Planetary Complexes

When you start learning how to read a chart, there are four main things that you have to consider. These are the ​cornerstones of chart reading​, which are signs, planets, houses and aspects and although you have to learn them to all to start with. Even if you’re an experienced astrologer, you will go back to the basics and continuously refer back to these four cornerstones. Over the years you will no doubt research, read and pay attention to the four cornerstone concepts. Every year that you practice astrology, you will know a little bit more about the signs, planets, houses and aspects and this knowledge adds to your skills as an astrologer.

Planetary Basics


Planets are considered one of the cornerstones of chart reading. Typically, there are 10 to 12 planets in each chart they are the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron. Additionally, some of you may add the dwarf planet Ceres into your planetary mix. The point is that every chart contains planets, but not all the planets will be as effective in one person’s chart as they are in another.

Planetary Weightings

Planet in Sign

Back in the day much consideration was given to planetary weightings which does key into planetary complexes, but the complexes go a few steps further. With planetary weightings, you consider the essential dignity of the planets and whether that planet can function well in that sign or not. For example, planets with essential dignity will get a score of:

  • Rulership +5
  • Exaltation +4
  • Fall -4
  • Detriment -5

Essential dignity is a simple way to look at planetary weightings.

Planetary Complexes


Planetary complexes, on the other hand, don’t just consider the sign the planet is in. When you look at planetary weightings, you will look at the:

  • Chart Ruler
  • Sign
  • House
  • Aspects
  • Position
  • Chart shape
  • Dispositor tree
  • Direction
  • Antiscia
  • And maybe more


When considering planetary complexes, sometimes it is obvious which planet is more important. In cases like this you don’t have to dig into the weeds with planetary complexes for every single chart you do. It may be quite apparent, as you work through the list, which planet is rising to the top and is the most influential planet for that person.

I’ve created this list of planetary complex considerations in order of importance, as I see them. As you work your way down the list, use your intuition and discretion to determine which planet is stepping forward. Let’s look at all these planetary complex considerations in greater detail, so you know what you’re looking for.

Chart Ruler

Rising Sign

Whichever planet rules the sign on the Ascendant is the chart rulerThe signs on the Ascendant with their associated chart rulers are as follows:

  • Aries: Mars
  • Taurus: Venus
  • Gemini: Mercury
  • Cancer: The Moon
  • Leo: The Sun
  • Virgo: Mercury
  • Libra: Venus
  • Scorpio: Mars and Pluto
  • Sagittarius: Jupiter
  • Capricorn: Saturn
  • Aquarius: Saturn and Uranus
  • Pisces: Jupiter and Neptune


Two Rulers

Some charts will have two chart rulers, such as those with Scorpio, Aquarius or Pisces rising. In charts with two rulers, always consider both planets as equally important at this point in your deliberations. The chart ruling planet gains supreme strength. Very often the chart ruler is the strongest planet in the chart and although other planets can usurp it, it doesn’t happen that often.


Essential Dignity

The first thing to do would be to consider the planet in its sign and whether or not it can be effective there. This is measured by essential dignity.


Planets in rulership are in their own sign. They are also said to be in dignity. In general, planets and rulership get a score of +5.


Planets in exaltation are in a sign where they are welcomed. In general, exalted planets get a score of +4.


Planets in fall are in a sign where they cannot effectively express their energies. Planets in fall generally get a score of -4.


Planets in detriment are in signs, where they cannot function well at all. Planets in detriment generally get a score of -5.


Planets and term are well placed and get a score of +3.


Planets with face are well positioned and get a score of +2.


Accidental Dignity

When looking at planetary complexes and the house, you would consider whether the planet has accidental dignity or not. A planet has accidental dignity when it is in the natural house of its sign of dignity. For example, the Sun in the 5th house is in accidental dignity because in the natural wheel Leo is in the 5th house position. I generally give accidental dignity planets a score of +1. Also note that planets could be an accidental exaltation, fall and detriment and that needs to be considered as well.

Type of House

A planet will be either in an angular, succedent or cadent house. You need to consider which type of house the planet is in as planets in each of these types of houses are able to express themselves in different ways. The scoring I give to planets in types of houses as follows:

  • Angular +1
  • Succeeded 0
  • Cadent -1

But to be quite clear. I only consider type-of-house scoring when I’m trying to break a deadlock.



In most charts, every planet has some aspects, but a few are more important than others. Aspects to consider highly are:

  • Conjunctions and parallels
  • Oppositions and contra-parallels
  • Squares
  • Aspects to the chart ruler, the Sun or the Moon.

Applying or Separating

All aspects which are applying are more important than aspects that are separating.

Opening or Closing

All aspects will be either opening or closing except the conjunction and the opposition. Aspects which are opening are more important than aspects which are closing.

Chart Position


The position a planet holds within a chart is important. It may not have any essential dignity to speak of, or be well aspected or in a good house, but if a planet has position, you need to pay attention.

Most Elevated

Only one planet will be the most elevated planetThe most elevated planet gains strength by its position in the chart.

Gauquelin Sector

There are two main Gauquelin sectors, the Ascendant and the Midheaven. Any planets in these sectors gain strength.


Planets will be cazimi if they are within 0°17’ of a conjunction to the Sun. The cazimi orb is often debated by astrologers, but moving on… Cazimi gives the planet supreme position in the heart of the Sun.

Influence in Chart Shape

Cutting Planet

Some chart shapes will have a cutting planet which leads the pack. Chart shapes which contain a cutting planet are:

  • Bowl
  • Bucket
  • Bundle
  • Fan
  • Locomotion

If a planet is the cutting planet within a chart shape, it gains strength.

Handle Planet

Some chart shapes contain a handle planet. The chart shapes with handle planets are:

  • Bucket
  • Fan

If a planet is a handle planet, it gains strength.


Dispositor Tree

Final Dispositor

If a chart has a final dispositor tree, and the planet in question is the final dispositor, it gains supreme strength.

Gateway Planet

In any type of dispositor to tree, if the planet in question is a gateway planet, it gains a modicum of strength.



In general, planets which are direct are stronger than planets which are retrograde.


Always check for stationary planets which are those planets within 0°10 of the exact turning point of the station. If a planet is stationary direct it is stronger than any planet which is stationary retrograde.


Antiscia and Contra-antiscia

If a planet is antiscia to another planet within the chart, it gains a modicum of strength. Planets in contra-antiscia are moot.


Why Bother

Determining planetary complexities is a is an interesting thing about charts. I work through each chart and analyze the planets within it by their complexes. I generally find that one planet has a far greater complex than the others and these planets are important to the person. And not only that, if you are then considering specifics within a birth chart, such as, financial or love life questions where you need to consider the Venus complex, if you have already extrapolated the full complex out before you get to do the interpretation, you’re on a better footing with your analysis for that person. In general, most charts have one and sometimes two planets which are strong. The strong planet is the one that you can lean into as an astrologer, because the person who’s chart it is will know about this planet’s energy already as they will be working with it on a daily basis.


Every time I cast a chart for a client, I calculate all the planetary complexes, so I can fully understand what’s going on in a chart.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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