Star of David: Major Aspect Pattern

Star of David: Major Aspect Pattern


What to Consider

As the Star of David is made from two grand trines and six sextiles it has much of the meaning of the grand trine.

There are typically only two elements in play, fire and air or earth and water, so there is usually in one polarity either active or passive.


Interpretation of a Star of David

In this pattern the planets are spread about the chart which suggests a variety of interests and talents because of the six sextiles which indicate latent talents for the individual.


Example Chart: Partial Star of David

November 3, 2023 has a partial Star of David.

The planets in this partial Star of David are the Moon trine Mercury and Neptune, and Venus trine Uranus and Pluto.

Four sextiles between Moon and Venus, Moon and Uranus, Uranus and Neptune and Neptune and Pluto.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year

As a Western astrologer, it’s valuable to have a basic understanding of other zodiac systems, such as the Chinese Lunar New Year and its animal symbolism.



The Ascendant: Your Face to the World

Your ascendant is the impression you make on others.

It shows how others see you. It projects the “self” and your personality and the façade or mask you wear.

It indicates the vehicle you use to get through life.

The Ascendant fronts for you.

Other people initially see your Ascendant before they get to know you and then they see your Sun.


The second thing you need to learn is your Ascendant sign. This is likely to be different to your Sun sign although it could be the identical. You will only know your Ascendant sign if you cast your chart.

Your Personality

The Ascendant is a symbol of your one-to-one, face-to-face, meet-and-greet personality that you employ to socialize.

It is a vehicle you use to interact with others.



It is your personal interface and is like a cloak you wear to ‘appear’ to others when you walk out of your front door.

Your Ascendant is your opening position and obvious agenda.

Your Ascendant is a collection of expectations you have of the world and your immediate place in it.


First Impressions

Your Ascendant reveals the first impressions you make and receive which start out as early messages about your behavior (are you good or bad, or right or wrong).

How you strive to meet the expectations of others through your actions when you were a child is indicated by your Ascendant.

Your personality is seen in your Ascendant complex, and most importantly its sign and major planetary aspects to its degree.

It is the variable means by which you negotiate your needs with others (as seen by your Moon) and formulate or build something we can identify as character (as seen by your Sun).

Your Ascendant acts as an interface between the Sun or Moon (or other parts of the chart) and the immediate world around you.

Your personality has energy.

You have a particular attitude, humor, engagement and interaction.


Ascendant Energy

The Ascendant energy is quite different from the accumulation of early behaviors (Moon) or the formation of your character (Sun).

Personality is easy to pick up on, quick to read and decipher.

You can usually see it when you first meet someone (Ascendant).

Personality traits have little to do with our true character.

They are what we show to others.



Your appearance, and how you come across and the means you use to get through life.

Astrologically, the Ascendant is often seen as the vehicle by which we reach the Sun’s destination which is your life goal.

The Ascendant is the route to getting your needs (Moon) met in relationships and how you negotiate these personal needs in a one- to-one environment.

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Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Astrological Compatibility

Astrological Compatibility

Author: Alison Price   –   Revised: November 2024

Sign Compatibility

Compatibility with Other Signs

Compatibility Note

Read your Ascendant sign if you know it, or your Sun sign or Moon sign.

These are quick sign connections from your sign’s alignment with the other signs.

Of course, other factors will play into this compatibility list.

For example, if you have many planets in a different sign to your Sun, then that sign will probably dominate and you should read that sign for compatibility.

Aries Compatibility

Passionate for Libra.

Loves Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Friends with Gemini and Aquarius.

Stretches with Cancer and Capricorn.

Grinds with Virgo and Scorpio.

Ignores Taurus and Pisces.

Taurus Compatibility

Passionate for Scorpio.

Loves Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Friends with Cancer and Pisces.

Stretches with Leo and Aquarius.

Grinds with Libra and Sagittarius.

Ignores Aries and Gemini.

Gemini Compatibility

Passionate for Sagittarius.

Loves Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Friends with Aries and Leo.

Stretches with Virgo and Pisces.

Grinds with Scorpio and Capricorn.

Ignores Taurus and Cancer.

Cancer Compatibility

Passionate for Capricorn.

Loves Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Friends with Taurus and Virgo.

Stretches with Aries and Libra.

Grinds with Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Ignores Gemini and Leo.

Leo Compatibility

Passionate for Aquarius.

Loves Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Friends with Gemini and Libra.

Stretches with Taurus and Scorpio.

Grinds with Capricorn and Pisces.

Ignores Cancer and Virgo.

Virgo Compatibility

Passionate for Pisces.

Loves Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Friends with Cancer and Scorpio.

Stretches with Gemini and Sagittarius.

Grinds with Aries and Aquarius.

Ignores Leo and Libra.

Libra Compatibility

Passionate for Aries.

Loves Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Friends with Leo and Sagittarius.

Stretches with Cancer and Capricorn.

Grinds with Taurus and Pisces.

Ignores Virgo and Scorpio.

Scorpio Compatibility

Passionate for Taurus.

Loves Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Friends with Virgo and Capricorn.

Stretches with Leo and Aquarius.

Grinds with Aries and Gemini.

Ignores Libra and Sagittarius.

Sagittarius Compatibility

Passionate for Libra.

Loves Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Friends with Libra and Aquarius.

Stretches with Virgo and Pisces.

Grinds with Taurus and Cancer.

Ignores Scorpio and Capricorn.

Capricorn Compatibility

Passionate for Cancer.

Loves Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Friends with Scorpio and Pisces.

Stretches with Aries and Libra.

Grinds with Gemini and Leo.

Ignores Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Aquarius Compatibility

Passionate for Leo.

Loves Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Friends with Aries and Sagittarius.

Stretches with Taurus and Scorpio.

Grinds with Cancer and Virgo.

Ignores Capricorn and Pisces.

Pisces Compatibility

Passionate for Virgo.

Loves Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Friends with Taurus and Capricorn.

Stretches with Gemini and Sagittarius.

Grinds with Leo and Libra.

Ignores Aries and Aquarius.

Heart Chart

Read your romance astrology signs on my new heart compatibility chart.

If you know your ascendant sign use that otherwise check out your Sun sign.

You across the top and your partner down the side.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

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Mabon Quarter Day


Mabon, also known as the Autumn Equinox, is one of the Quarter Days celebrated in various cultures and traditions.

It falls around September 21st to 23rd in the Northern Hemisphere, marking the halfway point between the Summer Solstice and the Winter Solstice.

Astrologically Mabon is when the Sun enters Libra at zero degrees.

During Mabon, day and night are nearly equal in length, symbolizing a moment of balance and harmony in nature.

It is a time to give thanks for the bountiful harvest and to prepare for the cooler months ahead and express gratitude for the abundance of the Earth.

Many people commemorate Mabon by having in feasts, sharing meals with loved ones, and giving thanks for the gifts of the season.

Quarter Day

This Quarter Day holds spiritual significance, as it represents a time of reflection, introspection, and preparation for the colder months ahead.

It encourages us to pause and take stock of our lives, giving thanks for the blessings we’ve received and contemplating the lessons learned throughout the year.

Symbolically, Mabon is associated with the theme of letting go, similar to the falling leaves of autumn.

It prompts us to release what no longer serves us and make space for new growth and opportunities in the future.

Wheel of the Year

As the Wheel of The Year turns, Mabon invites us to appreciate the changing seasons, embrace the cycles of life, and find harmony within ourselves and the world around us.

Whether through ceremonies, rituals, or simple moments of gratitude, Mabon provides a chance to connect with nature’s rhythms and celebrate the beauty of the autumnal season.

Get Your Astro Artworks

All the original Astro Artworks on this page are digitally created by Alison.

Her interest in the Solar Cycles and how the annual seasonal flow impacts us all is the inspiration for this piece.

If you love this image of Mabon and you want to get some greeting cards like this, we invite you to visit our Art Shop.

Every purchase helps to support this blog.

Thank you.

Mabon Colors

Autumn Colors

Traditional colors associated with Mabon reflect the vibrant and earthy hues of the autumn season.

As a harvest festival, Mabon celebrates the bountiful gifts of nature and the changing colors of the landscape.

The colors that are commonly associated with this festival are below.


Orange is one of the most prominent colors of Mabon, representing the warm and inviting tones of autumn foliage.

It symbolizes the changing leaves and the abundance of the harvest season.

Orange is also associated with the setting sun, signifying the waning light and the approaching darkness of winter.


Brown represents the rich, fertile soil that nurtures the crops and allows them to grow and flourish.

It symbolizes the Earth’s abundance and the importance of grounding and stability during the seasonal transition.


Deep red hues, reminiscent of ripe apples and other fall fruits, are often associated with Mabon.

This color represents the life force and energy within the fruits of the harvest.

Red is also linked to the changing color of the leaves as they prepare to fall from the trees.


Yellow is the color of the golden harvest, symbolizing the ripened grains and crops ready for harvest.

It represents prosperity, abundance, and the rewards of hard work and dedication.

Forest Green

Dark green is associated with the evergreen plants that remain vibrant and strong even as the landscape changes around them.

It represents resilience and the continuity of life.

Deep Purple

Deep purple hues are reminiscent of grapes and the wine-making process, which is often associated with the harvest season.

Purple also represents transformation and the changing of the seasons.


Gold is a color that signifies the rewards of a successful harvest and the preciousness of nature’s gifts.

It symbolizes the value and abundance of the Earth’s offerings.


These traditional colors associated with Mabon are often used in decorations, altars, candles, and other festive elements during the celebration.

By incorporating these colors, people honor the beauty of the autumn season, express gratitude for the harvest’s bounty, and create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for gatherings and rituals during this special time of the year.

Mabon Traditional Gatherings

Mabon, also known as the autumn equinox, is a time of balance between day and night, marking the transition from the warmer days of summer to the cooler days of fall. It's a significant point on the Wheel of the Year and is often celebrated by various pagan and neopagan traditions. Traditional gatherings during Mabon focus on themes of gratitude, reflection, and the harvest season.

Here's a glimpse into Mabon traditional gatherings:

  • Mabon is a time to celebrate the second harvest of the year. Traditional gatherings often feature feasts that highlight the bounty of the season. Participants may share dishes made from the abundance of fruits, vegetables, and grains harvested during the fall.

  • Many Mabon celebrations take place outdoors to connect with nature's changing energies. Picnics, potlucks, and gatherings in parks or gardens provide an opportunity to enjoy the crisp air and the beauty of the changing foliage.

  • Rituals during Mabon often focus on balance and gratitude. Participants may create altars adorned with symbols of the season, such as colorful leaves, gourds, and apples. Candles may be lit to represent the balance between light and darkness.

  • Apples are a quintessential fruit of the fall season. Traditional gatherings may include apple picking excursions to orchards, where participants can gather apples for use in rituals, crafts, and delicious treats.

  • Craft activities that reflect the season's themes are often part of Mabon gatherings. Creating wreaths, decorating pumpkins, making corn husk dolls, and crafting gratitude journals are ways to connect with the spirit of Mabon creatively.

  • Drumming circles can be a lively and vibrant way to celebrate Mabon. The rhythmic beat of drums symbolizes the heartbeat of the Earth and can help participants feel more connected to nature and the changing seasons.

  • Expressing gratitude for the harvest and the blessings of the year is a central aspect of Mabon gatherings. Rituals and practices that focus on gratitude, such as sharing stories of thankfulness or creating gratitude lists, help participants center their celebrations around appreciation.

  • Traditional dances and music can add a festive and joyful atmosphere to Mabon gatherings. Folk dances, singing, and playing musical instruments bring a sense of community and celebration.

  • Taking a leisurely walk in nature during Mabon can be a simple yet profound way to connect with the changing landscape and the energies of the season. Participants may gather fallen leaves, acorns, and other natural elements for use in crafts or rituals.

  • Mabon is a time for coming together as a community to celebrate the harvest and the changing of the seasons. Community potlucks, gatherings, and circles allow participants to share their experiences, stories, and reflections.

Mabon traditional gatherings revolve around themes of gratitude, reflection, and the harvest season.

They offer participants the opportunity to connect with nature, each other, and the spiritual significance of the equinox.

Whether you're using astrology as a tool for inspiration or simply seeking to live your best life, Mabon gatherings provide a space for embracing the balance of the season and expressing appreciation for the Earth's abundance.

Mabon Sacred Spaces

Creating a sacred space for Mabon, also known as the autumn equinox, allows you to connect with the energies of the season and engage in meaningful rituals and reflections.

A Mabon sacred space is a place where you can honor the balance between light and darkness, express gratitude for the harvest, and embrace the changing energies of fall.

Here's how you can set up a Mabon sacred space:

  • Choose a quiet and peaceful location where you can set up your sacred space. This could be indoors or outdoors, depending on your preferences and the weather.

  • Create an altar as the centerpiece of your sacred space. Use a table, shelf, or any flat surface to arrange your altar items. Cover it with a cloth in fall colors like orange, deep red, or brown.

  • Decorate your altar with items that represent the themes of Mabon. This can include colorful leaves, acorns, pinecones, pumpkins, gourds, apples, and autumn flowers like marigolds and chrysanthemums.

  • Place candles on your altar to symbolize the balance between light and darkness. You can use two candles—one white or yellow to represent the sun and one black or dark blue to represent the night.

  • Incorporate crystals that resonate with the energies of fall and balance, such as citrine, carnelian, amethyst, and clear quartz. Arrange them on your altar or use them as decorations.

  • Burn incense or use essential oils with fall scents like cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg. The aroma can help you create a sensory connection to the season.

  • Add seasonal fruits like apples, pears, and grapes to your altar. You can also include grains like wheat, corn, or barley as offerings to represent the harvest.

  • If you have specific tools you use in rituals, such as a cauldron, athame (ritual knife), or wand, place them on your altar as well.

  • If you work with specific deities, ancestors, or spirit guides, you can include representations or images of them on your altar.

  • Place a small piece of paper or parchment on your altar where you can write down your intentions for the season. This could include things you're grateful for, what you're releasing, or what you're inviting into your life.

  • Create a comfortable space near your altar where you can sit and meditate. Use this space for reflection, gratitude practices, and setting intentions for the coming season.

  • As a way of expressing gratitude, you can offer some of the fruits, nuts, or grains from your altar to the Earth, either by placing them outside or by incorporating them into your fall cooking.


By setting up a Mabon sacred space, you create a dedicated area where you can honor the energies of the autumn equinox, reflect on the harvest season, and engage in rituals that align with your spiritual practices.

This space serves as a visual representation of your connection to the changing rhythms of nature and the spiritual significance of Mabon.



Mabon Poem: Harvest's Balance

Here's a poem I wrote that captures the spirit of Mabon, the autumn equinox, and its themes of balance, gratitude, and the changing of the seasons:

Harvest's Balance


As summer's warmth begins to wane,

The equinox arrives again,

A moment's pause in time and space,

When light and dark find their embrace.


The scales of nature gently sway,

As night and day hold equal sway,

A harmony of sun and moon,

In Mabon's gentle, whispered tune.


The leaves, ablaze in colors bright,

Bid summer's fond farewell tonight,

And in their fall, a sacred dance,

Of letting go with elegance.


The fruits of labor, rich and sweet,

Now gathered in for all to eat,

A feast of gratitude we share,

For earth's provision, tender care.


With every bite, a whispered prayer,

For cycles, gifts beyond compare,

The turning wheel, a constant guide,

As seasons shift and worlds collide.


In this moment of perfect blend,

We find the balance, time to spend,

To honor Earth's abundant store,

And give thanks for the evermore.


As autumn's cloak wraps earth in gold,

The stories of the year are told,

In Mabon's light, we find our way,

A dance of night and equal day.


This poem reflects the themes of balance, gratitude, and the harvest season that Mabon embodies.

It can be recited during rituals, gatherings, or moments of reflection to honor the energy of the autumn equinox.


Mabon Folk Dance

If you're looking for a folk dance to embrace the spirit of Mabon and connect with nature's rhythms, the "Harvest Reel" might be a perfect choice.

The Harvest Reel

The Harvest Reel is a lively and joyful folk dance that embodies the essence of the season.

It can be performed outdoors, surrounded by the beauty of nature, or even indoors to bring the spirit of the outdoors in.

This dance is all about celebrating the abundance of the harvest and the changing of the seasons.

To perform the Harvest Reel, you can follow these simple steps:

  • Gathering in a Circle: Form a circle with friends and fellow dancers. Imagine you're creating a circle that represents the cyclical nature of the seasons.


  • Harvesting Movements: Begin by swaying gently from side to side, mimicking the movement of stalks swaying in the breeze. Imagine you're gathering the ripe fruits and grains from the fields.


  • Sun and Moon Gestures: As you dance, incorporate movements that symbolize the sun and the moon. Lift your arms high above your head to represent the sun's energy, and then lower them to your sides to symbolize the gentle light of the moon.


  • Partner Swaps: If you're dancing in a group, consider a part of the dance where partners swap. This reflects the changing partnerships in nature as different plants and animals interact during the seasons.


  • Harvest Basket: Hold your hands together in front of you as if holding a basket. With each step, imagine adding a piece of harvest bounty to your basket.


  • Seasonal Changes: As the dance progresses, introduce changes in your movements to reflect the transition from the warm days of summer to the cooler embrace of autumn. You can incorporate skipping, hopping, and gentle spinning to embody the changing weather.


  • Crescent and Full Moon Steps: Create steps that mimic the shape of the crescent moon and the full moon. These steps can add a touch of whimsy and symbolism to your dance.


  • Celebratory Claps: Towards the end of the dance, incorporate celebratory claps and cheers to represent the joy of a successful harvest and the gratitude for nature's gifts.


The Dance Experience

Remember, the Harvest Reel isn't about perfect choreography.

It's about embracing the energy of the season, connecting with your fellow dancers, and expressing your gratitude for the bounties of the earth.

Feel free to add your own twists and movements inspired by the natural world around you.

By dancing the Harvest Reel, you'll be living in tune with the solar cycles, celebrating the Wheel of the Year, and embodying the essence of Mabon.

Whether you're dancing in a meadow, a park, or your own living room, this dance will help you connect with nature, celebrate the harvest, and live your best life in harmony with the changing seasons.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison's journey.

If you'd like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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The Astrology of Good Omens

The Astrology of Good Omens

The Story

This is an old story of good and evil.

The opening scene is in the Garden of Eden where we meet the angel of the Eastern Gate, Aziraphale who expels Adam and Eve just after they taste the fruit.

Aziraphale is joined by Crowley, a demon.

The son of Satan is born to be brought up on Earth by a normal family when he is switched out, just after birth for another baby at St Beryl’s Maternity Home.

By the time he reaches the age of eleven he will start the Apocalypse as mentioned in the book of Revelations.

The Nice and Inspiring Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch are woven in and guide the characters to discover the time and place for the start of proceedings.

The four riders of the apocalypse represented as Hell’s Angels are summoned and descend on Lower Tadfield in Oxfordshire, England to start the end of days.


The Creation Chart

Chart Data Source

This creation chart is cast from the information from Aziraphale in Good Omens.

The place is from the suspected place of the Garden of Eden near Jerusalem in Israel.

I use the base chart with reference to Nick Campion’s “Book of World Horoscopes.”

This chart data is close, although probably not perfect, but that does not mean we can’t use the chart.

Chart Data

9:00AM, October 21, 4004 BC, Jerusalem, Israel.

Chart Features

This chart features two Grand Trines and multiple trines in air.

The Sun is in Libra and the book says the Earth is Libra.

A stellium of Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus in Gemini.

Venus square Jupiter.

Mars opposition Pluto.

Uranus square Pluto.

Neptune Square Pluto.

Image Wikicommons

Terry Pratchett’s chart

Time unknown, April 28th, 1948, Beaconsfield, England.

Note as the time is unknown, you ignore the Ascendant, Midheaven and houses.

The planets in the signs and the aspects are correct.

The Moon is close to a sign cusp, so it could be either Sagittarius or more possibly Capricorn.

Chart Features

A rolling stellium (not a true stellium) with three planets in Leo – Pluto, Saturn and Mars.

The Sun is conjoined Mercury in Taurus.

Mercury is semi-square Venus and both are in mutual reception.

Image Wikicommons

Nick Gaiman’s Chart

6:30 PM, November 10th, 1960, Porchester, England.

Chart Features

Gemini rising. Mercury is the chart ruler.

Three planets in Scorpio.

Mercury conjoined the Sun.

Mercury conjoined Neptune.

Mercury square Moon.

Mercury trine Mars.

Mercury sextile, Saturn.

Mercury sextile Uranus.








The Characters

Ther are many characters in this story but here the main players and the gangs are mentioned.

The supporting parts are Mr. Young and R.P. Tyler and others.

Smaller parts include the management teams, the four other riders, the policemen and of course Elvis the cook.


The Spirits

The two spirits on Earth are representatives of heaven and hell.

One for each side of good and evil.

They first met in the garden and have grown to like living amongst the humans.

They want to keep things as they are and stop Armageddon.

They get into cahoots to be around and help bring up the son of satan and influence him to good so as to halt the bad things that are coming.


Crowley: Scorpio

Crowley is a demon and is good friends with Arizaphale. He wears shades and snakes skin shoes and is a smooth talker.

Crowley is a Scorpio and the actual book cover has the glyph for the sign of Scorpio as the letter “m” in the word “Omens.”

Aziraphale: Pisces

The angel of the Eastern gate is a Pisces.

He is intuitive and even when discorporated can be an effective angel.

Aziraphale worries that an angel can sometimes do wrong like when he gives his flaming sword to Adam and Eve for protection as they are banished from the Garden for eating the fruit.

He runs an old bookshop in London.

Aziraphale asserts the Earth is a Libra and was born at 9:00 am (which is only fifteen minutes out) on October 21st, in the year 4004BC.


The Them

The Them is a gang of four eleven-year-old kids in Lower Tadfield of which Adam is the leader.

They hang out at the quarry.


Adam: Leo

Adam is the gang leader and is symbolized by Leo.

He constantly looks for ways to entertain the other three through role play and imaginative games.

His love for Lower Tadfield and the surrounding area with ponds and trees to climb is his castle and the Them are his subjects is so strong he had bent the ley lines and willed perfect weather (sunny and no rain) for months at a time.


Pepper: Aries

Pepper is a girl in the gang and a bit a scrapper.

She will fight the boys if they tease her about her long name which is Pippin Galadriel Moonchild.


Brian: Sagittarius

Adam’s friend.


Wensleydale: Sagittarius

Adam’s friend.


Dog: Sirius

The Hellhound sent to pad by Adam’s side.

When Adam says that he wants a dog for his birthday he describes one who can go down a rabbit hole and has an inside-out ear.

A pedigree mongrel and this is what he manifests.

Sirius is the dog star and this fixed star rises in Egypt at the time of the inundation of the Nile and portends changes to come.


The Humans

The humans weave the story and some are swept up in the drama from the past and the potential in the future.


Agnes Nutter, Witch: Sagittarius

Agnes wrote the “The Nice and Interesting Prophecies” in a huge book that, although now out of print, there is a copy with her great, great, great, great, great granddaughter Anathema.

Agnes is the last witch to be burned in England and was found by the Witch Finder General who was an ancestor of Newton Pulsifer.


Anathema Devices: Gemini

Anathema is a young adult and has the book with the prophecies and moved to Lower Tadfield a year ago.

She discovered the ley lines were bending and the weather was unusually clement.

She has a theodolite, thermos and a bread knife and rides an old bicycle.


Newt Pulsiver: Virgo

Newt joins the Witch Finder Army as a private under Shadwell.

He loves Anathema and helps her discover the beginning of the apocalypse.


Shadwell: Aries

Shadwell is in the Witch Finder Army.

He takes on Newt and is protective of Madame Tracey.

He always wants to know how many nipples everyone has as more than two nipples is a sign of a witch.

He has a pin that he believes finds witches when he sticks it into people.


Madame Tracey: Pisces

Madame Tracey is Shadwell’s neighbour and cooks his dinners.

She offers intimate massage.

Madame Tracey is a psychic and holds seances to bring up the spirits.

She unexpectedly accepts to host the discorporated spirit of Aziraphale.

She helps him.



The Nuns of St Beryl’s – Gemini

St Beryl’s Maternity Home is the place where the son of Satan is taken by Crowley to be brought up in the care of an American family.

St Beryl’s is of the chattering order of Krakow and the sisters are:

  • Sister Mary Loquacious
  • Sister Grace Voluble
  • Sister Patricia Prattle

In Astrology sisters are signified by Vesta the asteroid named after the sister of Jupiter.


The Four Riders

The four Hell’s Angels ride in on their hogs and are drawn to the events when tipped off by the International Express delivery guy.


Red: War – Aries

Carmine Zuderbeger is a sexy female warrior (Eris perhaps?) and has Aziraphale’s sword strapped to her blood red bike.


Black: Death – Capricorn

Black wears a motorbike helmet and plays the arcade machine winning every answer and bringing in new categories of; war, pestilence, famine and death.


White: Pollution – Cancer

White is found on the banks of the river where he has made the pollution make the fish float to the top and the swans sink to the bottom. He loves pollution.


Pale: Famine – Libra

Pale is well, pale and upsets the balance in the food chain.


Other Parts

The International Express delivery guy: Gemini

This delivery guy finds the four riders in the places around the world and delivers each one a message and things. This alerts them to go to Tadfield for the start of the Apocalypse.


Mr Young: Leo

Adam’s Dad was there when his child was born and at the baby swop confusion.

He chose Adam’s name.

He enjoys smoking an evening pipe and defends his child Adam to the neighbours.


Mr. RP Tyler: Gemini

The complaining neighbour who walks his dog Suskie in the neighbourhood.

Mr. Tyler knows that Adam and the Them scrump apples.


The Policemen

The two policemen in the audiobook were played by the authors of Good Omens, Neil Gaiman, and Terry Pratchett.

So we know that Neil is a Scorpio and Terry is a Taurus.


Elvis the Cook

Elvis sings in the cafe.


The Management Team – Capricorn

The management training team plays paintball in the grounds of old St Beryl’s.

They meet up with Aziraphale and Crowley.

Crowley gives them real guns to shoot each other although no one is hurt and they will only experience near misses.

I love this story.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Toby Aldren: Astrologer and Musician

Toby Aldren: Astrologer and Musician

Meet Toby Aldren

Toby’s passion for astrology began in the 1990s.

In 2013, he was awarded the Diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies (London) and now works for them as a tutor and examiner.

He has spoken at astrology conferences in Canada, at the Astrological Association of Great Britain, and at the State of the Art Conference (Buffalo NY).

As well, he participates regularly in the Faculty’s Summer School in Oxford, UK.

Toby is a member of the Association of Professional Astrologers International.

Although he is a dedicated and experienced teacher, the heart of his practice is his consultation work.


How We Met

Way back in the day, when I first moved to Vancouver I contacted Toby, whom I’d never met, and invited him for coffee.

We struck up an enduring friendship from that day onwards.


Previous Astrology Collaborations

In recent years Toby and I have collaborated many times in Summer Workshops, readings and other astrology events in and around Vancouver.


Summer 2024

Head’s up, we are planning the Summer 2024 event and will have more details for you soon.


Toby Aldren playing at his 97 year old piano

Toby Aldren,  D.F.AstrolS.

Toby’s passion for astrology began in the 1990s. In 2013, he was awarded the Diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies (London) and now works for them as a tutor and examiner. He has spoken at astrology conferences in Canada, the USA and the UK. As well, he participates regularly in the Faculty’s Summer School in Oxford, UK. Although he is a dedicated and experienced teacher, the heart of his practice is his consultation work.

Contact Toby at Vancouver Astrology.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Chart Interpretation Guide

Chart Interpretation Guide

Chart Interpretation Guide

As a private astrology teacher, I often receive inquiries about where to begin with chart interpretations and what holds more significance in a chart reading.

I am delighted to present my Chart Interpretation Guide, which aims to assist you in initiating and refining your consultations.

When it comes to chart interpretation styles, there is no universal approach that suits everyone.

I strongly encourage you to continue utilizing your own knowledge, insights, and intuition in your readings.

However, if you ever find yourself in need of some guidance, this guide is here for you.

New Chart Interpretation Guide

There are numerous approaches to conducting a chart reading, but the method I prefer involves initially extracting the crucial elements and saving the remaining details for later exploration.

To put it simply, it’s like sticking to the main roads and leaving the less prominent ones for another time.

Your clients are likely to be aware of prominent features in their charts, such as the chart ruler or challenging aspects to their Sun. It is sensible to address these obvious components first.

I’m not suggesting disregarding all the other features that appear in a chart, but rather prioritizing the information displayed in each chart.

This way, you can organize it into manageable portions and present it in a manner that your clients can easily comprehend.

Ideally, it would be best to schedule three to five sessions over a six-month period for each client.

This allows for a comprehensive interpretation of their natal chart potential in various areas, including general life, romance, career, and health.

Margin and Body

Section 1 of the Guide provides a comprehensive explanation of the Margin and Body method, which is an effective technique for extracting initial details from a chart.

To assist you in prioritizing information, the individual Parts 1 to 6 are listed in order of importance.

Feel free to write by hand and make use of the astrological glyphs as you delve into the chart interpretation process.

Report Headings Guide

Section 2 of the guide offers valuable starting points to help you piece together the various elements of a chart reading.

I have carefully organized the different features in a chart to facilitate your interpretation process.

It’s completely understandable if you’re not familiar with all the details mentioned in the guide.

Don’t worry! Utilize this resource to the best of your current abilities, and rest assured that as you continue your astrology journey, you will gradually uncover and comprehend the more advanced components.

Get Your Chart Interpretation Guide

I am delighted to offer you a complimentary copy of my latest Chart Interpretation Guide.

If you are already on my mailing list you will have received the complimentary guide.

You can access the PDF Guide by subscribing below after which shortly you will receive an email with the PDF included.

This link is being fixed.

Feedback on My Chart Interpretation Guide

“I just wanted to let you know how thoughtful it was for you to send the Chart Interpretation Guide. Thank you so much! Chart synthesis can be overwhelming and has caused me much anxiety in the past, truth be told. But now, with the help of this guide, I have a newly found confidence with it. I just inputted my own personal natal data into the guide to try it out, and I was extremely impressed with its thoroughness. This is such an awesome guide!  l can’t wait to utilize it more. Its going to make my efforts more streamlined and cohesive, which is a huge benefit. So thank you, I really  appreciate it. Thanks again,” Stacy

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Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Mythical Astrology: BadAss Goddesses

Mythical Astrology: BadAss Goddesses

BadAss Goddesses

In this episode, Alison chats with Arwynne O’Neill a research astrologer in Vancouver. Arwynne has created some beautiful and evocative artworks related to the goddesses and the zodiac signs. See her contact details at the end.



If you wish to support Arwynne’s art practice and purchase one of these original artworks, please click on the image and it will take you to Arwynne’s online shop. Thank you in advance. We appreciate you.


Aries: BadAss Goddesses Amazons

The Amazons were a tribe of warrior women from Greek mythology, who lived in what is now Ukraine. Most famous among them were queen Penthesilea, who fought in the Trojan War, and her sister Hippolyta. No men were allowed among the Amazons, so they maintained their numbers through annual visits to a nearby tribe of male warriors. Baby girls resulting from these encounters were raised as fierce warriors, while male babies were either returned to the village of their fathers or left to die in the elements. (Alternatively, the Valkyeries)

Taurus: BadAss Goddess Watamaraka

Lightning and thunder herald the arrival of Watamaraka, the Zulu goddess of evil, at the temple where she rules over the Land of Darkness. She is the mother of all the world’s demons, and her mate, Burumatara, is their father—a half-bull, half-crocodile creature the size of an elephant.

Gemini: BadAss Goddesses Ta’xet and Tia

Ta’xet and Tia: The Haida of the Queen Charlotte Islands in Western Canada have a death god duality called Ta’xet and Tia who guard the portal between life and death, through which all humans must pass to reach the realm of the afterlife. Ta’xet is the god of violent death, and Tia is the god of peaceful passing.

Cancer: BadAss Goddess Gaia

Gaia is the personification of the Earth, and one of the first Greek deities born from the void of Chaos. She is the mother of the Titans, who preceded the gods of Mount Olympus. Her offspring, Cronus and Rhea, were the parents of Zeus, who eventually overthrew the Titans and became the king of the gods.

Leo: BadAss Goddess Bastet

Bastet is the Egyptian cat goddess, originally worshiped in the form of a lion. Her status grew as cats were domesticated and her cult spread to Italy, where her symbols and statuary have been found in the ruins of ancient Rome and Pompeii.

Virgo: BadAss Goddess Artemis

Artemis is the Greek goddess of the hunt, twin of Apollo and daughter of Zeus and Leto. Artemis rules the moon and childbirth, motherhood and virginity, wild animals and hunters. She took an oath of chastity and defended it with deadly force when necessary. A hunter who happened upon her bathing in the river was turned into a deer for his transgression. She was just as fierce at defending her virginal followers and meting out swift punishment to those who threatened them.

Libra: BadAss Goddess Venus

Venus is the Roman goddess of love and beauty, and the ruler of Libra. She was born of the ocean foam rising from the severed testicles of the god Uranus. She is the epitome of feminine charm, gorgeous and irresistible, but also vain and faithless, prone to jealous rage and capricious violence. By the numbers, her legacy of lovers is dwarfed by the victims left in her… ahem, wake. The beautiful boy who didn’t return her affection, turned into a crab. An entire island’s women, struck blind. Love hurts.

Scorpio: BadAss Goddess Serket

Serket is the ancient Egyptian goddess of magic and medicine, and the ruler of poisonous creatures. She specialized in curing the venomous stings of spiders, snakes, and especially scorpions, which are her totem. She embodies both the venom and its antidote. Serket was the chosen patroness of many pharaohs, and their protector in the afterlife.


Follow along with our conversation about Arwynne’s artworks on YouTube.

Sagittarius: BadAss Goddess Ayao

Ayao is a Yoruba goddess in the Santería pantheon and an Orisha, or spirit of the air. She resides in the forest and in the eye of the tornado. She is a fierce warrior who wields many weapons, including a crossbow, a serpent, a quill and nine stones. (Alternatively, the Amazons)

Capricorn: BadAss Goddess Estanatlehi

Estanatlehi is the Navaho and Apache goddess of time, creation, transformation and immortality known as the Changing Woman. As an old woman she walks toward the east until she sees her younger self coming towards her, then she merges with herself, becoming young again. She progresses through an endless stream of lives, always changing and renewing but never dying. (Alternatively, Medusa)

Aquarius: Goddess Sedna

Sedna is the vengeful Inuit goddess of the sea, worshiped by hunters and fishermen who depend on her for their livelihood. As a beautiful maiden, Sedna rejected many suitors until a deceitful god tricked her into marriage. Her father sailed to her rescue, but was so terrified by her husband’s wrath that he threw Sedna overboard and cut off her fingers to prevent her from climbing back into the boat. She sank to the bottom where she was adopted as the protector of all the ocean’s creatures.

Pisces: BadAss Goddess Meng-Po

Meng-Po, Buddhist Lady Meng (whose name means “Dream”) is the goddess who guards the door of the Ninth Chinese Hell, where she dishes out a mystic brew for the souls of the dead to drink. Her potion makes them lose all memories of their previous lives, which ensures that everyone is reborn with a clean slate. The only thing a soul carries from one incarnation to the next is its Karma, kind of like spiritual metadata.

Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill is a research Astrologer in Vancouver.

Check out all of Arwynne’s fabulous BadAss Goddesses and other artworks.


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Solstice Turning Points

Solstice Turning Points

Natural Cycles

The Sun’s yearly cycle is like the hour hand of a clock. It sweeps round once every year.

The Moon’s cycle is like the minute hand. It sweeps round every thirty days.

There are other natural cycles, some larger and some smaller as well.

How we fit into these cycles is the fascinating part.


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Tropic of Capricorn Alison’s Story


I have cherished memories of residing near the Tropic of Capricorn in South Africa during the vibrant nineties.

Our home was nestled in the town of Phalaborwa, a place that owed its existence to the presence of a copper mine.

Positioned just shy of the Tropic of Capricorn, Phalaborwa sat proudly at 23°55’S latitude, with the actual Tropic of Capricorn located just a short distance away.

Tropic of Capricorn

One particular memory that brings a smile to my face is a photograph capturing myself and my four little darlings standing precisely on the line where the Tropic of Capricorn encircles the Earth.

It holds a special place in my heart, and I invite you to glimpse this cherished image on the blog post linked in the description below.

Two Summers

Phalaborwa, aptly named “Two summers,” was renowned for its scorching heat. The climate seemed to bypass the traditional seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, and instead embraced an unyielding presence of two relentless summers.

The town’s name encapsulated this unique experience, as it symbolized a place where the distinction between seasons was blurred, and the sensation of endless heat pervaded.




Tropic of Capricorn

Being situated near the Tropic of Capricorn had a profound effect on the town’s relationship with the sun.

Each year, on or around December 21st, which coincides with mid-winter in the northern hemisphere, Phalaborwa experienced the striking phenomenon of the summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.

It was during this time that the sun seemingly paused, suspended directly overhead at the solstice, casting its intense rays upon the land.


Local Spirit

This celestial occurrence held both awe and significance. It marked a moment when the Sun reached its highest point in the sky, casting a luminous glow upon the landscape and illuminating the spirit of the town.

The Sun’s powerful presence during the summer solstice served as a reminder of the cyclical nature of time and the intricate dance between celestial bodies and the Earth.



Living in Phalaborwa, near the Tropic of Capricorn, granted a unique vantage point to witness the grandeur of celestial events. It connected us to the cosmic rhythms that govern our world, allowing us to appreciate the wonder and majesty of the sun’s journey through the seasons.

These memories of the sun’s radiant embrace during the summer solstice remain etched in my mind, a testament to the remarkable beauty and interconnectedness of our planet’s celestial tapestry.


Tropical Living

Only those who reside within the geographic band between the two tropics have the privilege of witnessing the Sun casting its direct rays overhead. Living within this equatorial region, encompassing approximately 23°43′ degrees north and 23°43′ degrees south of the equator, grants a unique experience of the Sun’s radiant presence.

In contrast, for those dwelling above or below this latitude, the Sun’s rays perpetually approach at an oblique angle, never reaching the zenith directly overhead.


Biological Diversity

This fundamental distinction in the angle at which the Sun’s rays reach different latitudes gives rise to notable variations in climate and biodiversity.

Tropical regions, characterized by their proximity to the equator and the presence of the two tropics, tend to be consistently hotter and boast exceptional levels of biological diversity. The direct overhead position of the Sun ensures a more intense and concentrated influx of solar energy, resulting in elevated temperatures year-round.

Abundant Sunlight

The perpetual warmth of tropical regions creates a conducive environment for diverse ecosystems to flourish. Lush rainforests, vibrant coral reefs, and a rich array of plant and animal species find their home within these tropical paradises.

The abundant sunlight and the accompanying warmth provide the necessary conditions for the proliferation of life, fostering a breathtaking tapestry of biodiversity.


Seasonal Shifts

In contrast, regions situated beyond the tropics experience more pronounced seasonal variations due to the oblique angle at which the Sun’s rays reach the Earth’s surface. These regions, commonly referred to as temperate or polar zones, witness fluctuations in temperature and distinct seasons characterized by spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

The reduced intensity of the Sun’s rays at higher latitudes results in cooler climates and different ecological adaptations.



While these temperate and polar regions may not experience the consistent heat of the tropics, they possess their own unique beauty and biological wonders. The seasonal changes bring about stunning transformations in landscapes, showcasing the resilience and adaptability of flora and fauna to thrive in ever-changing conditions.



The positioning of regions between the two tropics grants them the privilege of experiencing the Sun directly overhead, fostering hotter climates and exceptional biodiversity.

However, it is important to recognize that each latitude, whether tropical or temperate, possesses its own distinct charm and ecological marvels, adding to the wondrous tapestry of our planet’s diverse ecosystems.


Listen now >>> Solstice Turning Points

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Solstices are recurring events that take place twice a year.

In the Northern Hemisphere, one solstice occurs around June 21st, known as the summer solstice, while the other takes place on December 21st, referred to as the winter solstice.

These solstices mark the pivotal moments within the solar year, signifying significant shifts in the sun’s position and the duration of daylight.


Geography Class

Let’s take a nostalgic trip back to your school days, specifically to your geography class. The Earth’s axis is tilted at an angle of around 23.5° degrees relative to the vertical.

This tilting causes the Earth to face one pole and then the other towards the Sun as it orbits around it. This alternation of the poles occurs throughout the year.

In June, during the summer solstice, the North Pole is oriented towards the Sun, while in December, during the winter solstice, the South Pole faces the Sun.

Consequently, June experiences summer in the northern hemisphere, while December marks summer in the southern hemisphere.

Line of the Tropics

At a point 23.5° degrees above and below the equator, the Sun appears directly overhead on the Earth. If you were to draw an imaginary line around the Earth at these points, they would correspond to the tropics.

The Tropic of Capricorn is situated in the Southern Hemisphere, while the Tropic of Cancer lies in the northern hemisphere.

When the Sun reaches these two tropics and changes its direction, it enters the tropical signs of Cancer and Capricorn.

This shift in direction, or turning, holds symbolic significance, representing the cyclical nature of the Earth’s relationship with the Sun and the changing seasons.

Natural Wheel

Aries First

In the natural wheel, the zodiac signs are arranged in a specific order, with Aries positioned on the left in the Ascendant position. Each subsequent sign follows suit, with Taurus in the second house, Gemini in the third house, Cancer in the fourth house, and so on.

In the natural wheel, the Cancer ingress, which marks the Sun’s entry into the sign of Cancer, is typically depicted at the lowest part of a chart. This convention is used for chart display purposes. This moment represents the first cardinal ingress since the beginning of the Zodiac at zero Aries.

As the Sun transitions into Cancer, it symbolically signifies a connection back to the equator.

At this point, the Sun undergoes a turning or shift, carrying symbolic implications for establishing renewed connections or foundations.

Swinging up and down like a pendulum in the rhythm of the seasons and the solar year.



Sun enters Cancer

June 21st

When the Sun enters the zodiac sign of Cancer, it marks a significant turning point known as the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.

This celestial event holds immense symbolic and practical importance.

The Sun’s entry into Cancer occurs around June 21st.

It signifies the peak of summer or winter, respectively, and serves as a pivotal moment in the solar year.

High or Low Point

At this time, the Sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky, resulting in the longest or shortest day of the year, and a corresponding shift in the duration of daylight.

Symbolically, the Sun’s entry into Cancer represents a moment of transition and change. It marks the beginning of a new season and holds profound significance for various cultures and traditions worldwide.

The solstice turning point is often associated with themes of rebirth, renewal, balance, and the interplay between light and darkness.

Solstice Celebrations

In many ancient cultures, solstice celebrations were held to honor this celestial event. People gathered at sacred sites, such as Stonehenge, to witness the alignment of the Sun with specific architectural features or celestial markers.

These celebrations often included rituals, ceremonies, feasts, and communal activities aimed at harnessing the energies of the Sun and embracing the transformative power of the solstice.

Practically, the Sun’s entry into Cancer also has practical implications for agriculture and the natural world.

Growing Season

In the Northern Hemisphere, it represents the peak of the growing season, as the Sun’s energy nourishes plants and promotes abundant growth.

Farmers and gardeners observe this turning point to gauge the optimal timing for planting, harvesting, and tending to their crops.


On a deeper level, the Sun’s entry into Cancer invites us to reflect on the cycles of life, the nurturing qualities of the feminine, and our emotional well-being.

Cancer is associated with themes of home, family, intuition, and emotional sensitivity.

This period encourages us to connect with our inner selves, nurture our relationships, and find solace and comfort in the embrace of loved ones.

Overall, the Sun’s entry into Cancer represents a profound solstice turning point that holds both symbolic and practical significance.

It marks a transition in the solar year and heralds the arrival of summer, a season that is often regarded as one of the most delightful times of the year.

This time is characterized by the vibrant growth of crops and the joyful frolicking of lambs in the fields, encapsulating the essence of abundance and vitality.


Favourable Season

For farmers and subsistence farmers, the Sun’s entry into Cancer brings a sense of relief and relaxation.

It signifies a shift towards a more stable and favorable agricultural season.

The diligent efforts that they put into planting and nurturing crops begin to bear fruit, with fields transforming into a tapestry of lush greenery and burgeoning harvests.

This bountiful time allows growers to witness the fruits of their labor and take solace in the knowledge that their hard work is paying off.



The arrival of summer brings a respite from the more demanding tasks associated with earlier stages of agricultural.

It is a period where farmers can take a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature, to witness the flourishing landscapes, and to enjoy the rewards of their toil.

The fields become a source of inspiration and a testament to the cyclical nature of life and the interconnectedness between humans and the land.



Moreover, the start of summer encourages a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation in rural communities.

It provides an opportunity for individuals to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature, to embrace outdoor activities, and to connect with the abundance of the season.

It is a time when communities come together to celebrate local traditions, festivals, and gatherings that celebrate the joys of summer.



The Sun’s entry into Cancer marks the beginning of a vibrant and abundant season.

It signals a time when farmers and subsistence farmers can momentarily set aside their worries and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

It is a period of respite, joy, and celebration, where the natural world thrives and beckons all to revel in its beauty.


Tropic of Capricorn

Drawing Back

The Sun’s entry into Capricorn in December symbolically represents the Sun’s drawing back towards the equator, implying a significant shift in the seasonal cycle.

This transition signifies a movement towards balance and equilibrium, as the Sun’s position aligns closer to the celestial equator.

It symbolizes a turning point in the year, where the days begin to lengthen in the Northern Hemisphere and the nights become shorter.

New Cycle

Metaphorically, the Sun’s entry into Capricorn can be seen as a metaphorical pulling back or gathering of energy, as it prepares to embark on a new cycle and journey through the zodiac.

It is a time of reflection, consolidation, and setting intentions for the upcoming year.

The symbolism suggests a return to stability, grounding, and the establishment of solid foundations as the Sun’s energy converges towards the equator.


Monoliths to Celebrate the Solstices


Across different cultures and regions, numerous monuments, artifacts, and structures have been created to honor and celebrate the summer solstice.

These include megalithic sites, temples, stone circles, and observatories, each reflecting the deep reverence for the sun and the solstice in ancient societies.

These monuments and artifacts not only highlight the architectural and engineering prowess of their creators but also serve as powerful symbols of cultural and spiritual significance.

They were often used as gathering places for rituals, ceremonies, and festivities during solstices, including the summer solstice.

Such events would bring communities together to honor the sun’s life-giving energy, express gratitude for the abundance of the season, and partake in spiritual practices associated with this special day.

Solstice Alignment

The creation of these structures and the celebrations surrounding the summer solstice demonstrate the enduring human fascination with the cosmos and our deep connection to nature.

They serve as reminders of our ancient ancestors’ profound understanding of celestial cycles and their ability to integrate them into their daily lives, rituals, and belief systems.

These monuments and artifacts continue to captivate and inspire modern-day visitors, allowing us to glimpse into the rich tapestry of ancient cultures and their enduring legacies.



Wiltshire, England

Places like Stonehenge have been constructed with careful alignment to the summer rising of the Sun on June 21st, the day of the summer solstice. These ancient monuments serve as remarkable testaments to the human fascination with celestial events and their significance in ancient cultures.

Stonehenge, located in England, is perhaps one of the most iconic examples of such a structure. Its alignment with the sunrise during the summer solstice suggests that it was specifically designed to capture the first rays of sunlight on this auspicious day.

The exact intentions and purposes behind Stonehenge’s construction remain a subject of debate and speculation, but it is widely believed that it held immense ceremonial and astronomical significance for the ancient people who built it.

Stonehenge’s Latitude

Stonehenge is situated at a latitude of approximately 51.1789 degrees N. Its precise location places it in the southern part of England, near the city of Salisbury, in the county of Wiltshire.

This latitude ensures that Stonehenge is within the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, allowing it to experience a range of seasonal changes and align with important astronomical events such as the summer solstice.

The positioning of Stonehenge at this specific latitude further emphasizes its connection to celestial phenomena and the careful consideration given to its construction in relation to the Earth’s orientation and the movement of celestial bodies.



“Sun Tunnels” Art in Utah, USA

Sun Tunnels Sculpture

Located in the Great Basin Desert of Northwest Utah, USA, the awe-inspiring “Sun Tunnels” art installation captures attention.

Crafted by renowned American artist Nancy Holt, this masterpiece offers a captivating experience.

Notably, the installation’s placement coincides with the summer solstice, enhancing the artistic encounter with a mesmerizing celestial alignment.

Crafted between 1973 and 1976, these remarkable tunnels consist of four concrete structures measuring nine feet and three inches in diameter, spanning a length of eighteen feet each.

Sun Tunnels Latitude

Situated at Latitude 41N, two tunnels align along the north-south axis, while the other two align east to west, creating a harmonious arrangement.

The precise alignment of the Concrete Tubes with the summer solstice showcases the intentional integration of celestial events and natural phenomena into the realm of art.

It creates a captivating and interactive experience for visitors who can witness the play of light and shadows as the Sun interacts with the installation during this particular time of the year.



Solstice Alignment

At both the summer and winter solstice, the Sun Tunnels’ arrangement becomes a spectacle, with the Sun positioned precisely in the center of the imposing concrete tubes as it sets on the horizon.

The alignment with the solstices also adds a deeper layer of symbolism to the artwork. The summer solstice represents a turning point in the solar year, symbolizing abundance, vitality, and the peak of the Sun’s power.

By aligning with this significant celestial event, the Sun Tunnels may evoke a sense of connection to the cycles of nature, the passage of time, and the profound impact of celestial bodies on our daily lives.


Artistic Vision

Art installations that incorporate celestial alignments, such as Holt’s Sun Tunnels in Utah, invite contemplation and reflection on the interconnectedness of art, nature and the cosmos.

They highlight the artistic vision and creativity of the artists behind the installation while simultaneously fostering a sense of awe and wonder at the natural rhythms and forces that shape our world.

Visiting such installations during the summer solstice can provide a unique and immersive experience, as viewers witness the merging of art and nature, light and shadow, and the harmonious interaction between human creativity and the cosmic dance of celestial bodies.


As Astrologers


As astrologers, we have the privilege of observing and tracking the solar cycle as it reaches its zenith at the Tropic of Cancer before embarking on its transformative journey back. This cyclical movement holds great significance in our astrological interpretations and allows us to delve into the intricate dance between celestial bodies and human experiences.


Solar Cycle Peaks

The solar cycle’s peak at the Tropic of Cancer marks a pivotal moment in our astrological understanding. It symbolizes the height of the Sun’s influence in the Northern Hemisphere, bringing forth the energy of warmth, illumination, and growth. This is a time when the Sun’s rays shower the Earth with abundance, stirring the seeds of potential and offering opportunities for personal and collective expansion.


Turning Point

As the Sun reaches its highest point at the Tropic of Cancer, it signals a turning point, a shift in its trajectory. This celestial pivot holds deep symbolism, representing a moment of reflection, introspection, and realignment. It is a reminder of the cyclical nature of life and the need for balance and equilibrium.


Ebb and Flow

By closely observing the solar cycle’s journey back from the Tropic of Cancer, we gain valuable insights into the ebb and flow of energies and their impact on human lives. This return journey presents an opportunity for introspection, as the Sun gradually descends, inviting us to explore our inner realms, reassess our goals, and realign our intentions.



As astrologers, we follow this solar cycle with reverence and curiosity, recognizing the profound connection between celestial movements and the unfolding of human experiences. We engage in the study of planetary alignments, transits, and aspects to discern the subtle nuances of this transformative journey and its influence on individual charts and collective dynamics.



Through our astrological practice, we seek to uncover the deeper meanings and patterns woven within the solar cycle. We strive to provide guidance, insights, and support as individuals navigate the turning tides, finding solace and inspiration in the rhythmic dance between the Sun’s radiant energy and our own evolving paths.

Cycle Peaks

In embracing the solar cycle’s peaks at the Tropic of Cancer and its subsequent return, we honor the ever-changing nature of existence and the infinite possibilities for growth and transformation. Our role as astrologers is to illuminate the cosmic tapestry and help others navigate the twists and turns of their personal journeys as they align with the celestial rhythm that guides us all.



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Over To You


Here in Vancouver, we are at the 49th parallel which means we are at 49°14’N degrees from the equator.

There is even a brewing company in the city called, “The 49th Parallel Brewing Company” here in the city which crafts a delicious local beer. Or so I’ve heard.

We do experience significant changes in the seasons especially the amount of light from the Sun during summer as opposed to winter.

I realize that this is obvious as the seasons a change, but it was not so noticeable when I lived in Phalaborwa which is at 23°55’S degrees from the equator.


Think About It

I just wanted to discuss the turning points of the solstices as something to think about as we reach the summer solstice here this week.

I believe in living my life in line, and aligned to, the seasonal shifts created by the movement our tilt and the apparent path of the Sun.

I wanted to share that, as I learn more about astrology, it becomes more and more meaningful when I’m reading charts, where the Sun is and whether it is at the extremes of its path, either north or south.




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If you found some value or learned something to make you think about the astrology you are practicing, then please share this post with those who may be interested.

It would mean a lot to me.




Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison specializes in guiding Aspiring Astrologers. Her aim is to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

To learn more about Alison’s journey, visit this page.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Self-care for Astrologers

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The ABCs of Astrology

The ABCs of Astrology

The ABCs of Astrology

In this particular episode, we’re going to explore the whimsical side of astrology by examining the ABCs of this mystical discipline.

Each letter of the alphabet will feature a chosen astrological component but be aware that not all aspects will be covered.

To illustrate, the letter C could stand for Chart, Cancer, Conjunction, Chiron, or Capricorn, and there are likely numerous other astrological terms that readily come to mind.

Without further ado, let’s begin our journey with the letter A.


A is for Aspects

In astrology, aspects refer to the angular relationships between celestial bodies in a birth chart. These relationships, determined by the degrees of separation between planets, reflect specific energetic connections and influences. Aspects reveal the dynamic interplay between various planetary energies, shaping an individual’s personality traits, potentials, and life experiences. They can indicate harmonious or challenging interactions, highlighting areas of strength, challenges, and opportunities for growth. Common aspects include conjunctions (when planets are close together), squares (90-degree angles), trines (120-degree angles), and oppositions (180-degree angles). The nature of the aspect determines the nature of the interaction, influencing the overall astrological interpretation.   


Read more >>> Astro Art

B is for Books

If you’re delving into astrology and seeking some insightful reading material, I have a few book recommendations for you.

Consider adding the following three titles to your astrology collection:



  • An Ephemeris” – This book provides essential astronomical data, such as the positions of celestial bodies, which is crucial for accurate astrological calculations and chart interpretations.


  • The Contemporary Astrologer’s Handbook” by Sue Tompkins, this handbook offers a comprehensive guide to modern astrology, covering various techniques, chart interpretation, and practical advice for aspiring astrologers.


  • Planets in Transit” by Robert Hand, this book explores the influence of planetary transits, revealing how the movement of planets in relation to an individual’s birth chart can shape and influence life events and personal growth.

These three books can serve as valuable resources to deepen your understanding of astrology and enhance your astrological practice.


C is for Chart

The centerpiece of any astrology session lies in the chart, a profound depiction of your life and spiritual voyage.

Your individual birth chart acts as a blueprint, unveiling the intricate details of your existence.

Numerous chart variations exist, including:

  • Natal charts: It highlights the positions of celestial bodies at the time of your birth, shedding light on your personality traits, potentials, and life path.
  • Composite charts: These charts combine the birth charts of two individuals to explore the dynamics and potentials of their relationship.
  • Progressed charts: They reflect the evolution of your natal chart over time, offering insights into your personal growth and life transitions.
  • Directed charts: These charts focus on specific periods or themes in your life, providing a more in-depth understanding of their influence and significance.
  • Solar return charts: They are cast for the exact moment when the Sun returns to its natal position each year, providing insights into the upcoming year’s themes and energies.
  • Bi-wheel charts: They feature two charts overlaid, allowing for a comparative analysis of different time periods or individuals.

This list merely scratches the surface, as astrology encompasses a wide array of chart types, each offering unique perspectives and insights into various aspects of life.

D is for Descendant

The descendant, located on the western horizon at the time of your birth, holds significance in your chart.

It symbolizes several facets, including your life partner and the qualities you seek in a companion.

This point highlights the characteristics, values, and attributes you desire in a significant other.

It provides insights into your ideal partner’s traits and helps shape your expectations in relationships.

The descendant plays a crucial role in understanding the dynamics of your partnerships and the type of connection you seek in your journey through life.


E is for Ephemeris

An ephemeris is a table or data set that provides the positions of celestial objects, such as planets, moons, and stars, at specific times.

It contains information on their coordinates, distances, velocities, and other relevant parameters.

Ephemerides play a crucial role in astrology, where they provide information for horoscope charts and planetary alignments.

Overall, ephemerides are vital tools for understanding and navigating the celestial realm.


F is for Fixed Stars

Although all stars are in motion, some appear stationary to us, and we refer to them as fixed stars.

The Four Royal Stars of Persia, including Fomalhaut, Antares, Aldebaran, and Regulus, are considered the primary fixed stars.

They are also known as the watchers of the four cardinal points of North, South, East, and West.

Currently, all of these magnificent stars are located in fixed signs, indicating their significant influence on human affairs.


G is for Glyphs

Glyphs in astrology are symbolic representations used to denote celestial bodies, zodiac signs, and other astrological elements.

Each glyph has a unique design that captures the essence of its corresponding entity.

These symbols serve as a concise and universal language in astrology, enabling astrologers to communicate and record information efficiently.

Glyphs are essential for constructing birth charts, where they represent planets, asteroids and other celestial points.

They are also used to represent zodiac signs, planetary aspects, and other astrological factors in charts and diagrams.

By utilizing glyphs, astrologers can convey complex astrological concepts quickly and accurately, enhancing the understanding and interpretation of astrological systems.


H is for Houses

Houses, alongside signs, form one of the fundamental pillars of astrology.

Astrologers must possess a comprehensive understanding of the significance of houses and the meaning each planet holds within them.

Mastering this knowledge requires time and dedication due to its vast scope. However, the endeavor is immensely rewarding.

For those practicing writing horoscopes, a thorough comprehension of houses becomes indispensable.

It serves as a vital tool for deciphering the intricate dynamics between celestial bodies and human lives, enriching the accuracy and depth of astrological interpretations.


I is for Immun Coeli

In astrology, the Immum Coeli (IC) is a significant point in the birth chart representing the bottommost part of the sky at the time of an individual’s birth.

It is often associated with one’s roots, family, and private life.

The IC signifies the foundation of one’s being, including their upbringing, ancestry, and emotional core.

It influences the person’s sense of security, innermost desires, and personal connection to their home and family.

Understanding the Immum Coeli helps astrologers gain insights into a person’s psychological and emotional foundations, enabling them to explore the deep-seated influences that shape an individual’s sense of belonging and personal identity.


J is for Jupiter

Jupiter stands out in my astrology ABC as the largest planet by a significant margin.

It boasts an impressive number of satellites and is renowned for its iconic Great Red Spot.

Associated with growth, luck, and all things expansive, Jupiter holds dominion over the signs of Sagittarius and traditionally rules Pisces.

These two signs are bicorporeal, symbolized by dual entities within each: Sagittarius depicts a man and a horse, while Pisces showcases two fish.

Jupiter’s influence extends to all that is grandiose and abundant, amplifying the qualities of these signs and emphasizing the multifaceted nature of their symbolism.


K is for Kepler

Johannes Kepler established three laws of planetary motion, and his second law holds particular relevance for astrologers.

This law states that a planet will cover equal areas in equal times.

Consequently, when a planet is closer to the Sun in its orbit, or at perihelion, it moves more rapidly through the zodiac signs.

In contrast, when it is farther away at aphelion, its movement through the signs is slower.

For example, Pluto’s orbit brings it close to the Sun in Scorpio and farther away in Taurus.

Therefore, it takes twenty years for Pluto to transit Scorpio, but it takes forty years to transit Taurus, underscoring the impact of Kepler’s second law on astrological calculations.


L is for Local Mean Time

Local mean time, an essential component in manual chart calculations, required determination in the past.

It differs from standard time within a specific time zone.

Local mean time refers to the time in your specific geographic location, accounting for the variations in longitude.

Prior to the convenience of standardized time zones, individuals had to calculate their local mean time based on their specific longitude.

This adjustment allowed for more accurate astrological chart calculations, taking into account the precise positioning of celestial bodies at the moment of an individual’s birth in their particular location.


M is for Midheaven

The Midheaven, a potent and influential point situated at the pinnacle of every chart, holds significant meaning.

It represents one’s highest achievements and honors, reflecting their endeavors in the public sphere and their notable contributions.

This point sheds light on an individual’s professional pursuits, public image, and the activities for which they are recognized.

It plays a crucial role in shaping one’s reputation, be it for positive acclaim or even notoriety.

The Midheaven serves as a compass, guiding astrologers to gain insights into an individual’s standing in the world and their prominent role, or not, in society.


N is for Nodes

The nodes, also known as the lunar nodes, constitute a pair of points in any chart where the path of the Moon intersects with that of the Sun.

These nodes are present in every chart and gradually regress or move retrograde through the zodiac, though they may occasionally remain direct or stationary for brief periods.

The North node implies forthcoming opportunities and one’s future destiny, while the South node signifies the relinquishment of certain aspects or circumstances and points to one’s past experiences.

By analyzing the placement and movements of these nodes, astrologers can gain insights into an individual’s karmic journey and provide guidance for their path ahead.


O is for Orbs

Orbs function as tolerances in astrology, indicating the degree range within which two celestial bodies can form an aspect.

A narrow or tight orb refers to a range of less than one degree, while a wider orb typically extends to about eight degrees for aspects like conjunctions, oppositions, trines, and squares.

The tighter the orb, the stronger and more precise the aspect is considered to be.

A wider orb allows for a more lenient interpretation, acknowledging the potential influence of the aspect even if the exact degree alignment is not as precise.

Orbs provide astrologers with flexibility in assessing the strength and significance of planetary aspects within a birth chart.


P is for Planets

The planets within a chart embody the energetic forces at play.

Their placement indicates areas of activity and significance.

As planets occupy houses, they infuse vitality and meaning into them.

Planetary positions in signs can determine their state of happiness or lack thereof, which is influenced by their essential dignity.

This reflects how well a planet aligns with the qualities and characteristics of a given sign.

Essentially, the planets serve as active participants, shaping the dynamics and expressions within a chart, with their location and essential dignity providing valuable insights into their influence and impact.


Q is for Quadrants

The four quadrants are defined by two axes: the Ascendant and Descendant, as well as the Midheaven and IC.

  • The first quadrant lies below the Ascendant and represents the realm of the private self.
  • The second quadrant lies below the Descendant, embodying the private interactions with others.
  • The third quadrant sits above the Descendant, symbolizing the public interactions with others.
  • The fourth quadrant resides above the Ascendant, denoting the public self and one’s outward presence.


R is for Retrogrades

With the exception of the Sun and Moon, all planets undergo retrograde motion.

Mercury retrogrades three times annually, Venus retrogrades five times within an eight-year period, and Mars retrogrades approximately once every two years.

The remaining planets experience retrograde motion each year.

The outer planets enter retrograde from their trine aspect to the Sun, continue through the opposition, and conclude at the subsequent trine.

When the outer planets are opposite the Sun, they are all in retrograde.

Retrograde periods add unique dynamics to planetary influences, providing astrologers with valuable insights into the complexities of planetary energies and their impact on individuals’ lives.


S is for Sun Signs

Sun signs are the gateway to astrology as everyone is familiar with their own Sun sign.

It’s usually the first thing people learn about astrology.

Even individuals who are not into astrology are aware of their Sun sign and read horoscopes related to it in the media.

Your Sun sign is determined by the position of the Sun on the day of your birth, such as being in Gemini if your birthday falls between May 21 and June 20.

The signs are categorized into polarities, elements, and modes.


T is for Transits

When beginning the study of astrology, one of the first forecasting techniques introduced is the use of transits.

In fact, many astrologers solely rely on transits for their forecasting practices.

Transits focus on the current and future positions of planets, providing insight into their movements in the upcoming weeks, months, or even years.

By observing where the planets are presently and where they will be in the future, astrologers can gain valuable information about the potential influences and developments in an individual’s life.

Transits serve as a foundational tool for forecasting, enabling astrologers to analyze the dynamic interplay between celestial bodies and their impact on an individual’s chart.


U is for Universe

For the letter U, I have chosen the term “universe.”

While not exclusively an astrology term, it encompasses the entirety of the space in which we exist.

The universe holds a broader significance, encompassing all celestial bodies, energies, and cosmic forces that influence our lives.

While astrology focuses on specific planetary and celestial influences, the concept of the universe reminds us of the vastness and interconnectedness of everything in existence.

It serves as a reminder that astrology is just a part of a much larger cosmic tapestry, inviting contemplation of our place within the grandeur of the universe.


V is for Vertex

The Vertex is an intersecting point in a chart where the prime vertical converges with the ecliptic.

Positioned on the right side of a chart, it commonly resides within the fifth, sixth, seventh, or eighth houses.

The Vertex acts as a gateway through which people, situations and events enter and exit our lives.

When the Sun of another person is conjoined your Vertex, it signifies that they are a profoundly influential individual for you.

This alignment suggests a person of great significance, playing a pivotal role in your life’s journey and leaving a lasting impact.

The Vertex serves as a key indicator of significant connections and transformative experiences within the realm of astrology.


W is for Wheel

The wheel serves as the foundation of a chart, visually depicting its structure.

Resembling a wheel with spokes, it delineates the distinct areas of life through the houses and axes in your chart.

The circular form of the wheel symbolizes the cyclical nature of existence and the interconnectedness of various life domains.

The houses represent specific realms of experience, while the axes highlight important dynamics and relationships within the chart.

By visualizing the chart as a wheel, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of how different facets of life intertwine and influence one another, allowing for insightful interpretations and analysis of an individual’s unique cosmic blueprint.


X is for X-Factor

The X-factor in astrology represents your individuality and the unique qualities you bring to chart interpretation.

It remains unknown until you dive into the process.

Your personal approach to understanding and connecting with clients becomes your X-factor.

When interpreting charts, I draw insights from my own birth chart, which reflects my true essence, while you utilize your birth chart and personal experiences to shape your interpretations.

In astrology, there are no rigid rules for interpretations, allowing for individual interests and inclinations to shine through.

Embrace your X-factor and unleash your potential as the best astrologer you were destined to be, utilizing your distinctive perspective to provide meaningful and authentic guidance to others.


Y is for Yod

The Yod aspect in astrology, also known as the “Finger of Fate,” is an intriguing and potent configuration.

It forms when two planets are in sextile (60°) aspect and both form an inconjunct (150°) aspect to a third planet.

The Yod creates a focal point of tension, pushing an individual towards a unique and transformative path.

It represents a karmic challenge or a special mission in one’s life, often requiring adjustment and integration of seemingly contradictory energies.

Those with a Yod aspect pattern possess exceptional potential for personal growth and spiritual evolution, as they navigate the complexities and embrace the opportunities presented by this interesting and impactful configuration.


Z is for Zodiac

The Zodiac signs derive their names from the constellations that the Sun traverses throughout the year.

Only the constellations aligned with the Sun’s path are recognized as Zodiac signs, while those like Orion, despite being well-known, do not fall within the Zodiac.

Although constellations can differ in size, each tropical sign spans a uniform length of thirty degrees.

This standardization allows for consistent division and interpretation of the zodiacal wheel.

By understanding the relationship between the Sun’s journey and the designated signs, astrologers can accurately analyze and interpret the unique characteristics and energies associated with each Zodiac sign.


Greetings Cards

Because I enjoy astro artwork as well, I have created a greeting card with the ABCs images on it and you can find the link in the description.

You can see the image on the blog post.




Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Starzology Astrology Podcast

Starzology Astrology Podcast

Join us for calm astrology themed fireside chats. We have conversations around transits, ingresses, retrogrades and lunations on the Starzology Astrology Podcast.

Mars in Virgo

Mars in Virgo

Mars in Virgo

In this post, we are continuing our transit series of planets moving through the signs. We are typically only going to focus on superior planet transits which are the planets from Mars outwards. Of course, there may be exceptions.

This time we are taking a closer looking at Mars in Virgo.

Transiting Mars Dates 2023

Mars takes two years to fully transit the whole zodiac. Mars will leave Leo and be in Virgo from July 10, 2023 to August 27, 2023 when it enters Libra. That’s seven weeks in the sign of the Virgo the Virgin.


Let’s take a quick look at Mars. Mars rules the signs of Aries and Scorpio. Mars is an action planet that uses heat and friction for energy release. Mars suggests some activities that get you off the couch. Energy management can be an indication of Mars.

Your competitive edge is suggested by Mars. Mars expresses your primate urges and the desire to copulate.


Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac and is ruled by Mercury. Virgo is earthy, practical and analytical. Virgo is detail oriented. Mars in Virgo is quite a relatively quiet and non confrontational Mars.


Mars in Virgo

Stimulates practical and methodical projects. Actively pursues projects. Many hot details. Mars does not often display outward expressions of aggression and anger when in Virgo. 

Here the competition is in the details. For instance, the nature of editing and fact checking is a good expression of Mars in Virgo. 


Explore more >>> The Planets

Explore more >>> The Zodiac Signs


Mars’ Transit of Virgo What to Expect

Virgo Sun

If you have the Sun in Virgo, you will experience a Mars conjoined Sun transit. This could be the impetus you need to get yourself moving. If you have other planets in Virgo they will get stimulated by Mars as it comes by.

Virgo Ascendant

If your ascendant is Virgo then Mars will leave your twelfth house and move into your first house. This is symbolically moving from the dark to the light. And from the unknown into the known. As Mars crosses your Ascendant there will be more activity in your life.

Virgo Midheaven

If you have a Virgo Midheaven Mara will activate your reputation during activity into your career. You may receive acknowledgements for your past actions. This will likely get the blood pumping around.

Mars Return

A Mars return is when Mars comes back to its natal position. This will happen for most people once in every two years. My Mars is at 13 Virgo and that means I had a Mars return on July 31, 2023. 

When Mars reaches its natal position, it triggers all your natalMars aspects and recalibrates any that have drifted off track. You can get more in tune with your Mars energy at a Mars return.

Explore more >>> Post Natal Returns of the Outer Planets

Explore more >>> Saturn Returns

Alison’s Mars Return Story

Way back in 2012 there was a Mars retrograde cycle in Virgo, that went over my Natal Mars. This created a three-hit transit to my natal Mars. It was at this time that I was spurred into action and I started the Starzology website and blog. I’d never done anything like it before, or since.

I was energized to get the blog populated. I wrote most of my blog posts, that are still live today, during the energy from that triple Mara return. 

I laid out my astrology courses and lessons one afternoon. I took my four kids to the library after school and the older kids needed some books and the young one likes the story hour the librarians put out in the afternoon. I sat against the wall facing forward with a pen and notebook and I laid out the blueprint of what was to become my astrology classes. 

I divided the classes into three levels namely beginner intermediate and advanced. I wrote the class titles for each series of learning in sixteen classes for each level. This was penned all in one go on one afternoon. Of course, I had to flesh the details out later, but the bones of my project were cemented that day.

The stimulation to action of teaching (3rd house Mars) was, and is, the foundation of my career for the next fifteen years. This culminates in the publishing of my book The Aspiring Astrologer – 52 Self-paced astrology classes. 

Usually, my Mars is quiet and non-confrontational. In Virgo Mars is pretty calm for the most part, but clearly every twenty-four years or so, you may experience a triple hit Mars return.

Mars Transiting Natal Houses

Either way, Mars will transit a house or two in your chart. This will heat up and energize that area of your life indicated by the House. You can anticipate some action, friction and heat in your life as Mars comes by.

People in the Houses

There could be some competition relating to the people in the houses and these are usually the odd house numbers.

For example, the first house is you, the third house your siblings, the fifth house your children, the seventh house your partner, the ninth house your college buddies and the eleventh house your friends and associates.

Other people can be in some of the even houses as well like your financial advisor in the second, your father in the fourth, your vet in your sixth, your surgeon in the eighth, your mother in the tenth and even your ghosts in the twelfth.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Starzology Astrology Podcast

Starzology Astrology Podcast

Join us for calm astrology themed fireside chats. We have conversations around transits, ingresses, retrogrades and lunations on the Starzology Astrology Podcast.

Election Astrology: Podcast Start Chart

Election Astrology: Podcast Start Chart

Electional Astrology

In this episode, we’re going to have a look at our Starzology Astrology Podcast start chart.

Every entity can have a birth chart and in this case it’s our podcast.

This is the birth chart for the business of the Starzology Astrology Podcast.

It is the chart we chose as the start time and date with which to launch this podcast.

I’m going to explain why we chose the chart that we did and the main features within in it which I believe will support a prosperous podcast business model.

Electional Astrology

To start with this is electional astrology.

It has nothing to do with politics, or who will be the next president or prime minister, but rather it is about electing to do something at some point in the future.

Electional astrology and election charts are often used for business launches and to pick wedding dates.

Electional Chart Principles

Principles of a good election chart are that you reinforce the house that pertains to the activity.

So for example, for a marriage chart it’s the seventh house and for a business chart it is the tenth house.

To reinforce a house you want up place as many positive planets in that house as possible.

As this is a business, we focus on the tenth house of businesses you start yourself.

You also want the Midheaven ruler to be a positive planet or the planet that rules the endeavor.

For instance, if you were opening a restaurant, you would want the Moon in the tenth house because the Moon rules restaurants, food and cooking and if you were opening a beauty salon you would want Venus in the tenth house as Venus rules cosmetics and beauty products.

As this is an astrology podcast business, I wanted Uranus, as the ruler of Astrology, strongly positioned in this chart.

I did this by moving the time to place Uranus in the tenth house.

I also wanted Mercury as the ruler of podcasts, podcasters and podcasting, to be in the tenth house as well.


Planets to Avoid

As a general rule, with Electional astrology you want to avoid the malefic or troublesome planets, so that is Mars, Saturn and Pluto in the tenth house if possible.


Retrograde Planets

You don’t want the planet that rules the subject, in this case Uranus for astrology and Mercury for podcasting, to be retrograde.

When a planet is retrograde it cannot express energy at its highest peak performance.

For any planet, the state of being retrograde brings in a hesitation to the venture and we don’t want that.


The Moon

It is nice to have the Moon growing in light, so waxing, and perhaps in a favourable aspect with the Sun and the ruler of the endeavor in this case Uranus.



The Ascendant and chart ruler could align with the business or even the person’s natal chart who is opening the business.



You usually get a window for an election.

Perhaps you need to open the business in April anytime or if it’s a wedding they usually want it on a Saturday.

So, there are usually some constraints to the time line.

In my case, I wanted to launch the podcast asap and if possible, in April 2023.

I had the first episode already recorded and ready to go, but I waited for a good time and date.

This was my elected time and date.


Launch Date

I launched the Starzology Astrology Podcast at 1:12pm on April 5th in Vancouver.

I give you this chart data so you can erect the chart yourself and follow along.

This elected time and date returned a reinforced tenth house with a Leo Ascendant and an Aries Midheaven.


Tenth House Planets

The planets I managed to squeeze into the tenth house are:

  • The Sun
  • Chiron
  • Mercury
  • Jupiter
  • Venus
  • Uranus


The Sun

The Sun is most the most elevated planet. It is in its exaltation in Aries and closely conjoined the Midheaven at 15° Aries.

This also places it in the Midheaven Gauquelin sector.

The Sun is at the heart of the business and yes, I want to bring my heart and optimism to this venture.

I don’t see it as a doom and gloom astrology podcast, but rather as an uplifting resource for everyone who finds it.

This will bring light, warmth and creativity to the podcast and maybe some fame in the public domain as well.



Chiron is not the easiest of planet to have in the tenth house, but I’m leaning towards the healing and teaching aspect of Chiron.

I hope to tap to this energy from Chiron.

I anticipate sharing astrologer’s journeys and speak to aspiring astrologers around the world to inspire them to live a satisfying life through the energy in their charts.

There may be some lessons to be learned here.

Probably this podcast will not appeal to everyone and that is ok.

I hope the people who do find us can appreciate my message.



The planet of broadcasting and growth, Jupiter, is in the tenth house. And conjoined the Midheaven in the Midheaven Gauquelin sector along with the Sun.

This indicates that the reach of the podcast will be far and wide.

We anticipate expansion and even some luck with this placement of the Greater Benefic in the company’s business house.



Mercury is the planet that rules communication, talking and podcasting.

Mercury is the focal planet of a mini grand trine between Mars, Saturn and Mercury.

This suggests that the slow burn energy from Saturn trine Mars, will be funnelled up to Mercury to get the word out.

Mercury represents the actual podcast and the message which we are trying to bring through this podcast.

How people will hear of our podcast is through word of mouth and people like you sharing your positive experiences when you download an episode and listen in.

I could anticipate the conversations started by the podcast to continue in your minds and lives as you fully digest what has been said.

I also see this podcast as a teaching point for some of you.

If I can get a few listeners like you, to think more about how astrology can benefit you, I will be happy.



The lesser benefic the planet of attraction and money planet, Venus, is also well placed high in the chart in the tenth house.

This augers well for attracting good things including money and attention to the business.

This suggests there will be a good impression of the podcast.

It also suggests that women may be the main audience.

Venus rules the eleventh house of business income which bodes well for a prosperous business income.



Uranus is the one planet that rules astrology.

It is high on the chart, again in tenth house.

This placement supports any business related to astrology.



The Ascendant is Leo the Lion.

This means the Sun is the start chart ruler again reinforcing the sunny and creative nature of this venture.

It is also to be noted that my Sun sign is Leo and this Ascendant correlates to my chart in many ways.


The Midheaven

The Midheaven is Aries ruled by Mars.

This indicates a start-up and an independent businesss venture.

This could suggest a good start but a certain flagging over time.

Time will tell. 


The Moon

The Gibbous Moon is opposite the Sun.

This may suggest some tension between the drive to be public and the need to keep it close to home.

In a way, the nature of podcasting is that an episode is recorded privately at home and then broadcast, publicly to get it out there and into your consciousness.

This is the one feature that I was not sure about.

The Sun opposite Moon aspect.

I felt the rest of the chart was positive for a business launch for an astrology podcast.



Jupiter in Taurus

Jupiter in Taurus

Jupiter in Taurus

As Jupiter moves through the fixed Earth sign of Taurus there will be several changes in the way that growth and opportunity is expressed.

Jupiter is the planet of great expectation, production and growth.

Jupiter in Taurus Dates

Jupiter will be in Taurus from May 18, 2023 to May 25, 2024.

As it enters Taurus we can anticipate:


Growth in Taurus things such as food production,


Some inflation in the economy and rises in international exchange rates.

Book Recommendation

Arwynne recommends Steven Arroyo’s fabulous book Exploring Jupiter.

Example Chart

Tony Robbins 8:10pm, February 29, 1960, Los Angeles, California, USA.

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Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Astrological Holy Trinity

Astrological Holy Trinity

Astrological Holy Trinity

Inspiring Others

I hope that the work I’m doing here will inspire other people to take what astrology they know and run with it. I believe that your mind can explore your current astrology skills and take you down some exciting roads. We don’t know where you will end up, but at least you will have taken the first step. Many people who learn astrology don’t turn into consulting astrologer, but they use the knowledge to enhance other parts of their lives or related businesses. People like coaches, artists, numerologists and healers from all walks of life can improve their insights with some understanding of astrology. I urge you to look at the craft from all sorts of different angles, and yes, I know there are angles in a birth chart, to find the treasures within the teachings of astrology which resonate with you and your chart and dig deep.

Exploring Astrology

I believe in exploring astrology by going down all the nooks and crannies and finding ways to present it differently. I did this in 2011 with my extensive research into the Oriental Planet. Where I dug deep into this topic for over two years. Again in 2015 I pushed forward with some original research into the Five Types of Dispositor Tree and the specific positions planets can hold within a Dispositor Tree.

Once again during 2018 with my tentative exploration of the Fibonacci Aspects. Which did not go very far, but still… And once more recently with what I’m calling the “Astrologer’s Holy Trinity” research that I’m doing now. Not all of this research has gone somewhere, but some of it has. You don’t know what will take off until you try. 

What do they say, “Sow your seeds in the morning, then keep busy all afternoon, because you never know what will grow.”

Discover Research

Whatever you think about most in astrology is likely to be a place where you can develop something of value in the future.

I believe that great things can be imagined and brought forward from all modern astrologers.

Just because astrology has been around for so long, thousands of years, does not mean there is nothing left to explore.

In this episode, I’m going to explain my current research into the Astrologer’s Holy Trinity and the highest-level temperature of the chart thus reducing it down to only four values.


We used to refer to the two polarities in different ways than we do today.

  • Black and White
  • Masculine and Feminine
  • Positive and Negative
  • Active and Passive

I’ll be using the terms active and passive signs.


The very nature of energy on Earth is in balance. In a way this can be seen by the magnetic North and the South Poles. As I understand it, one pole ejects positive ions and the other pole absorbs them. The poles swap back and forth over time and are somewhat aligned to the eleven-year sunspot cycle.


In a bar magnet the magnetic lines can be seen when you tap iron filings. They come out of one end and go back in the other.

The Sun

The Earth’s magnetic field has both a positive and a negative pole. This is similar to the Zodiac sign polarities.

Sign Polarity

Active Signs

The active signs are:

  • Aries
  • Gemini
  • Leo
  • Libra
  • Sagittarius
  • Aquarius

Passive Signs

The passive signs are:

  • Taurus
  • Cancer
  • Virgo
  • Scorpio
  • Capricorn
  • Pisces

Trinity Chart Components

There are three main components of a chart.

  • Ascendant
  • Sun
  • Moon

List your main component polarities in this order of importance. First the Ascendant, then the Sun and then the Moon.


In this example we have, a Virgo Ascendant, a Cancer Sun and an Aries Moon. This would be listed as (Virgo, Cancer, Aries) or (VI,CA,AR). Which converts to (-, -, +)

The other options are:

+ + +

–  + +

+  + –

+ – +

– + –

– – +

+ – –

– – –

So what? Well, it’s a high-level way to analyze the chart. Through a elevated approach of the core components with just Ascendant, Sun and Moon. And it’s probably the highest. Most will be either +2 and -1 or -2 and +1.

Let’s do the Maths

+2 -1 = +1

-2 +1 = -1

+3 = +3

-3 = -3


There are only 4 options for a score.

-3, -1, +1 and +3

Interpretations of Final Four

Let’s start with some obvious keywords.

Minus Three

Super passive – Cold – Icy 💙

Minus One

Moderately passive – Chilled – Cool 💚

Plus One

Moderately active – Warm – Toasty 💛

Plus Three

Super active – Hot – Sizzling ❤️

Ongoing Research

This is as far as I’ve got with the Holy Trinities and the extension of plus one, plus three, minus one and minus three research. Is this going somewhere? I don’t know. Is it useful for astrologers to know these hot numbers? Time will tell. Let me know what you think.

Holy Trinity Survey

To be a part of this research please complete our Holy Trinity Survey. We appreciate your support.


Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Be a Guest on the Starzology Podcast

Be a Guest on the Starzology Podcast

Who Wants to Be a Podcast Guest?

We receive around 10 applications from potential podcast guests each week. Most of these requests are from people who are in no way related to astrology or New Age topics in any shape or form. They are often in other arenas like parenting, tech and finance which are spaces which seem to attract a lot of people. It is almost like spam for guest spots. They say there are 17 podcast guests for every podcast out there and I can believe this. 

Astrological Podcast Guest

In this guide, we’ll explore the universal principles of being an excellent podcast guest, tailored specifically for your astrological expertise and how to apply your stellar insights to join the cosmic conversations at Starzology.

Are You the Astrologer We Are Looking For?

Perhaps you want to be a guest on the Starzology Astrology podcast but you are not sure…  If you are reading this, you are already equipped with unique qualities.

  • We want to chat to astrology students about their journey.
  • We need to meet astrology teachers who can explain how to learn.
  • We crave astrology researchers looking into special topics in astrology.
  • We desire to connect with astrology practitioners sharing their business advice.
  • We love people in the astrology space who are doing something for the astrology community.


Be a Good Podcast Guest

Celestial Alignment

Begin your cosmic journey by aligning your astrology themed energy, with us that resonate with your expertise and values. Explain what astrological experiences you bring to the table.

Craft a Great Introduction

Prepare a captivating pitch that not only showcases your astrological prowess but also reflects your mindful and creative approach. Demonstrate a genuine understanding of our audience and explain how you can contribute positively to the conversation. Listen to our podcast and tell us which episode you have enjoyed the most so far and why.

Prepare, Research and Rehearse

Familiarize yourself with our podcast style, previous episodes, and the topics we cover. Equip yourself with engaging anecdotes, practical tips, and insightful perspectives related to astrology and mindfulness. Rehearse your key points to ensure a smooth and impactful interview. Make notes.

Be Present and Upbeat

Your upbeat and positive energy is a cosmic gift—let it shine during the interview. Embrace the present moment, engage with the host and audience, and share your insights with enthusiasm. Your mindfulness and creativity will add a unique sparkle to the podcast conversation.

Recording In-person at Starzology

If you are being recorded in-person, bring along your latest work, book, projects, candles or cards and show us what you are doing to better the world of astrology. If you are being recorded in person at Starzology we do provide drinks and snacks to keep you going. Please do not bring your dog. I say this as previously someone did.

Recording on Zoom

If you are being recorded on Zoom, have your best microphone plugged in and turned up. Be aware of noise. Put your pets in the other room and pay attention to your background commotion.  Have a glass of water to hand as your throat may get scratchy.

Engage with Our Listeners

Connect with our podcast’s audience by addressing their interests and concerns. Speak directly to our audience’s curiosity, by sharing relatable stories and giving actionable advice.

Encourage listeners to connect with you through your website or social media to foster your community beyond the podcast episode. Please have your email address and your website URL at hand.

Before You Apply

Explore Starzology and Understand Our Essence

Before applying, delve into the world of Starzology. Familiarize yourself with the themes and topics we cover, as well as the tone of our conversations. Ensure that your unique blend of astrology, mindfulness, and creativity aligns harmoniously with us.

Showcase Your Brilliance

Tailor your application to be a podcast guest on Starzology and tell us about your expertise in astrology in some way. Highlight your creativity and showcase how your insights can contribute positively to the Starzology community. Express your enthusiasm for joining our celestial conversations.

Express Gratitude and Openness

Demonstrate your appreciation for the opportunity to be part of Starzology’s cosmic journey. Express your willingness to share your knowledge and engage with our audience. Display openness to collaborate and a genuine passion to contribute to the Starzology audiences experience.

How to Apply

Complete the Form

Complete this Google form as best you can. We will contact you as soon as time allows. Which is usually on a weekday and not over weekends.

Be a Stellar Podcast Guest

Becoming a stellar podcast guest involves aligning your energy, crafting a compelling pitch, preparing thoroughly, radiating positivity and connecting with our listeners. Best of luck, and may your presence illuminate the podcasting universe in the near future.

We would love to hear from you.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Getting Started as an Astrologer: A Series Introducing Arwynne O’Neill

Getting Started as an Astrologer: A Series Introducing Arwynne O’Neill

001: Getting Started as an Astrologer: A Series Introducing Arwynne O’Neill

If you have ever wondered how people got started in astrology this series is for you.

Fireside chats around how each astrologer began their journey into the fabulous world of astrology. In this episode I chat with Arwynne O’Neill who is a research astrologer in Vancouver.



First book Linda Goodman’s Love Signs

Arwynne’s artworks

Arwynne’s Instagram @mspinkdotcom

Saturn Opposition Neptune Heavy Water

Arwynne’s astrology Holy Trinity (SC-VI-VI) = (-3) = Icy 💙

Read more about the Astrological Holy Trinity.


 (SC-VI-VI) = (-3) = Icy 💙

Episode 001: Transcript

Alison Price: Hi Starz, you’re listening to the Starzology Astrology Podcast with your host, Alison Price. In this episode, we’re going to be chatting with another astrologer and finding out their story about how they got into astrology. 

Please welcome Arwynne who is a research astrologer here in Vancouver and we’ve been a, we’ve been friends for quite a while, and we are very happy to have you here today.

Arwynne O’Neill: Thank you. It’s good to be here. 

Alison: Ah, it’s great having you. Our audience is interested to know how you started out in astrology and what was the first spark of interest that you had. 

Arwynne: Sure. Well, I actually grew up in a family of sort of casual astrologers in a way. My grandmother and my mother were both very just into astrology in a casual way.

I think both of them at some point did charts for, for friends and, and maybe for a living here and there. It was just part of the conversation as I was growing up. It was always like, oh, I just met this person. They’re a Virgo with Leo Rising, blah, blah, blah. It was always just, before you’d even know what the person looked like, oh, this person was a Virgo.

It was the first thing that you’d find out about somebody. My mother, still to this day, when I tell her about a new friend or a, a new, co-worker, she’s, she’s like, what sign are they? ? And if I don’t know, well, oh, well, why haven’t you asked? So it’s just part of the conversation, and it always has been in, in my, in my childhood, in my life, the first spark of.

Sort of external to my family was Absolutely, and it, this is funny. This is a call back to your first episode where you talked about Suns by Linda Goodman. Yeah. I mean, we’re giving Linda Goodman a lot of, airtime here, but it was Love Signs. I have to admit, I still have it. It’s on the shelf.

It’s a big red book. Linda Goodman’s website. Linda. Good. You have a hardback copy then with the No, it’s a paper bag, but it’s a massive tone. It doesn’t need to be a hardback. Yes, it’s got the bright lurid red cover. Yeah. Linda Goodman’s love science, and I was 12. I was all of 12 years old, and so everything was about love.

Everything was about like the one true love. Just all of the romantic movies, all the romantic stories, the, the fact that there’s Peter Pan quotes at the beginning of every chapter. Yes. Which are just so poignant and true for every sign combination. And I did my sign and my boyfriend at the time, and my mother and her husband, and everyone and all the celebrities I could think of who were couples. I would read their, their little, chapter and, and found so much meaning in it. And that is definitely what sparked my, my interest in astrology was being a, a pubescent Linda Goodman fan girl. Wow. Yeah. That is amazing. 

Alison: So, what you’re saying really is that you learned about astrology almost at the kitchen table in your own home.

Arwynne: It was, oh, absolutely. Just a matter of course, that astrology was part of your, your life as a, as a young girl. Absolutely. 

Alison: And were they interested in other new age topics as well, or was it mainly astrology? 

Arwynne: some, yeah. I mean, we had Tarot cards. We had crystals. We had, crystal necklaces and jewelry and things like that.

I mean, it was. Late seventies, early eighties, when I grew up. So there was a lot of that kind of stuff around and, and we were also like very much into science fiction and fantasy, like shows and movies. One of the things I remember vividly sitting around watching, watching Star Trek, the Next Generation with my mother and my stepfather. And we would like, figure out what their sun, moon, and rising signs were of all the characters. Oh, stop Trek, right? Yes. It’s just, just figuring out these, these fictional characters, like what, what signs are do they embody? Like, and I was watching the, the Picard show recently and I texted my mother and said, Picard is totally a Taurus with, Sagittarius rising in Moon in Aquarius and she was like, lol. Totally. 

So we’ve done this all our lives. Yeah. Yeah 

Alison: And then, when you got a bit older, did you take any formal lessons or did you just continue, self-learning? 

Arwynne: It was really just self-learning. I mean, and actually I took about probably a 20 year break almost between, the Linda Goodman love signs and, and doing anything semi-professional or, even social with it.

It was all just, I collected the information for myself. I would obviously find out what sign my friends. Boyfriends or, coworkers were, and just for my own benefit, like, yeah, sometimes they would be like, why do you wanna know what time I was born? And I’m like, just for me, like, don’t worry.

I’m not gonna, do your chart or anything. You’re like, whatever. Okay. And most of them wouldn’t have wanted me to. No. So it was just, my own curiosity so I could use the information to get along with them better. And yeah, it helped me. And occasionally they would ask,

Alison: But what was the, what was the catalyst then, like the 20 years later that that brought you back? Was there something that cropped up? 

Arwynne: Absolutely. I, well, I, I started asking my grandmother for book recommendations, and it’s funny because this is mid-nineties we had just gotten a computer, which is sounds so ridiculous. Yes. We had just gonna go a home computer.

Alison: And the neighbors came to look, right?

Arwynne: Well, no, it was, it was the internet. I mean, literally, I had the internet at work throughout the nineties and the, I think it was like 98 or something when I first got the internet at home. Right. It sounds ridiculous to say like imagine not having the internet at home. Like what?  but yeah, literally it was, it was just looking at websites and finding a bunch of astrology sites.

I mean, a bunch back then there were like, a handful of good ones. Yeah. was and still is. Amazing. Planet Waves I found, and Planet Waves was amazing because it was also political. And I remember the first thing that got me into it was, was rants about George W. Bush and the administration and the war in Iraq.

And, now we’re getting into the early two thousands. And his, his essays were, it was, it hit all kinds of different interests of mine. There was the astrology, but there was also politics. There was also social consciousness. And I, remember this one article that he had written where he said, well, okay, so Taurus, or sorry, Mars is going to Taurus and it’s gonna be retrograde.

And I looked at my chart and sure enough, I’ve got Mars and Taurus. And so he said,  if anyone out there wants to do some research into the history of Mars and Taurus retrograde, send me some, send me some events that have happened, like major events in, in the past. And I thought, well, that’s right up my alley.

So I wrote like three pages of research, just un, un . Whatever, and, and sent it in. And,  that sparked his interest. And so who, who is he? Oh, I’m, I’m so sorry. Eric Francis,  of Planet Waves. Eric Francis of Planet Waves. Yeah. And, and he wrote back to me right away, which was, it was kind of like getting, a spotlight from a celebrity.

And, and I wrote back to him and, and we started a sort of a correspondence and I ended up working,  for Planet Waves for like,  Doing research, writing articles. I, I traveled to Toronto to present at a conference on my Saturn Neptune opposition, article, which became a, a presentation. It was sort, kind of almost the cornerstone of, of the conference.

I mean, not to brag or whatever, but I was actually a little shocked because it was, Quite a, a prestigious conference, in its way. It was, it was kind of a small independent conference. Yeah. Not like these big, as they put it, Davos-style astrology conferences. Yes. With all the celebrities, but it was, it was, kind of a little bit of a big deal.

And, mine was one of the only presentations that didn’t have,  a competing event at the same time. And I didn’t know that until the day. And I was like, wow, there’s a lot of people signed up for this one. And they’re like, There’s nothing else going on at this time.  so I was incredibly nervous, but I, I did okay.

I basically just read my article, but I had a big, PowerPoint thing with all the,  all the photos of all these crazy events, and I basically went through the, the history of Saturn opposite Neptune in, in all these, previous cycles and, so I had like the,   like 1918. Spanish flu and all these different sort of epic water disasters that had happened, the Exxon Valdez.

Okay. And, and, and the, the flood of New Orleans in, in 2005. These all kind of happened like right on the dot of, of Saturn, Neptune oppositions. And it was like, heavy water was the name of the presentation that I did. It was like, heavy water, Saturn, Saturn, Neptune, amazing. And,  yeah.

So I had, I had like this huge slideshow with all these amazing photos and  it was a lot of. So that was, that was definitely the first sort of professional astrology thing that I was involved in. And Well, that’s, that sounds like it was an absolute, a spectacular entryway for you to Yeah to get it on a gig like that.

Yeah. back then. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So that was 2006 and,  yeah, that was the, that was the first sort of re-entry into astrology, publicly doing astrology. Yeah. 

Alison: Interesting. Now, what could you tell us about, what do you really love about astrology? What is it that really attract. To the art of astrology?

Arwynne: Well, I mean, for me it really is. It’s an art and a science, which is something that I love about it. I’m,  I am an artist as well, but I’m sort of more of a, a crafty artist than like a, a creative artist. I’m not to say that I’m not creative, but,  I sew. Okay. And I, but I sew from patterns. I don’t, I don’t have these visions of a garment that I need to, somehow create, I, I can, I can craft something impeccably as a Virgo nice.

But, but with a pattern, and I can modify patterns to make something exactly as I want it. But I, I’m not the person who has these visions of something that doesn’t exist, that needs to be pulled into creation, like a, like a, a Pisces or something. 

Alison: And. So do you see astrology as well as a creative artwork?

Arwynne: Really? I mean, it’s a creative, like the storytelling is, is the creative part for me. Yes. And so it’s taking all these elements which exist. They, they are mathematical, which, and, and I’m not a math fan. Yes. But what I, what I do love about it is the precision that you can find these exact dates, these exact cycles.

You can predict them way in advance thousands of years, project them back thousands of years and find these cycles that. And then find these historical correlations, because thank God for the internet, we can find all these, all these events. It, it takes very little research to, to say, show me all of the times that Pluto has been in Aquarius and then all of the, the major events that happened in those periods, and then compare them and say, oh my God, there’s, there’s actually, something in common with these things.

And wow, what can we learn about that? What. Due to predict something into the future. Right. And that’s what I’ve always loved about it was the, the precision and the, the practicality of it. The applicability of it to our lives and, and to, broader social and political and historical trends. 

Alison: Wow. So you’re, you like the, almost, let me say the overarching cycles that are running behind in the background, not just, oh, it’s a new moon and blah blah.

Arwynne: Absolutely. Okay. In fact, I barely ever know where the. It surprises me every month when I see that it’s full. And my boyfriend always says, how can you not know you’re an astrologer? How can, how can you not know when the Moon’s full? And I’m like, yeah, it’s not my thing. It’s not your thing. So it’s super interesting that, yeah, the moon’s not my thing.

Alison: No, it’s not your thing. So, how would you say that you actually are using astrology, today in, in your practice? 

Arwynne: It’s always something that I am aware of like when I’m watching Picard and I’m thinking, oh wow, he’s such a Taurus with Sagittarius rising in mooned, Aquarius, or what have you and I’m, I’m really fascinated with the broader cycles or the, the outer planets, where Pluto is, going into Aquarius and all of a sudden we’ve got chat GPT Yes. And self-driving cars. Yes. And. It’s crazy to me like how right on the date sometimes these things are. When, Uranus moved into, I believe it was Aries, Aries back in 2011 on the day the tsunami hits in, in Japan.

Tragic. It’s horrible, incredible, tragedy. But it’s, it’s these crazy events that you can kind. See the day sometimes. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. The corresponds with a movement of the outer planets and  and that’s the stuff that fascinates me. The, the generational cycles, but also like these major events that, that seem to correspond sometimes.

Yeah. So precisely. I mean, cuz we’re talking that Pluto just recently went into, Aquarius, what, two weeks ago? From, from today. And honestly, I too have now got into chatGPT and I. Whoa. Right.  Revolut, it’s transformed to revolutionize the actual,  the internet and the way we use computers. Very interesting indeed.

And it’s gonna be in, in Aquarius for the next 40 years. And what is that, what are the next 40 years gonna hold as far as ai? I mean, just that alone is a fascinating thought experiment. That’s a, yeah, that is definitely a topic for another day. I for sure, definitely explore that as well. 

Alison: So now Arwyenne, could you tell us a little bit about your chart just for our listeners to, get a bit of an understanding of, of your chart standouts, or which, parts of your chart do you feel are more prominent and are drivers for you?

Arwynne: Sure. Well I am a Virgo. I’ve sort of triple Virgo. I’ve got the Sun, the Moon and Mercury, conjunct in Virgo in the 10th house.  so that’s definitely like my personality for sure. Core personality, like everything in its place. I’m a writer, blah, blah, blah. but I also have Scorpio rising and Wow, that is probably, the most noticeable thing about me first front and center.

I, even at the age of like, Say 12. I was, I, I went through a, not goth, but I mean, I was wearing lipstick and, my hair always was a different color and, okay. Okay. So you presented yourself. I I was always being mistaken for like 16 or 17 when I was like 12 or 13. And honestly it was the eighties.

It was a different time. Yes, yes, I understand. it’s,  there was no bad parenting involved. My mother was actually a little horrified by, the attention that I got. She’d seen my chart. She, she knew the deal. just obviously I just Scorpio rising responsibly is all I have to say about that.

Alison: And so with Scorpio is rising like that, would you say that Pluto is more dominant or Mars in your chart? 

Arwynne: Honestly, it’s both really. It’s interesting because Mars is right on my descendant Mars and Taurus is literally conjunct my descendant and my partner is a scorp. And hilariously, his Sun is conjunct my rising, like within minutes his, he’s got two degrees or two, yeah, two degrees and like 11 minutes.

And my rising is two degrees, six minutes. So we couldn’t be more conjoined. And when we met it was, I hesitate to say love at first sight. Crazy. And yeah, it, we’ve just been inseparable literally ever since then. Amazing. 

Alison: And what about the Pluto? 

Arwynne: The Pluto, the Pluto? yeah. Pluto is in my 11th house, conjunct Venus, and those are in Libra. Okay. Very feminine there as well. They Okay. Like conjunct in Libra and Yeah. my relationships have always been life or death to me. I don’t. Casual relationships. I don’t understand casual friendships. it’s all in the 11th house. I, I don’t understand the point of being in a relationship where you wouldn’t kill or die for your partner.

Alison: Wow. Kill or be killed. 

Arwynne: Yes. Yeah, exactly. And, and luckily I’ve,  had, incredibly good fortune or whatever you wanna say to, to have partners who feel the same way. Me. Super intense. Yes. Yeah and I’ve been with my, current partner for 25 years now. 

Alison: So you need a medal for that one. 

Arwynne: Yeah.

Alison: So would you, so you said, didn’t you just say that Pluto is conjoined Venus, and how do you think that may be expressed? 

Arwynne: I was obsessed with Barbie from a very young age. and that’s a Venus thing, although lots of girls were, I did go through as, as I said, dancing maybe tiny goth phase. Yes. I just recently picked up,  burlesque and I also was,  I drew burlesque dancers for about 10 years.

In, we, we had this thing called, Dr. Sketchy’s, which is an art class. Bars that,  that just shut down because of Covid. Sadly, this is where all my art came from, from the last 10 years, is drawing these beautiful burlesque dancers who would,  would pose for three hours in bars. And,  and I met a lot of these burlesque dancers, who now wow, I have actually shared the stage with over the last year since I started doing this.  so this is amazing. And we’ll put a link to, we’ll put a link to some of your art, in the show notes as well. Sure, yeah. Yeah. So it’s, it’s super interesting that you’ve taken up this, expression of that Venus Yeah. Can join the Pluto. I think it’s actually hilarious. Also my grandmother in 1950s was a burlesque dancer briefly in really Hawaii. So it’s, it’s actually kind of a family. Funnily enough, she was a Sagittarius, but whatever. It’s, yeah, but I definitely do see that, Venus conjunct Pluto there. It’s, and it’s also the kind of, the, the owning your sexuality or owning that whole thing, whatever the empowerment sort of thing of it.

It’s, when my grandmother was doing it in the fifties, it was definitely not really about empowerment. It was, it was a little bit less, of a, of a thing back then, but I mean, from the pictures you’d never guess. you would just think, wow, she’s owning it. That’s amazing. what an icon.

 and it was a little but also too grittier back then, but, but yeah, now it’s just all women. It’s all, . Well there’s also trans women. There’s also, wonderful. male to female, female to male. Like it’s all shapes and sizes and, and the dogs. It’s true. Everything. Yeah. Exactly. And it’s a really amazing community and it’s a lot of fun.

It’s really cool. It’s quite an expression. Yeah. Quite a, a visual expression of those two entities coming together in the chart. Yeah. Super interesting. Yeah. And also, as you say, it’s in the 11th house, so that is, as you say, it’s a, a troupe. Like, so there’s community. The 11th house is all about your, your friends and your community and sort of your, your social your squad.

Alison: Squad.

Arwynne: Yeah, exactly. Squad goals. Yeah. 

Alison: Great. Now the next thing I just wanna have a chat with you about is, Very often, when people have in interviews and conversations on podcasts, they do this lightning round tea, coffee, cat or dog. But because we are astrologers, what, what I’m gonna be doing is what we are calling the Holy Trinity, and that is your Ascendant, Sun Moon in that order and, we are just going to have a quick chat about that. Could you tell us your Ascendant, Sun and Moon? 

Arwynne: Scorpio is Scorpio Rising Scorpio, descendant of Virgo Sun and Virgo Moon. So we are saying, Scorpio. Virgo. Virgo. Yeah. Which is super interesting because, I, I’ve, I’ve been looking into this, pattern of the polarities of the active and passive.

Alison: Mm-hmm, and, the combinations, and I think there’s only 16 (actually 8) combinations are, will link to the website, post about this. 

So in your particular case, it would be passive, passive, passive, which is a combinnation which actually expresses who you are for sure. 

Arwynne: Oh, yeah. In a very deep way. 

Alison: So it’s super interesting and I believe that, going forward or in the future doesn’t want to say going forward in the future.

I’d be interested to just ask those things about people’s charts. Yeah. Because I don’t think that’s giving too much away and it’s a great way to, tap into the astrology rather than the cat dog thing. Yeah or coffee tea beause nobody cares. But we wanna know what’s your Ascendant, Sun and Moon is.

And of course if you go to an astrology conference and you have that little tag on your shirt, it. A sentence on Moon. 

Arwynne: I wish people had to wear those everywhere. 

Alison: Yeah, and then you, you go up to the people who think, yeah, no, I’m not gonna talk to that one. Let me talk to this one. Because you can see what their signs are.

So that’s a super interesting thing. Yep. Exactly. So, Arwynne, if our listeners would like to see some of your artworks, is it okay if we put a link in the show notes?

Arwynne: Absolutely.

Alison: Where they can see the type of work you’re doing? 

Arwynne: Absolutely. That would be great. 

Alison: Lovely. Well, thank you very much for being here with us today it’s been a pleasure as always. 

Arwynne: Thank you. It’s been wonderful to be here. Thank you.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

Starzology Astrology Podcast

Starzology Astrology Podcast

Starzology Astrology Podcast


Podcasting a brand new venture for Starzology. We launched in April 2023 and you can check out our start chart here. We are not sure how this podcast will unfold, but with your help and support we believe great things can happen. I have particular interests in astrology mainly helping people get better at readings and polishing their interpretations. I am also keenly interested in how different practitioners use astrology in their lives as most astrologers don’t just do natal consultations, although that is where most astrologers start



Full Episode List

Below is the full list for all the episodes we have published so far. You are invited to start at the beginning or dip in and out to pick and choose the topics which truly interest you. Alison hosts all the shows and Arwynne pops in to share her special interests with you.




Alison and Arwynne at a post recording dinner in Vancouver


Where to Find Us

We are hosted with Buzzsprout and are live on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and all other major podcasting sites.  

Start Here: Intro Episode

In this episode Alison shares her view on Aspiring Astrologers and explains more about the type of content you can expect here on the Starzology Astrology Podcast. Alison shares how she got into the fascinating world of astrology, and discusses the first astrology book she bought. You get to hear about her first astrology teacher and the initial classes she took to achieve her astrology diploma.  


We hope to bring you in each episode candid conversations with experienced astrologers, who share their insights and experiences with you, our listeners. From the challenges of building a successful astrology practice to the joys of interpreting a chart, we will eventually cover it all. Our guests also provide tips and advice on how to incorporate astrology into your own life, whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just starting out.


Astrologer Interviews

Join us as we delve into the personal and professional lives of astrologers from around the world. We discuss their journeys into the field, their daily routines, and their thoughts on the current state of astrology.


Astrology Events

In addition to our guest interviews, we also offer information on the latest astrological events and phenomena, as well as practical advice on how to apply astrology to your daily routine. We cover everything from horoscopes and birth charts to astrology in the media and popular culture.



Whether you’re a seasoned astrologer or just curious about this fascinating field, The Starzology Astrology Podcast is the perfect podcast for you. Join us as we explore the mysteries of the cosmos and the intricacies of the astrologer’s life.


Start Your Own Podcast

If you are interested in starting your own podcast we recommend Buzzsprout. You can get $20 off my using our affiliate link below.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

Solstice Turning Points

Solstice Turning Points

Gain insights on the symbolism of the Solar cycles, and focus on the solstices. Let’s explore the significance behind these celestial events and delve into the meaning they hold.

Vocational Astrology

Vocational Astrology


While the terms “job,” “career” and “vocation” are often used interchangeably, they have slightly different meanings. In your birth chart the three are indicated by different components as well.

Finding your vocation is not a one-time event but a continuous process of self-discovery and growth. With patience, perseverance, and an open mind, you can discover a path that aligns with your values, interests, and skills, and find fulfillment and purpose in your work.


A job is typically a specific task or series of tasks that a person performs in exchange for compensation. It is often temporary or short-term and may not require a high level of skill or training.

For example, a part-time job at a retail store, a summer internship, or a freelance project can be considered a job. People may have multiple jobs throughout their lives and may not have a specific career path in mind.

In your birth chart your job is shown by your sixth house complex.


A career refers to a series of jobs or positions that an individual holds over the course of their working life. Careers are often associated with a specific profession or field and are generally viewed to achieve financial stability and success. While some people may feel a strong sense of vocation towards their chosen career, others may view it as simply a means to an end.

A career is a long-term profession chosen and developed over time. It requires a higher level of education, skill, and training and often involves a clear pathway for advancement and growth. Careers are typically more stable and provide a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

For example, becoming a doctor, lawyer, engineer, or teacher can be considered a career. People may have one or multiple careers throughout their lives and may work for different employers in the same field.

In your birth chart your career is shown by your Midheaven, tenth house complex and sometimes by Saturn.


A vocation is a calling or a sense of purpose that drives an individual towards a particular type of work. It’s often considered a deep-seated passion or a natural inclination towards a certain profession or field.

Vocations are typically associated with personal fulfillment and a sense of meaning and purpose in life. People with a strong vocational calling often feel a sense of satisfaction and joy from their work, even if it’s not financially rewarding.

In your birth chart your vocation is shown by your Oriental Planet complex.

Different but Similar

While a job, vocation and career are different concepts, they can overlap in certain situations.

For example, a person who feels a strong vocational calling towards teaching may choose to pursue a career as a teacher. In this case, their career and vocation align, allowing them to find both personal fulfillment and financial success in their work. This is shown by the complexities in your unique birth chart.


Ultimately, the difference between job, vocation and career lies in the motivation and purpose behind the work. While all can lead to professional success, a vocation is driven by a deeper sense of purpose and personal fulfillment, while a job or career is generally focused on financial stability and advancement within a particular field.

Vocational Astrology

Here are a few articles about finding work in general using astrology.

All these posts are a part of my 🩵 Vocational Astrology topics.

Vocational Podcast Episodes

Below are some of our most popular vocational astrology podcast episodes. Click to listen.

How to Find Your Vocation

Finding your vocation in life can be a challenging but rewarding journey. A vocation is a strong sense of calling or purpose in life, where your talents and interests align with a meaningful and fulfilling occupation.

Here are some steps you can take to find your vocation:


Start by asking yourself questions about your values, interests, and skills. Reflect on what you enjoy doing, what you are good at, and what you care about. Think about how you want to contribute to the world and what kind of impact you want to make.

Explore Different Options

Research and explore different career paths that align with your interests and skills. Consider talking to people who work in those fields to gain insight into what their day-to-day work entails. Attend career fairs, take courses, and volunteer to gain hands-on experience and exposure.


Take risks and try new things to discover your strengths and limitations. Take on new challenges and opportunities that can help you build your skills and confidence and to learn about your strengths and limitations. Consider internships, part-time jobs, or freelance work to gain experience and exposure.

Seek Guidance

Consider seeking guidance from your astrologer, mentor, career coach, or counselor. They can provide you with valuable advice, feedback, and support as you navigate your journey towards finding your vocation.

Stay Open and Flexible

Keep an open mind and stay flexible as you explore different paths. Be willing to pivot and adjust your goals as you gain new insights and experiences.

Identify Your Passions

Start by making a list of things that excite and inspire you. Consider your hobbies, interests, and any activities that you enjoy doing in your free time. Identifying your passions is a process of self-discovery and exploration.

Pay Attention to Your Emotions

Pay attention to the activities that make you feel happy, energized, and fulfilled. These can be good indicators of your passions.

Think Back to Your Childhood

Consider the activities that you enjoyed doing as a child. Did you have any hobbies or interests that you were particularly passionate about?

Consider Your Values

Think about what is important to you and what you believe in. What kind of causes or issues do you feel strongly about?

Try New Things

Be open to trying new things and stepping outside of your comfort zone. This can help you discover new passions and interests.

Take a Personality Test

Consider taking a personality test that can help you identify your strengths and interests. This can be a good starting point for discovering your passions.

Keep a Journal

Write down your thoughts and feelings about different activities that you try. This can help you identify which ones bring you the most joy and fulfillment.

Pay Attention to your Energy Levels

Notice which activities give you energy and which ones drain you. Activities that give you energy are more likely to be aligned with your passions.

Contemplate Your Talents

Think about the skills and talents that come naturally to you. What do you excel at? These can be good indicators of your passions.

Talk to People

Talk to friends, family, and colleagues about their interests. This can help you discover new ideas and perspectives.

Follow Your Curiosity

Be curious about the world around you and explore different topics. You never know where your passions may lie.

Consider Your Skills

Think about the skills you have developed throughout your life, both through formal education and work experience. Consider what comes naturally to you and what you excel at.

Explore Different Vocations

Research and learn about different careers that interest you. Read articles, attend career fairs, and talk to people who work in those fields.


Volunteer in areas that interest you to gain hands-on experience and exposure to different types of work.

Take Courses

Take courses in areas that interest you to gain knowledge and skills that can help you in your career.

Take a Vocational Class

If you are an Aspiring Astrologer you can sign up for a private vocational astrology class.

Next Steps

A Vocational Consultation

When you are ready to invest in yourself consider booking an astrological vocational consultation with me.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Podcasting and Joe Rogan’s Birth Chart

Podcasting and Joe Rogan’s Birth Chart

Author: Alison Price   -   Published: March 2025 Podcasting In our latest Starzology Astrology podcast episode, Arwynne and I look at the astrology of podcasting. We also look at the natal chart of contemporary podcaster Joe Rogan. Podcasting Planet We discuss the...

Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year

As a Western astrologer, it’s valuable to have a basic understanding of other zodiac systems, such as the Chinese Lunar New Year and its animal symbolism.

Advanced Natal Astrology

Advanced Natal Astrology

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: March 2023

Advanced Natal Chart Readings

Advanced natal astrology involves a more detailed analysis of a birth chart than a basic chart reading will.

When reading a birth chart, advanced practitioners use sophisticated techniques to unearth deeper insights in birth charts.

As an advanced astrologer, you can refine your ability to interpret charts with precision and depth.

By using advanced techniques, you will enrich your readings and give your clients a comprehensive perspective on their life paths.

Through continuous practice and study, you as an aspiring astrologer, can refine your skills as you hone your craft.

Then you can give insightful and polished readings which resonate profoundly with the people who seek your guidance and understanding.



Advanced Podcast Episodes

I don’t want you to miss out, so below are some of our most popular advanced natal astrology topic podcast episodes.

The Most Elevated Planet

Most Elevated Planet: Your most elevated planet its meaning and how to find it.


Lunar Phases

Understanding the 8 Lunar Phases and what the phase means in a chart.


Gauquelin Sectors

Gaquelin Sectors: Learn about the two main Gaquelin sectors and their importance.


Planetary Motion

How Planets Move: Learn about Kepler’s 2nd law of planetary motion and how it affects your chart readings.


Morning Planets

Morning Planets: Discover the morning planet for perception and vocation.


Essential Dignities

Essential Dignities: Explore the weights of the planets through essential dignity, including term and face.

The Part of Fortune

Find out about the Part of Fortune and how to calculate it. Consider its complex and what your chart says about your fortune in life.

Lunar Nodes

Learn about the lunar nodes and their complexes.

Dispositor Trees

Discover how to draw a dispositor tree. Explore your own dispositor tree. Learn about the 3 positions a planets may have in a dispositor tree and the 5  types of dispositor trees. 

Fibonacci Aspects

Learn about the Fibonacci aspect set, the select aspects in it and why only these natural aspects matter.

Synodic Cycles

Explore the many ongoing synodic cycles and which ones affect you.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year

As a Western astrologer, it’s valuable to have a basic understanding of other zodiac systems, such as the Chinese Lunar New Year and its animal symbolism.

Astrology Coaching

Astrology Coaching

Learn Astrology with Private Coaching

One-on-One Coaching

If you find yourself intrigued by the prospect of deepening your knowledge of astrology, considering astrology coaching could be a rewarding step.




For Aspiring Astrologers

This astrological coaching is for Aspiring Astrologers.

I extend my services to cater to individuals at various levels of expertise. Whether you are just starting your astrological journey, navigating the intermediate terrain, or seeking advanced insights, the coaching is tailored to meet you where you are on this continuum.

One of the unique aspects of my coaching services is the personalized approach. For beginners, the focus is on laying a strong foundation, ensuring a clear understanding of the fundamental principles. Intermediate learners can expect a more nuanced exploration, delving into complexities and broadening their interpretative skills. Advanced astrologers benefit from targeted sessions that refine their expertise, offering insights into advanced techniques and applications.

Moreover, beyond the realm of individual coaching, I extend guidance to those who aspire to establish their presence in the field of astrology. If you harbor ambitions of cultivating your own astrology practice, I provide valuable insights and strategic advice. From understanding the intricacies of client interactions to marketing your services effectively, my coaching encompasses the holistic journey of not just learning astrology but also applying it in a professional setting.

In essence, astrology coaching with me is a dynamic and multifaceted experience. It’s about more than just learning the technicalities of astrology; it’s a personalized journey that aligns with your specific needs and aspirations. Whether you’re a novice, an intermediate learner, or an advanced practitioner, the coaching is designed to elevate your understanding and empower you to navigate the fascinating world of astrology. If establishing yourself in the field is part of your vision, rest assured that my coaching extends beyond theory to practical insights that can shape a successful career in astrology.


Astrology Consultation

If you want a full-blown astrological consultation (and not coaching) check out the details on the link below.



10 Benefits of Astrology Coaching

Discover the myriad advantages awaiting you when you embark on the transformative journey of astrology coaching with Alison Price. This personalized coaching experience is designed to elevate not just your understanding of astrology but various aspects of your life. Here are ten profound benefits that await you:


1. Enhanced Understanding

Astrology coaching deepens your comprehension of astrological concepts, making it easier to interpret birth charts and planetary influences.


2. Personalized Guidance

Through astrology coaching, Alison Price provides personalized insights tailored to your unique birth chart. This guidance helps you better understand yourself and navigate life’s challenges.

An astrology coach can provide individualized support, addressing your specific questions and concerns about your astrological journey.


3. Structured Learning

Engaging in coaching sessions with Alison provides a well-organized learning journey, ensuring that you explore crucial topics in a logical and systematic sequence


4. Mentorship

Being guided by a mentor in astrology coaching allows you to glean knowledge from an experienced practitioner, gaining valuable wisdom and insights.


5. Confidence Boost

Participating in coaching enhances your confidence in interpreting charts and making astrological predictions, fostering trust in your developed skills.


6. Practical Application

You will acquire the skills to apply astrology practically, whether it’s for personal growth, relationships, or pursuing a career as a professional astrologer.


7. Avoiding Mistakes

Engaging in coaching with Alison can assist you in steering clear of typical pitfalls and errors that beginners frequently encounter, ultimately saving you time and preventing frustration.


8. Customized Strategies

Alison can assist you in developing your unique astrological approach and style, tailored to your strengths and interests.


9. Networking Opportunities

Through astrology coaching with Alison, you can connect with a community of like-minded individuals, fostering valuable connections.


10. Business Guidance

If you aspire to turn your astrology knowledge into a business, Alison can help you set up and market your practice.








What Others Are Saying

Coaching Testimonial

I absolutely LOVED looking at the birth chart for my business and the way Alison helped me look at the placements and the way that they would translate. Having this knowledge and understanding on the front end of starting my business is going to give me such a strong foundation.

Additionally, she helped me weed out the things that maybe AREN’T as relevant which brought the picture even more into focus. I’m so grateful to have crossed paths with Alison and enjoyed connecting with her so much and will absolutely use what I learned in our session in building and growing my business.

– Susannah, Knoxville, TN

The Takeaway

Embarking on astrology coaching with Alison ensures a structured and personalized learning journey, fostering not only knowledge but also a heightened sense of confidence. Through tailored guidance, you develop practical skills that extend beyond theory.

Moreover, this coaching experience doesn’t operate in isolation; it connects you with a supportive community. This network becomes a valuable resource, offering insights, shared experiences, and encouragement as you navigate your astrological journey. The sense of belonging to a community passionate about the same subject enhances the overall learning experience.

For those with aspirations beyond personal enrichment, Alison’s coaching is a gateway to a potential astrology career. The guidance provided is not just about understanding celestial patterns; it extends to practical applications, ensuring you are well-prepared for the professional realm. Alison can illuminate the path, helping you navigate the intricacies of a career in astrology, turning your passion into a fulfilling vocation.

In essence, astrology coaching with Alison is a multifaceted opportunity. It’s about more than just learning; it’s about growing, connecting, and, if you choose, pursuing a fulfilling career in the realm of astrology.


Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison specializes in guiding Aspiring Astrologers. Her aim is to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

To learn more about Alison’s journey, visit this page.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Venus Retrograde 2025

Venus Retrograde 2025

Author: Alison Price   -   Published: March 2025 Venus Retrograde 2025 Mark your calendars, as the the love and money planet Venus is going retrograde and this is set to begin on March 2, 2025 and will continue until April 13, 2025, from Aries to 24° Pisces. This...

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Pluto in Aquarius

Pluto in Aquarius

Author: Alison Price   –   Originally published: January 2023   –   Revised: January 2024

Pluto in Aquarius

Astrological News for 2024

The biggest Astrological update for the year 2023 is that the dwarf planet Pluto, ruler of Scorpio, will leave cardinal earth Capricorn and enter the new sign of fixed air sign Aquarius the Water Bearer.

This is huge and will affect everyone for many years to come.

When an outer planet (Uranus, Neptune of Pluto) shifts signs it changes the background energy for all charts and horoscope work.

Pluto’s Orbit

Pluto’s Time Scale

Pluto takes around 240 years to go around the Zodiac, so it was back in. 1798 when Pluto last left the sign of the Water Bearer.

Because Pluto takes so long to transit through each sign, we generally have twenty to thirty years of one Pluto influence by sign.

The Pluto in Capricorn influence is beginning to fade.

Listen to podcast >>> Pluto in Aquarius

Pluto in Aquarius Fireside Chat – Video

In this video, I chat with my good friend and research astrologer Arwynne O’Neill about the Pluto Aquarius ingress. You can see Arwynne’s mini bio and contact details at the end of this post.

Planets in Transit

The book which Arwynne references in the above video is Planets in Transit by Robert Hand. This is truly the forecasting astrologer’s bible. Highly recommended ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ And if you look closely at the banner at the top of this screen, Robert Hand has been a favorite author of mine and his books have been on my bookshelf for many years.

Pluto in Aquarius – Three Ingresses

First Ingress

For the first time in living memory, Pluto initially ingressed, or entered, Aquarius on March 23, 2023. Pluto then retrogrades back into Capricorn on June 12, 2023, where it remains for around six months.

Second Ingress

Next Pluto enters Aquarius for the second time on January 21st, 2024 to remain for four months. Then it again retrogrades back into Capricorn.

Third Ingress

Pluto finally moves into Aquarius on November 19th, 2024 to stay for a long time. From this point onwards Pluto will transit Aquarius for nineteen years until it leaves to enter Pisces on March 9, 2043. This means that Pluto will be in Aquarius for around twenty years give or take a whisker.

Explore more >>> The Leo Creator Economy in the Age of Aquarius

Explore more >>> Pluto

Pluto’s Symbolism


The concept of power, and personal power is a theme for Pluto. Where you have personal power, or you give it away is shown by the Pluto placement in your chart. As Pluto transits through Aquarius, it will trigger power issues, power plays and power imbalances, particularly between the sexes, in life.


The main symbolism I use for Pluto is when a boring, green, nondescript caterpillar stuck on one tree, turns into a fabulous, colorful and delicate butterfly, which can fly away and mate. Pluto is the transformational planet in astrology as it changes or metamorphoses everything it touches.


The cycle of birth, life and death is attributed to Pluto. We all are born, will live and eventually die and this ongoing life cycle is ruled by Pluto. This concept can also be applied to self-regeneration and making yourself over like you, but 2.0. Pluto’s ability to birth a vibrant phoenix from the ashes is a powerful image for this process. Every time you do a makeover, or change yourself inside or outside, consciously, it is under the influence of Pluto’s regenerative energy.

Aquarius’ Themes


Aquarius has an affinity with society and the faceless people in general. This means Aquarius pertains to the resources that should be for everyone like water, food and shelter. You can go one step further and say health care and prosperity options.

The Collective

It is concerned with the collective and humanity in general. This is not a sign worried with selfish egos.


Aquarius is the sign associated with stamping out discrimination in all forms. Human rights, women’s rights, children’s rights and all other “rights” are the remit of Aquarius. Freedom of speech as the core tenant of democracy is a feature of Aquarius.

Pluto in Aquarius Themes

As Pluto begins to transit through Aquarius, we can anticipate themes of transformation in several areas.

Social Reform

We can expect major and deeply effective social reforms for everyone. This may play out as protests and riots in the streets of first world countries to raise awareness of exactly what goes on in the rest of the world. The entitlement bubble that many people live in will be truly popped, and reality will come knocking at everyone’s door.

Gender Realignment

We can anticipate full gender realignment and acceptance throughout the world. This will not be without its challenges.

Burial Practices

There is likely to be a reform in burial practices and how we honor the dead. It is not easy to predict just how this area may change as I do not know that much about it in general. I would postulate that the huge cost for funerals and cremations will be addressed so everyone can have the send-off they desire.

Pluto in Aquarius for All Ascendants

Below is a list of how the Pluto in Aquarius Transit will probably affect each Ascendant sign. If you know your Ascendant sign, read that. If not, you can read the Sun sign and ask yourself when you are going to get to grips with astrology, get your chart cast and discover your Ascendant sign which is arguably the most sensitive point in your birth chart?

Explore more >>> Ascendants

Pluto in Aquarius for Aries Ascendants


You can anticipate finding deeper friendships and acquaintances who turn into life-long friends during this time.

Social Consciousness

There is the likelihood that you will develop a social conscious if you don’t really have one, or you extend your involvement in social issues which affect humanity.

Group Involvement

Anticipate more involvement in groups or causes close to your heart.

Pluto in Aquarius for Taurus Ascendants


This ingress will probably allow you to dig deeper into your career and what it is you truly should be doing with your life. If you are in politics, you can expect some support from the silent majority now.

Public Domain

Everything you do in the public domain will be scrutinized, so make sure your social profiles are squeaky clean or they may come to haunt you later.


Your reputation can be rejuvenated now. If you are in the need of a resurrection in some form this period will grant you the chance to show up as your authentic self.

Pluto in Aquarius for Gemini Ascendants


Now you can explore your visions and discover your inner strengths.


This is a great time to replan your life path and ensure you are living the life you want and aspire to and not one wanted for you by your parents, partner or other people.

Higher Education

If you are thinking about taking some higher education the loose fields of surgery, psychology or waste removal may appeal.

Pluto in Aquarius for Cancer Ascendants


This will be the period in your life when you can connect intimately with someone special.


Pluto will provide you the power to overcome any debt, like credit card debt which may be burying you already. If you get an offer for financial help now, take it.


Be scrupulous with your taxes as this is likely to be the time when you go under the microscope and get an audit.

Pluto in Aquarius for Leo Ascendants


Marriage and your main committed relationships will be of primary importance for you now. You are likely to connect with someone who will transform your life.

Business Collaborations

Choose wisely and do as much background checking as you can before taking on a business partner or getting into a financial relationship with someone else. It may be best to avoid all such arrangements unless you are totally convinced of their viability.

Other People

Your relationship with other people may take on a deeper note now. It could be that you emphasise with people in the street or become embroiled in their lives in some way. There is the feeling about the Good Samaritan about this placement.

Pluto in Aquarius for Virgo Ascendants

Day-to-Day Activities

This is the time to plunge into your daily activities and live life to the full.


Take good care of your health and don’t ignore any little niggles now. You may be called upon to donate or receive a donation from someone else.


The areas of life that will interest you now are all related to Pluto. Such as uncovering hidden facts or researching at an archaeological dig for example.

Pluto in Aquarius for Libra Ascendants

Risk Appetite

Now your appetite for risk could go either way. You may decide it’s all or nothing or abstain completely.


This is a time in your life when children will profoundly change you.

Projects You Birth

Now you can give birth to projects that truly mean something to you. As obscure as they may be, now is the moment to put your plans out there.

Pluto in Aquarius for Scorpio Ascendants

Life Foundations

Now is the time to rewrite your history or backstory if it is not doing you any favors. If your background is holding you back then refresh it like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

Family Dynamics

Anticipate people coming and going from your family. Your family will look very different at the end of this period to what it looks like now.

Home Life

Your home life will receive a transformation.

Pluto in Aquarius for Sagittarius Ascendants

Self-improvement Short Courses

Take the time to delve into many area that interest you. You will soak up information now. Research will appeal to you as well.

Siblings and Cousins

Connections with siblings and cousins many take a turn. You can bring your powerful energy to the situations to save a fraught relationship with these people.

Local Area

How you exist in your neighborhood and with local people like teachers, neighbors and local people will undergo a revolution now. Be wary of starting a neighborhood issue and remember that good fences make good neighbors. Avoid confrontation with locals at all costs.

Pluto in Aquarius for Capricorn Ascendants

Money Earned

For Capricorn Ascendants, Pluto enters your life area concerned with net worth. This covers money you earn and more importantly the money you keep. Expect to find new ways of earning and keeping your cash and also digging up buried income streams that you may have ignored in the past.


Your own impression of yourself through your self-worth will be transformed when Pluto energizes this sector of your chart. This indicates there will be a recalibration of how you see your value in life and the lives of others. You can anticipate a shift of perspective in this area now.


What, and whom, you value will be converted as Pluto moves through this area of life for you.

Pluto in Aquarius for Aquarius Ascendants


At some point in the next twenty years Pluto will directly conjoin you natal Sun. This will be the most dynamic, life-changing transit that you have ever experienced. For some people there will be multiple contacts from Pluto to their natal Sun.


How you see yourself will change. Deep down you know who you are and during this period the true you will stand up and be counted.

Physical Body

Anticipate being thoroughly altered both physically and visually now. This could be by losing weight, getting fit, having a style make-over or attaining a personal color analyst, so you can present yourself in a particular way, which is more in line with your authentic self.

Pluto in Aquarius for Pisces Ascendants

Private Place

For Pisces ascendants Pluto will transform your private life. This could present as more “me time” or down time to recharge your batteries. Having a retreat will be the best way for you to navigate this powerful cosmic energy. Plan at least one retreat or weekend away every year.

Psychological Burnout

Watch out for psychological burnout by giving too much of your life-force to others. Be mindful of sacrificing yourself at the altar of other people’s whims and needs. Know that you cannot save the world. Be aware of stepping into the role of savior or enabler for family and friends. Awareness of your default attitudes and responses, ingrained or buried over many years, will help you now.

Lifelong Health

Pay attention to every health issue that comes up. Do not hesitate to get a proper diagnosis as soon as possible. Pay attention to people around you who say they see changes in you which you have not yet noticed. Be aware and all will be well.

Final Thoughts

Multiple Manifestations

Over the next twenty years as Pluto will be in Aquarius, obviously many things will happen. There will be multiple manifestations of the Plutonic energy expressed in an Aquarian manner and through the lens of your own Ascendant and birth chart. 

I have provided some ideas here, usually three per Ascendant sign, to whet your appetite. As I share with you some bite-sized chunks of astrology my hope is that it will give you something to ponder and encourage you to explore this interesting topic further.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

Author Bio

Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer

Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.

Arwynne’s artworks

Arwynne’s Instagram @mspinkdotcom


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Wheel of the Year

My Yule page is an acknowledgement of the Wheel of the Year as the Sun enters Capricorn on December 21 we are at the solstice.

I have the symbol for Yule in the top left and on the top right has an oakleaf to symbolize the movement from the Holly King to the Oak King which happens on Yule.

Yule and the solstice is the actual beginning of the Wheel of the Year.


Yule Log

It’s the dead of winter. In my drawing that I have a yule log burning in the fire.

The idea is that you get one long big tree which is your you’ll log and you stick the fat and into the fireplace and you liked it on December 21 and as it slowly burns you push the tree into the great and I delete should be in for at least 12 days.

Dark to Light

Yule is a time where we are symbolizing the shift from the dark and we start to slowly move into the light.

This time of the year is symbolized by candles the fire and brightness.


December 21st is the shortest day of the year it is also known as the Roman festival of Saturnalia.

Saturn rules Capricorn so it all fits in quite neatly.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Artists Charts: Venus and Neptune

Author: Alison Price   -   Updated: March 2025 Artists Charts I'm not just an astrologer, but I consider myself as a hobby artist and crafter as well. Being creative and expressing yourself (and myself) through art is a great interest of mine.   Art in a Chart When I...

Aspect Orbs

Aspect Orbs

Aspect Orbs

In astrology, aspect orbs play a significant role in interpreting the relationships between celestial bodies in a birth chart. These orbs are essentially a range of degrees within which an aspect between two planets or points is considered to be effective. Understanding aspect orbs is crucial for a more nuanced interpretation of an individual’s astrological profile.

Each planetary aspect has its own specific orb range. The orbs influence how strong or weak the connection between two planets or points is.

The most common aspects include conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, and oppositions. Let’s delve into each of these and explore the importance of aspect orbs.



Standard Aspect Orbs

To start with use these orbs. They are the standard aspect orbs I use..

Astrologers debate aspect orbs as a matter of course and it is one of the constant topics for discussion (along with houses systems) when astrologers get together.

Ultimately every astrologer finds the orbs that best resonate with their type of astrology, research or work.

But in the meantime…

Aspects of Longitude

  • Conjunction  0° – orb 8°
  • Square 90° – orb 8°
  • Trine 120° – orb 8°
  • Opposition 180° – orb 8°
  • Sextile  60° – orb 4°
  • Semi-sextile  30° – orb 2°; Quincunx  150° – orb 2°
  • Semi-square 45° – orb 2°; Sesquiquadrate 135° – orb 2°
  • Quintile 72° – orb 2°; Bi-quintile 144° – orb 2°


Explore more >>> Conjunction Aspect

Explore more >>> Opposition Aspect

Aspects of Declination

  • Parallel – orb 1°
  • Contraparallel – orb 1°



Forecasting Aspect Orbs

For transits and secondary progressions use an orb of 1° applying and separating.

As you become more experienced you can tighten this orb down to 30′ coming and going.


Explore more >>> Why Transits are Different for Everyone


Note for Solar Fire users

If you have Solar Fire you will need to set up these aspect details as an Aspect set and save the settings.



Read more >>> Aspects applying and separating

Read more >>> Fibonacci aspects

Read more >>> Aspects

Polish Your Readings

It’s important to note that while these orb ranges provide a general guideline, individual preferences among astrologers may vary. Some astrologers may use smaller orbs for a more precise analysis, while others may prefer larger orbs for a broader perspective.

As a professional astrologer, your creative and upbeat approach can bring a unique flavor to the interpretation of aspect orbs. Consider the orbs as the varying degrees of a musical scale, with each aspect creating a distinct chord in the symphony of an individual’s life.

Mindfulness in considering the orbs allows for a more compassionate and holistic understanding of the complexities within a birth chart.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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Starzology Astrology Podcast

Starzology Astrology Podcast

Join us for calm astrology themed fireside chats. We have conversations around transits, ingresses, retrogrades and lunations on the Starzology Astrology Podcast.

Saturn in Pisces: Limiting Beliefs

Saturn in Pisces: Limiting Beliefs

Saturn in Pisces

How Saturn’s Energy in Pisces will Manifest

The two-and-a-half-year transit of Saturn through Pisces from 2023 to 2025 will affect all Pisces folks as Saturn draws close and makes a conjunction to your natal Sun.

If will also affect anyone with other planets in Pisces or those people with a Pisces Ascendant or Pisces Midheaven.

To a lesser extent this dynamic energy shift will affect people with chart points, like the North or South Node, the Vertex or the Part of Fortune, in Pisces.

Saturn Transit Position

Only as Saturn moves to within 1°, both applying and separating to your Sun, planets or chart points in Pisces will there be a focus affect for you.

In general, it is not a two-and-a-half-year effect to your natal chart.

Transiting Saturn Conjoins North Node in Pisces

Listen to our podcast about transiting Saturn conjoining the North Node in Pisces in a guest chart.

Arwynne discusses the chart of her guest Sionnaine and how transiting Saturn stimulating her North Node in Pisces has unfolded in her life.

Saturn in Pisces: Video

Watch the video below where I chat with intergrative astrologer Christine Linwood about the transit of Saturn through Pisces.

Saturn in Pisces and Your Sun Sign

Saturn Aspects to Your Sun – Time Frame

While Saturn is in Pisces it will aspect every Sun sign and this will be different depending on the aspect being formed.

Some aspects are easy, some are challenging and some are neither.

Additionally, as Saturn moves quite slowly, its influence will only come into play when Saturn gets to be within one degree of the perfection of the aspect to your Sun.

Virgo Sun signs

Will receive an opposition from Saturn to your Sun which will probably present as authority figure like your parents, your boss or the government restricting your activities somehow.

Gemini and Sagittarius Sun Signs

Gemini and Sagittarians will receive squares to their natal Sun from Saturn. Squares usually show up as internal struggles with yourself. You may be stopped in your tracks as your make judgements about how you should move forward. Use this time to carefully consider and take your time. There is no rush where Saturn is concerned.

Cancer and Scorpio Sun Signs

The two water signs of Cancer and Scorpio will receive positive energy from Saturn as it make a trine to your Sun signs.

This is likely to present as mastering something in your life.

Aries and Aquarius Sun Signs

The two adjacent signs to Pisces, Aries and Aquarius, may not see much energy either up or down as Saturn moves through Pisces because Saturn will make a semi-sextile to your Sun position.

Leo and Libra Sun Signs

For Leo and Libra, this transit will probably manifest as many adjustments having to be made as Saturn make the irritating quincunx aspect to your Sun position.

Saturn in Pisces in 2023

During 2023 Saturn will only cover the first seven degrees of Pisces. This will specifically affect people born between the 19th and the 26th of February in any given year. These people will receive a triple conjunction from Saturn to their Sun in 2023.

As Saturn retrogrades in the early part of 2023 it brings a higher concentration of its energy to certain parts of the sign and particularly the first quarter or initial seven degrees of Pisces.

Saturn in Pisces What to Expect

Relaxing Laws into Guidelines

The very nature of Pisces is to water down and dilute things like stringent laws that have been in place for years.

Saturn is the planet that rules the government and the establishment so while it is in Pisces strictures will loosen.

Saturn in Pisces for All Signs

If you know your Ascendant sign then read that sign or if not, then read your Sun sign.

Saturn in Pisces for Aries

Saturn enters your private area suggesting you may be alone more. It will be easier to live in isolation and spend your time unaccompanied with your thoughts. You would do well to go on a retreat and spend some time secluded in some way. The lure of bright lights will fade a little for you during this period.

This is the time to look inwards and spend time on self-improvement.

Saturn in Pisces for Taurus

Saturn enters your friendship area suggesting you need to hang with others and find some groups with interests like yours.  It is always easier to meet people when you have a common hobby.

Perhaps activities like photography, hiking, cooking or gardening would appeal to you now. You will benefit from associations with individuals like yourself and those who challenge you in some way. You may decide to volunteer at a food bank or soup kitchen to help your fellow man or woman.

Saturn in Pisces for Gemini

This period will probably be a huge boost for your career as Saturn is the natural ruler of the Midheaven and so your tenth house of career and public life.

Your reputation will be cemented now and you may want to spruce things up a little and remove any juvenile photos, expressions or unsuitable comments that detract from the impression you are trying to project.

You will want to be taken seriously now and you may be attracted to politics, the government or other similar avenues.

Saturn in Pisces for Cancer

Saturn enters your vision area which suggests you are likely to cement your life path and where you are going.

Saturn brings form and structure to solidify what it touches, so in your life-goals and life-path zone you can anticipate some firm commitments with yourself and clarity on what you are doing with your life.

You can also expect to take a few courses or some further career training in preparation for the following years when Saturn stimulates your career sector.

Saturn in Pisces for Leo

Saturn enters your debt and taxes area suggesting as one this is the time to get organized with your taxes. If you owe anyone, it will be come due now. If your papers are in order, you will be dealt with fairly receiving neither more nor less that what you are due.

This is the best time of your life to crush any credit card debt or pay back what you owe to others.

It may be a frugal existence for a while, but at the end of the two and a half years you will have a far better understanding of how borrowing affects many areas of your life.

Saturn in Pisces for Virgo

Saturn enters your partnership zone. This may be when you decide to tie the knot as you strive for a relationship with someone who is stable and respectable now. You may marry an older person.

If you are single, there are likely to be offers to get together which at first may seem a little dull but secure. This will be something you have to consider now.

If you are already in a meaningful relationship, you could decide to call it a day as boredom pervades your marriage. Think long and hard before throwing in the towel.

Saturn in Pisces for Libra

Saturn enters your work sector to bring honors, recognition and promotions if you are worthy. This is the period when you can achieve good results in your profession. The efforts of past years will be recognized and conferred upon you now. If you still need time to build your career, these two and a half years as Saturn passes through Pisces, will lay the foundations for prosperity yet to come.

If you want to open your own business, the cosmos will support that for you now. Just make sure to build your company on sounds principles and good work ethics. This is not the time to cut corners where owning a business is concerned.

Saturn in Pisces for Scorpio

Serious Saturn enters your fun-loving zone which can be quite a contradiction at times. Now you want to play by the rules and stay in your lane. Pleasure will be all the sweeter if you have earned it. Work hard and play hard will be your motto now.

Games of strategy which utilize the long game will be of benefit for you now. The board game of Monopoly epitomizes this time of your life. Slow and steady wins the prize.

Saturn in Pisces for Sagittarius

Saturn enters your home and family sector. There may be issues with your parents or other older people on your family who lean on you now.

You will be turned to by your family to provide so make sure your own reserves are stocked up plenty. Anticipate requests for handouts by family now. They will look to you for practical solution to their own problems.

More than most now you must pace yourself or you may find your reserves depleted and still demands are being made on your purse.

Saturn in Pisces for Capricorn

Saturn is your sign ruler and where it exerts its energy will always be important for Sea Goats.

This will be a great period to learn something new. You may enjoy taking a short course or attend a few weekend conferences where you can master skills that interest you.

Saturn enters your neighborhood sector. This is a time when good fences make good neighbors. Avoid conflict with people in your street and always maintain some distance.

Additionally, your relationship with any cousins or siblings will probably take a serious tone now.

Saturn in Pisces for Aquarius

Saturn enters your money area and you can expect some restrictions on both earning and spending now.

If you have established savings and good money management plan all will be well. However, if you are living pay cheque to pay cheque that will be some hard lessons to be learned as the planet of discipline passes through your earning area.

Even if you want to contribute it is better to give one dollar than to ignore others. ‘

Your money must work hard for you now.

Saturn in Pisces for Pisces

This planetary shift of the ringed planet, Saturn, passing through your sign will benefit Pisces folk. Saturn enters your personal life and how you see yourself area to bring a grown up flavor to your life.

If you are young, you may mature over these two years. If you are over 30 you may find that responsibilities weigh heavily now.

Shift unwanted stuff and free yourself if commitments both financial and personal that no longer serve you.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

Go here to read more about Alison’s story.

If you want to send Alison a quick message go here.

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This Month’s Horoscope Overview

This Month’s Horoscope Overview

August 2024 Monthly Overview

I center my attention on the astrological energy shifts unfolding in August 2024. My first focus lies in understanding the pivotal moments when planets change signs, as this can greatly affect their optimal functioning.

Moving forward, I look into the influence of New and Full Moons, along with any eclipses that might manifest during this month. These celestial events can have a significant impact on our lives and emotions.

Additionally, I examine the retrogrades of the planets, which signal a decrease in energy and call for a reevaluation of past situations associated with those specific planets. It’s a time to reflect and gain insights from the past.

Lastly, I will highlight some key astrological moments that will shape the month, offering valuable insights into the prevailing energies and their potential impact on our lives.

Here are the main planetary energy shifts and changes that will be in effect during August 2024.


This month, four planets change signs.

The Sun: Pisces Season

In the third week of the month the Sun leaves Leo and enters Virgo.

This is known as Virgo season even though it only lasts around thirty days.

Where the Sun travels Mercury and Venus are not far behind which brings a lot of planetary energy to the sign.


Read more >>> About Virgo


Mercury Retrograde in Virgo: August 6, 2024

Mercury retrograde in Virgo emphasizes review and reassessment in areas related to daily routines, work and health.

Expect possible delays or misunderstandings, particularly in communication and organizational matters.

It’s a good time to revisit and refine existing plans rather than starting new projects.

Mercury Retrograding into Leo: August 12, 2024

On August 12, 2024, Mercury retrogrades into Leo, marking a period of introspection and re-evaluation, particularly in areas related to self-expression, creativity, and communication.

This retrograde phase may bring back unresolved issues from the past, offering a chance to revisit and refine old ideas or projects.

It’s a time to be cautious with new commitments, as misunderstandings or delays can occur.

Instead, focus on reflecting on personal goals and how you present yourself to the world.

This period encourages a deeper understanding of your motivations and a reassessment of how you express your individuality.

Mercury Stationing Direct in Leo: August 28, 2024

On August 28, 2024, Mercury stations direct in Leo, marking the end of its retrograde period.

This shift brings clarity and forward momentum, particularly in areas related to communication, creativity, and self-expression.

After a period of introspection and re-evaluation, this is a time to move forward with renewed confidence and clarity.

Issues that may have felt stalled or confusing during the retrograde phase will start to resolve, allowing for smoother communication and decision-making.

It’s an opportune moment to finalize plans, clarify intentions, and embrace new opportunities with a fresh perspective.


Venus Entering Virgo: August 5, 2024

With Venus moving into Virgo, focus shifts to practical aspects of love and beauty.

This transit encourages you to express affection through acts of service and attention to detail.

It’s a favorable period for improving daily routines, relationships and finding beauty in simplicity.

Venus Entering Libra: August 29, 2024

Venus entering Libra brings a focus on relationships, harmony and aesthetics.

This transit favors diplomatic interactions, beautifying your surroundings and enhancing partnerships.

It’s an excellent time for fostering balance and creating harmonious connections in both personal and professional spheres.


New Moon in Leo: August 4, 2024

The New Moon in Leo marks a fresh start in areas related to creativity, self-expression and personal projects.

It’s an excellent time to set intentions for new ventures and embrace opportunities for personal growth.

Focus on areas where you wish to shine and make a bold impact.

Full Moon in Aquarius: August 19, 2024

The Full Moon in Aquarius brings illumination and culmination to themes of innovation, community and individuality.

It’s a time to assess your social connections, group activities and any progressive ideas you’ve been working on.

Use this period to bring projects to fruition and embrace new, unconventional perspectives.

New Moon Wishes

New Moons are always a time for setting personal intentions and making New Moon Wishes.



August Special Focus

This month’s special focus is on Lammas.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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About Our Horoscopes

About Our Horoscopes

Author: Alison Price   –   Published: November 2022   –   Revised: January 2024

Starzology Horoscopes

Which Sign to Read

These horoscopes are written for Ascendant signs. If you know your Ascendant sign then read that horoscope. Otherwise, read your Sun sign, and while you’re at it, think about getting your chart cast so you will know your Ascendant sign for the future.

About My Horoscopes

These horoscopes consider the changing planetary energies throughout each month.

In general, I look at three things:

  • Ingresses
  • Lunations
  • Stations

If there are other important events happening during a month, I may write about them as well, it just depends.

Horoscope Themes

I like to look on the positive side and find something uplifting to say for each sign. When I prepare my horoscopes, I consider planetary movements, planetary energies and shifts that occur in the natural rhythms. I also like to pay attention to New Moons and Full Moons when they impact a particular sign significantly.

I do consider planets stationing retrograde or turning direct as these movement shifts do make a difference in the way the planet can express its energy especially if they impact the sign as well. All my horoscopes are written with love and care.

Astrological Overview

Time Zone

Starzology horoscopes are set for Universal Time Zone (UT) which is the old Greenwich Mean Time. (GMT). If you live in the eastern hemisphere, like some of Europe, Asia, Australia and most of Africa, these dates may occur the day after the ones mentioned. If you live in the western hemisphere, like the USA, Canada and South America, these dates may occur the day before the ones mentioned.

What to Look For Each Month

As the planets move through the zodiac, they change signs and adjust their direction. Each planet has a couple of particular signs that they really love to be in and with which they resonate well. These shifts of planetary energy are what we astrologers look at.



These horoscopes consider the planets changing signs or ingressing. Several planets change signs each month and this can vary. When a planet goes from one sign into the next it may benefit or have its energy reduced. How well a planet is placed in a sign is known as essential dignity.


I look at the New Moon and the Full Moon or any Solar or Lunar Eclipses when they occur. Eclipses only happen in a couple of months each year. You can get a PDF copy of the full list of the 2024 Lunations below.


Considerations is given to any planet that stations in a month. A station is when a planet appears to stop and turn direction. Planets can either station retrograde (begin to move backwards) or station direct (begin to move forwards). It depends on the planet and your own Sun sign whether a station may heavily affect you or not so much.

Horoscopes for All Signs

Click the image below for the sign you are looking for.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Astrology Coach

Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.

Learn more about Alison’s journey.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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