The Vertex

The Vertex

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: May 2024

Vertex: The Third Angle

There are several points that pop up in an astrology chart.

And really you can add as many or as few as you wish.

You may start by adding points to your advanced natal readings first with the lunar nodes and then maybe the Part of Fortune or the Vertex.

I’m a fan of all these chart points.

But today, I’m going to share a few of my thoughts on the Vertex.

Astronomy for Astrologers

The Vertex is a sensitive point in astrology.

The Vertex is found at the intersection of the ecliptic in the West and the prime vertical.

Also note that the anti-vertex, or contra-vertex, is directly opposite the Vertex

I have a super clear (I hope) diagram for the vertex below.


Vertex Position

The Vertex is always on the western side of the chart.

It usually is in one of the four houses close to the Descendant. 

Astute readers will notice that these four houses form the second triple division, the “We” division, as well.



Now and then it may not be in the four houses.

The exceptions are for people born in super high latitudes (greater than 60 degrees) from the equator.

In these high latitude birthplace charts, the Vertex can be in the 4th or 10th houses.

But in all my years as an astrologer, I’ve only ever come across these outlier placements twice.

So, it’s not common at all.

In general, the Vertex is placed either in the 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th house.

Vertex Symbolism

The Vertex position is a sensitive point in any chart.

It is like a revolving door where people can come into, and go out of, your life.

People from the past can pop in and out of your life when your Vertex is energized.

If you meet an old school friend whom you’ve not seen for twenty years, chances are that your Vertex is being stimulated by a transit or progression.

Third Angle

As the Vertex is often referred to as the Third angle after the Ascendant and the Midheaven its meaning can be simplified as follows:

  • Your Ascendant is what you are.
  • Your Midheaven is what you do.
  • Your Vertex is what is expected of you.

Vertex Keywords

A few vertex keywords are:

  • Turning point
  • Pivot
  • In
  • And
  • Fated quality.
  • Self-mirror
  • What must be brough forth in life.

People Themes

The Vertex often suggests repetitive relationships with a certain echo theme in the nature of your Vertex complex.

This shows up as, for example, when your sister’s next boyfriend seems to be just like the last one.

It can be easy not to learn the lessons of the Vertex.

Gaining People


Newborn babies whose births directly affect you (by being in your family or close circle) may occur at times when your Vertex is triggered.

New People

New and significant people can enter your life when your Vertex is contacted.

This usually happens by the planets in the new person’s own chart conjoining your Vertex.

The Vertex and Losing People

Moving Away

If close people move out of your life, by literally moving away, it often happens when your Vertex is involved.


Typically, upon divorce your Vertex is contacted as your spouse leaves.

But often they come back now and then.

Letting Go

The time when you finally let go of relationships can be as your Vertex is aspected for the last time by a transiting planet.


People may leave your life permanently, by dying, when your Vertex is stimulated.


Vertex House

5th House

When the Vertex is in the fifth house it suggests loved ones are important.

Fifth house people are your girlfriends, boyfriends, lovers, fiancées, midwives, childbirth support person, your own children and people you party with.

6th House

When the Vertex is in the 6th House it suggests colleagues are important.

Sixth house people are your workmates, your vet, employees, maids, nursemaids, cleaners, the pool guy, the lawn guy, gym buddies, health instructors and your dietician.

7th House

When the Vertex is in the 7th House is suggests your husband, wife or significant other is important.

7th house people are your husband or wife, your common law spouse, your significant other, your business partners, anyone who confronts you and those who challenge you in open court.

8th House

When the Vertex is in the 8th house it suggests intimate partners are important.

8th house people are your intimate partners, your secret lovers, your faceless blood, egg, sperm and tissue donors, your creditors, your credit loans guy, your angel investors, your secret supporters who vote for you and the grim reaper.


The Vertex is a nice-to-have point in a chart.

It’s not the first thing you interpret which is why it is part of advanced natal astrology.

There is no pressure to work with the Vertex subtle energy.

You can ignore it if you wish or begin to consider the Vertex in your readings.

Extend Yourself

In your astrology journal please do the following:


  • Write “Vertex” as the page header.
  • Draw the “Vx” glyph. You can get as fancy or arty as you like.
  • Note the sign, degree and minute position.
  • Add your Vertex sign ruler.
  • Write your Vertex house.
  • List five keywords for the Vertex. You can do more research here.
  • Find the date when the transiting Sun crosses your Vertex, be on the lookout for people with that birthday.

Extend Yourself Further

Vertex Aspects

Vertex aspects can be very revealing particularly around your close relationships and people.

List all natal Ptolemaic aspects to your Vertex.

Write one sentence interpreting each Vertex aspect. You can add more info here later.

Vertex House

The Vertex house shows which area of life, and those people associated there, are likely to be stimulated. In your astrology journal please do the following:

  • Draw a single column table with four rows, one for each house.
  • Write 8th, 7th, 6th and 5th in each row going down.
  • List two people specific people in your life who are represented in each of the four houses.
  • Do some research and write 5 key sentences for when the Vertex in each house.

Vertex Sign Ruler

If your Vertex sign ruler, that is the planet which rules the sign that the Vertex is in, actually aspects the Vertex, it signals a higher vibrational energy.

Pay close attention to any of these aspects.

If the Vertex’s planetary ruler has a good condition, it supports the Vertex in your chart.

If the Vertex’s planetary ruler has a difficult condition, it reduces the effect and influence of the Vertex.


  • More on Planetary Condition

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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Jupiter Trine Pluto

Jupiter Trine Pluto

Author: Arwynne O’Neill  –   Published: May 2024

Basic Aspect Series: Jupiter trine Pluto

This is almost a generational aspect because Jupiter takes 12 years to go around the zodiac, so this aspect only happens every 8-10 years and this is an interesting one because both of these planets have just entered the air signs. Jupiter will be in Gemini for the next year, and we’ve done an entire podcast about Jupiter in Gemini so please go listen to that, as this aspect will be affecting everyone in different ways.

Pluto will be in Aquarius until 2046 which is a massive generational placement that we’ve also done an entire episode about. Jupiter will be at 1° Gemini trine Pluto at 1° Aquarius on June 2, 2024, but in this episode we’re going to focus on what this aspect looks like in someone’s natal chart. 

Jupiter trine Pluto in the birth chart

The trine is one of the soft aspects, the other being the sextile. Trines are flowing aspects that occur between signs in the same element, in this case, air. Air signs are characterized as intellectual, innovative, communication, community-oriented, outgoing and curious.

Trines create positive movement, and in this case, opportunities for growth and profound transformation. Jupiter is the big benefic in the solar system and Pluto is the planet of death, rebirth and transformation, so when they’re in aspect, these two planets come together to create a very exciting, powerful, dynamic potential for positive change.

Some of the keywords with Jupiter trine Pluto aspects are growth, improvement, healing, perception, ability to understand profound or complicated issues, ability to plan and organize, pursuit of success and a growth orientation. This person fully believes in their own ability to improve things and to make profound impacts in life wherever they choose to set their sights. They can be excellent researchers and investigators. They’re determined to get to the bottom of any issue whatever it is and they may become obsessed or adamant with finding the truth or expressing that truth to others.

These people need to feel important and they can have very strong willpower and great power of persuasion. Great explorers, investigators, and social organizers.

This is an ideal aspect for legislators, judges, politicians, detectives, publishers and scientists. These people are ideally suited for fields where they can use their talents at investigation, handling other people’s resources, managing other people’s talents and money and expanding anything they touch in the realm of success, power, influence and philosophy.


Jupiter trine Pluto by Transit

If transiting Pluto is making a trine to your natal Jupiter or vice versa, you might feel motivated to take control of your life’s direction, an amplified need for personal power, growth and change. You may have outgrown situations or environments in your life and feel the need to supercharge your personal transformation. Keywords are radical growth, intense metamorphosis, boundless confidence, plumbing of the depths, shedding your limitations, growing ambitions, big challenges and bold moves opportunities for growth and beneficial use of power.

This could also enhance your need for spiritual meaning, higher connections or interconnectedness. If you’re a spiritual person or someone who believes in coincidences or synchronicities you may have a field day with this transit. Make time for self-reflection, meditation, journaling or doing something that puts you in tune with your own inner voice or whatever the divine means to you. Share your vulnerabilities with others and make deep connections, seek meaning wherever you can, and accept the gifts of insight that the universe offers. When Jupiter’s expansion meets Pluto’s X-ray vision, dreams can become manifest and aspirations can become real. Set your sights high.


Previous Jupiter trine Pluto dates

October 11, 2015
March 16, 2016
June 26, 2016

Celebrities with Jupiter trine Pluto

Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Margot Robbie, RuPaul, Michael Keaton, Lynda Carter, Tina Turner, Nelson Rockefeller, Boris Johnson, Dave Chappelle, Rose McGowan, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Dahmer


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Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotcom


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3 Tips to Reduce Interpretation Overwhelm

3 Tips to Reduce Interpretation Overwhelm

Author: Alison Price  Published: March 2024

Interpretation Overwhelm

When you’re just starting to learn how to read a chart, it can feel like there’s a lot to take in. Whether you’re a hobbyist, an amateur, or a student astrologer, it’s helpful to start by focusing on the essentials.

You don’t have to tackle everything at once; instead, you can gradually explore the finer details of chart reading over time.

The key is to prioritize understanding the main elements of the chart first.

Many people wonder where to begin with chart reading because there’s so much to explore. It’s true, there are countless details, some obvious and some more subtle, waiting to be discovered.

However, you don’t need to try to absorb everything all at once, especially with your next chart.

To help ease the overwhelm of starting out as an astrologer, here are three strategies you can use when approaching a chart for the first time.

Interpretation Overwhelm: Visible Planets

Planets to Display

One approach to reduce overwhelm is to focus solely on the visible planets.

Traditionally, there are seven visible planets: the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

To start, I recommend displaying only these planets on the chart.


Planets to Cut Out

You won’t include Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, or factors like Chiron, Eris, and other asteroids.

Also, you won’t show into the lunar nodes or other specific points for now.

These topics are best saved for later exploration.

Interpretation Overwhelm: Ptolemaic Aspects

Big Five Aspects

To further simplify your interpretation process, focus only on the five Ptolemaic aspects.

These include the conjunction, opposition, trine, square, and sextile.

These are the essential aspects you should concentrate on initially.

Aspects To Ignore

You should disregard the minor aspects, including the semi-sextile, quincunx, semi-square, and sesquiquadrate.

Also, ignore any aspects beyond the basic five, such as quintiles, septiles, noviles, and deciles.

While these lesser-used aspects have their significance, you don’t need to focus on them when you’re just starting out.

Interpretation Overwhelm: Tighten Orbs

Cut Orbs

Next, I recommend halving the orbs.

By doing so, you’ll focus only on the aspects that are tighter in orb, making them more significant in the chart reading.

This adjustment helps streamline your interpretation process.

Conjunctions, Oppositions, Trines and Squares

Reduce the orb for the conjunction from its original 8° to 4°, allowing only conjunctions with a 4° orb or less to appear in the chart.

Similarly, adjust the orbs for oppositions, trines and squares to also have a 4° orb.

This ensures that only tighter aspects are considered in the chart analysis.


When halving the orbs, decrease the orb for the sextile from 4° to 2°.

With fewer aspects to interpret, you’ll focus on the ones that matter most initially.

Keep in mind that tighter orbs indicate greater significance for the aspect.

Example Chart: Andy Warhol

Let’s have a look at an example chart with these three ways of reducing overwhelm applied.


Chart Data

We’ll take the chart for Andy Warhol who was born at 6:30 AM on August the 6th, 1928 in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.


Visible Planets Only

In a typical full birth chart, which is what I usually use, there are 12 planets and four points displayed.

However, this chart also includes 55 aspects in the aspectarian, which a professional astrologer would interpret, but you don’t need to dig into all of them at the beginning.

By simplifying the display to include only the visible planets, the chart becomes much easier to read.

You’ll immediately notice that it’s simpler to interpret, with only seven aspects in the aspectarian for you to understand.



When we narrow down the aspects to the five Ptolemaic ones, the chart becomes significantly easier to interpret.

Now, there are only 6 aspects to decipher, comprising 3 squares and 3 trines.


Cut Orbs

By halving the orbs, we further reduce the number of aspects to deal with. Now, there are only 3 aspects remaining.

However, it’s important to note that the Fire Grand Trine is the only aspect pattern left in this chart, underscoring the supreme significance of this major aspect pattern and the 3 trines that comprise it for this specific chart reading.


Take Away

Interpretation Overwhelm

By implementing all three steps to reduce the amount of data for interpretation, the information is significantly pared down.

In Andy Warhol’s chart, we’re left with only 3 aspects.

However, it’s not necessary to take all three steps every time you want to reduce the quantity of information to interpret. You can opt for just one of the steps mentioned above.

For instance, you might choose to retain all the planets in the chart but simply reduce the orbs.

Alternatively, you could keep all the planets but focus solely on Ptolemaic aspects.

Either approach will effectively decrease the amount of information you need to interpret.

Sign and House

For your chart reading you will still have to interpret every planet which is displayed by its sign and house. That’s where using the visible planets comes in.


As you begin to trim down both the aspect set and the orbs within it, you’ll notice a considerable decrease in the workload for each chart.

The beauty of this approach to reducing information overwhelm is that what remains are the crucial Ptolemaic aspects involving visible planets.

These aspects form the backbone of the chart reading process.

Creating Information Overwhelm

Let’s approach this from another angle.

Whenever you introduce additional elements to a chart, such as asteroids or fixed stars, you inevitably increase the interpretation load.

Each new component requires consideration by sign, house and aspect, adding more work to the process.

Moreover, if you decide to include quintile aspects, while intriguing, it further burdens your interpretation load since these aspects also need to be analyzed.

The key takeaway here is that the more you add to a chart, the more it contributes to your interpretation workload.

Conversely, simplifying what’s displayed within the chart brings clarity to what truly matters, focusing on the tight, Ptolemaic aspects between visible planets.


Let me know which of these 3 tips you will try to reduce your chart information load and improve your chart readings.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Chart Interpretation Example: Bella Boom

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: May 2024

Birth Data

Bella’s birth information is as follows: 10:35 PM, 10th March 1975, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.





The active polarity is strong with 6 planets.


The elemenst are in balance.


The Modes are in balance.


The Northern Hemisphere is strong with 6 planets.


The 2nd quadrant is strong with four planets which is two more than the next best quadrant.

Triple Division

The 2nd triple division is strong with four planets two more than the next best.


Chart Ruler


The chart ruler is Mercury.


The chart ruler is in Libra.


Mercury rules the chart, the northern hemisphere, the 1st quadrant, the 2nd triple division and the 1st and 5th houses.


The chart ruler is in the 5th house.



Mercury opposition Jupiter.

Mercury opposition Chiron.

Mercury opposition Eris.


Mercury trine Mars.

Mercury trine Ascendant.

Mercury trine the Midheaven.


The Sun


The Sun is in Libra. It is in fall and gets a score of (-4).


The Sun is in its natural 5th house. It has accidental dignity with a provisional score of (+1).


The Sun rules the Western hemisphere, the 2nd quadrant and the 3rd and 4th houses.



Sun conjoined Pluto.


Sun opposite Eris.

Sun square the Part of Fortune.


Sun trine Ascendant.

Sun sextile Neptune.

The Moon


The Moon is in Virgo.


The Moon is in the 4th house.


The Moon rules the 2nd house.

Lunar Phase

The lunar phase is Balsamic.



Moon square Mars.

Moon square Ascendant.

Moon square the Part of Fortune.


Moon trine South Node.

Moon sextile North Node.

Dispositor Tree

Mutual Reception Tree

Bella has two planets in mutual reception the Sun in Libra nd Venus in Leo.

Bella’s Special Focus

Bella has specifically asked for information on her midlife change of relationships and career.

We’ve had a look at the upcoming transits and the solar return chart.

And please note that in a full consultation I would explore the secondary progressions, eclipses and solar arc directions as well.

Upcoming Forecast

Chiron Return (3-Hit)

Her Chiron triple hit return begins around May 2025 on and off to April 2026.

Jupiter Crosses the Ascendant

Jupiter conjoins the Ascendant around August 21, 2023. Immediately after the conjunction to transiting Mars.

Jupiter rules the 7th house of serious partnerships.



Solar Return Chart

Sun’s House

In a solar return chart, the Sun’s house is important and this year it is in the 11th house.

Sun’s Aspects


The Sun is opposition Chiron.


The Sun is trine the Moon.


Notes From the Client

Here are the notes from Bella, and what she enjoys about our podcast.

Thank you Bella!

Favorite Episodes?

I love learning about aspects both from the natal chart and transit sides. It helps me read natal charts as well as prepare for upcoming weather.

Additional Comments

There is a bouyancy to the podcast that I find really refreshing.

I also appreciate your wisdom of years of experience, both astrologically and in life.

It brings a fullness that many other podcasts hosted by pre-midlife and pre-Saturn return lack.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Venus Conjoined Uranus

Venus Conjoined Uranus

This is a Guest Post from Arwynne O’Neill, research astrologer and the co-host of the Starzology Astrology podcast.

Venus Conjoined Uranus

Uranus transits to natal Venus

In his book Planets in Transit, Robert Hand describes the transit of Uranus conjunct Venus as potentially spectacular. He says you are likely to seek freedom and excitement through relationships at this time, especially sexual relationships. You may decide to break away from an old, steady partner to seek out a new and exciting affair.

Of course this can be very disruptive, but if you’re not in a steady relationship, this may be a time where you meet someone who sweeps you off your feet or vice versa. You could find yourself in an affair that’s different from anything you’ve experienced before. It may not last but it would certainly have a lasting effect even after the transit is over.

Venus also rules creativity so if you are an artist or involved in anything creative this can be an amazing transit and you can use it to integrate new techniques into your repertoire and make exciting breakthroughs in any creative pursuit.

Uranus conjunct Venus in the Birth Chart

Venus conjunct Uranus in the natal chart influences the personality by fusing the love and attraction nature with electricity, excitement, innovation, restlessness. This is probably not someone who will be content to settle down with their first love and never explore the other possibilities, and the same can be said of their financial outlook.

Depending on how well Venus is placed in their chart, they can be a fun and original partner who is always bringing excitement and playfulness into your life, or conversely, they may be the type who’s always on the lookout for the next exciting infatuation, next big investment or the next con. This can be good or bad, of course, depending on how it’s handled, and how well the people around them deal with change, and it also depends a great deal on the sign the two planets are in. This is definitely the “love at first sight” aspect. Sparks will fly.


Love and Finances 

These people tend to go with their gut feelings in matters love and finances, for better or worse. They’re adaptable and original but can also be fickle. The most important thing to them in a relationship is having the freedom to be themselves and to change and evolve. If you’re in a relationship with someone with this aspect, and not allowing them to change or evolve, don’t expect it to last.

Often, these people are attracted to others with the same aspect or similar and that can create an exciting partnership where shared adventures and mutual evolution are the keys to lasting happiness together.

In her book Aspects and Personality, Karen Hamaker-Zondag says, “Venus represents the need for harmony and warmth, teaming up with Uranus, the need for individuality, freedom and a life of our own can make us bold, eccentric or reformist. Being highly-strung and having an overpowering desire for personal freedom, we can experience difficulty forming firm friendships, which make us nervous, tense and insecure because we are also trying to stay unfettered.” But she says relationships can work as long as we don’t feel hemmed in by conventional rules, have scope for development and above all are living with a partner who is unconventionally stimulating.


Creative Brilliance

This aspect is highly correlated with creative brilliance, and they tend to have a finger on the pulse of the zeitgeist, whatever field they choose to express their creativity in. Fashion, home decor, film and music are natural outlets for their specific brand of creative genius.

Since Venus has to do with money, these people can have great peaks and valleys in their financial life, experiencing the depths of ruin and the heights of economic windfalls and success through innovation and creativity.

Celebrities with Venus conjunct Uranus

Elizabeth Taylor (in Aries)
Rose McGowan (in Libra)
Warren Beatty (in Taurus)
Christina Aguilera (in Scorpio)
Miley Cyrus (in Capricorn)
Johnny Cash (in Aries)
Tim Burton (in Leo)
Jordan “the Wolf of Wall Street” Belfort (in Leo)

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Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotcom


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Fixed Stars

Fixed Stars

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: May 2024

Fixed Stars

Michael Barwick

Last month I had a fabulous conversation with my longtime friend and astrologer Michael Barwick.

If you are looking for a different type of astrology reading than the norm, then consider investing in a Star Profile reading with Michael.

In his Toronto astrology practice, he specializes in providing Star Profile consultations which explore your chart through the lens of Fixed Stars.

I’m happy to share Michael’s intriguing insights into Fixed Stars in this podcast episode


More of Fixed Stars

Once you’ve listened to the podcast episode I thought I’d share some further work I’ve been doing on Fixed Stars in general and in my astrology journal.

Over time I’ll separate out each Fixed Star to its own post/page.

I’m getting deeper with one special fixed star which is in Taurus, Aldebaran.

I’ll give you some idea of the types of meaning this star may have if it is closely conjoins your angles or visible planets.

Fixed Stars Definition

In astrology, “Fixed Stars” are the stars that appear in the night sky. While they’re called “Fixed,” these stars are in motion, just like everything else in the universe.

However, their movement is so slow that they seem to stay in relatively the same position over long periods of time.

These stars have been observed and studied for centuries because of their dynamic influence in interpretations and predictions.

Even though Fixed Stars not truly “fixed”, their slow movement makes them a stable reference point in the night sky.

The 4 Seasons and Quadrants

The zodiac is split into four equal parts based on the positions of the equinoxes and solstices, which are key astronomical events.

Each of these four segments, or quadrants, is associated with a principal star.

These significant stars are collectively referred to as the Four Royal Stars of Persia.

They hold special importance because they mark the transition points between the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

The Four Royal Stars of Persia

Cardinal Points

Back in the day, the Four Royal Stars of Persia were positioned at the four cardinal points.  This was significant as they aligned the equinoxes and solstices.

Each of these stars held special importance and was revered for its unique qualities and symbolic meanings, but their positions have shifted over time.

This slow movement means that while the Four Royal Stars of Persia have moved from their original cardinal positions, their change in location is relatively minor.

Aldebaran (Alpha Taurus)

Associated with the Eye of the Bull, once aligned with zero degrees Gemini or Taurus.

Regulus (Alpha Leo)

Known as the Heart of the Lion.

Antares (Alpha Scorpio)

This star is the Heart of the Scorpion.

Fomalhaut (Alpha Pisces)

Placed at the Mouth of the Fish.

These important stars continue to hold significance as their influence extends beyond their original positions.


Fixed Star Aldebaran

Current Position

Aldebaran is in Taurus. It is the star in the Eye of the Bull.


The sign of Taurus is known for its steadfast nature, practicality and appreciation for the finer things in life.

Taurus embodies the qualities of practicality, determination and sensuality.

With Aldebaran in Taurus, there’s an added layer of grace to the Bull’s grounding energy role.

This placement encourages us to cultivate patience, appreciate life’s pleasures and remain steadfast in our pursuits.

In general, Aldebaran represents a beacon of light and wisdom.


Lying close to the ecliptic Aldebaran is visible from latitudes from 74° North to 74° South.


In mythology, Aldebaran is often referred to as the “Watcher of the East.”

It symbolizes vigilance, protection and guidance.

The Greatest Star

Aldebaran is considered one of the brightest and most magnificent stars in the night sky

It holds a revered status of great significance.

Aldebaran Themes

Challenge of Integrity and Test of Honor

Aldebaran presents challenges related to integrity and honor.

It urges you to uphold your principles and be honest and authentic.

Energy and Short-lived Honor

This royal star gives you with dynamic energy and the potential for short-lived honor or recognition.

It encourages proactive action to seize opportunities.

Lack of Stability

Aldebaran may indicate periods of instability or change that challeng you to adapt, persevere and find inner balance when under external pressure.

Spring Equinox

Aldebaran’s association with the northern spring equinox symbolizes new beginnings, growth and the emergence of life’s vitality and potential.

Moral Dilemmas and Temptation to Compromise

Aldebaran’s influence presents you with moral dilemmas and temptations.

There is pressure that tests your resolve and commitment to your ethics.

This star urges thoughtful decision-making and resistance to compromise.


Extend Yourself

Considering Fixed Stars

In your astrology journal let’s set up a few pages…

  • At the top of four separate pages, write a heading for each of the four Royal Stars of Persia.
  • Dig around the web or books you may have and write five keywords for each star and write them on the relevant page.
  • Search some more and draw the shape of each of the four constellations.

Invest in Yourself

Exploring Fixed Stars




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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Bundle Chart Shape

Bundle Chart Shape

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2013   –   Revised: January 2024

Bundle Chart Shape

Bundle Definition

The bundle chart shape is formed when all the planets are found within a trine (120°).

The leading, or cutting, planet and the trailing planet at the end, can be in a trine aspect (or less), and all the other planets fall within that trine.

This creates a “bundle” of energy, with most of the planets occupying a couple of signs or span just a few houses.



The chart shape diagram itself can be used as a mandala for chart meditation work as well.

The planet positions, without knowing the actual planet, can provide information for the astute astrologer.

This is an opportunity not to be missed.


Bundle Leading Planet

In a bundle chart, the leading planet (in red) plays a significant role.

The leading planet is the one that’s furthest ahead (clockwise) of the others as they move around the zodiac.

It acts as a focal point or guiding force for the energy of the entire bundle.

Here’s what the leading planet in a bundle chart signifies:

Dominant Energy

The leading planet sets the tone for the chart’s energy.

Its qualities and characteristics are emphasized and often color how the individual approaches life.

Focus of Attention

This planet often represents where the person directs their attention, efforts, and interests.

It can indicate the area of life that is most important or central to them.

Strengths and Talents

The leading planet can point to the person’s strengths, talents and natural abilities.

It shows where they excel and where they can make the most impact.


On the flip side, the leading planet can also highlight challenges or areas of growth for the individual.

It might point to lessons they need to learn or obstacles they need to overcome and push through.

Personal Mission

On a subtle level, the leading planet often represents the individual’s personal mission or purpose in life.

It can indicate what drives them and what they are passionate about achieving.

Influence on Other Planets

The energy of the leading planet can influence how the other planets in the bundle express themselves.

It is like the leader of the pack.

It can either harmonize with them or create tension, depending on its relationship with the other planets.


Bundle Trailing Planet

In a bundle astrology chart, where the leading planet sets the tone and directs the energy of the bundle, the trailing planet (in yellow) provides a counterbalance and adds depth to the chart’s dynamics.

Here’s what the trailing planet suggests in a bundle chart:

Supportive Energy

The trailing planet acts as a supportive force, complementing the leading planet’s energy.

It offers a different perspective or approach that can help balance out the chart’s intensity.

Hidden Strengths

This planet often points to hidden strengths or talents that may not be immediately obvious but are valuable assets.

It can indicate areas where the individual has untapped potential.

Inner World

The trailing planet can represent the person’s inner world, subconscious, or emotional landscape.

It shows how they process emotions, intuition, and inner experiences.


The trailing planet can also highlight areas of challenge or growth for the individual.

It might indicate lessons they need to learn or obstacles they need to overcome, often related to its sign, house placement, and aspects.


While the leading planet focuses on a specific area or goal, the trailing planet helps to bring balance by considering other facets of life.

It encourages a more holistic approach and can prevent the individual from becoming too one-sided or narrow-focused.

Influence on Leading Planet

Just as the leading planet influences the other planets in the bundle, the trailing planet can also have a moderating influence on the leading planet.

It can either harmonize with the leading planet or introduce challenges that encourage growth and development.

Understanding the trailing planet in a bundle chart involves looking at its sign, house placement, aspects with other planets, and its overall condition in the chart.

If the leading planet and the trailing plant are trine, it give support to the whole chart and the meanings of both planets (leading and trailing) will blend better to suggest positive energy will flow.


Bundle Chart Shape Meaning

Here’s what the bundle chart shape means:

Focused Energy

The bundle shape suggests a person with extreme focus at the expense of variety.

They are often highly specialized in what they do.

The cutting planet is important as it leads, or cuts, the chart.

The empty two-thirds of the chart, and their meaning, may pose a difficulty for the individual.

The chart may have few manifesting squares and no oppositions.

People with a bundle chart often have a concentrated focus in their lives.

They might have a strong sense of purpose or direction.


With so many planets grouped closely together, there can be a sense of intensity or passion in the areas of life represented by those planets.


The bundle often indicates specialization in a particular area or skill.

These individuals might excel in one specific field or interest.


On the flip side, having all the planets in a small portion of the chart can mean less balance.

Areas of life not represented by the bundle might be neglected or require more attention.


People with a bundle chart shape may be quite self-reliant, as they’ve learned to work with the energies they have, rather than seeking balance from external influences.

Understanding the bundle shape can offer insight into how a person approaches life, their strengths, challenges, and areas of focus.

It’s just one piece of the complex puzzle that is an astrology chart, but it can tell us a lot about someone’s energy and personality.

Example Bundle Chart

May 2024

This bundle chart has been in effect for a couple of weeks during April and May 2024.

I have chosen this particular chart as an example.

When the Moon moves out of the bundle it is no longer a bundle chart and may form a fan.

Whilst the planets are in this tight within-a-trine bundle configuration other chart shapes cannot be formed like grand crosses, mystic rectangles, T-squares or kites.


Leading Planet

The leading planet of the bundle is Pluto retrograde in Aquarius.


Trailing Planet

The trailing planet is Jupiter in Taurus.

Before Jupiter passed Uranus at their conjunction, the bundle was tighter and Uranus was the trailing planet.

Extend Yourself

If You Have a Bundle Chart

Thinking about the current bundle chart shape and your natal chart:


  • Do you (or do people you know) have a bundle chart shape?
  • If so, what is the leading planet? And what is the trailing planet?


Extend Yourself Further

If You Don’t Have a Bundle Chart

In your astrology journal consider the shape of your chart.


  • Over which of your houses, quadrants and hemispheres does the current transiting bundle chart lie?
  • What is your chart shape?
  • In your chart shape, are there focus planets like a leading, trailing or handle planets? Which planets are they?

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From My Readers…

You Did Extend Yourself

Here are a couple of responses from those of you who have extended yourselves.

Thank you so much!




Hi Alison!

Enjoyed your take on the Bundle chart pattern. My answers are:

I’m a Leo rising so the current bundle pattern affects my 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th houses. Natally, I have a Locomotive pattern with Uranus in Gemini in the 10th house leading the pack and Mercury in Capricorn in the 6th house trailing. Uranus is conjunct Mars by 1 degree. Uranus rules my 7th house and Mercury my 2nd and 11th.

Keep up the good work!
Sagittarily yours,

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

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Mars Conjoined Neptune

Mars Conjoined Neptune

This is a Guest Post from Arwynne O’Neill, research astrologer and the co-host of the Starzology Astrology podcast.

Mars conjunct Neptune in Transit

When Mars transits your natal Neptune, which happens once every two years approximately, the effect is about being motivated to either impact the world through your creativity or through your empathy.

It can blur the boundaries of your ambition, infusing your motivation with empathy and vulnerability and blurring the boundaries between yourself and others, or in can infuse your Mars energy with a diffuse glow of glamour, imagination, vulnerability and a quality of unreality.

Not a great time to try to accomplish fixed goals where you know the end in sight. Instead, it’s a good time to forge ahead and go where the wind takes you. The effect will last for a couple of week or so on either side of the exact conjunction.

Robert Hand says when transiting Neptune conjuncts your Mars, you could be subject to discouragement and malaise. Your energy level is low and it’s hard to accomplish anything in your own interest. You may be more vulnerable to infections, so be careful taking any foreign substances, even prescriptions because the effects can be unpredictable.

You can also be dishonest or devious without meaning to, thus damaging your reputation and the trust you may have built up with others, which can do lasting damage.


Mars conjunct Neptune in the Natal Chart

People with Neptune conjunct Mars in their charts tend to be idealistic, principled, penetrating and passionate. You’re inclined to overstep other people’s boundaries in pursuit of your own goals or your own desire to merge or connect. Neptune can either elevate Mars and be used as the impetus to make the world better through ideals put into action or it can dissipate Mars’ ambition into sentimentality and overcompensation or over-emotionality, in relationships and otherwise.

A difficulty in knowing where your boundaries end and others’ begin is common with this aspect. You can either be a torch of inspiration for others or you can overpower them with your zealotry. People with this aspect can be amazing symbols for a cause or goal, blazing a trail where others fear to tread, but it can be dangerous as well because these energies mix like fire and water… or oil and some explosive compound. Your success will largely depend on how strong Mars is in your chart and what other aspects it makes.

People with this aspect need to know their “why,” to have a realm where they can be evangelists or spiritual warriors. Being able to follow your ideals as a champion is important. But it’s also important to have a strong moral compass or you can get caught up in the wrong kinds of causes, devolve into illusion, paranoia or mania and use the sheer force of your charisma and the power of your belief to bring others down the road to ruin with you.

If you’re interested in Neptune or if you have Neptune aspects in your chart, an excellent book is Liz Greene’s The Astrological Neptune and the Quest for Redemption. She’s a brilliant psychological astrologer from the middle of the 20th century who was very popular in the ’80s and ’90s when I was learning astrology, and it’s well worth a read if you’re interested in advanced mythological studies of astrology. In it, she says “Mars-Neptune aspects, like Dionysus, can be a seducer but sometimes as a collective we need to be seduced. This longing lies at the core of religious worship, as well as the catharsis of a musical or theatrical performance.”

She goes on to say, “The dilemma lies in the integrity of the goal and how it is pursued. Mars’ innately self-centered desires, when diluted with Neptunian waters, must include others if the individual’s needs are to be fulfilled. [Otherwise,] aggression may be masked by apparent docility and the rage which lurks beneath the surface may become the chief factor behind drug and alcohol addictions, which reflect anger and vengeance against life as much as the desire to escape.

When a well-lit channel cannot be found for Mars-Neptune’s romantic heroism–political, military, scientific, artistic–may be sought in darker waters. Mars-Neptune may also elect, like Charles Manson, who had the exact conjunction, to play the anti-hero who destroys himself and others rather than endure the dreariness of a decent but unglamorous life.”


Mars Conjunct Neptune: Celebrity Examples

Lady Gaga (in Capricorn)
Jennifer Lopez (in Scorpio/Sagittarius)
John Lennon (in Virgo/Libra)
Yoki Ono (in Virgo)
Ryan Gosling (in Sagittarius)
Napoleon (in Virgo)
Charles Manson  (in Virgo)
Bill Clinton (in Libra)
Richard Branson (in Libra)


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Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotcom


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Jupiter Conjoined Uranus

Jupiter Conjoined Uranus

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: April 2024

Jupiter Conjoins Uranus

Conjunction of the Month

On April 21st, 2024 Jupiter finally gets to the exact conjunction with Uranus.

This is a one hit transit as Jupiter is moving direct and close to the Sun.

Neither of the superior planets are past the trine to the Sun and therefore there cannot be a three-hit transit in April with Jupiter and Uranus.

Triple hits transits frequently happen, but not this time.

It’s like Jupiter is gaily trotting through Taurus and connects to Uranus, BAM, then makes a clean getaway.

Uranus has been in Taurus since 2018 and Jupiter only entered Taurus in May last year.

The exact conjunction is at 21° Taurus which makes this degree the moment for the start chart for the Jupiter Uranus synodic cycle.

In Orb

Jupiter applies to Uranus (use a 1° orb) on April 15th. This conjunction shall remain within orb until Jupiter breaks the connection when is separates on April 26th.

This blended planetary energy begins, peaks and fades in a mere eleven days, or just over a week and a half.

Synodic Cycle Start Chart

I’ve cast the synodic cycle start chart for the Jupiter Uranus conjunction.

The influence of this cycle will last for thirteen years until the next conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in 2037.


​2037 Conjunctions

During the 2037 conjunction there will be three exact hits. One direct, the next retrograde and the third direct.

This all goes down over a period of two months during March and April 2037. It all happens in Cancer.

Interestingly, this means that the sign of The Twins is bypassed altogether for a Jupiter Uranus conjunction.

Who this Conjunction Affects

Your Birthday

If you were born between the 15th to 26th of April, this conjunction will be hard baked into your solar return chart. The significance for you will last for a full 12 months until your next birthday.

Planets at 21° Taurus

If you have planets at 21° Taurus (with a one-degree orb coming and going), this powerful conjunction will impact you in the nature if the natal planet, including its complex, being conjoined.

​Your Natal Houses

Find out which of your natal houses the Jupiter Uranus conjunction will be in as that is the area of life which is likely to be stimulated.


The Jupiter Uranus conjunctions may bring themes of:

  • Expanding internet widgets.
  • Growth through technology.
  • Fashionable excesses.
  • Potential knowledge.
  • Broader social impacts.
  • Luck and genius.
  • Lateral thinking that provides.
  • A breadth of brilliance.
  • Optimistic outlook for the future.
  • Overbeaing radicalism.

Natal Houses of Aspiring Astrologers

As Uranus is the planet which rules astrology let’s explore some more personal astrologer-centric interpretation options:

  • Grow your astrological knowledge.
  • Expand your astrology skills.
  • Tap into your unique astrology understanding.
  • Broadcast what you know in astrology.
  • Become a guru in your astrology group.
  • Take the road less travelled with astrology.
  • Use lots of tech and Astro apps for your chart calculations.
  • Profess to know a breadth of new techniques.
  • Expect astrology insights to come more naturally.

In Astrologer’s Natal Houses

First House

You identify yourself as an astrologer as your knowledge grows.

Second House

You start to gain income through your astrology insights as your astrology improves.

Third House

You sign up for more short courses around your astrology focus to enrich your knowledge.

Fourth House

You practice astrology at the kitchen table in your home and your practice grows.

Fifth House

You offer party astrology which increases your influence and astrology becomes fun.

Sixth House

You consider working as an astrologer and start to sort out your home office practical arrangements so you can grow.

Seventh House

You find a benefactor, partner or silent partner for your astrology business.

Eighth House

You help others with their dark and difficult charts whilst bringing hope into their lives.

Ninth House

Now you take your astrology education seriously and enroll for some advanced topic courses.

Tenth House

You go public with your astrology and build a huge reputation as a brilliant astrologer.

Eleventh House

You find your audience, your tribe and the people you can help with your particular style of astrological insights.

Twelfth House

You choose to be reflective and explore astrology in private to make sure you know everything you need before you can assist others.

Core Takeaway

These are just some of my ideas about how you, as an aspiring astrologer, can work with this dynamic conjunction which we are blessed to live with this month.

As with all transits, you can just sit back and let the energy flow over you, or you can bring your genius to bear, focus and grow something great in the field of astrology.

Extend Yourself

In your astrology journal, answer the following questions to get a better idea of how this conjunction may express itself in your chart.

  • In which natal house does this conjunction occur for you?
  • Does this conjunction contact any planet or point in your chart?
  • What do you plan to do with this transient burst of energy in your astrological life?

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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Sun Square Pluto

Sun Square Pluto

Author: Arwynne O’Neill   –   Published: March 2024

Sun Square Pluto in Transit

Today we’re going to be talking about a transit that happens twice a year, which is the Sun square Pluto. The Sun will be at 2° Taurus and Pluto is at 2° Aquarius and the aspect will be exact on April 21, 2024.


The key word for this transit is intensity. You might have ego conflicts with people, you might feel like you’re out of control, you might feel threatened by other people’s aggression or have power struggles with people in authority. You will have to put forth more effort than usual to avoid conflicts with other people because there transit brings an urge to dominate, control or abuse your power.


On the positive side you could try use it to assert your authority if you have not been in control of a certain situation and this may be a time where whether you want to or not you could assert yourself with success or not success depending on the situation this is a very intense emotional aspect that could trigger feelings of persecution, fear of death or losing control, feeling of being manipulated or spied on or dominated by other people fear of persecution, jealousy, addiction and abuse by other people. It’s a potentially very stressful aspect in this sense.


Because we’re dealing with the square and not the conjunction or even the opposition, the likelihood is that it would not go well if you try to assert your authority at this time. It is more likely that it would backfire so flying under the radar might be the best approach but you could definitely feel an intense need for control or the feeling of being out of control or overpowered at this time.

Sun in Taurus

Some keywords for Sun and Taurus in the natal chart include sensuality, stubbornness, earthiness, determination, appreciation of comfort and the good things in life, food, luxuries, leisure, financial security.
Many of our titans of Industry historically have had the sun in Taurus. It also has a correlation with the throat and a lot of people who have the sun in Taurus are well known for their beautiful, rich, soulful voices, including Orson Welles, Cher, Adele, Barbara Streisand, Al Pacino, Janet Jackson and George Clooney, etc.

Pluto in Aquarius

We’ve talked at length about Pluto in Aquarius already, you can find links to those episodes in the show notes. Briefly, it has to do with the transformative power of technology and innovation, AI, the use of technology in revolutionizing our daily lives, humanitarian uses of technology and the ability to use our ingenuity for the good of humanity, but also the control of people by technology.
Pluto often brings about a crisis in areas symbolized by the sign it’s in, like how the Pluto in Capricorn transit of 2008-2024 was marked by the financial crisis caused by the real estate bubble, the crumbling of institutions, suspicion of governments, high profile whistleblowers against powerful governments and corrupt businesses, etc.

Sun Square Pluto in the Natal Chart

When this aspect occurs in someone’s chart, power dynamics could be a big part of their personal narrative, beginning in childhood. These people are often drawn to the darker side of life, fascinated with issues of control, power dynamics, life and death, taboos, addiction and the occult.


They may have a desperate need to feel in control or a fear of being manipulated, intense emotions like paranoia, jealousy and compulsive competitiveness may lead them to destructive outbursts and intense conflicts with others.


One of the things about looking at celebrities as examples is that we’re usually going to see people who have used these energies for good and turned the negative potential around and use them in a positive way.


Since this aspect happens twice a year, it’s not uncommon, so we’ll also see examples of people who have absolutely not used it for good, including Joseph Mengele, and on the other end of the spectrum, JonBenet Ramsey.



Celebrities with the Sun Square Pluto

Leonardo da Vinci, Jared Leto, Marlon Brando, Barbra Streisand, Jamie Lee Curtis, Tiger Woods, Justin Trudeau, Julianne Moore, Jamie Foxx, John D. Rockefeller and Ice Cube

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Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotcom


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Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

Double and Triple Sign Glyphs

Double and Triple Sign Glyphs

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: April 2024

Ascendant and Sun

I’ve been thinking quite a lot lately about glyphs and people who are double signs. And by double signs I mean someone who has their Sun in a sign and their Ascendant in the same sign. glyphs

I myself am a double Leo. I have the Sun in Leo and my Ascendant is Leo.


Triple Signs

We can take it one step further. In my family, my brother is actually a triple Virgo.

He’s got his Ascendant in Virgo, his Sun in Virgo and his Moon in Virgo and yes, he works in micro-precision engineering.


Ascendant and Moon?

Now typically, you would refer to someone as double sign if they had the Sun and the Ascendant the same sign.

I think you can also stretch this to say that if you have the Ascendant and the Moon in the same sign then it’s a double sign.

Where you could then say they were a double Libra or a double Scorpio or whatever.

I’m not quite sure if this is the case (that the Ascendant and the Moon are referred to as a double sign), but it would pass muster.


New Glyphs

And then having given some consideration to double signs or triple signs, how would their glyphs look?

This week I’ve spent a bit of time tinkering with some new glyphs and I’m just going to show you a couple now.


A double Aries glyph would look like this (dark blue on the left) and clearly triple Aries like that (mid blue on the right).



How about this one for double Taurus?

I couldn’t resist adding the eyes. And the triple Taurus with the horns joined.



The symbol I have for double Gemini is shown below.

It’s really is quite an easy glyph to beef up because the single Gemini has two vertical lines, but the double Gemini will have three vertical lines.

What about the triple Gemini? They would have four vertical lines.

So fun.



I see a double and triple Cancer looking like this. I’ve overlayed the circles of the commas to blend the glyph.

I’ve got the Cancer one at an angle in this example, but you could probably draw it straight as well.



A double Leo seems to have a continuous swoop with the circles on the lower level and the tail curving up and round.

After I’d done this one I thought it really looks like a double North Node and it does, but it would pass for Leo too I think…

It’s got flow when you write it so that works.



The Virgo glyph is quite interesting because it’s not symmetrical.

I suggest the double and triple Virgos would look like these.



Let’s have a look at Libra.

Here’s my suggestion for a double Libra and triple Libra.

It could be done with the one bulge repeated above as well so that’s an idea.



Scorpio is another tricky one because the main glyph is not symmetrical.

You could do it by creating 3 arches or perhaps put a double tail as I’ve shown here.

The triple one looks very busy and somehow it doesn’t seem quite right.

I’ll keep working on this design.



Sagittarius is pretty straightforward with a double or triple arrow.

Or even crossed arrows? Nah, that’s not the nature of Archers.

I plumped on these designs for Sagittarius.



Again, Capricorn falls into a pesky group because the original glyph is not symmetrical.

This one looks better if they are below and slightly to the right because if you keep the pen on the page the line just continues.

It has flow.

Here’s my examples for double Capricorn and triple Capricorn.



A single Aquarius has two wavy lines, one on top of each other.

So clearly a double Aquarius would have three wavy lines on top of each other and of course, then a triple Aquarius would have four wavy lines on top of each other. Maybe?

I tried that and was not keen on the look. I decided to go for the double and triple pyramids instead.

These are pretty simple new glyphs I think.



Pisces, although symmetrical, has its challenges.

I rather like the first ones with the straight lines in the middle for the double Pisces.

And perhaps triple Pisces would look something like below.


There are a couple of options for Pisces, but isn’t that just the nature of the Fish sign?

The example glyphs below do bring in the extra fish, so four fish for the double Pisces and six fish for the triple Pisces.

I do feel the triple glyph is just too busy even though it’s almost got a shoal, or is that a school, of fish in it which, let’s face it, could be an indication of the triple Pisces person anyway.


Extend Yourself


In your astrology journal jot down the answers to the following:

  • Do you consider someone with their Ascendant and Moon in the same sign as a double sign?
  • How about someone with the Sun and Moon in the same sign, but not the Ascendant. Is that a double sign person?
  • Or do both components have to be the Ascendant and the Sun to qualify for “double” status?



  • If you are artistic, how do you see these sign symbols when they are double or triple signs?

I’d love to see your new double and triple glyph designs.

You can send your new glyph images to with the subject line as “New Glyphs” and I’ll post some of them below here so we can all see.


What You Think

Here are a couple of notes that my readers, just like you, have sent in.

Responding to both questions, which of the big three (Ascendant, Sun and Moon) to use when considering “Double Sign” status and about my new designed double and triple glyphs.

I truly appreciate you all.

Thanks for sharing,

Alison 😊

Hi Alison,

I do consider Sun and Moon or Sun and Ascendent or Moon and Ascendent in same sign as double sign.  I think double status must include either Sun or Ascendent.  

Your article is very thought provoking, I prefer your second glyphs for double and triple Pisces, better than the first one.



Hi Alison,

Just wanted to let you know, I like the format of the newsletter. It’s easy to read, and I like the idea of the new glyphs for the double and triple signs.
Hope you’re doing well,

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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year

As a Western astrologer, it’s valuable to have a basic understanding of other zodiac systems, such as the Chinese Lunar New Year and its animal symbolism.

Mars Conjunct Saturn

Mars Conjunct Saturn

Author: Arwynne O’Neill  –   Published: March 2024

Mars conjunct Saturn in Transit

Today we’re talking about the upcoming transit of Mars conjunct Saturn, which is exact on April 10, 2024. This transit happens once every two years and this time it occurs in Pisces.

You may go into this transit feeling like you’ve been held back and you’re just waiting to unleash the full force of your powers of creativity. This transit could feel very frustrating, like your engine is revving but you’re being held down and unable to complete tasks you want to accomplish.

Obstacles in your way might require more patience, perseverance, hard work and planning but you should be able to persevere and achieve more than you would otherwise. This is a great time to overcome limitations or fears, to step up and harness all your faculties in spite of the difficult circumstances you’re facing.

This transit can give you the stamina and patience and initiative to work harder than ever, but it could also result in negative outbursts, passive aggression, nastiness and petty vindictiveness. It definitely needs to be dealt with constructively or else it could be a very destructive transit. You certainly don’t want to antagonize people needlessly at this time because there is a sense that this explosive energy is just barely being held in check.

Mars conjunct Saturn in the Natal Chart

With every aspect there are positive and negative expressions possible, but this is one of the more difficult conjunctions because the energies of Mars and Saturn are so opposite to each other. People with this aspect really needs to make a concerted effort to use it constructively or it can easily become a destructive, bitter and abusive influence. It’s like the stereotypical father who tells his kids they don’t have a right to expect an easy life because his life has been so hard. It’s a bitterness that becomes a cycle of violence if you’re not careful or aware of it.

People with this aspect tend to have great powers of endurance and mental fortitude. It’s the combination of two very opposite energies, Mars being the fiery motivating aggressive, martial force and Saturn being the planet of restriction and discipline, a much more conservative archetype. This aspect tends to create a personality that oscillates between action and control.

They can have an amazing amount of perseverance, discipline, patience and authority if they are able to make the most of this conjunction. This is the kind of person who will likely say that nothing has ever come easy to them. They will feel like everything they’ve accomplished in life has come through hard work and struggle and discipline and the harnessing of all their faculties to attain their goals.

This aspect in a sign like Aries or Sagittarius would have a very different expression than it does in Pisces, which we’re getting a lot of right now with major planetary placements in this watery sign.

Mars in Pisces Keywords

Passive, charming, creative, go with the flow, calculating, fluctuating energy levels, moody, compassionate, changeable and indirect.

Saturn in Pisces Keywords

Inhibited emotions, fear of vulnerability, lack of faith in your own intuition, feeling restricted by, or an inability to express, true feelings, resentment of other people’s neediness or vulnerability, a desire to express one’s creativity but an inability to do so for internal reasons for due to external factors.

Celebrities with Mars conjunct Saturn

Dolly Parton, Pablo Escobar, Eddie Izzard, Henry Winkler, Rihanna, Venus Williams, Al Gore, Pierre Trudeau, David Lynch, Howard Hughes



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Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotcom


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Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

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Lunar New Year

As a Western astrologer, it’s valuable to have a basic understanding of other zodiac systems, such as the Chinese Lunar New Year and its animal symbolism.



In astrology, a T-square is a major aspect pattern in many charts. It consists of three planets, two opposing and a third square both.

Starzlife Free Newsletter

Starzlife Free Newsletter


Starzlife: Ideas, insights and inspiration for creative, artistic

and aspiring astrologers to keep the astro conversation going.

Online Newsletter

by Alison Price

Welcome to Starzlife my weekly astrology newsletter, where I explore the cosmic currents moving through the ever-changing skies. Hi, I’m Alison the astrologer behind this newsletter. Starzlife is the newsletter from my blog Starzology. You can find out more at

Most weeks, I explore what’s coming up in the week and also share some of astrology’s tricky bits and throw in some ideas buzzing around. I’ve always sent emails, but now in, I’m better organized in maintaining a connect with you. Part of this is renaming my previously (sadly) unnamed email to Starzlife I hope you like it.

Who is Starzlife for?

Starzlife is a newsletter for those who want to have something to think about during the week around astrology. My aim is to share some ideas with you and tips and techniques that may help you with your chart readings. This is not a horoscope newsletter, but I will speak about upcoming events of interest to forecasting astrologers. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please sign up below to get the first copy in your inbox.

Welcome Sequence

When you sign up, you will initially receive 5 welcoming emails from me in the first week explaining exactly the type of things I talk about here. These welcome emails are to help you understand the type of astrology I offer.

After that, you will be on a lovely cadence of every week for Starzlife newsletter.

You can unsubscribe at any time.

Get Your Copy of Starzlife

Get Starzlife in your inbox by entering your email in the form below.

What are you waiting for?

Cosmically yours,


From Readers of Starzlife

Hi Alison,

I just wanted to send you some quick hype and praise on the excellent quality of your newsletter Allison! 

The content is absolutely fantastic of course, but for me what makes it so useful (and truthfully one of the only ones left in my inbox after a ruthless decluttering) is the digestible and uncluttered format that is filled with order and function! 

My Merc in Virgo in the 5th rejoices! 

I can read it very comfortably as the font is clean and large, it’s extremely visually pleasing without being overwhelming, the bullet points are precise and easy to follow, and it’s well organized with images and minimal links. 

I love that it’s like a mini-lesson that just appears in my inbox. 

There is no need to navigate anywhere else, and I’m left feeling well fed.    


In a world of digital chaos and overwhelm yours is a lighthouse. 

– CI

January 2025


Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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8th House

8th House

In astrology, the 8th house represents the inevitables of life like birth, sex, taxes and death. In shows how you experience these things.

Sun Transits and the Solar Cycle

Sun Transits and the Solar Cycle

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: April 2024

Sun Transits and The Solar Cycle

Follow the Sun

Did you know the Sun creates the seasons? You probably do. If you carefully follow the Solar Cycle, you can get a better feel for the general energy throughout any forecast period. In fact, tuning into the Sun’s transit through your chart will help you use your energy in a better way, in line with the solar energy. Exciting, hey? But only if you do it right. Here’s how to do it right… 


Transiting Solar Dates

These solar transit dates will be the same, give or take one day, every single year. Which is why it is such a valuable exercise.

Sun House Ingress

  • Find all the dates that the Sun will enter each of your natal houses.
  • Write them in your astrology journal.

You can use my handy tracker to help you get organized.



Sun to Natal Conjunctions


  • Find the dates every year that the Sun will conjoin all of your planets.
  • Write them in your journal.

Use the handy Solar Transit Tracker to help you list all the aspects that the Sun will make to your chart each year.



Extend Yourself

At this point, you can go deeper and list not only all the solar conjunctions, but all the oppositions, trines and squares and sextiles as well, and even the lesser-used aspects, but that may be overkill to start with.

Below is the Sun trine transit page from the tracker which you can fill in.

The tracker has all the Ptolemaic aspects.


The Sun’s Vitality

As each year unfolds, follow the transiting Sun as it illuminates each house and area of your life. Watch how it invigorates each planet in your chart in turn. You can monitor this vitality from one year to the next. In this way you will learn so much about yourself, your chart and how solar transits work.


Vitality is the state of being strong and having active energy. When looking at general health for someone in a chart, we usually consider the 6th house of recoverable health and the 12th house of chronic health, but one other planet to study is the Sun for vitality. Vitality is your innate ability to bounce back from what life throws at you be it health issues, job insecurity, romantic breakups, irritating teenagers or mean co-workers. Your natural vitality is shown by the Sun and its complex in your natal chart.

Seasonal Vitality

As the Sun transits your chart is triggers each planet in turn and vitalizes them. There is no downside to a solar transit. When the Sun comes through your chart:

  • Life is good.
  • You feel uplifted, confident and happy.
  • The Sun beams life, warmth and light into all situations.

This is why it’s important to follow the Sun as it transits your chart.




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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year

As a Western astrologer, it’s valuable to have a basic understanding of other zodiac systems, such as the Chinese Lunar New Year and its animal symbolism.



Author: Alison Price   –   Published: April 2024


Sign Polarity

There are two polarities in astrology.

The polarities are masculine or feminine and can be referred to as active or passive and positive and negative.

Each polarity has six signs associated with it and the two polarities alternate from one sign to the next sign.

Polarity shows a balance in nature much like a magnet with a positive charge at one end and a negative charge at the other.

The energy is ejected from the positive side and absorbed by the negative side.




This process cannot function without both polarities being present in equal measure.

We are often attracted to those who balance our polarity. In a chart one is said to be a positive person or a negative person.

The positive and negative charges are in balance on Earth. You may be more positive than negative or more negative than positive, but it means you will be attracted to other people who fill your polarity void.



For instance, if you have more planets in signs of the active polarity you will be attracted to people who are mainly passive. If you have more planets in signs of the passive polarity you are attracted to those who are active.

This is especially so in relationships between male and female.

It is the natural flow of energy and we are constantly drawn towards other people, almost magnetically, who can complement the energy in our charts.


Counting Planets

Only count the seven visible planets which are, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Your total will add up to seven.

The visible planets can be seen with the naked eye.


Quality vs Quantity Counting

The reason for this limited count is that you want a quality count and not a quantity count.

The visible planets have been in human consciousness since man (and woman) evolved and we are fully aware of them.

Whereas the other planets are relatively new.

Example: Diana Ross

Let’s look at polarity in the birth chart for Diana Ross.


Birth Data

11:46pm, March 26, 1944, Detroit, MI, USA.


Active Polarity

Her five planets in the active polarity are:

  • Sun in Aries
  • Mercury in Aries
  • Mars in Gemini
  • Jupiter in Leo
  • Saturn in Gemini

Passive Polarity

Her two planets in the passive polarity are:


  • The Moon in Taurus
  • Venus in Pisces

Result: Active

With five planets in active signs and two planets in passive signs this shows at strong active emphasis.


Polarity Strength

For a polarity to be strong it must have two more planets that the other polarity.

Examples of strong polarity balances are:


Active 7 – Passive 0

Active 6 – Passive 1

Active 5 – Passive 2

Active 2 – Passive 5

Active 6 – Passive 1

Active 0 – Passive 7

Balanced Polarity

The polarities are considered in balance whne the distribution is as follows:


Active 3 – Passive 4

Active 4 – Passive 3

In this case, consider the polarities to be in balance.

Don’t spend more time interpreting the polarity balance.

Move on to the other features in the chart.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

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Ascendant, Sun and Moon Blends

Ascendant, Sun and Moon Blends

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: April 2024

Ascendant, Sun and Moon

Triad of Astrology

These three pieces of astrological information, your Ascendant, Sun and Moon sign, are known as the holy trinity, the triad or the triumvirate of your chart.

They are always listed in this order of importance; Ascendant, Sun and Moon (and yes, your Ascendant is more important than your Sun).

The Sun

Perhaps you already know your Sun sign. It could be Aries, Cancer or Virgo etc. Your Sun sign depends on the date of your birthday. It is the zodiac sign which the Sun was in at the time you were born.

Everyone’s Sun sign is the easiest thing to know in astrology. You will know your own, and your family’s birthdates and probably your close friend’s birthdays as well.

It is a simple step to find everybody’s Sun sign. The Sun sign is the first nugget of information that all people know about astrology.


The second thing you need to learn is your Ascendant sign. This is likely to be different to your Sun sign although it could be the identical. You will only know your Ascendant sign if you cast your chart.


The third fact you need to discover is your Moon sign. Again, you will have to cast your chart to find this out. Your Moon sign is likely to be in a different sign both to your Sun sign and even to your Ascendant sign, but it could be the same.

Ascendant, Sun and Moon: Going Deeper

By this stage you probably have a grip on the meanings of the Ascendant, the Sun and the Moon. Now the idea is to bring these three chart components together and blend them into a cohesive whole that makes sense to your chart reading.

Let’s have a deeper look into what makes each of these three high profile chart factors different to each other.


Ascendant: Your Personality

Your approach to life, interactions, a role or a part you play

The Ascendant is a symbol of your one-to-one, face-to-face, meet-and-greet personality that you employ to socialize. It is a vehicle you use to interact with others. It is your personal interface and is like a cloak you wear to ‘appear’ to others when you walk out of your front door.

Your Ascendant is your opening position and obvious agenda. Your Ascendant is a collection of expectations you have of the world and your immediate place in it.

Your Ascendant reveals the first impressions you make and receive which start out as early messages about your behavior (are you good or bad, or right or wrong).

How you strive to meet the expectations of others through your actions when you were a child is indicated by your Ascendant.


Ascendant Complex

Your personality is seen in your Ascendant complex, and most importantly its sign and major planetary aspects to its degree.

It is the variable means by which you negotiate your needs with others (as seen by your Moon) and formulate or build something we can identify as character (as seen by your Sun).

Your Ascendant acts as an interface between the Sun or Moon (or other parts of the chart) and the immediate world around you. Your personality has energy.

You have a particular attitude, humor, engagement and interaction.

The Ascendant energy is quite different from the accumulation of early behaviors (Moon) or the formation of your character (Sun).

Personality is easy to pick up on, quick to read and decipher. You can usually see personailty when you first meet someone (Ascendant).

Personality traits have little to do with your true character as they are what you show to others.



The Ascendant indicates your appearance, and how you come across and the means you use to get through life.

Astrologically, the Ascendant is often seen as the vehicle by which we reach the Sun’s destination which is your life goal.

The Ascendant is the route to getting your needs (Moon) met in relationships and how you negotiate these personal needs in a one- to-one environment.


The Sun: Your Character

Your essence, and type of ‘heart’

The Sun reveals your main life-purpose. It indicates the core reasons behind why you have been born and what you are in the process of becoming.

When you express your Sun complex by its sign, house and aspects, you acknowledge your birthright. The Sun suggests opportunities when you can manifest your individual life-path and singular potential.

Each Sun sign suggests a pattern or a set of symbolic images that you can strive towards and embody. The Sun is often reduced to a stereotype, which comes from the simplistic Sun Sign world.

Your Sun’s meaning requires individual interpretation. It shows how you envision your discrete life-path and what are the most important things in life to you. Your character can be seen as a collection of fundamental, integral philosophies that you have gathered over time.

Character is an accumulation of identities, traits and patterns that become the main thread of your life.

If you embrace the character of your Sun, it will draw you towards heartfelt and healthy self-esteem and show you a path of integrity and wholeness.

Character can be challenging to see in yourself. Character takes time for you to uncover, and time for it to reveal itself. 

The Moon: Your Behavior

Your needs, habits, sensory input and impressions 

The Moon complex reveals your fundamental relationship needs, drives and expectations.

It shows your innate responses to everyday life.

All habitual behavior that you are a slave to, or a ‘default’ position where you simply absorb experience passively or become little more than “a bundle of reactions”.

Your lunar instinctive behavior is sourced from your past, your mother and what she taught you unconsciously about the world. How to behave and how to react to situations were very often preprogrammed in your early life.

The Moon can reflect your most tender, vulnerable and immature side, and it is like a storehouse of emotions.

The Moon shows what you are attached to, and what you need to feel safe and rooted. Your behavior is a collection of instincts formed to create a complex pattern.

It is an interconnected web of habitual responses where the drive to remain safe and sound.

Behavior is how you are when you are together with yourself. It shows up in your range of responses in yourself and from those around you.

Your Moon complex indicates your temperament which is often linked to the four elements (the four ‘humours’ that were said to make up our disposition).

The Moon is a suggestion of your emotional responses.

Your Moon complex reveals your emotional nature. 


Summary: Ascendant, Sun and Moon 


  • Your Ascendant is your one-to-one personality.
  • It reveals your approach to life.
  • It suggests the tools you use to interact with others. I
  • t shows the first impression you make on others. 


  • Your Sun shows your core character.
  • It is linked to your central purpose, goal, focus and life-path.
  • It indicates your life-journey of self-discovery and the process of becoming whole. 


  • Your Moon suggests your natural behavior and temperament.
  • It indicates your natural needs and habitual responses to everyday life.
  • It reveals your emotional nature and suggests your default reactions and feelings to people and situations. 

Main Takeaway: Ascendant, Sun and Moon

The Sun 

The Sun is more concerned with how the world affects you and how you can impact the world. The Sun suggests your journey, or path of self-discovery and your major life statements. It is the ultimate path, the archetype that you are here to embrace and embody. 

The Sun is the very heart of your horoscope, but the Ascendant and Moon say more about your personality and behavioral traits. These two chart factors are of far greater importance when considering how people come across, behave, react and interact in life. 

Moon and Ascendant 

Your Moon and your Ascendant are critical to unveiling relationship patterns and dynamics that develop in early childhood with close family members and schoolmates.

They form the basis of your expectations and the roles you can naturally play out in your love life, work and friendships. 


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year

As a Western astrologer, it’s valuable to have a basic understanding of other zodiac systems, such as the Chinese Lunar New Year and its animal symbolism.

Mercury and Mars Aspects

Mercury and Mars Aspects

Author: Arwynne O’Neill   –   Published: March 2024

Mercury and Mars Aspects

Kinds of Aspects

Today we’re going to be talking about something a little different. We’ve had a few questions come in about the difference between the various kinds of aspects we talk about, in transits or people’s charts, and we’ve done an entire episode (which will link to in the show notes) about the major aspects. But I wanted to take this episode and just go through all the major aspects with the same two planets. There are also minor aspects, but I’m just going to focus on the big five here, which would be the conjunction, the sextile and trine (the “soft” aspects), opposition and square (the “hard” aspects). This way we can really get a feel for the subtle differences when they apply to the same two planets, and those two planets are Mercury and Mars.

To quickly recap what aspects are, I’m going to quote from The Inner Sky by Stephen Forrest, in which he says, “If signs, planets and houses are the basic words in the astrological language then aspects are the laws of grammar and syntax that govern how those words must be hooked together. Aspects represent our first solid step towards the formation of full-blown coherent astrological sentences.”

Aspects are the angles that describe the relationships between any two planets. Aspect patterns describe when three or more planets are involved but today we’ll just be focusing on the major aspects (saving the biquintile for another day!).


(0 degrees)

A conjunction is zero degrees which means the two planets occupy the same position in the sky. With a conjunction the energies of the two planets are combined and express themselves as one which may be easier or harder depending on the nature of the two planets and of course the sign they occupy.


(60 degrees)

Sextiles are 60° and two signs apart, for example Virgo and Scorpio, Aries and Gemini or Sagittarius and Aquarius. Stephen Forrest says something interesting about the sextile, which is that it’s often considered a watered-down trine, but in fact it’s quite distinct and it produces excitation, intense, colorful and dynamic stimulation, so there’s humor, enthusiasm and restlessness but in a positive way, like the feeling of falling in love, dancing or laughing.


(120 degrees)

Trines are 120° or four signs apart and they’re considered the softest and easiest of the aspects. The key word is “flowing.” They occur with two signs in the same element, so two water signs, fire signs, air signs or earth signs. Signs in a trine relationship are allies. They support each other but they’re not always passionate, to continue the relationship metaphor. They can also be wasted because the energies flow together so easily you sometimes take them for granted.


(90 degrees)

A square is 90° or three signs apart and they’re considered the most difficult of the hard aspects because here we have friction without commonality. Squares are the aspect of constant tension, where the two signs have a lack of understanding, like two cars at an intersection trying to decide who should go first.


(180 degrees)

An opposition is when two signs are 180° apart or exactly opposite each other in the birth chart. Oppositions create a push and pull energy, whether they occur in one chart or between two people. The keywords are tension and polarization. Think about the signs Taurus and Scorpio, it doesn’t get much more opposite but it’s like the old saying, opposites attract. Each sign contains what the other lacks and they can come together and create a whole that is greater than the two parts.

Mercury and Mars Aspects

We’re going to use Mercury and Mars as our example, because Mercury moves so quickly that we wouldn’t normally talk about the transits, so this is a great opportunity to take a deep dive into what it means when Mercury is in any major aspect with Mars in the birth chart.
Mercury of course is the planet of communication, speech, thought patterns, your style of self-expression, writing, humor, body language, etc.
Mars is the planet of drive, aggression, activity, initiative and sexual conquest. It can also suggest the type of man you’re attracted to.

Mercury conjunct Mars

When these two planets are conjunct, we see one’s initiative or aggressiveness and intellect occur as one initiative in the chart. When one is affected by a Transit or the energy of another person, the other is activated at the same time. We get a sharp or forceful intellect, a competitive mind, someone with a temper who uses their words as weapons.
The energies of Mercury and Mars are fused together and will never operate independently for that person. These people sometimes talk very quickly; they are not afraid to stand up for themselves or others and they often don’t care whether others agree with them. They are sometimes rash, tactless, sarcastic or even offensive but very straightforward and blunt.

Celebrities with Mercury conjunct Mars

Heath Ledger, John F Kennedy, Meryl Streep, Salvador Dali and Kendrick Lamar.

The Soft Aspects: Trines and Sextiles

With the soft aspects, the trine and sextile, Mercury and Mars indicate an alert and active mind, affluent conversationalist, someone who is brisk and Lively and for both, with an active mental life and easy communication style. They express their opinions freely, independently and easily and maybe a very good with their hands. The difference between the trine and sextile in this case would be more easily felt by the person than observed from outside.
With the trine, both planets would be in the same element, for example Leo and Sagittarius or Libra and Aquarius. Obviously someone with those combinations would be very different from each other and the expression of their aggressive intellect would come across very differently.
With the sextile, they might have Mercury in Leo and Mars in Libra, which would create a very different personality than if they had, say, Mercury in Leo trine Mars in Sagittarius.

Celebrities with Mercury Sextile Mars

Beyoncé, Princess Diana, Katy Perry, Prince, Sharon Stone, Jay Z, Bill Clinton and Sean Penn.


Celebrities with Mercury Trine Mars

Miley Cyrus, Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Lawrence, Franklin D. Roosevelt and George Orwell.

The Hard Aspects: Oppositions and Squares

The opposition and the square are similar in many ways, both being hard aspects. There may be combative egotism and sharp aggressive temperamental behavior that can antagonize others. This person is often unable to control their communication Style and they behave in an irritable temperamental, rash and hot headed fashion. The important difference between these two hard aspects comes when you consider the signs involved.
Someone who has Mercury in Gemini, for example, opposite Mars in Sagittarius will exhibit this energy quite differently from someone who has Mercury in Gemini square Mars in Virgo or Pisces. In this example, the opposition will create a lively and adventurous personality, someone who loves wordplay and banter, maybe a prolific writer or wordsmith or conversationalist and regaling others of their adventures and exploits. Whereas the square will create more tension, someone who constantly feels the need to prove their intellect, a verbose intellectually aggressive, maybe even ostentatious or obnoxious personality.
On the other hand, the square can create frustration and a difficulty in communicating clearly. The person with this aspect may always feel like they need to clarify or explain themselves or that they’re often misunderstood.

Celebrities with Mercury square Mars

Michael Jackson, Pamela Anderson, Marilyn Manson, Sean Connery, Warren Buffett, Tom Brady, Conor McGregor and Anthony Bourdain.

Celebrities with Mercury opposite Mars

Kate Blanchett, Christina Ricci, Nina Simone, Ice Cube, Alice Cooper and Tucker Carlson.

More on this Topic


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More on Aspects

The aspects are the dialogue between the planets. Below is a selection of articles on aspects.



Conjunction aspects form when two planets are very close to each other and within an 8° orb.



Opposition Aspects

Opposition aspects form when two planets are opposite each other in a chart. They 180° apart with an orb of 8°.



Trine Aspects

Trine aspects form when two planets are 120° apart with an orb of 8°.



Square Aspects

Square aspects form when two planets are 90° apart with an orb of 8°.



Sextile Aspects

Sextile aspects form when two planets are 60° apart with an orb of 4°.


Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotnet


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Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year

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Chart Interpretation: Chani Atreides

Chart Interpretation: Chani Atreides

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: July 2013   –   Revised: January 2024

Online Chart Interpretation


Our listener chose her Starzname or alias as Chani Atreides from Dune


Birth Details

3:31pm, September 26th, 1982, Winnipeg, MB, Canada. This returns an Ascendant of 04° 39′ Capricorn.


Chart Interpretation Balances


The polarities are balanced.

Active = 4 and Passive = 3 visible planets.



The elements are balanced.

Fire = 1, Earth = 2, Air = 3 and water = 1 visible planets.



The Cardinal mode is strong.

Cardinal = 4, Fixed = 1 and Mutable = 2 visible planets.



The southern hemisphere is strong with six planets.

Northern = 1, Southern = 6, Eastern = 3 and Western = 4.



The third quadrant is strong with four planets.

1st Quadrant = 1, 2nd Quadrant = 0, 3rd Quadrant = 4 and 4th Quadrant = 2 visible planets.


Triple Division

The 3rd Triple Division is strong with 4 planets.

1st Division = 1, 2nd division = 2 and the 3rd division = 4 visible planets.


Ascendant Complex

Ascendant Sign

The Ascendant sign is Capricorn.


Ascendant Degree

The Ascendant degree is 04° 39′ Capricorn.


1st House Planets and Points

The first house contains the South Node and the Moon.


Ascendant Aspects


Ascendant conjoined the South Node.

Ascendant quintile Saturn.

Ascendant bi-quintile Chiron.



The Ascendant is sextile the Midheaven.



Ascendant square the Sun.

Ascendant opposition the North Node.

Chart Ruler

The chart ruler is Saturn’s Capricorn is the sign on the Ascendant.


Chart Ruler’s Sign

Saturn is in Libra which means it is in exaltation and so Saturn gets the score of +4.


Chart Ruler’s House

Saturn is in the 9th house.


Chart Rulers, Rulership

Saturn rules the Northern Hemisphere, the first quadrant, the first triple division and the 1st and the 2nd houses.


Chart Rulers Position

The chart ruler, Saturn, is strongly placed as the Almuten with a score of +4.


Chart Rulers Aspects


Saturn is conjoined Pluto.

Saturn is conjoined Mercury which is retrograde.

Saturn is quintile the Ascendant.

Saturn is bi-quintile Chiron.



Saturn is square the Moon.

Saturn is opposite the Part of Fortune.

Saturn is opposite Eris.



Saturn is sextile Neptune.


Sun Complex

Sun Sign

The Sun is in Libra, which is it’s fall so it gets a score of -4.



Sun’s House

The sun is in the 8th house.


Sun’s Rulership

The Sun only rules the 8th house.


Sun’s Aspects


The Sun is trine Chiron.

The Sun is sextile Mars.

The Sun is sextile Uranus.

Note that the sun only has soft aspects and it has no challenging hard aspects.

Moon Complex

Moon’s Sign

The Moon is in Capricorn, which is in its detriment, so against a score of -5.


Moon’s House

The Moon is well placed in the 1st house.


Moon’ Rulership

The Moon rules the Southern Hemisphere, the third quadrant and the 7th house.


Moon’s Aspects


The Moon is square Mercury.

The Moon is square Saturn.

The Moon is square Pluto.

The Moon is square, the Part of Fortune.

The Moon is square Eris.



The Moon is trine Venus.

The Moon is trine Chiron.

The Moon is quintile the Midheaven.


Major Aspect Pattern

The Moon is part of the Earth Grand Trine between the Moon, Venus and Chiron.

Note that the Moon has a far larger complex than the Sun does and is therefore the more dominant luminary.


Midheaven Complex

This chart interpretation has a focus on what she will do in the world.


Midheaven Sign

The Midheaven is in Scorpio.


Midheaven Ruler

The Midheaven rulers are Mars and Pluto.


Planets in the 10th house

Jupiter is in the 10th house.


Most Elevated

Jupiter is the most elevated planet closest to the Midheaven.


Midheaven Aspects


Jupiter is conjoined the Midheaven.

The moon is quintile the Midheaven.



The Midheaven is trine the North node.

The Midheaven is sextile the South node.

The Midheaven is sextile the Ascendant.


Chart Interpretation: The Dispositor Tree

In this chart, there are two dispositor trees. Both are mutual reception trees. This is because there are no planets in their own rulership.

Having two dispositor trees in a chart indicates that there may be two sides to the person.


The Mercury Venus Mutual Reception Tree

Mercury and Venus are in mutual reception. This means that Mercury is in Libra which is Venus is sign and Venus is in Virgo which is Mercury sign.



There are no further planets below Mercury, as there are no planets in Gemini or Virgo.



Below Venus, we have Chiron in Taurus, the Sun in Libra, Saturn in Libra, and Pluto in Libra.

Below Saturn is the Moon in Capricorn.


The Mars Jupiter Mutual Reception Tree

Mars and Jupiter are in mutual reception.

Mars is in Sagittarius which is Jupiter’s sign and Jupiter is in Scorpio which is Mars’ sign.



Below Mars is Eris in Aries.



Below Jupiter is Uranus in Sagittarius and Neptune in Sagittarius.




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More Example Charts

Below is a selection of example charts. Thet generally show my process for getting the information together before the interpretation begins.

Podcasting and Joe Rogan’s Birth Chart

Podcasting and Joe Rogan’s Birth Chart

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Example Chart: Super Jupey

Example Chart: Super Jupey

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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year

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Venus Sextile Uranus

Venus Sextile Uranus

Author: Arwynne O’Neill   –   Published: March 2024

Transiting Venus Sextile Uranus

Today we’re going to be talking about the upcoming transit of Venus sextile Uranus, which will be exact on March 28, 2024 and it happens once a year. Venus will be at 20° Pisces and Uranus will be at 20° Taurus. First, a bit of basics about the sextile, it’s a 60° aspect which means the planets are two signs away from each other. In this case, Pisces and Taurus, which are both feminine signs with very different yet complimentary energies.

We typically find the sextile to be a very energetic and agreeable aspect, so it’s one of the best aspects to find in relationship charts. The trine is the other soft aspect but the sextile is more active than the trine, which tends to be a bit too easygoing to actually make the most of the energies involved. This is especially true when you have trines between two charts in a synastry comparison.

In this case, the two planets we have in sextile are Venus and Uranus. Uranus has a very disruptive and electric energy. It rules invention, innovation and astrology, among other things, while Venus is the planet of love, harmony and beauty, so we can expect this aspect to affect our relationships in particular, and produce some excitement and fireworks in that area.

You could use this time to dress in a way you normally wouldn’t, go to an exciting theme party or costume party or do something to spice up your love life. You’re going to be happiest doing something non-traditional and even eccentric. This really is an aspect that’s all about fun and flair and making the most of the unexpected and exciting.

It’s an excellent time to make new friends and if you’re single, to find a new love interest because this is a great aspect for sexual attraction which may or may not last. If you live in Vancouver or any city with a restaurant offering a “blind dining” experience, it’s a great date night idea. You can read Arwynne’s review of Dark Table here.


Venus Sextile Uranus in the Birth Chart

People with this aspect in their natal chart tend to be open-minded and progressive in their personal style, free thinking and exciting, maybe even capricious, strong-willed, active and eccentric.
In her book Aspects and Personality, Karen Hamaker-Zondag says people with this aspect are “fully alive to the individuality in themselves and others. They have a taste for the unusual and an open mind on everything, no matter how strange. Nothing disturbs them and they may even find the unusual stimulating.”
They often look for changes at work or in their relationships so their emotional life may be unstable, unless this aspect is offset by other stabilizing factors like positive aspects to the Moon or Saturn for example.

Celebrities with Venus Sextile Uranus

Billie Eilish, Kendall Jenner, Leonardo da Vinci, Justin Timberlake, Robin Williams, Willow Smith, Kate Winslet, Gwyneth Paltrow, Adam Driver, Lenny Kravitz and Jessica Lange.

A lot of pop music talent and romantic comedy energy going on with this aspect!


Celebrities with Venus in Pisces Sextile Uranus

Emma Watson, George Harrison, Ursula Andress and Tammy Wynette.


Image: David Hume Kennerly,

Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


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Venus Conjunctions
Venus Trines
Venus Sextiles

Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Contact Arwynne

Website MsPink

Ms Pink Art shop

Instagram @mspinkdotnet


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Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

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The Part of Marriage

The Part of Marriage

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: March 2024

The Part of Marriage

Parts in General

The Part of Marriage is one of the Arabic parts or Greek lots. It is a sensitive point in any chart and can be used when considering marriages, betrothals and nuptials.

Natal aspects to this point will colour the marital urges of the person.


Part of Marriage Calculation

The Part of Marriage calculation is as follows:

ASC + DEC – Venus = Part of Marriage

The Part of Marriage is placed in the same hemisphere (north or south) of the Ascendant/Descendant axis as Venus, and at the same distance as Venus is from the closer point Ascendant or Descendant.

In other words, The Part of Marriage is as far away from the Ascendant or Descendant as Venus.



Convert the Positions to Zero Aries

You have the convert the zodiac positions of the Ascendant, the Descendant and Venus to degrees on the 360 wheel. This starts from Zero Aries. All calculations will be done from this point.

First convert the Ascendant then the Descendnat then Venus.

You make this conversion so you can do maths (adding and subtracting) on the positions. We will convert the answer back to the signs at the end.

You may get an answer that is greater than 360 (say 410) and in that case, minus 360 before you convert back to the sign.


Elizabeth Taylor: Example Chart

As we are talking about marriage, I thought of using beautiful Elizabeth Taylor’s chart as she was married 7 times.




Elizabeth Taylor

Example Calculation

POM = ASC + DEC – Venus

POM = 13°15′ Sagittarius + 13°15′ Gemini – 17°33′ Aries

POM = [13°15′ + 240° (Sagittarius)] + [ 13°15′ + 60 (Gemini)] – 17°33′ (Aries)

POM = [250°15′ + 73°15′] – 17°33′

POM = 323°30′ – 17°33′

POM = 305°57′

POM = 305°57′ – 300 (for Aquarius, see table)

POM = 5°51′ Aquarius


The Importance of Venus

Venus is hugely important in the Part of Marriage calculation. Venus is the planet of romance, love and marriage among other things.

Depending on how far above or below the horizon Venus is found, it will be the same distance as the Part of Marriage.


Venus Ascendant Aspects

Venus Conjoined the Ascendant

If Venus is conjoined the Ascendant the the Part of Marriage will be conjoined the Descendant.


Venus Sextile the Ascendant

If Venus is sextile the Ascendant the the Part of Marriage will be sextile the Descendant.


Venus Square the Ascendant

If Venus is square the Ascendant the the Part of Marriage will be square the descendant (and so also square the Ascendant).

In fact, if Venus does square the Ascendant then Venus will be very close to the Part of Marriage and they will be conjoined,

This special placement provides a powerful message in any chart regarding love and marriage. Take special note of this aspect when working on relationship charts with your clients.



Part of Marriage Eyeball Calculation

You can find this point by looking at the chart.

  • Find Venus.
  • Draw a line parallel to the Ascendant/Descendant Line across the chart.
  • That point will be the Part of Marriage.


  • If Venus is 10° above the Ascendant then the Part of Marriage is 10° above the Descendant.
  • If Venus is 25° below the Ascendant the Venus is 25° below the Descendant.
  • If Venus is 10° above the Descendant then the Part of Marriage is 10° above the Ascendant.
  • If Venus is 25° below the Decsendant the Venus is 25° below the Ascendant.


Parallel Lines

In the chart below for Elizabeth Taylor, note the red line parallel to the Ascendant / Descendant line that is drawn from the point of  her natal Venus.

This is an easy way to work out the Part of marriage quickly. Of course if you want the exact position for the Part of Marriage you will have to do the calculations.

Solar Fire lists the Part of Marriage so I recommend that program for this type of work.


Part of Marriage Meaning

This sensitive point represents the qualities and experiences you seek or encounter in relationships, marriage and long-term meaningful partnerships.

Its placement in the natal chart can give insights into your approach to marriage, the type of partner you are attracted to, and the dynamics of your romantic relationships.

Here are some key points to consider when interpreting the Part of Marriage:


The sign in which the Part of Marriage falls can reveal important qualities and characteristics desired or sought after in a partner.

For example, a Part of Marriage in a fire sign like Aries may suggest a preference for adventurous and dynamic partners, while a Part of Marriage in an earth sign like Taurus may indicate a desire for stability and security in relationships.


Always consider the Part of Marriages dispositor which is the planet that rules the sign which the Part of Marriage is in.

In Elizabeth Taylor’s chart her Part of Marriahe is in Aquarius so there are two dispositors. The firt is Saturn as the traditional ruler of Aquarius and teh Second is Uranus as the modern ruler of Aquarius.


Part of Marriage House

The house placement of the Part of Marriage highlights the area of life where one is most likely to seek or experience significant partnerships and marital experiences.

For instance, if the Part of Marriage falls in the 7th house, which traditionally governs marriage and partnerships, it suggests a strong focus on committed relationships and marriage in the individual’s life.


Aspects between this point and other planets or points in the chart can provide further insights into the dynamics of relationships and marriage.

Harmonious aspects may indicate ease and compatibility in partnerships, while challenging aspects could suggest areas of tension or growth in relationships.

Transits and Progressions

Transits and progressions can trigger significant events or developments in one’s romantic life, such as marriage, divorce, or significant relationship milestones.

Pay attention to transits and progressions to help you navigate important relationship phases and transitions.


The Part of Marriage gives valuable, if subtle, insights into the area of partnerships, marriage and committed relationships.

It provides guidance on the qualities, dynamics and experiences people may experience in their romantic lives.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Neptune in Aries

Neptune in Aries

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Author: Alison Price   –   Published: February 2024


In early 2024 I had the idea to offer online chart interpretations. These would be for listeners of our podcast.

The online astrology reading is not a face-to-face consultation, but it is an interpretaion that is discussed on the podcast or perhaps on Youtube. I considered inviting Arwynne to join in the conversation on some of them and she was excited to chim in on this, the first online astrology reading. I am happy that Arwynne joined me for the interpretation on the podcast.

Also please note that there was so much interest in the Online Astrology Readings that there is an 8 month waitlist because we need to catch up with all the readings already requested.



Chart Details

Birth City

When starting any chart reading you need the birth details. Taurpio’s was born at 6:28 pm, on the 28th April 1983, in Wellington, New Zealand.


Current City

Because I will look at the transits, I asked where she was living now and it turns out that she now resides in Perth, Australia.



Visible Planets

Only counting the visible planets.


Moving on to the hemispheres,  the four Hemispheres are balanced.


The four Quadrants are balanced.





Fixed = 5

Triple Division

2nd Triple Division = 4


Taurus = 5


6th house 6



Chart Shape

Shape see saw chart typically has many oppositions and not many trines. There are usually two sides to the chart.


Ascendant Complex

Sign and Degree

The Ascendant is at 28° Scorpio.


First House Planets

Part of the Ascendant complex are any planets in the 1st house. Planets in the angular 1st house are well placed. In Taurpio’s chart there are two 1st house planets. Uranus is conjoined Jupiter in the first house in Sagittarius.


Ascendant Aspects

Ascendant Neutral Aspects

The Ascendant is conjoined the Moon in fall in Scorpio and in the sensitive Ascendant Gauquelin sector.

Ascendant Hard Aspects

The Ascendant is opposite Mercury and Chiron both in Taurus in the 6th house.

Chart Ruler Complex: Mars


As Scorpio is the Ascendant sign and because Mars rules Scorpio, Mars becomes the first chart ruler.


Mars Sign

The chart ruler, Mars, is in detriment in Taurus and gets a score of -5.



Mars House

Mars is in the 6th house.


Mars Position

Mars is the Evening Planet as it sets after the Sun.


Mars’ Aspects

Mars Aspects Neutral

Mars is conjoined Mercury and the Part of Fortune.

Mars Aspects Hard

Mars is opposite the Moon.

Chart Ruler Complex: Pluto

Chart Ruler’s Sign

The second chart ruler, after Mars, is Pluto as it is the modern ruler of Scorpio. 


Chart Ruler’s Sign

Pluto is in Libra.


Chart Ruler’s House

Pluto is in the 12th house.


Pluto’s Aspects

Pluto Aspects Neutral

Pluto is conjoined Saturn.


Pluto Aspects Soft

Pluto is sextile Neptune. This is a generational aspects and millions of people have it in their chart.

Pluto is trine the North Node and sextile the South Node.


Pluto Quincunx Chiron


Sun Complex

Sun Sign

The Sun is in Taurus.

Sun House

The Sun is in the 6th house.

Sun Rules

The Sun rules the Midheaven, the 6th house, the Eastern Hemisphere and the 4th Quadrant (Q4).


Sun Aspects

Sun Aspects Neutral

The Sun conjoins Mars and the Part of Fortune.


Sun Aspects Hard

The Sun is opposite Saturn.


Sun Aspects Adjustments

The Sun is quincunx Jupiter and Uranus.


Moon Complex

Moon Sign

The Moon is in Scorpio which is not well placed as it is in Fall and gets a score of -4.

Moon House

The Moon is in the private 12th House.

Moon Rules

The Moon only rules the 9th house.

Lunar Phase

This chart has a Full Moon phase where the light of the Moon is very bright.



Moon Position

The Moon is in the Ascendant Gauquelin sector which gives it weight.



Moon Aspects

Moon Aspects Neutral

The Moon is conjoined the Ascendant.

Moon Aspects Hard

The Moon is opposite Mercury, Mars, Chiron and the Part of Fortune.


Dispositor Tree

Dispositor trees are another way to visualize the chart. This chart has two dispositor trees. The first is a Planet in Sign Tree, the Jupiter one, and the second is the Mutual Reception Tree with Mercury and Venus.

See the Dispositor Tree diagram further down.


Planet is Sign: Dispositor Tree

Jupiter is in its own sign of Sagittarius and so is well placed on the top line. Below Jupiter is Uranus and Neptune in Sagittarius. Jupiter disposes both Uranus and Neptune.


Mutual Reception Dispositor Tree

The two planets in mutual reception are Mercury and Venus. Mercury is in Venus’ sign of Taurus and Venus is in Mercury’s sign of Gemini. This means that Mercury and Venus are in mutual reception and have equal status in the dispositor tree. They go on the top line.

Below Venus is Chiron, Mars and the Sun in Taurus and Pluto in Libra. Venus disposes Chiron, Mars and the Sun. Below Mars is the Moon and Saturn in Scorpio. Mars disposes the Moon and Saturn. There are no planets below Mercury because there are no other planets other than Venus in either of Mercury’s signs Gemini and Virgo.

Links and Aspects

I always note any links (the arrows) that are also aspects in the chart. In this chart Jupiter is linked to Uranus and there is a conjunction between the two. The Moon and Mars are linked in the tree and they are in opposition to each other as well. The aspected links are maked in red.

Chart Rulers

I always highlight the chart rulers in a dispositor tree and in this chart the two chart rulers are Mars and Scorpio which are highlighted in yellow.


Main Comments from Taurpio

These are the main comments and question that Taurpio wanted us to focus on. Arwynne and I can’t cover everything in a 30 minute podcast, so we did what we could.


Reading Special Focus?

“How to make the best of the delightful pluto square pluto transit I’m going through. Somewhat challenging.”

Your Favourite Starzology Astrology Podcast Episodes?

“I love them all. I find yourself and Arwynne super engaging. I really enjoy the planets through the signs, also when you talk about generational transits i.e Chiron return. Also enjoyed the Oriental planet, mine’s Neptune.”


“I feel like I have a lot of polarity in my chart, very fixed energy of ♉️ and ♏️. Also interested to hear about the axis of the 6th and 12th houses.”

Forecasting: Transits recent Past

Pluto square Pluto

This transformative aspects which was in place for the past two years has finally cleared. Taurpio specifically asked about this aspect and we discuss in more in the podcast episode.


Forecasting: Transits Upcoming

Pluto square Saturn

Pluto is squaring Saturn now and will do so another two times during the course of 2024. This is marked in orange on the Dispositor Tree.



Graphic Ephemeris

Graphic Ephemeris Defaults

I always set my Graphic Ephemeris defaults as follows:


  • 45 degrees.
  • Eighth harmonic aspects.
  • Two years.
  • Start six months ago.
  • Go ahead for 18 months.

Graphic Ephemeris: What to Add

Once I have the Graphic Ephemeris printed out, I begin to add extra forecasting details. These other forecasting techniques are great at underlying what has already been brought forward in the transits.

Graphic Ephemeris: Eclipses

I look for lunar and solar eclipses for the next 12 months. I add any eclipses that conjoin the natal chart planets or points.

Graphic Ephemeris: Secondary Progressions

For the secondary progressions, I add any secondary progressed planet that changes of sign or house in teh next year. Additionally I add any secondary progressed planet of angle that conjoins a natal planet or points.

Graphic Ephemeris: Solar Arc Directions

I add the Solar arc directed planet changes of sign or house. I also add any Solar arc directed planets that conjoin a natal plants or point. See more on this later.

Solar Return Chart

The solar return chart can standalone and be interpreted by itself. This is another direct forecasting technique that I use after transits and eclipses. I always cast the solar return chart for the place they are at on their birthday.

With a solar retrun chart I look for:


  • The Solar Return Sun’s house.
  • The Solar Return Sun’s aspects.
  • Solar return ascendant in the natal chart.

You can continue on and interpret the whole chart but remember that is is the Sun that is the basis of this chart and therefore the Sun in the solar return chart is the most important.

If you want to loo for love and money then cast a Venus return chart and interpret that.


Secondary Progressions

With secondary progressions I cast the secondary progressed chart but mainly look at the bi-wheel and not the standalone secondary progressed chart.

When using bi-wheels I alwasy put the natal chart in the center as that is what everything else is based on. The person is the topic and the secondary progressed planets will affect the natal chart from the outside in to the natal cahrt or the core of the person.

The bi-wheel has the natal chart in the center and the secondary progressed chart on the outside.


What to Look for in Secondary Progressions

The three main secondary progressions that I am looking for are:


  • Secondary progressed Moon phase and when is the next phase change.
  • Secondary progressed planets or points changing natal sign.
  • Secondary progressed planets or points changing natal house.
  • Secondary progressed planets or points conjoining natal planets.


Personally, I don’t often consider other secondary progressed aspects unless I’m into the deeper third, fourth or fifth sessions with my client.


Solar Arc Directions

With solar arc directions I cast the solar arc directed chart but only look at the bi-wheel and not the standalone solar arc directed chart.

When using bi-wheels I always put the natal chart in the center as that is what everything else is based on. The person is the topic and the solar arc directed planets will affect the natal chart from the outside in to the natal chart or the core of the person.

The bi-wheel shown below has the natal chart in the center and the solar arc directed chart on the outside.


What to Look for in Solar Arc Directions

The three main secondary progressions that I am looking for are:


  • Directed planets or points changing natal sign.
  • Directed planets or points changing natal house.
  • Directed planets or points conjoining natal planets.


Personally, I don’t often look at other solar arc directed aspects, like squares and oppositions, unless I’m into the deeper third, fourth or fifth sessions with my client.



Chart Overview

In this post I have highlighted the important factors in this chart. I would urge you to develop your chart reading skills by working through the post from top to bottom and concentrate on the chart details that I have brought forward for consideration. Yes, there is much more to discuss about this chart, but those bits can be left for another day.

I want to inspire you, an Aspiring Astrologer, to get better at chart reading by focussing in on what really matters in a chart and leaving the lighter signifiers for another day.

I think it is better to teach someone how to fish and not give them a fish. So to relate that to chart interpretation, “It is better to teach you how to interpret a chart than to do it for you.” This is why I have not provided thorough interpretations in this question because you need to do it for yourself.


Chart Interpretation Done For You

However, if you requested a full chart consultation from me, then I would give you all the information surrounding the placements in the chart and the full forecast prediction.



I want to thank Taurpio for sending in her questions and especially for listening to our podcast in the first place. This post answers our podcast listener Taurpio’s questiions. It is heartening to know that we have listener’s from as far away as Perth, Western Australia in our audience. This shows the power of podcasting.






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Below is some recent feedback from Taurpio about the podcast and what she thought of our interpretation (edited for brevity).
Thank you Taurpio.
Hi Alison,
A big thank you to you and Arwynne for the online interpretation of my chart. I listened while taking my dog out for a walk. Pretty spot on really, particularly the part about my parents, I have a Taurus mother and a Scorpio father.
Anyway so generous of you to offer these readings. Look forward to booking an online consultation with you in future.
The information on the blog is so helpful also. 
I thoroughly enjoy all of your podcast episodes and learn something new every episode. Have shared with my friends and family also.
Have a great day.
Best regards,

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at


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International Astrology Day

International Astrology Day

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: February 2024

International Astrology Day

Chart for 2024

Chart Details

This chart is set for the moment that the Sun enters Aries in 2024. 8:10pm, March 19th, 2024, in Vancouver. I’m using the Zero Aries house system so the chart is relevant for everywhere around the world.

Solar Cycle

Zero Aries

This day is a part of the solar cycle which is the path of the Sun every year. It is marked as the Sun crosses the celestial equator heading north which is when it enters Aries.

Equinox: Ostara

It is the equinox as well. In the Wheel of the Year this day is the festival of Ostara.



Chart Shape

Bowl Chart Shape

This chart is a loose bowl shape where all the planets are on one side of the chart. Frequently, the leading and trailing planets are in opposition. That the Moon is slightly out of the exact 180° shows that this is not technical a bowl, but for me it’s close enough.


Leading/Cutting Planet

The leading or cutting planet is Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto will rise ahead of all the other planets on this day and they will trail behind it as they rise over the horizon.


Trailing Planet

The trailing planet is the Moon in Leo.


Rim Opposition

The Moon is in opposition aspect to Pluto. This creates what is called a rim opposition. The idea is that they for the rim of the bowl.




Sun Conjoined Neptune

The Sun is conjoined Neptune which is in dignity in Pisces. Here Neptune is at the tail end of Pisces but still strong in rulership. This is a disassociate aspects as the Sun is in the active fire sign of Aries and Neptune is in the passive water sign of Pisces.


Venus Conjoined Saturn

Venus is conjoined Saturn in Pisces. Venus is also parallel Saturn so that makes is a powerful “double whammy” conjunction and one not to be ignored.


More on Aspects of Declination.

Jupiter Conjoined Uranus

Jupiter is conjoined Uranus in Taurus. Jupiter is applying to Uranus and this means that the aspects is not yet exact but it is going to be exact later in the year as Jupiter moves towards Uranus.


Sun Complex

Ingress Chart

In an ingress chart, like this one, the Sun is the main player and its complex of sign, house, position, rulership and aspects is crucial to understanding the chart. An ingress chart is a chart set for the exact moment a planet enters a new sign or house. Typically, you look at solar ingresses for global interpretations. However, all planetary ingresses can be valuable to determine the energy shifts and expression of the period.

Sun Sign

The Sun is in Aries.

Sun Rules

The Sun disposes the Moon in Leo.

Sun Aspects

Neutral Aspects

The Sun is conjoined Neptune which is in dignity in Pisces.

Soft Aspects

The Sun is trine the Moon in Leo in the First Quarter phase. The Sun is sextile Pluto in Aquarius.

Major Aspect Pattern: Stellium

Stellium Planets

A stellium forms when three or more planets are within 8° of each other. The three planets in this chart’s stellium are Mercury, Chiron and Eris all in Aries. As the ruler of Aries the planet Mars disposes this stellium.

Major Aspect Pattern: Quintile Pointer

Quintile Pointer

There is a major aspect pattern of a fat quintile pointer with the three planets Moon, Venus and Uranus.

Quintile pointers only contain aspects of the fifth harmonic (when you divide the chart by 5). There are two aspects which are the quintile at 72° and the biquintile at 144°. Quintile pointers can be fat or thin it depends. The energy from the base planets (in this case the Moon and Venus) will flow towards the point or the focal planet Uranus and will be expressed out into the world at 20° Taurus. If you have planets or points at this position it will affect you more.

Focal Planet

Uranus in Taurus is the focal planet. Note that Uranus is disposed by Venus the ruler of Taurus. I would also consider that Venus is conjoined Saturn, and that Uranus is conjoined Jupiter when interpreting this quintile pointer.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Author: Alison Price   -   Published: March 2025 Neptune in Aries Podcast In this week's podcast episode Arwynne and I discuss the super important ingress of Neptune into Aries. This transition is significant because Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusions,...

Chart Ruler and Chart Overlays

Chart Ruler and Chart Overlays

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: March 2024

Chart Ruler and Chart Overlays

Planets as the Chart Ruler

The chart ruler is the planet which rules the sign on the Ascendant. As the Earth rotates every planet gets to rule a chart as its own sign takes up the Ascendant position. When a particular sign is on the Ascendant, we can see that the signs will be on the other house cusps in sequence. Each sign lies on a house cups in order but not if there are intercepted signs.


Chart Overlay

A chart overlay will indicate that certain signs will be on the house cusps and we can discuss them in relation to the chart ruler. When the chart ruler is in the different houses its drive is modified in line with the house. Very often the meaning of this planet by its placement and complex is the main thrust of a person’s life.


Intercepted Signs

If you use Placidus cusps, or some of the other houses systems, you may have an intercepted sign. An intercepted sign is a sign that is fully engulfed in a house. The intercepted sign will not lie over a house cusp. An intercepted sign’s planetary ruler, (the planet that rules the sign), may not have a house to rule. This makes the planet weaker.

Intercepted sign come in pairs. There will either be two intercepted signs or none.


House Rulers

Always check which sign is on the cusp of each house and adjust your interpretations accordingly. For example if Libra has no house cusp then typically Scorpio may have two house cusps in a row.


David Bowie: Virgo and Pisces Intercepted

In the birth chart for David Bowie shown below, it has Virgo and Pisces as intercepted signs. Note the intercepted signs are a pairs of opposite signs.


Virgo Intercepted

Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, has no Virgo houses to rule. However, Mercury still rules the 4th and 5th houses through its rulership of Gemini.


Pisces Intercepted

However, Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces, has no house to rule. This makes Neptune slightly weaker in this chart.


Consecutive Houses Same Sign

In Bowie’s birth chart, the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius (opposite pairs) are on two consecutive houses.

Gemini is on the 5th and 6th houses. So Mercury rules the Gemini house (and not the Virgo houses because there are none).

Sagittarius is on the 10th and 11th houses. This indicates that Jupiter has more influence through Sagittarius being on two house cusps.


Luminaries Signs Intercepted

If the intercepted sign is Cancer or Leo it means that the Moon or the Sun do not have houses to rule. This makes them weaker which is unfortunate but typically another planet will step forward as the most influential in the chart.


Sylvester Stallone: Cancer Intercepted

In the birth chart for Sylvester Stallone shown below, it has Cancer and Capricorn as intercepted signs. Note the intercepted signs are a pairs of opposite signs.


Cancer Intercepted

The Moon as the ruler of Cancer has no house to rule! This make the Moon weaker in this chart.

Additionally, all planets in Cancer (the intercepted sign), that is the Sun and Saturn, will take step backwards as well and they will struggle to be prominent in his chart both natally and by transit.

By the way the Moon is the most elevated planet (nearest to the Midheaven), so this is a slightly redeeming factor for the Moon.


Capricorn Intercepted

Saturn the ruler of Capricorn, as the traditional ruler of Aquarius still rules the 2nd house. So Saturn does have a house to rule but not through Capricorn only through Aquarius.


Consecutive Houses Same Sign

In Stallone’s birth chart, the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius (opposite pairs) are on two consecutive houses.

Gemini is on the 6th and 7th house cusps and Sagittarius is on the 1st and 12th house cusps. This indicates that both Mercury and Jupiter will have influence through Gemini and Sagittarius. 



The Chart Ruler in the Houses

First House

When the chart ruler is in the first house you are the embodiment of the ruling planet. This is a very strong position for the chart ruler.

Second House

When the chart ruler is in the second house you want to go through life by using your own resources and talents. You love to rely on yourself and do things for yourself.

Third House

When the chart ruler is in the third house you want to communicate exactly who you are to others. You can be a conduit for information.

Fourth House

When the chart ruler is in the fourth house you are a product of your family and parents. You want to go from whence you came and create yourself a better future.

Fifth House

When the chart ruler is in the fifth house your creative drive is tantamount to your existence. You enjoy life to the full.

Sixth House

When the chart ruler is in the sixth house you pursue self-improvement of your skills and talents through the nature of the ruling planet. A workaholic.

Seventh House

When the chart ruler is in the seventh house you see yourself through the partners you choose. You may dominate your relationships.

Eighth House

When the chart ruler is in the eighth house you have the urge to transform your life through change and renewal. You will take extreme measures to get there.

Ninth House

When the chart ruler is in the ninth house you want to expand yourself through education and understanding of the larger issues in life. The journey is all with this placement.

Tenth House

When the chart ruler is in the tenth house you strive to establish yourself in the world and will focus on this against all odds. You micro manage.

Eleventh House

When the chart ruler is in the eleventh house you want to be an individual in a group with many connections and use the internet.

Twelfth House

When the chart ruler is in the twelfth house you tend to live alone or apart from the rest of humanity. You seek solace in privacy. This is a weak placement for the chart ruler.

The Sun as Chart Ruler

The Sun is the chart ruler when Leo is on the Ascendant. This is a super duper power position for the Sun and no other planet will be able to dominate it unless the Sun is retrograde. laughing


Leo Overlay

When the First house cusp is Leo, you present yourself in a dramatic way.

When the Second house cusp is Virgo, you are careful with pennies but not so much the big money.

When the Third house cusp Libra, you see school as even handed and fair.

When the Fourth house cusp Scorpio, you keep your home life private.

When the Fifth house cusp Sagittarius, you have a broad creative life with many projects on the go.

When the Sixth house cusp Capricorn, your work ethic is good, arrives on time and is a good employee.

When the Seventh house cusp Aquarius, you marry an unlikely person.

When the Eight house cusp Pisces, you have sympathy for those who have passed over.

When the Ninth house cusp Aries, you may decide to travel on a whim.

When the Tenth house cusp Taurus, you can achieve a solid career path in a traditional field.

When the Eleventh house cusp Gemini, you have a variety of friends.

When the Twelfth house cusp Cancer, you take care of your imagination.

The Moon as Chart Ruler

The Moon is the chart ruler when Cancer is on the Ascendant. This is a very good situation for the Moon.

The Moon may dominate the chart and the only other planet likely to give it a run for its money is the Sun. Whether the Sun can outshine the Moon will depend on the Sun’s position, the lunar phase and any eclipses in the chart.

Cancer Overlay

When the First house cusp is Cancer, you are soft and round looking.

When the Second house cusp is Leo, you spends on gifts for others.

When the Third house cusp is Virgo, you love school and reading.

When the Fourth house cusp Libra, you have a beautiful and tranquil home.

When the Fifth house cusp is Scorpio, you love dating and the opposite sex.

When the Sixth house cusp is Sagittarius, you work overseas, and may hitchhike for jobs.

When the Seventh house cusp is Capricorn, you marry up and well if not for love.

When the Eighth house cusp is Aquarius, you can be experimental in the bedroom.

When the Ninth house cusp is Pisces, your religion, faith and prayer is important.

When the Tenth house cusp is Aries, it is the sign of the entrepreneur.

When the Eleventh house cusp is Taurus, you have a steady group of friends.

When the Twelfth house cusp is Gemini, you read in bed at night before sleep.

Mercury as Chart Ruler

Mercury is the chart ruler when Gemini or Virgo is on the Ascendant.

Gemini Overlay

When the First house cusp is Gemini, you always looks different and has many looks.

When the Second house cusp is Cancer, you are a good saver. Takes care of the money.

When the Third house cusp is Leo, you have tantrums when at school.

When the Fourth house cusp is Virgo, you generally have a clean home if a bit cold.

When the Fifth house cusp is Libra, you love romance and falling in love.

When the Sixth house cusp is Scorpio, your daily rituals sooth any demons.

When the Seventh house cusp is Sagittarius, you are likely to marry a foreigner.

When the Eight house cusp is Capricorn, your debt is curtailed. Lives a long life.

When the Ninth house cusp is Aquarius, you love travelling alone.

When the Tenth house cusp is Pisces, you are attracted to a career in the arts or support services.

When the Eleventh house cusp is Aries, you like male friends.

When the Twelfth house cusp is Taurus, you have little imagination.

Virgo Overlay

When the First house cusp is Virgo, you have a well-coordinated look.

When the Second house cusp is Libra, you spend on beautiful things.

When the Third house cusp is Scorpio, you stays in local neighborhood.

When the Fourth house cusp is Sagittarius, you like a rambling home and may have a separated family.

When the Fifth house cusp is Capricorn, you fall in loves for life. Lost loves can hurt.

When the Sixth house cusp Aquarius, you are an intellectual employee.

When the Seventh house cusp Pisces, you marry someone, who has a dream.

When the Eight house cusp is Aries, you have an active sex life.

When the Ninth house cusp is Taurus, you are an armchair traveler.

When the Tenth house cusp is Gemini, you are attracted to a career in communications.

When the Eleventh house cusp is Cancer. your family are your friends.

When the Twelfth house cusp is Leo, you have subtle private drama in your life.

Venus as Chart Ruler

Venus is the chart ruler when Taurus or Libra is on the Ascendant.

Taurus Overlay

When the First house cusp is Taurus, you project a calm demeanour.

When the Second house cusp is Gemini, you attracts a variety of income streams.

When the Third house cusp is Cancer, you are happy to remain in the local neighborhood as home.

When the Fourth house cusp is Leo, your home has an impressive front door.

When the Fifth house cusp is Virgo, you can be critical of dates.

When the Sixth house cusp is Libra, you require a balanced work/home life.

When the Seventh house cusp is Scorpio, you makes deep connections with spouse.

When the Eight house cusp is Sagittarius, your debts can get out of hand and run away.

When the Ninth house cusp is Capricorn, you achieve higher education.

When the Tenth house cusp is Aquarius, you want to be known as a humanitarian.

When the Eleventh house cusp is Pisces, your associates are many and varied.

When the Twelfth house cusp is Aries, you may drive at night to clear the head.

Libra Overlay

When the First house cusp is Libra, you have beautiful or handsome features.

When the Second house cusp is Scorpio, you value others dedicated support.

When the Third house cusp is Sagittarius, you find that school is an adventure.

When the Fourth house cusp is Capricorn, your home has cool and crisp interior design. 

When the Fifth house cusp is Aquarius, you loves spontaneity.

When the Sixth house cusp is Pisces, you believe their work is important. 

When the Seventh house cusp is Aries, you marry in haste, repents at leisure.

When the Eighth house cusp is Taurus, you understand the importance of stability.

When the Ninth house cusp is Gemini, you talk a lot about travels.

When the Tenth house cusp Cancer, you feel that a family business is best.

When the Eleventh house cusp Leo, your friends are extravagant.

When the Twelfth cusp Virgo, your down time is appreciated.

Mars as Chart Ruler

Mars is the chart ruler when Aries or Scorpio is on the Ascendant.

Mars as Chart Ruler: Aries Overlay

When the First house cusp is Aries, you have a strong physique.

When the Second house cusp is Taurus, your money is amassed slowly.

When the Third house cusp is Gemini, your school was enlightening.

When the Fourth house cusp is Cancer, your home and family are important.

When the Fifth house cusp is Leo, your children bring pleasure.

When the Sixth house cusp is Virgo, you works hard all life.

When the Seventh house cusp is Libra, your relationships are important.

When the Eight house cusp is Scorpio, you have many secrets.

When the Ninth house cusp is Sagittarius, your philosophy and religion are interesting.

When the Tenth house cusp is Capricorn, you can achieves high status in the world.

When the Eleventh house cusp is Aquarius, your friends are intellectually stimulating.

When the Twelfth house cusp is Pisces, you enjoy a peaceful life.

Jupiter as Chart Ruler

Jupiter is the chart ruler when Sagittarius or Pisces is on the Ascendant.

Jupiter as Chart Ruler: Sagittarius Overlay

When the First house cusp is Sagittarius, you have an outgoing personality.

When the Second house cusp is Capricorn, you are frugal with money.

When the Third house cusp is Aquarius, you commute in strange ways.

When the Fourth house cusp is Pisces, your home is hard to find.

When the Fifth house cusp Aries, you compete in sport brings pleasure.

When the Sixth house cusp Taurus, you work well and like it.

When the Seventh house cusp Gemini, you need a partner to talk to.

When the Eight house cusp Cancer, you are secure and safe with secrets.

When the Ninth house cusp Leo, you are generous with their knowledge.

When the Tenth house cusp Virgo, you are detailed in the work and career.

When the Eleventh house cusp Libra, your friends provide balance.

When the Twelfth house cusp Scorpio, you are optimistic about hidden outcomes.

Saturn as Chart Ruler

Saturn is the chart ruler when Capricorn or Aquarius is on the Ascendant.

Saturn as Chart Ruler – Capricorn Overlay

When the First house cusp is Capricorn, you have a serious disposition.

When the Second house cusp is Aquarius, you buy tech stuff wisely.

When the Third house cusp is Pisces, you walk the neighborhood footpath routes.

When the Fourth house cusp is Aries, your home has limited space in the attic.

When the Fifth house cusp is Taurus, your children are well spaced out.

When the Sixth house cusp is Gemini, your works in strict communications.

When the Seventh house cusp Cancer, you have legal issues with your family.

When the Eight house cusp Leo, you have restrained enthusiasm in the bedroom.

When the Ninth house cusp Virgo, you respect the ins and outs of foreign cultures.

When the Tenth house cusp Libra, you are slow to find a balance in their career.

When the Eleventh house cusp Scorpio, you have secret friends and alliances.

When the Twelfth house cusp Sagittarius, you judge others’ private lives.

Uranus as Chart Ruler

Uranus is the chart ruler when Aquarius is on the Ascendant.

Uranus as Chart Ruler – Aquarius Overlay

When the First house cusp is Aquarius, you have wild hair and clothes.

When the Second house cusp is Pisces, your money slips through their fingers.

When the Third house cusp is Aries, you jog the streets.

When the Fourth house cusp is Taurus, your home and family is all that matters.

When the Fifth house cusp is Gemini, you have good chat-up lines, flirts.

When the Sixth house cusp is Cancer, your daily rituals are completed.

When the Seventh house cusp is Leo, your partner is grandiose and stylish.

When the Eight house cusp is Virgo, you are careful with borrowing money but still does so.

When the Ninth house cusp is Libra, you seeks to meet others when travelling.

When the Tenth house cusp is Scorpio, you require care at work to avoid a toxic environment.

When the Eleventh house cusp is Sagittarius, you have lots of acquaintances and busy social life.

When the Twelfth house cusp is Capricorn, you find composure through meditation.

Neptune as Chart Ruler

Neptune is the chart ruler when Pisces is on the Ascendant.

Neptune as Chart Ruler: Pisces Overlay

When the First house cusp is Pisces, you have a dreamy personality.

When the Second house cusp is Aries, you earn and spends well. Suffers from buyer’s remorse.

When the Third house cusp is Taurus, you keep going at school.

When the Fourth house cusp is Gemini, you believes communication is key with family.

When the Fifth house cusp is Cancer, you care for children but allow them to blossom.

When the Sixth house cusp is Leo, you probably likes cats as pets.

When the Seventh house cusp is Virgo, you choose a partner by and believe the little things matter.

When the Eight house cusp is Libra, you have the impression that your partner is cheating.

When the Ninth house cusp is Scorpio, your travel is transformative.

When the Tenth house cusp is Sagittarius, you enjoys their magical outdoors life.

When the Eleventh house cusp is Capricorn, you take enlightenment groups seriously.

When the Twelfth house cusp is Aquarius, you find solace in the peaceful contemplation of science.

Pluto as Chart Ruler

Pluto is the chart ruler when Scorpio is on the Ascendant.

Pluto as Chart Ruler: Scorpio Overlay

When the First house cusp is Scorpio, you have a powerful personality and presence.

When the Second house cusp is Sagittarius, your finances are either very good or very challenging.

When the Third house cusp is Capricorn, you are a perpetual student of human nature.

When the Fourth house cusp is Aquarius, your home may be a commune or private.

When the Fifth house cusp is Pisces, your lovers are deeply intuitive.

When the Sixth house cusp is Aries, for you yoga is actively transformative.

When the Seventh house cusp is Taurus, you want a sensitive partner, who understand them.

When the Eight house cusp is Gemini, you discuss deeper issues intensely.

When the Ninth house cusp is Cancer, you enjoys cruise vacations.

When the Tenth house cusp is Leo, you intensely wants a life with status.

When the Eleventh house cusp is Virgo, you may be deeply critical of groups but goes anyway.

When the Twelfth house cusp is Libra, you like special moments alone with their partner.

Book Recommendantion

The book I recommend to explore this topic further is Rulers of the Horoscope: Finding Your Way Through the Labyrinth by Alan Oken.



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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Solar Eclipse: April 8, 2024

Solar Eclipse: April 8, 2024

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: March 2024

Solar Eclipse

April 8, 2024

The Eclipse Path: Red Line

The path of a solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, refers to the path along which the eclipse’s shadow travels as it crosses the Earth’s surface.

This particular eclipse is will follow a distinct path. It will provide places within its track with the opportunity to witness either a partial or total solar eclipse. How much you can see depends on your location relative to the eclipse’s path.

The path of the solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, crosses across North America. It gives observers in some areas the chance to experience the awe-inspiring spectacle of a total solar eclipse.

The eclipse’s path begins in Mexico, near the Pacific coast, then extends northeastward across the United States. In the USA it passes through states of Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.

Finally, the eclipse’s path crosses into eastern Canada before reaching the North Atlantic Ocean.

Totality: Blue Line

The path of totality is where the Moon completely obscures the Sun’s disk. Observers are treated to the breathtaking sight of the Sun’s corona. The solar corona is the outer atmosphere visible only during a total solar eclipse.

Outside the path of totality, regions will experience varying degrees of partial eclipse. A partial eclipse is where only a part of the Sun is covered by the Moon.

As the eclipse progresses along its path, the duration of totality varies depending on your specific location within the path.

If you are closer to the centerline of the eclipse’s path you will see longer durations of totality compared to those near the edges.


Solar Eclipses in General

Solar eclipses occur when the Moon moves between the Earth and the Sun. The Moon blocks the Sun’s light from reaching certain parts of the Earth.

During these events, the Sun and Moon will form both the conjunction aspect and parallel aspect in astrology.

The type of solar eclipse is categorized based on the extent to which the Sun is covered by the Moon and the distance of both celestial bodies from the Earth at the eclipse moment.

There are six distinct types of solar eclipses, each determined by these factors. Only people who are on the path of the Moon’s shadow across the Earth’s surface can witness a solar eclipse.

It’s worth noting that there are typically at least two or more solar eclipses each year. Eclipse seeasons give everyone many opportunities to observe this awe-inspiring events.



Solar Eclipse: Interpretation

A solar eclipse is symbol of intensified focus on a specific position within the Zodiac. It infuses heightened energy into the area of the birth chart where the eclipse takes place.

Understanding the ruling planet of the zodiac sign hosting the eclipse is crucial. Mars is the disposing planet becasue the eclipse is in Aries.

Think of a solar eclipse as like a super conjunction. It acts as a cosmic focus and draws together and harmonizes various circumstances.

However, the eclipse’s energy is modified by the aspects with other planets in the eclipse chart. These planetary interactions contribute to shaping the subtle expression of this solar eclipse’s influence.


Solar Eclipses: Influence Timing

Typically, the influence of a solar eclipse extends for a time in months equal to the length of the eclipse itself, measured in minutes.

For instance, if a solar eclipse lasts for four minutes, its energy will be in effect for approximately four months after the eclipse event.

This time relationship shows that the intensity and duration of a solar eclipse’s impact are directly proportional to the length of time it lasts.

In short, the longer the time of the eclipse, the more prolonged its influence will be felt in our lives.



The Moon’s shadow on the face of the Earth at a solar eclipse.

Image taken from the International Space Center. Courtesy NASA


Solar Eclipses: Personal

When a solar eclipse aligns closely with a planet or point in your birth chart, it holds considerable significance for you. This alignment suggests that the themes associated with that planet or point will be emphasized and energized by the eclipse’s influence.


Solar Eclipse Conjoining Your Chart

Specifically, if a solar eclipse happens to conjoin your natal Sun, it will have a substantial impact on your life for the following twelve months. This is shown in your solar return chart.

This prolonged influence indicates that the eclipse’s effects will resonate strongly for the entirety of the upcoming year. Eclipses in solar return charts will shape various aspects of your life and personal growth.


Solar Eclipse Not Conjoining Your Chart

On the other hand, if a solar eclipse does not conjoin with any planet or point in your chart, its effects will be less and it could potentially pass by.

In such instances, while the eclipse may still carry some degree of influence, its impact is likely to be more subtle or fleeting compared to charts where it closely interacts with natal placements.


What to Expect

The solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, is anticipated to be a momentous celestial event capturing the attention of skywatchers and astrological enthusiasts alike. This particular eclipse is set to occur within the zodiac sign of Aries, infusing its dynamic and assertive energy into the cosmic landscape.

As the Moon moves between the Earth and the Sun, casting its shadow over specific regions of the Earth, observers within the eclipse’s path will witness the mesmerizing sight of the Sun obscured by the Moon. This alignment signifies a potent convergence of cosmic forces, symbolizing a heightened focus on themes associated with the sign of Aries.

Aries Sun People

For individuals born under the sign of Aries or with significant placements in Aries within their birth charts, this solar eclipse holds particular significance. Its influence is likely to resonate strongly with their personal identity, ambitions, and desires for self-expression. The eclipse’s effects may catalyze new beginnings, spur decisive action, or prompt a reevaluation of individual goals and aspirations.

Moreover, the broader astrological context surrounding the eclipse, including aspects formed with other planets and celestial bodies, will further shape its impact on both collective and individual levels. Aspects such as conjunctions, squares, and trines with planets like Mars, the ruler of Aries, or transformative Pluto, can provide additional insights into the unfolding dynamics of this cosmic event.

Given the duration and intensity of the eclipse, its effects are expected to reverberate for several months beyond its occurrence. Therefore, individuals attuned to the rhythms of the cosmos are encouraged to pay close attention to any developments or themes that emerge around the time of the eclipse, as they may herald significant shifts and opportunities for growth in the months ahead.

The solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, promises to be a pivotal moment infused with the fiery energy of Aries, signaling a period ripe for personal and collective transformation. As the celestial spectacle unfolds, it invites us to embrace the spirit of courage, initiative, and innovation, as we navigate the unfolding journey of our lives amidst the cosmic dance of the planets and stars.


April 8th, Solar Eclipse in Aries

The upcoming solar eclipse is positioned at 19 degrees Aries and is set to impact individuals born between April 6th and 10th of any year. This celestial event will play a significant role in shaping their Solar Return chart for the upcoming year. However, even for those outside this specific birthdate range, the effects of the eclipse’s energy are expected to linger for approximately three months. It’s crucial to keenly observe any developments that transpire on the day of the eclipse, as they are likely to resonate as personal themes in your life.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Chart Indicators for an Astrologer

Chart Indicators for an Astrologer

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: March 2024

Uranus as an Indicator for an Astrologer

Your natal chart gives clues as to the type of astrologer you are likely to be. Modern astrologers take Uranus, as the ruler of our craft and the traditional ruler is Mercury.

  • During Uranus transits to sensitive planets and chart points in your natal chart external changes may occur to alter your life path.
  • When you experience secondary progressions to Uranus from planets and chart points it may be a time when internal changes are likely to develop to alter your karmic direction.

The above two points, of transits and secondary progressions to your natal chart taht include Uranus, can suggest times in your life when astrology will begin to loom large.

The more forecast triggers that happen at once, the more likely it will be.


As the modern ruler of astrology and astrologers Uranus is a strong indicator for an astrologer.

If Uranus is conjoined your Ascendant, Sun, Midheaven or Mercury or, if Uranus is the morning planet where it suggests your vocation these are stron indicators for an Astrologer.

There are many instances where Uranus aspects the morning planet in well-known astrologer’s charts.

All natal aspects to your Uranus will modify the type of astrologer you are likely to become. Uranus conjunctions are the strongest indicators.

When your natal Uranus is stimulated by progressions from the Sun, Mercury, the Ascendant or Midheaven an interest in astrology will probably develop.

Transiting Uranus Aspects to Mercury

The traditional ruler of astrology and astrologers is Mercury the planet of information gathering and dispersal and of scribing the events of the day. When your natal Mercury receives aspects from transiting Uranus astrology becomes an interest.


As the philosopher and teacher, Jupiter often conjoins, squares or opposes the Sun or Uranus in an astrologer’s natal chart. It also frequently contacts Mercury, the Ascendant or Midheaven.


Aspects to Jupiter

When natal Jupiter is stimulated by transiting Uranus or progressed Mercury it may spark an interest and you will seek astrological knowledge

Uranus’ Sign: Aquarius on Angles

Aquarius on the first house cusp shows a personal interest in astrology. On the Midheaven the water bearer indicates that a business can be made from astrology.

When your secondary progressed or solar arc directed ascendant or Midheaven enters Aquarius the focus of your life will shift. This change alone will not confirm astrology, but it will if supported by other indicators.


Uranus as a Career Indicator for an Astrologer

Many factors contribute to an interest in astrology. If you take your passion for astrology a step further, it makes sense to look at the career indicators for an astrologer in your chart. This can guide you towards fulfilling the potential shown by your natal placements.

If you live in tune with your natal chart, you are more likely to be satisfied with your life and you can more readily be the type of astrologer your chart suggests. This is in contrast to striving to be an astrologer which you think you should be, by attempting to emulate those around you.

Uranus Complex

The nature of your natal chart can suggest the type of astrologer you are. Again, we look at your natal Uranus and its condition to see how astrology may manifest in your life.

Your Uranus complex is all the information we can gather about Uranus in your chart. We look at Uranus’ house, sign, aspects, direction, dipositor, house ruler, sign rulers and any other chart details.


Uranus’ Position

Whether Uranus is the handle of a bucket, in a Guquelin sector, most elevated or the morning planet will show the prominence that Uranus has in your chart and thus how astrology has status in your life.


Uranus Sign Placement

Uranus spends around seven years in each zodiac sign in turn and it can be considered as a “generational” placement. Uranus by sign is not particularly useful in finding the message about your astrological direction.

Uranus in Aries

This sign above the others tends toward you being an astrological entrepreneur. Running a one man (or woman) show comes naturally and you can strike out on your own early on in your career.

Uranus in Taurus

With Uranus in Taurus you can move forward to create a body of work. This sign inclines towards making money with astrology either for yourself or your clients. You can attract wealthy clients.



Uranus in Gemini

When Uranus is in Gemini you will attend many astrology classes and workshops and can be the perpetual student. This sign for Uranus is inclined to do multiple astrology techniques at once. You may be constantly chopping and changing what you offer and how your run your business. Word of mouth will bring in the clients.

Uranus in Cancer

When Uranus is in Cancer it shows that you like a home based astrology business and you like to work on your family’s charts all the time. Your clients will feel cared for and you will have a good client base most of the time.

Uranus in Leo

Uranus in Leo suggests you will do creative astrology. You are good working with children’s and young people’s charts. You can do birthday party astrology and make it fun for your clients. Uranus in Leo benefits from lots of astrology props, like terrestrial globes and wooden carved planet glyphs. This is a good placement for astro-drama and role-playing type consultations. This position indicates you will be good at risk astrology such as the stock market and day-trading astrology.

Uranus in Virgo

Uranus in Virgo supports critical astrology and the detailed analysis of charts which can lead to too much time being spent on chart preparation and an inability to actually read for others. The constant revisions and may cause hesitation in getting an astrology business going.

Uranus in Libra

If you have Uranus in Libra, you will do astrology best with a partner. Not necessarily a personal partner but a business partner as a team of two. You need someone to bounce ideas and reading interpretations off before going public. It may even be that you both do the consultations, alternating with being the receptionist and then the chart reader. Taking it in turns.

Uranus in Scorpio

With Uranus in Scorpio you want to know how astrology works and have the desire to interpret the lives of others and this is very good for an astrology business. Spend time preparing your business strategy and keep it low key to succeed. Discretion is everything for Uranus in Scorpio.

Uranus in Sagittarius

Astrologers with Uranus in Sagittarius can be well travelled and lecture around the world. If you belong to this group, you are good at spreading the message of astrology and teaching others how to develop a personal journey and life-path with your astrological insights.

Uranus in Capricorn

You can get a professional astrology business going as soon as you like. Do not get bogged down in the red tape of the business side but set it up properly. Start working towards a solid client base and watch your robust reputation bring clients to you. With this placement you can build a business that other astrologers aspire towards and want to emulate.

Uranus in Aquarius

Astrology for all is the way to go when Uranus is in its own sign. You will strive to provide astrological understanding for everyone and as such may not consult in the strictest meaning of the word. You are better in commune type settings by spreading the word to many.

Uranus in Pisces

There can be a delicate touch to your astrology business when Uranus is in Pisces. Here you want to make sure your client fully understands what you have said in your reading and you may spend too much time with each client to make it a viable business.


Uranus’ House

Your chart hints at where you can be an astrologer by the house placement of your Uranus. As an astrologer you may need to do many things (as all micro-business people have to), but the house that Uranus tenants suggests the strengths that you have for expressing astrology through your natal Uranus.

Uranus in the First House

This placement does incline towards someone who can say “I am an astrologer” and they may assert this early on in the career.

Uranus in the Second House

Uranus in the second house suggests that you can earn money from astrology and have an income from astrology.

Uranus in the Third House

This is good for astrology teachers. You can set up class structures, learning syllabi and even start an astrology school.

Uranus in the Fourth House

A classic sign for a home based astrologer at the kitchen table. Perhaps moving into the basement or simply having a home/office for your astrology will appeal.

Uranus in the Fifth House

This person is good at party astrology, either using astrology as pure entertainment as in “book me for your event” or in a Tupperware style “party” where friends get together for a fun afternoon or evening.

Uranus in the Sixth House

With this Uranus placement you can make astrology your job and you will spend time in the daily ritual that an astrology business entails. To keep records and book clients will be a breeze.

Uranus in the Seventh House

Here Uranus inclines the person to do couples astrology or wedding electional astrology. Either way working with two people through their astrology will be a good fit if this is your Uranus house.

Uranus in the Eighth House

Exploring the deep psychological issues and traumas of life will be your forte with this Uranus house placement. You will be good a private sessions that bring your clients hidden angsts to light.

Uranus in the Ninth House

To teach others and lecture will be good for this placement of Uranus. Here there may be continual learning and exploration of astrology as a philosophy. You are likely to write and publish a book or books and papers on your astrological understanding.

Uranus in the Tenth House

This is the classic house placement to run an astrology business. You can achieve good success with astrology and become well known as an astrologer.

Uranus in the Eleventh House

This placement suggest that you will be good in group work perhaps in your local astrology gathering or by setting up Meetup and get-togethers for other astrologers. This placement suggests you can collaborate with small groups in your astrology business.

Uranus in the Twelfth House

This placement does support research astrology and private sessions. You may not wish to broadcast that you do astrology and keep a low profile.

Uranus Aspects

All aspects to Uranus will indicate the type of astrology that you can do and will be good at. These aspects can also show where you will be challenged and tested in your business. Any planet in aspect to Uranus suggests how you do (and can) use Uranus, and therefore astrology, in your life. Consider the aspect itself and only look at the Ptolemaic aspects of conjunction, sextile, square, trine and opposition. Ignore minor or lesser used aspects with the exception of the quintile.

Uranus Conjunctions

Planets conjoined Uranus can suggest the true nature of your astrology interest. Any planet in this position will influence your astrology and shows what excites you about astrology.

Uranus Sextiles

Any planet sextile Uranus shows your latent talents in astrology in the nature of the planet making the sixty degree aspect. Pay attention to any sextiles as they indicate where you will be good and gifted.

Uranus Squares

Squares to Uranus indicate that you have to overcome astrological issues in the nature of the planet. You may be challenged by the planet and its meaning in your astrological beliefs or have to work through what the planet means in your business. This can suggest your clients are tense.

Uranus Trines

Planets trine Uranus indicate that you will be very good at the things shown by the trining planet. Your astrological business can benefit if you embrace what the planet in trine suggests.



Uranus Oppositions

Planets which oppose your Uranus can point to obstacles that you have to overcome in order to get your astrology business going. These issues could be regulatory (that is in the registering of your business) or just show the type of person whom you will attract to your practice.

Uranus Quintiles

Planets in a quintile aspect to your Uranus show where you have astrological creativity and genius. This will be expressed by the planet making the quintile, its nature and condition. Any planet quintile Uranus is indicative of how you will shine in astrology and you would do well to make a careful assessment of this planet.



Uranus’ Direction

in a natal chart Uranus is either direct, stationary or retrograde.

Uranus Direct

When Uranus is direct it is good for an astrology practice and the development of it as a part of your life. You can move forward at a regular and steady pace. You will gain and grow an astrology business on a steady trajectory throughout your life. Perhaps you will add to your abilities and take further courses yourself to develop a deeper astrology knowledge.

Uranus Stationary

Stationary Definition

A stationary planet is any planet which is within 0°10′ orb of the actual station position. Solar Fire will flag stationary planets with an “S” in the chart.

Stationary Retrograde or Direct

When Uranus is stationary in the natal chart you need to check if it is about to go direct or retrograde. Uranus in this position offers a strong presence for astrology where you really spend time to fully know your craft before being able to move on which usually happens later in life.

Uranus Retrograde

If Uranus is retrograde in your natal chart it suggests a slower or longer lead-up time to get going in a professional astrological career. This placement of Uranus inclines you to review and ponder your basic knowledge base (planets, signs, houses and aspects) for longer, before you feel confident. It is almost as if you are hesitant to go professional. If this is the case, it is best for you to take formal classes in astrology and gain astrological certification, which will provide you with the confidence to move up a level.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Fun Astro Bingo Cards to Help You Learn Astrology

Fun Astro Bingo Cards to Help You Learn Astrology

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: February 2024

Bingo Cards

Learn Astrology

This guide contains 5 Bingo cards for different types of astrology.

  • Beginner Natal (orange centre)
  • Advanced Natal (red centre)
  • Forecasting (green centre)
  • Relationships (pink centre)
  • Vocations (purple centre)

I created these cards to help you cover all the parts of astrology that you need to know at the different stages of your learning journey. 


Knowledge Gaps

Make sure there are no gaps in your knowledge. If you don’t know about an activity, then do some research or explore the topic further. Many of the topics are covered on the Starzology website and most are covered in my book “The Aspiring Astrologer.”



Bingo Video

The mini video below was recorded as I was working on the Bingo cards. Since I videoed that I’ve since added the vocational Bingo cards as well which is included in the PDF download.


What to Do

  • Download your free Bingo PDF.
  • Print out all five Bingo cards onto paper.
  • Start with the Beginner card and, as you complete each activity, cross it off.
  • Then move on to the next Bingo card.
  • Share with the hashtag #starzbingo.

Bingo Card for Reading Beginner Natal Charts

Use this Bingo card to get started with the basics of astrology. There are activities on reading a birth chart from scratch and getting organized with an astrology journal. With this card you can learn a little about everything that matters.



Bingo Card for Advanced Natal Charts

Use this Bingo card to polish your natal chart interpretations. There are activities on advanced topics and features in a birth chart. With this card you can learn to add depth and richness to your readings and be more confident overall.


Bingo Card for Forecasting Natal Charts

Use this Bingo card to develop and deepen your forecasting skills and interpretations. There are activities on outer planet and middle planet Transits, the Graphic Ephemeris, inner Secondary Progressions, Solar Arc Directions, Solar Returns and Eclipses.



Bingo Card for Relationships

Use this Bingo card to explore love, romance and meaningful personal relationships. This is useful for couples astrology. There are several activities on Synastry, Composite Midpoints, Davison charts and even a Wedding election task.


Bingo Card for Vocation

Use this Bingo card when you interpret a natal chart for someone’s Job, Career and or Vocation. This will help you bring a wide selection of interpretive techniques to your career consultations. Additionally, This card explores the financial energy in the chart.



Share your progress on social with the hashtag #starzbingo so I can see how you are doing.

Good luck!



Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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