are, you would look at their 10th house. So in Trump’s birth 10th house he has Taurus on the cusp 24°. He has quite a wide 10th house and Gemini is intercepted fully within it. The actual 10th house is 38° wide which is one of his widest houses as well as the opposite 4th house.

    Uranus conjoin the Midheaven.

    We can immediately see that Uranus is conjoined the Midheaven. Uranus is at 25°42′ Gemini which is only 24′ short of the exact conjunction aspect to the Midheaven. This is a very powerful position for Uranus and Uranian themes are typically unexpected, sudden and future looking.

    Jupiter in the 10th House

    The one other planet that is in his 10th house is Jupiter in Gemini. Now, Jupiter has been there for a while, but it certainly wasn’t placed there the last time he was voted into office and neither was the Uranus, for that matter. These two dynamic planets are likely to show us how Donald Trump’s fortunes will favor on the day of the election.



    The Democratic contender is Kamala Harris and you can read an in depth look at her chart here. The bi-wheel for Kamala Harris has the Midheaven at 2° Pisces.

    Saturn in 10th House

    She has Saturn in the 10th house, which is in accidental dignity and Saturn is conjoined her Chiron in the 10th house. This may suggest that she may be asking herself the questions, as Michelle Obama did in the Powers dub. Do I have a seat at this table? But clearly she does.

    Neptune in the 10th House

    So for her, Neptune’s been in the 10th house for many, many years. This is nothing new, but it is the planet of the rules the Midheaven which does indicate that if she’s going to take us her place on the centre stage of the world this would be a good time to do so because Neptune rules are Midheaven. Which of course shows the highest honors you can gain in life. Whether or not this will just be as a contender for the presidency or the actual presidency itself remains to be seen.



    As Pluto is at the very tail end of Capricorn on Election Day, it does suggest a Capricornian theme to the result. However, Pluto is moving into Aquarius on November the 19th, and it will remain in Aquarius all the way through until the inauguration in January. This particular planetary ingress, more than anything else, is likely to create profound intensity to what will eventually unfold in January.

    Author Bio

    Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

    Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

    If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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    Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

    Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

    Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

    The People in Your Astrological Houses

    The People in Your Astrological Houses

    Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024

    People of the Astrological Houses

    Where’s Waldo?

    Years ago and thinking about people, when I first started learning astrology and particularly the astrological houses, I discovered that in the 3rd house are your siblings, which means your brothers or sisters. So, I looked in my third house and there I had Mars and Venus which were supposed to represent my brother and sister.

    And I thought, “Gosh this astrology lark is very clever” because I have one brother (Mars) and I have one sister (Venus) and I thought, “This is brilliant!”

    To me, this perfect alignment between what the chart said and what was real for me was one more indicator about why I should learn astrology and how astrology is so great.

    Of course, the more I dug into the planets in the houses which represent the people in our lives, I realized that there is a subtlety to these interpretations. This what I’m going to be chatting about today.

    When reading an astrological chart, frequently you want to know about people in your life and where they may be represented in your birth chart. This is a quick guide to most of the people that you will encounter in your life and the houses in which you can find them. Any planets in these houses will suggest the energy of the type of person within the house.

    Example: 7th House

    For example, if you have three planets in your 7th house of marriage, it suggests that you will be married or have close personal relationship with three specific people who are of the nature of the planets themselves.

    The first partner will be indicated by the planet that is most clockwise in the house. This could also be said as the planet that would rise first over the Ascendant to the planet nearest to the house cusp on the clockwise side. The second planet suggests the second partner and the third planet suggests the third person. This goes the same for any business partners as well.

    Vacant Houses

    If a house is empty and has no planets, it doesn’t mean that those people-of-the-house do not exist in your life, but rather you would look to the ruler of the sign on the cusp of the house, as that planet will then be indicative of these types of people in your life.

    Think about it, not everyone has a planet in the 1st house, but everyone is alive and has a body, which is represented by the 1st house.

    Vacant houses suggest that the focus of the person’s life will not be in a place where the planets are not. Where the planets are indicates where the individual will bring focus to that area of their life and the people within in it.


    Example: 5th House

    If you do not have planets in the 5th house of children, it does not mean that you will not have kids, but that they may not be the be all and end all of your life experience. Your offspring could easily be a pleasure and not cause unnecessary concerns for you. Your focus in this lifetime will be where your natal planets actually are.

    1st House

    The folks in your first house are all concerned with you and your physical appearance.

    Your first house people are:

    • You yourself.
    • Your personal trainer.
    • Your hairdresser.
    • Your manicurist.
    • Your personal stylist.
    • Your masseuse.
    • Your life coach.
    • Your alter ego.

    2nd House

    The people in your second house are connected to your financial situation, your assets and what you find attractive.

    People in your second house are.

    • Your financial advisor.
    • Your banker.
    • Your art dealer.
    • Your auctioneer.
    • Your personal shopper.

    3rd House

    The 3rd house individuals are connected to family members of the same generation as yourself and people who live and work nearby your home.

    Your third house people are:

    • Your siblings or brothers and sisters.
    • Your cousins.
    • Your schoolteacher.
    • Your neighbors.
    • Your Uber driver.
    • Your bus driver.
    • Your postman.

    4th House

    Others in your 4th house are representative mainly of your family and where you came from. Additionally, those who will be around in your twilight years.

    Your 4th house people are:

    • Your father.
    • Your ancestors.
    • Your family members in general.
    • Your countrymen and women.
    • Your mother-in-law.
    • Your hospice carer.
    • Your interior decorator.

    5th House

    People in your 5th house are related to your recreation, your creation and your procreation.

    Your 5th house people are:

    • Your own children.
    • Children in general.
    • Your playmates.
    • Your theatre cronies.
    • Your gambling buddies.
    • Your romantic dates.
    • People with whom you have affairs.

    6th House

    The people in your 6th house are related to your work, your day-to-day activities, your pets and your health.

    Your 6th house people are:

    • Your workmates.
    • Your employees.
    • Your servants.
    • Your cleaning lady.
    • Your pool guy.
    • Your workout buddies.
    • Your yoga instructor.
    • Your doctor.
    • Your pets.
    • Your pet’s vet.
    • Your clients and customers.

    7th House

    The individuals in your 7th house are related to your life partners, business partners and people in general.

    Your 7th house people are:

    • Your spouse, husband or wife.
    • Your common law spouse.
    • Your life mate.
    • Your business partners.
    • Your lawyer.
    • Your children’s teachers.
    • Other people in general.

    8th House

    People in your 8th house are related to anyone who provides you with their resources physical or financial. Additionally, people related to the inevitables of life taxes, sex and death.

    Your 8th house people are:

    • Your organ or tissue donors.
    • Your surgeon.
    • Your sex partners.
    • Your debtors.
    • Your undertaker.
    • Your henchmen.
    • Your secret supporters.
    • Your loan sharks.
    • Your tax advisor.
    • Your psychologist.
    • Your gynaecologist.

    9th House

    Folks in your 9th house are related to anything to do with religion, travel or adult education.

    The people in your 9th house are:

    • Your preacher or religious leader.
    • Your university professors.
    • Your college education tutors.
    • Your travel agent.
    • Your translator.
    • Your gurus.
    • Your visionaries.
    • People with whom you walk your life path.
    • Your brothers in law and sisters in law.

    10th House

    People in your 10th house are related to your career and your greatest achievements in this world. They also represent the government and authority figures in general.

    People in your 10th house are:

    • The police.
    • Traffic cops.
    • Your mother.
    • Your boss.
    • Your superior.
    • Your father-in-law.

    11th House

    People related to your 11th house have to do with your friends and associates and the children of others.

    Your 11th house people are:

    • Your friends.
    • Your associates.
    • Your collaborators.
    • Your teammates.
    • Your group members.
    • Your adopted children.
    • Your stepchildren.
    • Your astrologer.

    12th House

    People related to your 12th house are frequently people in the shadows of your life.

    The people of your 12th house are:

    • Your guardian Angel.
    • Your magician.
    • Your psychic reader.
    • Strangers in general.
    • People who come to you in your dreams.


    Here I’ve given you some ideas I know about how to find the people in your life through the astrology chart.

    If you are a consulting astrologer dealing with clients who perhaps bring up issues surrounding their sister, their vet, their lawyer or whomever, you will know in which house to explore to find indications around how that person will impact your client’s life.

    As you interpret the birth charts of your clients there will be other people who crop up who may not be on this list, but there is always a way to work them out through derivative houses. Or you can just consider what role that person would be playing in your client’s life.

    I hope you enjoy this article about the people in your chart. And it gives you something to think about during the next week.

    Author Bio

    Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

    Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

    If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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    Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

    Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

    Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

    Lunar New Year

    Lunar New Year

    As a Western astrologer, it’s valuable to have a basic understanding of other zodiac systems, such as the Chinese Lunar New Year and its animal symbolism.

    Mars in Leo

    Mars in Leo

    Author: Arwynne O’Neill   –   Published: October 2024

    Mars in Transit

    Mars takes 685 days to go all the way around the zodiac, meaning it spends an average of 8 weeks in each sign, but that is wildly variable. It can spend as little as 6 or 7 weeks in a sign, or as long as several months, like the 2024-2025 transit. Mars enters Leo on November 3, 2024 and goes retrograde on December 6, while making an opposition to Pluto in Aquarius, which is a potentially volatile aspect.
    Pluto is entering Aquarius for the last time on November 19, after a very long stay in the final degree of Capricorn and a couple of retrogrades since 2023. Try your best to avoid conflicts with others around December 6 because sparks could really fly and the effects could be lasting if tensions erupt into open aggression.
    Mars will retrograde back into Cancer on January 6, and it will continue its retrograde movement until February 23, when it stations direct and moves back into Leo on April 18, where it will stay until June 17. So if you have Mars or any major planets in Leo or Cancer, you’ll want to take a note of those dates and the degree of your planets to see when they will be activated by the movements of Mars. These could be critical days for you.

    Mars in the Birth Chart

    The planet Mars can be in any house or sign because Mars’s orbit is outside the orbit of Earth. Unlike Mercury and Venus which, from our perspective on Earth, only ever travel a couple of signs away from the Sun. So for example, if you have a Virgo sun, you can only have Mercury in either Leo, Virgo or Libra, or one sign away.

    Similarly, if you have the sun in Virgo, you can only ever have Venus two signs away at most, meaning Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra or Scorpio. But you could have Mars in any sign.

    Mars is the planet of action of desire, activity, aggression and, as Alison Price likes to say, what gets you up off the couch. It also plays a significant role in relationships, along with Venus, as it describes the preferred style with which you go after what you want in relationships, career, exercise… and anything else that requires positive action and initiative.

    For example, when Mars is in Aries, the sign that it rules (along with Scorpio), Mars is quintessentially independent, competitive, bold and fiery. Whereas Mars in, say, Cancer is not as naturally comfortable in such a watery, lunar sign.

    Mars in Cancer tends to be highly emotional, maybe even passive-aggressive, and it may take a lot more to get the Mars in Cancer person fired up or moving. They may struggle with motivation, assertion, positive action. They may only be moved when their emotions are highly engaged, for better or worse.

    Mars in Leo

    If you have Mars in Leo here are some keywords that may resonate with you: dramatic, confident, expressive, dramatic, egotistical, possessive, jealous, competitive. This is definitely a drama king or queen placement.

    They’re often driven to create or perform, and they have a high tolerance for risk. They tend to be idealistic but their anger erupts when they feel their pride has been injured or they’re not being respected. They can be self-righteous and egotistical but they always act from their heart.


    They have a strong sense of right and wrong.  They can be very ambitious, whether in their career or in their pursuit of love or the object of their desire, but since Leo is a fixed sign, their energy is more about perseverance than initiating change.

    They tend to make good leaders because they have a natural empathy despite their ego. They know what it is to need respect and unless you’ve done something to cross them, they will naturally extend that respect to you.

    They’re passionate and fiery but not as impulsive as Mars in Aries. In relationships, they can be very magnetic, authoritative and proud. If they’re kept happy by their partner, they can be among the most loyal of Mars placements, but if neglected they won’t hesitate to seek out the attention and admiration they require outside the relationship.

    If their heart isn’t in something, whether it’s work or a relationship, it’s very hard for them to get fired up and motivated. Picture the male lion relaxed at the center of his pride, being fed by the female huntresses and lolling in the grass, satiated and regal. Now picture a solitary lion in a zoo; listless, bones protruding, hair matted, thousand-yard stare on his face. Is there anything sadder or more out of place?

    If you have Mars in Leo and you feel like the lion in the zoo, some things that might boost your morale and motivation are:


    • Fall in love, passionately and completely. Devote your dramatic urges and desire for over the top self-expression to be fully focused on your object of desire.
    • Take up a competitive sport, preferably with an audience. Join an acting or improv class, learn an instrument, or talk to your boss about a promotion.
    • Stand up for someone who is being overlooked or not living up to their potential.
    • Teach others one of the many skills you’ve mastered; provide guidance, moral support and encouragement.
    There is no expression of pride and mentorship quite as genuine as that of Mars in Leo. When the Sun King shines his rays on you, it’s almost impossible not to feel warmed and expanded by their attention!


    Mars in Leo in Relationships

    According to Steven Arroyo’s excellent book, Person to Person Astrology, Mars in Leo has a fondness for living life to the fullest and delights in participating in group events, social rituals and robust, physical activities of all kinds. They usually have a big personality with a dramatic flair and a friendly nature, a knack for telling stories and jokes and an instinct for entertaining and encouraging others. They’re often good at sales professions and have a unique capacity to vitalize organizational efforts. They like to be in control.

    Their overall tendencies are dramatic self-assertion, warmth expressiveness and abundant vitality and creative flair. They need to assert themselves dynamically and creatively, but may be seen as pushy or domineering and their physical and sexual energy is stimulated by attention and demonstrative generosity. They need to be complemented and appreciated for their sexual, physical or creative prowess.

    Celebrities with Mars in Leo

    Beyoncé, Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, George Clooney, Hillary Clinton, Paul McCartney, Serena Williams, Michael Jordan, Cher, Frank Sinatra and Colin Farrell.

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    Author Bio

    Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

    Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

    Contact Arwynne

    Website MsPink

    Ms Pink Art shop

    Instagram @mspinkdotcom


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    Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

    Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

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    Lunar New Year

    As a Western astrologer, it’s valuable to have a basic understanding of other zodiac systems, such as the Chinese Lunar New Year and its animal symbolism.

    Medical Astrology

    Medical Astrology

    Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024

    Medical Astrology

    This time I’m chatting about medical astrology which is a branch of astrology that I personally do not practice, but many of you do. The reason I don’t offer health readings is because I just don’t know that much about the inner workings of the human body. If you are a nurse, doctor, therapist or practitioner in the healthcare world, then knowing some medical astrology will add interest to your daily work. So, I’m just going to go over the basics of health astrology for those who are attracted to this topic and I know many of you are by the number of requests I’ve had about this branch of astrology. I received a particularly long email from Sarah, thank you, which spurred me on to layout the basics about medical astrology, so you can go deeper for yourself.


    I am not a health care expert and any health concerns you have should always be addressed with your qualified healthcare professional.



    Each zodiac sign is traditionally associated with specific parts of the body.


    The planets, by their rulership of the signs, affect various bodily systems and health conditions.


    Your natal chart can help to identify potential health strengths and vulnerabilities based on the planetary placements and aspects.


    You can use transits and progressions to anticipate periods when you might be more susceptible to certain health issues.


    Health astrology often emphasizes the interconnectedness of mind, body and spirit in overall wellness.


    The Decumbiture Chart

    Decumbiture is a specialized branch of medical astrology that focuses on the moment a person falls ill or takes to their bed due to illness. The term comes from the Latin word “decumbere,” which means “to lie down.”


    A decumbiture chart is cast for the exact moment when a person first feels unwell enough to lie down or seek medical attention. This is considered a significant astrological event.

    Chart Interpretation

    The decumbiture chart is analyzed similarly to a birth chart, but with a specific focus on health matters. You would examine the planetary positions, aspects and house placements to gain insights into the nature and potential course of the illness.

    Diagnostic Tool

    Practitioners use decumbiture charts to diagnose the type of illness, its severity, and the affected body parts or systems.


    The chart is also used to predict the likely duration of the illness and its potential outcome.

    Treatment Timing

    You can use decumbiture charts to suggest the best time to begin treatment or administer medications.

    Historical Significance

    Decumbiture was widely practiced in medieval and Renaissance medicine, with many renowned physicians of the time incorporating it into their practice.

    Modern Applications

    Some astrologers still use decumbiture as part of their health astrology practice.

    Health Houses


    In astrology, there are three main houses related to health they are the 6th house, the 12th house and the 1st house and on occasion, the 8th house. Pay attention to the sign on the cusp of the health houses their rulers and condition. Any planet in a health house will directly indicate the issues that may arise health wise.

    6th House

    Recoverable Health

    The 6th house is your main health house and it suggests the recoverable ailments, illnesses or diseases which you experience. Illnesses of the 6th house are things such as a broken ankle that will heal, or when you catch the flu, and you will recover from that. All illnesses and diseases in the 6th house you will recover from.

    12th House

    Critical Health

    The 12th House represents critical illnesses that you may get in your life. These are any diseases that will be fatal or will be terminal if not treated. If you must take medication for the rest of your life for some disease or illness that you have, that then is a 12th house illness. Examples of 12th house illnesses are leprosy, diabetes, cancer, malaria, Ebola and rabies -and of course, there may be more.

    1st House


    The first house relates to your core vitality. This house suggests how well people can bounce back from health issues and get back to normal. It gives information about your physical body.

    Elective Surgery

    Note the 1st house also suggests non-life-threatening elective surgeries such as Botox, nose-jobs, hair implants, liposuction and facelifts which people may choose to do to improve their appearance.

    8th House


    All surgery, where there is any slicing and dicing, is found in the 8th house. Injections and infusions with needles which penetrate the skin and enter the body, are 8th house related.


    Organ transplants are represented by the 8th house, as this is the house of the resources of others. Tissue donations, and being an organ donor, like blood, kidney, liver donations, egg and sperm donations are also 8th house in nature. Donating you body to science is an 8th house activity.


    The 8th house is the house of death. It may indicate the nature of your death shown by the house ruler and tenants, but also through transits and progressions.


    Body Parts

    Each of the signs is related to one or two body parts and broadly, the signs start at the head with the first sign of Aries and end at the feet with the last sign, Pisces.



    Aries rules the head, brain, face, eyes and ears.



    Taurus rules the neck.


    Taurus also rules the throat.

    Vocal Cords

    Taurus rules the vocal cords as many of the best singers are Taureans.



    Gemini rules the hands, which are used for gesticulating when talking and for sign language. Braille is read through the fingertips.


    Gemini also rules the arms from the shoulder down to the elbows, the wrists and fingers.


    Gemini loves to rule pairs of things. It rules the pair of lungs which are also related to Gemini as an air sign. Breathing and aspiration – the drawing of breath is ruled by Gemini.


    Breasts and Chest

    Cancer rules the breasts and breast milk and the chest area.


    Cancer also rules the stomach as the container of food.



    Leo rules the heart and the cardiovascular system. It is the first sign of life from a fetus shown on an ultrasound scan at around eight weeks.


    Leo rules the back, the spine and the strength.


    Digestive System

    Virgo rules the digestive system which includes the intestines. Indigestion is a theme for Virgo. Virgo rules the abdomen area in general.



    Libra rules the kidneys and the renal system.

    Inner Ear

    Libra rules the semicircular canals and otoliths of the inner ear organs used for balance.


    Reproductive System

    In women, Scorpio rules the vagina, ovaries, eggs, cervix, womb and pregnancy. In men, Scorpio rules the penis, testicles, sperm production and the prostate.

    Eliminatory System

    Scorpio rules the bladder, bowel, anus, sweat glands and the vomit reflex all of which eliminate toxins and waste products from the body.



    Sagittarius rules the hips.


    Sagittarius rules the largest single bone in the body, the femur, in the thigh of the upper leg.


    The Archer rules the largest organ (after the skin) which is the liver.



    Capricorn rules the knees and joints.


    Capricorn rules the skeletal bones in general.



    Aquarius rules the ankles. Aquarius rules the circulatory system.



    Pisces rules the feet. Pisces rules the lymphatic system.



    The planets themselves are related to some areas of the body similar to the signs they rule, and certain diseases.



    The Sun is always the beating heart and shows the heart of the matter.


    The Sun rules the back, backaches and back pain.


    Solar diseases are weak hearts, heart attacks, heart transplants, fibrillation, slipped disks and spinal surgery.


    Bodily Fluids

    The Moon rules body fluids like the tears, the lymph and the female monthly cycle blood loss.


    The Moon rules the breasts, breast milk and nurturing breast feeding.


    Moon diseases are things like swellings, stomach ache, breast reduction and augmentation surgeries, breast cancer, the lactation let-down reflex, fluid retention and pigeon chests.



    Mercury co-rules the two hemispheres of the brain where thing takes place.


    The Messenger of the Gods rules the hands, hand signals, handiwork and handicrafts.


    It also rules the arms, shoulders and elbows.


    It rules the lungs and breathing.


    Mercury related disease are things like Alzheimer’s, dementia and tremors or arthritis in the hands. Mercury also rules lung disease like bronchitis, tuberculosis, emphysema and collapsed lungs.


    Vocal cords

    Venus rules the vocal cords.


    Venus rules all sweet sugary things including glucose.


    Venus diseases are typically stiff necks, throat infections, loss of voice, kidney failure, dialysis and diabetes.



    Mars rules the blood, blood pressure and all blood related diseases.


    Mars rules fevers and sweating.


    Martian diseases are blood and fever related like scarlet fever and hypertension. Infections from tattoos are Mars related.



    Jupiter rules the liver the life-giving organ.

    Thigh Femur

    Jupiter rules the upper leg, walking and ambulation.


    Jupiter related diseases are things like liver failure, hip replacements and all growths in the body.



    Saturn rules the knees.


    Saturn rules the bones and the skeleton.


    Saturn rules the teeth, dentures, orthodontics and fillings.


    Saturn rules kidney stones and gall stones.


    Saturn rules the skin which is the limit of the body.


    Saturnian diseases are skin related like pale skin, or acne. Saturn rules knee pain and knee replacements.



    Uranus rules the ankles including sprained or twisted ankles.


    As the ruler of electricity, Uranus rules the micro electrical synapses in the brain.


    Uranian diseases are typically modern, like Covid-19, and unusual conditions. When you are hooked up to a life support machine or baby’s incubator, which is plugged into the electricity, it is a Uranian event.



    Neptune rules the feet, toes and arches.


    Neptune has much to say about tinctures, drugs and the actual medications you may take.


    Neptunian diseases relate to gasses in the body, halucinations and ingrown toenails.


    Reproduction System

    Pluto rules reproduction, sex and birth.

    Elimination System

    Pluto rules the eliminatory system that purges unwanted products from the body.


    Plutonic diseases are sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis and others. Pluto also rules any post operative infections. 


    Visible Weaknesses

    Chiron rules any visible weaknesses which can be seen. These are such as when you are on crutches, in a wheelchair, have a colostomy bag, wear spectacles or a visible hearing aid.


    Chironic diseases cover all open wounds, stitches, weeping wounds, scar tissue and any issues which weaken your constitution in general.

    Author Bio

    Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

    Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

    If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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    Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

    Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

    Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

    Lunar New Year

    Lunar New Year

    As a Western astrologer, it’s valuable to have a basic understanding of other zodiac systems, such as the Chinese Lunar New Year and its animal symbolism.

    Astrology Business Branding

    Astrology Business Branding

    Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024

    Business Branding


    Branding has become quite a popular trend recently. Your astrology brand is who you are and what you do in the astrology world. It is not your other social media streams or “friends”, it is only your astrology business. When you set up an astrology business, there are a few steps that will help you get going sooner and they can be taken in sequence. Your business brand will generally be shown by the Midheaven and the 10th house complex in your commercial start chart.

    Business Name

    Choose a good business name that says “astrology” in the name because it helps search engines like the mighty Google find you. Pick a business name which is easy to spell and say over the phone. Good examples of names for your astrology business are Newtown Astrology, Astrology by the River, or We Love Astrology. Avoid business names like “PDQ Industries” and “Audrey and Leslie PLC” because you can’t tell what the business is about just by the name.

    Business Colour Palette

    You will need to have some colour in your branding. This will ultimately go on your website, logo, favicon, banner, business cards, t-shirts, candles, cards and everything else you do for your business. You can get away with one color, or choose two colors, but at the most you will need three colors.

    • A main colour like red, blue or magenta.
    • A complimentary support colour like teal, yellow or pink.
    • An accent color like black, grey or white.

    Your Logo

    A logo is a symbol or a little image. Logos are always square. Your logo can be an immediate indication of your business and will be with you a long time. Your logo should be simple and in your chosen colour palette. Logos are you typically used on your business card, on your website favicon, on all your social media streams like TikTok, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, X, or Pinterest, they all have a spot for your logo.


    Website and Online Presence

    Once you have a business name, you could go on to the next part of building your business with an online presence. Get a self-hosted website with a domain name

    Social Media

    You could also set up a Facebook business page under your new business name, which is separate from your personal Facebook page. Additionally, you can create a Pinterest business account in your new name, because astrology is a highly visual medium. I always recommend taking your business name to all the channels a securing the name. If you don’t use it today you may wish to later. If you are happy with other social channels, by all means use them. Just keep your business social media channels to business. Don’t post about what you did last night because that juicy information goes on your personal page only.

    Business Cards

    Print business cards to give to everyone you meet if they ask.

    Business Elections


    When you finally decide to set up your astrology business there will be a start chart. This will be the birth chart for your business. If you just decide at your kitchen table you’re going to be working on charts, that’s one thing, but as soon as you start charging money and go professional, you will have a start chart for your astrology business.

    Future Business Chart

    Maybe you are aware that opening an astrology business is something you’d like to do in the next 12 months. Then certainly you have plenty of time to pick and choose a great start chart for your business. This is known as electional astrology where you are electing to do something in the future such as starting a business.

    Existing Business Charts

    All listed companies will have a start chart because they have an incorporation date and that would be the date and time for their birth charts. But for solopreneur one-woman-show astrology businesses it’s goes one of two ways:

    • Past: You started in the past doing chart readings.
    • Future: You decide that you are going to finish your training and hang up your shingle and start your astrology business, then you get to choose.

    Been Doing Astrology for While

    Let’s just look at the first scenario. Say you have been doing astrology on and off for 10 years, and now recently you’ve started charging money for doing charts, but you haven’t yet formed a business. Now you need that start chart and there is two ways you can do this.

    • You can go back to that very first day when you took your first dollar towards astrology, which is the indication of a professional business, and cast that chart.
    • Or you could decide that you are still working towards it and decide to have a launch party day, as it were and make an election chart for the business.

    This launch party will be in the future to signify the official public launch of your astrology business.

    Future Astrology Business

    Your second option is if you are perhaps still working towards learning more about astrology, and let’s face it, who isn’t? We’re all learning as we go forward, but you may decide that in the next year you want to start an astrology business. Now you can choose a start chart for yourself through electional astrology.

    Relaunch and Existing Business

    Your third option will be that if you registered your astrology business sometime in the past, that date will be the start chart for your astrology business. So here you’ve got two options really. And, I’m going on a side note now, but bear with me.

    Future Choice

    Electional astrology is often used for marriage charts. You decide you’re going to get married next spring, and you pick a good day because you want Venus well placed or whatever it is. You decide and you have a marriage chart, and you go forward with that chart. However, if you come to astrology later in life and you’ve already been married for 25 years you could go back to the date from 25 years ago to the time when you said, “I do” and cast that wedding chart and that will be technically the chart for your marriage.

    Retaking Vows

    Now there is, of course, this modern thing of retaking your vows. This usually happens when marriages have been going a long time or they’ve hit a rocky patch and they’re trying to get back on track. The couple want to remake their vows to each other and reinforce the strength of their love. And then again you can then have a restart chart for that, so you wouldn’t just pick any old day to retake your vows and have a party. Now you’re going to choose carefully and elect a great day for your re-vow party and that would be then the chart moving forward.

    So that’s just an example with weddings, but technically you can do with businesses as well.

    Business Charts Examples

    Not that I’m going into great detail regarding business electional charts here, but I just want to bring forward a pair of high profile business launches and the impact that one planet had on how they fared.


    Facebook went public with their initial public offering (IPO) at 11:30 AM on the 18th of May 2012 in New York. The launch chart has Venus retrograde. This is not a good position for money. I recall at the time that astrologers were saying that FB had not consulted and astrologer, otherwise they would never have launched on that particular day with Venus retrograde. But they did launch and of course Facebook is a massive company.

    However. initial benefit from that launch was quoted as “a disappointment”. On the first day Facebook started at $34.41 and closed at $38.23. I have provided you with a link here to the Wikipedia article about it and how the financials didn’t rise to the expectation.


    Twitter (X)

    Twitter went public at 9:00 AM, November 7th, 2013, again on the New York Stock Exchange. Twitter’s start chart has Venus directTwitter exceeded expectations financially on the day of their launch. They opened at $26 and closed at $44.90. Even though at the time Twitter was a far smaller company than, Facebook was or is. The simple fact of having Venus direct made all the difference. I’ll also reference here the Wikipedia page discussing how their launch was. Exceeded expectations.



    I’ve already mentioned. One planet. When referencing these two business charts on the habit gone into a deep dive, certainly, I’ll leave that to you. But the point is that when you are creating a business election, you do need to make sure not only that your 10th house is well supported with good planets. You also want to make sure that Venus is direct and not going to be going retrograde in the next 7 days.And additionally, you really want to make sure that the malefic switch are. Mars, Saturn and Pluto in general are not in prominent positions or on the 1st or in the 1st house. Of course, when you are doing elections, you can’t always have everything but. Venus is one of those planets that’s very important because it rules love and money. So it’s important for wedding elections and it’s important for business elections. Just something to keep in mind.

    Decision Time

    Option 1:

    If you are happy with your existing company chart because your business was registered on a particular day in the past, go with that.

    Option 2:

    If you feel you want to do some rebranding or relaunch your business or go down a different route with what you’re doing, you could then have a restart chart.


    My Starzology website was launched way back in 2003. When I launched my podcast, I had an election chart for that venture. And when I launched this Starzlife newsletter I had an election chart for this venture. It really, it is up to you.


    In your business chart you will be looking to the Midheaven, and 10th house of the chart. Ideally you would choose your branding colours that reflect and support this business from:

    • The sign on the Midheaven.
    • Any 10th house planets.
    • Any planetary aspects to the Midheaven degree.

    Sign Colors

    Each of the zodiac signs pertains to certain colours and it all hangs off the colour wheel.

    Primary Colours

    In the colour spectrum, there are three primary colours, red, yellow and blue and astrologically these relate to the fire signs. Aries is red, Leo is yellow and Sagittarius is blue.

    Secondary Colours

    The three air signs, which are midway between each of the fire signs, are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. They take the secondary colours which are orange, green and violet.

    Tertiary Colours

    In between each active sign there is a passive sign, either earth or water. They will take the tertiary colours from the colour wheel. Taurus is tangerine, Cancer is apricot, Virgo is chartreuse, or lime green. Scorpio is turquoise, Capricorn is purple, and Pisces is fuchsia or shocking pink.


    Planetary Colours

    Planet Color

    Another way to look at colour choices would be through planets which are prominent. Each planet has its own colour or collection of colours. Note: Here I’m just sharing my ideas with you, other astrologers could assign different colours to the planets. I’m not saying this is the final word on planetary colours it’s just the ones I use.

    • The Sun is yellow and gold.
    • The Moon is white and silver.
    • Mercury is green and paisley.
    • Venus is pink and lacey.
    • Mars is red.
    • Jupiter is royal blue.
    • Saturn is dark purple, grey or black and stripes.
    • Uranus is electric blue or turquoise and zig-zags.
    • Neptune is cyan or see green.
    • Pluto is maroon or dried blood red.
    • And once Chiron came along, I assigned it to taupe.

    Planet Color Influence

    When considering a business election chart, we’re looking at the Midheaven and the 10th house. After considering the sign on the Midheaven and its associated colours you can explore any planetary colours both as 10thhouse tenants and by Midheaven degree aspect.

    Ask Yourself

    • Which planet is the Midheaven ruler and what is its colour?
    • Which planets tenant the 10th house and what are their colours? If the10th house is empty ignore this.
    • Which planets aspect the Midheaven (trines and sextiles are most helpful).

    Computer Colours

    And if you are getting very particular about your colour choices, do remember there are different ways of determining the names or numbers for different colours in use today.


    On computer screens we use the RGB system which is red, green and blue combinations. The RGB triplets lets you know which combination of red, green and blue to use.


    Hex colours are another way to specify computer colors. They follow a hex triplet notation following a # and have two numeric values each for red, green and blue. Example #970511.


    Pantone colours are specific colours that can be called for by their name or by their code. These are used in the graphic design, printing and the paint industry. Each year Pantone announces the Color of the Year which is keenly followed by fashionistas and design people.


    Here are some questions that you might like to ask yourself as you start to set up your brand-new astrology business.

    • What business name do you want?
    • Which colors do you want?
    • What type of astrology do you want to practice?
    • Who is your ideal customer?

    Your Clients

    Clients Starting Their Businesses

    If you have clients who want to start or launch a business, and they come to you and say, “Hey, I want to open a widget business next June”. Once you’ve cast their election chart, you could then continue on to advise them on their colour choices for their business so that their selections are aligned astrologically to their business start chart. This extra step will add value to your business astrology consultations.


    Premium Astrology Newsletter

    This piece originally appeared in our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter. As with every issue, subscribers received a complimentary PDF download related to this topic.

    For those interested in receiving such in-depth articles directly upon release, we encourage you to join our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter.

    Your subscription to Starzlife not only grants you access to exclusive content but also helps sustain our creative endeavors and operational costs.

    Find out more about Starzlife here.

    Author Bio

    Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

    Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

    If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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    Lunar New Year

    As a Western astrologer, it’s valuable to have a basic understanding of other zodiac systems, such as the Chinese Lunar New Year and its animal symbolism.



    Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024



    A T-square is a major aspect pattern found in charts it is formed with three planets, two planets oppose each other and the third planet squares the other two. 

    The pattern is in the shape of a “T” in a chart. Many natal charts have T-squares and I believe that between 60% to 80% of charts will have the pattern. Personally, I don’t have one in my chart. And you may find a chart that has one T-square. Additionally, you can find charts with multiple T-squares in them.


    In general, when interpreting a T-square, the energy of the two planets in opposition tends to flow towards the focal planet, which is the planet that is getting the two squares from the other planets.

    This is like a pointer in a chart, as many of the triangular major aspect patterns are.

    Focal Planet

    So the sign, and particularly the house, where the focal planet is in a T-square suggests where this energy of the whole T-square will be expressed through the person’s life.


    Typically, T-squares are in one of the three modes, so you would either get a cardinal T-square, a mutable T-square, or a fixed T-square. If all the planets are in the same mode, this is definitely the case. However, if one of the planets is in a different mode and two or in another mode, that is then known as their disassociate T-square and it makes it slightly weaker.

    In the example chart I have below for Elton John, this is a fixed T-square because Taurus, Leo and Scorpio are fixed signs.


    Important Planets

    A T-square will be particularly important if the following planets are included in it:

    • The chart ruler.
    • The Sun.
    • The Moon.

    You have to fully analyze all the three planets in their signs and in their houses before you can draw it all together and combine it into the group of three planets which make the T-square. It is unadvisable just to go straight in and it look at a T-square. You do need to have a full understanding of the planet’s complex before this.


    T-squares are often triggered through transits because there are three planets spread about the chart. Any of those planets could receive a transit from any of the planets at anytime.

    For example, the Sun will pass around the chart and it will trigger each of the three planets in a T-square three months after each other as the Sun moves through the quarter of the chart, and not only that, where the Sun goes, Mercury and Venus follow closely behind.

    So Mercury and Venus will also be aspecting the T-square and all it means three times a year.

    Then you need to consider all of the other planets that may, or may not be, making aspects to the T-square.

    T-square Themes

    Any T-square, including its planets, their houses, their signs and the focal planet within the T-square will suggest a theme within the chart.

    When you have aspects that are all hard, such as squares and oppositions, these are aspects that the person will have been grappling with from day one.


    The orbs I use for a T-square are 8° for a square and 8° for an opposition.


    The square is typically an aspect that shows internal dilemmas within the person, things that they are working with and trying to work through at all times.


    An opposition aspect shows external dilemmas where the person is dealing with other people, other situations that are not from them. Here they may also bring in projection as well and blaming of the other and all the things that pertain to the opposition aspect. But they are external dilemmas.

    The point is that the whole T-square is considered a dilemma for the person whose chart it’s in.


    Another way of interpreting T-squares is to consider the sequence with which the T-square is triggered.

    You do this by deciding which of the three planets is on the earliest degree.

    In the example chart I show below for Elton John, there is a T-square between the Moon opposition Chiron, both squaring Pluto. Pluto is the focal planet.

    The next step would be to look at the degrees that each of these planets is at. Chiron is at 7°, the Moon is at 10° and Pluto is at 11 degrees.

    This tells us the sequence for Elton John’s T-square is Chiron-Moon-Pluto because as the transiting planet comes up towards the T-square, it will first aspect Chiron either by a conjunction, opposition or square.

    Next it will then aspect the Moon either by a conjunction, opposition or square, and then it will finally aspect Pluto either by a conjunction, opposition, or square.

    The important thing here is that the sequence of how the events unfold in his life will remain the same. This shows a pattern in the natal chart.

    So initially you would have a Chiron situation unfolding, which then moves on to a lunar situation that unfolds and followed by the culmination of a Plutonic situation as the final situation.

    Ideally if this is your client, you want to be able to try and weave a story relating to how these planets are likely to work because the pattern continues in throughout their life.


    Mr. “X”

    Above is the chart of a guy we’re calling Mr. “X” and he actually has two of this pattern in his chart, a Jupiter and a Mars T-square. We actually give a full interpretation of this on the podcast episode, so make sure to listen to that.

    Author Bio

    Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

    Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

    If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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    Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

    Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

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    Lunar New Year

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    3 Steps to Interpreting Solar Eclipses


    Eclipses as Transits

    Upcoming eclipses are technically transits that will occur in the future. Each year there will be at least two solar eclipses, and there could technically be five solar eclipses as there was back in 1935. It’s just a good idea to get your forecast material organized ahead for each upcoming year. I typically do this in October, November and December to make sure I know when the eclipses will be occurring and what their likely impact is going to be.

    Number of Eclipses

    If you do decide to work with eclipses, you will typically only have two solar eclipses in most years. For example, 2025 has only two solar eclipses which is pretty much what often happens. Any time investment you make into understanding eclipses, for say next year, will benefit you for all the forecasting or horoscopes that you do in that year.

    3 Steps to Interpreting Solar Eclipses

    3 Steps

    There are three steps to interpreting solar eclipses which are general, family and personal.

    1. General: The solar eclipse chart itself.
    2. Family: The original family Saros chart to which the eclipse belongs.
    3. Personal: The solar eclipse in a (yours or your client’s) natal chart.

    Interpreting Solar Eclipses

    Not all eclipses are created equal, and not all eclipses will affect individual people either the same or at all. Each solar eclipse has to be analyzed on its own merit. As an astrologer, you need to determine just how effective each eclipse will be.

    In general, by the nature of the actual Saros family chart and whether or not it will affect individual people such as yourself, your family or your clients by its position in the Zodiac.

    Eclipse Timing

    You will still need to pay attention to exactly how long the effect of each eclipse will be. Although the consensus is that the effects of eclipses last six months, I don’t believe this is the case. You need to pay attention to the totality of the eclipse to calculate the time of effect for each eclipse.

    Three Steps

    Let’s look at our 3 steps:

    Step 1: General, we’re looking at the actual eclipse chart and interpreting it as it stands by itself.

    Step 2: Family, we’re looking at the family. That is the original Saros family. All eclipses belong to a Saros family which can last for over 1000 years and there are around 70 ish eclipses in each family. The idea is that you look at the original eclipse family chart, that is the birth chart for the Saros. This chart will tell you about the core nature of this particular eclipse family itself.

    Step 3: Individual, is the personal effect of an eclipse, such as how will it affect you or your family or your client’s chart. You do that by finding where the actual eclipse contacts your chart, or not. 

    For example, if you have an eclipse that occurs conjoined your Sun, it will definitely affect you. But if that same eclipse happens on your sister’s chart and it does not make any conjunctions or oppositions, it is unlikely to effect her whatsoever. In this case the eclipse will just pass her by. Let’s have a closer look at the three steps to interpreting solar eclipses.

    Step 1: General: The Solar Eclipse Chart Itself

    House System

    Cast the eclipse chart on the Zero Aries house system unless you are doing horoscopes for a particular location.


    The solar eclipse on October 2, 2024, occurs at 10° Libra. When considering specific eclipses, you need to focus on the zodiac degree where the eclipse occurs.

    South Node

    The October solar eclipse is at the south node. In this case, the node is in the same sign as the actual eclipse, in Libra. So, in this case, we’re looking to Venus as the ruler of this eclipse.

    Note that if the node is in the adjacent sign to the eclipse point, you must consider both the ruler of the node and the ruler of the eclipse.


    Solar eclipses at the South node, are symbolically of a low tide washing off a beach. As the tide flows out, it removes driftwood and other stuff from the beach.


    Mercury is conjoined this eclipse and the eclipse is squaring Mars at 15 Cancer. There is also a sesquiquadrate to Uranus.

    Step 2: Family: The Original Saros Chart


    Please note, I’m referencing Bernadette Brady’s fabulous book, Predictive Astrology, The Eagle and the Lark.

    Brady has done some spectacular research and lists all the Saroses and the Saros birth charts.

    S.S. 8 South

    The original Saros family for this eclipse is Saros Series 8 South.

    The first eclipse occured on April 1, 1718, at 15:02 GMT at the South Pole.

    This particular Saros family will end with the last eclipse in April 2962.


    The Sun and Moon are at 10° Aries.

    Mercury is at 19° Pisces.

    Venus is retrograde at 23° Aries.

    Mars is at 20° Taurus.

    Jupiter is at 24° Cancer.

    Saturn is retrograde at 29° Libra.

    Uranus is retrograde at 3° Libra.

    Neptune is at 14° Taurus.

    Pluto is retrograde at 12° Virgo.

    North Node is at 24° Virgo.


    Saturn is on the New Moon / Mars midpoint.

    Saturn = Mew Moon / Mars.

    Interpretation Keys

    Separation and loss. To be parted. To finish something, and to feel sad at its completion. Physical injury is also possible through over straining one’s strength. This is not the time to undertake strenuous physical activities.

    Step 3: Personal: The Solar Eclipse in a Natal Chart

    Natal House

    When interpreting eclipses, you need to look at the house in the natal chart where the eclipse occurs. In this solar eclipse, we’re looking for 10° Libra. What you need to do is find the house in your chart where 10° Libra is and that will be the house which will be affected by this eclipse. If you are working with clients, you would look at their natal charts to see where this eclipse occurs in their chart.

    Aspects to Consider

    • Pay close attention to any natal planet that conjoins the eclipse.
    • Consider any oppositions to the eclipse.
    • If there are natal planets conjoined or opposing the eclipse degree, you do need to interpret them thoroughly.

    Aspects to Ignore

    If there are no conjunctions or opposition to this eclipse you can move on. I tend not to consider squares and or trines from eclipses. This is due to the nature of the eclipse, which is either an opposition or a conjunction. Of course, you can explore every aspect and if you have time then do so, but I never do.


    South node eclipses remove things from you in the nature of the house in your birth chart where the eclipse happens. South Node eclipses provide release for you from information, insights, friends, jobs, situations or events in your life. It is the time to let go of what you’ve been holding you back.

    This is the moment to free yourself of emotional baggage or limiting beliefs which you perhaps have held on to for too long. This is the time for initiating relationships of all kind. There is a window of around three months where this eclipse has influence.

    Pay close attention to what unfolds on the day the eclipse as this will set the tone for the next quarter. If your birthday is within the week of this eclipse, this influence will stay with you longer than for other people to around twelve months.

    Eclipse Path

    On the datasheet, the eclipse path is clearly marked with the red line. It is always an interesting to see exactly where the shadow of the Moon with sweep across the face of the Earth. This particular eclipse runs across the Pacific Ocean and just touches the very end of South America.

    Orthographic Map

    Data Sheet

    You can download an orthographic map of every eclipse from the NASA website on public domain. I prefer to call this an eclipse data sheet as it has everything you need, astrologically, for an eclipse. I don’t pay attention to everything on the document as there is so much information which is not relevant to me as an astrologer.


    What I do look for in a solar eclipse is the duration of totality. In this case it is 7 minutes 25 seconds which converts to a period of influence of seven and a half months which is pretty long. Now the next solar eclipse will occur on March 29th, 2025, which is before the seven and a half months are up for this eclipse. Typically, when a new solar eclipse occurs it will supersede the previous one. I urge you to test this for yourself if an eclipse contacts your chart with a close conjunction.


    Natal Chart

    Let’s have a look at the October solar eclipse in relation to an individual’s chart. Looking at Kamala Harris’s chart, we note that the solar eclipse is at 10° Libra. This means that it will occur in her 5th house.


    Considering the aspectarian for Kamala Harris, here her natal planets are across the top (X- axis) and the solar eclipse planets are down the vertical (Y-axis). We can isolate the eclipse, which are the Sun on the Moon’s aspects, from the solar eclipse chart.

    To see which eclipse aspects form in her chart, we note that the only aspect that there really is from the eclipse point is the sesquiquadrate to Jupiter. As I’ve said before, typically when working with eclipses, I only consider aspects which are conjunctions and oppositions.

    Of course, you may explore this chart in far greater detail if you wish, starting with the sesquiquadrate to Jupiter. Furthermore, you could go on to consider all the other contacts from the solar eclipse chart.

    Remember that these aspects in the aspectarian, like Uranus applying to her Jupiter, are actual transits for her as well and would normally be picked up when you did the transit work first.


    Solar Eclipses Reflection


    Working with eclipses is very thought-provoking. And in general, you only an opportunity twice each year to witness a solar eclipse in action.

    Natal House

    I would be interested to know in which natal house this particular solar eclipse occurs for you. For myself, it will be in my 4th house, conjoined my Immum Coeli. So this is one of those solar eclipses that does closely contact my chart and I will be paying close attention to what unfolds on eclipse day.


    Premium Astrology Newsletter

    This piece originally appeared in our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter. As with every issue, subscribers received a complimentary PDF download related to this topic.

    For those interested in receiving such in-depth articles directly upon release, we encourage you to join our Starzlife premium astrology newsletter.

    Your subscription to Starzlife not only grants you access to exclusive content but also helps sustain our creative endeavors and operational costs.

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    Author Bio

    Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

    Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

    If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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