The Astrological Elements and Herbs

We are all about astrology here on this site and, having said that, astrology does have a broader sense through which it can be appreciated.

I realize that there is a thin connection from the plant world to astrology, but, I’m trying to express how astrology can be used in everyday life and not just as a horoscope column to be read on a Friday night to see how the weekend will go.

Which is really an entry level use of the craft.

Planets and Plants have Similar Origins

Earlier I shared with you my interest in herb gardening in the posts astrology and herbs, gifts for astrologers and the sixth house and herb gardens and this hobby has been with me for many years.

Some of you will appreciate that to accept astrological themes into your life can enhance your experience and understanding of the symbolic nature of the planets.

Four Beds – for Four Elements

Herbs are a diverse group of plants which have much to offer the windowsill grower or the real sized garden plants person.

Gardeners who plant formal herbs gardens typically segregate them into sections in line with their strengths.

Not all herbs are used for the same thing.

There are basically four types of herb that you can grow in a herb garden and they usually grow in their own bed.


  • Medicinal – Fire signs
  • Culinary – Earth signs
  • Fragrant – Air signs
  • Indigenous – Water signs

Medicinal Herbs

The medicinal herbs are associated to the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Medicinal herbs are at the root of all medicines we know today.

Examples of medicinal herbs are: Eyebright – for weepy eyes, mullein – used for bronchitis and the storax tree gum – used for coughs and cold remedies.

Culinary Herbs

The culinary herbs are related to the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Culinary means you can eat them so all the herbs that can be used in cooking and meal preparation are culinary herbs.

Examples of culinary herbs are: Bay leaves in babotie, parsley typically as garnish, rosemary best with roast chicken and mint for mint sauce to accompany lamb.

Fragrant Herbs

Fragrant herbs are under the auspices of the air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Fragrant herbs are use for their smell and are often used in perfume, room cleansers and soaps.

Examples of fragrant herbs are: Jasmine, honeysuckle, lavender and rose all of which are the basis for the perfume industry.


Indigenous Herbs

Indigenous herbs are related to the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Indigenous herbs are those that naturally grow in an area and they can be home grown and they are different for each region.

Examples of indigenous herbs are: for instance, in South Africa the aloe Vera, in central and South America the cactus and in Canada the sugar maple.

Author Bio

Alison encourages you to explore your unique creativity and live a satisfying life through your personal astrology. She offers her insights from the heart and with a sense of humor.

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