Sponsorship Opportunities

We offer two places for sponsorships, verbally on the Starzology Podcast and written in The Starzologer newsletter.

Why Sponsorships?

Sponsorship help us grow and keep the lights on.

Who Are Sponsors?

We invite sponsorships from our community of people and their blogs in related areas like MsPink who does astro art. We invite sponsorships from astrologers like new astrologers, specialist astrologers, for example medical astrologers, financial astrologers or rectification specialists, etc. We accept sponsorships for books, book launches and book tour promotions. We also accept sponsors for products in ths New Age space and which will be of interest to our audience (like astrology reading cards from Pure Astrology), astrology themed candles, potions, soaps etc. and other related goodies and paraphenalia of our craft. We accept sponsorships from astrology groups, like The Astrologer’s Den, and conferences or events.


Audience Demographics

Our audience is primarily women aged over 40, who have an interest in astrology and or other New Age topics. These listeners and readers have disposable income and make buying decisions for their households. Our subscribers want to live a better life for themselves and their families with care, awareness and compassion.

Starzology Podcast

Our Starzology astrology podcast is published on Sundays and alternate Wednesdays.

Podcast Downloads

  • We have over 1200 downloads in the past 30-days. (Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) compliant).
  • Top reader origins: US, UK, CA, AU, DE and the rest of EU
  • Reader profile: Women 85%, Men 15%
  • Podcast frequency: Once a week on Sunday and every other Wednesday

Podcast Ad Spots

Host Read Ads

We offer Host Read Ads only. This means that our hosts, Alison or Arwynne, will read your copy at the beginning of the podcast episode. This content is then baked in to that episode and remains forever.

Opening Line

The opening line will be similar to, “This episode is sponsored by XYZ astrology group… [your name goes here].” 

Host read ads is not pre-roll content. You will get your link in the podcast episode show notes. Also pushed to YouTube.

The Starzologer Newsletter: Invitation

We invite sponsorships for The Starzologer newsletter. Advertise to a creative modern audience looking for new products, services and events. Promote your astrology product, service or event to our audience that is actively looking for recommendations.

Newsletter Subscriber Profile

  • Active subscribers: +1300
  • Email open/click rate: 36% (Stats from our newsletter creator marketing platform Kit).
  • Top reader origins: US, UK, CA, AU, DE and the rest of EU
  • Reader profile: Women 85%, Men 15%
  • Newsletter frequency: Once a week on Sunday

Ad Slots

Ad slots are per issue. We offer three types of ads – featured, display and classified.

Featured Ad

$250 full feature email slot (1200 words). For featured ads, the whole email is devoted to the featured content with no display or classified ads in the email.

Display Ad

$50 for a main sponsorship slot. Ready to go PDF. One link.

Classified Ads

$15 for a single sentence slot (50 words). One embedded link. Max 3 individual classified ads per edition.

Book Your Spot

To book your spot or for more information on sponsoring the Starzology Astrology Podcast or The Starzologer newsletter, please email us at starzology@gmail.com