Author: Alison Price – Originally published: January 2023 – Revised: January 2024
Pluto in Aquarius
Astrological News for 2024
The biggest Astrological update for the year 2023 is that the dwarf planet Pluto, ruler of Scorpio, will leave cardinal earth Capricorn and enter the new sign of fixed air sign Aquarius the Water Bearer.
This is huge and will affect everyone for many years to come.
When an outer planet (Uranus, Neptune of Pluto) shifts signs it changes the background energy for all charts and horoscope work.
Pluto’s Orbit
Pluto’s Time Scale
Pluto takes around 240 years to go around the Zodiac, so it was back in. 1798 when Pluto last left the sign of the Water Bearer.
Because Pluto takes so long to transit through each sign, we generally have twenty to thirty years of one Pluto influence by sign.
The Pluto in Capricorn influence is beginning to fade.
Listen to podcast >>> Pluto in Aquarius
Pluto in Aquarius Fireside Chat – Video
In this video, I chat with my good friend and research astrologer Arwynne O’Neill about the Pluto Aquarius ingress. You can see Arwynne’s mini bio and contact details at the end of this post.
Planets in Transit
The book which Arwynne references in the above video is Planets in Transit by Robert Hand. This is truly the forecasting astrologer’s bible. Highly recommended ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ And if you look closely at the banner at the top of this screen, Robert Hand has been a favorite author of mine and his books have been on my bookshelf for many years.
Pluto in Aquarius – Three Ingresses
First Ingress
For the first time in living memory, Pluto initially ingressed, or entered, Aquarius on March 23, 2023. Pluto then retrogrades back into Capricorn on June 12, 2023, where it remains for around six months.
Second Ingress
Next Pluto enters Aquarius for the second time on January 21st, 2024 to remain for four months. Then it again retrogrades back into Capricorn.
Third Ingress
Pluto finally moves into Aquarius on November 19th, 2024 to stay for a long time. From this point onwards Pluto will transit Aquarius for nineteen years until it leaves to enter Pisces on March 9, 2043. This means that Pluto will be in Aquarius for around twenty years give or take a whisker.
Explore more >>> The Leo Creator Economy in the Age of Aquarius
Explore more >>> Pluto
Pluto’s Symbolism
The concept of power, and personal power is a theme for Pluto. Where you have personal power, or you give it away is shown by the Pluto placement in your chart. As Pluto transits through Aquarius, it will trigger power issues, power plays and power imbalances, particularly between the sexes, in life.
The main symbolism I use for Pluto is when a boring, green, nondescript caterpillar stuck on one tree, turns into a fabulous, colorful and delicate butterfly, which can fly away and mate. Pluto is the transformational planet in astrology as it changes or metamorphoses everything it touches.
The cycle of birth, life and death is attributed to Pluto. We all are born, will live and eventually die and this ongoing life cycle is ruled by Pluto. This concept can also be applied to self-regeneration and making yourself over like you, but 2.0. Pluto’s ability to birth a vibrant phoenix from the ashes is a powerful image for this process. Every time you do a makeover, or change yourself inside or outside, consciously, it is under the influence of Pluto’s regenerative energy.

Aquarius’ Themes
Aquarius has an affinity with society and the faceless people in general. This means Aquarius pertains to the resources that should be for everyone like water, food and shelter. You can go one step further and say health care and prosperity options.
The Collective
It is concerned with the collective and humanity in general. This is not a sign worried with selfish egos.
Aquarius is the sign associated with stamping out discrimination in all forms. Human rights, women’s rights, children’s rights and all other “rights” are the remit of Aquarius. Freedom of speech as the core tenant of democracy is a feature of Aquarius.
Read more >>> Aquarius
Read more >>> The Great Year and the Age of Aquarius
Pluto in Aquarius Themes
As Pluto begins to transit through Aquarius, we can anticipate themes of transformation in several areas.
Social Reform
We can expect major and deeply effective social reforms for everyone. This may play out as protests and riots in the streets of first world countries to raise awareness of exactly what goes on in the rest of the world. The entitlement bubble that many people live in will be truly popped, and reality will come knocking at everyone’s door.
Gender Realignment
We can anticipate full gender realignment and acceptance throughout the world. This will not be without its challenges.
Burial Practices
There is likely to be a reform in burial practices and how we honor the dead. It is not easy to predict just how this area may change as I do not know that much about it in general. I would postulate that the huge cost for funerals and cremations will be addressed so everyone can have the send-off they desire.
Pluto in Aquarius for All Ascendants
Below is a list of how the Pluto in Aquarius Transit will probably affect each Ascendant sign. If you know your Ascendant sign, read that. If not, you can read the Sun sign and ask yourself when you are going to get to grips with astrology, get your chart cast and discover your Ascendant sign which is arguably the most sensitive point in your birth chart?
Explore more >>> Ascendants
Pluto in Aquarius for Aries Ascendants
You can anticipate finding deeper friendships and acquaintances who turn into life-long friends during this time.
Social Consciousness
There is the likelihood that you will develop a social conscious if you don’t really have one, or you extend your involvement in social issues which affect humanity.
Group Involvement
Anticipate more involvement in groups or causes close to your heart.
Pluto in Aquarius for Taurus Ascendants
This ingress will probably allow you to dig deeper into your career and what it is you truly should be doing with your life. If you are in politics, you can expect some support from the silent majority now.
Public Domain
Everything you do in the public domain will be scrutinized, so make sure your social profiles are squeaky clean or they may come to haunt you later.
Your reputation can be rejuvenated now. If you are in the need of a resurrection in some form this period will grant you the chance to show up as your authentic self.
Pluto in Aquarius for Gemini Ascendants
Now you can explore your visions and discover your inner strengths.
This is a great time to replan your life path and ensure you are living the life you want and aspire to and not one wanted for you by your parents, partner or other people.
Higher Education
If you are thinking about taking some higher education the loose fields of surgery, psychology or waste removal may appeal.
Pluto in Aquarius for Cancer Ascendants
This will be the period in your life when you can connect intimately with someone special.
Pluto will provide you the power to overcome any debt, like credit card debt which may be burying you already. If you get an offer for financial help now, take it.
Be scrupulous with your taxes as this is likely to be the time when you go under the microscope and get an audit.
Pluto in Aquarius for Leo Ascendants
Marriage and your main committed relationships will be of primary importance for you now. You are likely to connect with someone who will transform your life.
Business Collaborations
Choose wisely and do as much background checking as you can before taking on a business partner or getting into a financial relationship with someone else. It may be best to avoid all such arrangements unless you are totally convinced of their viability.
Other People
Your relationship with other people may take on a deeper note now. It could be that you emphasise with people in the street or become embroiled in their lives in some way. There is the feeling about the Good Samaritan about this placement.
Pluto in Aquarius for Virgo Ascendants
Day-to-Day Activities
This is the time to plunge into your daily activities and live life to the full.
Take good care of your health and don’t ignore any little niggles now. You may be called upon to donate or receive a donation from someone else.
The areas of life that will interest you now are all related to Pluto. Such as uncovering hidden facts or researching at an archaeological dig for example.
Pluto in Aquarius for Libra Ascendants
Risk Appetite
Now your appetite for risk could go either way. You may decide it’s all or nothing or abstain completely.
This is a time in your life when children will profoundly change you.
Projects You Birth
Now you can give birth to projects that truly mean something to you. As obscure as they may be, now is the moment to put your plans out there.
Pluto in Aquarius for Scorpio Ascendants
Life Foundations
Now is the time to rewrite your history or backstory if it is not doing you any favors. If your background is holding you back then refresh it like a phoenix rising from the ashes.
Family Dynamics
Anticipate people coming and going from your family. Your family will look very different at the end of this period to what it looks like now.
Home Life
Your home life will receive a transformation.
Pluto in Aquarius for Sagittarius Ascendants
Self-improvement Short Courses
Take the time to delve into many area that interest you. You will soak up information now. Research will appeal to you as well.
Siblings and Cousins
Connections with siblings and cousins many take a turn. You can bring your powerful energy to the situations to save a fraught relationship with these people.
Local Area
How you exist in your neighborhood and with local people like teachers, neighbors and local people will undergo a revolution now. Be wary of starting a neighborhood issue and remember that good fences make good neighbors. Avoid confrontation with locals at all costs.
Pluto in Aquarius for Capricorn Ascendants
Money Earned
For Capricorn Ascendants, Pluto enters your life area concerned with net worth. This covers money you earn and more importantly the money you keep. Expect to find new ways of earning and keeping your cash and also digging up buried income streams that you may have ignored in the past.
Your own impression of yourself through your self-worth will be transformed when Pluto energizes this sector of your chart. This indicates there will be a recalibration of how you see your value in life and the lives of others. You can anticipate a shift of perspective in this area now.
What, and whom, you value will be converted as Pluto moves through this area of life for you.
Pluto in Aquarius for Aquarius Ascendants
At some point in the next twenty years Pluto will directly conjoin you natal Sun. This will be the most dynamic, life-changing transit that you have ever experienced. For some people there will be multiple contacts from Pluto to their natal Sun.
How you see yourself will change. Deep down you know who you are and during this period the true you will stand up and be counted.
Physical Body
Anticipate being thoroughly altered both physically and visually now. This could be by losing weight, getting fit, having a style make-over or attaining a personal color analyst, so you can present yourself in a particular way, which is more in line with your authentic self.
Pluto in Aquarius for Pisces Ascendants
Private Place
For Pisces ascendants Pluto will transform your private life. This could present as more “me time” or down time to recharge your batteries. Having a retreat will be the best way for you to navigate this powerful cosmic energy. Plan at least one retreat or weekend away every year.
Psychological Burnout
Watch out for psychological burnout by giving too much of your life-force to others. Be mindful of sacrificing yourself at the altar of other people’s whims and needs. Know that you cannot save the world. Be aware of stepping into the role of savior or enabler for family and friends. Awareness of your default attitudes and responses, ingrained or buried over many years, will help you now.
Lifelong Health
Pay attention to every health issue that comes up. Do not hesitate to get a proper diagnosis as soon as possible. Pay attention to people around you who say they see changes in you which you have not yet noticed. Be aware and all will be well.
Final Thoughts
Multiple Manifestations
Over the next twenty years as Pluto will be in Aquarius, obviously many things will happen. There will be multiple manifestations of the Plutonic energy expressed in an Aquarian manner and through the lens of your own Ascendant and birth chart.
I have provided some ideas here, usually three per Ascendant sign, to whet your appetite. As I share with you some bite-sized chunks of astrology my hope is that it will give you something to ponder and encourage you to explore this interesting topic further.

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Author Bio
Alison Price: Astrology Coach
Alison wants to help you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor.
Learn more about Alison’s journey.
If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

Author Bio
Arwynne O’Neill: Research Astrologer
Arwynne O’Neill works as a research astrologer in Vancouver, with a focus on delving into historical cycles and how they relate to societal transformations as influenced by the energies of the outer planets.
Arwynne’s artworks
Arwynne’s Instagram @mspinkdotcom
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