Virgo Symbology
The symbol for Virgo is the Virgin and the Sun is in Virgo from August 23rd to September 23th.
Virgo Key Phrase
The key phrase is “I analyze” and strong Virgo types use this phrase.
Virgo’s Ruling Planet
The ruling planet is Mercury the fastest planet.
Virgo Polarity, Element and Mode
Virgo is of the element of earth suggesting being in touch, the mutable mode indicating you are flexible and can multi-task and the negative polarity which means you may be shy or reticent.
Virgo Keywords
Virgos are particular and this is another word for picky. You like to analyze situations.
You may seem to be finding fault but it is just your attention to detail that makes you aware (more than most) of any imperfections in people or situations. You can be self-critical and this may be a problem when you are young.
Virgos are discriminating and want perfection in life. You are kind, meticulous, fastidious, even, and can be detailed oriented.
Virgo is the sign of those who serve and you are good in this role. You are modest and humble and make excellent workers.
Virgo Births
There are more Virgo births than any other sign. Those born under the sign of the virgin are the workers of the zodiac and are often placed in supporting roles.
You do not like being put on the spot and will resist leadership when it is offered to you. It’s like a beehive with one queen bee – the Leo and many worker bees – the Virgos.
Virgo Compatibility
Passionate for Pisces.
Loves Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
Friends with Cancer and Scorpio.
Stretches with Gemini and Sagittarius.
Grinds with Aries and Aquarius.
Ignores Leo and Libra.
Virgo Extras
Here are some more insights into planets in Virgo.
The Other Signs
Discover some more about the other signs.
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