Author: Alison Price   –   Updated: February 2025

Venus Retrograde

I do like to discuss upcoming transit events that will be unfold this year and one of those is actually going to be the Venus retrograde in March and April 2025. In the meantime, I want to go over Venus retrograde in general, so that you have a full understanding of what happening and how you can interpret it in your charts and the charts of your clients. In March, I’ll be doing a deeper article about the actual Venus retrograde cycle which happens this spring which will be in the free version of Starzlife which comes out on a Sunday. 

Let’s take a look at Venus retrograde in general.

Venus Retrograde

Venus retrograde is a cosmic event which happens approximately every 18 months. Each individual Venus retrograde period lasts for about 40 days. During this time, Venus, the planet of love, beauty and values, appears to move backward through the zodiac from our perspective on Earth. Though this is an optical illusion, the effects of Venus retrograde are deeply felt in our relationships, finances and sense of self-worth. I’m going to share what Venus retrograde means and how to manage its beautiful energy.


The Unique Venus Retrograde Cycle

5-8 Cycle

One of the most fascinating aspects of Venus retrograde is its connection to the 5-8 cycle. Every eight years, Venus completes five retrograde periods, creating a near-perfect pentagram or five-pointed star in the sky. This means that there are some years that do not have Venus retrograde at all. 

An example of this was last year 2024, where Venus was direct for the whole year. All of the other planets, excluding Mars, will be retrograde every year and the fact that Venus isn’t, makes it a special planet indeed.

As Venus moves through the sky, retrograding five times in eight years, it describes a well-known pattern. This geometric pattern, known as the Venus Star, is a stunning example of cosmic symmetry. It has been observed for ages and seen as a symbol of harmony, beauty and balance.


The powerful 5-8 cycle is also related to the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence is a mathematical series in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers so it’s like this:


1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21…


As you can see, the pattern goes 5,8, this number is often seen in nature. Two examples that leap to mind are the knobs (or eyes) on a pineapple, which rotate up with 8 swoops in one direction and 13 in the other. With pineapples, the 8-13 is another pair of adjacent numbers on the Fibonacci sequence. These Fibonacci numbers can be seen all over in the natural world. I have an article about the Fibonacci aspect set that you may find interesting as well.


Golden Ratio

The Fibonacci sequence is closely associated with the golden ratio, a proportion found throughout nature, art and architecture. Venus’s retrograde cycle reflects this natural order, as the ratios and patterns of its movement resonate with these universal principles of growth and harmony.


Venus Star

A Symbol of Cosmic Harmony

The five-pointed star created by Venus’s retrograde path has long been a symbol of balance and perfection. As we have seen, this celestial geometry mirrors the principles of the Fibonacci sequence, emphasizing Venus’s role as a planet of harmony and aesthetic alignment. Because of Venus’ association with the number 5, it rules all 5-petaled flowers, such as roses and some sweet fruits like apples…


If an apple is cut in half across its equator, the pattern of the seed is revealed, as a perfect five-pointed star or pentagram. Symbolically, this is closely associated with the story of Eve giving Adam the Apple of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden. Meaning that it was not just a piece of fruit she was offering him, but a potent symbol for wisdom. 

The ancients Greeks, believed that the feminine is represented by number 2 and the masculine is represented by number 3, (note the Fibonacci again 2-3). When 2 and 3 are added together they become five, (such as during intercourse), therefore 5 is symbolically the number for humankind. Additionally, we see the five-star shape in our stretched out human hands.


The pentagram is a 5-pointed star which can either be the right way up with one point pointing upwards. Alternatively, it can be displayed as an inverted pentagram with the point down. Until recently, placing it either way, up or down, did not matter as much. However, these days, the symbol of Baphomet makes use of the upside-down pentagram. The pentagram has been esteemed in various cultures as a sign of unity between the spiritual and material realms, much like the Venus retrograde cycle invites us to align our inner values with our external reality.


Also note that the angles of a pentagram correlates to the quintile aspect of 72°, (360°/5=72°) which is included in the Fibonacci aspect set.


Venus Themes

Venus Keywords

To understand Venus retrograde, it helps to first grasp Venus’s role in astrology shown by themes and keywords.

Love and Relationships

Venus shows how we give and receive love, our romantic desires and the dynamics of our partnerships.

Beauty and Aesthetics

Our appreciation of art, fashion and the beauty in the world around us is indicated by our Venus placement.


Venus suggests what we value most in life.


How we spend or save money and our material possessions are closely related to our Venus complex.

More Venus Topics

Here are a few more Venus related topics you may like.

Venus Retrograde

Energy Focus

Venus retrograde isn’t just about caution, it’s also a chance to grow and realign with your true self.


When planets are retrograde, we lean into our “Re-” words reflect, review, revamp, replenish, rejuvenate and revise etc. Unlike Mercury retrograde, which affects communication and technology, Venus retrograde asks us to turn inward and reevaluate our connections, desires and priorities.

Reconsider Finances

Venus’s influence on money means this is not the ideal time for major financial commitments or impulse purchases. Instead, focus on reviewing your budget and long-term financial plans. Now is the time to bank and hold.

Redefine Beauty

Our perceptions of beauty may shift during Venus retrograde. This could manifest as a desire to change your appearance, redecorate your space, or redefine what you find aesthetically pleasing. Refreshing your personal environment, perhaps with flowers and having a general tidy up is indicated now.

Reflect on Relationships

Journaling, couples therapy, or open conversations can help you uncover deeper truths about your most important relationships and connections. Past lovers, unresolved conflicts, or hidden relationship patterns often resurface during Venus retrograde. This is when reality can set in about your spouse. It’s a time to gain clarity about what’s working and what isn’t in your partnerships.

Reconnect with the Past

Whether it’s an old flame or a forgotten creative project, revisiting the past can provide closure or inspiration. You may be tempted to take him or her back as Venus is retrograde, but it is unlikely to stick.

Focus on Self-Love

Venus retrograde is a powerful time to nurture and beautify yourself but is it important to work with what you have and not attempt a massive makeover yet. Engage in activities that bring you joy, such as art, music, or spend time in nature.

Refine Your Values

Take stock of what matters most to you both in people, situations and things. Let go of anything, or anyone, who no longer aligns with your authentic self. Release unwanted clothes, shoes, jewelry and accessories to donation and give them another life with someone else. This retrograde period encourages us to question what we truly value in life, whether in relationships, material possessions, or personal goals. We can assess our relationship with integrity and faithfulness in a partner. Also note that old issues can come up again now, so for instance if one partner has cheated in the past, this will be a time to rake over the coals and rehash it all over again.


I recommend Dress for Success which in an organization that provides your donated gently used business clothes to women who are trying to get a job, go for an interview and get their life back on track after some challenging life events in their home.

What to Avoid During Venus Retrograde

While Venus retrograde offers valuable opportunities for introspection, it’s wise to tread carefully in certain areas:

Avoid Major Relationship Decisions

Breakups or commitments made during Venus retrograde might not hold up once the retrograde period ends. Avoid commitment declarations now wait for Venus to move direct again before saying, “I do.” Use this time to reflect rather than act.

Postpone Big Purchases

Whether it’s a luxury handbag, a piece of art, or even a boat, eschew buying anything expensive or permanent when Venus is retrograde. Retail stores, and Amazon, receive most of their returns when Venus is retrograde as buyer’s remorse kicks in.

Cosmetic Changes

Significant changes to your appearance, such as a new hairstyle or cosmetic surgery, may not yield the desired results during this period. Use this time to build your scrapbook or Pinterest page with images of what you want and implement the actual changes to a new you after Venus has stationed direct. Avoid elective surgery (microblading, nose jobs, hair implants and tummy tucks) when Venus is retrograde and wait until she is direct once again.

Venus Retrograde

Energy Focus

Venus retrograde isn’t just about caution, it’s also a chance to grow and realign with your true self. Here’s how to make the most of it:

Reflect on Relationships

Journaling, couples therapy, or open conversations can help you uncover deeper truths about your most important relationships and connections.

Reconnect with the Past

Whether it’s an old flame or a forgotten creative project, revisiting the past can provide closure or inspiration. You may be tempted to take him or her back as Venus is retrograde, but it is unlikely to stick.

Focus on Self-Love

Venus retrograde is a powerful time to nurture and beautify yourself but is it important to work with what you have and not attempt a massive makeover yet. Engage in activities that bring you joy, such as art, music, or spend time in nature.

Refine Your Values

Take stock of what matters most to you both in people, situations and things. Let go of anything, or anyone, who no longer aligns with your authentic self. Release unwanted clothes, shoes, jewelry and accessories to donation and give them another life with someone else.

I recommend Dress for Success which in an organization that provides your donated gently used business clothes to women who are trying to get a job, go for an interview and get their life back on track after some challenging life events in their home.

grow-your-astrology books

Book Recommendations

Here are some Venus themed books which may interest you.

The first author, Anne Massey, worked with me at the astrology group which I was the president (2013-2014) when I first arrived in Vancouver.

Venus: Her Cycles, Symbols and Myths by Anne Massey

Venus Star Rising: A New Cosmology for the Twenty-First Century by Arielle Guttman.

Venus Signs: Discover Your Erotic Gifts and Secret Desires by Jessica Shepherd

Venus: The Gift of Love by Martin Schulman


Venus retrograde is not something to fear, but rather an opportunity to slow down and realign. While it may bring challenges or moments of discomfort, it’s ultimately a period of profound personal and relationship growth. By embracing this cosmic pause, you can emerge with greater clarity, stronger relationships and a deeper understanding of your values. 

Remember, astrology guides us, but we hold the power to shape our journey. Use Venus every retrograde period as a chance to reflect, reconnect and rediscover what truly matters to you.


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Author Bio

Alison Price: Professional Astrologer

Alison helps you uncover your individual creativity and lead a fulfilling life using your own astrology. She shares her wisdom from the heart with a touch of humor. She offers Consultations for everyone and Coaching for Aspiring Astrologers.

If you’d like to get in touch with Alison, you can reach out to her via email at

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