Author: Alison Price   –   Published: October 2024

People of the Astrological Houses

Where’s Waldo?

Years ago and thinking about people, when I first started learning astrology and particularly the astrological houses, I discovered that in the 3rd house are your siblings, which means your brothers or sisters. So, I looked in my third house and there I had Mars and Venus which were supposed to represent my brother and sister.

And I thought, “Gosh this astrology lark is very clever” because I have one brother (Mars) and I have one sister (Venus) and I thought, “This is brilliant!”

To me, this perfect alignment between what the chart said and what was real for me was one more indicator about why I should learn astrology and how astrology is so great.

Of course, the more I dug into the planets in the houses which represent the people in our lives, I realized that there is a subtlety to these interpretations. This what I’m going to be chatting about today.

When reading an astrological chart, frequently you want to know about people in your life and where they may be represented in your birth chart. This is a quick guide to most of the people that you will encounter in your life and the houses in which you can find them. Any planets in these houses will suggest the energy of the type of person within the house.

Example: 7th House

For example, if you have three planets in your 7th house of marriage, it suggests that you will be married or have close personal relationship with three specific people who are of the nature of the planets themselves.

The first partner will be indicated by the planet that is most clockwise in the house. This could also be said as the planet that would rise first over the Ascendant to the planet nearest to the house cusp on the clockwise side. The second planet suggests the second partner and the third planet suggests the third person. This goes the same for any business partners as well.

Vacant Houses

If a house is empty and has no planets, it doesn’t mean that those people-of-the-house do not exist in your life, but rather you would look to the ruler of the sign on the cusp of the house, as that planet will then be indicative of these types of people in your life.

Think about it, not everyone has a planet in the 1st house, but everyone is alive and has a body, which is represented by the 1st house.

Vacant houses suggest that the focus of the person’s life will not be in a place where the planets are not. Where the planets are indicates where the individual will bring focus to that area of their life and the people within in it.


Example: 5th House

If you do not have planets in the 5th house of children, it does not mean that you will not have kids, but that they may not be the be all and end all of your life experience. Your offspring could easily be a pleasure and not cause unnecessary concerns for you. Your focus in this lifetime will be where your natal planets actually are.

1st House

The folks in your first house are all concerned with you and your physical appearance.

Your first house people are:

  • You yourself.
  • Your personal trainer.
  • Your hairdresser.
  • Your manicurist.
  • Your personal stylist.
  • Your masseuse.
  • Your life coach.
  • Your alter ego.

2nd House

The people in your second house are connected to your financial situation, your assets and what you find attractive.

People in your second house are.

  • Your financial advisor.
  • Your banker.
  • Your art dealer.
  • Your auctioneer.
  • Your personal shopper.

3rd House

The 3rd house individuals are connected to family members of the same generation as yourself and people who live and work nearby your home.

Your third house people are:

  • Your siblings or brothers and sisters.
  • Your cousins.
  • Your schoolteacher.
  • Your neighbors.
  • Your Uber driver.
  • Your bus driver.
  • Your postman.

4th House

Others in your 4th house are representative mainly of your family and where you came from. Additionally, those who will be around in your twilight years.

Your 4th house people are:

  • Your father.
  • Your ancestors.
  • Your family members in general.
  • Your countrymen and women.
  • Your mother-in-law.
  • Your hospice carer.
  • Your interior decorator.

5th House

People in your 5th house are related to your recreation, your creation and your procreation.

Your 5th house people are:

  • Your own children.
  • Children in general.
  • Your playmates.
  • Your theatre cronies.
  • Your gambling buddies.
  • Your romantic dates.
  • People with whom you have affairs.

6th House

The people in your 6th house are related to your work, your day-to-day activities, your pets and your health.

Your 6th house people are:

  • Your workmates.
  • Your employees.
  • Your servants.
  • Your cleaning lady.
  • Your pool guy.
  • Your workout buddies.
  • Your yoga instructor.
  • Your doctor.
  • Your pets.
  • Your pet’s vet.
  • Your clients and customers.

7th House

The individuals in your 7th house are related to your life partners, business partners and people in general.

Your 7th house people are:

  • Your spouse, husband or wife.
  • Your common law spouse.
  • Your life mate.
  • Your business partners.
  • Your lawyer.
  • Your children’s teachers.
  • Other people in general.

8th House

People in your 8th house are related to anyone who provides you with their resources physical or financial. Additionally, people related to the inevitables of life taxes, sex and death.

Your 8th house people are:

  • Your organ or tissue donors.
  • Your surgeon.
  • Your sex partners.
  • Your debtors.
  • Your undertaker.
  • Your henchmen.
  • Your secret supporters.
  • Your loan sharks.
  • Your tax advisor.
  • Your psychologist.
  • Your gynaecologist.

9th House

Folks in your 9th house are related to anything to do with religion, travel or adult education.

The people in your 9th house are:

  • Your preacher or religious leader.
  • Your university professors.
  • Your college education tutors.
  • Your travel agent.
  • Your translator.
  • Your gurus.
  • Your visionaries.
  • People with whom you walk your life path.
  • Your brothers in law and sisters in law.

10th House

People in your 10th house are related to your career and your greatest achievements in this world. They also represent the government and authority figures in general.

People in your 10th house are:

  • The police.
  • Traffic cops.
  • Your mother.
  • Your boss.
  • Your superior.
  • Your father-in-law.

11th House

People related to your 11th house have to do with your friends and associates and the children of others.

Your 11th house people are:

  • Your friends.
  • Your associates.
  • Your collaborators.
  • Your teammates.
  • Your group members.
  • Your adopted children.
  • Your stepchildren.
  • Your astrologer.

12th House

People related to your 12th house are frequently people in the shadows of your life.

The people of your 12th house are:

  • Your guardian Angel.
  • Your magician.
  • Your psychic reader.
  • Strangers in general.
  • People who come to you in your dreams.


Here I’ve given you some ideas I know about how to find the people in your life through the astrology chart.

If you are a consulting astrologer dealing with clients who perhaps bring up issues surrounding their sister, their vet, their lawyer or whomever, you will know in which house to explore to find indications around how that person will impact your client’s life.

As you interpret the birth charts of your clients there will be other people who crop up who may not be on this list, but there is always a way to work them out through derivative houses. Or you can just consider what role that person would be playing in your client’s life.

I hope you enjoy this article about the people in your chart. And it gives you something to think about during the next week.

Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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